Yao Rong

Papers from this author

Explainable Online Validation of Machine Learning Models for Practical Applications

Wolfgang Fuhl, Yao Rong, Thomas Motz, Michael Scheidt, Andreas Markus Hartel, Andreas Koch, Enkelejda Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A Reformulation of Regression and Classification for Machine Learning Algorithm Validation

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We present a reformulation of the regression and classification, which aims to validate the result of a machine learning algorithm. Our reformulation simplifies the original problem and validates the result of the machine learning algorithm using the training data. Since the validation of machine learning algorithms must always be explainable, we perform our experiments with the kNN algorithm as well as with an algorithm based on conditional probabilities, which is proposed in this work. For the evaluation of our approach, three publicly available data sets were used and three classification and two regression problems were evaluated. The presented algorithm based on conditional probabilities is also online capable and requires only a fraction of memory compared to the kNN algorithm.

Fully Convolutional Neural Networks for Raw Eye Tracking Data Segmentation, Generation, and Reconstruction

Wolfgang Fuhl, Yao Rong, Enkelejda Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Segmentation of Eye Tracking Data with Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

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In this paper, we use fully convolutional neural networks for the semantic segmentation of eye tracking data. We also use these networks for reconstruction, and in conjunction with a variational auto-encoder to generate eye movement data. The first improvement of our approach is that no input window is necessary, due to the use of fully convolutional networks and therefore any input size can be processed directly. The second improvement is that the used and generated data is raw eye tracking data (position X, Y and time) without preprocessing. This is achieved by pre-initializing the filters in the first layer and by building the input tensor along the z axis. We evaluated our approach on three publicly available datasets and compare the results to the state of the art.