Sinan Kalkan

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Transformer-Encoder Detector Module: Using Context to Improve Robustness to Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection

Faisal Alamri, Sinan Kalkan, Nicolas Pugeault

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Auto-TLDR; Context Module for Robust Object Detection with Transformer-Encoder Detector Module

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Deep neural network approaches have demonstrated high performance in object recognition (CNN) and detection (Faster-RCNN) tasks, but experiments have shown that such architectures are vulnerable to adversarial attacks (FFF, UAP): low amplitude perturbations, barely perceptible by the human eye, can lead to a drastic reduction in labelling performance. This article proposes a new context module, called Transformer-Encoder Detector Module, that can be applied to an object detector to (i) improve the labelling of object instances; and (ii) improve the detector's robustness to adversarial attacks. The proposed model achieves higher mAP, F1 scores and AUC average score of up to 13\% compared to the baseline Faster-RCNN detector, and an mAP score 8 points higher on images subjected to FFF or UAP attacks. The result demonstrates that a simple ad-hoc context module can improve the reliability of object detectors significantly