Dayang Yu

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Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

Dayang Yu, Rong Zhang, Shan Qin

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Auto-TLDR; Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

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Object detection in remote sensing images is a challenging task due to objects in the bird-view perspective appearing with arbitrary orientations. Though considerable progress has been made, there still exist challenges with the interference from complex backgrounds, dense arrangement, and large-scale variations. In this paper, we propose an oriented detector named Cascade Saliency Attention Network (CSAN), designed for comprehensively suppressing interference in remote sensing images. Specifically, we first combine context and pixel attention on feature maps to enhance saliency of objects for suppressing interference from backgrounds. Then, in cascade network, we apply instance segmentation on ROI to increase saliency of the central object, thus preventing object features from mutual interference in dense arrangement. Additionally, to alleviate large-scale variations, we devise a multi-scale merge module during FPN merging process to learn richer scale representations. Experimental results on DOTA and HRSC2016 datasets outperform other state-of-the-art object detection methods and verify the effectiveness of our method.