Kenessary Koishybay

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Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Iterative Spatiotemporal Fine-Tuning

Kenessary Koishybay, Medet Mukushev, Anara Sandygulova

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Neural Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Iterative Gloss Recognition

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This paper aims to develop a deep neural network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR) with iterative Gloss Recognition (GR) fine-tuning. CSLR has been a popular research field in the last years and iterative optimization methods are well established. This paper introduces our proposed architecture involving Spatiotemporal feature-extraction model to segment useful ``gloss-unit" features and BiLSTM with CTC as a sequence model. Spatiotemporal Feature Extractor is used for both image features extraction and sequence length reduction. To this end, we compare different architectures for feature extraction and sequence model. In addition, we iteratively fine-tune feature extractor on gloss-unit video segments with alignments from the end2end model. During the iterative training, we use novel alignment correction technique, which is based on minimum transformations of Levenshtein distance. All the experiments were conducted on the RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather-2014 dataset.