Keerthy Kusumam
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Papers from this author
Unsupervised Face Manipulation Via Hallucination
Keerthy Kusumam, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

Auto-TLDR; Unpaired Face Image Manipulation using Autoencoders
Abstract Slides Poster Similar
This paper addresses the problem of manipulatinga face image in terms of changing its pose. To achieve this, wepropose a new method that can be trained under the very general“unpaired” setting. To this end, we firstly propose to modelthe general appearance, layout and background of the inputimage using a low-resolution version of it which is progressivelypassed through a hallucination network to generate featuresat higher resolutions. We show that such a formulation issignificantly simpler than previous approaches for appearancemodelling based on autoencoders. Secondly, we propose a fullylearnable and spatially-aware appearance transfer module whichcan cope with misalignment between the input source image andthe target pose and can effectively combine the features fromthe hallucination network with the features produced by ourgenerator. Thirdly, we introduce an identity preserving methodthat is trained in an unsupervised way, by using an auxiliaryfeature extractor and a contrastive loss between the real andgenerated images. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art reporting significant improvements both quantitatively, interms of FID and IS, and qualitatively.