David Gillsjö

Papers from this author

Generic Merging of Structure from Motion Maps with a Low Memory Footprint

Gabrielle Flood, David Gillsjö, Patrik Persson, Anders Heyden, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; A Low-Memory Footprint Representation for Robust Map Merge

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With the development of cheap image sensors, the amount of available image data have increased enormously, and the possibility of using crowdsourced collection methods has emerged. This calls for development of ways to handle all these data. In this paper, we present new tools that will enable efficient, flexible and robust map merging. Assuming that separate optimisations have been performed for the individual maps, we show how only relevant data can be stored in a low memory footprint representation. We use these representations to perform map merging so that the algorithm is invariant to the merging order and independent of the choice of coordinate system. The result is a robust algorithm that can be applied to several maps simultaneously. The result of a merge can also be represented with the same type of low-memory footprint format, which enables further merging and updating of the map in a hierarchical way. Furthermore, the method can perform loop closing and also detect changes in the scene between the capture of the different image sequences. Using both simulated and real data — from both a hand held mobile phone and from a drone — we verify the performance of the proposed method.

In Depth Semantic Scene Completion

David Gillsjö, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Scene Completion

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For autonomous agents moving around in our world, mapping of the environment is essential. This is their only perception of their surrounding, what is not measured is unknown. Humans have learned from experience what to expect in certain environments, for example in indoor offices or supermarkets. This work studies Semantic Scene Completion which aims to predict a 3D semantic segmentation of our surroundings, even though some areas are occluded. For this we construct a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BCNN), which is not only able to perform the segmentation, but also predict model uncertainty. This is an important feature not present in standard CNNs. We show on the MNIST dataset that the Bayesian approach performs equal or better to the standard CNN when processing digits unseen in the training phase when looking at accuracy, precision and recall. With the added benefit of having better calibrated scores and the ability to express model uncertainty. We then show results for the Semantic Scene Completion task where a category is introduced at test time on the SUNCG dataset. In this more complex task the Bayesian approach outperforms the standard CNN. Showing better Intersection over Union score and excels in Average Precision and separation scores.