Pengyao Zhao

Papers from this author

TSDM: Tracking by SiamRPN++ with a Depth-Refiner and a Mask-Generator

Pengyao Zhao, Quanli Liu, Wei Wang, Qiang Guo

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Auto-TLDR; TSDM: A Depth-D Tracker for 3D Object Tracking

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In a generic object tracking, depth (D) information provides informative cues for foreground-background separation and target bounding box regression. However, so far, few trackers have used depth information to play the important role aforementioned due to the lack of a suitable model. In this paper, a RGB-D tracker named TSDM is proposed, which is composed of a Mask-generator (M-g), SiamRPN++ and a Depth-refiner (D-r). The M-g generates the background masks, and updates them as the target 3D position changes. The D-r optimizes the target bounding box estimated by SiamRPN++, based on the spatial depth distribution difference between the target and the surrounding background. Extensive evaluation on the Princeton Tracking Benchmark and the Visual Object Tracking challenge shows that our tracker outperforms the state-of-the-art by a large margin while achieving 23 FPS. In addition, a light-weight variant can run at 31 FPS and thus it is practical for real world applications. Code and models of TSDM are available at