Kevin Mcguinness

Papers from this author

FastSal: A Computationally Efficient Network for Visual Saliency Prediction

Feiyan Hu, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; MobileNetV2: A Convolutional Neural Network for Saliency Prediction

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This paper focuses on the problem of visual saliency prediction, predicting regions of an image that tend to attract human visual attention, under a constrained computational budget. We modify and test various recent efficient convolutional neural network architectures like EfficientNet and MobileNetV2 and compare them with existing state-of-the-art saliency models such as SalGAN and DeepGaze II both in terms of standard accuracy metrics like AUC and NSS, and in terms of the computational complexity and model size. We find that MobileNetV2 makes an excellent backbone for a visual saliency model and can be effective even without a complex decoder. We also show that knowledge transfer from a more computationally expensive model like DeepGaze II can be achieved via pseudo-labelling an unlabelled dataset, and that this approach gives result on-par with many state-of-the-art algorithms with a fraction of the computational cost and model size.

How Important Are Faces for Person Re-Identification?

Julia Dietlmeier, Joseph Antony, Kevin Mcguinness, Noel E O'Connor

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Auto-TLDR; Anonymization of Person Re-identification Datasets with Face Detection and Blurring

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This paper investigates the dependence of existing state-of-the-art person re-identification models on the presence and visibility of human faces. We apply a face detection and blurring algorithm to create anonymized versions of several popular person re-identification datasets including Market1501, DukeMTMC-reID, CUHK03, Viper, and Airport. Using a cross-section of existing state-of-the-art models that range in accuracy and computational efficiency, we evaluate the effect of this anonymization on re-identification performance using standard metrics. Perhaps surprisingly, the effect on mAP is very small, and accuracy is recovered by simply training on the anonymized versions of the data rather than the original data. These findings are consistent across multiple models and datasets. These results indicate that datasets can be safely anonymized by blurring faces without significantly impacting the performance of person re-identification systems, and may allow for the release of new richer re-identification datasets where previously there were privacy or data protection concerns.

Towards Robust Learning with Different Label Noise Distributions

Diego Ortego, Eric Arazo, Paul Albert, Noel E O'Connor, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling with Semi-supervised Learning

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Noisy labels are an unavoidable consequence of labeling processes and detecting them is an important step towards preventing performance degradations in Convolutional Neural Networks. Discarding noisy labels avoids a harmful memorization, while the associated image content can still be exploited in a semi-supervised learning (SSL) setup. Clean samples are usually identified using the small loss trick, i.e. they exhibit a low loss. However, we show that different noise distributions make the application of this trick less straightforward and propose to continuously relabel all images to reveal a discriminative loss against multiple distributions. SSL is then applied twice, once to improve the clean-noisy detection and again for training the final model. We design an experimental setup based on ImageNet32/64 for better understanding the consequences of representation learning with differing label noise distributions and find that non-uniform out-of-distribution noise better resembles real-world noise and that in most cases intermediate features are not affected by label noise corruption. Experiments in CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet32/64 and WebVision (real-world noise) demonstrate that the proposed label noise Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling (DRPL) approach gives substantial improvements over recent state-of-the-art. Code will be made available.