Getting Started

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In the following, you can find a simple and quick start guide for users new to this HPC system and expert users who would like to use our systems.

It describes all the steps to be followed to access our system up to the first job submission.

This is a schematic guide with a few examples, and it is not intended to be complete. We always strongly recommend reading the full documentation that can be reached using the links you can find along with the text.


The first step is to get a username on our LDAP and a password to enter our HPC cluster.

To request a username to our LDAP database by sending an e-mail to or by visiting and filling in the required fields.

You will receive a one-time password via SMS, and you will be asked to change your password at the first login.

Connecting to the cluster

Once you have received your credentials, you can login to the cluster.

The simplest way is to open a terminal and type

> ssh <username>

To log-in for the first time, use an IP address of the University (cable network, WiFi, VPN). After the first login, access is allowed through the following modalities:

  1. via password, when logging form a IP address of the University
  2. via an SSH key, from anywhere in the world. To add or modify your public key, use the ssh-ldap-pubkey command.


Our HPC system offers several options for data storage:

  • /homes: personal and resilient area which should be used for storing code, logs and vital data
  • /scratch: personal and high-speed area for storing temporary files
  • /work: project-level and high-capacity area which should be used to store datasets and checkpoints

To monitor the occupancy of your space, you can use the "squota" command