Coarse to Fine: Progressive and Multi-Task Learning for Salient Object Detection

Dong-Goo Kang, Sangwoo Park, Joonki Paik

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive and mutl-task learning scheme for salient object detection

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Most deep learning-based salient object detection (SOD) methods tried to manipulate the convolution block to effectively capture the context of object. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called progressive and mutl-task learning scheme, to extract the context of object by only manipulating the learning scheme without changing the network architecture. The progressive learning scheme is a method to grow the decoder progressively in the train phase. In other words, starting from easier low-resolution layers, it gradually adds high-resolution layers. Although the progressive learning successfullyl captures the context of object, its output boundary tends to be rough. To solve this problem, we also propose a multi-task learning (MTL) scheme that processes the object saliency map and contour in a single network jointly. The proposed MTL scheme trains the network in an edge-preserved direction through an auxiliary branch that learns contours. The proposed a learning scheme can be combined with other convolution block manipulation methods. Extensive experiments on five datasets show that the proposed method performs best compared with state-of-the-art methods in most cases.

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Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

Mucong Ye, Ouyang Jinpeng, Ge Chen, Jing Zhang, Xiaogang Yu

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Auto-TLDR; EFPN: Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Multi-scale feature fusion has been an effective way for improving the performance of semantic segmentation. However, current methods generally fail to consider the semantic gaps between the shallow (low-level) and deep (high-level) features and thus the fusion methods may not be optimal. In this paper, to address the issues of the semantic gap between the feature from different layers, we propose a unified framework based on the U-shape encoder-decoder architecture, named Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network (EFPN). Specifically, the semantic enhancement module (SEM), boundary extraction module (BEM), and context aggregation model (CAM) are incorporated into the decoder network to improve the robustness of the multi-level features aggregation. In addition, a global fusion model (GFM) in encoder branch is proposed to capture more semantic information in the deep layers and effectively transmit the high-level semantic features to each layer. Extensive experiments are conducted and the results show that the proposed framework achieves the state-of-the-art results on three public datasets, namely PASCAL VOC 2012, Cityscapes, and PASCAL Context. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for other visual tasks that require frequent fusing features and upsampling.

FastSal: A Computationally Efficient Network for Visual Saliency Prediction

Feiyan Hu, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; MobileNetV2: A Convolutional Neural Network for Saliency Prediction

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Point In: Counting Trees with Weakly Supervised Segmentation Network

Pinmo Tong, Shuhui Bu, Pengcheng Han

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Tree counting using Deep Segmentation Network with Localization and Mask Prediction

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For tree counting tasks, since traditional image processing methods require expensive feature engineering and are not end-to-end frameworks, this will cause additional noise and cannot be optimized overall, so this method has not been widely used in recent trends of tree counting application. Recently, many deep learning based approaches are designed for this task because of the powerful feature extracting ability. The representative way is bounding box based supervised method, but time-consuming annotations are indispensable for them. Moreover, these methods are difficult to overcome the occlusion or overlap. To solve this problem, we propose a weakly tree counting network (WTCNet) based on deep segmentation network with only point supervision. It can simultaneously complete tree counting with localization and output mask of each tree at the same time. We first adopt a novel feature extractor network (FENet) to get features of input images, and then an effective strategy is introduced to deal with different mask predictions. In the end, we propose a basic localization guidance accompany with rectification guidance to train the network. We create two different datasets and select an existing challenging plant dataset to evaluate our method on three different tasks. Experimental results show the good performance improvement of our method compared with other existing methods. Further study shows that our method has great potential to reduce human labor and provide effective ground-truth masks and the results show the superiority of our method over the advanced methods.

Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Hanzhe Hu, Jinshi Cui, Jinshi Hongbin Zha

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Auto-TLDR; Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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Recent works have made great progress in semantic segmentation by exploiting contextual information in a local or global manner with dilated convolutions, pyramid pooling or self-attention mechanism. However, few works have focused on harvesting boundary information to improve the segmentation performance. In order to enhance the feature similarity within the object and keep discrimination from other objects, we propose a boundary-aware graph convolution (BGC) module to propagate features within the object. The graph reasoning is performed among pixels of the same object apart from the boundary pixels. Based on the proposed BGC module, we further introduce the Boundary-aware Graph Convolution Network(BGCNet), which consists of two main components including a basic segmentation network and the BGC module, forming a coarse-to-fine paradigm. Specifically, the BGC module takes the coarse segmentation feature map as node features and boundary prediction to guide graph construction. After graph convolution, the reasoned feature and the input feature are fused together to get the refined feature, producing the refined segmentation result. We conduct extensive experiments on three popular semantic segmentation benchmarks including Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC 2012 and COCO Stuff, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all three benchmarks.

Encoder-Decoder Based Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-Scale-Aware Modules for Crowd Counting

Pongpisit Thanasutives, Ken-Ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao, Boonserm Kijsirikul

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Auto-TLDR; M-SFANet and M-SegNet for Crowd Counting Using Multi-Scale Fusion Networks

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In this paper, we proposed two modified neural networks based on dual path multi-scale fusion networks (SFANet) and SegNet for accurate and efficient crowd counting. Inspired by SFANet, the first model, which is named M-SFANet, is attached with atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) and context-aware module (CAN). The encoder of M-SFANet is enhanced with ASPP containing parallel atrous convolutional layers with different sampling rates and hence able to extract multi-scale features of the target object and incorporate larger context. To further deal with scale variation throughout an input image, we leverage the CAN module which adaptively encodes the scales of the contextual information. The combination yields an effective model for counting in both dense and sparse crowd scenes. Based on the SFANet decoder structure, M-SFANet's decoder has dual paths, for density map and attention map generation. The second model is called M-SegNet, which is produced by replacing the bilinear upsampling in SFANet with max unpooling that is used in SegNet. This change provides a faster model while providing competitive counting performance. Designed for high-speed surveillance applications, M-SegNet has no additional multi-scale-aware module in order to not increase the complexity. Both models are encoder-decoder based architectures and are end-to-end trainable. We conduct extensive experiments on five crowd counting datasets and one vehicle counting dataset to show that these modifications yield algorithms that could improve state-of-the-art crowd counting methods.

TinyVIRAT: Low-Resolution Video Action Recognition

Ugur Demir, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; TinyVIRAT: A Progressive Generative Approach for Action Recognition in Videos

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The existing research in action recognition is mostly focused on high-quality videos where the action is distinctly visible. In real-world surveillance environments, the actions in videos are captured at a wide range of resolutions. Most activities occur at a distance with a small resolution and recognizing such activities is a challenging problem. In this work, we focus on recognizing tiny actions in videos. We introduce a benchmark dataset, TinyVIRAT, which contains natural low-resolution activities. The actions in TinyVIRAT videos have multiple labels and they are extracted from surveillance videos which makes them realistic and more challenging. We propose a novel method for recognizing tiny actions in videos which utilizes a progressive generative approach to improve the quality of low-resolution actions. The proposed method also consists of a weakly trained attention mechanism which helps in focusing on the activity regions in the video. We perform extensive experiments to benchmark the proposed TinyVIRAT dataset and observe that the proposed method significantly improves the action recognition performance over baselines. We also evaluate the proposed approach on synthetically resized action recognition datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results when compared with existing methods. The dataset and code will be publicly available.

Revisiting Sequence-To-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task Loss and Skip-Memory

Fatemeh Azimi, Benjamin Bischke, Sebastian Palacio, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is an active research area of the visual domain. One of its fundamental sub-tasks is semi-supervised / one-shot learning: given only the segmentation mask for the first frame, the task is to provide pixel-accurate masks for the object over the rest of the sequence. Despite much progress in the last years, we noticed that many of the existing approaches lose objects in longer sequences, especially when the object is small or briefly occluded. In this work, we build upon a sequence-to-sequence approach that employs an encoder-decoder architecture together with a memory module for exploiting the sequential data. We further improve this approach by proposing a model that manipulates multi-scale spatio-temporal information using memory-equipped skip connections. Furthermore, we incorporate an auxiliary task based on distance classification which greatly enhances the quality of edges in segmentation masks. We compare our approach to the state of the art and show considerable improvement in the contour accuracy metric and the overall segmentation accuracy.

TSMSAN: A Three-Stream Multi-Scale Attentive Network for Video Saliency Detection

Jingwen Yang, Guanwen Zhang, Wei Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; Three-stream Multi-scale attentive network for video saliency detection in dynamic scenes

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Video saliency detection is an important low-level task that has been used in a large range of high-level applications. In this paper, we proposed a three-stream multi-scale attentive network (TSMSAN) for saliency detection in dynamic scenes. TSMSAN integrates motion vector representation, static saliency map, and RGB information in multi-scales together into one framework on the basis of Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) and spatial attention mechanism. On the one hand, the respective motion features, spatial features, as well as the scene features can provide abundant information for video saliency detection. On the other hand, spatial attention mechanism can combine features with multi-scales to focus on key information in dynamic scenes. In this manner, the proposed TSMSAN can encode the spatiotemporal features of the dynamic scene comprehensively. We evaluate the proposed approach on two public dynamic saliency data sets. The experimental results demonstrate TSMSAN is able to achieve the state-of-the-art performance as well as the excellent generalization ability. Furthermore, the proposed TSMSAN can provide more convincing video saliency information, in line with human perception.

Saliency Prediction on Omnidirectional Images with Brain-Like Shallow Neural Network

Zhu Dandan, Chen Yongqing, Min Xiongkuo, Zhao Defang, Zhu Yucheng, Zhou Qiangqiang, Yang Xiaokang, Tian Han

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Auto-TLDR; A Brain-like Neural Network for Saliency Prediction of Head Fixations on Omnidirectional Images

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Deep feedforward convolutional neural networks (CNNs) perform well in the saliency prediction of omnidirectional images (ODIs), and have become the leading class of candidate models of the visual processing mechanism in the primate ventral stream. These CNNs have evolved from shallow network architecture to extremely deep and branching architecture to achieve superb performance in various vision tasks, yet it is unclear how brain-like they are. In particular, these deep feedforward CNNs are difficult to mapping to ventral stream structure of the brain visual system due to their vast number of layers and missing biologically-important connections, such as recurrence. To tackle this issue, some brain-like shallow neural networks are introduced. In this paper, we propose a novel brain-like network model for saliency prediction of head fixations on ODIs. Specifically, our proposed model consists of three modules: a CORnet-S module, a template feature extraction module and a ranking attention module (RAM). The CORnet-S module is a lightweight artificial neural network (ANN) with four anatomically mapped areas (V1, V2, V4 and IT) and it can simulate the visual processing mechanism of ventral visual stream in the human brain. The template features extraction module is introduced to extract attention maps of ODIs and provide guidance for the feature ranking in the following RAM module. The RAM module is used to rank and select features that are important for fine-grained saliency prediction. Extensive experiments have validated the effectiveness of the proposed model in predicting saliency maps of ODIs, and the proposed model outperforms other state-of-the-art methods with similar scale.

Super-Resolution Guided Pore Detection for Fingerprint Recognition

Syeda Nyma Ferdous, Ali Dabouei, Jeremy Dawson, Nasser M. Nasarabadi

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Auto-TLDR; Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network for Fingerprint Recognition Using Pore Features

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Performance of fingerprint recognition algorithms substantially rely on fine features extracted from fingerprints. Apart from minutiae and ridge patterns, pore features have proven to be usable for fingerprint recognition. Although features from minutiae and ridge patterns are quite attainable from low-resolution images, using pore features is practical only if the fingerprint image is of high resolution which necessitates a model that enhances the image quality of the conventional 500 ppi legacy fingerprints preserving the fine details. To find a solution for recovering pore information from low-resolution fingerprints, we adopt a joint learning-based approach that combines both super-resolution and pore detection networks. Our modified single image Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Network (SRGAN) framework helps to reliably reconstruct high-resolution fingerprint samples from low-resolution ones assisting the pore detection network to identify pores with a high accuracy. The network jointly learns a distinctive feature representation from a real low-resolution fingerprint sample and successfully synthesizes a high-resolution sample from it. To add discriminative information and uniqueness for all the subjects, we have integrated features extracted from a deep fingerprint verifier with the SRGAN quality discriminator. We also add ridge reconstruction loss, utilizing ridge patterns to make the best use of extracted features. Our proposed method solves the recognition problem by improving the quality of fingerprint images. High recognition accuracy of the synthesized samples that is close to the accuracy achieved using the original high-resolution images validate the effectiveness of our proposed model.

Do Not Treat Boundaries and Regions Differently: An Example on Heart Left Atrial Segmentation

Zhou Zhao, Elodie Puybareau, Nicolas Boutry, Thierry Geraud

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Auto-TLDR; Attention Full Convolutional Network for Atrial Segmentation using ResNet-101 Architecture

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Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disease. Due to a lack of understanding in matter of underlying atrial structures, current treatments are still not satisfying. Recently, with the popularity of deep learning, many segmentation methods based on fully convolutional networks have been proposed to analyze atrial structures, especially from late gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. However, two problems still occur: 1) segmentation results include the atrial-like background; 2) boundaries are very hard to segment. Most segmentation approaches design a specific network that mainly focuses on the regions, to the detriment of the boundaries. Therefore, this paper proposes an attention full convolutional network framework based on the ResNet-101 architecture, which focuses on boundaries as much as on regions. The additional attention module is added to have the network pay more attention on regions and then to reduce the impact of the misleading similarity of neighboring tissues. We also use a hybrid loss composed of a region loss and a boundary loss to treat boundaries and regions at the same time. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach on the MICCAI 2018 Atrial Segmentation Challenge public dataset.

Utilising Visual Attention Cues for Vehicle Detection and Tracking

Feiyan Hu, Venkatesh Gurram Munirathnam, Noel E O'Connor, Alan Smeaton, Suzanne Little

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Attention for Object Detection and Tracking in Driver-Assistance Systems

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Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been attracting attention from many researchers. Vision based sensors are the closest way to emulate human driver visual behavior while driving. In this paper, we explore possible ways to use visual attention (saliency) for object detection and tracking. We investigate: 1) How a visual attention map such as a subjectness attention or saliency map and an objectness attention map can facilitate region proposal generation in a 2-stage object detector; 2) How a visual attention map can be used for tracking multiple objects. We propose a neural network that can simultaneously detect objects as and generate objectness and subjectness maps to save computational power. We further exploit the visual attention map during tracking using a sequential Monte Carlo probability hypothesis density (PHD) filter. The experiments are conducted on KITTI and DETRAC datasets. The use of visual attention and hierarchical features has shown a considerable improvement of≈8% in object detection which effectively increased tracking performance by≈4% on KITTI dataset.

Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Jing Liu, Xiaona Zhang, Zhaoxin Li, Tianlu Mao

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision and is crucial for understanding 3D scene geometry. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based methods have improved the estimation accuracy significantly. However, existing methods fail to consider complex textures and geometries in scenes, thereby resulting in loss of local details, distorted object boundaries, and blurry reconstruction. In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network (MRPAN) to mitigate these problems.First,we propose a Multi-scale Attention Context Aggregation (MACA) module, which consists of Spatial Attention Module (SAM) and Global Attention Module (GAM). By considering the position and scale correlation of pixels from spatial and global perspectives, the proposed module can adaptively learn the similarity between pixels so as to obtain more global context information of the image and recover the complex structure in the scene. Then we proposed an improved Residual Refinement Module (RRM) to further refine the scene structure, giving rise to deeper semantic information and retain more local details. Experimental results show that our method achieves more promisin performance in object boundaries and local details compared with other state-of-the-art methods.

Dynamic Guided Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Xiaoxia Xing, Yinghao Cai, Yiping Yang, Dayong Wen

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Auto-TLDR; DGNet: Dynamic Guidance Upsampling for Self-attention-Decoding for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Self-attention or encoder-decoder structure has been widely used in deep neural networks for monocular depth estimation tasks. The former mechanism are capable to capture long-range information by computing the representation of each position by a weighted sum of the features at all positions, while the latter networks can capture structural details information by gradually recovering the spatial information. In this work, we combine the advantages of both methods. Specifically, our proposed model, DGNet, extends EMANet Network by adding an effective decoder module to refine the depth results. In the decoder stage, we further design dynamic guidance upsampling which uses local neighboring information of low-level features guide coarser depth to upsample. In this way, dynamic guidance upsampling generates content-dependent and spatially-variant kernels for depth upsampling which makes full use of spatial details information from low-level features. Experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains higher accuracy and generates the desired depth map.

Transitional Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Real-World Dirt Road Segmentation

Yooseung Wang, Jihun Park

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Auto-TLDR; Transitional Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation on Dirt Roads

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Understanding images by predicting pixel-level semantic classes is a fundamental task in computer vision and is one of the most important techniques for autonomous driving. Recent approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks have dramatically improved the speed and accuracy of semantic segmentation on paved road datasets, however, dirt roads have yet to be systematically studied. Dirt roads do not contain clear boundaries between drivable and non-drivable regions; and thus, this difficulty must be overcome for the realization of fully autonomous vehicles. The key idea of our approach is to apply lightweight non-local blocks to reinforce stage-wise long-range dependencies in encoder-decoder style backbone networks. Experiments on 4,687 images of a dirt road dataset show that our transitional asymmetric non-local neural networks present a higher accuracy with lower computational costs compared to state-of-the-art models.

CT-UNet: An Improved Neural Network Based on U-Net for Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images

Huanran Ye, Sheng Liu, Kun Jin, Haohao Cheng

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Auto-TLDR; Context-Transfer-UNet: A UNet-based Network for Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images

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With the proliferation of remote sensing images, how to segment buildings more accurately in remote sensing images is a critical challenge. First, the high resolution leads to blurred boundaries in the extracted building maps. Second, the similarity between buildings and background results in intra-class inconsistency. To address these two problems, we propose an UNet-based network named Context-Transfer-UNet (CT-UNet). Specifically, we design Dense Boundary Block (DBB). Dense Block utilizes reuse mechanism to refine features and increase recognition capabilities. Boundary Block introduces the low-level spatial information to solve the fuzzy boundary problem. Then, to handle intra-class inconsistency, we construct Spatial Channel Attention Block (SCAB). It combines context space information and selects more distinguishable features from space and channel. Finally, we propose a novel loss function to enhance the purpose of loss by adding evaluation indicator. Based on our proposed CT-UNet, we achieve 85.33% mean IoU on the Inria dataset and 91.00% mean IoU on the WHU dataset, which outperforms our baseline (U-Net ResNet-34) by 3.76% and Web-Net by 2.24%.

Video Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Multi-View Representation Learning

Akrem Sellami, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Multi-view Representation Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning model based on deep multi-view representation learning, to address the video object segmentation task. The proposed model emphasizes the importance of the inherent correlation between video frames and incorporates a multi-view representation learning based on deep canonically correlated autoencoders. The multi-view representation learning in our model provides an efficient mechanism for capturing inherent correlations by jointly extracting useful features and learning better representation into a joint feature space, i.e., shared representation. To increase the training data and the learning capacity, we train the proposed model with pairs of video frames, i.e., $F_{a}$ and $F_{b}$. During the segmentation phase, the deep canonically correlated autoencoders model encodes useful features by processing multiple reference frames together, which is used to detect the frequently reappearing. Our model enhances the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that mainly focus on learning discriminative foreground representations over appearance and motion. Experimental results over two large benchmarks demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform competitive approaches and to reach good performances, in terms of semantic segmentation.

SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

Yi Gan, Wei Xu, Jianbo Su

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Auto-TLDR; SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network to Address Information Dilution Issue in FPN

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Feature Pyramid Network(FPN) employs a top-down path to enhance low level feature by utilizing high level feature.However, further improvement of detector is greatly hindered by the inner defect of FPN. The dilution issue in FPN is analyzed in this paper, and a new architecture named Semantic Feature Pyramid Network(SFPN) is introduced to address the information imbalance problem caused by information dilution. The proposed method consists of two simple and effective components: Semantic Pyramid Module(SPM) and Semantic Feature Fusion Module(SFFM). To compensate for the weaknesses of FPN, the semantic segmentation result is utilized as an extra information source in our architecture.By constructing a semantic pyramid based on the segmentation result and fusing it with FPN, feature maps at each level can obtain the necessary information without suffering from the dilution issue. The proposed architecture could be applied on many detectors, and non-negligible improvement could be achieved. Although this method is designed for object detection, other tasks such as instance segmentation can also largely benefit from it. The proposed method brings Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN with ResNet-50 as backbone both 1.8 AP improvements respectively. Furthermore, SFPN improves Cascade R-CNN with backbone ResNet-101 from 42.4 AP to 43.5 AP.

PSDNet: A Balanced Architecture of Accuracy and Parameters for Semantic Segmentation

Yue Liu, Zhichao Lian

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Auto-TLDR; Pyramid Pooling Module with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet)

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Abstract—In this paper, we present our Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM) with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet), a novel architecture for accurate semantic segmentation. Started from the known work called Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet), PSDNet takes advantage of pyramid pooling structure with channel attention module and feature transform module in Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM). The enhanced PPM with these two components can strengthen context information flowing in the network instead of damaging it. The channel attention module we mentioned is an improved “Squeeze and Excitation with 1D Convolution” (SE1C) block which can explicitly model interrelationship between channels with fewer number of parameters. We propose a feature transform module named “Depth to Space Upsampling” (D2SUpsample) in the PPM which keeps integrity of features by transforming features while interpolating features, at the same time reducing parameters. In addition, we introduce a joint strategy in SE1Cblock which combines two variants of global pooling without increasing parameters. Compared with PSPNet, our work achieves higher accuracy on public datasets with 73.97% mIoU and 82.89% mAcc accuracy on Cityscapes Dataset based on ResNet50 backbone.

Learning to Segment Clustered Amoeboid Cells from Brightfield Microscopy Via Multi-Task Learning with Adaptive Weight Selection

Rituparna Sarkar, Suvadip Mukherjee, Elisabeth Labruyere, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin

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Auto-TLDR; Supervised Cell Segmentation from Microscopy Images using Multi-task Learning in a Multi-Task Learning Paradigm

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Detecting and segmenting individual cells from microscopy images is critical to various life science applications. Traditional cell segmentation tools are often ill-suited for applications in brightfield microscopy due to poor contrast and intensity heterogeneity, and only a small subset are applicable to segment cells in a cluster. In this regard, we introduce a novel supervised technique for cell segmentation in a multi-task learning paradigm. A combination of a multi-task loss, based on the region and cell boundary detection, is employed for an improved prediction efficiency of the network. The learning problem is posed in a novel min-max framework which enables adaptive estimation of the hyper-parameters in an automatic fashion. The region and cell boundary predictions are combined via morphological operations and active contour model to segment individual cells. The proposed methodology is particularly suited to segment touching cells from brightfield microscopy images without manual interventions. Quantitatively, we observe an overall Dice score of 0.93 on the validation set, which is an improvement of over 15.9% on a recent unsupervised method, and outperforms the popular supervised U-net algorithm by at least 5.8% on average.

Feature Embedding Based Text Instance Grouping for Largely Spaced and Occluded Text Detection

Pan Gao, Qi Wan, Renwu Gao, Linlin Shen

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Auto-TLDR; Text Instance Embedding Based Feature Embeddings for Multiple Text Instance Grouping

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A text instance can be easily detected as multiple ones due to the large space between texts/characters, curved shape and partial occlusion. In this paper, a feature embedding based text instance grouping algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. To learn the feature space, a TIEM (Text Instance Embedding Module) is trained to minimize the within instance scatter and maximize the between instance scatter. Similarity between different text instances are measured in the feature space and merged if they meet certain conditions. Experimental results show that our approach can effectively connect text regions that belong to the same text instance. Competitive performance of our approach has been achieved on CTW1500, Total-Text, IC15 and a subset consists of texts selected from the three datasets, with large spacing and occlusions.

An Accurate Threshold Insensitive Kernel Detector for Arbitrary Shaped Text

Xijun Qian, Yifan Liu, Yu-Bin Yang

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Auto-TLDR; TIKD: threshold insensitive kernel detector for arbitrary shaped text

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Recently, segmentation-based methods are popular in scene text detection due to the segmentation results can easily represent scene text of arbitrary shapes. However, previous works segment text instances the same as normal objects. It is obvious that the edge of the text instance differs from normal objects. In this paper, we propose a threshold insensitive kernel detector for arbitrary shaped text called TIKD, which includes a simple but stable base model and a new loss weight called Decay Loss Weight (DLW). By suppressing outlier pixels in a gradual way, the DLW can lead the network to detect more accurate text instances. Our method shows great power in accuracy and stability. It is worth mentioning that we achieve the precision, recall, f-measure of 88.7%, 83.7%, 86.1% respectively on the Total-Text dataset, with a fast speed of 16.3 frames per second. What’s more, even if we set the threshold in an extreme situation range from 0.1 to 0.9, our method can always achieve a stable f-measure over 79.9% on the Total-Text dataset.

Multi-Resolution Fusion and Multi-Scale Input Priors Based Crowd Counting

Usman Sajid, Wenchi Ma, Guanghui Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-resolution Fusion Based End-to-End Crowd Counting in Still Images

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Crowd counting in still images is a challenging problem in practice due to huge crowd-density variations, large perspective changes, severe occlusion, and variable lighting conditions. The state-of-the-art patch rescaling module (PRM) based approaches prove to be very effective in improving the crowd counting performance. However, the PRM module requires an additional and compromising crowd-density classification process. To address these issues and challenges, the paper proposes a new multi-resolution fusion based end-to-end crowd counting network. It employs three deep-layers based columns/branches, each catering the respective crowd-density scale. These columns regularly fuse (share) the information with each other. The network is divided into three phases with each phase containing one or more columns. Three input priors are introduced to serve as an efficient and effective alternative to the PRM module, without requiring any additional classification operations. Along with the final crowd count regression head, the network also contains three auxiliary crowd estimation regression heads, which are strategically placed at each phase end to boost the overall performance. Comprehensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms all the state-of-the-art models under the RMSE evaluation metric. The proposed approach also has better generalization capability with the best results during the cross-dataset experiments.

Boosting High-Level Vision with Joint Compression Artifacts Reduction and Super-Resolution

Xiaoyu Xiang, Qian Lin, Jan Allebach

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Auto-TLDR; A Context-Aware Joint CAR and SR Neural Network for High-Resolution Text Recognition and Face Detection

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Due to the limits of bandwidth and storage space, digital images are usually down-scaled and compressed when transmitted over networks, resulting in loss of details and jarring artifacts that can lower the performance of high-level visual tasks. In this paper, we aim to generate an artifact-free high-resolution image from a low-resolution one compressed with an arbitrary quality factor by exploring joint compression artifacts reduction (CAR) and super-resolution (SR) tasks. First, we propose a context-aware joint CAR and SR neural network (CAJNN) that integrates both local and non-local features to solve CAR and SR in one-stage. Finally, a deep reconstruction network is adopted to predict high quality and high-resolution images. Evaluation on CAR and SR benchmark datasets shows that our CAJNN model outperforms previous methods and also takes 26.2% less runtime. Based on this model, we explore addressing two critical challenges in high-level computer vision: optical character recognition of low-resolution texts, and extremely tiny face detection. We demonstrate that CAJNN can serve as an effective image preprocessing method and improve the accuracy for real-scene text recognition (from 85.30% to 85.75%) and the average precision for tiny face detection (from 0.317 to 0.611).

Multi-Laplacian GAN with Edge Enhancement for Face Super Resolution

Shanlei Ko, Bi-Ru Dai

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Auto-TLDR; Face Image Super-Resolution with Enhanced Edge Information

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Face image super-resolution has become a research hotspot in the field of image processing. Nowadays, more and more researches add additional information, such as landmark, identity, to reconstruct high resolution images from low resolution ones, and have a good performance in quantitative terms and perceptual quality. However, these additional information is hard to obtain in many cases. In this work, we focus on reconstructing face images by extracting useful information from face images directly rather than using additional information. By observing edge information in each scale of face images, we propose a method to reconstruct high resolution face images with enhanced edge information. In additional, with the proposed training procedure, our method reconstructs photo-realistic images in upscaling factor 8x and outperforms state-of-the-art methods both in quantitative terms and perceptual quality.

Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos

Taanya Gupta, Hengyue Liu, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Smoke in Videos during Forest Fire

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Recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicles and camera technology have proven useful for the detection of smoke that emerges above the trees during a forest fire. Automatic detection of smoke in videos is of great interest to Fire department. To date, in most parts of the world, the fire is not detected in its early stage and generally it turns catastrophic. This paper introduces a novel technique that integrates spatial and temporal features in a deep learning framework using semi-supervised spatio-temporal video object segmentation and dense optical flow. However, detecting this smoke in the presence of haze and without the labeled data is difficult. Considering the visibility of haze in the sky, a dark channel pre-processing method is used that reduces the amount of haze in video frames and consequently improves the detection results. Online training is performed on a video at the time of testing that reduces the need for ground-truth data. Tests using the publicly available video datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous work and they are robust across different wildfire-threatened locations.

Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation with Extremely Light-Weight Neural Network

Mian Jhong Chiu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Hua-Tsung Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Light-Weight Depth Prediction for Obstacle Avoidance and Environment Sensing with Deep Learning-based CNN

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Obstacle avoidance and environment sensing are crucial applications in autonomous driving and robotics. Among all types of sensors, RGB camera is widely used in these applications as it can offer rich visual contents with relatively low-cost, and using a single image to perform depth estimation has become one of the main focuses in resent research works. However, prior works usually rely on highly complicated computation and power-consuming GPU to achieve such task; therefore, we focus on developing a real-time light-weight system for depth prediction in this paper. Based on the well-known encoder-decoder architecture, we propose a supervised learning-based CNN with detachable decoders that produce depth predictions with different scales. We also formulate a novel log-depth loss function that computes the difference of predicted depth map and ground truth depth map in log space, so as to increase the prediction accuracy for nearby locations. To train our model efficiently, we generate depth map and semantic segmentation with complex teacher models. Via a series of ablation studies and experiments, it is validated that our model can efficiently performs real-time depth prediction with only 0.32M parameters, with the best trained model outperforms previous works on KITTI dataset for various evaluation matrices.

Free-Form Image Inpainting Via Contrastive Attention Network

Xin Ma, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Huaibo Huang, Zhenhua Chai, Xiaolin Wei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Siamese inference for image inpainting

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Most deep learning based image inpainting approaches adopt autoencoder or its variants to fill missing regions in images. Encoders are usually utilized to learn powerful representational spaces, which are important for dealing with sophisticated learning tasks. Specifically, in the image inpainting task, masks with any shapes can appear anywhere in images (i.e., free-form masks) forming complex patterns. It is difficult for encoders to capture such powerful representations under this complex situation. To tackle this problem, we propose a self-supervised Siamese inference network to improve the robustness and generalization. Moreover, the restored image usually can not be harmoniously integrated into the exiting content, especially in the boundary area. To address this problem, we propose a novel Dual Attention Fusion module (DAF), which can combine both the restored and known regions in a smoother way and be inserted into decoder layers in a plug-and-play way. DAF is developed to not only adaptively rescale channel-wise features by taking interdependencies between channels into account but also force deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focusing more on unknown regions. In this way, the unknown region will be naturally filled from the outside to the inside. Qualitative and quantitative experiments on multiple datasets, including facial and natural datasets (i.e., Celeb-HQ, Pairs Street View, Places2 and ImageNet), demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms against state-of-the-arts in generating high-quality inpainting results.

DE-Net: Dilated Encoder Network for Automated Tongue Segmentation

Hui Tang, Bin Wang, Jun Zhou, Yongsheng Gao

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Tongue Image Segmentation using De-Net

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Automated tongue recognition is a growing research field due to global demand for personal health care. Using mobile devices to take tongue pictures is convenient and of low cost for tongue recognition. It is particularly suitable for self-health evaluation of the public. However, images taken by mobile devices are easily affected by various imaging environment, which makes fine segmentation a more challenging task compared with those taken by specialized acquisition devices. Deep learning approaches are promising for tongue image segmentation because they have powerful feature learning and representation capability. However, the successive pooling operations in these methods lead to loss of information on image details, making them fail when segmenting low-quality images captured by mobile devices. To address this issue, we propose a dilated encoder network (DE-Net) to capture more high-level features and get high-resolution output for automated tongue image segmentation. In addition, we construct two tongue image datasets which contain images taken by specialized devices and mobile devices, respectively, to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experimental results on both datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in tongue image segmentation.

Robust Localization of Retinal Lesions Via Weakly-Supervised Learning

Ruohan Zhao, Qin Li, Jane You

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Learning of Lesions in Fundus Images Using Multi-level Feature Maps and Classification Score

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Retinal fundus images reveal the condition of retina, blood vessels and optic nerve. Retinal imaging is becoming widely adopted in clinical work because any subtle changes to the structures at the back of the eyes can affect the eyes and indicate the overall health. Machine learning, in particular deep learning by convolutional neural network (CNN), has been increasingly adopted for computer-aided detection (CAD) of retinal lesions. However, a significant barrier to the high performance of CNN based CAD approach is caused by the lack of sufficient labeled ground-truth image samples for training. Unlike the fully-supervised learning which relies on pixel-level annotation of pathology in fundus images, this paper presents a new approach to discriminate the location of various lesions based on image-level labels via weakly learning. More specifically, our proposed method leverages multi-level feature maps and classification score to cope with both bright and red lesions in fundus images. To enhance capability of learning less discriminative parts of objects (e.g. small blobs of microaneurysms opposed to bulk of exudates), the classifier is regularized by refining images with corresponding labels. The experimental results of the performance evaluation and benchmarking at both image-level and pixel-level on the public DIARETDB1 dataset demonstrate the feasibility and excellent potentials of our method in practice.

Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN Based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

Ruojing Wang, Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Image Compression using GAN based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

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Image compression is a basic task in image processing. In this paper, We present an adaptive image compression algorithm that relies on GAN based semantic-perceptual residual compensation, which is available to offer visually pleasing reconstruction at a low bitrate. Our method adopt an U-shaped encoding and decoding structure accompanied by a well-designed dense residual connection with strip pooling module to improve the original auto-encoder. Besides, we introduce the idea of adversarial learning by introducing a discriminator thus constructed a complete GAN. To improve the coding efficiency, we creatively designed an adaptive semantic-perception residual compensation block based on Grad-CAM algorithm. In the improvement of the quantizer, we embed the method of soft-quantization so as to solve the problem to some extent that back propagation process is irreversible. Simultaneously, we use the latest FLIF lossless compression algorithm and BPG vector compression algorithm to perform deeper compression on the image. More importantly experimental results including PSNR, MS-SSIM demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art image compression methods.

VGG-Embedded Adaptive Layer-Normalized Crowd Counting Net with Scale-Shuffling Modules

Dewen Guo, Jie Feng, Bingfeng Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; VadaLN: VGG-embedded Adaptive Layer Normalization for Crowd Counting

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Crowd counting is widely used in real-time congestion monitoring and public security. Due to the limited data, many methods have little ability to be generalized because the differences between feature domains are not taken into consideration. We propose VGG-embedded adaptive layer normalization (VadaLN) to filter the features that irrelevant to the counting tasks in order that the counting results should not be affected by the image quality, color or illumination. VadaLN is implemented on the pretrained VGG-16 backbone. There is no additional learning parameters required through our method. VadaLN incoporates the proposed scale-shuffling modules (SSM) to relax the distortions in upsampling operations. Besides, non-aligned training methdology for the estimation of density maps is leveraged by an adversarial contextual loss (ACL) to improve the counting performance. Based on the proposed method, we construct an end-to-end trainable baseline model without bells and whistles, namely VadaLNet, which outperforms several recent state-of-the-art methods on commonly used challenging standard benchmarks. The intermediate scale-shuffled results are combined to formulate a scale-complementary strategy as a more powerful network, namely as VadaLNeSt. We implement VadaLNeSt on standard benchmarks, e.g. ShanghaiTech (Part A & Part B), UCF_CC_50, and UCF_QNRF, to show the superiority of our method.

Learning a Dynamic High-Resolution Network for Multi-Scale Pedestrian Detection

Mengyuan Ding, Shanshan Zhang, Jian Yang

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Auto-TLDR; Learningable Dynamic HRNet for Pedestrian Detection

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Pedestrian detection is a canonical instance of object detection in computer vision. In practice, scale variation is one of the key challenges, resulting in unbalanced performance across different scales. Recently, the High-Resolution Network (HRNet) has become popular because high-resolution feature representations are more friendly to small objects. However, when we apply HRNet for pedestrian detection, we observe that it improves for small pedestrians on one hand, but hurts the performance for larger ones on the other hand. To overcome this problem, we propose a learnable Dynamic HRNet (DHRNet) aiming to generate different network paths adaptive to different scales. Specifically, we construct a parallel multi-branch architecture and add a soft conditional gate module allowing for dynamic feature fusion. Both branches share all the same parameters except the soft gate module. Experimental results on CityPersons and Caltech benchmarks indicate that our proposed dynamic HRNet is more capable of dealing with pedestrians of various scales, and thus improves the performance across different scales consistently.

Learning from Web Data: Improving Crowd Counting Via Semi-Supervised Learning

Tao Peng, Pengfei Zhu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Crowd Counting Baseline for Deep Neural Networks

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Deep neural networks need large-scale dataset for better training and evaluation. However collecting and annotating large-scale crowd counting dataset is expensive and challenging. In this work, we exploit unlabeled web crowd image and propose an multi-task framework for boosting crowd counting baseline method through semi-supervision.Based on the observation that the rotation and splitting operations will not change the image crowd counting number,we designed three auxiliary tasks to improve the quality of feature extractors and our framework can be easily extended to other crowd counting baselines. Experiments shows that our semi-supervised learning framework outperforms previous baselines on UCF-QNRF dataset and ShanghaiTech dataset.

Small Object Detection by Generative and Discriminative Learning

Yi Gu, Jie Li, Chentao Wu, Weijia Jia, Jianping Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Generative and Discriminative Learning for Small Object Detection

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With the development of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), the object detection accuracy has been greatly improved. But the performance of small object detection is still far from satisfactory, mainly because small objects are so tiny that the information contained in the feature map is limited. Existing methods focus on improving classification accuracy but still suffer from the limitation of bounding box prediction. To solve this issue, we propose a detection framework by generative and discriminative learning. First, a reconstruction generator network is designed to reconstruct the mapping from low frequency to high frequency for anchor box prediction. Then, a detector module extracts the regions of interest (ROIs) from generated results and implements a RoI-Head to predict object category and refine bounding box. In order to guide the reconstructed image related to the corresponding one, a discriminator module is adopted to tell from the generated result and the original image. Extensive evaluations on the challenging MS-COCO dataset demonstrate that our model outperforms most state-of-the-art models in detecting small objects, especially the reconstruction module improves the average precision for small object (APs) by 7.7%.

BG-Net: Boundary-Guided Network for Lung Segmentation on Clinical CT Images

Rui Xu, Yi Wang, Tiantian Liu, Xinchen Ye, Lin Lin, Yen-Wei Chen, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama

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Auto-TLDR; Boundary-Guided Network for Lung Segmentation on CT Images

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Lung segmentation on CT images is a crucial step for a computer-aided diagnosis system of lung diseases. The existing deep learning based lung segmentation methods are less efficient to segment lungs on clinical CT images, especially that the segmentation on lung boundaries is not accurate enough due to complex pulmonary opacities in practical clinics. In this paper, we propose a boundary-guided network (BG-Net) to address this problem. It contains two auxiliary branches that separately segment lungs and extract the lung boundaries, and an aggregation branch that efficiently exploits lung boundary cues to guide the network for more accurate lung segmentation on clinical CT images. We evaluate the proposed method on a private dataset collected from the Osaka university hospital and four public datasets including StructSeg, HUG, VESSEL12, and a Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed method can segment lungs more accurately and outperform several other deep learning based methods.

Triplet-Path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images

Jiaqi Luo, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Limei Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Triplet-path Network for One-Stage Object Detection and Segmentation in Pathological Images

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Deep learning has been widely applied in the field of medical image processing. However, compared with flourishing visual tasks in natural images, the progress achieved in pathological images is not remarkable, and detection and segmentation, which are among basic tasks of computer vision, are regarded as two independent tasks. In this paper, we make full use of existing datasets and construct a triplet-path network using dilated convolutions to cooperatively accomplish one-stage object detection and nuclei segmentation for general pathological images. First, in order to meet the requirement of detection and segmentation, a novel structure called triplet feature generation (TFG) is designed to extract high-resolution and multiscale features, where features from different layers can be properly integrated. Second, considering that pathological datasets are usually small, a location-aware and partially truncated loss function is proposed to improve the classification accuracy of datasets with few images and widely varying targets. We compare the performance of both object detection and instance segmentation with state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network on two datasets collected from multiple organs.

DA-RefineNet: Dual-Inputs Attention RefineNet for Whole Slide Image Segmentation

Ziqiang Li, Rentuo Tao, Qianrun Wu, Bin Li

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Auto-TLDR; DA-RefineNet: A dual-inputs attention network for whole slide image segmentation

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Automatic medical image segmentation techniques have wide applications for disease diagnosing, however, its much more challenging than natural optical image segmentation tasks due to the high-resolution of medical images and the corresponding huge computation cost. Sliding window was a commonly used technique for whole slide image (WSI) segmentation, however, for these methods that based on sliding window, the main drawback was lacking of global contextual information for supervision. In this paper, we proposed a dual-inputs attention network (denoted as DA-RefineNet) for WSI segmentation, where both local fine-grained information and global coarse information can be efficiently utilized. Sufficient comparative experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, the results proved that the proposed method can achieve better performance on WSI segmentation tasks compared to methods rely on single-input.

Learning Object Deformation and Motion Adaption for Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation

Xiaoyang Zheng, Xin Tan, Jianming Guo, Lizhuang Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation with Mask-propagation-based Model

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We propose a novel method to solve the task of semi-supervised video object segmentation in this paper, where the mask annotation is only given at the first frame of the video sequence. A mask-propagation-based model is applied to learn the past and current information for segmentation. Besides, due to the scarcity of training data, image/mask pairs that model object deformation and shape variance are generated for the training phase. In addition, we generate the key flips between two adjacent frames for motion adaptation. The method works in an end-to-end way, without any online fine-tuning on test videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art algorithms on benchmark datasets, covering cases with single object or multiple objects. We also conduct extensive ablation experiments to analyze the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images

Minglong Li, Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; GLANet: Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Errors in semantic segmentation task could be classified into two types: large area misclassification and local inaccurate boundaries. Previously attention based methods capture rich global contextual information, this is beneficial to diminish the first type of error, but local imprecision still exists. In this paper we propose Global-Local Attention Network (GLANet) with a simultaneous consideration of global context and local details. Specifically, our GLANet is composed of two branches namely global attention branch and local attention branch, and three different modules are embedded in the two branches for the purpose of modeling semantic interdependencies in spatial, channel and boundary dimensions respectively. We sum the outputs of the two branches to further improve feature representation, leading to more precise segmentation results. The proposed method achieves very competitive segmentation accuracy on two public aerial image datasets, bringing significant improvements over baseline.

HANet: Hybrid Attention-Aware Network for Crowd Counting

Xinxing Su, Yuchen Yuan, Xiangbo Su, Zhikang Zou, Shilei Wen, Pan Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; HANet: Hybrid Attention-Aware Network for Crowd Counting with Adaptive Compensation Loss

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An essential yet challenging issue in crowd counting is the diverse background variations under complicated real-life environments, which makes attention based methods favorable in recent years. However, most existing methods only rely on first-order attention schemes (e.g. 2D position-wise attention), while ignoring the higher-order information within the congested scenes completely. In this paper, we propose a hybrid attention-aware network (HANet) with a high-order attention module (HAM) and an adaptive compensation loss (ACLoss) to tackle this problem. On the one hand, the HAM applies 3D attention to capture the subtle discriminative features around each people in the crowd. On the other hand, with the distributed supervision, the ACLoss exploits the prior knowledge from higher-level stages to guide the density map prediction at a lower level. The proposed HANet is then established with HAM and ACLoss working as different roles and promoting each other. Extensive experimental results show the superiority of our HANet against the state-of-the-arts on three challenging benchmarks.

Learning Semantic Representations Via Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Facial Attribute Estimation

Zichun Weng, Youjun Xiang, Xianfeng Li, Juntao Liang, Wanliang Huo, Yuli Fu

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Framework for 3D Face Reconstruction with Facial Attribute Estimation

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We propose a novel joint framework for 3D face reconstruction (3DFR) that integrates facial attribute estimation (FAE) as an auxiliary task. One of the essential problems of 3DFR is to extract semantic facial features (e.g., Big Nose, High Cheekbones, and Asian) from in-the-wild 2D images, which is inherently involved with FAE. These two tasks, though heterogeneous, are highly relevant to each other. To achieve this, we leverage a Convolutional Neural Network to extract shared facial representations for both shape decoder and attribute classifier. We further develop an in-batch hybrid-task training scheme that enables our model to learn from heterogeneous facial datasets jointly within a mini-batch. Thanks to the joint loss that provides supervision from both 3DFR and FAE domains, our model learns the correlations between 3D shapes and facial attributes, which benefit both feature extraction and shape inference. Quantitative evaluation and qualitative visualization results confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our joint framework.

Delivering Meaningful Representation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Doyeon Kim, Donggyu Joo, Junmo Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Monocular Depth Estimation by Bridging the Context between Encoding and Decoding

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Monocular depth estimation plays a key role in 3D scene understanding, and a number of recent papers have achieved significant improvements using deep learning based algorithms. Most papers among them proposed methods that use a pre-trained network as a deep feature extractor and then decode the obtained features to create a depth map. In this study, we focus on how to use this encoder-decoder structure to deliver meaningful representation throughout the entire network. We propose a new network architecture with our suggested modules to create a more accurate depth map by bridging the context between the encoding and decoding phase. First, we place the pyramid block at the bottleneck of the network to enlarge the view and convey rich information about the global context to the decoder. Second, we suggest a skip connection with the fuse module to aggregate the encoder and decoder feature. Finally, we validate our approach on the NYU Depth V2 and KITTI datasets. The experimental results prove the efficacy of the suggested model and show performance gains over the state-of-the-art model.

Spatial-Related and Scale-Aware Network for Crowd Counting

Lei Li, Yuan Dong, Hongliang Bai

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Attention for Crowd Counting

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Crowd counting aims to estimate the number of people in images. Although promising progresses have been made with the prevalence of deep Convolutional Neural Networks, there still remains a challenging task due to cluttered backgrounds and varying scales of people within an image. In this paper, we propose a learnable spatial attention module which can get the spatial relations to diminish the negative impact of backgrounds. Besides, a dense hybrid dilated convolution module is also brought up to preserve information derived from varied scales. With these two modules, our network can deal with the problem caused by scale variance and background interference. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we compare it with state-of-the-art algorithms on three representative crowd counting benchmarks (ShanghaiTech UCF-QNRF,UCF_CC_50). Experimental results show that our proposed network can achieve significant improvements on all the three datasets.

PrivAttNet: Predicting Privacy Risks in Images Using Visual Attention

Chen Zhang, Thivya Kandappu, Vigneshwaran Subbaraju

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Auto-TLDR; PrivAttNet: A Visual Attention Based Approach for Privacy Sensitivity in Images

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Visual privacy concerns associated with image sharing is a critical issue that need to be addressed to enable safe and lawful use of online social platforms. Users of social media platforms often suffer from no guidance in sharing sensitive images in public, and often face with social and legal consequences. Given the recent success of visual attention based deep learning methods in measuring abstract phenomena like image memorability, we are motivated to investigate whether visual attention based methods could be useful in measuring psycho-physical phenomena like "privacy sensitivity". In this paper we propose PrivAttNet -- a visual attention based approach, that can be trained end-to-end to estimate the privacy sensitivity of images without explicitly detecting objects and attributes present in the image. We show that our PrivAttNet model outperforms various SOTA and baseline strategies -- a 1.6 fold reduction in $L1-error$ over SOTA and 7%--10% improvement in Spearman-rank correlation between the predicted and ground truth sensitivity scores. Additionally, the attention maps from PrivAttNet are found to be useful in directing the users to the regions that are responsible for generating the privacy risk score.

Semantic Segmentation of Breast Ultrasound Image with Pyramid Fuzzy Uncertainty Reduction and Direction Connectedness Feature

Kuan Huang, Yingtao Zhang, Heng-Da Cheng, Ping Xing, Boyu Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Uncertainty-Based Deep Learning for Breast Ultrasound Image Segmentation

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Deep learning approaches have achieved impressive results in breast ultrasound (BUS) image segmentation. However, these methods did not solve uncertainty and noise in BUS images well. To address this issue, we present a novel deep learning structure for BUS image semantic segmentation by analyzing the uncertainty using a pyramid fuzzy block and generating a novel feature based on connectedness. Firstly, feature maps in the proposed network are down-sampled to different resolutions. Fuzzy transformation and uncertainty representation are applied to each resolution to obtain the uncertainty degree on different scales. Meanwhile, the BUS images contain layer structures. From top to bottom, there are skin layer, fat layer, mammary layer, muscle layer, and background area. A spatial recurrent neural network (RNN) is utilized to calculate the connectedness between each pixel and the pixels on the four boundaries in horizontal and vertical lines. The spatial-wise context feature can introduce the characteristic of layer structure to deep neural network. Finally, the original convolutional features are combined with connectedness feature according to the uncertainty degrees. The proposed methods are applied to two datasets: a BUS image benchmark with two categories (background and tumor) and a five-category BUS image dataset with fat layer, mammary layer, muscle layer, background, and tumor. The proposed method achieves the best results on both datasets compared with eight state-of-the-art deep learning-based approaches.

MRP-Net: A Light Multiple Region Perception Neural Network for Multi-Label AU Detection

Yang Tang, Shuang Chen, Honggang Zhang, Gang Wang, Rui Yang

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Auto-TLDR; MRP-Net: A Fast and Light Neural Network for Facial Action Unit Detection

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Facial Action Units (AUs) are of great significance in communication. Automatic AU detection can improve the understanding of psychological condition and emotional status. Recently, a number of deep learning methods have been proposed to take charge with problems in automatic AU detection. Several challenges, like unbalanced labels and ignorance of local information, remain to be addressed. In this paper, we propose a fast and light neural network called MRP-Net, which is an end-to-end trainable method for facial AU detection to solve these problems. First, we design a Multiple Region Perception (MRP) module aimed at capturing different locations and sizes of features in the deeper level of the network without facial landmark points. Then, in order to balance the positive and negative samples in the large dataset, a batch balanced method adjusting the weight of every sample in one batch in our loss function is suggested. Experimental results on two popular AU datasets, BP4D and DISFA prove that MRP-Net outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Compared with the best method, not only does MRP-Net have an average F1 score improvement of 2.95% on BP4D and 5.43% on DISFA, and it also decreases the number of network parameters by 54.62% and the number of network FLOPs by 19.6%.

Machine-Learned Regularization and Polygonization of Building Segmentation Masks

Stefano Zorzi, Ksenia Bittner, Friedrich Fraundorfer

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Regularization and Polygonization of Building Segmentation masks using Generative Adversarial Network

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We propose a machine learning based approach for automatic regularization and polygonization of building segmentation masks. Taking an image as input, we first predict building segmentation maps exploiting generic fully convolutional network (FCN). A generative adversarial network (GAN) is then involved to perform a regularization of building boundaries to make them more realistic, i.e., having more rectilinear outlines which construct right angles if required. This is achieved through the interplay between the discriminator which gives a probability of input image being true and generator that learns from discriminator’s response to create more realistic images. Finally, we train the backbone convolutional neural network (CNN) which is adapted to predict sparse outcomes corresponding to building corners out of regularized building segmentation results. Experiments on three building segmentation datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is not only capable of obtaining accurate results, but also of producing visually pleasing building outlines parameterized as polygons.