IPT: A Dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking in Closed Domains

Thomas Heitzinger, Martin Kampel

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Auto-TLDR; Identity Preserved Tracking Using Depth Data for Privacy and Privacy

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We present a public dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking (IPT) consisting of sequences of depth data recorded using an Orbbec Astra depth sensor. The dataset features sequences in ten different locations with a high amount of background variation and is designed to be applicable to a wide range of tasks. Its labeling is versatile, allowing for tracking in either 3d space or image coordinates. Next to frame-by-frame 3d and inferred bounding box labeling we provide supplementary annotation of camera poses and room layouts, split in multiple semantically distinct categories. Intended use-cases are applications where both a high level understanding of scene understanding and privacy are central points of consideration, such as active and assisted living (AAL), security and industrial safety. Compared to similar public datasets IPT distinguishes itself with its sequential data format, 3d instance labeling and room layout annotation. We present baseline object detection results in image coordinates using a YOLOv3 network architecture and implement a background model suitable for online tracking applications to increase detection accuracy. Additionally we propose a novel volumetric non-maximum suppression (V-NMS) approach, taking advantage of known room geometry. Last we provide baseline person tracking results utilizing Multiple Object Tracking Challenge (MOTChallenge) evaluation metrics of the CVPR19 benchmark.

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SynDHN: Multi-Object Fish Tracker Trained on Synthetic Underwater Videos

Mygel Andrei Martija, Prospero Naval

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Auto-TLDR; Underwater Multi-Object Tracking in the Wild with Deep Hungarian Network

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In this paper, we seek to extend multi-object tracking research on a relatively less explored domain, that of, underwater multi-object tracking in the wild. Multi-object fish tracking is an important task because it can provide fish monitoring systems with richer information (e.g. multiple views of the same fish) as compared to detections and it can be an invaluable input to fish behavior analysis. However, there is a lack of an annotated benchmark dataset with enough samples for this task. To circumvent the need for manual ground truth tracking annotation, we craft a synthetic dataset. Using this synthetic dataset, we train an integrated detector and tracker called SynDHN. SynDHN uses the Deep Hungarian Network (DHN), which is a differentiable approximation of the Hungarian assignment algorithm. We repurpose DHN to become the tracking component of our algorithm by performing the task of affinity estimation between detector predictions. We consider both spatial and appearance features for affinity estimation. Our results show that despite being trained on a synthetic dataset, SynDHN generalizes well to real underwater video tracking and performs better against our baseline algorithms.

Multi-View Object Detection Using Epipolar Constraints within Cluttered X-Ray Security Imagery

Brian Kostadinov Shalon Isaac-Medina, Chris G. Willcocks, Toby Breckon

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Epipolar Constraints for Multi-View Object Detection in X-ray Security Images

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Automatic detection for threat object items is an increasing emerging area of future application in X-ray security imagery. Although modern X-ray security scanners can provide two or more views, the integration of such object detectors across the views has not been widely explored with rigour. Therefore, we investigate the application of geometric constraints using the epipolar nature of multi-view imagery to improve object detection performance. Furthermore, we assume that images come from uncalibrated views, such that a method to estimate the fundamental matrix using ground truth bounding box centroids from multiple view object detection labels is proposed. In addition, detections are given a score based on its similarity with respect to the distribution of the error of the epipolar estimation. This score is used as confidence weights for merging duplicated predictions using non-maximum suppression. Using a standard object detector (YOLOv3), our technique increases the average precision of detection by 2.8% on a dataset composed of firearms, laptops, knives and cameras. These results indicate that the integration of images at different views significantly improves the detection performance of threat items of cluttered X-ray security images.

FeatureNMS: Non-Maximum Suppression by Learning Feature Embeddings

Niels Ole Salscheider

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Auto-TLDR; FeatureNMS: Non-Maximum Suppression for Multiple Object Detection

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Most state of the art object detectors output multiple detections per object. The duplicates are removed in a post-processing step called Non-Maximum Suppression. Classical Non-Maximum Suppression has shortcomings in scenes that contain objects with high overlap: The idea of this heuristic is that a high bounding box overlap corresponds to a high probability of having a duplicate. We propose FeatureNMS to solve this problem. FeatureNMS recognizes duplicates not only based on the intersection over union between bounding boxes, but also based on the difference of feature vectors. These feature vectors can encode more information like visual appearance. Our approach outperforms classical NMS and derived approaches and achieves state of the art performance.

Compact and Discriminative Multi-Object Tracking with Siamese CNNs

Claire Labit-Bonis, Jérôme Thomas, Frederic Lerasle

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Auto-TLDR; Fast, Light-Weight and All-in-One Single Object Tracking for Multi-Target Management

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Following the tracking-by-detection paradigm, multiple object tracking deals with challenging scenarios, occlusions or even missing detections; the priority is often given to quality measures instead of speed, and a good trade-off between the two is hard to achieve. Based on recent work, we propose a fast, light-weight tracker able to predict targets position and reidentify them at once, when it is usually done with two sequential steps. To do so, we combine a bounding box regressor with a target-oriented appearance learner in a newly designed and unified architecture. This way, our tracker can infer the targets' image pose but also provide us with a confidence level about target identity. Most of the time, it is also common to filter out the detector outputs with a preprocessing step, throwing away precious information about what has been seen in the image. We propose a tracks management strategy able to balance efficiently between detection and tracking outputs and their associated likelihoods. Simply put, we spotlight a full siamese based single object tracker able to predict both position and appearance features at once with a light-weight and all-in-one architecture, within a balanced overall multi-target management strategy. We demonstrate the efficiency and speed of our system w.r.t the literature on the well-known MOT17 challenge benchmark, and bring to the fore qualitative evaluations as well as state-of-the-art quantitative results.

Light3DPose: Real-Time Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

Alessio Elmi, Davide Mazzini, Pietro Tortella

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Pose Estimation of Multiple People from a Few calibrated Camera Views using Deep Learning

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We present an approach to perform 3D pose estimation of multiple people from a few calibrated camera views. Our architecture, leveraging the recently proposed unprojection layer, aggregates feature-maps from a 2D pose estimator backbone into a comprehensive representation of the 3D scene. Such intermediate representation is then elaborated by a fully-convolutional volumetric network and a decoding stage to extract 3D skeletons with sub-voxel accuracy. Our method achieves state of the art MPJPE on the CMU Panoptic dataset using a few unseen views and obtains competitive results even with a single input view. We also assess the transfer learning capabilities of the model by testing it against the publicly available Shelf dataset obtaining good performance metrics. The proposed method is inherently efficient: as a pure bottom-up approach, it is computationally independent of the number of people in the scene. Furthermore, even though the computational burden of the 2D part scales linearly with the number of input views, the overall architecture is able to exploit a very lightweight 2D backbone which is orders of magnitude faster than the volumetric counterpart, resulting in fast inference time. The system can run at 6 FPS, processing up to 10 camera views on a single 1080Ti GPU.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

Tracking Fast Moving Objects by Segmentation Network

Ales Zita, Filip Sroubek

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Moving Objects Tracking by Segmentation Using Deep Learning

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Tracking Fast Moving Objects (FMO), which appear as blurred streaks in video sequences, is a difficult task for standard trackers, as the object position does not overlap in consecutive video frames and texture information of the objects is blurred. Up-to-date approaches tuned for this task are based on background subtraction with a static background and slow deblurring algorithms. In this article, we present a tracking-by-segmentation approach implemented using modern deep learning methods that perform near real-time tracking on real-world video sequences. We have developed a physically plausible FMO sequence generator to be a robust foundation for our training pipeline and demonstrate straightforward network adaptation for different FMO scenarios with varying foreground.

Ground-truthing Large Human Behavior Monitoring Datasets

Tehreem Qasim, Robert Fisher, Naeem Bhatti

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-automated Groundtruthing for Large Video Datasets

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We present a groundtruthing approach which is applicable to large video datasets collected for studying people’s behavior, and which are recorded at a low frame per second (fps) rate. Groundtruthing a large dataset manually is a time consuming task and is prone to errors. The proposed approach is semi-automated (using a combination of deepnet and traditional image analysis) to minimize human labeler’s interaction with the video frames. The framework employs mask-rcnn as a people counter followed by human assisted semi-automated tests to correct the wrong labels. Subsequently, a bounding box extraction algorithm is used which is fully automated for frames with a single person and semi-automated for frames with two or more people. We also propose a methodology for anomaly detection i.e., collapse on table or floor. Behavior recognition is performed by using a fine-tuned alexnet convolutional neural network. The people detection and behavior analysis components of the framework are primarily designed to help reduce human labor in ground-truthing so that minimal human involvement is required. They are not meant to be employed as fully automated state-of-the-art systems. The proposed approach is validated on a new dataset presented in this paper, containing human activity in an indoor office environment and recorded at 1 fps as well as an indoor video sequence recorded at 15 fps. Experimental results show a significant reduction in human labor involved in the process of ground-truthing i.e., the number of potential clicks for office dataset was reduced by 99.2% and for the additional test video by 99.7%.

Anomaly Detection, Localization and Classification for Railway Inspection

Riccardo Gasparini, Andrea D'Eusanio, Guido Borghi, Stefano Pini, Giuseppe Scaglione, Simone Calderara, Eugenio Fedeli, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Anomaly Detection and Localization using thermal images in the lowlight environment

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The ability to detect, localize and classify objects that are anomalies is a challenging task in the computer vision community. In this paper, we tackle these tasks developing a framework to automatically inspect the railway during the night. Specifically, it is able to predict the presence, the image coordinates and the class of obstacles. To deal with the lowlight environment, the framework is based on thermal images and consists of three different modules that address the problem of detecting anomalies, predicting their image coordinates and classifying them. Moreover, due to the absolute lack of publicly released datasets collected in the railway context for anomaly detection, we introduce a new multi-modal dataset, acquired from a rail drone, used to evaluate the proposed framework. Experimental results confirm the accuracy of the framework and its suitability, in terms of computational load, performance, and inference time, to be implemented on a self-powered inspection system.

Vision-Based Multi-Modal Framework for Action Recognition

Djamila Romaissa Beddiar, Mourad Oussalah, Brahim Nini

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-modal Framework for Human Activity Recognition Using RGB, Depth and Skeleton Data

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Human activity recognition plays a central role in the development of intelligent systems for video surveillance, public security, health care and home monitoring, where detection and recognition of activities can improve the quality of life and security of humans. Typically, automated, intuitive and real-time systems are required to recognize human activities and identify accurately unusual behaviors in order to prevent dangerous situations. In this work, we explore the combination of three modalities (RGB, depth and skeleton data) to design a robust multi-modal framework for vision-based human activity recognition. Especially, spatial information, body shape/posture and temporal evolution of actions are highlighted using illustrative representations obtained from a combination of dynamic RGB images, dynamic depth images and skeleton data representations. Therefore, each video is represented with three images that summarize the ongoing action. Our framework takes advantage of transfer learning from pre trained models to extract significant features from these newly created images. Next, we fuse extracted features using Canonical Correlation Analysis and train a Long Short-Term Memory network to classify actions from visual descriptive images. Experimental results demonstrated the reliability of our feature-fusion framework that allows us to capture highly significant features and enables us to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the public UTD-MHAD and NTU RGB+D datasets.

Complex-Object Visual Inspection: Empirical Studies on a Multiple Lighting Solution

Maya Aghaei, Matteo Bustreo, Pietro Morerio, Nicolò Carissimi, Alessio Del Bue, Vittorio Murino

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Auto-TLDR; A Novel Illumination Setup for Automatic Visual Inspection of Complex Objects

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The design of an automatic visual inspection system is usually performed in two stages. While the first stage consists in selecting the most suitable hardware setup for highlighting most effectively the defects on the surface to be inspected, the second stage concerns the development of algorithmic solutions to exploit the potentials offered by the collected data. In this paper, first, we present a novel illumination setup embedding four illumination configurations to resemble diffused, dark-field, and front lighting techniques. Second, we analyze the contributions brought by deploying the proposed setup in the training phase only, mimicking the scenario in which an already developed visual inspection system cannot be modified on the customer site. Along with an exhaustive set of experiments, in this paper, we demonstrate the suitability of the proposed setup for effective illumination of complex-objects, defined as manufactured items with variable surface characteristics that cannot be determined a priori. Eventually, we provide insights into the importance of multiple light configurations availability during training and their natural boosting effect which, without the need to modify the system design in the evaluation phase, lead to improvements in the overall system performance.

Real-Time Drone Detection and Tracking with Visible, Thermal and Acoustic Sensors

Fredrik Svanström, Cristofer Englund, Fernando Alonso-Fernandez

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic multi-sensor drone detection using sensor fusion

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This paper explores the process of designing an automatic multi-sensor drone detection system. Besides the common video and audio sensors, the system also includes a thermal infrared camera, which is shown to be a feasible solution to the drone detection task. Even with slightly lower resolution, the performance is just as good as a camera in visible range. The detector performance as a function of the sensor-to-target distance is also investigated. In addition, using sensor fusion, the system is made more robust than the individual sensors, helping to reduce false detections. To counteract the lack of public datasets, a novel video dataset containing 650 annotated infrared and visible videos of drones, birds, airplanes and helicopters is also presented. The database is complemented with an audio dataset of the classes drones, helicopters and background noise.

RefiNet: 3D Human Pose Refinement with Depth Maps

Andrea D'Eusanio, Stefano Pini, Guido Borghi, Roberto Vezzani, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; RefiNet: A Multi-stage Framework for 3D Human Pose Estimation

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Human Pose Estimation is a fundamental task for many applications in the Computer Vision community and it has been widely investigated in the 2D domain, i.e. intensity images. Therefore, most of the available methods for this task are mainly based on 2D Convolutional Neural Networks and huge manually-annotated RGB datasets, achieving stunning results. In this paper, we propose RefiNet, a multi-stage framework that regresses an extremely-precise 3D human pose estimation from a given 2D pose and a depth map. The framework consists of three different modules, each one specialized in a particular refinement and data representation, i.e. depth patches, 3D skeleton and point clouds. Moreover, we collect a new dataset, namely Baracca, acquired with RGB, depth and thermal cameras and specifically created for the automotive context. Experimental results confirm the quality of the refinement procedure that largely improves the human pose estimations of off-the-shelf 2D methods.

StrongPose: Bottom-up and Strong Keypoint Heat Map Based Pose Estimation

Niaz Ahmad, Jongwon Yoon

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Auto-TLDR; StrongPose: A bottom-up box-free approach for human pose estimation and action recognition

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Adaptation of deep convolutional neural network has made revolutionary progress in human pose estimation, various applications in recent years have drawn considerable attention. However, prediction and localization of the keypoints in single and multi-person images are a challenging problem. Towards this purpose, we present a bottom-up box-free approach for the task of pose estimation and action recognition. We proposed a StrongPose system model that uses part-based modeling to tackle object-part associations. The model utilizes a convolution network that learns how to detect Strong Keypoints Heat Maps (SKHM) and predict their comparative displacements, enabling us to group keypoints into person pose instances. Further, we produce Body Heat Maps (BHM) with the help of keypoints which allows us to localize the human body in the picture. The StrongPose framework is based on fully-convolutional engineering and permits proficient inference, with runtime basically autonomous of the number of individuals display within the scene. Train and test on COCO data alone, our framework achieves COCO test-dev keypoint average precision of 0.708 using ResNet-101 and 0.725 using ResNet-152, which considerably outperforms all prior bottom-up pose estimation frameworks.

An Adaptive Fusion Model Based on Kalman Filtering and LSTM for Fast Tracking of Road Signs

Chengliang Wang, Xin Xie, Chao Liao

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Auto-TLDR; Fusion of ThunderNet and Region Growing Detector for Road Sign Detection and Tracking

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The detection and tracking of road signs plays a critical role in various autopilot application. Utilizing convolutional neural networks(CNN) mostly incurs a big run-time overhead in feature extraction and object localization. Although Klaman filter(KF) is a commonly-used tracker, it is likely to be impacted by omitted objects in the detection step. In this paper, we designed a high-efficient detector that combines ThunderNet and Region Growing Detector(RGD) to detect road signs, and built a fusion model of long short term memory network (LSTM) and KF in the state estimation and the color histogram. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method improved the state estimation accuracy by 6.4% and enhanced the Frames Per Second(FPS) to 41.

Motion and Region Aware Adversarial Learning for Fall Detection with Thermal Imaging

Vineet Mehta, Abhinav Dhall, Sujata Pal, Shehroz Khan

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Fall Detection with Adversarial Network using Thermal Imaging Camera

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Automatic fall detection is a vital technology for ensuring health and safety of people. Home based camera systems for fall detection often put people's privacy at risk. Thermal cameras can partially/fully obfuscate facial features, thus preserving the privacy of a person. Another challenge is the less occurrence of falls in comparison to normal activities of daily living. As fall occurs rarely, it is non-trivial to learn algorithms due to class imbalance. To handle these problems, we formulate fall detection as an anomaly detection within an adversarial framework using thermal imaging camera. We present a novel adversarial network that comprise of two channel 3D convolutional auto encoders; one each handling video sequences and optical flow, which then reconstruct the thermal data and the optical flow input sequences. We introduce a differential constraint, a technique to track the region of interest and a joint discriminator to compute the reconstruction error. Larger reconstruction error indicates the occurrence of fall in a video sequence. The experiments on a publicly available thermal fall dataset show the superior results obtained in comparison to standard baseline.

AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features

Maximilian Kraus, Seyed Majid Azimi, Emec Ercelik, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz, Alois Knoll

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Auto-TLDR; AerialMPTNet: A novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features

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Multi-pedestrian tracking in aerial imagery has several applications such as large-scale event monitoring, disaster management, search-and-rescue missions, and as input into predictive crowd dynamic models. Due to the challenges such as the large number and the tiny size of the pedestrians (e.g., 4 x 4 pixels) with their similar appearances as well as different scales and atmospheric conditions of the images with their extremely low frame rates (e.g., 2 fps), current state-of-the-art algorithms including the deep learning-based ones are unable to perform well. In this paper, we propose AerialMPTNet, a novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features from a Siamese Neural Network, movement predictions from a Long Short-Term Memory, and pedestrian interconnections from a GraphCNN. In addition, to address the lack of diverse aerial multi-pedestrian tracking datasets, we introduce the Aerial Multi-Pedestrian Tracking (AerialMPT) dataset consisting of 307 frames and 44,740 pedestrians annotated. To the best of our knowledge, AerialMPT is the largest and most diverse dataset to this date and will be released publicly. We evaluate AerialMPTNet on AerialMPT and KIT AIS, and benchmark with several state-of-the-art tracking methods. Results indicate that AerialMPTNet significantly outperforms other methods on accuracy and time-efficiency.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

Utilising Visual Attention Cues for Vehicle Detection and Tracking

Feiyan Hu, Venkatesh Gurram Munirathnam, Noel E O'Connor, Alan Smeaton, Suzanne Little

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Attention for Object Detection and Tracking in Driver-Assistance Systems

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Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been attracting attention from many researchers. Vision based sensors are the closest way to emulate human driver visual behavior while driving. In this paper, we explore possible ways to use visual attention (saliency) for object detection and tracking. We investigate: 1) How a visual attention map such as a subjectness attention or saliency map and an objectness attention map can facilitate region proposal generation in a 2-stage object detector; 2) How a visual attention map can be used for tracking multiple objects. We propose a neural network that can simultaneously detect objects as and generate objectness and subjectness maps to save computational power. We further exploit the visual attention map during tracking using a sequential Monte Carlo probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter. The experiments are conducted on KITTI and DETRAC datasets. The use of visual attention and hierarchical features has shown a considerable improvement of≈8% in object detection which effectively increased tracking performance by≈4% on KITTI dataset.

Yolo+FPN: 2D and 3D Fused Object Detection with an RGB-D Camera

Ya Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Yolo+FPN: Combining 2D and 3D Object Detection for Real-Time Object Detection

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In this paper we propose a new deep neural network system, called Yolo+FPN, which fuses both 2D and 3D object detection algorithms to achieve better real-time object detection results and faster inference speed, to be used on real robots. Finding an optimized fusion strategy to efficiently combine 3D object detection with 2D detection information is useful and challenging for both indoor and outdoor robots. In order to satisfy real-time requirements, a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency is needed. We not only have improved training and test accuracies and lower mean losses on the KITTI object detection benchmark, but also achieve better average precision on 3D detection of all classes in three levels of difficulty. Also, we implemented Yolo+FPN system using an RGB-D camera, and compared the speed of 2D and 3D object detection using different GPUs. For the real implementation of both indoor and outdoor scenes, we focus on person detection, which is the most challenging and important among the three classes.

What and How? Jointly Forecasting Human Action and Pose

Yanjun Zhu, Yanxia Zhang, Qiong Liu, Andreas Girgensohn

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Auto-TLDR; Forecasting Human Actions and Motion Trajectories with Joint Action Classification and Pose Regression

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Forecasting human actions and motion trajectories addresses the problem of predicting what a person is going to do next and how they will perform it. This is crucial in a wide range of applications such as assisted living and future co-robotic settings. We propose to simultaneously learn actions and action-related human motion dynamics, while existing works perform them independently. In this paper, we present a method to jointly forecast categories of human action and the pose of skeletal joints in the hope that the two tasks can help each other. As a result, our system can predict not only the future actions but also the motion trajectories that will result. To achieve this, we define a task of joint action classification and pose regression. We employ a sequence to sequence encoder-decoder model combined with multi-task learning to forecast future actions and poses progressively before the action happens. Experimental results on two public datasets, IkeaDB and OAD, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark

Kai Cordes, Hellward Broszio

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Auto-TLDR; A Benchmark for Automated Cooperative Maneuvering Using Multi-view Video Streams and Ground Truth Vehicle Description

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Automated driving is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. In this context, connected vehicles have an important role regarding their ability to perform cooperative maneuvers for challenging traffic situations. We propose a benchmark for automated cooperative maneuvers. The targeted cooperative maneuver is the vehicle lane merge where a vehicle on the acceleration lane merges into the traffic of a motorway. The benchmark enables the evaluation of vehicle localization approaches as well as the study of cooperative maneuvers. It consists of temporally synchronized multi-view video streams, highly accurate camera calibration, and ground truth vehicle descriptions, including position, heading, speed, and shape. For benchmark generation, the lane merge maneuver is performed by human drivers on a test track, resulting in 120 lane merge data sets with various traffic situations and video recording conditions.

Location Prediction in Real Homes of Older Adults based on K-Means in Low-Resolution Depth Videos

Simon Simonsson, Flávia Dias Casagrande, Evi Zouganeli

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Learning for Location Recognition and Prediction in Smart Homes using Depth Video Cameras

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In this paper we propose a novel method for location recognition and prediction in smart homes based on semi-supervised learning. We use data collected from low-resolution depth video cameras installed in four apartments with older adults over 70 years of age, and collected during a period of one to seven weeks. The location of the person in the depth images is detected by a person detection algorithm adapted from YOLO (You Only Look Once). The locations extracted from the videos are then clustered using K-means clustering. Sequence prediction algorithms are used to predict the next cluster (location) based on the previous clusters (locations). The accuracy of predicting the next location is up to 91%, a significant improvement compared to the case where binary sensors are placed in the apartment based on human intuition. The paper presents an analysis on the effect of the memory length (i.e. the number of previous clusters used to predict the next one), and on the amount of recorded data required to converge.

DAL: A Deep Depth-Aware Long-Term Tracker

Yanlin Qian, Song Yan, Alan Lukežič, Matej Kristan, Joni-Kristian Kamarainen, Jiri Matas

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Depth-Aware Long-Term RGBD Tracking with Deep Discriminative Correlation Filter

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The best RGBD trackers provide high accuracy but are slow to run. On the other hand, the best RGB trackers are fast but clearly inferior on the RGBD datasets. In this work, we propose a deep depth-aware long-term tracker that achieves state-of-the-art RGBD tracking performance and is fast to run. We reformulate deep discriminative correlation filter (DCF) to embed the depth information into deep features. Moreover, the same depth-aware correlation filter is used for target re- detection. Comprehensive evaluations show that the proposed tracker achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Princeton RGBD, STC, and the newly-released CDTB benchmarks and runs 20 fps.

Story Comparison for Estimating Field of View Overlap in a Video Collection

Thierry Malon, Sylvie Chambon, Alain Crouzil, Vincent Charvillat

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Auto-TLDR; Finding Videos with Overlapping Fields of View Using Video Data

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Determining the links between large amounts of video data with no prior knowledge of the camera positions is a hard task to automate. From a collection of videos acquired from static cameras simultaneously, we propose a method for finding groups of videos with overlapping fields of view. Each video is first processed individually: at regular time steps, objects are detected and are assigned a category and an appearance descriptor. Next, the video is split into cells at different resolutions and we assign to each cell its story: it consists of the list of objects detected in the cell over time. Once the stories are established for each video, the links between cells of different videos are determined by comparing their stories: two cells are linked if they show simultaneous detections of objects of the same category with similar appearances. Pairs of videos with overlapping fields of view are identified using these links between cells. A link graph is finally returned, in which each node represents a video, and the edges indicate pairs of overlapping videos. The approach is evaluated on a set of 63 real videos from both public datasets and live surveillance videos, as well as on 84 synthetic videos, and shows promising results.

HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimastion from RGB and LiDAR

Michael Fürst, Shriya T.P. Gupta, René Schuster, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Human Pose Estimation Using RGB and LiDAR Using Weakly-Supervised Approach

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In-the-wild human pose estimation has a huge potential for various fields, ranging from animation and action recognition to intention recognition and prediction for autonomous driving. The current state-of-the-art is focused only on RGB and RGB-D approaches for predicting the 3D human pose. However, not using precise LiDAR depth information limits the performance and leads to very inaccurate absolute pose estimation. With LiDAR sensors becoming more affordable and common on robots and autonomous vehicle setups, we propose an end-to-end architecture using RGB and LiDAR to predict the absolute 3D human pose with unprecedented precision. Additionally, we introduce a weakly-supervised approach to generate 3D predictions using 2D pose annotations from PedX. This allows for many new opportunities in the field of 3D human pose estimation.

Effective Deployment of CNNs for 3DoF Pose Estimation and Grasping in Industrial Settings

Daniele De Gregorio, Riccardo Zanella, Gianluca Palli, Luigi Di Stefano

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Deep Learning for Robotic Grasping Applications

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In this paper we investigate how to effectively deploy deep learning in practical industrial settings, such as robotic grasping applications. When a deep-learning based solution is proposed, usually lacks of any simple method to generate the training data. In the industrial field, where automation is the main goal, not bridging this gap is one of the main reasons why deep learning is not as widespread as it is in the academic world. For this reason, in this work we developed a system composed by a 3-DoF Pose Estimator based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and an effective procedure to gather massive amounts of training images in the field with minimal human intervention. By automating the labeling stage, we also obtain very robust systems suitable for production-level usage. An open source implementation of our solution is provided, alongside with the dataset used for the experimental evaluation.

Construction Worker Hardhat-Wearing Detection Based on an Improved BiFPN

Chenyang Zhang, Zhiqiang Tian, Jingyi Song, Yaoyue Zheng, Bo Xu

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Auto-TLDR; A One-Stage Object Detection Method for Hardhat-Wearing in Construction Site

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Work in the construction site is considered to be one of the occupations with the highest safety risk factor. Therefore, safety plays an important role in construction site. One of the most fundamental safety rules in construction site is to wear a hardhat. To strengthen the safety of the construction site, most of the current methods use multi-stage method for hardhat-wearing detection. These methods have limitations in terms of adaptability and generalizability. In this paper, we propose a one-stage object detection method based on convolutional neural network. We present a multi-scale strategy that selects the high-resolution feature maps of DarkNet-53 to effectively identify small-scale hardhats. In addition, we propose an improved weighted bi-directional feature pyramid network (BiFPN), which could fuse more semantic features from more scales. The proposed method can not only detect hardhat-wearing, but also identify the color of the hardhat. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a mAP of 87.04%, which outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on a public dataset.

Iterative Bounding Box Annotation for Object Detection

Bishwo Adhikari, Heikki Juhani Huttunen

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-Automatic Bounding Box Annotation for Object Detection in Digital Images

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Manual annotation of bounding boxes for object detection in digital images is tedious, and time and resource consuming. In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic method for efficient bounding box annotation. The method trains the object detector iteratively on small batches of labeled images and learns to propose bounding boxes for the next batch, after which the human annotator only needs to correct possible errors. We propose an experimental setup for simulating the human actions and use it for comparing different iteration strategies, such as the order in which the data is presented to the annotator. We experiment on our method with three datasets and show that it can reduce the human annotation effort significantly, saving up to 75% of total manual annotation work.

RISEdb: A Novel Indoor Localization Dataset

Carlos Sanchez Belenguer, Erik Wolfart, Álvaro Casado Coscollá, Vitor Sequeira

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Auto-TLDR; Indoor Localization Using LiDAR SLAM and Smartphones: A Benchmarking Dataset

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In this paper we introduce a novel public dataset for developing and benchmarking indoor localization systems. We have selected and 3D mapped a set of representative indoor environments including a large office building, a conference room, a workshop, an exhibition area and a restaurant. Our acquisition pipeline is based on a portable LiDAR SLAM backpack to map the buildings and to accurately track the pose of the user as it moves freely inside them. We introduce the calibration procedures that enable us to acquire and geo-reference live data coming from different independent sensors rigidly attached to the backpack. This has allowed us to collect long sequences of spherical and stereo images, together with all the sensor readings coming from a consumer smartphone and locate them inside the map with centimetre accuracy. The dataset addresses many of the limitations of existing indoor localization datasets regarding the scale and diversity of the mapped buildings; the number of acquired sequences under varying conditions; the accuracy of the ground-truth trajectory; the availability of a detailed 3D model and the availability of different sensor types. It enables the benchmarking of existing and the development of new indoor localization approaches, in particular for deep learning based systems that require large amounts of labeled training data.

Multi-Camera Sports Players 3D Localization with Identification Reasoning

Yukun Yang, Ruiheng Zhang, Wanneng Wu, Yu Peng, Xu Min

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Auto-TLDR; Probabilistic and Identified Occupancy Map for Sports Players 3D Localization

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Multi-camera sports players 3D localization is always a challenging task due to heavy occlusions in crowded sports scene. Traditional methods can only provide players locations without identification information. Existing methods of localization may cause ambiguous detection and unsatisfactory precision and recall, especially when heavy occlusions occur. To solve this problem, we propose a generic localization method by providing distinguishable results that have the probabilities of locations being occupied by players with unique ID labels. We design the algorithms with a multi-dimensional Bayesian model to create a Probabilistic and Identified Occupancy Map (PIOM). By using this model, we jointly apply deep learning-based object segmentation and identification to obtain sports players probable positions and their likely identification labels. This approach not only provides players 3D locations but also gives their ID information that are distinguishable from others. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the previous localization approaches with reliable and distinguishable outcomes.

Gabriella: An Online System for Real-Time Activity Detection in Untrimmed Security Videos

Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Ugur Demir, Praveen Praveen Tirupattur, Aayush Jung Rana, Kevin Duarte, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Gabriella: A Real-Time Online System for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos

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Activity detection in surveillance videos is a difficult problem due to multiple factors such as large field of view, presence of multiple activities, varying scales and viewpoints, and its untrimmed nature. The existing research in activity detection is mainly focused on datasets, such as UCF-101, JHMDB, THUMOS, and AVA, which partially address these issues. The requirement of processing the surveillance videos in real-time makes this even more challenging. In this work we propose Gabriella, a real-time online system to perform activity detection on untrimmed surveillance videos. The proposed method consists of three stages: tubelet extraction, activity classification, and online tubelet merging. For tubelet extraction, we propose a localization network which takes a video clip as input and spatio-temporally detects potential foreground regions at multiple scales to generate action tubelets. We propose a novel Patch-Dice loss to handle large variations in actor size. Our online processing of videos at a clip level drastically reduces the computation time in detecting activities. The detected tubelets are assigned activity class scores by the classification network and merged together using our proposed Tubelet-Merge Action-Split (TMAS) algorithm to form the final action detections. The TMAS algorithm efficiently connects the tubelets in an online fashion to generate action detections which are robust against varying length activities. We perform our experiments on the VIRAT and MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with Activities) datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of speed ($\sim$100 fps) and performance with state-of-the-art results. The code and models will be made publicly available.

Benchmarking Cameras for OpenVSLAM Indoors

Kevin Chappellet, Guillaume Caron, Fumio Kanehiro, Ken Sakurada, Abderrahmane Kheddar

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Auto-TLDR; OpenVSLAM: Benchmarking Camera Types for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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In this paper we benchmark different types of cameras and evaluate their performance in terms of reliable localization reliability and precision in Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM). Such benchmarking is merely found for visual odometry, but never for vSLAM. Existing studies usually compare several algorithms for a given camera. %This work is the first to handle the dual of the latter, i.e. comparing several cameras for a given SLAM algorithm. The evaluation methodology we propose is applied to the recent OpenVSLAM framework. The latter is versatile enough to natively deal with perspective, fisheye, 360 cameras in a monocular or stereoscopic setup, an in RGB or RGB-D modalities. Results in various sequences containing light variation and scenery modifications in the scene assess quantitatively the maximum localization rate for 360 vision. In the contrary, RGB-D vision shows the lowest localization rate, but highest precision when localization is possible. Stereo-fisheye trades-off with localization rates and precision between 360 vision and RGB-D vision. The dataset with ground truth will be made available in open access to allow evaluating other/future vSLAM algorithms with respect to these camera types.

Inner Eye Canthus Localization for Human Body Temperature Screening

Claudio Ferrari, Lorenzo Berlincioni, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Localization of the Inner Eye Canthus in Thermal Face Images using 3D Morphable Face Model

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In this paper, we propose an automatic approach for localizing the inner eye canthus in thermal face images. We first coarsely detect 5 facial keypoints corresponding to the center of the eyes, the nosetip and the ears. Then we compute a sparse 2D-3D points correspondence using a 3D Morphable Face Model (3DMM). This correspondence is used to project the entire 3D face onto the image, and subsequently locate the inner eye canthus. Detecting this location allows to obtain the most precise body temperature measurement for a person using a thermal camera. We evaluated the approach on a thermal face dataset provided with manually annotated landmarks. However, such manual annotations are normally conceived to identify facial parts such as eyes, nose and mouth, and are not specifically tailored for localizing the eye canthus region. As additional contribution, we enrich the original dataset by using the annotated landmarks to deform and project the 3DMM onto the images. Then, by manually selecting a small region corresponding to the eye canthus, we enrich the dataset with additional annotations. By using the manual landmarks, we ensure the correctness of the 3DMM projection, which can be used as ground-truth for future evaluations. Moreover, we supply the dataset with the 3D head poses and per-point visibility masks for detecting self-occlusions. The data will be publicly released.

The DeepScoresV2 Dataset and Benchmark for Music Object Detection

Lukas Tuggener, Yvan Putra Satyawan, Alexander Pacha, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Thilo Stadelmann

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Auto-TLDR; DeepScoresV2: an extended version of the DeepScores dataset for optical music recognition

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In this paper, we present DeepScoresV2, an extended version of the DeepScores dataset for optical music recognition (OMR). We improve upon the original DeepScores dataset by providing much more detailed annotations, namely (a) annotations for 135 classes including fundamental symbols of non-fixed size and shape, increasing the number of annotated symbols by 23%; (b) oriented bounding boxes; (c) higher-level rhythm and pitch information (onset beat for all symbols and line position for noteheads); and (d) a compatibility mode for easy use in conjunction with the MUSCIMA++ dataset for OMR on handwritten documents. These additions open up the potential for future advancement in OMR research. Additionally, we release two state-of-the-art baselines for DeepScoresV2 based on Faster R-CNN and the Deep Watershed Detector. An analysis of the baselines shows that regular orthogonal bounding boxes are unsuitable for objects which are long, small, and potentially rotated, such as ties and beams, which demonstrates the need for detection algorithms that naturally incorporate object angles. Dataset, code and pre-trained models, as well as user instructions, are publicly available at https://tuggeluk.github.io/dsv2_preview/

One-Stage Multi-Task Detector for 3D Cardiac MR Imaging

Weizeng Lu, Xi Jia, Wei Chen, Nicolò Savioli, Antonio De Marvao, Linlin Shen, Declan O'Regan, Jinming Duan

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Learning for Real-Time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space

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Fast and accurate landmark location and bounding box detection are important steps in 3D medical imaging. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task learning framework, for real-time, simultaneous landmark location and bounding box detection in 3D space. Our method extends the famous single-shot multibox detector (SSD) from single-task learning to multi-task learning and from 2D to 3D. Furthermore, we propose a post-processing approach to refine the network landmark output, by averaging the candidate landmarks. Owing to these settings, the proposed framework is fast and accurate. For 3D cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) images with size 224 × 224 × 64, our framework runs about 128 volumes per second (VPS) on GPU and achieves 6.75mm average point-to-point distance error for landmark location, which outperforms both state-of-the-art and baseline methods. We also show that segmenting the 3D image cropped with the bounding box results in both improved performance and efficiency.

Rotational Adjoint Methods for Learning-Free 3D Human Pose Estimation from IMU Data

Caterina Emilia Agelide Buizza, Yiannis Demiris

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Auto-TLDR; Learning-free 3D Human Pose Estimation from Inertial Measurement Unit Data

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We present a new framework for learning-free 3D human pose estimation from Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. The proposed method does not rely on a full motion sequence to calculate a pose for any particular time point and thus can operate in real-time. A cost function based only on joint rotations is used, removing the need for frequent transformations between rotations and 3D Cartesian coordinates. A Jacobian that preserves skeleton structure is derived using Adjoint methods from Variational Data Assimilation. To facilitate further research in IMU-based Motion Capture, we provide a dataset that combines RGB and depth images from an Intel RealSense camera, marker-based motion capture from an Optitrack system and Xsens IMU data. We have evaluated our method on both our dataset and the Total Capture dataset, showing an average error across 24 joints of 0.45 and 0.48 radians respectively.

Uncertainty Guided Recognition of Tiny Craters on the Moon

Thorsten Wilhelm, Christian Wöhler

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Auto-TLDR; Accurately Detecting Tiny Craters in Remote Sensed Images Using Deep Neural Networks

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Accurately detecting craters in remotely sensed images is an important task when analysing the properties of planetary bodies. Commonly, only large craters in the range of several kilometres are detected. In this work we provide the first example of automatically detecting tiny craters in the range of several meters with the help of a deep neural network by using only a small set of annotated craters. Additionally, we propose a novel way to group overlapping detections and replace the commonly used non-maximum suppression with a probabilistic treatment. As a result, we receive valuable uncertainty estimates of the detections and the aggregated detections are shown to be vastly superior.

Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos

Taanya Gupta, Hengyue Liu, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Smoke in Videos during Forest Fire

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Recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicles and camera technology have proven useful for the detection of smoke that emerges above the trees during a forest fire. Automatic detection of smoke in videos is of great interest to Fire department. To date, in most parts of the world, the fire is not detected in its early stage and generally it turns catastrophic. This paper introduces a novel technique that integrates spatial and temporal features in a deep learning framework using semi-supervised spatio-temporal video object segmentation and dense optical flow. However, detecting this smoke in the presence of haze and without the labeled data is difficult. Considering the visibility of haze in the sky, a dark channel pre-processing method is used that reduces the amount of haze in video frames and consequently improves the detection results. Online training is performed on a video at the time of testing that reduces the need for ground-truth data. Tests using the publicly available video datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous work and they are robust across different wildfire-threatened locations.

Better Prior Knowledge Improves Human-Pose-Based Extrinsic Camera Calibration

Olivier Moliner, Sangxia Huang, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Human-pose-based Extrinsic Calibration for Multi-Camera Systems

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Accurate extrinsic calibration of wide baseline multi-camera systems enables better understanding of 3D scenes for many applications and is of great practical importance. Classical Structure-from-Motion calibration methods require special calibration equipment so that accurate point correspondences can be detected between different views. In addition, an operator with some training is usually needed to ensure that data is collected in a way that leads to good calibration accuracy. This limits the ease of adoption of such technologies. Recently, methods have been proposed to use human pose estimation models to establish point correspondences, thus removing the need for any special equipment. The challenge with this approach is that human pose estimation algorithms typically produce much less accurate feature points compared to classical patch-based methods. Another problem is that ambient human motion might not be optimal for calibration. We build upon prior works and introduce several novel ideas to improve the accuracy of human-pose-based extrinsic calibration. Our first contribution is a robust reprojection loss based on a better understanding of the sources of pose estimation error. Our second contribution is a 3D human pose likelihood model learned from motion capture data. We demonstrate significant improvements in calibration accuracy by evaluating our method on four publicly available datasets.

A Detection-Based Approach to Multiview Action Classification in Infants

Carolina Pacheco, Effrosyni Mavroudi, Elena Kokkoni, Herbert Tanner, Rene Vidal

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Auto-TLDR; Multiview Action Classification for Infants in a Pediatric Rehabilitation Environment

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Activity recognition in children and infants is important in applications such as safety monitoring, behavior assessment, and child-robot interaction, among others. However, it differs from activity recognition in adults not only because body poses and proportions are different, but also because of the way in which actions are performed. This paper addresses the problem of infant action classification (up to 2 years old) in challenging conditions. The actions are performed in a pediatric rehabilitation environment in which not only infants but also robots and adults are present, with the infant being one of the smallest actors in the scene. We propose a multiview action classification system based on Faster R-CNN and LSTM networks, which fuses information from different views by using learnable fusion coefficients derived from detection confidence scores. The proposed system is view-independent, learns features that are close to view-invariant, and can handle new or missing views at test time. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline model for this dataset by 11.4% in terms of average classification accuracy in four classes (crawl, sit, stand and walk). Moreover, experiments in a extended dataset from 6 subjects (8 to 24 months old) show that the proposed fusion strategy outperforms the best post-processing fusion strategy by 2.5% and 6.8% average classification accuracy in Leave One Super-session Out and Leave One Subject Out cross-validation, respectively.

From Certain to Uncertain: Toward Optimal Solution for Offline Multiple Object Tracking

Kaikai Zhao, Takashi Imaseki, Hiroshi Mouri, Einoshin Suzuki, Tetsu Matsukawa

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Auto-TLDR; Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering with Ensemble of Tracking Experts for Object Tracking

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Affinity measure in object tracking outputs a similarity or distance score for given detections. As an affinity measure is typically imperfect, it generally has an uncertain region in which regarding two groups of detections as the same object or different objects based on the score can be wrong. How to reduce the uncertain region is a major challenge for most similarity-based tracking methods. Early mistakes often result in distribution drifts for tracked objects and this is another major issue for object tracking. In this paper, we propose a new offline tracking method called agglomerative hierarchical clustering with ensemble of tracking experts (AHC_ETE), to tackle the uncertain region and early mistake issues. We conduct tracking from certain to uncertain to reduce early mistakes. Meanwhile, we ensemble multiple tracking experts to reduce the uncertain region as the final one is the union of that of each tracking expert. Experiments on MOT16 datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of our method.

Visual Object Tracking in Drone Images with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Derya Gözen, Sedat Ozer

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Reinforcement Learning based Single Object Tracker for Drone Applications

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There is an increasing demand on utilizing camera equipped drones and their applications in many domains varying from agriculture to entertainment and from sports events to surveillance. In such drone applications, an essential and a common task is tracking an object of interest visually. Drone (or UAV) images have different properties when compared to the ground taken (natural) images and those differences introduce additional complexities to the existing object trackers to be directly applied on drone applications. Some important differences among those complexities include (i) smaller object sizes to be tracked and (ii) different orientations and viewing angles yielding different texture and features to be observed. Therefore, new algorithms trained on drone images are needed for the drone-based applications. In this paper, we introduce a deep reinforcement learning (RL) based single object tracker that tracks an object of interest in drone images by estimating a series of actions to find the location of the object in the next frame. This is the first work introducing a single object tracker using a deep RL-based technique for drone images. Our proposed solution introduces a novel reward function that aims to reduce the total number of actions taken to estimate the object's location in the next frame and also introduces a different backbone network to be used on low resolution images. Additionally, we introduce a set of new actions into the action library to better deal with the above-mentioned complexities. We compare our proposed solutions to a state of the art tracking algorithm from the recent literature and demonstrate up to 3.87\% improvement in precision and 3.6\% improvement in IoU values on the VisDrone2019 dataset. We also provide additional results on OTB-100 dataset and show up to 3.15\% improvement in precision on the OTB-100 dataset when compared to the same previous state of the art algorithm. Lastly, we analyze the ability to handle some of the challenges faced during tracking, including but not limited to occlusion, deformation, and scale variation for our proposed solutions.

EAGLE: Large-Scale Vehicle Detection Dataset in Real-World Scenarios Using Aerial Imagery

Seyed Majid Azimi, Reza Bahmanyar, Corentin Henry, Kurz Franz

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Auto-TLDR; EAGLE: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-class Vehicle Detection with Object Orientation Information in Airborne Imagery

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Multi-class vehicle detection from airborne imagery with orientation estimation is an important task in the near and remote vision domains with applications in traffic monitoring and disaster management. In the last decade, we have witnessed significant progress in object detection in ground imagery, but it is still in its infancy in airborne imagery, mostly due to the scarcity of diverse and large-scale datasets. Despite being a useful tool for different applications, current airborne datasets only partially reflect the challenges of real-world scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce EAGLE (oriEnted object detection using Aerial imaGery in real-worLd scEnarios), a large-scale dataset for multi-class vehicle detection with object orientation information in aerial imagery. It features high-resolution aerial images composed of different real-world situations with a wide variety of camera sensor, resolution, flight altitude, weather, illumination, haze, shadow, time, city, country, occlusion, and camera angle. The annotation was done by airborne imagery experts with small- and large-vehicle classes. EAGLE contains 215,986 instances annotated with oriented bounding boxes defined by four points and orientation, making it by far the largest dataset to date in this task. It also supports researches on the haze and shadow removal as well as super-resolution and in-painting applications. We define three tasks: detection by (1) horizontal bounding boxes, (2) rotated bounding boxes, and (3) oriented bounding boxes. We carried out several experiments to evaluate several state-of-the-art methods in object detection on our dataset to form a baseline. Experiments show that the EAGLE dataset accurately reflects real-world situations and correspondingly challenging applications. The dataset will be made publicly available.

Detecting Objects with High Object Region Percentage

Fen Fang, Qianli Xu, Liyuan Li, Ying Gu, Joo-Hwee Lim

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Auto-TLDR; Faster R-CNN for High-ORP Object Detection

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Object shape is a subtle but important factor for object detection. It has been observed that the object-region-percentage (ORP) can be utilized to improve detection accuracy for elongated objects, which have much lower ORPs than other types of objects. In this paper, we propose an approach to improve the detection performance for objects whose ORPs are relatively higher.To address the problem of high-ORP object detection, we propose a method consisting of three steps. First, we adjust the ground truth bounding boxes of high-ORP objects to an optimal range. Second, we train an object detector, Faster R-CNN, based on adjusted bounding boxes to achieve high recall. Finally, we train a DCNN to learn the adjustment ratios towards four directions and adjust detected bounding boxes of objects to get better localization for higher precision. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on 12 high-ORP objects in COCO and 8 objects in a proprietary gearbox dataset. The experimental results show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on these objects while costing less resources in training and inference stages.

Learning Group Activities from Skeletons without Individual Action Labels

Fabio Zappardino, Tiberio Uricchio, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Lean Pose Only for Group Activity Recognition


To understand human behavior we must not just recognize individual actions but model possibly complex group activity and interactions. Hierarchical models obtain the best results in group activity recognition but require fine grained individual action annotations at the actor level. In this paper we show that using only skeletal data we can train a state-of-the art end-to-end system using only group activity labels at the sequence level. Our experiments show that models trained without individual action supervision perform poorly. On the other hand we show that pseudo-labels can be computed from any pre-trained feature extractor with comparable final performance. Finally our carefully designed lean pose only architecture shows highly competitive results versus more complex multimodal approaches even in the self-supervised variant.

Image Sequence Based Cyclist Action Recognition Using Multi-Stream 3D Convolution

Stefan Zernetsch, Steven Schreck, Viktor Kress, Konrad Doll, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; 3D-ConvNet: A Multi-stream 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Cyclists in Real World Traffic Situations

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In this article, we present an approach to detect basic movements of cyclists in real world traffic situations based on image sequences, optical flow (OF) sequences, and past positions using a multi-stream 3D convolutional neural network (3D-ConvNet) architecture. To resolve occlusions of cyclists by other traffic participants or road structures, we use a wide angle stereo camera system mounted at a heavily frequented public intersection. We created a large dataset consisting of 1,639 video sequences containing cyclists, recorded in real world traffic, resulting in over 1.1 million samples. Through modeling the cyclists' behavior by a state machine of basic cyclist movements, our approach takes every situation into account and is not limited to certain scenarios. We compare our method to an approach solely based on position sequences. Both methods are evaluated taking into account frame wise and scene wise classification results of basic movements, and detection times of basic movement transitions, where our approach outperforms the position based approach by producing more reliable detections with shorter detection times. Our code and parts of our dataset are made publicly available.

Real Time Fencing Move Classification and Detection at Touch Time During a Fencing Match

Cem Ekin Sunal, Chris G. Willcocks, Boguslaw Obara

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Auto-TLDR; Fencing Body Move Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning

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Fencing is a fast-paced sport played with swords which are Epee, Foil, and Saber. However, such fast-pace can cause referees to make wrong decisions. Review of slow-motion camera footage in tournaments helps referees’ decision making, but it interrupts the match and may not be available for every organization. Motivated by the need for better decision making, analysis, and availability, we introduce the first fully-automated deep learning classification and detection system for fencing body moves at the moment a touch is made. This is an important step towards creating a fencing analysis system, with player profiling and decision tools that will benefit the fencing community. The proposed architecture combines You Only Look Once version three (YOLOv3) with a ResNet-34 classifier, trained on ImageNet settings to obtain 83.0\% test accuracy on the fencing moves. These results are exciting development in the sport, providing immediate feedback and analysis along with accessibility, hence making it a valuable tool for trainers and fencing match referees.