Xuan Peng

Papers from this author

RLST: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Scene Text Detection Refinement

Xuan Peng, Zheng Huang, Kai Chen, Jie Guo, Weidong Qiu

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Auto-TLDR; Saccadic Eye Movements and Peripheral Vision for Scene Text Detection using Reinforcement Learning

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Within the research of scene text detection, some previous work has already achieved significant accuracy and efficiency. However, most of the work was generally done without considering about the implicit relationship between detection and eye movements. In this paper, we propose a new method for scene text detection especially for its refinement based on reinforcement learning. The idea of this method is inspired by Saccadic Eye Movements and Peripheral Vision. A saccade makes it possible for humans to orient the gaze to the location where a visual object has appeared. Peripheral vision gathers visual information of surroundings which provides supplement to foveal vision during gazing. We propose a simple pipeline, imitating the way human eyes do a saccade and collect peripheral information, to locate scene text roughly and to refine multi-scale vision field iteratively using reinforcement learning. For both training and evaluation, we use ICDAR2015 Challenge 4 dataset as a base and design several criteria to measure the feasibility of our work.