George Terzakis

Papers from this author

A Globally Optimal Method for the PnP Problem with MRP Rotation Parameterization

Manolis Lourakis, George Terzakis

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Auto-TLDR; A Direct least squares, algebraic PnP solver with modified Rodrigues parameters

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The perspective-n-point (PnP) problem is of fundamental importance in computer vision. A global optimality condition for PnP that is independent of a particular rotation parameterization was recently developed by Nakano. This paper puts forward a direct least squares, algebraic PnP solution that extends Nakano's work by combining his optimality condition with the modified Rodrigues parameters (MRPs) for parameterizing rotation. The result is a system of polynomials that is solved using the Groebner basis approach. An MRP vector has twice the rotational range of the classical Rodrigues (i.e., Cayley) vector used by Nakano to represent rotation. The proposed solver provides strong guarantees that the full rotation singularity associated with MRPs is avoided. Furthermore, detailed experiments provide evidence that our solver attains accuracy that is indistinguishable from Nakano's Cayley-based solution with a moderate increase in computational cost.