Jiebo Luo

Papers from this author

Cost-Effective Adversarial Attacks against Scene Text Recognition

Mingkun Yang, Haitian Zheng, Xiang Bai, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Adversarial Attacks on Scene Text Recognition

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Scene text recognition is a challenging task due to the diversity in text appearance and complexity of natural scenes. Thanks to the development of deep learning and the large volume of training data, scene text recognition has made impressive progress in recent years. However, recent research on adversarial examples has shown that deep learning models are vulnerable to adversarial input with imperceptible changes. As one of the most practical tasks in computer vision, scene text recognition is also facing huge security risks. To our best knowledge, there has been no work on adversarial attacks against scene text recognition. To investigate its effects on scene text recognition, we make the first attempt to attack the state-of-the-art scene text recognizer, i.e., attention-based recognizer. To that end, we first adjust the objective function designed for non-sequential tasks, such as image classification, semantic segmentation and image retrieval, to the sequential form. We then propose a novel and effective objective function to further reduce the amount of perturbation while achieving a higher attack success rate. Comprehensive experiments on several standard benchmarks clearly demonstrate effective adversarial effects on scene text recognition by the proposed attacks.

DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

Gaoang Wang, Chen Lin, Tianqiang Liu, Mingwei He, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

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To achieve good performance in face recognition, a large scale training dataset is usually required. A simple yet effective way for improving the recognition performance is to use a dataset as large as possible by combining multiple datasets in the training. However, it is problematic and troublesome to naively combine different datasets due to two major issues. Firstly, the same person can possibly appear in different datasets, leading to the identity overlapping issue between different datasets. Natively treating the same person as different classes in different datasets during training will affect back-propagation and generate non-representative embeddings. On the other hand, manually cleaning labels will take a lot of human efforts, especially when there are millions of images and thousands of identities. Secondly, different datasets are collected in different situations and thus will lead to different domain distributions. Natively combining datasets will lead to domain distribution differences and make it difficult to learn domain invariant embeddings across different datasets. In this paper, we propose DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning to resolve the above-mentioned issues. To solve the first issue of identity overlapping, we propose a dataset-aware loss for multi-dataset training by reducing the penalty when the same person appears in multiple datasets. This can be readily achieved with a modified softmax loss with a dataset-aware term. To solve the second issue, the domain adaptation with gradient reversal layers is employed for dataset invariant learning. The proposed approach not only achieves state-of-the-art results on several commonly used face recognition validation sets, like LFW, CFP-FP, AgeDB-30, but also shows great benefit for practical usage.

Global Image Sentiment Transfer

Jie An, Tianlang Chen, Songyang Zhang, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Image Sentiment Transfer Using DenseNet121 Architecture

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Transferring the sentiment of an image is an unexplored research topic in computer vision. This work proposes a novel framework consisting of a reference image retrieval step and a global sentiment transfer step to transfer image sentiment according to a given sentiment tag. The proposed image retrieval algorithm is based on the SSIM index. The retrieved reference images by the proposed algorithm are more content-related than the algorithm based on the perceptual loss. Therefore, it can lead to a better image sentiment transfer result. In addition, we propose a global sentiment transfer step, which employs an optimization algorithm to iteratively transfer image sentiment based on the feature maps produced by the DenseNet121 architecture. The proposed sentiment transfer algorithm can transfer image sentiment while keeping the content of the input image intact. Both qualitative and quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed sentiment transfer framework outperforms existing artistic and photo-realistic style transfer algorithms in producing satisfactory sentiment transfer results with fine and exact details.

Pose-Based Body Language Recognition for Emotion and Psychiatric Symptom Interpretation

Zhengyuan Yang, Amanda Kay, Yuncheng Li, Wendi Cross, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Body Language Based Emotion Recognition for Psychiatric Symptoms Prediction

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Inspired by the human ability to infer emotions from body language, we propose an automated framework for body language based emotion recognition starting from regular RGB videos. In collaboration with psychologists, we further extend the framework for psychiatric symptom prediction. Because a specific application domain of the proposed framework may only supply a limited amount of data, the framework is designed to work on a small training set and possess a good transferability. The proposed system in the first stage generates sequences of body language predictions based on human poses estimated from input videos. In the second stage, the predicted sequences are fed into a temporal network for emotion interpretation and psychiatric symptom prediction. We first validate the accuracy and transferability of the proposed body language recognition method on several public action recognition datasets. We then evaluate the framework on a proposed URMC dataset, which consists of conversations between a standardized patient and a behavioral health professional, along with expert annotations of body language, emotions, and potential psychiatric symptoms. The proposed framework outperforms other methods on the URMC dataset.

Unsupervised Learning of Landmarks Based on Inter-Intra Subject Consistencies

Weijian Li, Haofu Liao, Shun Miao, Le Lu, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Learning for Facial Landmark Discovery using Inter-subject Landmark consistencies

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We present a novel unsupervised learning approach to image landmark discovery by incorporating the inter-subject landmark consistencies on facial images. This is achieved via an inter-subject mapping module that transforms original subject landmarks based on an auxiliary subject-related structure. To recover from the transformed images back to the original subject, the landmark detector is forced to learn spatial locations that contain the consistent semantic meanings both for the paired intra-subject images and between the paired inter-subject images. Our proposed method is extensively evaluated on two public facial image datasets (MAFL, AFLW) with various settings. Experimental results indicate that our method can extract the consistent landmarks for both datasets and achieve better performances compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods quantitatively and qualitatively.

Weakly Supervised Body Part Segmentation with Pose Based Part Priors

Zhengyuan Yang, Yuncheng Li, Linjie Yang, Ning Zhang, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Supervised Body Part Segmentation Using Weak Labels

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Human body part segmentation refers to the task of predicting the semantic segmentation mask for each body part. Fully supervised body part segmentation methods achieve good performances but require an enormous amount of effort to annotate part masks for training. In contrast to high annotation costs needed for a limited number of part mask annotations, a large number of weak labels such as poses and full body masks already exist and contain relevant information. Motivated by the possibility of using existing weak labels, we propose the first weakly supervised body part segmentation framework. The core idea is first converting the sparse weak labels such as keypoints to the initial estimate of body part masks, and then iteratively refine the part mask predictions. We name the initial part masks estimated from poses the "part priors". with sufficient extra weak labels, our weakly supervised framework achieves a comparable performance (62.0% mIoU) to the fully supervised method (63.6% mIoU) on the Pascal-Person-Part dataset. Furthermore, in the extended semi-supervised setting, the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-art methods. Moreover, we extend our proposed framework to other keypoint-supervised part segmentation tasks such as face parsing.