Xiaopeng Sun

Papers from this author

Cross-Layer Information Refining Network for Single Image Super-Resolution

Hongyi Zhang, Wen Lu, Xiaopeng Sun

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Auto-TLDR; Interlaced Spatial Attention Block for Single Image Super-Resolution

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Recently, deep learning-based image super-resolution (SR) has made a remarkable progress. However, previous SR methods rarely focus on the correlation between adjacent layers, which leads to underutilization of the information extracted by each convolutional layer. To address these problem, we design a simple and efficient cross-layer information refining network (CIRN) for single image super-resolution. Concretely, we propose the interlaced spatial attention block (ISAB) to measure the correlation between the adjacent layers feature maps and adaptively rescale spatial-wise features for refining the information. Owing to the two stage information propagation strategy, the CIRN can distill the primary information of adjacent layers without introducing too many parameters. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets illustrate that our method achieves better accuracy than state-of-the-art methods even in 16× scale, spcifically it has a better banlance between performance and parameters.