Become a User

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In order to get a personal username for the system, you have to be registered into our LDAP server.

Currently, the following categories are entitled to get a username:

  • PIs and structured research personnel (e.g. Full Professors, Associate Professors, RTD-B/A)
  • PhD Students, research grants, collaborators with a contract
  • External collaborators
  • Master and Bachelor students doing a thesis
  • Master students who are doing a project

Structured personnel and people with a contract (e.g. PhD students, research grants, collaborators) are automatically added to our LDAP.

People without a contract (e.g. Master and Bachelor students) can be added upon request from a PI or a collaborator. Requests should be sent through our ticketing system.

⚠️ Your username is strictly personal and should not be ceded to anyone. Failing to do so will provoke the immediate suspension of the username.

Username lifecycle

Any username is associated with an expiration date. This is usually the expiration date of your contract (if you have one), or the expected termination of your thesis or project. You can call, at any time, the sexpiration command to reveal the expiration date of your username.

Extension requests can be sent through the ticketing system.

Username expiration

Once the expiration date is reached, the username is automatically deactivated. At this point, you will no more be able to log-in by any means. Your data, account associations and group memberships will be kept intact.

Username dismissal

After 30 days from the username expiration, if no extension request is received, the username is dismissed. Account associations and group memberships are cleared, the /scratch partition of the user is cleared. Data on the rest of the filesystem is preserved.

Role change

Whenever a user changes its role (e.g. from MSc student to PhD student, or from PhD student to Research grant) he/she must communicate this through our ticketing system. This will enable us to update his/her profile on LDAP, as well as to change his/her computing rights on the platform.