Detecting Anomalies from Video-Sequences: A Novel Descriptor

Giulia Orrù, Davide Ghiani, Maura Pintor, Gian Luca Marcialis, Fabio Roli

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Auto-TLDR; Trit-based Measurement of Group Dynamics for Crowd Behavior Analysis and Anomaly Detection

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We present a novel descriptor for crowd behavior analysis and anomaly detection. The goal is to measure by appropriate patterns the speed of formation and disintegration of groups in the crowd. This descriptor is inspired by the concept of one-dimensional local binary patterns: in our case, such patterns depend on the number of group observed in a time window. An appropriate measurement unit, named "trit" (trinary digit), represents three possible dynamic states of groups on a certain frame. Our hypothesis is that abrupt variations of the groups' number may be due to an anomalous event that can be accordingly detected, by translating these variations on temporal trit-based sequence of strings which are significantly different from the one describing the "no-anomaly" one. Due to the peculiarity of the rationale behind this work, relying on the number of groups, three different methods of people group's extraction are compared. Experiments are carried out on the Motion-Emotion benchmark data set. Reported results point out in which cases the trit-based measurement of group dynamics allows us to detect the anomaly. Besides the promising performance of our approach, we show how it is correlated with the anomaly typology and the camera's perspective to the crowd's flow (frontal, lateral).

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Anomaly Detection, Localization and Classification for Railway Inspection

Riccardo Gasparini, Andrea D'Eusanio, Guido Borghi, Stefano Pini, Giuseppe Scaglione, Simone Calderara, Eugenio Fedeli, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Anomaly Detection and Localization using thermal images in the lowlight environment

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The ability to detect, localize and classify objects that are anomalies is a challenging task in the computer vision community. In this paper, we tackle these tasks developing a framework to automatically inspect the railway during the night. Specifically, it is able to predict the presence, the image coordinates and the class of obstacles. To deal with the lowlight environment, the framework is based on thermal images and consists of three different modules that address the problem of detecting anomalies, predicting their image coordinates and classifying them. Moreover, due to the absolute lack of publicly released datasets collected in the railway context for anomaly detection, we introduce a new multi-modal dataset, acquired from a rail drone, used to evaluate the proposed framework. Experimental results confirm the accuracy of the framework and its suitability, in terms of computational load, performance, and inference time, to be implemented on a self-powered inspection system.

Ground-truthing Large Human Behavior Monitoring Datasets

Tehreem Qasim, Robert Fisher, Naeem Bhatti

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-automated Groundtruthing for Large Video Datasets

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We present a groundtruthing approach which is applicable to large video datasets collected for studying people’s behavior, and which are recorded at a low frame per second (fps) rate. Groundtruthing a large dataset manually is a time consuming task and is prone to errors. The proposed approach is semi-automated (using a combination of deepnet and traditional image analysis) to minimize human labeler’s interaction with the video frames. The framework employs mask-rcnn as a people counter followed by human assisted semi-automated tests to correct the wrong labels. Subsequently, a bounding box extraction algorithm is used which is fully automated for frames with a single person and semi-automated for frames with two or more people. We also propose a methodology for anomaly detection i.e., collapse on table or floor. Behavior recognition is performed by using a fine-tuned alexnet convolutional neural network. The people detection and behavior analysis components of the framework are primarily designed to help reduce human labor in ground-truthing so that minimal human involvement is required. They are not meant to be employed as fully automated state-of-the-art systems. The proposed approach is validated on a new dataset presented in this paper, containing human activity in an indoor office environment and recorded at 1 fps as well as an indoor video sequence recorded at 15 fps. Experimental results show a significant reduction in human labor involved in the process of ground-truthing i.e., the number of potential clicks for office dataset was reduced by 99.2% and for the additional test video by 99.7%.

Electroencephalography Signal Processing Based on Textural Features for Monitoring the Driver’s State by a Brain-Computer Interface

Giulia Orrù, Marco Micheletto, Fabio Terranova, Gian Luca Marcialis

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Auto-TLDR; One-dimensional Local Binary Pattern Algorithm for Estimating Driver Vigilance in a Brain-Computer Interface System

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In this study we investigate a textural processing method of electroencephalography (EEG) signal as an indicator to estimate the driver's vigilance in a hypothetical Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) system. The novelty of the solution proposed relies on employing the one-dimensional Local Binary Pattern (1D-LBP) algorithm for feature extraction from pre-processed EEG data. From the resulting feature vector, the classification is done according to three vigilance classes: awake, tired and drowsy. The claim is that the class transitions can be detected by describing the variations of the micro-patterns' occurrences along the EEG signal. The 1D-LBP is able to describe them by detecting mutual variations of the signal temporarily "close" as a short bit-code. Our analysis allows to conclude that the 1D-LBP adoption has led to significant performance improvement. Moreover, capturing the class transitions from the EEG signal is effective, although the overall performance is not yet good enough to develop a BCI for assessing the driver's vigilance in real environments.

Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos

Taanya Gupta, Hengyue Liu, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Smoke in Videos during Forest Fire

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Recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicles and camera technology have proven useful for the detection of smoke that emerges above the trees during a forest fire. Automatic detection of smoke in videos is of great interest to Fire department. To date, in most parts of the world, the fire is not detected in its early stage and generally it turns catastrophic. This paper introduces a novel technique that integrates spatial and temporal features in a deep learning framework using semi-supervised spatio-temporal video object segmentation and dense optical flow. However, detecting this smoke in the presence of haze and without the labeled data is difficult. Considering the visibility of haze in the sky, a dark channel pre-processing method is used that reduces the amount of haze in video frames and consequently improves the detection results. Online training is performed on a video at the time of testing that reduces the need for ground-truth data. Tests using the publicly available video datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous work and they are robust across different wildfire-threatened locations.

Video Anomaly Detection by Estimating Likelihood of Representations

Yuqi Ouyang, Victor Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Video Anomaly Detection in the latent feature space using a deep probabilistic model

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Video anomaly detection is a challenging task not only because it involves solving many sub-tasks such as motion representation, object localization and action recognition, but also because it is commonly considered as an unsupervised learning problem that involves detecting outliers. Traditionally, solutions to this task have focused on the mapping between video frames and their low-dimensional features, while ignoring the spatial connections of those features. Recent solutions focus on analyzing these spatial connections by using hard clustering techniques, such as K-Means, or applying neural networks to map latent features to a general understanding, such as action attributes. In order to solve video anomaly in the latent feature space, we propose a deep probabilistic model to transfer this task into a density estimation problem where latent manifolds are generated by a deep denoising autoencoder and clustered by expectation maximization. Evaluations on several benchmarks datasets show the strengths of our model, achieving outstanding performance on challenging datasets.

Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Learning for Fall Detection with Thermal Imaging

Vineet Mehta, Abhinav Dhall, Sujata Pal, Shehroz Khan

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Fall Detection with Adversarial Network using Thermal Imaging Camera

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Automatic fall detection is a vital technology for ensuring health and safety of people. Home based camera systems for fall detection often put people's privacy at risk. Thermal cameras can partially/fully obfuscate facial features, thus preserving the privacy of a person. Another challenge is the less occurrence of falls in comparison to normal activities of daily living. As fall occurs rarely, it is non-trivial to learn algorithms due to class imbalance. To handle these problems, we formulate fall detection as an anomaly detection within an adversarial framework using thermal imaging camera. We present a novel adversarial network that comprise of two channel 3D convolutional auto encoders; one each handling video sequences and optical flow, which then reconstruct the thermal data and the optical flow input sequences. We introduce a differential constraint, a technique to track the region of interest and a joint discriminator to compute the reconstruction error. Larger reconstruction error indicates the occurrence of fall in a video sequence. The experiments on a publicly available thermal fall dataset show the superior results obtained in comparison to standard baseline.

Dual-Mode Iterative Denoiser: Tackling the Weak Label for Anomaly Detection

Shuheng Lin, Hua Yang

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Auto-TLDR; A Dual-Mode Iterative Denoiser for Crowd Anomaly Detection

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Crowd anomaly detection suffers from limited training data under weak supervision. In this paper, we propose a dual-mode iterative denoiser to tackle the weak label challenge for anomaly detection. First, we use a convolution autoencoder (CAE) in image space to act as a cluster for grouping similar video clips, where the spatial-temporal similarity helps the cluster metric to represent the reconstruction error. Then we use the graph convolution neural network (GCN) to explore the temporal correlation and the feature similarity between video clips within different rough labels, where the classifier can be constantly updated in the label denoising process. Without specific image-level labels, our model can predict the clip-level anomaly probabilities for videos. Extensive experiment results on two public datasets show that our approach performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods.

RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection

Ming Cheng, Kunjing Cai, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Flow Gated Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Cameras

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In recent years, surveillance cameras are widely deployed in public places, and the general crime rate has been reduced significantly due to these ubiquitous devices. Usually, these cameras provide cues and evidence after crimes were conducted, while they are rarely used to prevent or stop criminal activities in time. It is both time and labor consuming to manually monitor a large amount of video data from surveillance cameras. Therefore, automatically recognizing violent behaviors from video signals becomes essential. In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with 2,000 videos all captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 87.25% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. The proposed database and source codes of this paper are currently open to access.

Video Analytics Gait Trend Measurement for Fall Prevention and Health Monitoring

Lawrence O'Gorman, Xinyi Liu, Md Imran Sarker, Mariofanna Milanova

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Auto-TLDR; Towards Health Monitoring of Gait with Deep Learning

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We design a video analytics system to measure gait over time and detect trend and outliers in the data. The purpose is for health monitoring, the thesis being that trend especially can lead to early detection of declining health and be used to prevent accidents such as falls in the elderly. We use the OpenPose deep learning tool for recognizing the back and neck angle features of walking people, and measure speed as well. Trend and outlier statistics are calculated upon time series of these features. A challenge in this work is lack of testing data of decaying gait. We first designed experiments to measure consistency of the system on a healthy population, then analytically altered this real data to simulate gait decay. Results on about 4000 gait samples of 50 people over 3 months showed good separation of healthy gait subjects from those with trend or outliers, and furthermore the trend measurement was able to detect subtle decay in gait not easily discerned by the human eye.

Learning Dictionaries of Kinematic Primitives for Action Classification

Alessia Vignolo, Nicoletta Noceti, Alessandra Sciutti, Francesca Odone, Giulio Sandini

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Auto-TLDR; Action Understanding using Visual Motion Primitives

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This paper proposes a method based on visual motion primitives to address the problem of action understanding. The approach builds in an unsupervised way a dictionary of kinematic primitives from a set of sub-movements obtained by segmenting the velocity profile of an action on the basis of local minima derived directly from the optical flow. The dictionary is then used to describe each sub-movement as a linear combination of atoms using sparse coding. The descriptive capability of the proposed motion representation is experimentally validated on the MoCA dataset, a collection of synchronized multi-view videos and motion capture data of cooking activities. The results show that the approach, despite its simplicity, has a good performance in action classification, especially when the motion primitives are combined over time. Also, the method is proved to be tolerant to view point changes, and can thus support cross-view action recognition. Overall, the method may be seen as a backbone of a general approach to action understanding, with potential applications in robotics.

Temporal Binary Representation for Event-Based Action Recognition

Simone Undri Innocenti, Federico Becattini, Federico Pernici, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Binary Representation for Gesture Recognition

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In this paper we present an event aggregation strategy to convert the output of an event camera into frames processable by traditional Computer Vision algorithms. The proposed method first generates sequences of intermediate binary representations, which are then losslessly transformed into a compact format by simply applying a binary-to-decimal conversion. This strategy allows us to encode temporal information directly into pixel values, which are then interpreted by deep learning models. We apply our strategy, called Temporal Binary Representation, to the task of Gesture Recognition, obtaining state of the art results on the popular DVS128 Gesture Dataset. To underline the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to existing ones, we also collect an extension of the dataset under more challenging conditions on which to perform experiments.

PIF: Anomaly detection via preference embedding

Filippo Leveni, Luca Magri, Giacomo Boracchi, Cesare Alippi

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Auto-TLDR; PIF: Anomaly Detection with Preference Embedding for Structured Patterns

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We address the problem of detecting anomalies with respect to structured patterns. To this end, we conceive a novel anomaly detection method called PIF, that combines the advantages of adaptive isolation methods with the flexibility of preference embedding. Specifically, we propose to embed the data in a high dimensional space where an efficient tree-based method, PI-FOREST, is employed to compute an anomaly score. Experiments on synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that PIF favorably compares with state-of-the-art anomaly detection techniques, and confirm that PI-FOREST is better at measuring arbitrary distances and isolate points in the preference space.

Depth Videos for the Classification of Micro-Expressions

Ankith Jain Rakesh Kumar, Bir Bhanu, Christopher Casey, Sierra Cheung, Aaron Seitz

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Auto-TLDR; RGB-D Dataset for the Classification of Facial Micro-expressions

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Facial micro-expressions are spontaneous, subtle, involuntary muscle movements occurring briefly on the face. The spotting and recognition of these expressions are difficult due to the subtle behavior, and the time duration of these expressions is about half a second, which makes it difficult for humans to identify them. These micro-expressions have many applications in our daily life, such as in the field of online learning, game playing, lie detection, and therapy sessions. Traditionally, researchers use RGB images/videos to spot and classify these micro-expressions, which pose challenging problems, such as illumination, privacy concerns and pose variation. The use of depth videos solves these issues to some extent, as the depth videos are not susceptible to the variation in illumination. This paper describes the collection of a first RGB-D dataset for the classification of facial micro-expressions into 6 universal expressions: Anger, Happy, Sad, Fear, Disgust, and Surprise. This paper shows the comparison between the RGB and Depth videos for the classification of facial micro-expressions. Further, a comparison of results shows that depth videos alone can be used to classify facial micro-expressions correctly in a decision tree structure by using the traditional and deep learning approaches with good classification accuracy. The dataset will be released to the public in the near future.

Open-World Group Retrieval with Ambiguity Removal: A Benchmark

Ling Mei, Jian-Huang Lai, Zhanxiang Feng, Xiaohua Xie

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Auto-TLDR; P2GSM-AR: Re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios

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Group retrieval has attracted plenty of attention in artificial intelligence, traditional group retrieval researches assume that members in a group are unique and do not change under different cameras. However, the assumption may not be met for practical situations such as open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios. This paper tackles an important yet non-studied problem: re-identifying changing groups of people under the open-world and group-ambiguity scenarios in different camera fields. The open-world scenario considers that there are probably non-target people for the probe set appear in the searching gallery, while the group-ambiguity scenario means the group members may change. The open-world and group-ambiguity issue is very challenging for the existing methods because the changing of group members results in dramatic visual variations. Nevertheless, as far as we know, the existing literature lacks benchmarks which target on coping with this issue. In this paper, we propose a new group retrieval dataset named OWGA-Campus to consider these challenges. Moreover, we propose a person-to-group similarity matching based ambiguity removal (P2GSM-AR) method to solve these problems and realize the intention of group retrieval. Experimental results on OWGA-Campus dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed P2GSM-AR approach in improving the performance of the state-of-the-art feature extraction methods of person re-id towards the open-world and ambiguous group retrieval task.

Story Comparison for Estimating Field of View Overlap in a Video Collection

Thierry Malon, Sylvie Chambon, Alain Crouzil, Vincent Charvillat

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Auto-TLDR; Finding Videos with Overlapping Fields of View Using Video Data

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Determining the links between large amounts of video data with no prior knowledge of the camera positions is a hard task to automate. From a collection of videos acquired from static cameras simultaneously, we propose a method for finding groups of videos with overlapping fields of view. Each video is first processed individually: at regular time steps, objects are detected and are assigned a category and an appearance descriptor. Next, the video is split into cells at different resolutions and we assign to each cell its story: it consists of the list of objects detected in the cell over time. Once the stories are established for each video, the links between cells of different videos are determined by comparing their stories: two cells are linked if they show simultaneous detections of objects of the same category with similar appearances. Pairs of videos with overlapping fields of view are identified using these links between cells. A link graph is finally returned, in which each node represents a video, and the edges indicate pairs of overlapping videos. The approach is evaluated on a set of 63 real videos from both public datasets and live surveillance videos, as well as on 84 synthetic videos, and shows promising results.

Automatic Annotation of Corpora for Emotion Recognition through Facial Expressions Analysis

Alex Mircoli, Claudia Diamantini, Domenico Potena, Emanuele Storti

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic annotation of video subtitles on the basis of facial expressions using machine learning algorithms

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The recent diffusion of social networks has made available an unprecedented amount of user-generated content, which may be analyzed in order to determine people's opinions and emotions about a large variety of topics. Research has made many efforts in defining accurate algorithms for analyzing emotions expressed by users in texts; however, their performance often rely on the existence of large annotated datasets, whose current scarcity represents a major issue. The manual creation of such datasets represents a costly and time-consuming activity and hence there is an increasing demand for techniques for the automatic annotation of corpora. In this work we present a methodology for the automatic annotation of video subtitles on the basis of the analysis of facial expressions of people in videos, with the goal of creating annotated corpora that may be used to train emotion recognition algorithms. Facial expressions are analyzed through machine learning algorithms, on the basis of a set of manually-engineered facial features that are extracted from video frames. The soundness of the proposed methodology has been evaluated through an extensive experimentation aimed at determining the performance on real datasets of each methodological step.

Attribute-Based Quality Assessment for Demographic Estimation in Face Videos

Fabiola Becerra-Riera, Annette Morales-González, Heydi Mendez-Vazquez, Jean-Luc Dugelay

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Auto-TLDR; Facial Demographic Estimation in Video Scenarios Using Quality Assessment

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Most existing works regarding facial demographic estimation are focused on still image datasets, although nowadays the need to analyze video content in real applications is increasing. We propose to tackle gender, age and ethnicity estimation in the context of video scenarios. Our main contribution is to use an attribute-specific quality assessment procedure to select best quality frames from a video sequence for each of the three demographic modalities. Best quality frames are classified with fine-tuned MobileNet models and a final video prediction is obtained with a majority voting strategy among the best selected frames. Our validation on three different datasets and our comparison with state-of-the-art models, show the effectiveness of the proposed demographic classifiers and the quality pipeline, which allows to reduce both: the number of frames to be classified and the processing time in practical applications; and improves the soft biometrics prediction accuracy.

Fall Detection by Human Pose Estimation and Kinematic Theory

Vincenzo Dentamaro, Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo

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Auto-TLDR; A Decision Support System for Automatic Fall Detection on Le2i and URFD Datasets

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In a society with increasing age, the understanding of human falls it is of paramount importance. This paper presents a Decision Support System whose pipeline is designed to extract and compute physical domain’s features achieving the state of the art accuracy on the Le2i and UR fall detection datasets. The paper uses the Kinematic Theory of Rapid Human Movement and its sigma-lognormal model together with classic physical features to achieve 98% and 99% of accuracy in automatic fall detection on respectively Le2i and URFD datasets. The effort made in the design of this work is toward recognition of falls by using physical models whose laws are clear and understandable.

Automatic Tuberculosis Detection Using Chest X-Ray Analysis with Position Enhanced Structural Information

Hermann Jepdjio Nkouanga, Szilard Vajda

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Chest X-ray Screening for Tuberculosis in Rural Population using Localized Region on Interest

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For Tuberculosis (TB) detection beside the more expensive diagnosis solutions such as culture or sputum smear analysis one could consider the automatic analysis of the chest X-ray (CXR). This could mimic the lung region reading by the radiologist and it could provide a cheap solution to analyze and diagnose pulmonary abnormalities such as TB which often co- occurs with HIV. This software based pulmonary screening can be a reliable and affordable solution for rural population in different parts of the world such as India, Africa, etc. Our fully automatic system is processing the incoming CXR image by applying image processing techniques to detect the region on interest (ROI) followed by a computationally cheap feature extraction involving edge detection using Laplacian of Gaussian which we enrich by counting the local distribution of the intensities. The choice to ”zoom in” the ROI and look for abnormalities locally is motivated by the fact that some pulmonary abnormalities are localized in specific regions of the lungs. Later on the classifiers can decide about the normal or abnormal nature of each lung X-ray. Our goal is to find a simple feature, instead of a combination of several ones, -proposed and promoted in recent years’ literature, which can properly describe the different pathological alterations in the lungs. Our experiments report results on two publicly available data collections1, namely the Shenzhen and the Montgomery collection. For performance evaluation, measures such as area under the curve (AUC), and accuracy (ACC) were considered, achieving AUC = 0.81 (ACC = 83.33%) and AUC = 0.96 (ACC = 96.35%) for the Montgomery and Schenzen collections, respectively. Several comparisons are also provided to other state- of-the-art systems reported recently in the field.

Dynamic Resource-Aware Corner Detection for Bio-Inspired Vision Sensors

Sherif Abdelmonem Sayed Mohamed, Jawad Yasin, Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan, Antonio Miele, Jukka Veikko Heikkonen, Hannu Tenhunen, Juha Plosila

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Auto-TLDR; Three Layer Filtering-Harris Algorithm for Event-based Cameras in Real-Time

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Event-based cameras are vision devices that transmit only brightness changes with low latency and ultra-low power consumption. Such characteristics make event-based cameras attractive in the field of localization and object tracking in resource-constrained systems. Since the number of generated events in such cameras is huge, the selection and filtering of the incoming events are beneficial from both increasing the accuracy of the features and reducing the computational load. In this paper, we present an algorithm to detect asynchronous corners form a stream of events in real-time on embedded systems. The algorithm is called the Three Layer Filtering-Harris or TLF-Harris algorithm. The algorithm is based on an events' filtering strategy whose purpose is 1) to increase the accuracy by deliberately eliminating some incoming events, i.e., noise and 2) to improve the real-time performance of the system, i.e., preserving a constant throughput in terms of input events per second, by discarding unnecessary events with a limited accuracy loss. An approximation of the Harris algorithm, in turn, is used to exploit its high-quality detection capability with a low-complexity implementation to enable seamless real-time performance on embedded computing platforms. The proposed algorithm is capable of selecting the best corner candidate among neighbors and achieves an average execution time savings of 59 % compared with the conventional Harris score. Moreover, our approach outperforms the competing methods, such as eFAST, eHarris, and FA-Harris, in terms of real-time performance, and surpasses Arc* in terms of accuracy.

Pose-Based Body Language Recognition for Emotion and Psychiatric Symptom Interpretation

Zhengyuan Yang, Amanda Kay, Yuncheng Li, Wendi Cross, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Body Language Based Emotion Recognition for Psychiatric Symptoms Prediction

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Inspired by the human ability to infer emotions from body language, we propose an automated framework for body language based emotion recognition starting from regular RGB videos. In collaboration with psychologists, we further extend the framework for psychiatric symptom prediction. Because a specific application domain of the proposed framework may only supply a limited amount of data, the framework is designed to work on a small training set and possess a good transferability. The proposed system in the first stage generates sequences of body language predictions based on human poses estimated from input videos. In the second stage, the predicted sequences are fed into a temporal network for emotion interpretation and psychiatric symptom prediction. We first validate the accuracy and transferability of the proposed body language recognition method on several public action recognition datasets. We then evaluate the framework on a proposed URMC dataset, which consists of conversations between a standardized patient and a behavioral health professional, along with expert annotations of body language, emotions, and potential psychiatric symptoms. The proposed framework outperforms other methods on the URMC dataset.

Merged 1D-2D Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Nerve Detection in Ultrasound Images

Mohammad Alkhatib, Adel Hafiane, Pierre Vieyres

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Neural Network for Deep Neural Networks to Detect Median Nerve in Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia

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Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia (UGRA) becomes a standard procedure in surgical operations and contributes to pain management. It offers the advantages of the targeted nerve detection and provides the visualization of regions of interest such as anatomical structures. However, nerve detection is one of the most challenging tasks that anesthetists can encounter in the UGRA procedure. A computer-aided system that can detect automatically the nerve region would facilitate the anesthetist's daily routine and allow them to concentrate more on the anesthetic delivery. In this paper, we propose a new method based on merging deep learning models from different data to detect the median nerve. The merged architecture consists of two branches, one being one dimensional (1D) convolutional neural networks (CNN) branch and another 2D CNN branch. The merged architecture aims to learn the high-level features from 1D handcrafted noise-robust features and 2D ultrasound images. The obtained results show the validity and high accuracy of the proposed approach and its robustness.

Image Sequence Based Cyclist Action Recognition Using Multi-Stream 3D Convolution

Stefan Zernetsch, Steven Schreck, Viktor Kress, Konrad Doll, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; 3D-ConvNet: A Multi-stream 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Cyclists in Real World Traffic Situations

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In this article, we present an approach to detect basic movements of cyclists in real world traffic situations based on image sequences, optical flow (OF) sequences, and past positions using a multi-stream 3D convolutional neural network (3D-ConvNet) architecture. To resolve occlusions of cyclists by other traffic participants or road structures, we use a wide angle stereo camera system mounted at a heavily frequented public intersection. We created a large dataset consisting of 1,639 video sequences containing cyclists, recorded in real world traffic, resulting in over 1.1 million samples. Through modeling the cyclists' behavior by a state machine of basic cyclist movements, our approach takes every situation into account and is not limited to certain scenarios. We compare our method to an approach solely based on position sequences. Both methods are evaluated taking into account frame wise and scene wise classification results of basic movements, and detection times of basic movement transitions, where our approach outperforms the position based approach by producing more reliable detections with shorter detection times. Our code and parts of our dataset are made publicly available.

One Step Clustering Based on A-Contrario Framework for Detection of Alterations in Historical Violins

Alireza Rezaei, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi

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Auto-TLDR; A-Contrario Clustering for the Detection of Altered Violins using UVIFL Images

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Preventive conservation is an important practice in Cultural Heritage. The constant monitoring of the state of conservation of an artwork helps us reduce the risk of damage and number of interventions necessary. In this work, we propose a probabilistic approach for the detection of alterations on the surface of historical violins based on an a-contrario framework. Our method is a one step NFA clustering solution which considers grey-level and spatial density information in one background model. The proposed method is robust to noise and avoids parameter tuning and any assumption about the quantity of the worn out areas. We have used as input UV induced fluorescence (UVIFL) images for considering details not perceivable with visible light. Tests were conducted on image sequences included in the ``Violins UVIFL imagery'' dataset. Results illustrate the ability of the algorithm to distinguish the worn area from the surrounding regions. Comparisons with the state of the art clustering methods shows improved overall precision and recall.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

Late Fusion of Bayesian and Convolutional Models for Action Recognition

Camille Maurice, Francisco Madrigal, Frederic Lerasle

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Auto-TLDR; Fusion of Deep Neural Network and Bayesian-based Approach for Temporal Action Recognition

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The activities we do in our daily-life are generally carried out as a succession of atomic actions, following a logical order. During a video sequence, actions usually follow a logical order. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach resulting from the fusion of a deep learning neural network with a Bayesian-based approach. The latter models human-object interactions and transition between actions. The key idea is to combine both approaches in the final prediction. We validate our strategy in two public datasets: CAD-120 and Watch-n-Patch. We show that our fusion approach yields performance gains in accuracy of respectively +4\% and +6\% over a baseline approach. Temporal action recognition performances are clearly improved by the fusion, especially when classes are imbalanced.

Evaluation of Anomaly Detection Algorithms for the Real-World Applications

Marija Ivanovska, Domen Tabernik, Danijel Skocaj, Janez Pers

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Auto-TLDR; Evaluating Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Practical Applications

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Anomaly detection in complex data structures is oneof the most challenging problems in computer vision. In manyreal-world problems, for example in the quality control in modernmanufacturing, the anomalous samples are usually rare, resultingin (highly) imbalanced datasets. However, in current researchpractice, these scenarios are rarely modeled, and as a conse-quence, evaluation of anomaly detection algorithms often do notreproduce results that are useful for practical applications. First,even in case of highly unbalanced input data, anomaly detectionalgorithms are expected to significantly reduce the proportionof anomalous samples, detecting ”almost all” anomalous samples(with exact specifications depending on the target customer). Thisplaces high importance on only the small part of the ROC curve,possibly rendering the standard metrics such as AUC (AreaUnder Curve) and AP (Average Precision) useless. Second, thetarget of automatic anomaly detection in practical applicationsis significant reduction in manual work required, and standardmetrics are poor predictor of this feature. Finally, the evaluationmay produce erratic results for different randomly initializedtraining runs of the neural network, producing evaluation resultsthat may not reproduce well in practice. In this paper, we presentan evaluation methodology that avoids these pitfalls.

Crowdsourced Verification for Operating Calving Surveillance Systems at an Early Stage

Yusuke Okimoto, Soshi Kawata, Susumu Saito, Nakano Teppei, Tetsuji Ogawa

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Auto-TLDR; Crowdsourcing for Data-Driven Video Surveillance

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This study attempts to use crowdsourcing to facilitate the operation of pattern-recognition-based video surveillance systems at an early stage. Target events (i.e. events to be detected during surveillance) are not frequently observed in recorded video, so achieving reliable surveillance on the basis of machine learning requires a sufficient amount of target data. Acquiring sufficient data is time-consuming. However, operating unreliable surveillance systems can induce many false alarms. Crowdsourcing is introduced to address this problem by verifying the unreliable results in data-driven surveillance. Experimental simulation conducted using monitoring video of Japanese black beef cattle demonstrates that crowdsourced verification successfully reduced false alarms in calving detection systems.

Automated Whiteboard Lecture Video Summarization by Content Region Detection and Representation

Bhargava Urala Kota, Alexander Stone, Kenny Davila, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju

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Auto-TLDR; A Framework for Summarizing Whiteboard Lecture Videos Using Feature Representations of Handwritten Content Regions

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Lecture videos are rapidly becoming an invaluable source of information for students across the globe. Given the large number of online courses currently available, it is important to condense the information within these videos into a compact yet representative summary that can be used for search-based applications. We propose a framework to summarize whiteboard lecture videos by finding feature representations of detected handwritten content regions to determine unique content. We investigate multi-scale histogram of gradients and embeddings from deep metric learning for feature representation. We explicitly handle occluded, growing and disappearing handwritten content. Our method is capable of producing two kinds of lecture video summaries - the unique regions themselves or so-called key content and keyframes (which contain all unique content in a video segment). We use weighted spatio-temporal conflict minimization to segment the lecture and produce keyframes from detected regions and features. We evaluate both types of summaries and find that we obtain state-of-the-art peformance in terms of number of summary keyframes while our unique content recall and precision are comparable to state-of-the-art.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

Tracking Fast Moving Objects by Segmentation Network

Ales Zita, Filip Sroubek

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Moving Objects Tracking by Segmentation Using Deep Learning

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Tracking Fast Moving Objects (FMO), which appear as blurred streaks in video sequences, is a difficult task for standard trackers, as the object position does not overlap in consecutive video frames and texture information of the objects is blurred. Up-to-date approaches tuned for this task are based on background subtraction with a static background and slow deblurring algorithms. In this article, we present a tracking-by-segmentation approach implemented using modern deep learning methods that perform near real-time tracking on real-world video sequences. We have developed a physically plausible FMO sequence generator to be a robust foundation for our training pipeline and demonstrate straightforward network adaptation for different FMO scenarios with varying foreground.

Learning Visual Voice Activity Detection with an Automatically Annotated Dataset

Stéphane Lathuiliere, Pablo Mesejo, Radu Horaud

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Visual Voice Activity Detection with Optical Flow

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Visual voice activity detection (V-VAD) uses visual features to predict whether a person is speaking or not. V-VAD is useful whenever audio VAD (A-VAD) is inefficient either because the acoustic signal is difficult to analyze or is simply missing. We propose two deep architectures for V-VAD, one based on facial landmarks and one based on optical flow. Moreover, available datasets, used for learning and for testing V-VAD, lack content variability. We introduce a novel methodology to automatically create and annotate very large datasets in-the-wild, based on combining A-VAD and face detection. A thorough empirical evaluation shows the advantage of training the proposed deep V-VAD models with such a dataset.

PHNet: Parasite-Host Network for Video Crowd Counting

Shiqiao Meng, Jiajie Li, Weiwei Guo, Jinfeng Jiang, Lai Ye

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Auto-TLDR; PHNet: A Parasite-Host Network for Video Crowd Counting

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Crowd counting plays an increasingly important role in public security. Recently, many crowd counting methods for a single image have been proposed but few studies have focused on using temporal information from image sequences of videos to improve prediction performance. In the existing methods using videos for crowd estimation, temporal features and spatial features are modeled jointly for the prediction, which makes the model less efficient in extracting spatiotemporal features and difficult to improve the performance of predictions. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a Parasite-Host Network(PHNet) which is composed of Parasite branch and Host branch to extract temporal features and spatial features respectively. To specifically extract the transform features in the time domain, we propose a novel architecture termed as “Relational Extractor”(RE) which models the multiplicative interaction features of adjacent frames. In addition, the Host branch extracts the spatial features from a current frame which can be replaced with any model that uses a single image for the prediction. We conducted experiments by using our PHNet on four video crowd counting benchmarks: Venice,UCSD,FDST and CrowdFlow. Experimental results show that PHnet achieves superior performance on these four datasets to the state-of-the-art methods.

Quantified Facial Temporal-Expressiveness Dynamics for Affect Analysis

Md Taufeeq Uddin, Shaun Canavan

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Auto-TLDR; quantified facial Temporal-expressiveness Dynamics for quantified affect analysis

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The quantification of visual affect data (e.g. face images) is essential to build and monitor automated affect modeling systems efficiently. Considering this, this work proposes quantified facial Temporal-expressiveness Dynamics (TED) to quantify the expressiveness of human faces. The proposed algorithm leverages multimodal facial features by incorporating static and dynamic information to enable accurate measurements of facial expressiveness. We show that TED can be used for high-level tasks such as summarization of unstructured visual data, expectation from and interpretation of automated affect recognition models. To evaluate the positive impact of using TED, a case study was conducted on spontaneous pain using the UNBC-McMaster spontaneous shoulder pain dataset. Experimental results show the efficacy of using TED for quantified affect analysis.

IPT: A Dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking in Closed Domains

Thomas Heitzinger, Martin Kampel

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Auto-TLDR; Identity Preserved Tracking Using Depth Data for Privacy and Privacy

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We present a public dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking (IPT) consisting of sequences of depth data recorded using an Orbbec Astra depth sensor. The dataset features sequences in ten different locations with a high amount of background variation and is designed to be applicable to a wide range of tasks. Its labeling is versatile, allowing for tracking in either 3d space or image coordinates. Next to frame-by-frame 3d and inferred bounding box labeling we provide supplementary annotation of camera poses and room layouts, split in multiple semantically distinct categories. Intended use-cases are applications where both a high level understanding of scene understanding and privacy are central points of consideration, such as active and assisted living (AAL), security and industrial safety. Compared to similar public datasets IPT distinguishes itself with its sequential data format, 3d instance labeling and room layout annotation. We present baseline object detection results in image coordinates using a YOLOv3 network architecture and implement a background model suitable for online tracking applications to increase detection accuracy. Additionally we propose a novel volumetric non-maximum suppression (V-NMS) approach, taking advantage of known room geometry. Last we provide baseline person tracking results utilizing Multiple Object Tracking Challenge (MOTChallenge) evaluation metrics of the CVPR19 benchmark.

Modeling Long-Term Interactions to Enhance Action Recognition

Alejandro Cartas, Petia Radeva, Mariella Dimiccoli

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Auto-TLDR; A Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network for Action Recognition in Egocentric Videos

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In this paper, we propose a new approach to understand actions in egocentric videos that exploit the semantics of object interactions at both frame and temporal levels. At the frame level, we use a region-based approach that takes as input a primary region roughly corresponding to the user hands and a set of secondary regions potentially corresponding to the interacting objects and calculates the action score through a CNN formulation. This information is then fed to a Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network (HLSTM) that captures temporal dependencies between actions within and across shots. Ablation studies thoroughly validate the proposed approach, showing in particular that both levels of the HLSTM architecture contribute to performance improvement. Furthermore, quantitative comparisons show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of action recognition on standard benchmarks, without relying on motion information.

Toward Building a Data-Driven System ForDetecting Mounting Actions of Black Beef Cattle

Yuriko Kawano, Susumu Saito, Nakano Teppei, Ikumi Kondo, Ryota Yamazaki, Hiromi Kusaka, Minoru Sakaguchi, Tetsuji Ogawa

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Auto-TLDR; Cattle Mounting Action Detection Using Crowdsourcing and Pattern Recognition

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This paper tackles on building a pattern recognition system that detects whether a pair of Japanese black beefs captured in a given image region is in a “mounting” action, which is known to be a sign critically important to be detected for cattle farmers before artificial insemination. The “mounting” action refers to a cattle’s action where a cow bends over another cow usually when either cow is in estrus. Although a pattern recognition-based approach for detecting such an action would be appreciated as being low-cost and robust, it had not been discussed much due to the complexity of the system architecture, unavailability of datasets, etc. This study presents i) our image dataset construction technique that exploits both object detection algorithm and crowdsourcing for collecting cattle pair images with labels of either “mounting” or not; and ii) a system for detecting the mounting action from any given image of a cattle pair, developed based on the dataset. Starting with an algorithm for extracting regions of cattle pairs from a video frame based on intersection of single cattle regions, we then designed our crowdsourcing microtask in which crowd workers were given simple guidelines to annotate mounting-action-relevant labels to the extracted regions, to finally obtain a dataset. We also introduce our tandem-layered pattern recognition system trained with the dataset. The system is comprised of two serially-connected machine learning components, and is capable of more robustly detecting mounting actions even with a small amount of training data than a normal end-to-end neural network. Experimental comparisons demonstrated that our detection system was capable of detecting estrus with a precision rate of 80% and a recall rate of 76%.

Uncertainty Guided Recognition of Tiny Craters on the Moon

Thorsten Wilhelm, Christian Wöhler

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Auto-TLDR; Accurately Detecting Tiny Craters in Remote Sensed Images Using Deep Neural Networks

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Accurately detecting craters in remotely sensed images is an important task when analysing the properties of planetary bodies. Commonly, only large craters in the range of several kilometres are detected. In this work we provide the first example of automatically detecting tiny craters in the range of several meters with the help of a deep neural network by using only a small set of annotated craters. Additionally, we propose a novel way to group overlapping detections and replace the commonly used non-maximum suppression with a probabilistic treatment. As a result, we receive valuable uncertainty estimates of the detections and the aggregated detections are shown to be vastly superior.

Learning Defects in Old Movies from Manually Assisted Restoration

Arthur Renaudeau, Travis Seng, Axel Carlier, Jean-Denis Durou, Fabien Pierre, Francois Lauze, Jean-François Aujol

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Auto-TLDR; U-Net: Detecting Defects in Old Movies by Inpainting Techniques

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We propose to detect defects in old movies, as the first step of a larger framework of old movies restoration by inpainting techniques. The specificity of our work is to learn a film restorer's expertise from a pair of sequences, composed of a movie with defects, and the same movie which was semi-automatically restored with the help of a specialized software. In order to detect those defects with minimal human interaction and further reduce the time spent for a restoration, we feed a U-Net with consecutive defective frames as input to detect the unexpected variations of pixel intensity over space and time. Since the output of the network is a mask of defect location, we first have to create the dataset of mask frames on the basis of restored frames from the software used by the film restorer, instead of classical synthetic ground truth, which is not available. These masks are estimated by computing the absolute difference between restored frames and defectuous frames, combined with thresholding and morphological closing. Our network succeeds in automatically detecting real defects with more precision than the manual selection with an all-encompassing shape, including some the expert restorer could have missed for lack of time.

Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection Using Facial Action Units

Malaika Vijay, Nandagopal Netrakanti Vinayak, Maanvi Nunna, Subramanyam Natarajan

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Detection of Driver Drowsiness using Facial Action Units using Extreme Gradient Boosting

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This paper presents a two-stage, vision-based pipeline for the real-time detection of driver drowsiness using Facial Action Units (FAUs). FAUs capture movements in groups of muscles in the face like widening of the eyes or dropping of the jaw. The first stage of the pipeline employs a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to detect FAUs. The output of the penultimate layer of this network serves as an image embedding that captures features relevant to FAU detection. These embeddings are then used to predict drowsiness using an Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) classifier. A separate XGBoost model is trained for each user of the system so that behavior specific to each user can be modeled into the drowsiness classifier. We show that user-specific classifiers require very little data and low training time to yield high prediction accuracies in real-time.

Point In: Counting Trees with Weakly Supervised Segmentation Network

Pinmo Tong, Shuhui Bu, Pengcheng Han

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Tree counting using Deep Segmentation Network with Localization and Mask Prediction

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For tree counting tasks, since traditional image processing methods require expensive feature engineering and are not end-to-end frameworks, this will cause additional noise and cannot be optimized overall, so this method has not been widely used in recent trends of tree counting application. Recently, many deep learning based approaches are designed for this task because of the powerful feature extracting ability. The representative way is bounding box based supervised method, but time-consuming annotations are indispensable for them. Moreover, these methods are difficult to overcome the occlusion or overlap. To solve this problem, we propose a weakly tree counting network (WTCNet) based on deep segmentation network with only point supervision. It can simultaneously complete tree counting with localization and output mask of each tree at the same time. We first adopt a novel feature extractor network (FENet) to get features of input images, and then an effective strategy is introduced to deal with different mask predictions. In the end, we propose a basic localization guidance accompany with rectification guidance to train the network. We create two different datasets and select an existing challenging plant dataset to evaluate our method on three different tasks. Experimental results show the good performance improvement of our method compared with other existing methods. Further study shows that our method has great potential to reduce human labor and provide effective ground-truth masks and the results show the superiority of our method over the advanced methods.

Coarse-To-Fine Foreground Segmentation Based on Co-Occurrence Pixel-Block and Spatio-Temporal Attention Model

Xinyu Liu, Dong Liang

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Auto-TLDR; Foreground Segmentation from coarse to Fine Using Co-occurrence Pixel-Block Model for Dynamic Scene

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Foreground segmentation in dynamic scene is an important task in video surveillance. The unsupervised background subtraction method based on background statistics modeling has difficulties in updating. On the other hand, the supervised foreground segmentation method based on deep learning relies on the large-scale of accurately annotated training data, which limits its cross-scene performance. In this paper, we propose a foreground segmentation method from coarse to fine. First, a across-scenes trained Spatio-Temporal Attention Model (STAM) is used to achieve coarse segmentation, which does not require training on specific scene. Then the coarse segmentation is used as a reference to help Co-occurrence Pixel-Block Model (CPB) complete the fine segmentation, and at the same time help CPB to update its background model. This method is more flexible than those deep-learning-based methods which depends on the specific-scene training, and realizes the accurate online dynamic update of the background model. Experimental results on WallFlower and LIMU validate our method outperforms STAM, CPB and other methods of participating in comparison.

Gabriella: An Online System for Real-Time Activity Detection in Untrimmed Security Videos

Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Ugur Demir, Praveen Praveen Tirupattur, Aayush Jung Rana, Kevin Duarte, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Gabriella: A Real-Time Online System for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos

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Activity detection in surveillance videos is a difficult problem due to multiple factors such as large field of view, presence of multiple activities, varying scales and viewpoints, and its untrimmed nature. The existing research in activity detection is mainly focused on datasets, such as UCF-101, JHMDB, THUMOS, and AVA, which partially address these issues. The requirement of processing the surveillance videos in real-time makes this even more challenging. In this work we propose Gabriella, a real-time online system to perform activity detection on untrimmed surveillance videos. The proposed method consists of three stages: tubelet extraction, activity classification, and online tubelet merging. For tubelet extraction, we propose a localization network which takes a video clip as input and spatio-temporally detects potential foreground regions at multiple scales to generate action tubelets. We propose a novel Patch-Dice loss to handle large variations in actor size. Our online processing of videos at a clip level drastically reduces the computation time in detecting activities. The detected tubelets are assigned activity class scores by the classification network and merged together using our proposed Tubelet-Merge Action-Split (TMAS) algorithm to form the final action detections. The TMAS algorithm efficiently connects the tubelets in an online fashion to generate action detections which are robust against varying length activities. We perform our experiments on the VIRAT and MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with Activities) datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of speed ($\sim$100 fps) and performance with state-of-the-art results. The code and models will be made publicly available.

Self-Supervised Joint Encoding of Motion and Appearance for First Person Action Recognition

Mirco Planamente, Andrea Bottino, Barbara Caputo

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Auto-TLDR; A Single Stream Architecture for Egocentric Action Recognition from the First-Person Point of View

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Wearable cameras are becoming more and more popular in several applications, increasing the interest of the research community in developing approaches for recognizing actions from the first-person point of view. An open challenge in egocentric action recognition is that videos lack detailed information about the main actor's pose and thus tend to record only parts of the movement when focusing on manipulation tasks. Thus, the amount of information about the action itself is limited, making crucial the understanding of the manipulated objects and their context. Many previous works addressed this issue with two-stream architectures, where one stream is dedicated to modeling the appearance of objects involved in the action, and another to extracting motion features from optical flow. In this paper, we argue that learning features jointly from these two information channels is beneficial to capture the spatio-temporal correlations between the two better. To this end, we propose a single stream architecture able to do so, thanks to the addition of a self-supervised block that uses a pretext motion prediction task to intertwine motion and appearance knowledge. Experiments on several publicly available databases show the power of our approach.

Which are the factors affecting the performance of audio surveillance systems?

Antonio Greco, Antonio Roberto, Alessia Saggese, Mario Vento

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Auto-TLDR; Sound Event Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Visual Representations on MIVIA Audio Events

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Sound event recognition systems are rapidly becoming part of our life, since they can be profitably used in several vertical markets, ranging from audio security applications to scene classification and multi-modal analysis in social robotics. In the last years, a not negligible part of the scientific community started to apply Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to image-based representations of the audio stream, due to their successful adoption in almost all the computer vision tasks. In this paper, we carry out a detailed benchmark of various widely used CNN architectures and visual representations on a popular dataset, namely the MIVIA Audio Events database. Our analysis is aimed at understanding how these factors affect the sound event recognition performance with a particular focus on the false positive rate, very relevant in audio surveillance solutions. In fact, although most of the proposed solutions achieve a high recognition rate, the capability of distinguishing the events-of-interest from the background is often not yet sufficient for real systems, and prevent its usage in real applications. Our comprehensive experimental analysis investigates this aspect and allows to identify useful design guidelines for increasing the specificity of sound event recognition systems.

Magnifying Spontaneous Facial Micro Expressions for Improved Recognition

Pratikshya Sharma, Sonya Coleman, Pratheepan Yogarajah, Laurence Taggart, Pradeepa Samarasinghe

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Auto-TLDR; Eulerian Video Magnification for Micro Expression Recognition

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Building an effective automatic micro expression recognition (MER) system is becoming increasingly desirable in computer vision applications. However, it is also very challenging given the fine-grained nature of the expressions to be recognized. Hence, we investigate if amplifying micro facial muscle movements as a pre-processing phase, by employing Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM), can boost performance of Local Phase Quantization with Three Orthogonal Planes (LPQ-TOP) to achieve improved facial MER across various datasets. In addition, we examine the rate of increase for recognition to determine if it is uniform across datasets using EVM. Ultimately, we classify the extracted features using Support Vector Machines (SVM). We evaluate and compare the performance with various methods on seven different datasets namely CASME, CAS(ME)2, CASME2, SMIC-HS, SMIC-VIS, SMIC-NIR and SAMM. The results obtained demonstrate that EVM can enhance LPQ-TOP to achieve improved recognition accuracy on the majority of the datasets.

Hierarchical Multimodal Attention for Deep Video Summarization

Melissa Sanabria, Frederic Precioso, Thomas Menguy

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Summarization of Professional Soccer Matches Using Event-Stream Data and Multi- Instance Learning

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The way people consume sports on TV has drastically evolved in the last years, particularly under the combined effects of the legalization of sport betting and the huge increase of sport analytics. Several companies are nowadays sending observers in the stadiums to collect live data of all the events happening on the field during the match. Those data contain meaningful information providing a very detailed description of all the actions occurring during the match to feed the coaches and staff, the fans, the viewers, and the gamblers. Exploiting all these data, sport broadcasters want to generate extra content such as match highlights, match summaries, players and teams analytics, etc., to appeal subscribers. This paper explores the problem of summarizing professional soccer matches as automatically as possible using both the aforementioned event-stream data collected from the field and the content broadcasted on TV. We have designed an architecture, introducing first (1) a Multiple Instance Learning method that takes into account the sequential dependency among events and then (2) a hierarchical multimodal attention layer that grasps the importance of each event in an action. We evaluate our approach on matches from two professional European soccer leagues, showing its capability to identify the best actions for automatic summarization by comparing with real summaries made by human operators.

AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features

Maximilian Kraus, Seyed Majid Azimi, Emec Ercelik, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz, Alois Knoll

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Auto-TLDR; AerialMPTNet: A novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features

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Multi-pedestrian tracking in aerial imagery has several applications such as large-scale event monitoring, disaster management, search-and-rescue missions, and as input into predictive crowd dynamic models. Due to the challenges such as the large number and the tiny size of the pedestrians (e.g., 4 x 4 pixels) with their similar appearances as well as different scales and atmospheric conditions of the images with their extremely low frame rates (e.g., 2 fps), current state-of-the-art algorithms including the deep learning-based ones are unable to perform well. In this paper, we propose AerialMPTNet, a novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features from a Siamese Neural Network, movement predictions from a Long Short-Term Memory, and pedestrian interconnections from a GraphCNN. In addition, to address the lack of diverse aerial multi-pedestrian tracking datasets, we introduce the Aerial Multi-Pedestrian Tracking (AerialMPT) dataset consisting of 307 frames and 44,740 pedestrians annotated. To the best of our knowledge, AerialMPT is the largest and most diverse dataset to this date and will be released publicly. We evaluate AerialMPTNet on AerialMPT and KIT AIS, and benchmark with several state-of-the-art tracking methods. Results indicate that AerialMPTNet significantly outperforms other methods on accuracy and time-efficiency.