Sohini Roychowdhury

Papers from this author

AV-SLAM: Autonomous Vehicle SLAM with Gravity Direction Initialization

Kaan Yilmaz, Baris Suslu, Sohini Roychowdhury, L. Srikar Muppirisetty

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Auto-TLDR; VI-SLAM with AGI: A combination of three SLAM algorithms for autonomous vehicles

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Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms that are aimed at autonomous vehicles (AVs) are required to utilize sensor redundancies specific to AVs and enable accurate, fast and repeatable estimations of pose and path trajectories. In this work, we present a combination of three SLAM algorithms that utilize a different subset of available sensors such as inertial measurement unit (IMU), a gray-scale mono-camera, and a Lidar. Also, we propose a novel acceleration-based gravity direction initialization (AGI) method for the visual-inertial SLAM algorithm. We analyze the SLAM algorithms and initialization methods for pose estimation accuracy, speed of convergence and repeatability on the KITTI odometry sequences. The proposed VI-SLAM with AGI method achieves relative pose errors less than 2\%, convergence in half a minute or less and convergence time variability less than 3s, which makes it preferable for AVs.

Few Shot Learning Framework to Reduce Inter-Observer Variability in Medical Images

Sohini Roychowdhury

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Auto-TLDR; Few-Shot Learning for Quality Image Annotation

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Most computer aided pathology detection systems rely on large volumes of quality annotated data to aid diagnostics and follow up procedures. However, quality assuring large volumes of annotated medical image data can be subjective and expensive. In this work we present a novel standardization framework that implements three few-shot learning (FSL) models that can be iteratively trained by atmost 5 images per 3D stack to generate multiple regional proposals (RPs) per test image. These FSL models include a novel parallel echo state network framework and an augmented U-net model. Additionally, we propose a novel target label selection algorithm (TLSA) that measures relative agreeability between RPs and the manually annotated target labels to detect the ``best" quality annotation per image. Using the FSL models, our system achieves 0.28-0.64 Dice coefficient across vendor image stacks for intra-retinal cyst segmentation. Additionally, the TLSA is capable of correctly classifying high quality target labels from their noisy counterparts with 70-97% accuracy. The proposed system significantly automates high quality annotation selection on an image level while minimizing manual quality checking to 12-28% of the images only. Thus, the proposed framework is flexible to extensions for quality image annotation curation of other image stacks as well.