Loic Simon

Papers from this author

Generating Private Data Surrogates for Vision Related Tasks

Ryan Webster, Julien Rabin, Loic Simon, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Networks for Membership Inference Attacks

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With the widespread application of deep networks in industry, membership inference attacks, i.e. the ability to discern training data from a model, become more and more problematic for data privacy. Recent work suggests that generative networks may be robust against membership attacks. In this work, we build on this observation, offering a general-purpose solution to the membership privacy problem. As the primary contribution, we demonstrate how to construct surrogate datasets, using images from GAN generators, labelled with a classifier trained on the private dataset. Next, we show this surrogate data can further be used for a variety of downstream tasks (here classification and regression), while being resistant to membership attacks. We study a variety of different GANs proposed in the literature, concluding that higher quality GANs result in better surrogate data with respect to the task at hand.