Disentangled Representation Learning for Controllable Image Synthesis: An Information-Theoretic Perspective

Shichang Tang, Xu Zhou, Xuming He, Yi Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Controllable Image Synthesis in Deep Generative Models using Variational Auto-Encoder

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In this paper, we look into the problem of disentangled representation learning and controllable image synthesis in a deep generative model. We develop an encoder-decoder architecture for a variant of the Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) with two latent codes $z_1$ and $z_2$. Our framework uses $z_2$ to capture specified factors of variation while $z_1$ captures the complementary factors of variation. To this end, we analyze the learning problem from the perspective of multivariate mutual information, derive optimizable lower bounds of the conditional mutual information in the image synthesis processes and incorporate them into the training objective. We validate our method empirically on the Color MNIST dataset and the CelebA dataset by showing controllable image syntheses. Our proposed paradigm is simple yet effective and is applicable to many situations, including those where there is not an explicit factorization of features available, or where the features are non-categorical.

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AVAE: Adversarial Variational Auto Encoder

Antoine Plumerault, Hervé Le Borgne, Celine Hudelot

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Auto-TLDR; Combining VAE and GAN for Realistic Image Generation

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Among the wide variety of image generative models, two models stand out: Variational Auto Encoders (VAE) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). GANs can produce realistic images, but they suffer from mode collapse and do not provide simple ways to get the latent representation of an image. On the other hand, VAEs do not have these problems, but they often generate images less realistic than GANs. In this article, we explain that this lack of realism is partially due to a common underestimation of the natural image manifold dimensionality. To solve this issue we introduce a new framework that combines VAE and GAN in a novel and complementary way to produce an auto-encoding model that keeps VAEs properties while generating images of GAN-quality. We evaluate our approach both qualitatively and quantitatively on five image datasets.

High Resolution Face Age Editing

Xu Yao, Gilles Puy, Alasdair Newson, Yann Gousseau, Pierre Hellier

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Auto-TLDR; An Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Face Age editing on High Resolution Images

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Face age editing has become a crucial task in film post-production, and is also becoming popular for general purpose photography. Recently, adversarial training has produced some of the most visually impressive results for image manipulation, including the face aging/de-aging task. In spite of considerable progress, current methods often present visual artifacts and can only deal with low-resolution images. In order to achieve aging/de-aging with the high quality and robustness necessary for wider use, these problems need to be addressed. This is the goal of the present work. We present an encoder-decoder architecture for face age editing. The core idea of our network is to encode a face image to age-invariant features, and learn a modulation vector corresponding to a target age. We then combine these two elements to produce a realistic image of the person with the desired target age. Our architecture is greatly simplified with respect to other approaches, and allows for fine-grained age editing on high resolution images in a single unified model. Source codes are available at https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/HRFAE.

Local Facial Attribute Transfer through Inpainting

Ricard Durall, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network

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The term attribute transfer refers to the tasks of altering images in such a way, that the semantic interpretation of a given input image is shifted towards an intended direction, which is quantified by semantic attributes. Prominent example applications are photo realistic changes of facial features and expressions, like changing the hair color, adding a smile, enlarging the nose or altering the entire context of a scene, like transforming a summer landscape into a winter panorama. Recent advances in attribute transfer are mostly based on generative deep neural networks, using various techniques to manipulate images in the latent space of the generator. In this paper, we present a novel method for the common sub-task of local attribute transfers, where only parts of a face have to be altered in order to achieve semantic changes (e.g. removing a mustache). In contrast to previous methods, where such local changes have been implemented by generating new (global) images, we propose to formulate local attribute transfers as an inpainting problem. Removing and regenerating only parts of images, our Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network (ATI-GAN) is able to utilize local context information to focus on the attributes while keeping the background unmodified resulting in visually sound results.

Variational Deep Embedding Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information Maximization

Qiang Ji, Yanfeng Sun, Yongli Hu, Baocai Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering by Augmented Mutual Information maximization for Deep Embedding

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Clustering is a crucial but challenging task in pattern analysis and machine learning. Recent many deep clustering methods combining representation learning with cluster techniques emerged. These deep clustering methods mainly focus on the correlation among samples and ignore the relationship between samples and their representations. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end clustering framework, namely variational deep embedding clustering by augmented mutual information maximization (VCAMI). From the perspective of VAE, we prove that minimizing reconstruction loss is equivalent to maximizing the mutual information of the input and its latent representation. This provides a theoretical guarantee for us to directly maximize the mutual information instead of minimizing reconstruction loss. Therefore we proposed the augmented mutual information which highlights the uniqueness of the representations while discovering invariant information among similar samples. Extensive experiments on several challenging image datasets show that the VCAMI achieves good performance. we achieve state-of-the-art results for clustering on MNIST (99.5%) and CIFAR-10 (65.4%) to the best of our knowledge.

Semantics-Guided Representation Learning with Applications to Visual Synthesis

Jia-Wei Yan, Ci-Siang Lin, Fu-En Yang, Yu-Jhe Li, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Interpretable and Interpolatable Latent Representations for Visual Synthesis

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Learning interpretable and interpolatable latent representations has been an emerging research direction, allowing researchers to understand and utilize the derived latent space for further applications such as visual synthesis or recognition. While most existing approaches derive an interpolatable latent space and induces smooth transition in image appearance, it is still not clear how to observe desirable representations which would contain semantic information of interest. In this paper, we aim to learn meaningful representations and simultaneously perform semantic-oriented and visually-smooth interpolation. To this end, we propose an angular triplet-neighbor loss (ATNL) that enables learning a latent representation whose distribution matches the semantic information of interest. With the latent space guided by ATNL, we further utilize spherical semantic interpolation for generating semantic warping of images, allowing synthesis of desirable visual data. Experiments on MNIST and CMU Multi-PIE datasets qualitatively and quantitatively verify the effectiveness of our method.

Mutual Information Based Method for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Video Representation

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; MIPAE: Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder for Video Prediction

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Video Prediction is an interesting and challenging task of predicting future frames from a given set context frames that belong to a video sequence. Video prediction models have found prospective applications in Maneuver Planning, Health care, Autonomous Navigation and Simulation. One of the major challenges in future frame generation is due to the high dimensional nature of visual data. In this work, we propose Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder (MIPAE) framework, that reduces the task of predicting high dimensional video frames by factorising video representations into content and low dimensional pose latent variables that are easy to predict. A standard LSTM network is used to predict these low dimensional pose representations. Content and the predicted pose representations are decoded to generate future frames. Our approach leverages the temporal structure of the latent generative factors of a video and a novel mutual information loss to learn disentangled video representations. We also propose a metric based on mutual information gap (MIG) to quantitatively access the effectiveness of disentanglement on DSprites and MPI3D-real datasets. MIG scores corroborate with the visual superiority of frames predicted by MIPAE. We also compare our method quantitatively on evaluation metrics LPIPS, SSIM and PSNR.

Reducing the Variance of Variational Estimates of Mutual Information by Limiting the Critic's Hypothesis Space to RKHS

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; Mutual Information Estimation from Variational Lower Bounds Using a Critic's Hypothesis Space

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Mutual information (MI) is an information-theoretic measure of dependency between two random variables. Several methods to estimate MI, from samples of two random variables with unknown underlying probability distributions have been proposed in the literature. Recent methods realize parametric probability distributions or critic as a neural network to approximate unknown density ratios. The approximated density ratios are used to estimate different variational lower bounds of MI. While these methods provide reliable estimation when the true MI is low, they produce high variance estimates in cases of high MI. We argue that the high variance characteristic is due to the uncontrolled complexity of the critic's hypothesis space. In support of this argument, we use the data-driven Rademacher complexity of the hypothesis space associated with the critic's architecture to analyse generalization error bound of variational lower bound estimates of MI. In the proposed work, we show that it is possible to negate the high variance characteristics of these estimators by constraining the critic's hypothesis space to Reproducing Hilbert Kernel Space (RKHS), which corresponds to a kernel learned using Automated Spectral Kernel Learning (ASKL). By analysing the aforementioned generalization error bounds, we augment the overall optimisation objective with effective regularisation term. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of this regularization in enforcing proper bias variance tradeoff on four variational lower bounds, namely NWJ, MINE, JS and SMILE.

GAN-Based Gaussian Mixture Model Responsibility Learning

Wanming Huang, Yi Da Xu, Shuai Jiang, Xuan Liang, Ian Oppermann

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Auto-TLDR; Posterior Consistency Module for Gaussian Mixture Model

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Mixture Model (MM) is a probabilistic framework allows us to define dataset containing $K$ different modes. When each of the modes is associated with a Gaussian distribution, we refer to it as Gaussian MM or GMM. Given a data point $x$, a GMM may assume the existence of a random index $k \in \{1, \dots , K \}$ identifying which Gaussian the particular data is associated with. In a traditional GMM paradigm, it is straightforward to compute in closed-form, the conditional likelihood $p(x |k, \theta)$ as well as the responsibility probability $p(k|x, \theta)$ describing the distribution weights for each data. Computing the responsibility allows us to retrieve many important statistics of the overall dataset, including the weights of each of the modes/clusters. Modern large data-sets are often containing multiple unlabelled modes, such as paintings dataset may contain several styles; fashion images containing several unlabelled categories. In its raw representation, the Euclidean distances between the data (e.g., images) do not allow them to form mixtures naturally, nor it's feasible to compute responsibility distribution analytically, making GMM unable to apply. In this paper, we utilize the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework to achieve a plausible alternative method to compute these probabilities. The key insight is that we compute them at the data's latent space $z$ instead of $x$. However, this process of $z \rightarrow x$ is irreversible under GAN which renders the computation of responsibility $p(k|x, \theta)$ infeasible. Our paper proposed a novel method to solve it by using a so-called Posterior Consistency Module (PCM). PCM acts like a GAN, except its Generator $C_{\text{PCM}}$ does not output the data, but instead it outputs a distribution to approximate $p(k|x, \theta)$. The entire network is trained in an ``end-to-end'' fashion. Trough these techniques, it allows us to model the dataset of very complex structure using GMM and subsequently to discover interesting properties of an unsupervised dataset, including its segments, as well as generating new ``out-distribution" data by smooth linear interpolation across any combinations of the modes in a completely unsupervised manner.

Disentangle, Assemble, and Synthesize: Unsupervised Learning to Disentangle Appearance and Location

Hiroaki Aizawa, Hirokatsu Kataoka, Yutaka Satoh, Kunihito Kato

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Networks with Structural Constraint for controllability of latent space

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The next step for the generative adversarial networks~(GAN) is to learn representations that allow us to control only a certain factor in the image explicitly. Since such a representation of the factor is independent of other factors, the controllability obtained from these representations leads to interpretability by identifying the variation of the synthesized image and the transferability for downstream tasks by inference. However, since it is difficult to identify and strictly define latent factors, the annotation is laborious. Moreover, learning such representations by a GAN is challenging due to the complex generation process. Therefore, we resolve this limitation using a novel generative model that can disentangle latent space into the appearance, the x-axis, and the y-axis of the object, and reassemble these components in an unsupervised manner. Specifically, based on the concept of packing the appearance and location in each position of the feature map, we introduce a novel structural constraint technique that prevents these representations from interacting with each other. The proposed structural constraint promotes the disentanglement of these factors. In experiments, we found that the proposed method is simple but effective for controllability and allows us to control the appearance and location via latent space without supervision, as compared with the conditional GAN.

Unsupervised Face Manipulation Via Hallucination

Keerthy Kusumam, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

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Auto-TLDR; Unpaired Face Image Manipulation using Autoencoders

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This paper addresses the problem of manipulatinga face image in terms of changing its pose. To achieve this, wepropose a new method that can be trained under the very general“unpaired” setting. To this end, we firstly propose to modelthe general appearance, layout and background of the inputimage using a low-resolution version of it which is progressivelypassed through a hallucination network to generate featuresat higher resolutions. We show that such a formulation issignificantly simpler than previous approaches for appearancemodelling based on autoencoders. Secondly, we propose a fullylearnable and spatially-aware appearance transfer module whichcan cope with misalignment between the input source image andthe target pose and can effectively combine the features fromthe hallucination network with the features produced by ourgenerator. Thirdly, we introduce an identity preserving methodthat is trained in an unsupervised way, by using an auxiliaryfeature extractor and a contrastive loss between the real andgenerated images. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art reporting significant improvements both quantitatively, interms of FID and IS, and qualitatively.

Learning Interpretable Representation for 3D Point Clouds

Feng-Guang Su, Ci-Siang Lin, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Disentangling Body-type and Pose Information from 3D Point Clouds Using Adversarial Learning

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Point clouds have emerged as a popular representation of 3D visual data. With a set of unordered 3D points, one typically needs to transform them into latent representation before further classification and segmentation tasks. However, one cannot easily interpret such encoded latent representation. To address this issue, we propose a unique deep learning framework for disentangling body-type and pose information from 3D point clouds. Extending from autoenoder, we advance adversarial learning a selected feature type, while classification and data recovery can be additionally observed. Our experiments confirm that our model can be successfully applied to perform a wide range of 3D applications like shape synthesis, action translation, shape/action interpolation, and synchronization.

Learning Low-Shot Generative Networks for Cross-Domain Data

Hsuan-Kai Kao, Cheng-Che Lee, Wei-Chen Chiu

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Auto-TLDR; Learning Generators for Cross-Domain Data under Low-Shot Learning

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We tackle a novel problem of learning generators for cross-domain data under a specific scenario of low-shot learning. Basically, given a source domain with sufficient amount of training data, we aim to transfer the knowledge of its generative process to another target domain, which not only has few data samples but also contains the domain shift with respect to the source domain. This problem has great potential in practical use and is different from the well-known image translation task, as the target-domain data can be generated without requiring any source-domain ones and the large data consumption for learning target-domain generator can be alleviated. Built upon a cross-domain dataset where (1) each of the low shots in the target domain has its correspondence in the source and (2) these two domains share the similar content information but different appearance, two approaches are proposed: a Latent-Disentanglement-Orientated model (LaDo) and a Generative-Hierarchy-Oriented (GenHo) model. Our LaDo and GenHo approaches address the problem from different perspectives, where the former relies on learning the disentangled representation composed of domain-invariant content features and domain-specific appearance ones; while the later decomposes the generative process of a generator into two parts for synthesizing the content and appearance sequentially. We perform extensive experiments under various settings of cross-domain data and show the efficacy of our models for generating target-domain data with the abundant content variance as in the source domain, which lead to the favourable performance in comparison to several baselines.

Galaxy Image Translation with Semi-Supervised Noise-Reconstructed Generative Adversarial Networks

Qiufan Lin, Dominique Fouchez, Jérôme Pasquet

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Image Translation with Generative Adversarial Networks Using Paired and Unpaired Images

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Image-to-image translation with Deep Learning neural networks, particularly with Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), is one of the most powerful methods for simulating astronomical images. However, current work is limited to utilizing paired images with supervised translation, and there has been rare discussion on reconstructing noise background that encodes instrumental and observational effects. These limitations might be harmful for subsequent scientific applications in astrophysics. Therefore, we aim to develop methods for using unpaired images and preserving noise characteristics in image translation. In this work, we propose a two-way image translation model using GANs that exploits both paired and unpaired images in a semi-supervised manner, and introduce a noise emulating module that is able to learn and reconstruct noise characterized by high-frequency features. By experimenting on multi-band galaxy images from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHT), we show that our method recovers global and local properties effectively and outperforms benchmark image translation models. To our best knowledge, this work is the first attempt to apply semi-supervised methods and noise reconstruction techniques in astrophysical studies.

Multi-Domain Image-To-Image Translation with Adaptive Inference Graph

The Phuc Nguyen, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Elisa Ricci

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Graph Structure for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation

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In this work, we address the problem of multi-domain image-to-image translation with particular attention paid to computational cost. In particular, current state of the art models require a large and deep model in order to handle the visual diversity of multiple domains. In a context of limited computational resources, increasing the network size may not be possible. Therefore, we propose to increase the network capacity by using an adaptive graph structure. At inference time, the network estimates its own graph by selecting specific sub-networks. Sub-network selection is implemented using Gumble-Softmax in order to allow end-to-end training. This approach leads to an adjustable increase in number of parameters while preserving an almost constant computational cost. Our evaluation on two publicly available datasets of facial and painting images shows that our adaptive strategy generates better images with fewer artifacts than literature methods.

Continuous Learning of Face Attribute Synthesis

Ning Xin, Shaohui Xu, Fangzhe Nan, Xiaoli Dong, Weijun Li, Yuanzhou Yao

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Auto-TLDR; Continuous Learning for Face Attribute Synthesis

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The generative adversarial network (GAN) exhibits great superiority in the face attribute synthesis task. However, existing methods have very limited effects on the expansion of new attributes. To overcome the limitations of a single network in new attribute synthesis, a continuous learning method for face attribute synthesis is proposed in this work. First, the feature vector of the input image is extracted and attribute direction regression is performed in the feature space to obtain the axes of different attributes. The feature vector is then linearly guided along the axis so that images with target attributes can be synthesized by the decoder. Finally, to make the network capable of continuous learning, the orthogonal direction modification module is used to extend the newly-added attributes. Experimental results show that the proposed method can endow a single network with the ability to learn attributes continuously, and, as compared to those produced by the current state-of-the-art methods, the synthetic attributes have higher accuracy.

Learning Disentangled Representations for Identity Preserving Surveillance Face Camouflage

Jingzhi Li, Lutong Han, Hua Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Jingguo Ge, Xiaochu Cao

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Auto-TLDR; Individual Face Privacy under Surveillance Scenario with Multi-task Loss Function

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In this paper, we focus on protecting the person face privacy under the surveillance scenarios, whose goal is to change the visual appearances of faces while keep them to be recognizable by current face recognition systems. This is a challenging problem as that we should retain the most important structures of captured facial images, while alter the salient facial regions to protect personal privacy. To address this problem, we introduce a novel individual face protection model, which can camouflage the face appearance from the perspective of human visual perception and preserve the identity features of faces used for face authentication. To that end, we develop an encoder-decoder network architecture that can separately disentangle the person feature representation into an appearance code and an identity code. Specifically, we first randomly divide the face image into two groups, the source set and the target set, where the source set is used to extract the identity code and the target set provides the appearance code. Then, we recombine the identity and appearance codes to synthesize a new face, which has the same identity with the source subject. Finally, the synthesized faces are used to replace the original face to protect the privacy of individual. Furthermore, our model is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss function, which can better preserve the identity and stabilize the training loss. Experiments conducted on Cross-Age Celebrity dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and validate our superiority in terms of visual quality and scalability.

A Joint Representation Learning and Feature Modeling Approach for One-Class Recognition

Pramuditha Perera, Vishal Patel

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Auto-TLDR; Combining Generative Features and One-Class Classification for Effective One-class Recognition

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One-class recognition is traditionally approached either as a representation learning problem or a feature modelling problem. In this work, we argue that both of these approaches have their own limitations; and a more effective solution can be obtained by combining the two. The proposed approach is based on the combination of a generative framework and a one-class classification method. First, we learn generative features using the one-class data with a generative framework. We augment the learned features with the corresponding reconstruction errors to obtain augmented features. Then, we qualitatively identify a suitable feature distribution that reduces the redundancy in the chosen classifier space. Finally, we force the augmented features to take the form of this distribution using an adversarial framework. We test the effectiveness of the proposed method on three one-class classification tasks and obtain state-of-the-art results.

Mask-Based Style-Controlled Image Synthesis Using a Mask Style Encoder

Jaehyeong Cho, Wataru Shimoda, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; Style-controlled Image Synthesis from Semantic Segmentation masks using GANs

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In recent years, the advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown impressive results for image generation and translation tasks. In particular, the image-to-image translation is a method of learning mapping from a source domain to a target domain and synthesizing an image. Image-to-image translation can be applied to a variety of tasks, making it possible to quickly and easily synthesize realistic images from semantic segmentation masks. However, in the existing image-to-image translation method, there is a limitation on controlling the style of the translated image, and it is not easy to synthesize an image by controlling the style of each mask element in detail. Therefore, we propose an image synthesis method that controls the style of each element by improving the existing image-to-image translation method. In the proposed method, we implement a style encoder that extracts style features for each mask element. The extracted style features are concatenated to the semantic mask in the normalization layer, and used the style-controlled image synthesis of each mask element. In experiments, we train style-controlled images synthesis using the datasets consisting of semantic segmentation masks and real images. The results show that the proposed method has excellent performance for style-controlled images synthesis for each element.

Generative Deep-Neural-Network Mixture Modeling with Semi-Supervised MinMax+EM Learning

Nilay Pande, Suyash Awate

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Deep Neural Networks for Generative Mixture Modeling and Clustering

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) for generative mixture modeling typically rely on unsupervised learning that employs hard clustering schemes, or variational learning with loose / approximate bounds, or under-regularized modeling. We propose a novel statistical framework for a DNN mixture model using a single generative adversarial network. Our learning formulation proposes a novel data-likelihood term relying on a well-regularized / constrained Gaussian mixture model in the latent space along with a prior term on the DNN weights. Our min-max learning increases the data likelihood using a tight variational lower bound using expectation maximization (EM). We leverage our min-max EM learning scheme for semi-supervised learning. Results on three real-world datasets demonstrate the benefits of our compact modeling and learning formulation over the state of the art for mixture modeling and clustering.

Controllable Face Aging

Haien Zeng, Hanjiang Lai

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Auto-TLDR; A controllable face aging method via attribute disentanglement generative adversarial network

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Motivated by the following two observations: 1) people are aging differently under different conditions for changeable facial attributes, e.g., skin color may become darker when working outside, and 2) it needs to keep some unchanged facial attributes during the aging process, e.g., race and gender, we propose a controllable face aging method via attribute disentanglement generative adversarial network. To offer fine control over the synthesized face images, first, an individual embedding of the face is directly learned from an image that contains the desired facial attribute. Second, since the image may contain other unwanted attributes, an attribute disentanglement network is used to separate the individual embedding and learn the common embedding that contains information about the face attribute (e.g., race). With the common embedding, we can manipulate the generated face image with the desired attribute in an explicit manner. Experimental results on two common benchmarks demonstrate that our proposed generator achieves comparable performance on the aging effect with state-of-the-art baselines while gaining more flexibility for attribute control. Code is available at supplementary material.

SATGAN: Augmenting Age Biased Dataset for Cross-Age Face Recognition

Wenshuang Liu, Wenting Chen, Yuanlue Zhu, Linlin Shen

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Auto-TLDR; SATGAN: Stable Age Translation GAN for Cross-Age Face Recognition

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In this paper, we propose a Stable Age Translation GAN (SATGAN) to generate fake face images at different ages to augment age biased face datasets for Cross-Age Face Recognition (CAFR) . The proposed SATGAN consists of both generator and discriminator. As a part of the generator, a novel Mask Attention Module (MAM) is introduced to make the generator focus on the face area. In addition, the generator employs a Uniform Distribution Discriminator (UDD) to supervise the learning of latent feature map and enforce the uniform distribution. Besides, the discriminator employs a Feature Separation Module (FSM) to disentangle identity information from the age information. The quantitative and qualitative evaluations on Morph dataset prove that SATGAN achieves much better performance than existing methods. The face recognition model trained using dataset (VGGFace2 and MS-Celeb-1M) augmented using our SATGAN achieves better accuracy on cross age dataset like Cross-Age LFW and AgeDB-30.

Dual-MTGAN: Stochastic and Deterministic Motion Transfer for Image-To-Video Synthesis

Fu-En Yang, Jing-Cheng Chang, Yuan-Hao Lee, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Dual Motion Transfer GAN for Convolutional Neural Networks

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Generating videos with content and motion variations is a challenging task in computer vision. While the recent development of GAN allows video generation from latent representations, it is not easy to produce videos with particular content of motion patterns of interest. In this paper, we propose Dual Motion Transfer GAN (Dual-MTGAN), which takes image and video data as inputs while learning disentangled content and motion representations. Our Dual-MTGAN is able to perform deterministic motion transfer and stochastic motion generation. Based on a given image, the former preserves the input content and transfers motion patterns observed from another video sequence, and the latter directly produces videos with plausible yet diverse motion patterns based on the input image. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner, without the need to utilize pre-defined motion features like pose or facial landmarks. Our quantitative and qualitative results would confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our model in addressing such conditioned image-to-video tasks.

Attributes Aware Face Generation with Generative Adversarial Networks

Zheng Yuan, Jie Zhang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

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Auto-TLDR; AFGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Attributes Aware Face Image Generation

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Recent studies have shown remarkable success in face image generations. However, most of the existing methods only generate face images from random noise, and cannot generate face images according to the specific attributes. In this paper, we focus on the problem of face synthesis from attributes, which aims at generating faces with specific characteristics corresponding to the given attributes. To this end, we propose a novel attributes aware face image generator method with generative adversarial networks called AFGAN. Specifically, we firstly propose a two-path embedding layer and self-attention mechanism to convert binary attribute vector to rich attribute features. Then three stacked generators generate 64 * 64, 128 * 128 and 256 * 256 resolution face images respectively by taking the attribute features as input. In addition, an image-attribute matching loss is proposed to enhance the correlation between the generated images and input attributes. Extensive experiments on CelebA demonstrate the superiority of our AFGAN in terms of both qualitative and quantitative evaluations.

Auto Encoding Explanatory Examples with Stochastic Paths

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Ramses J. Sanchez, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Stochastic Path: Explaining a Classifier's Decision Making Process using latent codes

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In this paper we ask for the main factors that determine a classifier's decision making process and uncover such factors by studying latent codes produced by auto-encoding frameworks. To deliver an explanation of a classifier's behaviour, we propose a method that provides series of examples highlighting semantic differences between the classifier's decisions. These examples are generated through interpolations in latent space. We introduce and formalize the notion of a semantic stochastic path, as a suitable stochastic process defined in feature (data) space via latent code interpolations. We then introduce the concept of semantic Lagrangians as a way to incorporate the desired classifier's behaviour and find that the solution of the associated variational problem allows for highlighting differences in the classifier decision. Very importantly, within our framework the classifier is used as a black-box, and only its evaluation is required.

Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination Via Mutual Information Disentanglement

Haoxue Wu, Huaibo Huang, Aijing Yu, Jie Cao, Zhen Lei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination with Structural Representation Learning

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Recently, many Near infrared-visible (NIR-VIS) heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) methods have been proposed in the community. But it remains a challenging problem because of the sensing gap along with large pose variations. In this paper, we propose an Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination (EGCH) to reduce the domain discrepancy through disentangled representation learning. For each modality, EGCH contains a spectral encoder as well as a structure encoder to disentangle spectral and structure representation, respectively. It also contains a traditional generator that reconstructs the input from the above two representations, and a structure generator that predicts the facial parsing map from the structure representation. Besides, mutual information minimization and maximization are conducted to boost disentanglement and make representations adequately expressed. Then the translation is built on structure representations between two modalities. Provided with the transformed NIR structure representation and original VIS spectral representation, EGCH is capable to produce high-fidelity VIS images that preserve the topology structure of the input NIR while transfer the spectral information of an arbitrary VIS exemplar. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves more promising results both qualitatively and quantitatively than the state-of-the-art NIR-VIS methods.

Coherence and Identity Learning for Arbitrary-Length Face Video Generation

Shuquan Ye, Chu Han, Jiaying Lin, Guoqiang Han, Shengfeng He

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Auto-TLDR; Face Video Synthesis Using Identity-Aware GAN and Face Coherence Network

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Face synthesis is an interesting yet challenging task in computer vision. It is even much harder to generate a portrait video than a single image. In this paper, we propose a novel video generation framework for synthesizing arbitrary-length face videos without any face exemplar or landmark. To overcome the synthesis ambiguity of face video, we propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to separately address the video face synthesis problem from two aspects, face identity synthesis and rearrangement. To this end, we design a cascaded network which contains three components, Identity-aware GAN (IA-GAN), Face Coherence Network, and Interpolation Network. IA-GAN is proposed to synthesize photorealistic faces with the same identity from a set of noises. Face Coherence Network is designed to re-arrange the faces generated by IA-GAN while keeping the inter-frame coherence. Interpolation Network is introduced to eliminate the discontinuity between two adjacent frames and improve the smoothness of the face video. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed network is able to generate face video with high visual quality while preserving the identity. Statistics show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unconditional face video generative models in multiple challenging datasets.

Variational Inference with Latent Space Quantization for Adversarial Resilience

Vinay Kyatham, Deepak Mishra, Prathosh A.P.

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Auto-TLDR; A Generalized Defense Mechanism for Adversarial Attacks on Data Manifolds

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Despite their tremendous success in modelling highdimensional data manifolds, deep neural networks suffer from the threat of adversarial attacks - Existence of perceptually valid input-like samples obtained through careful perturbation that lead to degradation in the performance of the underlying model. Major concerns with existing defense mechanisms include non-generalizability across different attacks, models and large inference time. In this paper, we propose a generalized defense mechanism capitalizing on the expressive power of regularized latent space based generative models. We design an adversarial filter, devoid of access to classifier and adversaries, which makes it usable in tandem with any classifier. The basic idea is to learn a Lipschitz constrained mapping from the data manifold, incorporating adversarial perturbations, to a quantized latent space and re-map it to the true data manifold. Specifically, we simultaneously auto-encode the data manifold and its perturbations implicitly through the perturbations of the regularized and quantized generative latent space, realized using variational inference. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed formulation in providing resilience against multiple attack types (black and white box) and methods, while being almost real-time. Our experiments show that the proposed method surpasses the stateof-the-art techniques in several cases.

Phase Retrieval Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Tobias Uelwer, Alexander Oberstraß, Stefan Harmeling

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Auto-TLDR; Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Phase Retrieval

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In this paper, we propose the application of conditional generative adversarial networks to solve various phase retrieval problems. We show that including knowledge of the measurement process at training time leads to an optimization at test time that is more robust to initialization than existing approaches involving generative models. In addition, conditioning the generator network on the measurements enables us to achieve much more detailed results. We empirically demonstrate that these advantages provide meaningful solutions to the Fourier and the compressive phase retrieval problem and that our method outperforms well-established projection-based methods as well as existing methods that are based on neural networks. Like other deep learning methods, our approach is very robust to noise and can therefore be very useful for real-world applications.

Ω-GAN: Object Manifold Embedding GAN for Image Generation by Disentangling Parameters into Pose and Shape Manifolds

Yasutomo Kawanishi, Daisuke Deguchi, Ichiro Ide, Hiroshi Murase

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Auto-TLDR; Object Manifold Embedding GAN with Parametric Sampling and Object Identity Loss

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In this paper, we propose Object Manifold Embedding GAN (Ω-GAN) to generate images of variously shaped and arbitrarily posed objects from a noise variable sampled from a distribution defined over the pose and the shape manifolds in a vector space. We introduce Parametric Manifold Sampling to sample noise variables from a distribution over the pose manifold to conditionally generate object images in arbitrary poses by tuning the pose parameter. We also introduce Object Identity Loss for clearly disentangling the pose and shape parameters, which allows us to maintain the shape of the object instance when only the pose parameter is changed. Through evaluation, we confirmed that the proposed Ω-GAN could generate variously shaped object images in arbitrary poses by changing the pose and shape parameters independently. We also introduce an application of the proposed method for object pose estimation, through which we confirmed that the object poses in the generated images are accurate.

Semantic-Guided Inpainting Network for Complex Urban Scenes Manipulation

Pierfrancesco Ardino, Yahui Liu, Elisa Ricci, Bruno Lepri, Marco De Nadai

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic-Guided Inpainting of Complex Urban Scene Using Semantic Segmentation and Generation

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Manipulating images of complex scenes to reconstruct, insert and/or remove specific object instances is a challenging task. Complex scenes contain multiple semantics and objects, which are frequently cluttered or ambiguous, thus hampering the performance of inpainting models. Conventional techniques often rely on structural information such as object contours in multi-stage approaches that generate unreliable results and boundaries. In this work, we propose a novel deep learning model to alter a complex urban scene by removing a user-specified portion of the image and coherently inserting a new object (e.g. car or pedestrian) in that scene. Inspired by recent works on image inpainting, our proposed method leverages the semantic segmentation to model the content and structure of the image, and learn the best shape and location of the object to insert. To generate reliable results, we design a new decoder block that combines the semantic segmentation and generation task to guide better the generation of new objects and scenes, which have to be semantically consistent with the image. Our experiments, conducted on two large-scale datasets of urban scenes (Cityscapes and Indian Driving), show that our proposed approach successfully address the problem of semantically-guided inpainting of complex urban scene.

IDA-GAN: A Novel Imbalanced Data Augmentation GAN

Hao Yang, Yun Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; IDA-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks for Imbalanced Data Augmentation

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Class imbalance is a widely existed and challenging problem in real-world applications such as disease diagnosis, fraud detection, network intrusion detection and so on. Due to the scarce of data, it could significantly deteriorate the accuracy of classification. To address this challenge, we propose a novel Imbalanced Data Augmentation Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) named IDA-GAN as an augmentation tool to deal with the imbalanced dataset. This is a great challenge because it is hard to train a GAN model under this situation. We overcome this issue by coupling Variational autoencoder along with GAN training. Specifically, we introduce the Variational autoencoder to learn the majority and minority class distributions in the latent space, and use the generative model to utilize each class distribution for the subsequent GAN training. The generative model learns useful features to generate target minority-class samples. By comparing with the state-of-the-art GAN models, the experimental results demonstrate that our proposed IDA-GAN could generate more diverse minority samples with better qualities, and it consistently benefits the imbalanced classification task in terms of several widely-used evaluation metrics on five benchmark datasets: MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR-10 and GTRSB.

Interpreting the Latent Space of GANs Via Correlation Analysis for Controllable Concept Manipulation

Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Hongjing Niu, Bin Li

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring latent space of GANs by analyzing correlation between latent variables and semantic contents in generated images

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Generative adversarial nets (GANs) have been successfully applied in many fields like image generation, inpainting, super-resolution and drug discovery, etc., by now, the inner process of GANs is far from been understood. To get deeper insight of the intrinsic mechanism of GANs, in this paper, a method for interpreting the latent space of GANs by analyzing the correlation between latent variables and the corresponding semantic contents in generated images is proposed. Unlike previous methods that focus on dissecting models via feature visualization, the emphasis of this work is put on the variables in latent space, i.e. how the latent variables affect the quantitative analysis of generated results. Given a pretrained GAN model with weights fixed, the latent variables are intervened to analyze their effect on the semantic content in generated images. A set of controlling latent variables can be derived for specific content generation, and the controllable semantic content manipulation be achieved. The proposed method is testified on the datasets Fashion-MNIST and UT Zappos50K, experiment results show its effectiveness

Group-Wise Feature Orthogonalization and Suppression for GAN Based Facial Attribute Translation

Zhiwei Wen, Haoqian Wu, Weicheng Xie, Linlin Shen

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Disentanglement of Generative Adversarial Network

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Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) has been widely used for object attribute editing. However, the semantic correlation, resulted from the feature map interaction in the generative network of GAN, may impair the generalization ability of the generative network. In this work, semantic disentanglement is introduced in GAN to reduce the attribute correlation. The feature maps of the generative network are first grouped with an efficient clustering algorithm based on hash encoding, which are used to excavate hidden semantic attributes and calculate the group-wise orthogonality loss for the reduction of attribute entanglement. Meanwhile, the feature maps falling in the intersection regions of different groups are further suppressed to reduce the attribute-wise interaction. Extensive experiments reveal that the proposed GAN generated more genuine objects than the state of the arts. Quantitative results of classification accuracy, inception and FID scores further justify the effectiveness of the proposed GAN.

Interpolation in Auto Encoders with Bridge Processes

Carl Ringqvist, Henrik Hult, Judith Butepage, Hedvig Kjellstrom

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic interpolations from auto encoders trained on flattened sequences

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Auto encoding models have been extensively studied in recent years. They provide an efficient framework for sample generation, as well as for analysing feature learning. Furthermore, they are efficient in performing interpolations between data-points in semantically meaningful ways. In this paper, we introduce a method for generating sequence samples from auto encoders trained on flattened sequences (e.g video sample from auto encoders trained to generate a video frame); as well as a canonical, dimension independent method for generating stochastic interpolations. The distribution of interpolation paths is represented as the distribution of a bridge process constructed from an artificial random data generating process in the latent space, having the prior distribution as its invariant distribution.

Unsupervised Contrastive Photo-To-Caricature Translation Based on Auto-Distortion

Yuhe Ding, Xin Ma, Mandi Luo, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation with style loss

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Photo-to-caricature aims to synthesize the caricature as a rendered image exaggerating the features through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings. Style rendering and geometry deformation are the most important aspects in photo-to-caricature translation task. To take both into consideration, we propose an unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation architecture. Considering the intuitive artifacts in the existing methods, we propose a contrastive style loss for style rendering to enforce the similarity between the style of rendered photo and the caricature, and simultaneously enhance its discrepancy to the photos. To obtain an exaggerating deformation in an unpaired/unsupervised fashion, we propose a Distortion Prediction Module (DPM) to predict a set of displacements vectors for each input image while fixing some controlling points, followed by the thin plate spline interpolation for warping. The model is trained on unpaired photo and caricature while can offer bidirectional synthesizing via inputting either a photo or a caricature. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to generate hand-drawn like caricatures compared with existing competitors.

Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization When Learning from Small Sample

Idan Azuri, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; GLICO: Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization for Small Sample Learning

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We revisit the long-standing problem of learning from small sample. The generation of new samples from a small training set of labeled points has attracted increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel such method called GLICO (Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization). GLICO learns a mapping from the training examples to a latent space and a generator that generates images from vectors in the latent space. Unlike most recent work, which rely on access to large amounts of unlabeled data, GLICO does not require access to any additional data other than the small set of labeled points. In fact, GLICO learns to synthesize completely new samples for every class using as little as 5 or 10 examples per class, with as few as 10 such classes and no data from unknown classes. GLICO is then used to augment the small training set while training a classifier on the small sample. To this end, our proposed method samples the learned latent space using spherical interpolation (slerp) and generates new examples using the trained generator. Empirical results show that the new sampled set is diverse enough, leading to improvement in image classification in comparison with the state of the art when trained on small samples obtained from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CUB-200.

Variational Capsule Encoder

Harish Raviprakash, Syed Anwar, Ulas Bagci

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Capsule Networks for Representation Learning in latent space

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We propose a novel capsule network based variational encoder architecture, called Bayesian capsules (B-Caps), to modulate the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution in the latent space. We hypothesize that this approach can learn a better representation of features in the latent space than traditional approaches. Our hypothesis was tested by using the learned latent variables for image reconstruction task, where for MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets, different classes were separated successfully in the latent space using our proposed model. Our experimental results have shown improved reconstruction and classification performances for both datasets adding credence to our hypothesis. We also showed that by increasing the latent space dimension, the proposed B-Caps was able to learn a better representation when compared to the traditional variational auto-encoders (VAE). Hence our results indicate the strength of capsule networks in representation learning which has never been examined under the VAE settings before.

Separation of Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty in Deterministic Deep Neural Networks

Denis Huseljic, Bernhard Sick, Marek Herde, Daniel Kottke

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Auto-TLDR; AE-DNN: Modeling Uncertainty in Deep Neural Networks

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Despite the success of deep neural networks (DNN) in many applications, their ability to model uncertainty is still significantly limited. For example, in safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is crucial to obtain a prediction that reflects different types of uncertainty to address life-threatening situations appropriately. In such cases, it is essential to be aware of the risk (i.e., aleatoric uncertainty) and the reliability (i.e., epistemic uncertainty) that comes with a prediction. We present AE-DNN, a model allowing the separation of aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty while maintaining a proper generalization capability. AE-DNN is based on deterministic DNN, which can determine the respective uncertainty measures in a single forward pass. In analyses with synthetic and image data, we show that our method improves the modeling of epistemic uncertainty while providing an intuitively understandable separation of risk and reliability.

Feature-Aware Unsupervised Learning with Joint Variational Attention and Automatic Clustering

Wang Ru, Lin Li, Peipei Wang, Liu Peiyu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Variational Attention Encoder-Decoder for Clustering

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Deep clustering aims to cluster unlabeled real-world samples by mining deep feature representation. Most of existing methods remain challenging when handling high-dimensional data and simultaneously exploring the complementarity of deep feature representation and clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Variational Attention Encoder-decoder for Clustering (DVAEC). Our DVAEC improves the representation learning ability by fusing variational attention. Specifically, we design a feature-aware automatic clustering module to mitigate the unreliability of similarity calculation and guide network learning. Besides, to further boost the performance of deep clustering from a global perspective, we define a joint optimization objective to promote feature representation learning and automatic clustering synergistically. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance achieved by our DVAEC on six datasets comparing with several popular baseline clustering methods.

GAP: Quantifying the Generative Adversarial Set and Class Feature Applicability of Deep Neural Networks

Edward Collier, Supratik Mukhopadhyay

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Auto-TLDR; Approximating Adversarial Learning in Deep Neural Networks Using Set and Class Adversaries

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Recent work in deep neural networks has sought to characterize the nature in which a network learns features and how applicable learnt features are to various problem sets. Deep neural network applicability can be split into three sub-problems; set applicability, class applicability, and instance applicability. In this work we seek to quantify the applicability of features learned during adversarial training, focusing specifically on set and class applicability. We apply techniques for measuring applicability to both generators and discriminators trained on various data sets to quantify applicability and better observe how both a generator and a discriminator, and generative models as a whole, learn features during adversarial training.

Generating Private Data Surrogates for Vision Related Tasks

Ryan Webster, Julien Rabin, Loic Simon, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Networks for Membership Inference Attacks

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With the widespread application of deep networks in industry, membership inference attacks, i.e. the ability to discern training data from a model, become more and more problematic for data privacy. Recent work suggests that generative networks may be robust against membership attacks. In this work, we build on this observation, offering a general-purpose solution to the membership privacy problem. As the primary contribution, we demonstrate how to construct surrogate datasets, using images from GAN generators, labelled with a classifier trained on the private dataset. Next, we show this surrogate data can further be used for a variety of downstream tasks (here classification and regression), while being resistant to membership attacks. We study a variety of different GANs proposed in the literature, concluding that higher quality GANs result in better surrogate data with respect to the task at hand.

Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression

Xifeng Guo, Jiyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Shihao Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Image Representation Learning using Continuous Parameter Prediction

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Self-supervised learning is a thriving research direction since it can relieve the burden of human labeling for machine learning by seeking for supervision from data instead of human annotation. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, we observe that the existing methods usually model the auxiliary learning tasks as classification tasks with finite discrete labels, leading to insufficient supervisory signals, which in turn restricts the representation quality. In this paper, to solve the above problem and make full use of the supervision from data, we design a regression model to predict the continuous parameters of a group of transformations, i.e., image rotation, translation, and scaling. Surprisingly, this naive modification stimulates tremendous potential from data and the resulting supervisory signal has largely improved the performance of image representation learning. Extensive experiments on four image datasets, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, and SVHN, indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods by a large margin in terms of classification accuracy. Crucially, we find that with our proposed training mechanism as an initialization, the performance of the existing state-of-the-art classification deep architectures can be preferably improved.

Learning to Take Directions One Step at a Time

Qiyang Hu, Adrian Wälchli, Tiziano Portenier, Matthias Zwicker, Paolo Favaro

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Auto-TLDR; Generating a Sequence of Motion Strokes from a Single Image

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We present a method to generate a video sequence given a single image. Because items in an image can be animated in arbitrarily many different ways, we introduce as control signal a sequence of motion strokes. Such control signal can be automatically transferred from other videos, e.g., via bounding box tracking. Each motion stroke provides the direction to the moving object in the input image and we aim to train a network to generate an animation following a sequence of such directions. To address this task we design a novel recurrent architecture, which can be trained easily and effectively thanks to an explicit separation of past, future and current states. As we demonstrate in the experiments, our proposed architecture is capable of generating an arbitrary number of frames from a single image and a sequence of motion strokes. Key components of our architecture are an autoencoding constraint to ensure consistency with the past and a generative adversarial scheme to ensure that images look realistic and are temporally smooth. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the MNIST, KTH, Human3.6M, Push and Weizmann datasets.

On the Evaluation of Generative Adversarial Networks by Discriminative Models

Amirsina Torfi, Mohammadreza Beyki, Edward Alan Fox

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Auto-TLDR; Domain-agnostic GAN Evaluation with Siamese Neural Networks

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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) can accurately model complex multi-dimensional data and generate realistic samples. However, due to their implicit estimation of data distributions, their evaluation is a challenging task. The majority of research efforts associated with tackling this issue were validated by qualitative visual evaluation. Such approaches do not generalize well beyond the image domain. Since many of those evaluation metrics are proposed and bound to the vision domain, they are difficult to apply to other domains. Quantitative measures are necessary to better guide the training and comparison of different GANs models. In this work, we leverage Siamese neural networks to propose a domain-agnostic evaluation metric: (1) with a qualitative evaluation that is consistent with human evaluation, (2) that is robust relative to common GAN issues such as mode dropping and invention, and (3) does not require any pretrained classifier. The empirical results in this paper demonstrate the superiority of this method compared to the popular Inception Score and are competitive with the FID score.

Local-Global Interactive Network for Face Age Transformation

Jie Song, Ping Wei, Huan Li, Yongchi Zhang, Nanning Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; A Novel Local-Global Interaction Framework for Long-span Face Age Transformation

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Face age transformation, which aims to generate a face image in the past or future, has receiving increasing attention due to its significant application value in some special fields, such as looking for a lost child, tracking criminals and entertainment, etc. Currently, most existing methods mainly focus on unidirectional short-span face aging. In this paper, we propose a novel local-global interaction framework for long-span face age transformation. Firstly, we divide a face image into five independent parts and design a local generative network for each of them to learn the local structure changes of a face image, while we utilize a global generative network to learn the global structure changes. Then we introduce an interactive network and an age classification network, which are respectively used to integrate the local and global features and maintain the corresponding age features in different age groups. Given any face image at a certain age, our network can produce a clear and realistic image of face aging or rejuvenation. We test and evaluate the model on complex datasets, and extensive qualitative comparison experiments has proved the effectiveness and immense potential of our proposed method.

Identity-Preserved Face Beauty Transformation with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Zhitong Huang, Ching Y Suen

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Auto-TLDR; Identity-preserved face beauty transformation using conditional GANs

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Identity-preserved face beauty transformation aims to change the beauty scale of a face image while preserving the identity of the original face. In our framework of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs), the synthesized face produced by the generator would have the same beauty scale indicated by the input condition. Unlike the discrete class labels used in most cGANs, the condition of target beauty scale in our framework is given by a continuous real-valued beauty score in the range [1 to 5], which makes the work challenging. To tackle the problem, we have implemented a triple structure, in which the conditional discriminator is divided into a normal discriminator and a separate face beauty predictor. We have also developed another new structure called Conditioned Instance Normalization to replace the original concatenation used in cGANs, which makes the combination of the input image and condition more effective. Furthermore, Self-Consistency Loss is introduced as a new parameter to improve the stability of training and quality of the generated image. In the end, the objectives of beauty transformation and identity preservation are evaluated by the pretrained face beauty predictor and state-of-the-art face recognition network. The result is encouraging and it also shows that certain facial features could be synthesized by the generator according to the target beauty scale, while preserving the original identity.

The Role of Cycle Consistency for Generating Better Human Action Videos from a Single Frame

Runze Li, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Generating Videos with Human Action Semantics using Cycle Constraints

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This paper addresses the challenging problem of generating videos with human action semantics. Unlike previous work which predict future frames in a single forward pass, this paper introduces the cycle constraints in both forward and backward passes in the generation of human actions. This is achieved by enforcing the appearance and motion consistency across a sequence of frames generated in the future. The approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, the pose of a human body is generated. In the second stage, an image generator is used to generate future frames by using (a) generated human poses in the future from the first stage, (b) the single observed human pose, and (c) the single corresponding future frame. The experiments are performed on three datasets: Weizmann dataset involving simple human actions, Penn Action dataset and UCF-101 dataset containing complicated human actions, especially in sports. The results from these experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

UCCTGAN: Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network

Shuming Sun, Xiaoqiang Li, Jide Li

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Auto-TLDR; An Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network

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Clothing color transformation refers to changing the clothes color in an original image to the clothes color in a target image. In this paper, we propose an Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network (UCCTGAN) for the task. UCCTGAN adopts the color histogram of a target clothes as color guidance and an improved U-net architecture called AntennaNet is put forward to fuse the extracted color information with the original image. Meanwhile, to accomplish unsupervised learning, the loss function is carefully designed according to color moment, which evaluates the chromatic aberration between the target clothing and the generated clothing. Experimental results show that our network has the ability to generate convincing color transformation results.