Christian Elias

Papers from this author

Localization and Transformation Reconstruction of Image Regions: An Extended Congruent Triangles Approach

Afra'A Ahmad Alyosef, Christian Elias, Andreas Nürnberger

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Auto-TLDR; Outlier Filtering of Sub-Image Relations using Geometrical Information

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Most of the existing methods to localize (sub) image relations – a subclass of near-duplicate retrieval techniques – rely on the distinctiveness of matched features of the images being compared. These sets of matching features usually include a proportion of outliers, i.e. features linking non matching regions. In approaches that are designed for retrieval purposes only, these false matches usually have a minor impact on the final ranking. However, if also a localization of regions and corresponding image transformations should be computed, these false matches often have a more significant impact. In this paper, we propose a novel outlier filtering approach based on the geometrical information of the matched features. Our approach is similar to the RANSAC model, but instead of randomly selecting sets of matches and employ them to derive the homography transformation between images or image regions, we exploit in addition the geometrical relation of feature matches to find the best congruent triangle matches. Based on this information we classify outliers and determine the correlation between image regions. We compare our approach with state of art approaches using different feature models and various benchmark data sets (sub-image/panorama with affine transformation, adding blur, noise or scale change). The results indicate that our approach is more robust than the state of art approaches and is able to detect correlation even when most matches are outliers. Moreover, our approach reduces the pre-processing time to filter the matches significantly.