Yan Huang

Papers from this author

Efficient Super Resolution by Recursive Aggregation

Zhengxiong Luo Zhengxiong Luo, Yan Huang, Shang Li, Liang Wang, Tieniu Tan

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Auto-TLDR; Recursive Aggregation Network for Efficient Deep Super Resolution

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Deep neural networks have achieved remarkable results on image super resolution (SR), but the efficiency problem of deep SR networks is rarely studied. We experimentally find that many sequentially stacked convolutional blocks in nowadays SR networks are far from being fully optimized, which largely damages their overall efficiency. It indicates that comparable or even better results could be achieved with less but sufficiently optimized blocks. In this paper, we try to construct more efficient SR model via the proposed recursive aggregation network (RAN). It recursively aggregates convolutional blocks in different orders, and avoids too many sequentially stacked blocks. In this way, multiple shortcuts are introduced in RAN, and help gradients easier flow to all inner layers, even for very deep SR networks. As a result, all blocks in RAN can be better optimized, thus RAN can achieve better performance with smaller model size than existing methods.

On the Robustness of 3D Human Pose Estimation

Zerui Chen, Yan Huang, Liang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Robustness of 3D Human Pose Estimation Methods to Adversarial Attacks

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It is widely shown that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples on most recognition tasks, such as image classification and segmentation. However, few work studies the more complicated task -- 3D human pose estimation. This task often requires large-scale datasets, specialized network architectures, and it can be solved either from single-view RGB images or from multi-view RGB images. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate the robustness of current state-of-the-art 3D human pose estimation methods. To this end, we build four representative baseline models, where most of the current methods can be generally classified as one of them. Furthermore, we design targeted adversarial attacks to detect whether 3D pose estimators are robust to different camera parameters. For different types of methods, we present a comprehensive study of their robustness on the large-scale \emph{Human3.6M} benchmark. Our work shows that different methods vary significantly in their resistance to adversarial attacks. Through extensive experiments, we show that multi-view 3D pose estimators can be more vulnerable to adversarial examples. We believe that our efforts can shed light on future works to design more robust 3D human pose estimators.

VSR++: Improving Visual Semantic Reasoning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Matching

Hui Yuan, Yan Huang, Dongbo Zhang, Zerui Chen, Wenlong Cheng, Liang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Visual Semantic Reasoning for Fine-Grained Image-Text Matching

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Image-text matching has made great progresses recently, but there still remains challenges in fine-grained matching. To deal with this problem, we propose an Improved Visual Semantic Reasoning model (VSR++), which jointly models 1) global alignment between images and texts and 2) local correspondence between regions and words in a unified framework. To exploit their complementary advantages, we also develop a suitable learning strategy to balance their relative importance. As a result, our model can distinguish image regions and text words in a fine-grained level, and thus achieves the current stateof-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets.