Hoang-An Le

Papers from this author

Object Features and Face Detection Performance: Analyses with 3D-Rendered Synthetic Data

Jian Han, Sezer Karaoglu, Hoang-An Le, Theo Gevers

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Data for Face Detection Using 3DU Face Dataset

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This paper is to provide an overview of how object features from images influence face detection performance, and how to select synthetic faces to address specific features. To this end, we investigate the effects of occlusion, scale, viewpoint, background, and noise by using a novel synthetic image generator based on 3DU Face Dataset. To examine the effects of different features, we selected three detectors (Faster RCNN, HR, SSH) as representative of various face detection methodologies. Comparing different configurations of synthetic data on face detection systems, it showed that our synthetic dataset could complement face detectors to become more robust against features in the real world. Our analysis also demonstrated that a variety of data augmentation is necessary to address nuanced differences in performance.