Hua Zhang

Papers from this author

Attention Stereo Matching Network

Doudou Zhang, Jing Cai, Yanbing Xue, Zan Gao, Hua Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; ASM-Net: Attention Stereo Matching with Disparity Refinement

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Despite great progress, previous stereo matching algorithms still lack the ability to match textureless regions and slender structure areas. To tackle this problem, we propose ASM-Net, an attention stereo matching network. Attention module and disparity refinement module are constructed in the ASMNet. The attention module can improve correlation information between two images by channels and spatial attention.The feature-guided disparity refinement module learns more geometry information in different feature levels to refine the coarse prediction resolution constantly. The proposed approach was evaluated on several benchmark datasets. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves competitive results on KITTI and Scene-Flow datasets while running in real-time at 14ms.