Triplet-Path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images

Jiaqi Luo, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Limei Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Triplet-path Network for One-Stage Object Detection and Segmentation in Pathological Images


Deep learning has been widely applied in the field of medical image processing. However, compared with flourishing visual tasks in natural images, the progress achieved in pathological images is not remarkable, and detection and segmentation, which are among basic tasks of computer vision, are regarded as two independent tasks. In this paper, we make full use of existing datasets and construct a triplet-path network using dilated convolutions to cooperatively accomplish one-stage object detection and nuclei segmentation for general pathological images. First, in order to meet the requirement of detection and segmentation, a novel structure called triplet feature generation (TFG) is designed to extract high-resolution and multiscale features, where features from different layers can be properly integrated. Second, considering that pathological datasets are usually small, a location-aware and partially truncated loss function is proposed to improve the classification accuracy of datasets with few images and widely varying targets. We compare the performance of both object detection and instance segmentation with state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network on two datasets collected from multiple organs.

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SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

Yi Gan, Wei Xu, Jianbo Su

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Auto-TLDR; SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network to Address Information Dilution Issue in FPN

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Feature Pyramid Network(FPN) employs a top-down path to enhance low level feature by utilizing high level feature.However, further improvement of detector is greatly hindered by the inner defect of FPN. The dilution issue in FPN is analyzed in this paper, and a new architecture named Semantic Feature Pyramid Network(SFPN) is introduced to address the information imbalance problem caused by information dilution. The proposed method consists of two simple and effective components: Semantic Pyramid Module(SPM) and Semantic Feature Fusion Module(SFFM). To compensate for the weaknesses of FPN, the semantic segmentation result is utilized as an extra information source in our architecture.By constructing a semantic pyramid based on the segmentation result and fusing it with FPN, feature maps at each level can obtain the necessary information without suffering from the dilution issue. The proposed architecture could be applied on many detectors, and non-negligible improvement could be achieved. Although this method is designed for object detection, other tasks such as instance segmentation can also largely benefit from it. The proposed method brings Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN with ResNet-50 as backbone both 1.8 AP improvements respectively. Furthermore, SFPN improves Cascade R-CNN with backbone ResNet-101 from 42.4 AP to 43.5 AP.

Bidirectional Matrix Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

Wei Xu, Yi Gan, Jianbo Su

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Auto-TLDR; BMFPN: Bidirectional Matrix Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

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Feature pyramids are widely used to improve scale invariance for object detection. Most methods just map the objects to feature maps with relevant square receptive fields, but rarely pay attention to the aspect ratio variation, which is also an important property of object instances. It will lead to a poor match between rectangular objects and assigned features with square receptive fields, thus preventing from accurate recognition and location. Besides, the information propagation among feature layers is sparse, namely, each feature in the pyramid may mainly or only contain single-level information, which is not representative enough for classification and localization sub-tasks. In this paper, Bidirectional Matrix Feature Pyramid Network (BMFPN) is proposed to address these issues. It consists of three modules: Diagonal Layer Generation Module (DLGM), Top-down Module (TDM) and Bottom-up Module (BUM). First, multi-level features extracted by backbone are fed into DLGM to produce the base features. Then these base features are utilized to construct the final feature pyramid through TDM and BUM in series. The receptive fields of the designed feature layers in BMFPN have various scales and aspect ratios. Objects can be correctly assigned to appropriate and representative feature maps with relevant receptive fields depending on its scale and aspect ratio properties. Moreover, TDM and BUM form bidirectional and reticular information flow, which effectively fuses multi level information in top-down and bottom-up manner respectively. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed architecture, an end-toend anchor-free detector is designed and trained by integrating BMFPN into FCOS. And the center ness branch in FCOS is modified with our Gaussian center-ness branch (GCB), which brings another slight improvement. Without bells and whistles, our method gains +3.3%, +2.4% and +2.6% AP on MS COCO dataset from baselines with ResNet-50, ResNet-101 and ResNeXt-101 backbones, respectively.

CAggNet: Crossing Aggregation Network for Medical Image Segmentation

Xu Cao, Yanghao Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Crossing Aggregation Network for Medical Image Segmentation

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In this paper, we present Crossing Aggregation Network (CAggNet), a novel densely connected semantic segmentation method for medical image analysis. The crossing aggregation network absorbs the idea of deep layer aggregation and makes significant innovations in layer connection and semantic information fusion. In this architecture, the traditional skip-connection structure of general U-Net is replaced by aggregations of multi-level down-sampling and up-sampling layers. This enables the network to fuse information interactively flows at different levels of layers in semantic segmentation. It also introduces weighted aggregation module to aggregate multi-scale output information. We have evaluated and compared our CAggNet with several advanced U-Net based methods in two public medical image datasets, including the 2018 Data Science Bowl nuclei detection dataset and the 2015 MICCAI gland segmentation competition dataset. Experimental results indicate that CAggNet improves medical object recognition and achieves a more accurate and efficient segmentation compared to existing improved U-Net and UNet++ structure.

Construction Worker Hardhat-Wearing Detection Based on an Improved BiFPN

Chenyang Zhang, Zhiqiang Tian, Jingyi Song, Yaoyue Zheng, Bo Xu

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Auto-TLDR; A One-Stage Object Detection Method for Hardhat-Wearing in Construction Site

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Work in the construction site is considered to be one of the occupations with the highest safety risk factor. Therefore, safety plays an important role in construction site. One of the most fundamental safety rules in construction site is to wear a hardhat. To strengthen the safety of the construction site, most of the current methods use multi-stage method for hardhat-wearing detection. These methods have limitations in terms of adaptability and generalizability. In this paper, we propose a one-stage object detection method based on convolutional neural network. We present a multi-scale strategy that selects the high-resolution feature maps of DarkNet-53 to effectively identify small-scale hardhats. In addition, we propose an improved weighted bi-directional feature pyramid network (BiFPN), which could fuse more semantic features from more scales. The proposed method can not only detect hardhat-wearing, but also identify the color of the hardhat. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a mAP of 87.04%, which outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on a public dataset.

A Multi-Task Contextual Atrous Residual Network for Brain Tumor Detection & Segmentation

Ngan Le, Kashu Yamazaki, Quach Kha Gia, Thanh-Dat Truong, Marios Savvides

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Auto-TLDR; Contextual Brain Tumor Segmentation Using 3D atrous Residual Networks and Cascaded Structures

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In recent years, deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a variety of recognition and segmentation tasks in medical imaging including brain tumor segmentation. We investigate that segmenting brain tumor is facing to the imbalanced data problem where the number of pixels belonging to background class (non tumor pixel) is much larger than the number of pixels belonging to foreground class (tumor pixel). To address this problem, we propose a multi-task network which is formed as a cascaded structure and designed to share the feature maps. Our model consists of two targets, i.e., (i) effectively differentiating brain tumor regions and (ii) estimating brain tumor masks. The first task is performed by our proposed contextual brain tumor detection network, which plays the role of an attention gate and focuses on the region around brain tumor only while ignore the background (non tumor area). Instead of processing every pixel, our contextual brain tumor detection network only processes contextual regions around ground-truth instances and this strategy helps to produce meaningful regions proposals. The second task is built upon a 3D atrous residual network and under an encode-decode network in order to effectively segment both large and small objects (brain tumor). Our 3D atrous residual network is designed with a skip connection to enables the gradient from the deep layers to be directly propagated to shallow layers, thus, features of different depths are preserved and used for refining each other. In order to incorporate larger contextual information in volume MRI data, our network is designed by 3D atrous convolution with various kernel sizes, which enlarges the receptive field of filters. Our proposed network has been evaluated on various datasets including BRATS2015, BRATS2017 and BRATS2018 datasets with both validation set and testing set. Our performance has been benchmarked by both region-based metrics and surface-based metrics. We also have conducted comparisons against state-of-the-art approaches.

Learning a Dynamic High-Resolution Network for Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detection

Mengyuan Ding, Shanshan Zhang, Jian Yang

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Auto-TLDR; Learningable Dynamic HRNet for Pedestrian Detection

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Pedestrian detection is a canonical instance of object detection in computer vision. In practice, scale variation is one of the key challenges, resulting in unbalanced performance across different scales. Recently, the High-Resolution Network (HRNet) has become popular because high-resolution feature representations are more friendly to small objects. However, when we apply HRNet for pedestrian detection, we observe that it improves for small pedestrians on one hand, but hurts the performance for larger ones on the other hand. To overcome this problem, we propose a learnable Dynamic HRNet (DHRNet) aiming to generate different network paths adaptive to different scales. Specifically, we construct a parallel multi-branch architecture and add a soft conditional gate module allowing for dynamic feature fusion. Both branches share all the same parameters except the soft gate module. Experimental results on CityPersons and Caltech benchmarks indicate that our proposed dynamic HRNet is more capable of dealing with pedestrians of various scales, and thus improves the performance across different scales consistently.

Forground-Guided Vehicle Perception Framework

Kun Tian, Tong Zhou, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

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Auto-TLDR; A foreground segmentation branch for vehicle detection

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As the basis of advanced visual tasks such as vehicle tracking and traffic flow analysis, vehicle detection needs to accurately predict the position and category of vehicle objects. In the past decade, deep learning based methods have made great progress. However, we also notice that some existing cases are not studied thoroughly. First, false positive on the background regions is one of the critical problems. Second, most of the previous approaches only optimize a single vehicle detection model, ignoring the relationship between different visual perception tasks. In response to the above two findings, we introduce a foreground segmentation branch for the first time, which can predict the pixel level of vehicles in advance. Furthermore, two attention modules are designed to guide the work of the detection branch. The proposed method can be easily grafted into the one-stage and two-stage detection framework. We evaluate the effectiveness of our model on LSVH, a dataset with large variations in vehicle scales, and achieve the state-of-the-art detection accuracy.

PRF-Ped: Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detector with Prior-Based Receptive Field

Yuzhi Tan, Hongxun Yao, Haoran Li, Xiusheng Lu, Haozhe Xie

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Auto-TLDR; Bidirectional Feature Enhancement Module for Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detection

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Multi-scale feature representation is a common strategy to handle the scale variation in pedestrian detection. Existing methods simply utilize the convolutional pyramidal features for multi-scale representation. However, they rarely pay attention to the differences among different feature scales and extract multi-scale features from a single feature map, which may make the detectors sensitive to scale-variance in multi-scale pedestrian detection. In this paper, we introduce a bidirectional feature enhancement module (BFEM) to augment the semantic information of low-level features and the localization information of high-level features. In addition, we propose a prior-based receptive field block (PRFB) for multi-scale pedestrian feature extraction, where the receptive field is closer to the aspect ratio of the pedestrian target. Consequently, it is less affected by the surrounding background when extracting features. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperform the state-of-the-art methods on the CityPersons and Caltech datasets.

Efficient-Receptive Field Block with Group Spatial Attention Mechanism for Object Detection

Jiacheng Zhang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su

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Auto-TLDR; E-RFB: Efficient-Receptive Field Block for Deep Neural Network for Object Detection

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Object detection has been paid rising attention in computer vision field. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) extract high-level semantic features of images, which directly determine the performance of object detection. As a common solution, embedding integration modules into CNNs can enrich extracted features and thereby improve the performance. However, the instability and inconsistency of internal multiple branches exist in these modules. To address this problem, we propose a novel multibranch module called Efficient-Receptive Field Block (E-RFB), in which multiple levels of features are combined for network optimization. Specifically, by downsampling and increasing depth, the E-RFB provides sufficient RF. Second, in order to eliminate the inconsistency across different branches, a novel spatial attention mechanism, namely, Group Spatial Attention Module (GSAM) is proposed. The GSAM gradually narrows a feature map by channel grouping; thus it encodes the information between spatial and channel dimensions into the final attention heat map. Third, the proposed module can be easily joined in various CNNs to enhance feature representation as a plug-and-play component. With SSD-style detectors, our method halves the parameters of the original detection head and achieves high accuracy on the PASCAL VOC and MS COCO datasets. Moreover, the proposed method achieves superior performance compared with state-of-the-art methods based on similar framework.

CenterRepp: Predict Central Representative Point Set's Distribution for Detection

Yulin He, Limeng Zhang, Wei Chen, Xin Luo, Chen Li, Xiaogang Jia

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Auto-TLDR; CRPDet: CenterRepp Detector for Object Detection

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Object detection has long been an important issue in the discipline of scene understanding. Existing researches mainly focus on the object itself, ignoring its surrounding environment. In fact, the surrounding environment provides abundant information to help detectors classify and locate objects. This paper proposes CRPDet, viz. CenterRepp Detector, a framework for object detection. The main function of CRPDet is accomplished by the CenterRepp module, which takes into account the surrounding environment by predicting the distribution of the central representative points. CenterRepp converts labeled object frames into the mean and standard variance of the sampling points’ distribution. This helps increase the receptive field of objects, breaking the limitation of object frames. CenterRepp defines a position-fixed center point with significant weights, avoiding to sample all points in the surroundings. Experiments on the COCO test-dev detection benchmark demonstrates that our proposed CRPDet has comparable performance with state-of-the-art detectors, achieving 39.4 mAP with 51 FPS tested under single size input.

CASNet: Common Attribute Support Network for Image Instance and Panoptic Segmentation

Xiaolong Liu, Yuqing Hou, Anbang Yao, Yurong Chen, Keqiang Li

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Auto-TLDR; Common Attribute Support Network for instance segmentation and panoptic segmentation

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Instance segmentation and panoptic segmentation is being paid more and more attention in recent years. In comparison with bounding box based object detection and semantic segmentation, instance segmentation can provide more analytical results at pixel level. Given the insight that pixels belonging to one instance have one or more common attributes of current instance, we bring up an one-stage instance segmentation network named Common Attribute Support Network (CASNet), which realizes instance segmentation by predicting and clustering common attributes. CASNet is designed in the manner of fully convolutional and can implement training and inference from end to end. And CASNet manages predicting the instance without overlaps and holes, which problem exists in most of current instance segmentation algorithms. Furthermore, it can be easily extended to panoptic segmentation through minor modifications with little computation overhead. CASNet builds a bridge between semantic and instance segmentation from finding pixel class ID to obtaining class and instance ID by operations on common attribute. Through experiment for instance and panoptic segmentation, CASNet gets mAP 32.8\% and PQ 59.0\% on Cityscapes validation dataset by joint training, and mAP 36.3\% and PQ 66.1\% by separated training mode. For panoptic segmentation, CASNet gets state-of-the-art performance on the Cityscapes validation dataset.

Point In: Counting Trees with Weakly Supervised Segmentation Network

Pinmo Tong, Shuhui Bu, Pengcheng Han

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Tree counting using Deep Segmentation Network with Localization and Mask Prediction

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For tree counting tasks, since traditional image processing methods require expensive feature engineering and are not end-to-end frameworks, this will cause additional noise and cannot be optimized overall, so this method has not been widely used in recent trends of tree counting application. Recently, many deep learning based approaches are designed for this task because of the powerful feature extracting ability. The representative way is bounding box based supervised method, but time-consuming annotations are indispensable for them. Moreover, these methods are difficult to overcome the occlusion or overlap. To solve this problem, we propose a weakly tree counting network (WTCNet) based on deep segmentation network with only point supervision. It can simultaneously complete tree counting with localization and output mask of each tree at the same time. We first adopt a novel feature extractor network (FENet) to get features of input images, and then an effective strategy is introduced to deal with different mask predictions. In the end, we propose a basic localization guidance accompany with rectification guidance to train the network. We create two different datasets and select an existing challenging plant dataset to evaluate our method on three different tasks. Experimental results show the good performance improvement of our method compared with other existing methods. Further study shows that our method has great potential to reduce human labor and provide effective ground-truth masks and the results show the superiority of our method over the advanced methods.

Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images

Jinwang Wang, Wen Yang, Haowen Guo, Ruixiang Zhang, Gui-Song Xia

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Auto-TLDR; Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images Using Multiple Center Points Based Learning Network

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Object detection in Earth Vision has achieved great progress in recent years. However, tiny object detection in aerial images remains a very challenging problem since the tiny objects contain a small number of pixels and are easily confused with the background. To advance tiny object detection research in aerial images, we present a new dataset for Tiny Object Detection in Aerial Images (AI-TOD). Specifically, AI-TOD comes with 700,621 object instances for eight categories across 28,036 aerial images. Compared to existing object detection datasets in aerial images, the mean size of objects in AI-TOD is about 12.8 pixels, which is much smaller than others. To build a benchmark for tiny object detection in aerial images, we evaluate the state-of-the-art object detectors on our AI-TOD dataset. Experimental results show that direct application of these approaches on AI-TOD produces suboptimal object detection results, thus new specialized detectors for tiny object detection need to be designed. Therefore, we propose a multiple center points based learning network (M-CenterNet) to improve the localization performance of tiny object detection, and experimental results show the significant performance gain over the competitors.

Object Detection Model Based on Scene-Level Region Proposal Self-Attention

Yu Quan, Zhixin Li, Canlong Zhang, Huifang Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Semantic Informations for Object Detection

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The improvement of object detection performance is mostly focused on the extraction of local information near the region of interest in the image, which results in detection performance in this area being unable to achieve the desired effect. First, a depth-wise separable convolution network(D_SCNet-127 R-CNN) is built on the backbone network. Considering the importance of scene and semantic informations for visual recognition, the feature map is sent into the branch of the semantic segmentation module, region proposal network module, and the region proposal self-attention module to build the network of scene-level and region proposal self-attention module. Second, a deep reinforcement learning was utilized to achieve accurate positioning of border regression, and the calculation speed of the whole model was improved through implementing a light-weight head network. This model can effectively solve the limitation of feature extraction in traditional object detection and obtain more comprehensive detailed features. The experimental verification on MSCOCO17, VOC12, and Cityscapes datasets shows that the proposed method has good validity and scalability.

Accurate Cell Segmentation in Digital Pathology Images Via Attention Enforced Networks

Zeyi Yao, Kaiqi Li, Guanhong Zhang, Yiwen Luo, Xiaoguang Zhou, Muyi Sun

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Auto-TLDR; AENet: Attention Enforced Network for Automatic Cell Segmentation

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Automatic cell segmentation is an essential step in the pipeline of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), such as the detection and grading of breast cancer. Accurate segmentation of cells can not only assist the pathologists to make a more precise diagnosis, but also save much time and labor. However, this task suffers from stain variation, cell inhomogeneous intensities, background clutters and cells from different tissues. To address these issues, we propose an Attention Enforced Network (AENet), which is built on spatial attention module and channel attention module, to integrate local features with global dependencies and weight effective channels adaptively. Besides, we introduce a feature fusion branch to bridge high-level and low-level features. Finally, the marker controlled watershed algorithm is applied to post-process the predicted segmentation maps for reducing the fragmented regions. In the test stage, we present an individual color normalization method to deal with the stain variation problem. We evaluate this model on the MoNuSeg dataset. The quantitative comparisons against several prior methods demonstrate the priority of our approach.

Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images

Minglong Li, Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; GLANet: Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Errors in semantic segmentation task could be classified into two types: large area misclassification and local inaccurate boundaries. Previously attention based methods capture rich global contextual information, this is beneficial to diminish the first type of error, but local imprecision still exists. In this paper we propose Global-Local Attention Network (GLANet) with a simultaneous consideration of global context and local details. Specifically, our GLANet is composed of two branches namely global attention branch and local attention branch, and three different modules are embedded in the two branches for the purpose of modeling semantic interdependencies in spatial, channel and boundary dimensions respectively. We sum the outputs of the two branches to further improve feature representation, leading to more precise segmentation results. The proposed method achieves very competitive segmentation accuracy on two public aerial image datasets, bringing significant improvements over baseline.

Do Not Treat Boundaries and Regions Differently: An Example on Heart Left Atrial Segmentation

Zhou Zhao, Elodie Puybareau, Nicolas Boutry, Thierry Geraud

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Auto-TLDR; Attention Full Convolutional Network for Atrial Segmentation using ResNet-101 Architecture

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Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disease. Due to a lack of understanding in matter of underlying atrial structures, current treatments are still not satisfying. Recently, with the popularity of deep learning, many segmentation methods based on fully convolutional networks have been proposed to analyze atrial structures, especially from late gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. However, two problems still occur: 1) segmentation results include the atrial-like background; 2) boundaries are very hard to segment. Most segmentation approaches design a specific network that mainly focuses on the regions, to the detriment of the boundaries. Therefore, this paper proposes an attention full convolutional network framework based on the ResNet-101 architecture, which focuses on boundaries as much as on regions. The additional attention module is added to have the network pay more attention on regions and then to reduce the impact of the misleading similarity of neighboring tissues. We also use a hybrid loss composed of a region loss and a boundary loss to treat boundaries and regions at the same time. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach on the MICCAI 2018 Atrial Segmentation Challenge public dataset.

MagnifierNet: Learning Efficient Small-Scale Pedestrian Detector towards Multiple Dense Regions

Qi Cheng, Mingqin Chen, Yingjie Wu, Fei Chen, Shiping Lin

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Auto-TLDR; MagnifierNet: A Simple but Effective Small-Scale Pedestrian Detection Towards Multiple Dense Regions

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Despite the success of pedestrian detection, there is still a significant gap in the performance of the detection of pedestrians at different scales. Detecting small-scale pedestrians is extremely challenging due to the low resolution of their convolution features which is essential for downstream classifiers. To address this issue, we observed pedestrian datasets and found that pedestrians often gather together in crowded public places. Then we propose MagnifierNet, a simple but effective small-scale pedestrian detector towards multiple dense regions. MagnifierNet uses our proposed sweep-line based grouping algorithm to find dense regions based on the number of pedestrians in the grouped region. And we adopt a new definition of small-scale pedestrians through grid search and KL-divergence. Besides, our grouping method can also be used as a new strategy for pedestrian data augmentation. The ablation study demonstrates that MagnifierNet improves the representation of small-scale pedestrians. We validate the effectiveness of MagnifierNet on CityPersons and KITTI datasets. Experimental results show that MagnifierNet achieves the best small-scale pedestrian detection performance on CityPersons benchmark without any external data, and also achieves competitive performance for detecting small-scale pedestrians on KITTI dataset without bells and whistles.

One-Stage Multi-Task Detector for 3D Cardiac MR Imaging

Weizeng Lu, Xi Jia, Wei Chen, Nicolò Savioli, Antonio De Marvao, Linlin Shen, Declan O'Regan, Jinming Duan

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Learning for Real-Time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space

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Fast and accurate landmark location and bounding box detection are important steps in 3D medical imaging. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task learning framework, for real-time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space. Our method extends the famous single-shot multibox detector (SSD) from single-task learning to multi-task learning and from 2D to 3D. Furthermore, we propose a post-processing approach to refine the network landmark output, by averaging the candidate landmarks. Owing to these settings, the proposed framework is fast and accurate. For 3D cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images with size 224 × 224 × 64, our framework runs about 128 volumes per second (VPS) on GPU and achieves 6.75mm average point-to-point distance error for landmark location, which outperforms both state-of-the-art and baseline methods. We also show that segmenting the 3D image cropped with the bounding box results in both improved performance and efficiency.

Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

Dayang Yu, Rong Zhang, Shan Qin

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Auto-TLDR; Cascade Saliency Attention Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images

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Object detection in remote sensing images is a challenging task due to objects in the bird-view perspective appearing with arbitrary orientations. Though considerable progress has been made, there still exist challenges with the interference from complex backgrounds, dense arrangement, and large-scale variations. In this paper, we propose an oriented detector named Cascade Saliency Attention Network (CSAN), designed for comprehensively suppressing interference in remote sensing images. Specifically, we first combine context and pixel attention on feature maps to enhance saliency of objects for suppressing interference from backgrounds. Then, in cascade network, we apply instance segmentation on ROI to increase saliency of the central object, thus preventing object features from mutual interference in dense arrangement. Additionally, to alleviate large-scale variations, we devise a multi-scale merge module during FPN merging process to learn richer scale representations. Experimental results on DOTA and HRSC2016 datasets outperform other state-of-the-art object detection methods and verify the effectiveness of our method.

Small Object Detection by Generative and Discriminative Learning

Yi Gu, Jie Li, Chentao Wu, Weijia Jia, Jianping Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Generative and Discriminative Learning for Small Object Detection

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With the development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the object detection accuracy has been greatly improved. But the performance of small object detection is still far from satisfactory, mainly because small objects are so tiny that the information contained in the feature map is limited. Existing methods focus on improving classification accuracy but still suffer from the limitation of bounding box prediction. To solve this issue, we propose a detection framework by generative and discriminative learning. First, a reconstruction generator network is designed to reconstruct the mapping from low frequency to high frequency for anchor box prediction. Then, a detector module extracts the regions of interest (ROIs) from generated results and implements a RoI-Head to predict object category and refine bounding box. In order to guide the reconstructed image related to the corresponding one, a discriminator module is adopted to tell from the generated result and the original image. Extensive evaluations on the challenging MS-COCO dataset demonstrate that our model outperforms most state-of-the-art models in detecting small objects, especially the reconstruction module improves the average precision for small object (APs) by 7.7%.

DA-RefineNet: Dual-Inputs Attention RefineNet for Whole Slide Image Segmentation

Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Qianrun Wu, Bin Li

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Auto-TLDR; DA-RefineNet: A dual-inputs attention network for whole slide image segmentation

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Automatic medical image segmentation techniques have wide applications for disease diagnosing, however, its much more challenging than natural optical image segmentation tasks due to the high-resolution of medical images and the corresponding huge computation cost. Sliding window was a commonly used technique for whole slide image (WSI) segmentation, however, for these methods that based on sliding window, the main drawback was lacking of global contextual information for supervision. In this paper, we proposed a dual-inputs attention network (denoted as DA-RefineNet) for WSI segmentation, where both local fine-grained information and global coarse information can be efficiently utilized. Sufficient comparative experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the results proved that the proposed method can achieve better performance on WSI segmentation tasks compared to methods rely on single-input.

Attention Based Multi-Instance Thyroid Cytopathological Diagnosis with Multi-Scale Feature Fusion

Shuhao Qiu, Yao Guo, Chuang Zhu, Wenli Zhou, Huang Chen

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Auto-TLDR; A weakly supervised multi-instance learning framework based on attention mechanism with multi-scale feature fusion for thyroid cytopathological diagnosis

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In recent years, deep learning has been popular in combining with cytopathology diagnosis. Using the whole slide images (WSI) scanned by electronic scanners at clinics, researchers have developed many algorithms to classify the slide (benign or malignant). However, the key area that support the diagnosis result can be relatively small in a thyroid WSI, and only the global label can be acquired, which make the direct use of the strongly supervised learning framework infeasible. What’s more, because the clinical diagnosis of the thyroid cells requires the use of visual features in different scales, a generic feature extraction way may not achieve good performance. In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised multi-instance learning framework based on attention mechanism with multi-scale feature fusion (MSF) using convolutional neural network (CNN) for thyroid cytopathological diagnosis. We take each WSI as a bag, each bag contains multiple instances which are the different regions of the WSI, our framework is trained to learn the key area automatically and make the classification. We also propose a feature fusion structure, merge the low-level features into the final feature map and add an instance-level attention module in it, which improves the classification accuracy. Our model is trained and tested on the collected clinical data, reaches the accuracy of 93.2%, which outperforms the other existing methods. We also tested our model on a public histopathology dataset and achieves better result than the state-of-the-art deep multi-instance method.

Mutually Guided Dual-Task Network for Scene Text Detection

Mengbiao Zhao, Wei Feng, Fei Yin, Xu-Yao Zhang, Cheng-Lin Liu

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Auto-TLDR; A dual-task network for word-level and line-level text detection

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Scene text detection has been studied extensively. Existing methods detect either words or text lines and use either word-level or line-level annotated data for training. In this paper, we propose a dual-task network that can perform word-level and line-level text detection simultaneously and use training data of both levels of annotation to boost the performance. The dual-task network has two detection heads for word-level and line-level text detection, respectively. Then we propose a mutual guidance scheme for the joint training of the two tasks with two modules: line filtering module utilizes the output of the text line detector to filter out the non-text regions for the word detector, and word enhancing module provides prior positions of words for the text line detector depending on the output of the word detector. Experimental results of word-level and line-level text detection demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed dual-task network and mutual guidance scheme, and the results of our method are competitive with state-of-the-art methods.

End-To-End Deep Learning Methods for Automated Damage Detection in Extreme Events at Various Scales

Yongsheng Bai, Alper Yilmaz, Halil Sezen

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Mask R-CNN for Crack Detection in Extreme Events

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Robust Mask R-CNN (Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network) methods are proposed and tested for automatic detection of cracks on structures or their components that may be damaged during extreme events, such as earth-quakes. We curated a new dataset with 2,021 labeled images for training and validation and aimed to find end-to-end deep neural networks for crack detection in the field. With data augmentation and parameters fine-tuning, Path Aggregation Network (PANet) with spatial attention mechanisms and High-resolution Network (HRNet) are introduced into Mask R-CNNs. The tests on three public datasets with low- or high-resolution images demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve a big improvement over alternative networks, so the proposed method may be sufficient for crack detection for a variety of scales in real applications.

Image-Based Table Cell Detection: A New Dataset and an Improved Detection Method

Dafeng Wei, Hongtao Lu, Yi Zhou, Kai Chen

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Auto-TLDR; TableCell: A Semi-supervised Dataset for Table-wise Detection and Recognition

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The topic of table detection and recognition has been spotlighted in recent years, however, the latest works only aim at the coarse scene in table-wise detection. In this paper, we present TableCell, a new image-based dataset which contains 5262 samples with 170K high precision cell-wised annotations based on a novel semi-supervised method.. Several classical deep learning detection models are evaluated to build a strong baseline using the proposed dataset. Furthermore, we come up with an efficient table projection method to facilitate capturing long-range global feature, which consists of row projection and column projection. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed method improves the accuracy of table detection. Our dataset and code will be made available at upon publication.

MTGAN: Mask and Texture-Driven Generative Adversarial Network for Lung Nodule Segmentation

Wei Chen, Qiuli Wang, Kun Wang, Dan Yang, Xiaohong Zhang, Chen Liu, Yucong Li

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Auto-TLDR; Mask and Texture-driven Generative Adversarial Network for Lung Nodule Segmentation

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Accurate segmentation for lung nodules in lung computed tomography (CT) scans plays a key role in the early diagnosis of lung cancer. Many existing methods, especially UNet, have made significant progress in lung nodule segmentation. However, due to the complex shapes of lung nodules and the similarity of visual characteristics between nodules and lung tissues, an accurate segmentation with few false positives of lung nodules is still a challenging problem. Considering the fact that both boundary and texture information of lung nodules are important for obtaining an accurate segmentation result, we propose a novel Mask and Texture-driven Generative Adversarial Network (MTGAN) with a joint multi-scale L1 loss for lung nodule segmentation, which takes full advantages of U-Net and adversarial training. The proposed MTGAN leverages adversarial learning strategy guided by the boundary and texture information of lung nodules to generate more accurate segmentation results with lesser false positives. We validate our model with the LIDC–IDRI dataset, and experimental results show that our method achieves excellent segmentation results for a variety of lung nodules, especially for juxtapleural nodules and low-dense nodules. Without any bells and whistles, the proposed MTGAN achieves significant segmentation performance with the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 85.24% on the LIDC–IDRI dataset.

Semantic Segmentation Refinement Using Entropy and Boundary-guided Monte Carlo Sampling and Directed Regional Search

Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Ruojing Wang, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Directed Region Search and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation requires both large receptive field and accurate spatial information. Despite existing methods based on fully convolutional network have greatly improved the accuracy, the prediction results still do not show satisfactory on small objects and boundary regions. We propose a refinement algorithm to improve the result generated by front network. Our method takes a modified U-shape network to generate both of segmentation mask and semantic boundary, which are used as inputs of refinement algorithm. We creatively introduce information entropy to represent the confidence of the neural network's prediction corresponding to each pixel. The information entropy combined with the semantic boundary can capture those unpredictable pixels with low-confidence through Monte Carlo sampling. Each selected pixel will be used as initial seeds for directed region search and refinement. Our purpose is to search the neighbor high-confidence regions according to the initial seeds. The re-labeling approach is based on high-confidence results. Particularly, different from general region growing methods, our method adopts a directed region search strategy based on gradient descent to find the high-confidence region effectively. Our method improves the performance both on Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC datasets. In the evaluation of segmentation accuracy of some small objects, our method surpasses most of state of the art methods.

RescueNet: Joint Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery

Rohit Gupta, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; RescueNet: End-to-End Building Segmentation and Damage Classification for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response

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Accurate and fine-grained information about the extent of damage to buildings is essential for directing Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) operations in the immediate aftermath of any natural calamity. In recent years, satellite and UAV (drone) imagery has been used for this purpose, sometimes aided by computer vision algorithms. Existing Computer Vision approaches for building damage assessment typically rely on a two stage approach, consisting of building detection using an object detection model, followed by damage assessment through classification of the detected building tiles. These multi-stage methods are not end-to-end trainable, and suffer from poor overall results. We propose RescueNet, a unified model that can simultaneously segment buildings and assess the damage levels to individual buildings and can be trained end-to end. In order to to model the composite nature of this problem, we propose a novel localization aware loss function, which consists of a Binary Cross Entropy loss for building segmentation, and a foreground only selective Categorical Cross-Entropy loss for damage classification, and show significant improvement over the widely used Cross-Entropy loss. RescueNet is tested on the large scale and diverse xBD dataset and achieves significantly better building segmentation and damage classification performance than previous methods and achieves generalization across varied geographical regions and disaster types.

A Benchmark Dataset for Segmenting Liver, Vasculature and Lesions from Large-Scale Computed Tomography Data

Bo Wang, Zhengqing Xu, Wei Xu, Qingsen Yan, Liang Zhang, Zheng You

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Auto-TLDR; The Biggest Treatment-Oriented Liver Cancer Dataset for Segmentation

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How to build a high-performance liver-related computer assisted diagnosis system is an open question of great interest. However, the performance of the state-of-art algorithm is always limited by the amount of data and quality of the label. To address this problem, we propose the biggest treatment-oriented liver cancer dataset for liver surgery and treatment planning. This dataset provides 216 cases (totally about 268K frames) scanned images in contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). We labeled all the CT images with the liver, liver vasculature and liver tumor segmentation ground truth for train and tune segmentation algorithms in advance. Based on that, we evaluate several recent and state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms, including 7 deep learning methods, on CT sequences. All results are compared to reference segmentations five error metrics that highlight different aspects of segmentation accuracy. In general, compared with previous datasets, our dataset is really a challenging dataset. To our knowledge, the proposed dataset and benchmark allow for the first time systematic exploration of such issues, and will be made available to allow for further research in this field.

Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

Mucong Ye, Ouyang Jinpeng, Ge Chen, Jing Zhang, Xiaogang Yu

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Auto-TLDR; EFPN: Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Multi-scale feature fusion has been an effective way for improving the performance of semantic segmentation. However, current methods generally fail to consider the semantic gaps between the shallow (low-level) and deep (high-level) features and thus the fusion methods may not be optimal. In this paper, to address the issues of the semantic gap between the feature from different layers, we propose a unified framework based on the U-shape encoder-decoder architecture, named Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network (EFPN). Specifically, the semantic enhancement module (SEM), boundary extraction module (BEM), and context aggregation model (CAM) are incorporated into the decoder network to improve the robustness of the multi-level features aggregation. In addition, a global fusion model (GFM) in encoder branch is proposed to capture more semantic information in the deep layers and effectively transmit the high-level semantic features to each layer. Extensive experiments are conducted and the results show that the proposed framework achieves the state-of-the-art results on three public datasets, namely PASCAL VOC 2012, Cityscapes, and PASCAL Context. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for other visual tasks that require frequent fusing features and upsampling.

End-To-End Multi-Task Learning for Lung Nodule Segmentation and Diagnosis

Wei Chen, Qiuli Wang, Dan Yang, Xiaohong Zhang, Chen Liu, Yucong Li

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Auto-TLDR; A novel multi-task framework for lung nodule diagnosis based on deep learning and medical features

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Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems for lung nodule diagnosis based on deep learning have attracted much attention in recent years. However, most existing methods ignore the relationships between the segmentation and classification tasks, which leads to unstable performances. To address this problem, we propose a novel multi-task framework, which can provide lung nodule segmentation mask, malignancy prediction, and medical features for interpretable diagnosis at the same time. Our framework mainly contains two sub-network: (1) Multi-Channel Segmentation Sub-network (MSN) for lung nodule segmentation, and (2) Joint Classification Sub-network (JCN) for interpretable lung nodule diagnosis. In the proposed framework, we use U-Net down-sampling processes for extracting low-level deep learning features, which are shared by two sub-networks. The JCN forces the down-sampling processes to learn better lowlevel deep features, which lead to a better construct of segmentation masks. Meanwhile, two additional channels constructed by OTSU and super-pixel (SLIC) methods, are utilized as the guideline of the feature extraction. The proposed framework takes advantages of deep learning methods and classical methods, which can significantly improve the performances of all tasks. We evaluate the proposed framework on public dataset LIDCIDRI. Our framework achieves a promising Dice score of 86.43% in segmentation, 87.07% in malignancy level prediction, and convincing results in interpretable medical feature predictions.

A Novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segmentation

Leonardo Rossi, Akbar Karimi, Andrea Prati

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Auto-TLDR; Generic RoI Extractor for Two-Stage Neural Network for Instance Segmentation

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Given the wide diffusion of deep neural network architectures for computer vision tasks, several new applications are nowadays more and more feasible. Among them, a particular attention has been recently given to instance segmentation, by exploiting the results achievable by two-stage networks (such as Mask R-CNN or Faster R-CNN), derived from R-CNN. In these complex architectures, a crucial role is played by the Region of Interest (RoI) extraction layer, devoted to extract a coherent subset of features from a single Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) layer attached on top of a backbone. This paper is motivated by the need to overcome to the limitations of existing RoI extractors which select only one (the best) layer from FPN. Our intuition is that all the layers of FPN retain useful information. Therefore, the proposed layer (called Generic RoI Extractor - GRoIE) introduces non-local building blocks and attention mechanisms to boost the performance. A comprehensive ablation study at component level is conducted to find the best set of algorithms and parameters for the GRoIE layer. Moreover, GRoIE can be integrated seamlessly with every two-stage architecture for both object detection and instance segmentation tasks. Therefore, the improvements brought by the use of GRoIE in different state-of-the-art architectures are also evaluated. The proposed layer leads up to gain a 1.1% AP on bounding box detection and 1.7% AP on instance segmentation. The code is publicly available on GitHub repository at

Scene Text Detection with Selected Anchors

Anna Zhu, Hang Du, Shengwu Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; AS-RPN: Anchor Selection-based Region Proposal Network for Scene Text Detection

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Object proposal technique with dense anchoring scheme for scene text detection were applied frequently to achieve high recall. It results in the significant improvement in accuracy but waste of computational searching, regression and classification. In this paper, we propose an anchor selection-based region proposal network (AS-RPN) using effective selected anchors instead of dense anchors to extract text proposals. The center, scales, aspect ratios and orientations of anchors are learnable instead of fixing, which leads to high recall and greatly reduced numbers of anchors. By replacing the anchor-based RPN in Faster RCNN, the AS-RPN-based Faster RCNN can achieve comparable performance with previous state-of-the-art text detecting approaches on standard benchmarks, including COCO-Text, ICDAR2013, ICDAR2015 and MSRA-TD500 when using single-scale and single model (ResNet50) testing only.

Cross-View Relation Networks for Mammogram Mass Detection

Ma Jiechao, Xiang Li, Hongwei Li, Ruixuan Wang, Bjoern Menze, Wei-Shi Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-view Modeling for Mass Detection in Mammogram

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In medical image analysis, multi-view modeling is crucial for pathology detection when the target lesion is presented in different views, e.g. mass lesions in breast. Currently mammogram is the most effective imaging modality for mass lesion detection of breast cancer at the early stage. The pathological information from the two paired views (i.e., medio-lateral oblique and cranio-caudal) are highly relational and complementary, which is crucial for diagnosis in clinical practice. Existing mass detection methods do not consider learning synergistic features from the two relational views. For the first time, we propose a novel mass detection framework to capture the latent relation information from the two paired views of a same mass in mammogram. We evaluate our model on a public mammogram dataset and a large-scale private dataset, demonstrating that the proposed method outperforms existing feature fusion approaches and state-of-the-art mass detection methods. We further analyze the performance gains from the relation modeling. Our quantitative and qualitative results suggest that jointly learning cross-view features boosts the detection performance of existing models, which is a promising avenue for mass detection task in mammogram.

Semantic Segmentation of Breast Ultrasound Image with Pyramid Fuzzy Uncertainty Reduction and Direction Connectedness Feature

Kuan Huang, Yingtao Zhang, Heng-Da Cheng, Ping Xing, Boyu Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Uncertainty-Based Deep Learning for Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation

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Deep learning approaches have achieved impressive results in breast ultrasound (BUS) image segmentation. However, these methods did not solve uncertainty and noise in BUS images well. To address this issue, we present a novel deep learning structure for BUS image semantic segmentation by analyzing the uncertainty using a pyramid fuzzy block and generating a novel feature based on connectedness. Firstly, feature maps in the proposed network are down-sampled to different resolutions. Fuzzy transformation and uncertainty representation are applied to each resolution to obtain the uncertainty degree on different scales. Meanwhile, the BUS images contain layer structures. From top to bottom, there are skin layer, fat layer, mammary layer, muscle layer, and background area. A spatial recurrent neural network (RNN) is utilized to calculate the connectedness between each pixel and the pixels on the four boundaries in horizontal and vertical lines. The spatial-wise context feature can introduce the characteristic of layer structure to deep neural network. Finally, the original convolutional features are combined with connectedness feature according to the uncertainty degrees. The proposed methods are applied to two datasets: a BUS image benchmark with two categories (background and tumor) and a five-category BUS image dataset with fat layer, mammary layer, muscle layer, background, and tumor. The proposed method achieves the best results on both datasets compared with eight state-of-the-art deep learning-based approaches.

Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Hanzhe Hu, Jinshi Cui, Jinshi Hongbin Zha

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Auto-TLDR; Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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Recent works have made great progress in semantic segmentation by exploiting contextual information in a local or global manner with dilated convolutions, pyramid pooling or self-attention mechanism. However, few works have focused on harvesting boundary information to improve the segmentation performance. In order to enhance the feature similarity within the object and keep discrimination from other objects, we propose a boundary-aware graph convolution (BGC) module to propagate features within the object. The graph reasoning is performed among pixels of the same object apart from the boundary pixels. Based on the proposed BGC module, we further introduce the Boundary-aware Graph Convolution Network(BGCNet), which consists of two main components including a basic segmentation network and the BGC module, forming a coarse-to-fine paradigm. Specifically, the BGC module takes the coarse segmentation feature map as node features and boundary prediction to guide graph construction. After graph convolution, the reasoned feature and the input feature are fused together to get the refined feature, producing the refined segmentation result. We conduct extensive experiments on three popular semantic segmentation benchmarks including Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC 2012 and COCO Stuff, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all three benchmarks.

Multiscale Attention-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Yifei Zhang, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; Few-shot Semantic Segmentation with Multiscale Feature Attention

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Deep learning-based image understanding techniques require a large number of labeled images for training. Few-shot semantic segmentation, on the contrary, aims at generalizing the segmentation ability of the model to new categories given only a few labeled samples. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel prototypical network (MAPnet) with multiscale feature attention. To fully exploit the representative features of target classes, we firstly extract rich contextual information of labeled support images via a multiscale feature enhancement module. The learned prototypes from support features provide further semantic guidance on the query image. Then we adaptively integrate multiple similarity-guided probability maps by attention mechanism, yielding an optimal pixel-wise prediction. Furthermore, the proposed method was validated on the PASCAL-5i dataset in terms of 1-way N-shot evaluation. We also test the model with weak annotations, including scribble and bounding box annotations. Both the qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the advantages of our approach over other state-of-the-art methods.

DE-Net: Dilated Encoder Network for Automated Tongue Segmentation

Hui Tang, Bin Wang, Jun Zhou, Yongsheng Gao

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Tongue Image Segmentation using De-Net

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Automated tongue recognition is a growing research field due to global demand for personal health care. Using mobile devices to take tongue pictures is convenient and of low cost for tongue recognition. It is particularly suitable for self-health evaluation of the public. However, images taken by mobile devices are easily affected by various imaging environment, which makes fine segmentation a more challenging task compared with those taken by specialized acquisition devices. Deep learning approaches are promising for tongue image segmentation because they have powerful feature learning and representation capability. However, the successive pooling operations in these methods lead to loss of information on image details, making them fail when segmenting low-quality images captured by mobile devices. To address this issue, we propose a dilated encoder network (DE-Net) to capture more high-level features and get high-resolution output for automated tongue image segmentation. In addition, we construct two tongue image datasets which contain images taken by specialized devices and mobile devices, respectively, to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experimental results on both datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in tongue image segmentation.

Dual Encoder Fusion U-Net (DEFU-Net) for Cross-manufacturer Chest X-Ray Segmentation

Zhang Lipei, Aozhi Liu, Jing Xiao

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Auto-TLDR; Inception Convolutional Neural Network with Dilation for Chest X-Ray Segmentation

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A number of methods based on the deep learning have been applied to medical image segmentation and have achieved state-of-the-art performance. The most famous technique is U-Net which has been used to many medical datasets including the Chest X-ray. Due to the importance of chest x- ray data in studying COVID-19, there is a demand for state-of- art models capable of precisely segmenting chest x-rays. In this paper, we propose a dual encoder fusion U-Net framework for Chest X-rays based on Inception Convolutional Neural Network with dilation, Densely Connected Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network, which is named DEFU-Net. The densely connected recurrent path extends the network deeper for facilitating context feature extraction. In order to increase the width of network and enrich representation of features, the inception blocks with dilation have been used. The inception blocks can capture globally and locally spatial information with various receptive fields to avoid information loss caused by max-pooling. Meanwhile, the features fusion of two path by summation preserve the context and the spatial information for decoding part. We applied this model in Chest X-ray dataset from two different manufacturers (Montgomery and Shenzhen hospital). The DEFU-Net achieves the better performance than basic U-Net, residual U-Net, BCDU- Net, R2U-Net and attention R2U-Net. This model approaches state-of-the-art in this mixed dataset. The open source code for this proposed framework is public available.

UHRSNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network Specifically for Ultra-High-Resolution Images

Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Ultra-High-Resolution Segmentation with Local and Global Feature Fusion

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Abstract—Semantic segmentation is a basic task in computer vision, but only limited attention has been devoted to the ultra-high-resolution (UHR) image segmentation. Since UHR images occupy too much memory, they cannot be directly put into GPU for training. Previous methods are cropping images to small patches or downsampling the whole images. Cropping and downsampling cause the loss of contexts and details, which is essential for segmentation accuracy. To solve this problem, we improve and simplify the local and global feature fusion method in previous works. Local features are extracted from patches and global features are from downsampled images. Meanwhile, we propose one new fusion called local feature fusion for the first time, which can make patches get information from surrounding patches. We call the network with these two fusions ultra-high-resolution segmentation network (UHRSNet). These two fusions can effectively and efficiently solve the problem caused by cropping and downsampling. Experiments show a remarkable improvement on Deepglobe dataset.

Learn to Segment Retinal Lesions and Beyond

Qijie Wei, Xirong Li, Weihong Yu, Xiao Zhang, Yongpeng Zhang, Bojie Hu, Bin Mo, Di Gong, Ning Chen, Dayong Ding, Youxin Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Lesion Segmentation and Disease Classification for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading

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Towards automated retinal screening, this paper makes an endeavor to simultaneously achieve pixel-level retinal lesion segmentation and image-level disease classification. Such a multi-task approach is crucial for accurate and clinically interpretable disease diagnosis. Prior art is insufficient due to three challenges, i.e., lesions lacking objective boundaries, clinical importance of lesions irrelevant to their size, and the lack of one-to-one correspondence between lesion and disease classes. This paper attacks the three challenges in the context of diabetic retinopathy (DR) grading. We propose Lesion-Net, a new variant of fully convolutional networks, with its expansive path re- designed to tackle the first challenge. A dual Dice loss that leverages both semantic segmentation and image classification losses is introduced to resolve the second challenge. Lastly, we build a multi-task network that employs Lesion-Net as a side- attention branch for both DR grading and result interpretation. A set of 12K fundus images is manually segmented by 45 ophthalmologists for 8 DR-related lesions, resulting in 290K manual segments in total. Extensive experiments on this large- scale dataset show that our proposed approach surpasses the prior art for multiple tasks including lesion segmentation, lesion classification and DR grading.

Multi-Direction Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Dehui Li, Zhiguo Cao, Ke Xian, Xinyuan Qi, Chao Zhang, Hao Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Direction Convolution for Contextual Segmentation

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Context is known to be one of crucial factors effecting the performance improvement of semantic segmentation. However, state-of-the-art segmentation models built upon fully convolutional networks are inherently weak in encoding contextual information because of stacked local operations such as convolution and pooling. Failing to capture context leads to inferior segmentation performance. Despite many context modules have been proposed to relieve this problem, they still operate in a local manner or use the same contextual information in different positions (due to upsampling). In this paper, we introduce the idea of Multi-Direction Convolution (MDC)—a novel operator capable of encoding rich contextual information. This operator is inspired by an observation that the standard convolution only slides along the spatial dimension (x, y direction) where the channel dimension (z direction) is fixed, which renders slow growth of the receptive field (RF). If considering the channel-fixed convolution to be one-direction, MDC is multi-direction in the sense that MDC slides along both spatial and channel dimensions, i.e., it slides along x, y when z is fixed, along x, z when y is fixed, and along y, z when x is fixed. In this way, MDC is able to encode rich contextual information with the fast increase of the RF. Compared to existing context modules, the encoded context is position-sensitive because no upsampling is required. MDC is also efficient and easy to implement. It can be implemented with few standard convolution layers with permutation. We show through extensive experiments that MDC effectively and selectively enlarges the RF and outperforms existing contextual modules on two standard benchmarks, including Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC2012.

Hybrid Cascade Point Search Network for High Precision Bar Chart Component Detection

Junyu Luo, Jinpeng Wang, Chin-Yew Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Object Detection of Chart Components in Chart Images Using Point-based and Region-Based Object Detection Framework

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Charts are commonly used for data visualization. One common form of chart distribution is in its image form. To enable machine comprehension of chart images, precise detection of chart components in chart images is a critical step. Existing image object detection methods do not perform well in chart component detection which requires high boundary detection precision. And traditional rule-based approaches lack enough generalization ability. In order to address this problem, we design a novel two-stage object detection framework that combines point-based and region-based ideas, by simulating the process that human creating bounding boxes for objects. The experiment on our labeled ChartDet dataset shows our method greatly improves the performance of chart object detection. We further extend our method to a general object detection task and get comparable performance.

Nighttime Pedestrian Detection Based on Feature Attention and Transformation

Gang Li, Shanshan Zhang, Jian Yang

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Auto-TLDR; FAM and FTM: Enhanced Feature Attention Module and Feature Transformation Module for nighttime pedestrian detection

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Pedestrian detection at nighttime is an important yet challenging task, which is fundamental for many practical applications, e.g. autonomous driving, video surveillance. To address this problem, in this work we start with some analysis, from which we find that the nighttime features have much more noise than that of daytime, resulting in low discrimination ability. Besides, we also observe some pedestrian examples are under adverse illumination conditions, and they can hardly provide sufficient information for accurate detection. Based on these findings, we propose the Feature Attention Module (FAM) and Feature Transformation Module (FTM) to enhance nighttime features. In FAM, guided by progressive segmentation supervision, hierarchical feature attention is produced to enhance multi-level features. On the other hand, FTM is introduced to enforce features from adverse illumination to approach that from better illumination. Based on feature attention and transformation (FAT) mechanism, a two-stage detector called FATNet is constructed for nighttime pedestrian detection. We conduct extensive experiments on nighttime datasets of EuroCity Persons (Night) and NightOwls to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. On both two datasets, our method achieves significant improvements to the baseline and also outperforms state-of-the-art detectors.

FOANet: A Focus of Attention Network with Application to Myocardium Segmentation

Zhou Zhao, Elodie Puybareau, Nicolas Boutry, Thierry Geraud

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Auto-TLDR; FOANet: A Hybrid Loss Function for Myocardium Segmentation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images

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In myocardium segmentation of cardiac magnetic resonance images, ambiguities often appear near the boundaries of the target domains due to tissue similarities. To address this issue, we propose a new architecture, called FOANet, which can be decomposed in three main steps: a localization step, a Gaussian-based contrast enhancement step, and a segmentation step. This architecture is supplied with a hybrid loss function that guides the FOANet to study the transformation relationship between the input image and the corresponding label in a threelevel hierarchy (pixel-, patch- and map-level), which is helpful to improve segmentation and recovery of the boundaries. We demonstrate the efficiency of our approach on two public datasets in terms of regional and boundary segmentations.

Feature Embedding Based Text Instance Grouping for Largely Spaced and Occluded Text Detection

Pan Gao, Qi Wan, Renwu Gao, Linlin Shen

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Auto-TLDR; Text Instance Embedding Based Feature Embeddings for Multiple Text Instance Grouping

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A text instance can be easily detected as multiple ones due to the large space between texts/characters, curved shape and partial occlusion. In this paper, a feature embedding based text instance grouping algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. To learn the feature space, a TIEM (Text Instance Embedding Module) is trained to minimize the within instance scatter and maximize the between instance scatter. Similarity between different text instances are measured in the feature space and merged if they meet certain conditions. Experimental results show that our approach can effectively connect text regions that belong to the same text instance. Competitive performance of our approach has been achieved on CTW1500, Total-Text, IC15 and a subset consists of texts selected from the three datasets, with large spacing and occlusions.

Hierarchical Head Design for Object Detectors

Shivang Agarwal, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; Hierarchical Anchor for SSD Detector

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The notion of anchor plays a major role in modern detection algorithms such as the Faster-RCNN or the SSD detector. Anchors relate the features of the last layers of the detector with bounding boxes containing objects in images. Despite their importance, the literature on object detection has not paid real attention to them. The motivation of this paper comes from the observations that (i) each anchor learns to classify and regress candidate objects independently (ii) insufficient examples are available for each anchor in case of small-scale datasets. This paper addresses these questions by proposing a novel hierarchical head for the SSD detector. The new design has the added advantage of no extra weights, as compared to the original design at inference time, while improving detectors performance for small size training sets. Improved performance on PASCAL-VOC and state-of-the-art performance on FlickrLogos-47 validate the method. We also show when the proposed design does not give additional performance gain over the original design.