Yonghong Song

Papers from this author

SCA Net: Sparse Channel Attention Module for Action Recognition

Hang Song, Yonghong Song, Yuanlin Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; SCA Net: Efficient Group Convolution for Sparse Channel Attention

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Channel attention has shown its great performance recently when it was incorporated into deep convolutional neural networks. However, existing methods usually require extensive computing resources due to their involuted structure, which is hard for 3D CNNs to take full advantage of. In this paper, a lightweight sparse channel attention (SCA) module implemented by efficient group convolution is proposed, which adopts the idea of sparse channel connection and involves much less parameters but brings clear performance gain. Meanwhile, to solve the lack of local channel interaction brought by group convolution, a dominant function called Aggregate-Shuffle-Diverge (ASD) is leveraged to enhance information flow over each group with no additional parameters. We also adjust the existing mainstream 3D CNNs by employing 3D convolution factorization, so as to further reduce the parameters. Our SCA module can be flexibly incorporated into most existing 3D CNNs, all of which can achieve a perfect trade-off between performance and complexity on action recognition task with factorized I3D or 3D ResNet backbone networks. The experimental results also indicate that the resulting network, namely, SCA Net can achieve an outstanding performance on UCF-101 and HMDB-51 datasets.

You Ought to Look Around: Precise, Large Span Action Detection

Ge Pan, Zhang Han, Fan Yu, Yonghong Song, Yuanlin Zhang, Han Yuan

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Auto-TLDR; YOLA: Local Feature Extraction for Action Localization with Variable receptive field

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For the action localization task, pre-defined action anchors are the cornerstone of mainstream techniques. State-of-the-art models mostly rely on a dense segmenting scheme, where anchors are sampled uniformly over the temporal domain with a predefined set of scales. However, it is not sufficient because action duration varies greatly. Therefore, it is necessary for the anchors or proposals to have a variable receptive field. In this paper, we propose a method called YOLA (You Ought to Look Around) which includes three parts: 1) a robust backbone SPN-I3D for extracting spatio-temporal features. In this part, we employ a stronger backbone I3D with SPN (Segment Pyramid Network) instead of C3D to obtain multi-scale features; 2) a simple but useful feature fusion module named LFE (Local Feature Extraction). Compared with the fully connected layer and global average pooling, our LFE model is more advantageous for network to fit and fuse features. 3) a new feature segment aligning method called TPGC (Two Pathway Graph Convolution), which allows one proposal to leverage semantic features of adjacent proposals to update its content and make sure the proposals have a variable receptive field. YOLA add only a small overhead to the baseline network, and is easy to train in an end-to-end manner, running at a speed of 1097 fps. YOLA achieves a mAP of 58.3%, outperforming all existing models including both RGB-based and two stream on THUMOS'14, and achieves competitive results on ActivityNet 1.3.