Wei-Shi Zheng

Papers from this author

Cross-View Relation Networks for Mammogram Mass Detection

Ma Jiechao, Xiang Li, Hongwei Li, Ruixuan Wang, Bjoern Menze, Wei-Shi Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-view Modeling for Mass Detection in Mammogram

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In medical image analysis, multi-view modeling is crucial for pathology detection when the target lesion is presented in different views, e.g. mass lesions in breast. Currently mammogram is the most effective imaging modality for mass lesion detection of breast cancer at the early stage. The pathological information from the two paired views (i.e., medio-lateral oblique and cranio-caudal) are highly relational and complementary, which is crucial for diagnosis in clinical practice. Existing mass detection methods do not consider learning synergistic features from the two relational views. For the first time, we propose a novel mass detection framework to capture the latent relation information from the two paired views of a same mass in mammogram. We evaluate our model on a public mammogram dataset and a large-scale private dataset, demonstrating that the proposed method outperforms existing feature fusion approaches and state-of-the-art mass detection methods. We further analyze the performance gains from the relation modeling. Our quantitative and qualitative results suggest that jointly learning cross-view features boosts the detection performance of existing models, which is a promising avenue for mass detection task in mammogram.

Semi-Supervised Person Re-Identification by Attribute Similarity Guidance

Peixian Hong, Ancong Wu, Wei-Shi Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Similarity Guidance Guidance Loss for Semi-supervised Person Re-identification

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Although supervised person re-identification (RE-ID) has achieved great progress with deep learning, it requires time-consuming annotation of a large number of pedestrian identities. To reduce labeling cost, we attempt to reduce cross-camera identity annotations and exploit pedestrian attribute annotations as auxiliary information instead. The pedestrian attributes, such as outfit styles, contain coarse semantic knowledge. Although pedestrian attributes are annotated without exhaustive searching in a camera network, which is much easier than cross-camera identity annotation, ambiguity exists in attributes when different persons have similar outfits. To solve this problem, we propose an Attribute Similarity Guidance loss (ASG) to guide appearance feature learning for RE-ID by selective attribute similarity preservation to avoid the impact of such ambiguity. Finally, we develop an attribute-guided self training framework to jointly utilize attribute annotations, unlabeled data and limited labeled data for semi-supervised learning. Extensive experiments on Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-ReID show the superiority of our method for semi-supervised RE-ID.