Disentangled Representation Based Face Anti-Spoofing

Zhao Liu, Zunlei Feng, Yong Li, Zeyu Zou, Rong Zhang, Mingli Song, Jianping Shen

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Auto-TLDR; Face Anti-Spoofing using Motion Information and Disentangled Frame Work

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Face anti-spoofing is an important problem for both academic research and industrial face recognition systems. Most of the existing face anti-spoofing methods take it as a classification task on individual static images, where motion pattern differences in consecutive real or fake face sequences are ignored. In this work, we propose a novel method to identify spoofing patterns using motion information. Different from previous methods, the proposed method makes the real or fake decision on the disentangled feature level, based on the observation that motion and spoofing pattern features could be disentangled from original image frames. We design a representation disentangling frame- work for this task, which is able to reconstruct both real and fake face sequences from the input. Meanwhile, the disentangled representations could be used to classify whether the input faces are real or fake. We perform several experiments on Casia-FASD and ReplayAttack datasets. The proposed method achieves SOTA results compared with existing face anti-spoofing methods.

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Face Anti-Spoofing Using Spatial Pyramid Pooling

Lei Shi, Zhuo Zhou, Zhenhua Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Pyramid Pooling for Face Anti-Spoofing

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Face recognition system is vulnerable to many kinds of presentation attacks, so how to effectively detect whether the image is from the real face is particularly important. At present, many deep learning-based anti-spoofing methods have been proposed. But these approaches have some limitations, for example, global average pooling (GAP) easily loses local information of faces, single-scale features easily ignore information differences in different scales, while a complex network is prune to be overfitting. In this paper, we propose a face anti-spoofing approach using spatial pyramid pooling (SPP). Firstly, we use ResNet-18 with a small amount of parameter as the basic model to avoid overfitting. Further, we use spatial pyramid pooling module in the single model to enhance local features while fusing multi-scale information. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated on three databases, CASIA-FASD, Replay-Attack and CASIA-SURF. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Face Anti-Spoofing Based on Dynamic Color Texture Analysis Using Local Directional Number Pattern

Junwei Zhou, Ke Shu, Peng Liu, Jianwen Xiang, Shengwu Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; LDN-TOP Representation followed by ProCRC Classification for Face Anti-Spoofing

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Face anti-spoofing is becoming increasingly indispensable for face recognition systems, which are vulnerable to various spoofing attacks performed using fake photos and videos. In this paper, a novel "LDN-TOP representation followed by ProCRC classification" pipeline for face anti-spoofing is proposed. We use local directional number pattern (LDN) with the derivative-Gaussian mask to capture detailed appearance information resisting illumination variations and noises, which can influence the texture pattern distribution. To further capture motion information, we extend LDN to a spatial-temporal variant named local directional number pattern from three orthogonal planes (LDN-TOP). The multi-scale LDN-TOP capturing complete information is extracted from color images to generate the feature vector with powerful representation capacity. Finally, the feature vector is fed into the probabilistic collaborative representation based classifier (ProCRC) for face anti-spoofing. Our method is evaluated on three challenging public datasets, namely CASIA FASD, Replay-Attack database, and UVAD database using sequence-based evaluation protocol. The experimental results show that our method can achieve promising performance with 0.37% EER on CASIA and 5.73% HTER on UVAD. The performance on Replay-Attack database is also competitive.

A Cross Domain Multi-Modal Dataset for Robust Face Anti-Spoofing

Qiaobin Ji, Shugong Xu, Xudong Chen, Shan Cao, Shunqing Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Cross domain multi-modal FAS dataset GREAT-FASD and several evaluation protocols for academic community

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Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is a challenging problem due to the complex serving scenario and diverse face presentation attack patterns. Using single modal images which are usually captured with RGB cameras is not able to deal with the former because of serious overfitting problems. The existing multi-modal FAS datasets rarely pay attention to the cross domain problems, trainingFASsystemonthesedataleadstoinconsistenciesandlow generalization capabilities in deployment since imaging principles(structured light, TOF, etc.) and pre-processing methods vary between devices. We explore the subtle fine-grained differences betweeen multi-modal cameras and proposed a cross domain multi-modal FAS dataset GREAT-FASD and several evaluation protocols for academic community. Furthermore, we incorporate the multiplicative attention and center loss to enhance the representative power of CNN via seeking out complementary information as a powerful baseline. In addition, extensive experiments have been conducted on the proposed dataset to analyze the robustness to distinguish spoof faces and bona-fide faces. Experimental results show the effectiveness of proposed method and achieve the state-of-the-art competitive results. Finally, we visualize our future distribution in hidden space and observe that the proposed method is able to lead the network to generate a large margin for face anti-spoofing task

MixNet for Generalized Face Presentation Attack Detection

Nilay Sanghvi, Sushant Singh, Akshay Agarwal, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh

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Auto-TLDR; MixNet: A Deep Learning-based Network for Detection of Presentation Attacks in Cross-Database and Unseen Setting

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The non-intrusive nature and high accuracy of face recognition algorithms have led to their successful deployment across multiple applications ranging from border access to mobile unlocking and digital payments. However, their vulnerability against sophisticated and cost-effective presentation attack mediums raises essential questions regarding its reliability. Several presentation attack detection algorithms are presented; however, they are still far behind from reality. The major problem with the existing work is the generalizability against multiple attacks both in the seen and unseen setting. The algorithms which are useful for one kind of attack (such as print) fail miserably for another type of attack (such as silicone masks). In this research, we have proposed a deep learning-based network called MixNet to detect presentation attacks in cross-database and unseen attack settings. The proposed algorithm utilizes state-of-the-art convolutional neural network architectures and learns the feature mapping for each attack category. Experiments are performed using multiple challenging face presentation attack databases such as Silicone Mask Attack Database (SMAD) and Spoof In the Wild with Multiple Attack (SiW-M). Extensive experiments and comparison with the existing state of the art algorithms show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination Via Mutual Information Disentanglement

Haoxue Wu, Huaibo Huang, Aijing Yu, Jie Cao, Zhen Lei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination with Structural Representation Learning

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Recently, many Near infrared-visible (NIR-VIS) heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) methods have been proposed in the community. But it remains a challenging problem because of the sensing gap along with large pose variations. In this paper, we propose an Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination (EGCH) to reduce the domain discrepancy through disentangled representation learning. For each modality, EGCH contains a spectral encoder as well as a structure encoder to disentangle spectral and structure representation, respectively. It also contains a traditional generator that reconstructs the input from the above two representations, and a structure generator that predicts the facial parsing map from the structure representation. Besides, mutual information minimization and maximization are conducted to boost disentanglement and make representations adequately expressed. Then the translation is built on structure representations between two modalities. Provided with the transformed NIR structure representation and original VIS spectral representation, EGCH is capable to produce high-fidelity VIS images that preserve the topology structure of the input NIR while transfer the spectral information of an arbitrary VIS exemplar. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves more promising results both qualitatively and quantitatively than the state-of-the-art NIR-VIS methods.

Detection of Makeup Presentation Attacks Based on Deep Face Representations

Christian Rathgeb, Pawel Drozdowski, Christoph Busch

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Auto-TLDR; An Attack Detection Scheme for Face Recognition Using Makeup Presentation Attacks

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Facial cosmetics have the ability to substantially alter the facial appearance, which can negatively affect the decisions of a face recognition. In addition, it was recently shown that the application of makeup can be abused to launch so-called makeup presentation attacks. In such attacks, the attacker might apply heavy makeup in order to achieve the facial appearance of a target subject for the purpose of impersonation. In this work, we assess the vulnerability of a COTS face recognition system to makeup presentation attacks employing the publicly available Makeup Induced Face Spoofing (MIFS) database. It is shown that makeup presentation attacks might seriously impact the security of the face recognition system. Further, we propose an attack detection scheme which distinguishes makeup presentation attacks from genuine authentication attempts by analysing differences in deep face representations obtained from potential makeup presentation attacks and corresponding target face images. The proposed detection system employs a machine learning-based classifier, which is trained with synthetically generated makeup presentation attacks utilizing a generative adversarial network for facial makeup transfer in conjunction with image warping. Experimental evaluations conducted using the MIFS database reveal a detection equal error rate of 0.7% for the task of separating genuine authentication attempts from makeup presentation attacks.

Learning Disentangled Representations for Identity Preserving Surveillance Face Camouflage

Jingzhi Li, Lutong Han, Hua Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Jingguo Ge, Xiaochu Cao

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Auto-TLDR; Individual Face Privacy under Surveillance Scenario with Multi-task Loss Function

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In this paper, we focus on protecting the person face privacy under the surveillance scenarios, whose goal is to change the visual appearances of faces while keep them to be recognizable by current face recognition systems. This is a challenging problem as that we should retain the most important structures of captured facial images, while alter the salient facial regions to protect personal privacy. To address this problem, we introduce a novel individual face protection model, which can camouflage the face appearance from the perspective of human visual perception and preserve the identity features of faces used for face authentication. To that end, we develop an encoder-decoder network architecture that can separately disentangle the person feature representation into an appearance code and an identity code. Specifically, we first randomly divide the face image into two groups, the source set and the target set, where the source set is used to extract the identity code and the target set provides the appearance code. Then, we recombine the identity and appearance codes to synthesize a new face, which has the same identity with the source subject. Finally, the synthesized faces are used to replace the original face to protect the privacy of individual. Furthermore, our model is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss function, which can better preserve the identity and stabilize the training loss. Experiments conducted on Cross-Age Celebrity dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and validate our superiority in terms of visual quality and scalability.

Unsupervised Disentangling of Viewpoint and Residues Variations by Substituting Representations for Robust Face Recognition

Minsu Kim, Joanna Hong, Junho Kim, Hong Joo Lee, Yong Man Ro

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Disentangling of Identity, viewpoint, and Residue Representations for Robust Face Recognition

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It is well-known that identity-unrelated variations (e.g., viewpoint or illumination) degrade the performances of face recognition methods. In order to handle this challenge, a robust method for disentangling the identity and view representations has drawn an attention in the machine learning area. However, existing methods learn discriminative features which require a manual supervision of such factors of variations. In this paper, we propose a novel disentangling framework through modeling three representations of identity, viewpoint, and residues (i.e., identity and pose unrelated) which do not require supervision of the variations. By jointly modeling the three representations, we enhance the disentanglement of each representation and achieve robust face recognition performance. Further, the learned viewpoint representation can be utilized for pose estimation or editing of a posed facial image. Extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations verify the effectiveness of our proposed method which disentangles identity, viewpoint, and residues of facial images.

Generalized Iris Presentation Attack Detection Algorithm under Cross-Database Settings

Mehak Gupta, Vishal Singh, Akshay Agarwal, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh

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Auto-TLDR; MVNet: A Deep Learning-based PAD Network for Iris Recognition against Presentation Attacks

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The deployment of biometrics features based person identification has increased significantly from border access to mobile unlock to electronic transactions. Iris recognition is considered as one of the most accurate biometric modality for person identification. However, the vulnerability of this recognition towards presentation attacks, especially towards the 3D contact lenses, can limit its potential deployments. The textured lenses are so effective in hiding the real texture of iris that it can fool not only the automatic recognition algorithms but also the human examiners. While in literature, several presentation attack detection (PAD) algorithms are presented; however, the significant limitation is the generalizability against an unseen database, unseen sensor, and different imaging environment. Inspired by the success of the hybrid algorithm or fusion of multiple detection networks, we have proposed a deep learning-based PAD network that utilizes multiple feature representation layers. The computational complexity is an essential factor in training the deep neural networks; therefore, to limit the computational complexity while learning multiple feature representation layers, a base model is kept the same. The network is trained end-to-end using a softmax classifier. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed network termed as MVNet using multiple databases such as IIITD-WVU MUIPA, IIITD-WVU UnMIPA database under cross-database training-testing settings. The experiments are performed extensively to assess the generalizability of the proposed algorithm.

Dual-MTGAN: Stochastic and Deterministic Motion Transfer for Image-To-Video Synthesis

Fu-En Yang, Jing-Cheng Chang, Yuan-Hao Lee, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Dual Motion Transfer GAN for Convolutional Neural Networks

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Generating videos with content and motion variations is a challenging task in computer vision. While the recent development of GAN allows video generation from latent representations, it is not easy to produce videos with particular content of motion patterns of interest. In this paper, we propose Dual Motion Transfer GAN (Dual-MTGAN), which takes image and video data as inputs while learning disentangled content and motion representations. Our Dual-MTGAN is able to perform deterministic motion transfer and stochastic motion generation. Based on a given image, the former preserves the input content and transfers motion patterns observed from another video sequence, and the latter directly produces videos with plausible yet diverse motion patterns based on the input image. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner, without the need to utilize pre-defined motion features like pose or facial landmarks. Our quantitative and qualitative results would confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our model in addressing such conditioned image-to-video tasks.

SATGAN: Augmenting Age Biased Dataset for Cross-Age Face Recognition

Wenshuang Liu, Wenting Chen, Yuanlue Zhu, Linlin Shen

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Auto-TLDR; SATGAN: Stable Age Translation GAN for Cross-Age Face Recognition

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In this paper, we propose a Stable Age Translation GAN (SATGAN) to generate fake face images at different ages to augment age biased face datasets for Cross-Age Face Recognition (CAFR) . The proposed SATGAN consists of both generator and discriminator. As a part of the generator, a novel Mask Attention Module (MAM) is introduced to make the generator focus on the face area. In addition, the generator employs a Uniform Distribution Discriminator (UDD) to supervise the learning of latent feature map and enforce the uniform distribution. Besides, the discriminator employs a Feature Separation Module (FSM) to disentangle identity information from the age information. The quantitative and qualitative evaluations on Morph dataset prove that SATGAN achieves much better performance than existing methods. The face recognition model trained using dataset (VGGFace2 and MS-Celeb-1M) augmented using our SATGAN achieves better accuracy on cross age dataset like Cross-Age LFW and AgeDB-30.

Viability of Optical Coherence Tomography for Iris Presentation Attack Detection

Renu Sharma, Arun Ross

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Auto-TLDR; Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging for Iris Presentation Attack Detection

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In this paper, we first propose the use of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging for the problem of iris presentation attack (PA) detection. Secondly, we assess its viability by comparing its performance with respect to traditional modalities, viz., near-infrared (NIR) and visible spectrum. OCT imaging provides a cross-sectional view of an eye, whereas NIR and visible spectrum imaging provide 2D iris textural information. Implementation is performed using three state-of-the-art deep architectures (VGG19, ResNet50 and DenseNet121) to differentiate between bonafide and PA samples for each of the three imaging modalities. Experiments are performed on a dataset of 2,169 bonafide, 177 Van Dyke eyes and 360 cosmetic contact images acquired using all three imaging modalities under intra-attack (known PAs) and cross-attack (unknown PAs) scenario. We observe promising results demonstrating OCT as a viable solution for iris PA detection.

Dynamically Mitigating Data Discrepancy with Balanced Focal Loss for Replay Attack Detection

Yongqiang Dou, Haocheng Yang, Maolin Yang, Yanyan Xu, Dengfeng Ke

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Auto-TLDR; Anti-Spoofing with Balanced Focal Loss Function and Combination Features

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It becomes urgent to design effective anti-spoofing algorithms for vulnerable automatic speaker verification systems due to the advancement of high-quality playback devices. Current studies mainly treat anti-spoofing as a binary classification problem between bonafide and spoofed utterances, while lack of indistinguishable samples makes it difficult to train a robust spoofing detector. In this paper, we argue that for anti-spoofing, it needs more attention for indistinguishable samples over easily-classified ones in the modeling process, to make correct discrimination a top priority. Therefore, to mitigate the data discrepancy between training and inference, we propose to leverage a balanced focal loss function as the training objective to dynamically scale the loss based on the traits of the sample itself. Besides, in the experiments, we select three kinds of features that contain both magnitude-based and phase-based information to form complementary and informative features. Experimental results on the ASVspoof2019 dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods by comparison between our systems and top-performing ones. Systems trained with the balanced focal loss perform significantly better than conventional cross-entropy loss. With complementary features, our fusion system with only three kinds of features outperforms other systems containing five or more complex single models by 22.5% for min-tDCF and 7% for EER, achieving a min-tDCF and an EER of 0.0124 and 0.55% respectively. Furthermore, we present and discuss the evaluation results on real replay data apart from the simulated ASVspoof2019 data, indicating that research for anti-spoofing still has a long way to go.

Local-Global Interactive Network for Face Age Transformation

Jie Song, Ping Wei, Huan Li, Yongchi Zhang, Nanning Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; A Novel Local-Global Interaction Framework for Long-span Face Age Transformation

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Face age transformation, which aims to generate a face image in the past or future, has receiving increasing attention due to its significant application value in some special fields, such as looking for a lost child, tracking criminals and entertainment, etc. Currently, most existing methods mainly focus on unidirectional short-span face aging. In this paper, we propose a novel local-global interaction framework for long-span face age transformation. Firstly, we divide a face image into five independent parts and design a local generative network for each of them to learn the local structure changes of a face image, while we utilize a global generative network to learn the global structure changes. Then we introduce an interactive network and an age classification network, which are respectively used to integrate the local and global features and maintain the corresponding age features in different age groups. Given any face image at a certain age, our network can produce a clear and realistic image of face aging or rejuvenation. We test and evaluate the model on complex datasets, and extensive qualitative comparison experiments has proved the effectiveness and immense potential of our proposed method.

Local Attention and Global Representation Collaborating for Fine-Grained Classification

He Zhang, Yunming Bai, Hui Zhang, Jing Liu, Xingguang Li, Zhaofeng He

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Auto-TLDR; Weighted Region Network for Cosmetic Contact Lenses Detection

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The cosmetic contact lenses over an iris may change its original textural pattern that is the foundation for iris recognition, making the cosmetic lenses a possible and easy-to-use iris presentation attack means. Aiming at cosmetic contact lenses detection of practical application system, some approaches have been proposed but still facing unsolved problems, such as low quality iris images and inaccurate localized iris boundaries. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Weighted Region Network (WRN) for the cosmetic contact lenses detection. The WRN includes both the local attention Weight Network and the global classification Region Network. With the inherent attention mechanism, the proposed network is able to find the most discriminative regions, which reduces the requirement for target detection and improves the ability of classification based on some specific areas and patterns. The Weight Network can be trained by using Rank loss and MSE loss without manual discriminative region annotations. Experiments are conducted on several databases and a new collected low-quality iris image database. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art fake iris detection algorithms, and is also effective for the fine-grained image classification task.

DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

Gaoang Wang, Chen Lin, Tianqiang Liu, Mingwei He, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

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To achieve good performance in face recognition, a large scale training dataset is usually required. A simple yet effective way for improving the recognition performance is to use a dataset as large as possible by combining multiple datasets in the training. However, it is problematic and troublesome to naively combine different datasets due to two major issues. Firstly, the same person can possibly appear in different datasets, leading to the identity overlapping issue between different datasets. Natively treating the same person as different classes in different datasets during training will affect back-propagation and generate non-representative embeddings. On the other hand, manually cleaning labels will take a lot of human efforts, especially when there are millions of images and thousands of identities. Secondly, different datasets are collected in different situations and thus will lead to different domain distributions. Natively combining datasets will lead to domain distribution differences and make it difficult to learn domain invariant embeddings across different datasets. In this paper, we propose DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning to resolve the above-mentioned issues. To solve the first issue of identity overlapping, we propose a dataset-aware loss for multi-dataset training by reducing the penalty when the same person appears in multiple datasets. This can be readily achieved with a modified softmax loss with a dataset-aware term. To solve the second issue, the domain adaptation with gradient reversal layers is employed for dataset invariant learning. The proposed approach not only achieves state-of-the-art results on several commonly used face recognition validation sets, like LFW, CFP-FP, AgeDB-30, but also shows great benefit for practical usage.

Age Gap Reducer-GAN for Recognizing Age-Separated Faces

Daksha Yadav, Naman Kohli, Mayank Vatsa, Richa Singh, Afzel Noore

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Network for Age-separated Face Recognition

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In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for matching faces with temporal variations caused due to age progression. The proposed generative adversarial network algorithm is a unified framework which combines facial age estimation and age-separated face verification. The key idea of this approach is to learn the age variations across time by conditioning the input image on the subject's gender and the target age group to which the face needs to be progressed. The loss function accounts for reducing the age gap between the original image and generated face image as well as preserving the identity. Both visual fidelity and quantitative evaluations demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed architecture on different facial age databases for age-separated face recognition.

High Resolution Face Age Editing

Xu Yao, Gilles Puy, Alasdair Newson, Yann Gousseau, Pierre Hellier

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Auto-TLDR; An Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Face Age editing on High Resolution Images

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Face age editing has become a crucial task in film post-production, and is also becoming popular for general purpose photography. Recently, adversarial training has produced some of the most visually impressive results for image manipulation, including the face aging/de-aging task. In spite of considerable progress, current methods often present visual artifacts and can only deal with low-resolution images. In order to achieve aging/de-aging with the high quality and robustness necessary for wider use, these problems need to be addressed. This is the goal of the present work. We present an encoder-decoder architecture for face age editing. The core idea of our network is to encode a face image to age-invariant features, and learn a modulation vector corresponding to a target age. We then combine these two elements to produce a realistic image of the person with the desired target age. Our architecture is greatly simplified with respect to other approaches, and allows for fine-grained age editing on high resolution images in a single unified model. Source codes are available at https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/HRFAE.

Detecting Manipulated Facial Videos: A Time Series Solution

Zhang Zhewei, Ma Can, Gao Meilin, Ding Bowen

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Auto-TLDR; Face-Alignment Based Bi-LSTM for Fake Video Detection

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We propose a new method to expose fake videos based on a time series solution. The method is based on bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) backbone architecture with two different types of features: {Face-Alignment} and {Dense-Face-Alignment}, in which both of them are physiological signals that can be distinguished between fake and original videos. We choose 68 landmark points as the feature of {Face-Alignment} and Pose Adaptive Feature (PAF) for {Dense-Face-Alignment}. Based on these two facial features, we designed two deep networks. In addition, we optimize our network by adding an attention mechanism that improves detection precision. Our method is tested over benchmarks of Face Forensics/Face Forensics++ dataset and show a promising performance on inference speed while maintaining accuracy with state-of art solutions that deal against DeepFake.

Local Facial Attribute Transfer through Inpainting

Ricard Durall, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network

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The term attribute transfer refers to the tasks of altering images in such a way, that the semantic interpretation of a given input image is shifted towards an intended direction, which is quantified by semantic attributes. Prominent example applications are photo realistic changes of facial features and expressions, like changing the hair color, adding a smile, enlarging the nose or altering the entire context of a scene, like transforming a summer landscape into a winter panorama. Recent advances in attribute transfer are mostly based on generative deep neural networks, using various techniques to manipulate images in the latent space of the generator. In this paper, we present a novel method for the common sub-task of local attribute transfers, where only parts of a face have to be altered in order to achieve semantic changes (e.g. removing a mustache). In contrast to previous methods, where such local changes have been implemented by generating new (global) images, we propose to formulate local attribute transfers as an inpainting problem. Removing and regenerating only parts of images, our Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network (ATI-GAN) is able to utilize local context information to focus on the attributes while keeping the background unmodified resulting in visually sound results.

Hybrid Approach for 3D Head Reconstruction: Using Neural Networks and Visual Geometry

Oussema Bouafif, Bogdan Khomutenko, Mohammed Daoudi

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Auto-TLDR; Recovering 3D Head Geometry from a Single Image using Deep Learning and Geometric Techniques

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Recovering the 3D geometric structure of a face from a single input image is a challenging active research area in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for reconstructing 3D heads from a single or multiple image(s) using a hybrid approach based on deep learning and geometric techniques. We propose an encoder-decoder network based on the U-net architecture and trained on synthetic data only. It predicts both pixel-wise normal vectors and landmarks maps from a single input photo. Landmarks are used for the pose computation and the initialization of the optimization problem, which, in turn, reconstructs the 3D head geometry by using a parametric morphable model and normal vector fields. State-of-the-art results are achieved through qualitative and quantitative evaluation tests on both single and multi-view settings. Despite the fact that the model was trained only on synthetic data, it successfully recovers 3D geometry and precise poses for real-world images.

Unsupervised Face Manipulation Via Hallucination

Keerthy Kusumam, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

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Auto-TLDR; Unpaired Face Image Manipulation using Autoencoders

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This paper addresses the problem of manipulatinga face image in terms of changing its pose. To achieve this, wepropose a new method that can be trained under the very general“unpaired” setting. To this end, we firstly propose to modelthe general appearance, layout and background of the inputimage using a low-resolution version of it which is progressivelypassed through a hallucination network to generate featuresat higher resolutions. We show that such a formulation issignificantly simpler than previous approaches for appearancemodelling based on autoencoders. Secondly, we propose a fullylearnable and spatially-aware appearance transfer module whichcan cope with misalignment between the input source image andthe target pose and can effectively combine the features fromthe hallucination network with the features produced by ourgenerator. Thirdly, we introduce an identity preserving methodthat is trained in an unsupervised way, by using an auxiliaryfeature extractor and a contrastive loss between the real andgenerated images. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art reporting significant improvements both quantitatively, interms of FID and IS, and qualitatively.

Joint Compressive Autoencoders for Full-Image-To-Image Hiding

Xiyao Liu, Ziping Ma, Xingbei Guo, Jialu Hou, Lei Wang, Gerald Schaefer, Hui Fang

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Auto-TLDR; J-CAE: Joint Compressive Autoencoder for Image Hiding

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Image hiding has received significant attention due to the need of enhanced multimedia services, such as multimedia security and meta-information embedding for multimedia augmentation. Recently, deep learning-based methods have been introduced that are capable of significantly increasing the hidden capacity and supporting full size image hiding. However, these methods suffer from the necessity to balance the errors of the modified cover image and the recovered hidden image. In this paper, we propose a novel joint compressive autoencoder (J-CAE) framework to design an image hiding algorithm that achieves full-size image hidden capacity with small reconstruction errors of the hidden image. More importantly, it addresses the trade-off problem of previous deep learning-based methods by mapping the image representations in the latent spaces of the joint CAE models. Thus, both visual quality of the container image and recovery quality of the hidden image can be simultaneously improved. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms several state-of-the-art deep learning-based image hiding methods in terms of imperceptibility and recovery quality of the hidden images while maintaining full-size image hidden capacity.

Super-Resolution Guided Pore Detection for Fingerprint Recognition

Syeda Nyma Ferdous, Ali Dabouei, Jeremy Dawson, Nasser M. Nasarabadi

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Auto-TLDR; Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint Recognition Using Pore Features

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Performance of fingerprint recognition algorithms substantially rely on fine features extracted from fingerprints. Apart from minutiae and ridge patterns, pore features have proven to be usable for fingerprint recognition. Although features from minutiae and ridge patterns are quite attainable from low-resolution images, using pore features is practical only if the fingerprint image is of high resolution which necessitates a model that enhances the image quality of the conventional 500 ppi legacy fingerprints preserving the fine details. To find a solution for recovering pore information from low-resolution fingerprints, we adopt a joint learning-based approach that combines both super-resolution and pore detection networks. Our modified single image Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SRGAN) framework helps to reliably reconstruct high-resolution fingerprint samples from low-resolution ones assisting the pore detection network to identify pores with a high accuracy. The network jointly learns a distinctive feature representation from a real low-resolution fingerprint sample and successfully synthesizes a high-resolution sample from it. To add discriminative information and uniqueness for all the subjects, we have integrated features extracted from a deep fingerprint verifier with the SRGAN quality discriminator. We also add ridge reconstruction loss, utilizing ridge patterns to make the best use of extracted features. Our proposed method solves the recognition problem by improving the quality of fingerprint images. High recognition accuracy of the synthesized samples that is close to the accuracy achieved using the original high-resolution images validate the effectiveness of our proposed model.

Facial Expression Recognition by Using a Disentangled Identity-Invariant Expression Representation

Kamran Ali, Charles Hughes

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer-based Expression Recognition Generative Adversarial Network (TER-GAN)

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Facial Expression Recognition (FER) is a challenging task because many factors of variation such as pose, illumination, and identity-specific attributes are entangled with the expression information in an expressive face image. Recent works show that the performance of a FER algorithm can be improved by disentangling the expression information from identity features. In this paper, we present Transfer-based Expression Recognition Generative Adversarial Network (TER-GAN) that combines the effectiveness of a novel feature disentanglement technique with the concept of identity-invariant expression representation learning for facial expression recognition. More specifically, TER-GAN learns a disentangled expression representation by extracting expression features from one image and transferring the expression information to the identity of another image. To improve the feature disentanglement process, and to learn an identity-invariant expression representation, we introduce a novel expression consistency loss and an identity consistency loss that exploit expression and identity information from both real and synthetic images. We evaluated the performance of our proposed facial expression recognition technique by employing five public facial expression databases, CK+, Oulu-CASIA, MMI, BU-3DFE, and BU-4DFE, the latter being used for pre-training. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique.

Coherence and Identity Learning for Arbitrary-Length Face Video Generation

Shuquan Ye, Chu Han, Jiaying Lin, Guoqiang Han, Shengfeng He

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Auto-TLDR; Face Video Synthesis Using Identity-Aware GAN and Face Coherence Network

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Face synthesis is an interesting yet challenging task in computer vision. It is even much harder to generate a portrait video than a single image. In this paper, we propose a novel video generation framework for synthesizing arbitrary-length face videos without any face exemplar or landmark. To overcome the synthesis ambiguity of face video, we propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to separately address the video face synthesis problem from two aspects, face identity synthesis and rearrangement. To this end, we design a cascaded network which contains three components, Identity-aware GAN (IA-GAN), Face Coherence Network, and Interpolation Network. IA-GAN is proposed to synthesize photorealistic faces with the same identity from a set of noises. Face Coherence Network is designed to re-arrange the faces generated by IA-GAN while keeping the inter-frame coherence. Interpolation Network is introduced to eliminate the discontinuity between two adjacent frames and improve the smoothness of the face video. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed network is able to generate face video with high visual quality while preserving the identity. Statistics show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unconditional face video generative models in multiple challenging datasets.

Motion-Supervised Co-Part Segmentation

Aliaksandr Siarohin, Subhankar Roy, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Sergey Tulyakov, Elisa Ricci, Nicu Sebe

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Co-Part Segmentation Using Motion Information from Videos

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Recent co-part segmentation methods mostly operate in a supervised learning setting, which requires a large amount of annotated data for training. To overcome this limitation, we propose a self-supervised deep learning method for co-part segmentation. Differently from previous works, our approach develops the idea that motion information inferred from videos can be leveraged to discover meaningful object parts. To this end, our method relies on pairs of frames sampled from the same video. The network learns to predict part segments together with a representation of the motion between two frames, which permits reconstruction of the target image. Through extensive experimental evaluation on publicly available video sequences we demonstrate that our approach can produce improved segmentation maps with respect to previous self-supervised co-part segmentation approaches.

Are Spoofs from Latent Fingerprints a Real Threat for the Best State-Of-Art Liveness Detectors?

Roberto Casula, Giulia Orrù, Daniele Angioni, Xiaoyi Feng, Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli

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Auto-TLDR; ScreenSpoof: Attacks using latent fingerprints against state-of-art fingerprint liveness detectors and verification systems

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We investigated the threat level of realistic attacks using latent fingerprints against sensors equipped with state-of-art liveness detectors and fingerprint verification systems which integrate such liveness algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, only a previous investigation was done with spoofs from latent prints. In this paper, we focus on using snapshot pictures of latent fingerprints. These pictures provide molds, that allows, after some digital processing, to fabricate high-quality spoofs. Taking a snapshot picture is much simpler than developing fingerprints left on a surface by magnetic powders and lifting the trace by a tape. What we are interested here is to evaluate preliminary at which extent attacks of the kind can be considered a real threat for state-of-art fingerprint liveness detectors and verification systems. To this aim, we collected a novel data set of live and spoof images fabricated with snapshot pictures of latent fingerprints. This data set provide a set of attacks at the most favourable conditions. We refer to this method and the related data set as "ScreenSpoof". Then, we tested with it the performances of the best liveness detection algorithms, namely, the three winners of the LivDet competition. Reported results point out that the ScreenSpoof method is a threat of the same level, in terms of detection and verification errors, than that of attacks using spoofs fabricated with the full consensus of the victim. We think that this is a notable result, never reported in previous work.

DFH-GAN: A Deep Face Hashing with Generative Adversarial Network

Bo Xiao, Lanxiang Zhou, Yifei Wang, Qiangfang Xu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Face Hashing with GAN for Face Image Retrieval

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Face Image retrieval is one of the key research directions in computer vision field. Thanks to the rapid development of deep neural network in recent years, deep hashing has achieved good performance in the field of image retrieval. But for large-scale face image retrieval, the performance needs to be further improved. In this paper, we propose Deep Face Hashing with GAN (DFH-GAN), a novel deep hashing method for face image retrieval, which mainly consists of three components: a generator network for generating synthesized images, a discriminator network with a shared CNN to learn multi-domain face feature, and a hash encoding network to generate compact binary hash codes. The generator network is used to perform data augmentation so that the model could learn from both real images and diverse synthesized images. We adopt a two-stage training strategy. In the first stage, the GAN is trained to generate fake images, while in the second stage, to make the network convergence faster. The model inherits the trained shared CNN of discriminator to train the DFH model by using many different supervised loss functions not only in the last layer but also in the middle layer of the network. Extensive experiments on two widely used datasets demonstrate that DFH-GAN can generate high-quality binary hash codes and exceed the performance of the state-of-the-art model greatly.

Video Face Manipulation Detection through Ensemble of CNNs

Nicolo Bonettini, Edoardo Daniele Cannas, Sara Mandelli, Luca Bondi, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tubaro

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Auto-TLDR; Face Manipulation Detection in Video Sequences Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In the last few years, several techniques for facial manipulation in videos have been successfully developed and made available to the masses (i.e., FaceSwap, deepfake, etc.). These methods enable anyone to easily edit faces in video sequences with incredibly realistic results and a very little effort. Despite the usefulness of these tools in many fields, if used maliciously, they can have a significantly bad impact on society (e.g., fake news spreading, cyber bullying through fake revenge porn). The ability of objectively detecting whether a face has been manipulated in a video sequence is then a task of utmost importance. In this paper, we tackle the problem of face manipulation detection in video sequences targeting modern facial manipulation techniques. In particular, we study the ensembling of different trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. In the proposed solution, different models are obtained starting from a base network (i.e., EfficientNetB4) making use of two different concepts: (i) attention layers; (ii) siamese training. We show that combining these networks leads to promising face manipulation detection results on two publicly available datasets with more than 119000 videos.

Deep Multi-Task Learning for Facial Expression Recognition and Synthesis Based on Selective Feature Sharing

Rui Zhao, Tianshan Liu, Jun Xiao, P. K. Daniel Lun, Kin-Man Lam

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Learning for Facial Expression Recognition and Synthesis

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Multi-task learning is an effective learning strategy for deep-learning-based facial expression recognition tasks. However, most existing methods take into limited consideration the feature selection, when transferring information between different tasks, which may lead to task interference when training the multi-task networks. To address this problem, we propose a novel selective feature-sharing method, and establish a multi-task network for facial expression recognition and facial expression synthesis. The proposed method can effectively transfer beneficial features between different tasks, while filtering out useless and harmful information. Moreover, we employ the facial expression synthesis task to enlarge and balance the training dataset to further enhance the generalization ability of the proposed method. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on those commonly used facial expression recognition benchmarks, which makes it a potential solution to real-world facial expression recognition problems.

RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection

Ming Cheng, Kunjing Cai, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Flow Gated Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Cameras

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In recent years, surveillance cameras are widely deployed in public places, and the general crime rate has been reduced significantly due to these ubiquitous devices. Usually, these cameras provide cues and evidence after crimes were conducted, while they are rarely used to prevent or stop criminal activities in time. It is both time and labor consuming to manually monitor a large amount of video data from surveillance cameras. Therefore, automatically recognizing violent behaviors from video signals becomes essential. In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with 2,000 videos all captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 87.25% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. The proposed database and source codes of this paper are currently open to access.

A Joint Representation Learning and Feature Modeling Approach for One-Class Recognition

Pramuditha Perera, Vishal Patel

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Auto-TLDR; Combining Generative Features and One-Class Classification for Effective One-class Recognition

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One-class recognition is traditionally approached either as a representation learning problem or a feature modelling problem. In this work, we argue that both of these approaches have their own limitations; and a more effective solution can be obtained by combining the two. The proposed approach is based on the combination of a generative framework and a one-class classification method. First, we learn generative features using the one-class data with a generative framework. We augment the learned features with the corresponding reconstruction errors to obtain augmented features. Then, we qualitatively identify a suitable feature distribution that reduces the redundancy in the chosen classifier space. Finally, we force the augmented features to take the form of this distribution using an adversarial framework. We test the effectiveness of the proposed method on three one-class classification tasks and obtain state-of-the-art results.

Exposing Deepfake Videos by Tracking Eye Movements

Meng Li, Beibei Liu, Yujiang Hu, Yufei Wang

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Auto-TLDR; A Novel Approach to Detecting Deepfake Videos

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It has recently become a major threat to the public media that fake videos are rapidly spreading over the Internet. The advent of Deepfake, a deep-learning based toolkit, has facilitated a massive abuse of improper synthesized videos, which may influence the media credibility and human rights. A worldwide alert has been set off that finding ways to detect such fake videos is not only crucial but also urgent. This paper reports a novel approach to expose deepfake videos. We found that most fake videos are markedly different from the real ones in the way the eyes move. We are thus motivated to define four features that could well capture such differences. The features are then fed to SVM for classification. It is shown to be a promising approach that without high dimensional features and complicated neural networks, we are able to achieve competitive results on several public datasets. Moreover, the proposed features could well participate with other existing methods in the confrontation with deepfakes.

Makeup Style Transfer on Low-Quality Images with Weighted Multi-Scale Attention

Daniel Organisciak, Edmond S. L. Ho, Shum Hubert P. H.

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Auto-TLDR; Facial Makeup Style Transfer for Low-Resolution Images Using Multi-Scale Spatial Attention

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Facial makeup style transfer is an extremely challenging sub-field of image-to-image-translation. Due to this difficulty, state-of-the-art results are mostly reliant on the Face Parsing Algorithm, which segments a face into parts in order to easily extract makeup features. However, we find that this algorithm can only work well on high-definition images where facial features can be accurately extracted. Faces in many real-world photos, such as those including a large background or multiple people, are typically of low-resolution, which considerably hinders state-of-the-art algorithms. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end holistic approach to effectively transfer makeup styles between two low-resolution images. The idea is built upon a novel weighted multi-scale spatial attention module, which identifies salient pixel regions on low-resolution images in multiple scales, and uses channel attention to determine the most effective attention map. This design provides two benefits: low-resolution images are usually blurry to different extents, so a multi-scale architecture can select the most effective convolution kernel size to implement spatial attention; makeup is applied on both a macro-level (foundation, fake tan) and a micro-level (eyeliner, lipstick) so different scales can excel in extracting different makeup features. We develop an Augmented CycleGAN network that embeds our attention modules at selected layers to most effectively transfer makeup. We test our system with the FBD data set, which consists of many low-resolution facial images, and demonstrates that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods, particularly in transferring makeup for blurry images and partially occluded images.

Estimation of Clinical Tremor Using Spatio-Temporal Adversarial AutoEncoder

Li Zhang, Vidya Koesmahargyo, Isaac Galatzer-Levy

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Auto-TLDR; ST-AAE: Spatio-temporal Adversarial Autoencoder for Clinical Assessment of Hand Tremor Frequency and Severity

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Collecting sufficient well-labeled training data is a challenging task in many clinical applications. Besides the tremendous efforts required for data collection, clinical assessments are also impacted by raters’ variabilities, which may be significant even among experienced clinicians. The high demands of reproducible and scalable data-driven approaches in these areas necessitates relevant research on learning with limited data. In this work, we propose a spatio-temporal adversarial autoencoder (ST-AAE) for clinical assessment of hand tremor frequency and severity. The ST-AAE integrates spatial and temporal information simultaneously into the original AAE, taking optical flows as inputs. Using only optical flows, irrelevant background or static objects from RGB frames are largely eliminated, so that the AAE is directed to effectively learn key feature representations of the latent space from tremor movements. The ST-AAE was evaluated with both volunteer and clinical data. The volunteer results showed that the ST-AAE improved model performance significantly by 15% increase on accuracy. Leave-one-out (on subjects) cross validation was used to evaluate the accuracy for all the 3068 video segments from 28 volunteers. The weighted average of the AUCs of ROCs is 0.97. The results demonstrated that the ST-AAE model, trained with a small number of subjects, can be generalized well to different subjects. In addition, the model trained only by volunteer data was also evaluated with 32 clinical videos from 9 essential tremor patients, the model predictions correlate well with the clinical ratings: correlation coefficient r = 0.91 and 0.98 for in-person ratings and video watching ratings, respectively.

ResMax: Detecting Voice Spoofing Attacks with Residual Network and Max Feature Map

Il-Youp Kwak, Sungsu Kwag, Junhee Lee, Jun Ho Huh, Choong-Hoon Lee, Youngbae Jeon, Jeonghwan Hwang, Ji Won Yoon

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Auto-TLDR; ASVspoof 2019: A Lightweight Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing and Countermeasures System

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The ``2019 Automatic Speaker Verification Spoofing And Countermeasures Challenge'' (ASVspoof) competition aimed to facilitate the design of highly accurate voice spoofing attack detection systems. the competition did not emphasize model complexity and latency requirements; such constraints are strict and integral in real-world deployment. Hence, most of the top performing solutions from the competition all used an ensemble approach, and combined multiple complex deep learning models to maximize detection accuracy -- this kind of approach would sit uneasily with real-world deployment constraints. To design a lightweight system, we combined the notions of skip connection (from ResNet) and max feature map (from Light CNN), and evaluated the accuracy of the system using the ASVspoof 2019 dataset. With an optimized constant Q transform (CQT) feature, our single model achieved a replay attack detection equal error rate (EER) of 0.37% on the evaluation set, outperforming the top ensemble system from the competition that achieved an EER of 0.39%.

Learning Interpretable Representation for 3D Point Clouds

Feng-Guang Su, Ci-Siang Lin, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Disentangling Body-type and Pose Information from 3D Point Clouds Using Adversarial Learning

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Point clouds have emerged as a popular representation of 3D visual data. With a set of unordered 3D points, one typically needs to transform them into latent representation before further classification and segmentation tasks. However, one cannot easily interpret such encoded latent representation. To address this issue, we propose a unique deep learning framework for disentangling body-type and pose information from 3D point clouds. Extending from autoenoder, we advance adversarial learning a selected feature type, while classification and data recovery can be additionally observed. Our experiments confirm that our model can be successfully applied to perform a wide range of 3D applications like shape synthesis, action translation, shape/action interpolation, and synchronization.

Controllable Face Aging

Haien Zeng, Hanjiang Lai

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Auto-TLDR; A controllable face aging method via attribute disentanglement generative adversarial network

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Motivated by the following two observations: 1) people are aging differently under different conditions for changeable facial attributes, e.g., skin color may become darker when working outside, and 2) it needs to keep some unchanged facial attributes during the aging process, e.g., race and gender, we propose a controllable face aging method via attribute disentanglement generative adversarial network. To offer fine control over the synthesized face images, first, an individual embedding of the face is directly learned from an image that contains the desired facial attribute. Second, since the image may contain other unwanted attributes, an attribute disentanglement network is used to separate the individual embedding and learn the common embedding that contains information about the face attribute (e.g., race). With the common embedding, we can manipulate the generated face image with the desired attribute in an explicit manner. Experimental results on two common benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed generator achieves comparable performance on the aging effect with state-of-the-art baselines while gaining more flexibility for attribute control. Code is available at supplementary material.

Multi-Attribute Regression Network for Face Reconstruction

Xiangzheng Li, Suping Wu

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Auto-TLDR; A Multi-Attribute Regression Network for Face Reconstruction

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In this paper, we propose a multi-attribute regression network (MARN) to investigate the problem of face reconstruction, especially in challenging cases when faces undergo large variations including severe poses, extreme expressions, and partial occlusions in unconstrained environments. The traditional 3DMM parametric regression method is absent from the learning of identity, expression, and attitude attributes, resulting in lacking geometric details in the reconstructed face. Our MARN method is to enable the network to better extract the feature information of face identity, expression, and pose attributes. We introduced identity, expression, and pose attribute loss functions to enhance the learning of details in each attribute. At the same time, we carefully design the geometric contour constraint loss function and use the constraints of sparse 2D face landmarks to improve the reconstructed geometric contour information. The experimental results show that our face reconstruction method has achieved significant results on the AFLW2000-3D and AFLW datasets compared with the most advanced methods. In addition, there has been a great improvement in dense face alignment. .

Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition in Compressed Video

Xiaofeng Liu, Linghao Jin, Xu Han, Jun Lu, Jonghye Woo, Jane You

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring Facial Expression Representation in Compressed Video with Mutual Information Minimization

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This paper targets to explore the inter-subject variations eliminated facial expression representation in the compressed video domain. Most of the previous methods process the RGB images of a sequence, while the off-the-shelf and valuable expression-related muscle movement already embedded in the compression format. In the up to two orders of magnitude compressed domain, we can explicitly infer the expression from the residual frames and possible to extract identity factors from the I frame with a pre-trained face recognition network. By enforcing the marginal independent of them, the expression feature is expected to be purer for the expression and be robust to identity shifts. Specifically, we propose a novel collaborative min-min game for mutual information (MI) minimization in latent space. We do not need the identity label or multiple expression samples from the same person for identity elimination. Moreover, when the apex frame is annotated in the dataset, the complementary constraint can be further added to regularize the feature-level game. In testing, only the compressed residual frames are required to achieve expression prediction. Our solution can achieve comparable or better performance than the recent decoded image based methods on the typical FER benchmarks with about 3$\times$ faster inference with compressed data.

Learning Semantic Representations Via Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Facial Attribute Estimation

Zichun Weng, Youjun Xiang, Xianfeng Li, Juntao Liang, Wanliang Huo, Yuli Fu

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Framework for 3D Face Reconstruction with Facial Attribute Estimation

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We propose a novel joint framework for 3D face reconstruction (3DFR) that integrates facial attribute estimation (FAE) as an auxiliary task. One of the essential problems of 3DFR is to extract semantic facial features (e.g., Big Nose, High Cheekbones, and Asian) from in-the-wild 2D images, which is inherently involved with FAE. These two tasks, though heterogeneous, are highly relevant to each other. To achieve this, we leverage a Convolutional Neural Network to extract shared facial representations for both shape decoder and attribute classifier. We further develop an in-batch hybrid-task training scheme that enables our model to learn from heterogeneous facial datasets jointly within a mini-batch. Thanks to the joint loss that provides supervision from both 3DFR and FAE domains, our model learns the correlations between 3D shapes and facial attributes, which benefit both feature extraction and shape inference. Quantitative evaluation and qualitative visualization results confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our joint framework.

Multi-Laplacian GAN with Edge Enhancement for Face Super Resolution

Shanlei Ko, Bi-Ru Dai

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Auto-TLDR; Face Image Super-Resolution with Enhanced Edge Information

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Face image super-resolution has become a research hotspot in the field of image processing. Nowadays, more and more researches add additional information, such as landmark, identity, to reconstruct high resolution images from low resolution ones, and have a good performance in quantitative terms and perceptual quality. However, these additional information is hard to obtain in many cases. In this work, we focus on reconstructing face images by extracting useful information from face images directly rather than using additional information. By observing edge information in each scale of face images, we propose a method to reconstruct high resolution face images with enhanced edge information. In additional, with the proposed training procedure, our method reconstructs photo-realistic images in upscaling factor 8x and outperforms state-of-the-art methods both in quantitative terms and perceptual quality.

AdvHat: Real-World Adversarial Attack on ArcFace Face ID System

Stepan Komkov, Aleksandr Petiushko

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Auto-TLDR; Adversarial Sticker Attack on ArcFace in Shooting Conditions

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In this paper we propose a novel easily reproducible technique to attack the best public Face ID system ArcFace in different shooting conditions. To create an attack, we print the rectangular paper sticker on a common color printer and put it on the hat. The adversarial sticker is prepared with a novel algorithm for off-plane transformations of the image which imitates sticker location on the hat. Such an approach confuses the state-of-the-art public Face ID model LResNet100E-IR, ArcFace@ms1m-refine-v2 and is transferable to other Face ID models.

Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Learning for Fall Detection with Thermal Imaging

Vineet Mehta, Abhinav Dhall, Sujata Pal, Shehroz Khan

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Fall Detection with Adversarial Network using Thermal Imaging Camera

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Automatic fall detection is a vital technology for ensuring health and safety of people. Home based camera systems for fall detection often put people's privacy at risk. Thermal cameras can partially/fully obfuscate facial features, thus preserving the privacy of a person. Another challenge is the less occurrence of falls in comparison to normal activities of daily living. As fall occurs rarely, it is non-trivial to learn algorithms due to class imbalance. To handle these problems, we formulate fall detection as an anomaly detection within an adversarial framework using thermal imaging camera. We present a novel adversarial network that comprise of two channel 3D convolutional auto encoders; one each handling video sequences and optical flow, which then reconstruct the thermal data and the optical flow input sequences. We introduce a differential constraint, a technique to track the region of interest and a joint discriminator to compute the reconstruction error. Larger reconstruction error indicates the occurrence of fall in a video sequence. The experiments on a publicly available thermal fall dataset show the superior results obtained in comparison to standard baseline.

Boundary Guided Image Translation for Pose Estimation from Ultra-Low Resolution Thermal Sensor

Kohei Kurihara, Tianren Wang, Teng Zhang, Brian Carrington Lovell

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Auto-TLDR; Pose Estimation on Low-Resolution Thermal Images Using Image-to-Image Translation Architecture

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This work addresses the pose estimation task on low-resolution images captured using thermal sensors which can operate in a no-light environment. Low-resolution thermal sensors have been widely adopted in various applications for cost control and privacy protection purposes. In this paper, targeting the challenging scenario of ultra-low resolution thermal imaging (3232 pixels), we aim to estimate human poses for the purpose of monitoring health conditions and indoor events. To overcome the challenges in ultra-low resolution thermal imaging such as blurred boundaries and data scarcity, we propose a new Image-to-Image (I2I) translation architecture which can translate the original blurred thermal image into a visible light image with sharper boundaries. Then the generated visible light image can be fed into the off-the-shelf pose estimator which was well-trained in the visible domain. Experimental results suggest that the proposed framework outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in the I2I based pose estimation task for our thermal image dataset. Furthermore, we also demonstrated the merits of the proposed method on the publicly available FLIR dataset by measuring the quality of translated images.

Unsupervised Contrastive Photo-To-Caricature Translation Based on Auto-Distortion

Yuhe Ding, Xin Ma, Mandi Luo, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation with style loss

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Photo-to-caricature aims to synthesize the caricature as a rendered image exaggerating the features through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings. Style rendering and geometry deformation are the most important aspects in photo-to-caricature translation task. To take both into consideration, we propose an unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation architecture. Considering the intuitive artifacts in the existing methods, we propose a contrastive style loss for style rendering to enforce the similarity between the style of rendered photo and the caricature, and simultaneously enhance its discrepancy to the photos. To obtain an exaggerating deformation in an unpaired/unsupervised fashion, we propose a Distortion Prediction Module (DPM) to predict a set of displacements vectors for each input image while fixing some controlling points, followed by the thin plate spline interpolation for warping. The model is trained on unpaired photo and caricature while can offer bidirectional synthesizing via inputting either a photo or a caricature. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to generate hand-drawn like caricatures compared with existing competitors.

Identity-Preserved Face Beauty Transformation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhitong Huang, Ching Y Suen

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Auto-TLDR; Identity-preserved face beauty transformation using conditional GANs

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Identity-preserved face beauty transformation aims to change the beauty scale of a face image while preserving the identity of the original face. In our framework of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs), the synthesized face produced by the generator would have the same beauty scale indicated by the input condition. Unlike the discrete class labels used in most cGANs, the condition of target beauty scale in our framework is given by a continuous real-valued beauty score in the range [1 to 5], which makes the work challenging. To tackle the problem, we have implemented a triple structure, in which the conditional discriminator is divided into a normal discriminator and a separate face beauty predictor. We have also developed another new structure called Conditioned Instance Normalization to replace the original concatenation used in cGANs, which makes the combination of the input image and condition more effective. Furthermore, Self-Consistency Loss is introduced as a new parameter to improve the stability of training and quality of the generated image. In the end, the objectives of beauty transformation and identity preservation are evaluated by the pretrained face beauty predictor and state-of-the-art face recognition network. The result is encouraging and it also shows that certain facial features could be synthesized by the generator according to the target beauty scale, while preserving the original identity.