Antonino Nocera

Papers from this author

Recursive Recognition of Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expressions

Marco Cotogni, Claudio Cusano, Antonino Nocera

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Auto-TLDR; Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Recurrent Neural Network

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In this paper we propose a method for Offline Handwritten Mathematical Expression recognition. The method is a fast and accurate thanks to its architecture, which include both a Convolutional Neural Network and a Recurrent Neural Network. The CNN extracts features from the image to recognize and its output is provided to the RNN which produces the mathematical expression encoded in the LaTeX language. To process both sequential and non-sequential mathematical expressions we also included a deconvolutional module which, in a recursive way, segments the image for additional analysis trough a recursive process. The results obtained show a very high accuracy obtained on a large handwritten data set of 9100 samples of handwritten expressions.