Min Lu
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Context Visual Information-Based Deliberation Network for Video Captioning
Min Lu, Xueyong Li, Caihua Liu
Auto-TLDR; Context visual information-based deliberation network for video captioning
Abstract Slides Poster Similar
Video captioning is to automatically and accurately generate a textual description for a video. The typical methods following the encoder-decoder architecture directly utilized hidden states to predict words. Nevertheless, these methods did not amend the inaccurate hidden states before feeding those states into word prediction. This led to a cascade of errors on generating word by word. In this paper, the context visual information-based deliberation network is proposed, abbreviated as CVI-DelNet. Its key idea is to introduce the deliberator into the encoder-decoder framework. The encoder-decoder firstly generates a raw hidden state sequence. Unlike the existing methods, the raw hidden state is no more directly used for word prediction but is fed into the deliberator to generate the refined hidden state. The words are then predicted according to the refined hidden states and the contextual visual features. Results on two datasets shows that the proposed method significantly outperforms the baselines.