Prospero Naval

Papers from this author

GazeMAE: General Representations of Eye Movements Using a Micro-Macro Autoencoder

Louise Gillian C. Bautista, Prospero Naval

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Auto-TLDR; Fast and Slow Eye Movement Representations for Sentiment-agnostic Eye Tracking

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Eye movements are intricate and dynamic events that contain a wealth of information about the subject and the stimuli. We propose an abstract representation of eye movements that preserve the important nuances in gaze behavior while being stimuli-agnostic. We consider eye movements as raw position and velocity signals and train a deep temporal convolutional autoencoder to learn micro-scale and macro-scale representations corresponding to the fast and slow features of eye movements. These joint representations are evaluated by fitting a linear classifier on various tasks and outperform other works in biometrics and stimuli classification. Further experiments highlight the validity and generalizability of this method, bringing eye tracking research closer to real-world applications.

SynDHN: Multi-Object Fish Tracker Trained on Synthetic Underwater Videos

Mygel Andrei Martija, Prospero Naval

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Auto-TLDR; Underwater Multi-Object Tracking in the Wild with Deep Hungarian Network

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In this paper, we seek to extend multi-object tracking research on a relatively less explored domain, that of, underwater multi-object tracking in the wild. Multi-object fish tracking is an important task because it can provide fish monitoring systems with richer information (e.g. multiple views of the same fish) as compared to detections and it can be an invaluable input to fish behavior analysis. However, there is a lack of an annotated benchmark dataset with enough samples for this task. To circumvent the need for manual ground truth tracking annotation, we craft a synthetic dataset. Using this synthetic dataset, we train an integrated detector and tracker called SynDHN. SynDHN uses the Deep Hungarian Network (DHN), which is a differentiable approximation of the Hungarian assignment algorithm. We repurpose DHN to become the tracking component of our algorithm by performing the task of affinity estimation between detector predictions. We consider both spatial and appearance features for affinity estimation. Our results show that despite being trained on a synthetic dataset, SynDHN generalizes well to real underwater video tracking and performs better against our baseline algorithms.