Christoph Busch

Papers from this author

Detection of Makeup Presentation Attacks Based on Deep Face Representations

Christian Rathgeb, Pawel Drozdowski, Christoph Busch

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Auto-TLDR; An Attack Detection Scheme for Face Recognition Using Makeup Presentation Attacks

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Facial cosmetics have the ability to substantially alter the facial appearance, which can negatively affect the decisions of a face recognition. In addition, it was recently shown that the application of makeup can be abused to launch so-called makeup presentation attacks. In such attacks, the attacker might apply heavy makeup in order to achieve the facial appearance of a target subject for the purpose of impersonation. In this work, we assess the vulnerability of a COTS face recognition system to makeup presentation attacks employing the publicly available Makeup Induced Face Spoofing (MIFS) database. It is shown that makeup presentation attacks might seriously impact the security of the face recognition system. Further, we propose an attack detection scheme which distinguishes makeup presentation attacks from genuine authentication attempts by analysing differences in deep face representations obtained from potential makeup presentation attacks and corresponding target face images. The proposed detection system employs a machine learning-based classifier, which is trained with synthetically generated makeup presentation attacks utilizing a generative adversarial network for facial makeup transfer in conjunction with image warping. Experimental evaluations conducted using the MIFS database reveal a detection equal error rate of 0.7% for the task of separating genuine authentication attempts from makeup presentation attacks.

Fingerprints, Forever Young?

Roman Kessler, Olaf Henniger, Christoph Busch

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Auto-TLDR; Mated Similarity Scores for Fingerprint Recognition: A Hierarchical Linear Model

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In the present study we analyzed longitudinal fingerprint data of 20 data subjects, acquired over a time span of up to 12 years. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we aimed to delineate mated similarity scores as a function of fingerprint quality and of the time interval between reference and probe images. Our results did not reveal effects on mated similarity scores caused by an increasing time interval across subjects, but rather individual effects on mated similarity scores. The results are in line with the general assumption that the fingerprint as a biometric characteristic and the features extracted from it do not change over the adult life span. However, it contradicts several related studies that reported noticeable template ageing effects. We discuss why different findings regarding ageing of references in fingerprint recognition systems were made.

Handwritten Signature and Text Based User Verification Using Smartwatch

Raghavendra Ramachandra, Sushma Venkatesh, Raja Kiran, Christoph Busch

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Auto-TLDR; A novel technique for user verification using a smartwatch based on writing pattern or signing pattern

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Wrist-wearable devices such as smartwatch have gained popularity as they provide quick access to the various information and easy access to multiple applications. Among various applications of the smartwatch, user verification based on the handwriting has been recently investigated. In this paper, we present a novel technique for user verification using a smartwatch based on writing pattern or signing pattern. The proposed technique leverages accelerometer data captured from the smartwatch that are further represented using 2D Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) and deep features extracted using the pre-trained ResNet50. The comparison is performed using the ensemble of the classifier. Extensive experiments are carried out on the newly captured dataset using two different smartwatches with three different writing scenarios (or activities). The article provides key insights and analysis of the results in such a verification scenario.