Kanji Tanaka

Papers from this author

Deep Next-Best-View Planner for Cross-Season Visual Route Classification

Kurauchi Kanya, Kanji Tanaka

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Auto-TLDR; Active Visual Place Recognition using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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This paper addresses the problem of active visual place recognition (VPR) from a novel perspective of long-term autonomy. In our approach, a next-best-view (NBV) planner plans an optimal action-observation-sequence to maximize the expected cost-performance for a visual route classification task. A difficulty arises from the fact that the NBV planner is trained and tested in different domains (times of day, weather conditions, and seasons). Existing NBV methods may be confused and deteriorated by the domain-shifts, and require significant efforts for adapting them to a new domain. We address this issue by a novel deep convolutional neural network (DNN) -based NBV planner that does not require the adaptation. Our main contributions in this paper are summarized as follows: (1) We present a novel domain-invariant NBV planner that is specifically tailored for DNN-based VPR. (2) We formulate the active VPR as a POMDP problem and present a feasible solution to address the inherent intractability. Specifically, the probability distribution vector (PDV) output by the available DNN is used as a domain-invariant observation model without the need to retrain it. (3) We verify efficacy of the proposed approach through challenging cross-season VPR experiments, where it is confirmed that the proposed approach clearly outperforms the previous single-view-based or multi-view-based VPR in terms of VPR accuracy and/or action-observation-cost.