Fahd Bouzaraa
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Papers from this author
Real-Time End-To-End Lane ID Estimation Using Recurrent Networks
Ibrahim Halfaoui, Fahd Bouzaraa, Onay Urfalioglu
Auto-TLDR; Real-Time, Vision-Only Lane Identification Using Monocular Camera
Abstract Slides Poster Similar
Acquiring information about the road lane structure is a crucial step for autonomous navigation. To this end, several approaches tackle this task from different perspectives such as lane marking detection or semantic lane segmentation.However, to the best of our knowledge, there is yet no purely vision based end-to-end solution to answer the precise question: How to estimate the relative number or "ID" of the current driven lane within a multi-lane road or a highway? In this work, we propose a real-time, vision-only (i.e. monocular camera) solution to the problem based on a dual left-right convention. We interpret this task as a classification problem by limiting the maximum number of lane candidates to eight. Our approach is designed to meet low-complexity specifications and limited runtime requirements. It harnesses the temporal dimension inherent to the input sequences to improve upon high complexity state-of-the-art models. We achieve more than 95% accuracy on a challenging test set with extreme conditions and different routes.