Galaxy Image Translation with Semi-Supervised Noise-Reconstructed Generative Adversarial Networks

Qiufan Lin, Dominique Fouchez, Jérôme Pasquet

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks Using Paired and Unpaired Images

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Image-to-image translation with Deep Learning neural networks, particularly with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), is one of the most powerful methods for simulating astronomical images. However, current work is limited to utilizing paired images with supervised translation, and there has been rare discussion on reconstructing noise background that encodes instrumental and observational effects. These limitations might be harmful for subsequent scientific applications in astrophysics. Therefore, we aim to develop methods for using unpaired images and preserving noise characteristics in image translation. In this work, we propose a two-way image translation model using GANs that exploits both paired and unpaired images in a semi-supervised manner, and introduce a noise emulating module that is able to learn and reconstruct noise characterized by high-frequency features. By experimenting on multi-band galaxy images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHT), we show that our method recovers global and local properties effectively and outperforms benchmark image translation models. To our best knowledge, this work is the first attempt to apply semi-supervised methods and noise reconstruction techniques in astrophysical studies.

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Local Facial Attribute Transfer through Inpainting

Ricard Durall, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network

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The term attribute transfer refers to the tasks of altering images in such a way, that the semantic interpretation of a given input image is shifted towards an intended direction, which is quantified by semantic attributes. Prominent example applications are photo realistic changes of facial features and expressions, like changing the hair color, adding a smile, enlarging the nose or altering the entire context of a scene, like transforming a summer landscape into a winter panorama. Recent advances in attribute transfer are mostly based on generative deep neural networks, using various techniques to manipulate images in the latent space of the generator. In this paper, we present a novel method for the common sub-task of local attribute transfers, where only parts of a face have to be altered in order to achieve semantic changes (e.g. removing a mustache). In contrast to previous methods, where such local changes have been implemented by generating new (global) images, we propose to formulate local attribute transfers as an inpainting problem. Removing and regenerating only parts of images, our Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network (ATI-GAN) is able to utilize local context information to focus on the attributes while keeping the background unmodified resulting in visually sound results.

Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks and Fast Adaptive Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition for Style Transfer

Elissavet Batziou, Petros Alvanitopoulos, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Ioannis Patras, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

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Auto-TLDR; FABEMD: Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition for Style Transfer on Images

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Recently, research endeavors have shown the potentiality of Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (CycleGAN) in style transfer. In Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks, the consistency loss is introduced to measure the difference between the original images and the reconstructed in both directions, forward and backward. In this work, the combination of Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks with Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (FABEMD) is proposed to perform style transfer on images. In the proposed approach the cycle-consistency loss is modified to include the differences between the extracted Intrinsic Mode Functions (BIMFs) images. Instead of an estimation of pixel-to-pixel difference between the produced and input images, the FABEMD is applied and the extracted BIMFs are involved in the computation of the total cycle loss. This method enriches the computation of the total loss in a content-to-content and style-to-style comparison by connecting the spatial information to the frequency components. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method is efficient and produces qualitative results comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

Detail Fusion GAN: High-Quality Translation for Unpaired Images with GAN-Based Data Augmentation

Ling Li, Yaochen Li, Chuan Wu, Hang Dong, Peilin Jiang, Fei Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Data Augmentation with GAN-based Generative Adversarial Network

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Image-to-image translation, a task to learn the mapping relation between two different domains, is a rapid-growing research field in deep learning. Although existing Generative Adversarial Network(GAN)-based methods have achieved decent results in this field, there are still some limitations in generating high-quality images for practical applications (e.g., data augmentation and image inpainting). In this work, we aim to propose a GAN-based network for data augmentation which can generate translated images with more details and less artifacts. The proposed Detail Fusion Generative Adversarial Network(DFGAN) consists of a detail branch, a transfer branch, a filter module, and a reconstruction module. The detail branch is trained by a super-resolution loss and its intermediate features can be used to introduce more details to the transfer branch by the filter module. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our model generates more satisfactory images against the state-of-the-art approaches for data augmentation.

Augmented Cyclic Consistency Regularization for Unpaired Image-To-Image Translation

Takehiko Ohkawa, Naoto Inoue, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Nakamasa Inoue

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Auto-TLDR; Augmented Cyclic Consistency Regularization for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation

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Unpaired image-to-image (I2I) translation has received considerable attention in pattern recognition and computer vision because of recent advancements in generative adversarial networks (GANs). However, due to the lack of explicit supervision, unpaired I2I models often fail to generate realistic images, especially in challenging datasets with different backgrounds and poses. Hence, stabilization is indispensable for real-world applications and GANs. Herein, we propose Augmented Cyclic Consistency Regularization (ACCR), a novel regularization method for unpaired I2I translation. Our main idea is to enforce consistency regularization originating from semi-supervised learning on the discriminators leveraging real, fake, reconstructed, and augmented samples. We regularize the discriminators to output similar predictions when fed pairs of original and perturbed images. We qualitatively clarify the generation property between unpaired I2I models and standard GANs, and explain why consistency regularization on fake and reconstructed samples works well. Quantitatively, our method outperforms the consistency regularized GAN (CR-GAN) in real-world translations and demonstrates efficacy against several data augmentation variants and cycle-consistent constraints.

Towards Artifacts-Free Image Defogging

Gabriele Graffieti, Davide Maltoni

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Auto-TLDR; CurL-Defog: Learning Based Defogging with CycleGAN and HArD

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In this paper we present a novel defogging technique, named CurL-Defog, aimed at minimizing the creation of artifacts. The majority of learning based defogging approaches relies on paired data (i.e., the same images with and without fog), where fog is artificially added to clear images: this often provides good results on mildly fogged images but does not generalize well to real difficult cases. On the other hand, the models trained with real unpaired data (e.g. CycleGAN) can provide visually impressive results but often produce unwanted artifacts. In this paper we propose a curriculum learning strategy coupled with an enhanced CycleGAN model in order to reduce the number of produced artifacts, while maintaining state-of-the- art performance in terms of contrast enhancement and image reconstruction. We also introduce a new metric, called HArD (Hazy Artifact Detector) to numerically quantify the amount of artifacts in the defogged images, thus avoiding the tedious and subjective manual inspection of the results. The proposed approach compares favorably with state-of-the-art techniques on both real and synthetic datasets.

Data Augmentation Via Mixed Class Interpolation Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks Applied to Cross-Domain Imagery

Hiroshi Sasaki, Chris G. Willcocks, Toby Breckon

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Auto-TLDR; C2GMA: A Generative Domain Transfer Model for Non-visible Domain Classification

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Machine learning driven object detection and classification within non-visible imagery has an important role in many fields such as night vision, all-weather surveillance and aviation security. However, such applications often suffer due to the limited quantity and variety of non-visible spectral domain imagery, in contrast to the high data availability of visible-band imagery that readily enables contemporary deep learning driven detection and classification approaches. To address this problem, this paper proposes and evaluates a novel data augmentation approach that leverages the more readily available visible-band imagery via a generative domain transfer model. The model can synthesise large volumes of non-visible domain imagery by image-to-image (I2I) translation from the visible image domain. Furthermore, we show that the generation of interpolated mixed class (non-visible domain) image examples via our novel Conditional CycleGAN Mixup Augmentation (C2GMA) methodology can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of non-visible domain classification tasks that otherwise suffer due to limited data availability. Focusing on classification within the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) domain, our approach is evaluated on a variation of the Statoil/C-CORE Iceberg Classifier Challenge dataset and achieves 75.4% accuracy, demonstrating a significant improvement when compared against traditional data augmentation strategies (Rotation, Mixup, and MixCycleGAN).

Makeup Style Transfer on Low-Quality Images with Weighted Multi-Scale Attention

Daniel Organisciak, Edmond S. L. Ho, Shum Hubert P. H.

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Auto-TLDR; Facial Makeup Style Transfer for Low-Resolution Images Using Multi-Scale Spatial Attention

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Facial makeup style transfer is an extremely challenging sub-field of image-to-image-translation. Due to this difficulty, state-of-the-art results are mostly reliant on the Face Parsing Algorithm, which segments a face into parts in order to easily extract makeup features. However, we find that this algorithm can only work well on high-definition images where facial features can be accurately extracted. Faces in many real-world photos, such as those including a large background or multiple people, are typically of low-resolution, which considerably hinders state-of-the-art algorithms. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end holistic approach to effectively transfer makeup styles between two low-resolution images. The idea is built upon a novel weighted multi-scale spatial attention module, which identifies salient pixel regions on low-resolution images in multiple scales, and uses channel attention to determine the most effective attention map. This design provides two benefits: low-resolution images are usually blurry to different extents, so a multi-scale architecture can select the most effective convolution kernel size to implement spatial attention; makeup is applied on both a macro-level (foundation, fake tan) and a micro-level (eyeliner, lipstick) so different scales can excel in extracting different makeup features. We develop an Augmented CycleGAN network that embeds our attention modules at selected layers to most effectively transfer makeup. We test our system with the FBD data set, which consists of many low-resolution facial images, and demonstrates that it outperforms state-of-the-art methods, particularly in transferring makeup for blurry images and partially occluded images.

AVAE: Adversarial Variational Auto Encoder

Antoine Plumerault, Hervé Le Borgne, Celine Hudelot

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Auto-TLDR; Combining VAE and GAN for Realistic Image Generation

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Among the wide variety of image generative models, two models stand out: Variational Auto Encoders (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). GANs can produce realistic images, but they suffer from mode collapse and do not provide simple ways to get the latent representation of an image. On the other hand, VAEs do not have these problems, but they often generate images less realistic than GANs. In this article, we explain that this lack of realism is partially due to a common underestimation of the natural image manifold dimensionality. To solve this issue we introduce a new framework that combines VAE and GAN in a novel and complementary way to produce an auto-encoding model that keeps VAEs properties while generating images of GAN-quality. We evaluate our approach both qualitatively and quantitatively on five image datasets.

Unsupervised Contrastive Photo-To-Caricature Translation Based on Auto-Distortion

Yuhe Ding, Xin Ma, Mandi Luo, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation with style loss

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Photo-to-caricature aims to synthesize the caricature as a rendered image exaggerating the features through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings. Style rendering and geometry deformation are the most important aspects in photo-to-caricature translation task. To take both into consideration, we propose an unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation architecture. Considering the intuitive artifacts in the existing methods, we propose a contrastive style loss for style rendering to enforce the similarity between the style of rendered photo and the caricature, and simultaneously enhance its discrepancy to the photos. To obtain an exaggerating deformation in an unpaired/unsupervised fashion, we propose a Distortion Prediction Module (DPM) to predict a set of displacements vectors for each input image while fixing some controlling points, followed by the thin plate spline interpolation for warping. The model is trained on unpaired photo and caricature while can offer bidirectional synthesizing via inputting either a photo or a caricature. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to generate hand-drawn like caricatures compared with existing competitors.

High Resolution Face Age Editing

Xu Yao, Gilles Puy, Alasdair Newson, Yann Gousseau, Pierre Hellier

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Auto-TLDR; An Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Face Age editing on High Resolution Images

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Face age editing has become a crucial task in film post-production, and is also becoming popular for general purpose photography. Recently, adversarial training has produced some of the most visually impressive results for image manipulation, including the face aging/de-aging task. In spite of considerable progress, current methods often present visual artifacts and can only deal with low-resolution images. In order to achieve aging/de-aging with the high quality and robustness necessary for wider use, these problems need to be addressed. This is the goal of the present work. We present an encoder-decoder architecture for face age editing. The core idea of our network is to encode a face image to age-invariant features, and learn a modulation vector corresponding to a target age. We then combine these two elements to produce a realistic image of the person with the desired target age. Our architecture is greatly simplified with respect to other approaches, and allows for fine-grained age editing on high resolution images in a single unified model. Source codes are available at

MBD-GAN: Model-Based Image Deblurring with a Generative Adversarial Network

Li Song, Edmund Y. Lam

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Auto-TLDR; Model-Based Deblurring GAN for Inverse Imaging

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This paper presents a methodology to tackle inverse imaging problems by leveraging the synergistic power of imaging model and deep learning. The premise is that while learning-based techniques have quickly become the methods of choice in various applications, they often ignore the prior knowledge embedded in imaging models. Incorporating the latter has the potential to improve the image estimation. Specifically, we first provide a mathematical basis of using generative adversarial network (GAN) in inverse imaging through considering an optimization framework. Then, we develop the specific architecture that connects the generator and discriminator networks with the imaging model. While this technique can be applied to a variety of problems, from image reconstruction to super-resolution, we take image deblurring as the example here, where we show in detail the implementation and experimental results of what we call the model-based deblurring GAN (MBD-GAN).

Identity-Preserved Face Beauty Transformation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhitong Huang, Ching Y Suen

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Auto-TLDR; Identity-preserved face beauty transformation using conditional GANs

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Identity-preserved face beauty transformation aims to change the beauty scale of a face image while preserving the identity of the original face. In our framework of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs), the synthesized face produced by the generator would have the same beauty scale indicated by the input condition. Unlike the discrete class labels used in most cGANs, the condition of target beauty scale in our framework is given by a continuous real-valued beauty score in the range [1 to 5], which makes the work challenging. To tackle the problem, we have implemented a triple structure, in which the conditional discriminator is divided into a normal discriminator and a separate face beauty predictor. We have also developed another new structure called Conditioned Instance Normalization to replace the original concatenation used in cGANs, which makes the combination of the input image and condition more effective. Furthermore, Self-Consistency Loss is introduced as a new parameter to improve the stability of training and quality of the generated image. In the end, the objectives of beauty transformation and identity preservation are evaluated by the pretrained face beauty predictor and state-of-the-art face recognition network. The result is encouraging and it also shows that certain facial features could be synthesized by the generator according to the target beauty scale, while preserving the original identity.

Learning Low-Shot Generative Networks for Cross-Domain Data

Hsuan-Kai Kao, Cheng-Che Lee, Wei-Chen Chiu

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Generators for Cross-Domain Data under Low-Shot Learning

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We tackle a novel problem of learning generators for cross-domain data under a specific scenario of low-shot learning. Basically, given a source domain with sufficient amount of training data, we aim to transfer the knowledge of its generative process to another target domain, which not only has few data samples but also contains the domain shift with respect to the source domain. This problem has great potential in practical use and is different from the well-known image translation task, as the target-domain data can be generated without requiring any source-domain ones and the large data consumption for learning target-domain generator can be alleviated. Built upon a cross-domain dataset where (1) each of the low shots in the target domain has its correspondence in the source and (2) these two domains share the similar content information but different appearance, two approaches are proposed: a Latent-Disentanglement-Orientated model (LaDo) and a Generative-Hierarchy-Oriented (GenHo) model. Our LaDo and GenHo approaches address the problem from different perspectives, where the former relies on learning the disentangled representation composed of domain-invariant content features and domain-specific appearance ones; while the later decomposes the generative process of a generator into two parts for synthesizing the content and appearance sequentially. We perform extensive experiments under various settings of cross-domain data and show the efficacy of our models for generating target-domain data with the abundant content variance as in the source domain, which lead to the favourable performance in comparison to several baselines.

Boundary Guided Image Translation for Pose Estimation from Ultra-Low Resolution Thermal Sensor

Kohei Kurihara, Tianren Wang, Teng Zhang, Brian Carrington Lovell

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Auto-TLDR; Pose Estimation on Low-Resolution Thermal Images Using Image-to-Image Translation Architecture

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This work addresses the pose estimation task on low-resolution images captured using thermal sensors which can operate in a no-light environment. Low-resolution thermal sensors have been widely adopted in various applications for cost control and privacy protection purposes. In this paper, targeting the challenging scenario of ultra-low resolution thermal imaging (3232 pixels), we aim to estimate human poses for the purpose of monitoring health conditions and indoor events. To overcome the challenges in ultra-low resolution thermal imaging such as blurred boundaries and data scarcity, we propose a new Image-to-Image (I2I) translation architecture which can translate the original blurred thermal image into a visible light image with sharper boundaries. Then the generated visible light image can be fed into the off-the-shelf pose estimator which was well-trained in the visible domain. Experimental results suggest that the proposed framework outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in the I2I based pose estimation task for our thermal image dataset. Furthermore, we also demonstrated the merits of the proposed method on the publicly available FLIR dataset by measuring the quality of translated images.

Thermal Image Enhancement Using Generative Adversarial Network for Pedestrian Detection

Mohamed Amine Marnissi, Hajer Fradi, Anis Sahbani, Najoua Essoukri Ben Amara

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Visual Quality of Infrared Images for Pedestrian Detection Using Generative Adversarial Network

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Infrared imaging has recently played an important role in a wide range of applications including surveillance, robotics and night vision. However, infrared cameras often suffer from some limitations, essentially about low-contrast and blurred details. These problems contribute to the loss of observation of target objects in infrared images, which could limit the feasibility of different infrared imaging applications. In this paper, we mainly focus on the problem of pedestrian detection on thermal images. Particularly, we emphasis the need for enhancing the visual quality of images beforehand performing the detection step. % to ensure effective results. To address that, we propose a novel thermal enhancement architecture based on Generative Adversarial Network, and composed of two modules contrast enhancement and denoising modules with a post-processing step for edge restoration in order to improve the overall quality. The effectiveness of the proposed architecture is assessed by means of visual quality metrics and better results are obtained compared to the original thermal images and to the obtained results by other existing enhancement methods. These results have been conduced on a subset of KAIST dataset. Using the same dataset, the impact of the proposed enhancement architecture has been demonstrated on the detection results by obtaining better performance with a significant margin using YOLOv3 detector.

Disentangled Representation Learning for Controllable Image Synthesis: An Information-Theoretic Perspective

Shichang Tang, Xu Zhou, Xuming He, Yi Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Controllable Image Synthesis in Deep Generative Models using Variational Auto-Encoder

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In this paper, we look into the problem of disentangled representation learning and controllable image synthesis in a deep generative model. We develop an encoder-decoder architecture for a variant of the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) with two latent codes $z_1$ and $z_2$. Our framework uses $z_2$ to capture specified factors of variation while $z_1$ captures the complementary factors of variation. To this end, we analyze the learning problem from the perspective of multivariate mutual information, derive optimizable lower bounds of the conditional mutual information in the image synthesis processes and incorporate them into the training objective. We validate our method empirically on the Color MNIST dataset and the CelebA dataset by showing controllable image syntheses. Our proposed paradigm is simple yet effective and is applicable to many situations, including those where there is not an explicit factorization of features available, or where the features are non-categorical.

Multi-Laplacian GAN with Edge Enhancement for Face Super Resolution

Shanlei Ko, Bi-Ru Dai

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Auto-TLDR; Face Image Super-Resolution with Enhanced Edge Information

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Face image super-resolution has become a research hotspot in the field of image processing. Nowadays, more and more researches add additional information, such as landmark, identity, to reconstruct high resolution images from low resolution ones, and have a good performance in quantitative terms and perceptual quality. However, these additional information is hard to obtain in many cases. In this work, we focus on reconstructing face images by extracting useful information from face images directly rather than using additional information. By observing edge information in each scale of face images, we propose a method to reconstruct high resolution face images with enhanced edge information. In additional, with the proposed training procedure, our method reconstructs photo-realistic images in upscaling factor 8x and outperforms state-of-the-art methods both in quantitative terms and perceptual quality.

Unsupervised Multi-Task Domain Adaptation

Shih-Min Yang, Mei-Chen Yeh

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Multi-task Learning for Image Recognition

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With abundant labeled data, deep convolutional neural networks have shown great success in various image recognition tasks. However, these models are often less powerful when applied to novel datasets due to a phenomenon known as domain shift. Unsupervised domain adaptation methods aim to address this problem, allowing deep models trained on the labeled source domain to be used on a different target domain (without labels). In this paper, we investigate whether the generalization ability of an unsupervised domain adaptation method can be improved through multi-task learning, with learned features required to be both domain invariant and discriminative for multiple different but relevant tasks. Experiments evaluating two fundamental recognition tasks---including image recognition and segmentation--- show that the generalization ability empowered by multi-task learning may not benefit recognition when the model is directly applied on the target domain, but the multi-task setting can boost the performance of state-of-the-art unsupervised domain adaptation methods by a non-negligible margin.

Small Object Detection Leveraging on Simultaneous Super-Resolution

Hong Ji, Zhi Gao, Xiaodong Liu, Tiancan Mei

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Auto-TLDR; Super-Resolution via Generative Adversarial Network for Small Object Detection

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Despite the impressive advancement achieved in object detection, the detection performance of small object is still far from satisfactory due to the lack of sufficient detailed appearance to distinguish it from similar objects. Inspired by the positive effects of super-resolution for object detection, we propose a general framework that can be incorporated with most available detector networks to significantly improve the performance of small object detection, in which the low-resolution image is super-resolved via generative adversarial network (GAN) in an unsupervised manner. In our method, the super-resolution network and the detection network are trained jointly and alternately with each other fixed. In particular, the detection loss is back-propagated into the super-resolution network during training to facilitate detection. Compared with available simultaneous super-resolution and detection methods which heavily rely on low-/high-resolution image pairs, our work breaks through such restriction via applying the CycleGAN strategy, achieving increased generality and applicability, while remaining an elegant structure. Extensive experiments on datasets from both computer vision and remote sensing communities demonstrate that our method works effectively on a wide range of complex scenarios, resulting in best performance that significantly outperforms many state-of-the-art approaches.

Spatial-Aware GAN for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification

Fangneng Zhan, Changgong Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification


The recent person re-identification research has achieved great success by learning from a large number of labeled person images. On the other hand, the learned models often experience significant performance drops when applied to images collected in a different environment. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been investigated to mitigate this constraint, but most existing systems adapt images at pixel level only and ignore obvious discrepancies at spatial level. This paper presents an innovative UDA-based person re-identification network that is capable of adapting images at both spatial and pixel levels simultaneously. A novel disentangled cycle-consistency loss is designed which guides the learning of spatial-level and pixel-level adaptation in a collaborative manner. In addition, a novel multi-modal mechanism is incorporated which is capable of generating images of different geometry views and augmenting training images effectively. Extensive experiments over a number of public datasets show that the proposed UDA network achieves superior person re-identification performance as compared with the state-of-the-art.

Combining GANs and AutoEncoders for Efficient Anomaly Detection

Fabio Carrara, Giuseppe Amato, Luca Brombin, Fabrizio Falchi, Claudio Gennaro

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Auto-TLDR; CBIGAN: Anomaly Detection in Images with Consistency Constrained BiGAN

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In this work, we propose CBiGAN --- a novel method for anomaly detection in images, where a consistency constraint is introduced as a regularization term in both the encoder and decoder of a BiGAN. Our model exhibits fairly good modeling power and reconstruction consistency capability. We evaluate the proposed method on MVTec AD --- a real-world benchmark for unsupervised anomaly detection on high-resolution images --- and compare against standard baselines and state-of-the-art approaches. Experiments show that the proposed method improves the performance of BiGAN formulations by a large margin and performs comparably to expensive state-of-the-art iterative methods while reducing the computational cost. We also observe that our model is particularly effective in texture-type anomaly detection, as it sets a new state of the art in this category. The code will be publicly released.

Mask-Based Style-Controlled Image Synthesis Using a Mask Style Encoder

Jaehyeong Cho, Wataru Shimoda, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; Style-controlled Image Synthesis from Semantic Segmentation masks using GANs

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In recent years, the advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown impressive results for image generation and translation tasks. In particular, the image-to-image translation is a method of learning mapping from a source domain to a target domain and synthesizing an image. Image-to-image translation can be applied to a variety of tasks, making it possible to quickly and easily synthesize realistic images from semantic segmentation masks. However, in the existing image-to-image translation method, there is a limitation on controlling the style of the translated image, and it is not easy to synthesize an image by controlling the style of each mask element in detail. Therefore, we propose an image synthesis method that controls the style of each element by improving the existing image-to-image translation method. In the proposed method, we implement a style encoder that extracts style features for each mask element. The extracted style features are concatenated to the semantic mask in the normalization layer, and used the style-controlled image synthesis of each mask element. In experiments, we train style-controlled images synthesis using the datasets consisting of semantic segmentation masks and real images. The results show that the proposed method has excellent performance for style-controlled images synthesis for each element.

Dual-MTGAN: Stochastic and Deterministic Motion Transfer for Image-To-Video Synthesis

Fu-En Yang, Jing-Cheng Chang, Yuan-Hao Lee, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Dual Motion Transfer GAN for Convolutional Neural Networks

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Generating videos with content and motion variations is a challenging task in computer vision. While the recent development of GAN allows video generation from latent representations, it is not easy to produce videos with particular content of motion patterns of interest. In this paper, we propose Dual Motion Transfer GAN (Dual-MTGAN), which takes image and video data as inputs while learning disentangled content and motion representations. Our Dual-MTGAN is able to perform deterministic motion transfer and stochastic motion generation. Based on a given image, the former preserves the input content and transfers motion patterns observed from another video sequence, and the latter directly produces videos with plausible yet diverse motion patterns based on the input image. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner, without the need to utilize pre-defined motion features like pose or facial landmarks. Our quantitative and qualitative results would confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our model in addressing such conditioned image-to-video tasks.

Multi-Domain Image-To-Image Translation with Adaptive Inference Graph

The Phuc Nguyen, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Elisa Ricci

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Graph Structure for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation

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In this work, we address the problem of multi-domain image-to-image translation with particular attention paid to computational cost. In particular, current state of the art models require a large and deep model in order to handle the visual diversity of multiple domains. In a context of limited computational resources, increasing the network size may not be possible. Therefore, we propose to increase the network capacity by using an adaptive graph structure. At inference time, the network estimates its own graph by selecting specific sub-networks. Sub-network selection is implemented using Gumble-Softmax in order to allow end-to-end training. This approach leads to an adjustable increase in number of parameters while preserving an almost constant computational cost. Our evaluation on two publicly available datasets of facial and painting images shows that our adaptive strategy generates better images with fewer artifacts than literature methods.

Attention2AngioGAN: Synthesizing Fluorescein Angiography from Retinal Fundus Images Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Sharif Amit Kamran, Khondker Fariha Hossain, Alireza Tavakkoli, Stewart Lee Zuckerbrod

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Auto-TLDR; Fluorescein Angiography from Fundus Images using Attention-based Generative Networks

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Fluorescein Angiography (FA) is a technique that employs the designated camera for Fundus photography incorporating excitation and barrier filters. FA also requires fluorescein dye that is injected intravenously, which might cause adverse effects ranging from nausea, vomiting to even fatal anaphylaxis. Currently, no other fast and non-invasive technique exists that can generate FA without coupling with Fundus photography. To eradicate the need for an invasive FA extraction procedure, we introduce an Attention-based Generative network that can synthesize Fluorescein Angiography from Fundus images. The proposed gan incorporates multiple attention based skip connections in generators and comprises novel residual blocks for both generators and discriminators. It utilizes reconstruction, feature-matching, and perceptual loss along with adversarial training to produces realistic Angiograms that is hard for experts to distinguish from real ones. Our experiments confirm that the proposed architecture surpasses recent state-of-the-art generative networks for fundus-to-angio translation task.

GAP: Quantifying the Generative Adversarial Set and Class Feature Applicability of Deep Neural Networks

Edward Collier, Supratik Mukhopadhyay

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Auto-TLDR; Approximating Adversarial Learning in Deep Neural Networks Using Set and Class Adversaries

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Recent work in deep neural networks has sought to characterize the nature in which a network learns features and how applicable learnt features are to various problem sets. Deep neural network applicability can be split into three sub-problems; set applicability, class applicability, and instance applicability. In this work we seek to quantify the applicability of features learned during adversarial training, focusing specifically on set and class applicability. We apply techniques for measuring applicability to both generators and discriminators trained on various data sets to quantify applicability and better observe how both a generator and a discriminator, and generative models as a whole, learn features during adversarial training.

The Role of Cycle Consistency for Generating Better Human Action Videos from a Single Frame

Runze Li, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Generating Videos with Human Action Semantics using Cycle Constraints

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This paper addresses the challenging problem of generating videos with human action semantics. Unlike previous work which predict future frames in a single forward pass, this paper introduces the cycle constraints in both forward and backward passes in the generation of human actions. This is achieved by enforcing the appearance and motion consistency across a sequence of frames generated in the future. The approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, the pose of a human body is generated. In the second stage, an image generator is used to generate future frames by using (a) generated human poses in the future from the first stage, (b) the single observed human pose, and (c) the single corresponding future frame. The experiments are performed on three datasets: Weizmann dataset involving simple human actions, Penn Action dataset and UCF-101 dataset containing complicated human actions, especially in sports. The results from these experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Attentional Wavelet Network for Traditional Chinese Painting Transfer

Rui Wang, Huaibo Huang, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Wavelet Network for Photo to Chinese Painting Transfer

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Traditional Chinese paintings pay more attention to ’Gongbi’ and ’Xieyi’ in artworks, which raises a challenging task to generate Chinese paintings from photos. ’Xieyi’ creates high-level conception for paintings, while ’Gongbi’ refers to portraying local details in paintings. This paper proposes an attentional wavelet network for photo to Chinese painting transferring. We first introduce wavelets to obtain high-level conception and local details in Chinese paintings via 2-D haar wavelet transform. Moreover, we design high-level transform stream and local enhancement stream to dispose high frequencies and low frequency respectively. Furthermore, we exploit self-attention mechanism to compatibly pick up high-level information which is used to remedy the missing details when reconstructing the Chinese painting. To advance our experiment, we set up a new dataset named P2ADataset, with diverse photos and Chinese paintings on famous mountains around China. Experimental results comparing with the state-of-the-art style transferring algorithms verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. We will release the codes and data to the public.

Cascade Attention Guided Residue Learning GAN for Cross-Modal Translation

Bin Duan, Wei Wang, Hao Tang, Hugo Latapie, Yan Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN for Cross-modal Audio-Visual Learning

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Since we were babies, we intuitively develop the ability to correlate the input from different cognitive sensors such as vision, audio, and text. However, in machine learning, this cross-modal learning is a nontrivial task because different modalities have no homogeneous properties. Previous works discover that there should be bridges among different modalities. From neurology and psychology perspective, humans have the capacity to link one modality with another one, e.g., associating a picture of a bird with the only hearing of its singing and vice versa. Is it possible for machine learning algorithms to recover the scene given the audio signal? In this paper, we propose a novel Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN (CAR-GAN), aiming at reconstructing the scenes given the corresponding audio signals. Particularly, we present a residue module to mitigate the gap between different modalities progressively. Moreover, a cascade attention guided network with a novel classification loss function is designed to tackle the cross-modal learning task. Our model keeps consistency in the high-level semantic label domain and is able to balance two different modalities. The experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the state-of-the-art cross-modal audio-visual generation on the challenging Sub-URMP dataset.

Stylized-Colorization for Line Arts

Tzu-Ting Fang, Minh Duc Vo, Akihiro Sugimoto, Shang-Hong Lai

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Auto-TLDR; Stylized-colorization using GAN-based End-to-End Model for Anime

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We address a novel problem of stylized-colorization which colorizes a given line art using a given coloring style in text. This problem can be stated as multi-domain image translation and is more challenging than the current colorization problem because it requires not only capturing the illustration distribution but also satisfying the required coloring styles specific to anime such as lightness, shading, or saturation. We propose a GAN-based end-to-end model for stylized-colorization where the model has one generator and two discriminators. Our generator is based on the U-Net architecture and receives a pair of a line art and a coloring style in text as its input to produce a stylized-colorization image of the line art. Two discriminators, on the other hand, share weights at early layers to judge the stylized-colorization image in two different aspects: one for color and one for style. One generator and two discriminators are jointly trained in an adversarial and end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model.

Phase Retrieval Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Tobias Uelwer, Alexander Oberstraß, Stefan Harmeling

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Auto-TLDR; Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Phase Retrieval

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In this paper, we propose the application of conditional generative adversarial networks to solve various phase retrieval problems. We show that including knowledge of the measurement process at training time leads to an optimization at test time that is more robust to initialization than existing approaches involving generative models. In addition, conditioning the generator network on the measurements enables us to achieve much more detailed results. We empirically demonstrate that these advantages provide meaningful solutions to the Fourier and the compressive phase retrieval problem and that our method outperforms well-established projection-based methods as well as existing methods that are based on neural networks. Like other deep learning methods, our approach is very robust to noise and can therefore be very useful for real-world applications.

Efficient Shadow Detection and Removal Using Synthetic Data with Domain Adaptation

Rui Guo, Babajide Ayinde, Hao Sun

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Auto-TLDR; Shadow Detection and Removal with Domain Adaptation and Synthetic Image Database

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In recent years, learning based shadow detection and removal approaches have shown prospects and, in most cases, yielded state-of-the-art results. The performance of these approaches, however, relies heavily on the construction of training database of shadow images, shadow-free versions, and shadow maps as ground truth. This conventional data gathering method is time-consuming, expensive, or even practically intractable to realize especially for outdoor scenes with complicated shadow patterns, thus limiting the size of the data available for training. In this paper, we leverage on large high quality synthetic image database and domain adaptation to eliminate the bottlenecks resulting from insufficient training samples and domain bias. Specifically, our approach utilizes adversarial training to predict near-pixel-perfect shadow map from synthetic shadow image for downstream shadow removal steps. At inference time, we capitalize on domain adaptation via image style transfer to map the style of real- world scene to that of synthetic scene for the purpose of detecting and subsequently removing shadow. Comprehensive experiments indicate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on select benchmark datasets.

Unsupervised Face Manipulation Via Hallucination

Keerthy Kusumam, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

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Auto-TLDR; Unpaired Face Image Manipulation using Autoencoders

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This paper addresses the problem of manipulatinga face image in terms of changing its pose. To achieve this, wepropose a new method that can be trained under the very general“unpaired” setting. To this end, we firstly propose to modelthe general appearance, layout and background of the inputimage using a low-resolution version of it which is progressivelypassed through a hallucination network to generate featuresat higher resolutions. We show that such a formulation issignificantly simpler than previous approaches for appearancemodelling based on autoencoders. Secondly, we propose a fullylearnable and spatially-aware appearance transfer module whichcan cope with misalignment between the input source image andthe target pose and can effectively combine the features fromthe hallucination network with the features produced by ourgenerator. Thirdly, we introduce an identity preserving methodthat is trained in an unsupervised way, by using an auxiliaryfeature extractor and a contrastive loss between the real andgenerated images. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art reporting significant improvements both quantitatively, interms of FID and IS, and qualitatively.

Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation of Urban Scenes Via Multi-Level Feature Alignment

Bin Zhang, Shengjie Zhao, Rongqing Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation Using Generative Adversarial Networks

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Semantic segmentation is an essential task in plenty of real-life applications such as virtual reality, video analysis, autonomous driving, etc. Recent advancements in fundamental vision-based tasks ranging from image classification to semantic segmentation have demonstrated deep learning-based models' high capability in learning complicated representation on large datasets. Nevertheless, manually labeling semantic segmentation dataset with pixel-level annotation is extremely labor-intensive. To address this problem, we propose a novel multi-level feature alignment framework for cross-domain semantic segmentation of urban scenes by exploiting generative adversarial networks. In the proposed multi-level feature alignment method, we first translate images from one domain to another one. Then the discriminative feature representations extracted by the deep neural network are concatenated, followed by domain adversarial learning to make the intermediate feature distribution of the target domain images close to those in the source domain. With these domain adaptation techniques, models trained with images in the source domain where the labels are easy to acquire can be deployed to the target domain where the labels are scarce. Experimental evaluations on various mainstream benchmarks confirm the effectiveness as well as robustness of our approach.

Learning Disentangled Representations for Identity Preserving Surveillance Face Camouflage

Jingzhi Li, Lutong Han, Hua Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Jingguo Ge, Xiaochu Cao

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Auto-TLDR; Individual Face Privacy under Surveillance Scenario with Multi-task Loss Function

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In this paper, we focus on protecting the person face privacy under the surveillance scenarios, whose goal is to change the visual appearances of faces while keep them to be recognizable by current face recognition systems. This is a challenging problem as that we should retain the most important structures of captured facial images, while alter the salient facial regions to protect personal privacy. To address this problem, we introduce a novel individual face protection model, which can camouflage the face appearance from the perspective of human visual perception and preserve the identity features of faces used for face authentication. To that end, we develop an encoder-decoder network architecture that can separately disentangle the person feature representation into an appearance code and an identity code. Specifically, we first randomly divide the face image into two groups, the source set and the target set, where the source set is used to extract the identity code and the target set provides the appearance code. Then, we recombine the identity and appearance codes to synthesize a new face, which has the same identity with the source subject. Finally, the synthesized faces are used to replace the original face to protect the privacy of individual. Furthermore, our model is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss function, which can better preserve the identity and stabilize the training loss. Experiments conducted on Cross-Age Celebrity dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and validate our superiority in terms of visual quality and scalability.

Semi-Supervised Outdoor Image Generation Conditioned on Weather Signals

Sota Kawakami, Kei Okada, Naoko Nitta, Kazuaki Nakamura, Noboru Babaguchi

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Network for Prediction of Weather Signals from Outdoor Images

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In recent years, various types of sensors observe the real world. Especially, weather sensors are densely installed all over the world to observe current weather situations at various places. However, weather signals such as the temperature or humidity obtained by weather sensors are intuitively difficult for humans to understand. On the other hand, images captured by typical RGB cameras can tell weather situations at the captured places in a more comprehensible way for humans; however, cameras are only installed at limited places and are not necessarily open to public due to privacy issues. In order to solve this problem, the goal of our work is to generate images which can tell weather situations at arbitrary time and locations. This can be realized by using a conditional generative adversarial network architecture that takes an image and a condition to transform the image accordingly to the condition. Training such network requires a large number of image and condition pairs as the training data. Although weather signals can be easily collected from weather sensors, collecting their spatially and temporally synchronized outdoor images is not easy. Thus, we propose a semi-supervised method for training the image transformer. A relatively small number of pairs of an outdoor image and weather signals is collected, each from different web services, by considering their semantic consistency. The collected pairs are used to train a predictor for predicting weather signals from a given outdoor image. Then, the image transformer is trained by using a large number of pairs of an outdoor image and pseudo weather signals predicted by the predictor as the training data.

SIDGAN: Single Image Dehazing without Paired Supervision

Pan Wei, Xin Wang, Lei Wang, Ji Xiang, Zihan Wang

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Auto-TLDR; DehazeGAN: An End-to-End Generative Adversarial Network for Image Dehazing

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Single image dehazing is challenging without scene airlight and transmission map. Most of existing dehazing algorithms tend to estimate key parameters based on manual designed priors or statistics, which may be invalid in some scenarios. Although deep learning-based dehazing methods provide an effective solution, most of them rely on paired training datasets, which are prohibitively difficult to be collected in real world. In this paper, we propose an effective end-to-end generative adversarial network for image dehazing, named DehazeGAN. The proposed DehazeGAN adopts a U-net architecture with a novel color-consistency loss derived from dark channel prior and perceptual loss, which can be trained in an unsupervised fashion without paired synthetic datasets. We create a RealHaze dataset for network training, including 4,000 outdoor hazy images and 4,000 haze-free images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed DehazeGAN achieves better performance than existing state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic datasets and real-world datasets in terms of PSNR, SSIM, and subjective visual experience.

The Surprising Effectiveness of Linear Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation

Eitan Richardson, Yair Weiss

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Auto-TLDR; linear encoder-decoder architectures for unsupervised image-to-image translation

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Unsupervised image-to-image translation is an inherently ill-posed problem. Recent methods based on deep encoder-decoder architectures have shown impressive results, but we show that they only succeed due to a strong locality bias, and they fail to learn very simple nonlocal transformations (e.g. mapping upside down faces to upright faces). When the locality bias is removed, the methods are too powerful and may fail to learn simple local transformations. In this paper we introduce linear encoder-decoder architectures for unsupervised image to image translation. We show that learning is much easier and faster with these architectures and yet the results are surprisingly effective. In particular, we show a number of local problems for which the results of the linear methods are comparable to those of state-of-the-art architectures but with a fraction of the training time, and a number of nonlocal problems for which the state-of-the-art fails while linear methods succeed.

A Simple Domain Shifting Network for Generating Low Quality Images

Guruprasad Hegde, Avinash Nittur Ramesh, Kanchana Vaishnavi Gandikota, Michael Möller, Roman Obermaisser

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Auto-TLDR; Robotic Image Classification Using Quality degrading networks

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Deep Learning systems have proven to be extremely successful for image recognition tasks for which significant amounts of training data is available, e.g., on the famous ImageNet dataset. We demonstrate that for robotics applications with cheap camera equipment, the low image quality, however, influences the classification accuracy, and freely available data bases cannot be exploited in a straight forward way to train classifiers to be used on a robot. As a solution we propose to train a network on degrading the quality images in order to mimic specific low quality imaging systems. Numerical experiments demonstrate that classification networks trained by using images produced by our quality degrading network along with the high quality images outperform classification networks trained only on high quality data when used on a real robot system, while being significantly easier to use than competing zero-shot domain adaptation techniques.

UDBNET: Unsupervised Document Binarization Network Via Adversarial Game

Amandeep Kumar, Shuvozit Ghose, Pinaki Nath Chowdhury, Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal

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Auto-TLDR; Three-player Min-max Adversarial Game for Unsupervised Document Binarization

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Degraded document image binarization is one of the most challenging tasks in the domain of document image analysis. In this paper, we present a novel approach towards document image binarization by introducing three-player min-max adversarial game. We train the network in an unsupervised setup by assuming that we do not have any paired-training data. In our approach, an Adversarial Texture Augmentation Network (ATANet) first superimposes the texture of a degraded reference image over a clean image. Later, the clean image along with its generated degraded version constitute the pseudo paired-data which is used to train the Unsupervised Document Binarization Network (UDBNet). Following this approach, we have enlarged the document binarization datasets as it generates multiple images having same content feature but different textual feature. These generated noisy images are then fed into the UDBNet to get back the clean version. The joint discriminator which is the third-player of our three-player min-max adversarial game tries to couple both the ATANet and UDBNet. The three-player min-max adversarial game stops, when the distributions modelled by the ATANet and the UDBNet align to the same joint distribution over time. Thus, the joint discriminator enforces the UDBNet to perform better on real degraded image. The experimental results indicate the superior performance of the proposed model over existing state-of-the-art algorithm on widely used DIBCO datasets. The source code of the proposed system is publicly available at

Pixel-based Facial Expression Synthesis

Arbish Akram, Nazar Khan

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Auto-TLDR; pixel-based facial expression synthesis using GANs

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Recently, Facial expression synthesis has shown remarkable advances with the advent of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). However, these GAN-based approaches mostly generate photo-realistic results as long as the target data distribution is close to the training data distribution. The quality of GANs results significantly degrades when testing images are from a slightly different distribution. In this work, we propose a pixel-based facial expression synthesis method. Recent work has shown that facial expression synthesis changes only local regions of faces. In the proposed method, each output pixel observes only one input pixel. The proposed method achieves generalization capability by leveraging only few hundred images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method performs comparably with the recent GANs on in-dataset images and significantly outperforms on in the wild images. In addition, the proposed method is faster and it also achieves significantly better performance with two orders of magnitudes lesser computational and storage cost as compared to state-of-the-art GAN-based methods.

Level Three Synthetic Fingerprint Generation

Andre Wyzykowski, Mauricio Pamplona Segundo, Rubisley Lemes

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Auto-TLDR; Synthesis of High-Resolution Fingerprints with Pore Detection Using CycleGAN

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Today's legal restrictions that protect the privacy of biometric data are hampering fingerprint recognition researches. For instance, all high-resolution fingerprint databases ceased to be publicly available. To address this problem, we present a novel hybrid approach to synthesize realistic, high-resolution fingerprints. First, we improved Anguli, a handcrafted fingerprint generator, to obtain dynamic ridge maps with sweat pores and scratches. Then, we trained a CycleGAN to transform these maps into realistic fingerprints. Unlike other CNN-based works, we can generate several images for the same identity. We used our approach to create a synthetic database with 7400 images in an attempt to propel further studies in this field without raising legal issues. We included sweat pore annotations in 740 images to encourage research developments in pore detection. In our experiments, we employed two fingerprint matching approaches to confirm that real and synthetic databases have similar performance. We conducted a human perception analysis where sixty volunteers could hardly differ between real and synthesized fingerprints. Given that we also favorably compare our results with the most advanced works in the literature, our experimentation suggests that our approach is the new state-of-the-art.

Robust Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Imagery Using Synthesized Images

My Kieu, Lorenzo Berlincioni, Leonardo Galteri, Marco Bertini, Andrew Bagdanov, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Pedestrian Detection in the thermal domain using Generative Adversarial Network

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In this paper we propose a method for improving pedestrian detection in the thermal domain using two stages: first, a generative data augmentation approach is used, then a domain adaptation method using generated data adapts an RGB pedestrian detector. Our model, based on the Least-Squares Generative Adversarial Network, is trained to synthesize realistic thermal versions of input RGB images which are then used to augment the limited amount of labeled thermal pedestrian images available for training. We apply our generative data augmentation strategy in order to adapt a pretrained YOLOv3 pedestrian detector to detection in the thermal-only domain. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach: using less than 50% of available real thermal training data, and relying on synthesized data generated by our model in the domain adaptation phase, our detector achieves state-of-the-art results on the KAIST Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Benchmark; even if more real thermal data is available adding GAN generated images to the training data results in improved performance, thus showing that these images act as an effective form of data augmentation. To the best of our knowledge, our detector achieves the best single-modality detection results on KAIST with respect to the state-of-the-art.

Super-Resolution Guided Pore Detection for Fingerprint Recognition

Syeda Nyma Ferdous, Ali Dabouei, Jeremy Dawson, Nasser M. Nasarabadi

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Auto-TLDR; Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint Recognition Using Pore Features

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Performance of fingerprint recognition algorithms substantially rely on fine features extracted from fingerprints. Apart from minutiae and ridge patterns, pore features have proven to be usable for fingerprint recognition. Although features from minutiae and ridge patterns are quite attainable from low-resolution images, using pore features is practical only if the fingerprint image is of high resolution which necessitates a model that enhances the image quality of the conventional 500 ppi legacy fingerprints preserving the fine details. To find a solution for recovering pore information from low-resolution fingerprints, we adopt a joint learning-based approach that combines both super-resolution and pore detection networks. Our modified single image Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SRGAN) framework helps to reliably reconstruct high-resolution fingerprint samples from low-resolution ones assisting the pore detection network to identify pores with a high accuracy. The network jointly learns a distinctive feature representation from a real low-resolution fingerprint sample and successfully synthesizes a high-resolution sample from it. To add discriminative information and uniqueness for all the subjects, we have integrated features extracted from a deep fingerprint verifier with the SRGAN quality discriminator. We also add ridge reconstruction loss, utilizing ridge patterns to make the best use of extracted features. Our proposed method solves the recognition problem by improving the quality of fingerprint images. High recognition accuracy of the synthesized samples that is close to the accuracy achieved using the original high-resolution images validate the effectiveness of our proposed model.

GarmentGAN: Photo-Realistic Adversarial Fashion Transfer

Amir Hossein Raffiee, Michael Sollami

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Auto-TLDR; GarmentGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Image-Based Garment Transfer

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The garment transfer problem comprises two tasks: learning to separate a person's body (pose, shape, color) from their clothing (garment type, shape, style) and then generating new images of the wearer dressed in arbitrary garments. We present GarmentGAN, a new algorithm that performs image-based garment transfer through generative adversarial methods. The GarmentGAN framework allows users to virtually try-on items before purchase and generalizes to various apparel types. GarmentGAN requires as input only two images, namely, a picture of the target fashion item and an image containing the customer. The output is a synthetic image wherein the customer is wearing the target apparel. In order to make the generated image look photo-realistic, we employ the use of novel generative adversarial techniques. GarmentGAN improves on existing methods in the realism of generated imagery and solves various problems related to self-occlusions. Our proposed model incorporates additional information during training, utilizing both segmentation maps and body key-point information. We show qualitative and quantitative comparisons to several other networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique.

Shape Consistent 2D Keypoint Estimation under Domain Shift

Levi Vasconcelos, Massimiliano Mancini, Davide Boscaini, Barbara Caputo, Elisa Ricci

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Adaptation for Keypoint Prediction under Domain Shift

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Recent unsupervised domain adaptation methods based on deep architectures have shown remarkable performance not only in traditional classification tasks but also in more complex problems involving structured predictions (e.g. semantic segmentation, depth estimation). Following this trend, in this paper we present a novel deep adaptation framework for estimating keypoints under \textit{domain shift}, i.e. when the training (\textit{source}) and the test (\textit{target}) images significantly differ in terms of visual appearance. Our method seamlessly combines three different components: feature alignment, adversarial training and self-supervision. Specifically, our deep architecture leverages from domain-specific distribution alignment layers to perform target adaptation at the feature level. Furthermore, a novel loss is proposed which combines an adversarial term for ensuring aligned predictions in the output space and a geometric consistency term which guarantees coherent predictions between a target sample and its perturbed version. Our extensive experimental evaluation conducted on three publicly available benchmarks shows that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods in the 2D keypoint prediction task.

Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination Via Mutual Information Disentanglement

Haoxue Wu, Huaibo Huang, Aijing Yu, Jie Cao, Zhen Lei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination with Structural Representation Learning

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Recently, many Near infrared-visible (NIR-VIS) heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) methods have been proposed in the community. But it remains a challenging problem because of the sensing gap along with large pose variations. In this paper, we propose an Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination (EGCH) to reduce the domain discrepancy through disentangled representation learning. For each modality, EGCH contains a spectral encoder as well as a structure encoder to disentangle spectral and structure representation, respectively. It also contains a traditional generator that reconstructs the input from the above two representations, and a structure generator that predicts the facial parsing map from the structure representation. Besides, mutual information minimization and maximization are conducted to boost disentanglement and make representations adequately expressed. Then the translation is built on structure representations between two modalities. Provided with the transformed NIR structure representation and original VIS spectral representation, EGCH is capable to produce high-fidelity VIS images that preserve the topology structure of the input NIR while transfer the spectral information of an arbitrary VIS exemplar. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves more promising results both qualitatively and quantitatively than the state-of-the-art NIR-VIS methods.

Semi-Supervised Generative Adversarial Networks with a Pair of Complementary Generators for Retinopathy Screening

Yingpeng Xie, Qiwei Wan, Hai Xie, En-Leng Tan, Yanwu Xu, Baiying Lei

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Networks for Retinopathy Diagnosis via Fundus Images

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Several typical types of retinopathy are major causes of blindness. However, early detection of retinopathy is quite not easy since few symptoms are observable in the early stage, attributing to the development of non-mydriatic retinal camera. These camera produces high-resolution retinal fundus images provide the possibility of Computer-Aided-Diagnosis (CAD) via deep learning to assist diagnosing retinopathy. Deep learning algorithms usually rely on a great number of labelled images which are expensive and time-consuming to obtain in the medical imaging area. Moreover, the random distribution of various lesions which often vary greatly in size also brings significant challenges to learn discriminative information from high-resolution fundus image. In this paper, we present generative adversarial networks simultaneously equipped with "good" generator and "bad" generator (GBGANs) to make up for the incomplete data distribution provided by limited fundus images. To improve the generative feasibility of generator, we introduce into pre-trained feature extractor to acquire condensed feature for each fundus image in advance. Experimental results on integrated three public iChallenge datasets show that the proposed GBGANs could fully utilize the available fundus images to identify retinopathy with little label cost.