Michael Möller

Papers from this author

A Simple Domain Shifting Network for Generating Low Quality Images

Guruprasad Hegde, Avinash Nittur Ramesh, Kanchana Vaishnavi Gandikota, Michael Möller, Roman Obermaisser

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Auto-TLDR; Robotic Image Classification Using Quality degrading networks

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Deep Learning systems have proven to be extremely successful for image recognition tasks for which significant amounts of training data is available, e.g., on the famous ImageNet dataset. We demonstrate that for robotics applications with cheap camera equipment, the low image quality, however, influences the classification accuracy, and freely available data bases cannot be exploited in a straight forward way to train classifiers to be used on a robot. As a solution we propose to train a network on degrading the quality images in order to mimic specific low quality imaging systems. Numerical experiments demonstrate that classification networks trained by using images produced by our quality degrading network along with the high quality images outperform classification networks trained only on high quality data when used on a real robot system, while being significantly easier to use than competing zero-shot domain adaptation techniques.

Exploiting the Logits: Joint Sign Language Recognition and Spell-Correction

Christina Runkel, Stefan Dorenkamp, Hartmut Bauermeister, Michael Möller

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Auto-TLDR; A Convolutional Neural Network for Spell-correction in Sign Language Videos

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Machine learning techniques have excelled in the automatic semantic analysis of images, reaching human-level performances on challenging bechmarks. Yet, the semantic analysis of videos remains challenging due to the significantly higher dimensionality of the input data, respectively, the significantly higher need for annotated training examples. By studying the automatic recognition of German sign language videos, we demonstrate that on the relatively scarce training data of 2.800 videos, modern deep learning architectures for video analysis (such as ResNeXt) along with transfer learning on large gesture recognition tasks, can achieve about 75% character accuracy. Considering that this leaves us with a probability of under 25% that a five letter word is spelled correctly, spell-correction systems are crucial for producing readable outputs. The contribution of this paper is to propose a convolutional neural network for spell-correction that expects the softmax outputs of the character recognition network (instead of a misspelled word) as an input. We demonstrate that purely learning on softmax inputs in combination with scarce training data yields overfitting as the network learns the inputs by heart. In contrast, training the network on several variants of the logits of the classification output i.e. scaling by a constant factor, adding of random noise, mixing of softmax and hardmax inputs or purely training on hardmax inputs, leads to better generalization while benefitting from the significant information hidden in these outputs (that have 98% top-5 accuracy), yielding a readable text despite the comparably low character accuracy.