Relevance Detection in Cataract Surgery Videos by Spatio-Temporal Action Localization

Negin Ghamsarian, Mario Taschwer, Doris Putzgruber, Stephanie. Sarny, Klaus Schoeffmann

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Auto-TLDR; relevance-based retrieval in cataract surgery videos


In cataract surgery, the operation is performed with the help of a microscope. Since the microscope enables watching real-time surgery by up to two people only, a major part of surgical training is conducted using the recorded videos. To optimize the training procedure with the video content, the surgeons require an automatic relevance detection approach. In addition to relevance-based retrieval, these results can be further used for skill assessment and irregularity detection in cataract surgery videos. In this paper, a three-module framework is proposed to detect and classify the relevant phase segments in cataract videos. Taking advantage of an idle frame recognition network, the video is divided into idle and action segments. To boost the performance in relevance detection Mask R-CNN is utilized to detect the cornea in each frame where the relevant surgical actions are conducted. The spatio-temporal localized segments containing higher-resolution information about the pupil texture and actions, and complementary temporal information from the same phase are fed into the relevance detection module. This module consists of four parallel recurrent CNNs being responsible to detect four relevant phases that have been defined with medical experts. The results will then be integrated to classify the action phases as irrelevant or one of four relevant phases. Experimental results reveal that the proposed approach outperforms static CNNs and different configurations of feature-based and end-to-end recurrent networks.

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Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos

Taanya Gupta, Hengyue Liu, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Smoke in Videos during Forest Fire

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Recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicles and camera technology have proven useful for the detection of smoke that emerges above the trees during a forest fire. Automatic detection of smoke in videos is of great interest to Fire department. To date, in most parts of the world, the fire is not detected in its early stage and generally it turns catastrophic. This paper introduces a novel technique that integrates spatial and temporal features in a deep learning framework using semi-supervised spatio-temporal video object segmentation and dense optical flow. However, detecting this smoke in the presence of haze and without the labeled data is difficult. Considering the visibility of haze in the sky, a dark channel pre-processing method is used that reduces the amount of haze in video frames and consequently improves the detection results. Online training is performed on a video at the time of testing that reduces the need for ground-truth data. Tests using the publicly available video datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous work and they are robust across different wildfire-threatened locations.

RMS-Net: Regression and Masking for Soccer Event Spotting

Matteo Tomei, Lorenzo Baraldi, Simone Calderara, Simone Bronzin, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; An Action Spotting Network for Soccer Videos

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The recently proposed action spotting task consists in finding the exact timestamp in which an event occurs. This task fits particularly well for soccer videos, where events correspond to salient actions strictly defined by soccer rules (a goal occurs when the ball crosses the goal line). In this paper, we devise a lightweight and modular network for action spotting, which can simultaneously predict the event label and its temporal offset using the same underlying features. We enrich our model with two training strategies: the first one for data balancing and uniform sampling, the second for masking ambiguous frames and keeping the most discriminative visual cues. When tested on the SoccerNet dataset and using standard features, our full proposal exceeds the current state of the art by 3 Average-mAP points. Additionally, it reaches a gain of more than 10 Average-mAP points on the test set when fine-tuned in combination with a strong 2D backbone.

Gabriella: An Online System for Real-Time Activity Detection in Untrimmed Security Videos

Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Ugur Demir, Praveen Praveen Tirupattur, Aayush Jung Rana, Kevin Duarte, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Gabriella: A Real-Time Online System for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos

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Activity detection in surveillance videos is a difficult problem due to multiple factors such as large field of view, presence of multiple activities, varying scales and viewpoints, and its untrimmed nature. The existing research in activity detection is mainly focused on datasets, such as UCF-101, JHMDB, THUMOS, and AVA, which partially address these issues. The requirement of processing the surveillance videos in real-time makes this even more challenging. In this work we propose Gabriella, a real-time online system to perform activity detection on untrimmed surveillance videos. The proposed method consists of three stages: tubelet extraction, activity classification, and online tubelet merging. For tubelet extraction, we propose a localization network which takes a video clip as input and spatio-temporally detects potential foreground regions at multiple scales to generate action tubelets. We propose a novel Patch-Dice loss to handle large variations in actor size. Our online processing of videos at a clip level drastically reduces the computation time in detecting activities. The detected tubelets are assigned activity class scores by the classification network and merged together using our proposed Tubelet-Merge Action-Split (TMAS) algorithm to form the final action detections. The TMAS algorithm efficiently connects the tubelets in an online fashion to generate action detections which are robust against varying length activities. We perform our experiments on the VIRAT and MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with Activities) datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of speed ($\sim$100 fps) and performance with state-of-the-art results. The code and models will be made publicly available.

Modeling Long-Term Interactions to Enhance Action Recognition

Alejandro Cartas, Petia Radeva, Mariella Dimiccoli

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Auto-TLDR; A Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network for Action Recognition in Egocentric Videos

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In this paper, we propose a new approach to understand actions in egocentric videos that exploit the semantics of object interactions at both frame and temporal levels. At the frame level, we use a region-based approach that takes as input a primary region roughly corresponding to the user hands and a set of secondary regions potentially corresponding to the interacting objects and calculates the action score through a CNN formulation. This information is then fed to a Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network (HLSTM) that captures temporal dependencies between actions within and across shots. Ablation studies thoroughly validate the proposed approach, showing in particular that both levels of the HLSTM architecture contribute to performance improvement. Furthermore, quantitative comparisons show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of action recognition on standard benchmarks, without relying on motion information.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

A Novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segmentation

Leonardo Rossi, Akbar Karimi, Andrea Prati

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Auto-TLDR; Generic RoI Extractor for Two-Stage Neural Network for Instance Segmentation

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Given the wide diffusion of deep neural network architectures for computer vision tasks, several new applications are nowadays more and more feasible. Among them, a particular attention has been recently given to instance segmentation, by exploiting the results achievable by two-stage networks (such as Mask R-CNN or Faster R-CNN), derived from R-CNN. In these complex architectures, a crucial role is played by the Region of Interest (RoI) extraction layer, devoted to extract a coherent subset of features from a single Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) layer attached on top of a backbone. This paper is motivated by the need to overcome to the limitations of existing RoI extractors which select only one (the best) layer from FPN. Our intuition is that all the layers of FPN retain useful information. Therefore, the proposed layer (called Generic RoI Extractor - GRoIE) introduces non-local building blocks and attention mechanisms to boost the performance. A comprehensive ablation study at component level is conducted to find the best set of algorithms and parameters for the GRoIE layer. Moreover, GRoIE can be integrated seamlessly with every two-stage architecture for both object detection and instance segmentation tasks. Therefore, the improvements brought by the use of GRoIE in different state-of-the-art architectures are also evaluated. The proposed layer leads up to gain a 1.1% AP on bounding box detection and 1.7% AP on instance segmentation. The code is publicly available on GitHub repository at

A Systematic Investigation on Deep Architectures for Automatic Skin Lesions Classification

Pierluigi Carcagni, Marco Leo, Andrea Cuna, Giuseppe Celeste, Cosimo Distante

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Auto-TLDR; RegNet: Deep Investigation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Classification of Skin Lesions

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Computer vision-based techniques are more and more employed in healthcare and medical fields nowadays in order, principally, to be as a support to the experienced medical staff to help them to make a quick and correct diagnosis. One of the hot topics in this arena concerns the automatic classification of skin lesions. Several promising works exist about it, mainly leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), but proposed pipeline mainly rely on complex data preprocessing and there is no systematic investigation about how available deep models can actually reach the accuracy needed for real applications. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this work, an end-to-end pipeline is introduced and some of the most recent Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures are included in it and compared on the largest common benchmark dataset recently introduced. To this aim, for the first time in this application context, a new network design paradigm, namely RegNet, has been exploited to get the best models among a population of configurations. The paper introduces a threefold level of contribution and novelty with respect the previous literature: the deep investigation of several CNN architectures driving to a consistent improvement of the lesions recognition accuracy, the exploitation of a new network design paradigm able to study the behavior of populations of models and a deep discussion about pro and cons of each analyzed method paving the path towards new research lines.

Self-Supervised Joint Encoding of Motion and Appearance for First Person Action Recognition

Mirco Planamente, Andrea Bottino, Barbara Caputo

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Auto-TLDR; A Single Stream Architecture for Egocentric Action Recognition from the First-Person Point of View

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Wearable cameras are becoming more and more popular in several applications, increasing the interest of the research community in developing approaches for recognizing actions from the first-person point of view. An open challenge in egocentric action recognition is that videos lack detailed information about the main actor's pose and thus tend to record only parts of the movement when focusing on manipulation tasks. Thus, the amount of information about the action itself is limited, making crucial the understanding of the manipulated objects and their context. Many previous works addressed this issue with two-stream architectures, where one stream is dedicated to modeling the appearance of objects involved in the action, and another to extracting motion features from optical flow. In this paper, we argue that learning features jointly from these two information channels is beneficial to capture the spatio-temporal correlations between the two better. To this end, we propose a single stream architecture able to do so, thanks to the addition of a self-supervised block that uses a pretext motion prediction task to intertwine motion and appearance knowledge. Experiments on several publicly available databases show the power of our approach.

TinyVIRAT: Low-Resolution Video Action Recognition

Ugur Demir, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; TinyVIRAT: A Progressive Generative Approach for Action Recognition in Videos

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The existing research in action recognition is mostly focused on high-quality videos where the action is distinctly visible. In real-world surveillance environments, the actions in videos are captured at a wide range of resolutions. Most activities occur at a distance with a small resolution and recognizing such activities is a challenging problem. In this work, we focus on recognizing tiny actions in videos. We introduce a benchmark dataset, TinyVIRAT, which contains natural low-resolution activities. The actions in TinyVIRAT videos have multiple labels and they are extracted from surveillance videos which makes them realistic and more challenging. We propose a novel method for recognizing tiny actions in videos which utilizes a progressive generative approach to improve the quality of low-resolution actions. The proposed method also consists of a weakly trained attention mechanism which helps in focusing on the activity regions in the video. We perform extensive experiments to benchmark the proposed TinyVIRAT dataset and observe that the proposed method significantly improves the action recognition performance over baselines. We also evaluate the proposed approach on synthetically resized action recognition datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results when compared with existing methods. The dataset and code will be publicly available.

Video Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Multi-View Representation Learning

Akrem Sellami, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Multi-view Representation Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning model based on deep multi-view representation learning, to address the video object segmentation task. The proposed model emphasizes the importance of the inherent correlation between video frames and incorporates a multi-view representation learning based on deep canonically correlated autoencoders. The multi-view representation learning in our model provides an efficient mechanism for capturing inherent correlations by jointly extracting useful features and learning better representation into a joint feature space, i.e., shared representation. To increase the training data and the learning capacity, we train the proposed model with pairs of video frames, i.e., $F_{a}$ and $F_{b}$. During the segmentation phase, the deep canonically correlated autoencoders model encodes useful features by processing multiple reference frames together, which is used to detect the frequently reappearing. Our model enhances the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that mainly focus on learning discriminative foreground representations over appearance and motion. Experimental results over two large benchmarks demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform competitive approaches and to reach good performances, in terms of semantic segmentation.

ActionSpotter: Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Temporal Action Spotting in Videos

Guillaume Vaudaux-Ruth, Adrien Chan-Hon-Tong, Catherine Achard

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Auto-TLDR; ActionSpotter: A Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Action Spotting in Video

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Action spotting has recently been proposed as an alternative to action detection and key frame extraction. However, the current state-of-the-art method of action spotting requires an expensive ground truth composed of the search sequences employed by human annotators spotting actions - a critical limitation. In this article, we propose to use a reinforcement learning algorithm to perform efficient action spotting using only the temporal segments from the action detection annotations, thus opening an interesting solution for video understanding. Experiments performed on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet datasets show that the proposed method, named ActionSpotter, leads to good results and outperforms state-of-the-art detection outputs redrawn for this application. In particular, the spotting mean Average Precision on THUMOS14 is significantly improved from 59.7% to 65.6% while skipping 23% of video.

Late Fusion of Bayesian and Convolutional Models for Action Recognition

Camille Maurice, Francisco Madrigal, Frederic Lerasle

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Auto-TLDR; Fusion of Deep Neural Network and Bayesian-based Approach for Temporal Action Recognition

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The activities we do in our daily-life are generally carried out as a succession of atomic actions, following a logical order. During a video sequence, actions usually follow a logical order. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach resulting from the fusion of a deep learning neural network with a Bayesian-based approach. The latter models human-object interactions and transition between actions. The key idea is to combine both approaches in the final prediction. We validate our strategy in two public datasets: CAD-120 and Watch-n-Patch. We show that our fusion approach yields performance gains in accuracy of respectively +4\% and +6\% over a baseline approach. Temporal action recognition performances are clearly improved by the fusion, especially when classes are imbalanced.

Video Object Detection Using Object's Motion Context and Spatio-Temporal Feature Aggregation

Jaekyum Kim, Junho Koh, Byeongwon Lee, Seungji Yang, Jun Won Choi

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Auto-TLDR; Video Object Detection Using Spatio-Temporal Aggregated Features and Gated Attention Network

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The deep learning technique has recently led to significant improvement in object-detection accuracy. Numerous object detection schemes have been designed to process each frame independently. However, in many applications, object detection is performed using video data, which consists of a sequence of two-dimensional (2D) image frames. Thus, the object detection accuracy can be improved by exploiting the temporal context of the video sequence. In this paper, we propose a novel video object detection method that exploits both the motion context of the object and spatio-temporal aggregated features in the video sequence to enhance the object detection performance. First, the motion of the object is captured by the correlation between the spatial feature maps of two adjacent frames. Then, the embedding vector, representing the motion context, is obtained by feeding the N correlation maps to long short term memory (LSTM). In addition to generating the motion context vector, the spatial feature maps for N adjacent frames are aggregated to boost the quality of the feature map. The gated attention network is employed to selectively combine only highly correlated feature maps based on their relevance. While most video object detectors are applied to two-stage detectors, our proposed method is applicable to one-stage detectors, which tend to be preferred for practical applications owing to reduced computational complexity. Our numerical evaluation conducted on the ImageNet VID dataset shows that our network offers significant performance gain over baseline algorithms, and it outperforms the existing state-of-the-art one-stage video object detection methods.

Anomaly Detection, Localization and Classification for Railway Inspection

Riccardo Gasparini, Andrea D'Eusanio, Guido Borghi, Stefano Pini, Giuseppe Scaglione, Simone Calderara, Eugenio Fedeli, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Anomaly Detection and Localization using thermal images in the lowlight environment

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The ability to detect, localize and classify objects that are anomalies is a challenging task in the computer vision community. In this paper, we tackle these tasks developing a framework to automatically inspect the railway during the night. Specifically, it is able to predict the presence, the image coordinates and the class of obstacles. To deal with the lowlight environment, the framework is based on thermal images and consists of three different modules that address the problem of detecting anomalies, predicting their image coordinates and classifying them. Moreover, due to the absolute lack of publicly released datasets collected in the railway context for anomaly detection, we introduce a new multi-modal dataset, acquired from a rail drone, used to evaluate the proposed framework. Experimental results confirm the accuracy of the framework and its suitability, in terms of computational load, performance, and inference time, to be implemented on a self-powered inspection system.

Flow-Guided Spatial Attention Tracking for Egocentric Activity Recognition

Tianshan Liu, Kin-Man Lam

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Auto-TLDR; flow-guided spatial attention tracking for egocentric activity recognition

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The popularity of wearable cameras has opened up a new dimension for egocentric activity recognition. While some methods introduce attention mechanisms into deep learning networks to capture fine-grained hand-object interactions, they often neglect exploring the spatio-temporal relationships. Generating spatial attention, without adequately exploiting temporal consistency, will result in potentially sub-optimal performance in the video-based task. In this paper, we propose a flow-guided spatial attention tracking (F-SAT) module, which is based on enhancing motion patterns and inter-frame information, to highlight the discriminative features from regions of interest across a video sequence. A new form of input, namely the optical-flow volume, is presented to provide informative cues from moving parts for spatial attention tracking. The proposed F-SAT module is deployed to a two-branch-based deep architecture, which fuses complementary information for egocentric activity recognition. Experimental results on three egocentric activity benchmarks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

Detecting Objects with High Object Region Percentage

Fen Fang, Qianli Xu, Liyuan Li, Ying Gu, Joo-Hwee Lim

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Auto-TLDR; Faster R-CNN for High-ORP Object Detection

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Object shape is a subtle but important factor for object detection. It has been observed that the object-region-percentage (ORP) can be utilized to improve detection accuracy for elongated objects, which have much lower ORPs than other types of objects. In this paper, we propose an approach to improve the detection performance for objects whose ORPs are relatively higher.To address the problem of high-ORP object detection, we propose a method consisting of three steps. First, we adjust the ground truth bounding boxes of high-ORP objects to an optimal range. Second, we train an object detector, Faster R-CNN, based on adjusted bounding boxes to achieve high recall. Finally, we train a DCNN to learn the adjustment ratios towards four directions and adjust detected bounding boxes of objects to get better localization for higher precision. We evaluate the effectiveness of our method on 12 high-ORP objects in COCO and 8 objects in a proprietary gearbox dataset. The experimental results show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performance on these objects while costing less resources in training and inference stages.

A Detection-Based Approach to Multiview Action Classification in Infants

Carolina Pacheco, Effrosyni Mavroudi, Elena Kokkoni, Herbert Tanner, Rene Vidal

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Auto-TLDR; Multiview Action Classification for Infants in a Pediatric Rehabilitation Environment

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Activity recognition in children and infants is important in applications such as safety monitoring, behavior assessment, and child-robot interaction, among others. However, it differs from activity recognition in adults not only because body poses and proportions are different, but also because of the way in which actions are performed. This paper addresses the problem of infant action classification (up to 2 years old) in challenging conditions. The actions are performed in a pediatric rehabilitation environment in which not only infants but also robots and adults are present, with the infant being one of the smallest actors in the scene. We propose a multiview action classification system based on Faster R-CNN and LSTM networks, which fuses information from different views by using learnable fusion coefficients derived from detection confidence scores. The proposed system is view-independent, learns features that are close to view-invariant, and can handle new or missing views at test time. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline model for this dataset by 11.4% in terms of average classification accuracy in four classes (crawl, sit, stand and walk). Moreover, experiments in a extended dataset from 6 subjects (8 to 24 months old) show that the proposed fusion strategy outperforms the best post-processing fusion strategy by 2.5% and 6.8% average classification accuracy in Leave One Super-session Out and Leave One Subject Out cross-validation, respectively.

SyNet: An Ensemble Network for Object Detection in UAV Images

Berat Mert Albaba, Sedat Ozer

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Auto-TLDR; SyNet: Combining Multi-Stage and Single-Stage Object Detection for Aerial Images

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Recent advances in camera equipped drone applications and their widespread use increased the demand on vision based object detection algorithms for aerial images. Object detection process is inherently a challenging task as a generic computer vision problem, however, since the use of object detection algorithms on UAVs (or on drones) is relatively a new area, it remains as a more challenging problem to detect objects in aerial images. There are several reasons for that including: (i) the lack of large drone datasets including large object variance, (ii) the large orientation and scale variance in drone images when compared to the ground images, and (iii) the difference in texture and shape features between the ground and the aerial images. Deep learning based object detection algorithms can be classified under two main categories: (a) single-stage detectors and (b) multi-stage detectors. Both single-stage and multi-stage solutions have their advantages and disadvantages over each other. However, a technique to combine the good sides of each of those solutions could yield even a stronger solution than each of those solutions individually. In this paper, we propose an ensemble network, SyNet, that combines a multi-stage method with a single-stage one with the motivation of decreasing the high false negative rate of multi-stage detectors and increasing the quality of the single-stage detector proposals. As building blocks, CenterNet and Cascade R-CNN with pretrained feature extractors are utilized along with an ensembling strategy. We report the state of the art results obtained by our proposed solution on two different datasets: namely MS-COCO and visDrone with \%52.1 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on MS-COCO $val2017$ dataset and \%26.2 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on VisDrone $test-set$. Our code is available at:}{ talbaba/SyNet

SAT-Net: Self-Attention and Temporal Fusion for Facial Action Unit Detection

Zhihua Li, Zheng Zhang, Lijun Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Fusion and Self-Attention Network for Facial Action Unit Detection

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Research on facial action unit detection has shown remarkable performances by using deep spatial learning models in recent years, however, it is far from reaching its full capacity in learning due to the lack of use of temporal information of AUs across time. Since the AU occurrence in one frame is highly likely related to previous frames in a temporal sequence, exploring temporal correlation of AUs across frames becomes a key motivation of this work. In this paper, we propose a novel temporal fusion and AU-supervised self-attention network (a so-called SAT-Net) to address the AU detection problem. First of all, we input the deep features of a sequence into a convolutional LSTM network and fuse the previous temporal information into the feature map of the last frame, and continue to learn the AU occurrence. Second, considering the AU detection problem is a multi-label classification problem that individual label depends only on certain facial areas, we propose a new self-learned attention mask by focusing the detection of each AU on parts of facial areas through the learning of individual attention mask for each AU, thus increasing the AU independence without the loss of any spatial relations. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed framework achieves better results of AU detection over the state-of-the-arts on two benchmark databases (BP4D and DISFA).

Precise Temporal Action Localization with Quantified Temporal Structure of Actions

Chongkai Lu, Ruimin Li, Hong Fu, Bin Fu, Yihao Wang, Wai Lun Lo, Zheru Chi

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Auto-TLDR; Action progression networks for temporal action detection

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Existing temporal action detection algorithms cannot distinguish complete and incomplete actions while this property is essential in many applications. To tackle this challenge, we proposed the action progression networks (APN), a novel model that predicts action progression of video frames with continuous numbers. Using the progression sequence of test video, on the top of the APN, a complete action searching algorithm (CAS) was designed to detect complete actions only. With the usage of frame-level fine-grained temporal structure modeling and detecting actions according to their whole temporal context, our framework can locate actions precisely and is good at avoiding incomplete action detection. We evaluated our framework on a new dataset (DFMAD-70) collected by ourselves which contains both complete and incomplete actions. Our framework got good temporal localization results with 95.77% average precision when the IoU threshold is 0.5. On the benchmark THUMOS14, an incomplete-ignostic dataset, our framework still obtain competitive performance. The code is available online at

RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection

Ming Cheng, Kunjing Cai, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Flow Gated Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Cameras

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In recent years, surveillance cameras are widely deployed in public places, and the general crime rate has been reduced significantly due to these ubiquitous devices. Usually, these cameras provide cues and evidence after crimes were conducted, while they are rarely used to prevent or stop criminal activities in time. It is both time and labor consuming to manually monitor a large amount of video data from surveillance cameras. Therefore, automatically recognizing violent behaviors from video signals becomes essential. In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with 2,000 videos all captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 87.25% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. The proposed database and source codes of this paper are currently open to access.

Learning Object Deformation and Motion Adaption for Semi-Supervised Video Object Segmentation

Xiaoyang Zheng, Xin Tan, Jianming Guo, Lizhuang Ma

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation with Mask-propagation-based Model

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We propose a novel method to solve the task of semi-supervised video object segmentation in this paper, where the mask annotation is only given at the first frame of the video sequence. A mask-propagation-based model is applied to learn the past and current information for segmentation. Besides, due to the scarcity of training data, image/mask pairs that model object deformation and shape variance are generated for the training phase. In addition, we generate the key flips between two adjacent frames for motion adaptation. The method works in an end-to-end way, without any online fine-tuning on test videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves competitive performance against state-of-the-art algorithms on benchmark datasets, covering cases with single object or multiple objects. We also conduct extensive ablation experiments to analyze the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Video Face Manipulation Detection through Ensemble of CNNs

Nicolo Bonettini, Edoardo Daniele Cannas, Sara Mandelli, Luca Bondi, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tubaro

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Auto-TLDR; Face Manipulation Detection in Video Sequences Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In the last few years, several techniques for facial manipulation in videos have been successfully developed and made available to the masses (i.e., FaceSwap, deepfake, etc.). These methods enable anyone to easily edit faces in video sequences with incredibly realistic results and a very little effort. Despite the usefulness of these tools in many fields, if used maliciously, they can have a significantly bad impact on society (e.g., fake news spreading, cyber bullying through fake revenge porn). The ability of objectively detecting whether a face has been manipulated in a video sequence is then a task of utmost importance. In this paper, we tackle the problem of face manipulation detection in video sequences targeting modern facial manipulation techniques. In particular, we study the ensembling of different trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. In the proposed solution, different models are obtained starting from a base network (i.e., EfficientNetB4) making use of two different concepts: (i) attention layers; (ii) siamese training. We show that combining these networks leads to promising face manipulation detection results on two publicly available datasets with more than 119000 videos.

Tracking Fast Moving Objects by Segmentation Network

Ales Zita, Filip Sroubek

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Auto-TLDR; Fast Moving Objects Tracking by Segmentation Using Deep Learning

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Tracking Fast Moving Objects (FMO), which appear as blurred streaks in video sequences, is a difficult task for standard trackers, as the object position does not overlap in consecutive video frames and texture information of the objects is blurred. Up-to-date approaches tuned for this task are based on background subtraction with a static background and slow deblurring algorithms. In this article, we present a tracking-by-segmentation approach implemented using modern deep learning methods that perform near real-time tracking on real-world video sequences. We have developed a physically plausible FMO sequence generator to be a robust foundation for our training pipeline and demonstrate straightforward network adaptation for different FMO scenarios with varying foreground.

3D Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Classification of Table Tennis Strokes Using a Twin Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks

Pierre-Etienne Martin, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Renaud Péteri, Julien Morlier

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Blocks for Action Recognition in Table Tennis Strokes

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The paper addresses the problem of recognition of actions in video with low inter-class variability such as Table Tennis strokes. Two stream, "twin" convolutional neural networks are used with 3D convolutions both on RGB data and optical flow. Actions are recognized by classification of temporal windows. We introduce 3D attention modules and examine their impact on classification efficiency. In the context of the study of sportsmen performances, a corpus of the particular actions of table tennis strokes is considered. The use of attention blocks in the network speeds up the training step and improves the classification scores up to 5% with our twin model. We visualize the impact on the obtained features and notice correlation between attention and player movements and position. Score comparison of state-of-the-art action classification method and proposed approach with attentional blocks is performed on the corpus. Proposed model with attention blocks outperforms previous model without them and our baseline.

MFI: Multi-Range Feature Interchange for Video Action Recognition

Sikai Bai, Qi Wang, Xuelong Li

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-range Feature Interchange Network for Action Recognition in Videos

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Short-range motion features and long-range dependencies are two complementary and vital cues for action recognition in videos, but it remains unclear how to efficiently and effectively extract these two features. In this paper, we propose a novel network to capture these two features in a unified 2D framework. Specifically, we first construct a Short-range Temporal Interchange (STI) block, which contains a Channels-wise Temporal Interchange (CTI) module for encoding short-range motion features. Then a Graph-based Regional Interchange (GRI) module is built to present long-range dependencies using graph convolution. Finally, we replace original bottleneck blocks in the ResNet with STI blocks and insert several GRI modules between STI blocks, to form a Multi-range Feature Interchange (MFI) Network. Practically, extensive experiments are conducted on three action recognition datasets (i.e., Something-Something V1, HMDB51, and UCF101), which demonstrate that the proposed MFI network achieves impressive results with very limited computing cost.

2D Deep Video Capsule Network with Temporal Shift for Action Recognition

Théo Voillemin, Hazem Wannous, Jean-Philippe Vandeborre

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Shift Module over Capsule Network for Action Recognition in Continuous Videos

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Action recognition in continuous video streams is a growing field since the past few years. Deep learning techniques and in particular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) achieved good results in this topic. However, intrinsic CNNs limitations begin to cap the results since 2D CNN cannot capture temporal information and 3D CNN are to much resource demanding for real-time applications. Capsule Network, evolution of CNN, already proves its interesting benefits on small and low informational datasets like MNIST but yet its true potential has not emerged. In this paper we tackle the action recognition problem by proposing a new architecture combining Temporal Shift module over deep Capsule Network. Temporal Shift module permits us to insert temporal information over 2D Capsule Network with a zero computational cost to conserve the lightness of 2D capsules and their ability to connect spatial features. Our proposed approach outperforms or brings near state-of-the-art results on color and depth information on public datasets like First Person Hand Action and DHG 14/28 with a number of parameters 10 to 40 times less than existing approaches.

Triplet-Path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images

Jiaqi Luo, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Limei Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Triplet-path Network for One-Stage Object Detection and Segmentation in Pathological Images

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Deep learning has been widely applied in the field of medical image processing. However, compared with flourishing visual tasks in natural images, the progress achieved in pathological images is not remarkable, and detection and segmentation, which are among basic tasks of computer vision, are regarded as two independent tasks. In this paper, we make full use of existing datasets and construct a triplet-path network using dilated convolutions to cooperatively accomplish one-stage object detection and nuclei segmentation for general pathological images. First, in order to meet the requirement of detection and segmentation, a novel structure called triplet feature generation (TFG) is designed to extract high-resolution and multiscale features, where features from different layers can be properly integrated. Second, considering that pathological datasets are usually small, a location-aware and partially truncated loss function is proposed to improve the classification accuracy of datasets with few images and widely varying targets. We compare the performance of both object detection and instance segmentation with state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network on two datasets collected from multiple organs.

Motion U-Net: Multi-Cue Encoder-Decoder Network for Motion Segmentation

Gani Rahmon, Filiz Bunyak, Kannappan Palaniappan

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Auto-TLDR; Motion U-Net: A Deep Learning Framework for Robust Moving Object Detection under Challenging Conditions

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Detection of moving objects is a critical first step in many computer vision applications. Several algorithms for motion and change detection were proposed. However, many of these approaches lack the ability to handle challenging real-world scenarios. Recently, deep learning approaches started to produce impressive solutions to computer vision tasks, particularly for detection and segmentation. Many existing deep learning networks proposed for moving object detection rely only on spatial appearance cues. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-cue and multi-stream network, Motion U-Net (MU-Net), which integrates motion, change, and appearance cues using a deep learning framework for robust moving object detection under challenging conditions. The proposed network consists of a two-stream encoder module followed by feature concatenation and a decoder module. Motion and change cues are computed through our tensor-based motion estimation and a multi-modal background subtraction modules. The proposed system was tested and evaluated on the change detection challenge datasets (CDnet-2014) and compared to state-of-the-art methods. On CDnet-2014 dataset, our approach reaches an average overall F-measure of 0.9852 and outperforms all current state-of-the-art methods. The network was also tested on the unseen SBI-2015 dataset and produced promising results.

Feature Pyramid Hierarchies for Multi-Scale Temporal Action Detection

Jiayu He, Guohui Li, Jun Lei

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Action Detection using Pyramid Hierarchies and Multi-scale Feature Maps

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Temporal action detection is a challenging but promising task in video content analysis. It is in great demand in the field of public safety. The main difficulty of the task is precisely localizing activities in the video especially those short duration activities. And most of the existing methods can not achieve a satisfactory detection result. Our method addresses a key point to improve detection accuracy, which is to use multi-scale feature maps for regression and classification. In this paper, we introduce a novel network based on classification following proposal framework. In our network, a 3D feature pyramid hierarchies is built to enhance the ability of detecting short duration activities. The input RGB/Flow frames are first encoded by a 3D feature pyramid hierarchies, and this subnet produces multi-level feature maps. Then temporal proposal subnet uses these features to pick out proposals which might contain activity segments. Finally a pyramid region of interest (RoI) pooling pipeline and two fully connected layers reuse muti-level feature maps to refine the temporal boundaries of proposals and classify them. We use late feature fusion scheme to combine RGB and Flow information. The network is trained end-to-end and we evaluate it in THUMOS'14 dataset. Our network achieves a good result among typical methods. A further ablation test demonstrate that pyramid hierarchies is effective to improve detecting short duration activity segments.

Dual Stream Network with Selective Optimization for Skin Disease Recognition in Consumer Grade Images

Krishnam Gupta, Jaiprasad Rampure, Monu Krishnan, Ajit Narayanan, Nikhil Narayan

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Network Architecture for Skin Disease Localisation and Classification on Consumer Grade Images

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Skin disease localisation and classification on consumer-grade images is more challenging compared to that on dermoscopic imaging. Consumer grade images refer to the images taken using commonly available imaging devices such as a mobile camera or a hand held digital camera. Such images, in addition to having the skin condition of interest in a very small area of the image, has other noisy non-clinical details introduced due to the lighting conditions and the distance of the hand held device from the anatomy at the time of acquisition. We propose a novel deep network architecture \& a new optimization strategy for classification with implicit localisation of skin diseases from clinical/consumer grade images. A weakly supervised segmentation algorithm is first employed to extract Region of Interests (RoI) from the image, the RoI and the original image form the two input streams of the proposed architecture. Each stream of the architecture learns high level and low level features from the original image and the RoI, respectively. The two streams are independently optimised until the loss stops decreasing after which both the streams are optimised collectively with the help of a third combiner sub-network. Such a strategy resulted in a 5% increase of accuracy over the current state-of-the-art methods on SD-198 dataset, which is publicly available. The proposed algorithm is also validated on a new dataset containing over 12,000 images across 75 different skin conditions. We intend to release this dataset as SD-75 to aid in the advancement of research on skin condition classification on consumer grade images.

Automated Whiteboard Lecture Video Summarization by Content Region Detection and Representation

Bhargava Urala Kota, Alexander Stone, Kenny Davila, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju

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Auto-TLDR; A Framework for Summarizing Whiteboard Lecture Videos Using Feature Representations of Handwritten Content Regions

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Lecture videos are rapidly becoming an invaluable source of information for students across the globe. Given the large number of online courses currently available, it is important to condense the information within these videos into a compact yet representative summary that can be used for search-based applications. We propose a framework to summarize whiteboard lecture videos by finding feature representations of detected handwritten content regions to determine unique content. We investigate multi-scale histogram of gradients and embeddings from deep metric learning for feature representation. We explicitly handle occluded, growing and disappearing handwritten content. Our method is capable of producing two kinds of lecture video summaries - the unique regions themselves or so-called key content and keyframes (which contain all unique content in a video segment). We use weighted spatio-temporal conflict minimization to segment the lecture and produce keyframes from detected regions and features. We evaluate both types of summaries and find that we obtain state-of-the-art peformance in terms of number of summary keyframes while our unique content recall and precision are comparable to state-of-the-art.

What and How? Jointly Forecasting Human Action and Pose

Yanjun Zhu, Yanxia Zhang, Qiong Liu, Andreas Girgensohn

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Auto-TLDR; Forecasting Human Actions and Motion Trajectories with Joint Action Classification and Pose Regression

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Forecasting human actions and motion trajectories addresses the problem of predicting what a person is going to do next and how they will perform it. This is crucial in a wide range of applications such as assisted living and future co-robotic settings. We propose to simultaneously learn actions and action-related human motion dynamics, while existing works perform them independently. In this paper, we present a method to jointly forecast categories of human action and the pose of skeletal joints in the hope that the two tasks can help each other. As a result, our system can predict not only the future actions but also the motion trajectories that will result. To achieve this, we define a task of joint action classification and pose regression. We employ a sequence to sequence encoder-decoder model combined with multi-task learning to forecast future actions and poses progressively before the action happens. Experimental results on two public datasets, IkeaDB and OAD, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Pose-Based Body Language Recognition for Emotion and Psychiatric Symptom Interpretation

Zhengyuan Yang, Amanda Kay, Yuncheng Li, Wendi Cross, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Body Language Based Emotion Recognition for Psychiatric Symptoms Prediction

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Inspired by the human ability to infer emotions from body language, we propose an automated framework for body language based emotion recognition starting from regular RGB videos. In collaboration with psychologists, we further extend the framework for psychiatric symptom prediction. Because a specific application domain of the proposed framework may only supply a limited amount of data, the framework is designed to work on a small training set and possess a good transferability. The proposed system in the first stage generates sequences of body language predictions based on human poses estimated from input videos. In the second stage, the predicted sequences are fed into a temporal network for emotion interpretation and psychiatric symptom prediction. We first validate the accuracy and transferability of the proposed body language recognition method on several public action recognition datasets. We then evaluate the framework on a proposed URMC dataset, which consists of conversations between a standardized patient and a behavioral health professional, along with expert annotations of body language, emotions, and potential psychiatric symptoms. The proposed framework outperforms other methods on the URMC dataset.

Attention-Based Deep Metric Learning for Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval

Kuan-Hsun Wang, Chia Chun Cheng, Yi-Ling Chen, Yale Song, Shang-Hong Lai

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-based Deep Metric Learning for Near-duplicate Video Retrieval

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Near-duplicate video retrieval (NDVR) is an important and challenging problem due to the increasing amount of videos uploaded to the Internet. In this paper, we propose an attention-based deep metric learning method for NDVR. Our method is based on well-established principles: We leverage two-stream networks to combine RGB and optical flow features, and incorporate an attention module to effectively deal with distractor frames commonly observed in near duplicate videos. We further aggregate the features corresponding to multiple video segments to enhance the discriminative power. The whole system is trained using a deep metric learning objective with a Siamese architecture. Our experiments show that the attention module helps eliminate redundant and noisy frames, while focusing on visually relevant frames for solving NVDR. We evaluate our approach on recent large-scale NDVR datasets, CC_WEB_VIDEO, VCDB, FIVR and SVD. To demonstrate the generalization ability of our approach, we report results in both within- and cross-dataset settings, and show that the proposed method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.

Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Iterative Spatiotemporal Fine-Tuning

Kenessary Koishybay, Medet Mukushev, Anara Sandygulova

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Neural Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Iterative Gloss Recognition

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This paper aims to develop a deep neural network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition (CSLR) with iterative Gloss Recognition (GR) fine-tuning. CSLR has been a popular research field in the last years and iterative optimization methods are well established. This paper introduces our proposed architecture involving Spatiotemporal feature-extraction model to segment useful ``gloss-unit" features and BiLSTM with CTC as a sequence model. Spatiotemporal Feature Extractor is used for both image features extraction and sequence length reduction. To this end, we compare different architectures for feature extraction and sequence model. In addition, we iteratively fine-tune feature extractor on gloss-unit video segments with alignments from the end2end model. During the iterative training, we use novel alignment correction technique, which is based on minimum transformations of Levenshtein distance. All the experiments were conducted on the RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather-2014 dataset.

Stratified Multi-Task Learning for Robust Spotting of Scene Texts

Kinjal Dasgupta, Sudip Das, Ujjwal Bhattacharya

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Auto-TLDR; Feature Representation Block for Multi-task Learning of Scene Text

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Gaining control over the dynamics of multi-task learning should help to unlock the potential of the deep network to a great extent. In the existing multi-task learning (MTL) approaches of deep network, all the parameters of its feature encoding part are subjected to adjustments corresponding to each of the underlying sub-tasks. On the other hand, different functional areas of human brain are responsible for distinct functions such as the Broca's area of the cerebrum is responsible for speech formation whereas its Wernicke's area is related to the language development etc. Inspired by this fact, in the present study, we propose to introduce a block (termed as Feature Representation Block) of connection weights spanned over a few successive layers of a deep multi-task learning architecture and stratify the same into distinct subsets for their adjustments exclusively corresponding to different sub-tasks. Additionally, we have introduced a novel regularization component for controlled training of this Feature Representation Block. The purpose of the development of this learning framework is efficient end-to-end recognition of scene texts. Simulation results of the proposed strategy on various benchmark scene text datasets such as ICDAR 2015, ICDAR 2017 MLT, COCO-Text and MSRA-TD500 have improved respective SOTA performance.

Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Structural Elements related to the Spinal Cord in the Lumbar Region by Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Jhon Jairo Sáenz Gamboa, Maria De La Iglesia-Vaya, Jon Ander Gómez

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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This work addresses the problem of automatically segmenting the MR images corresponding to the lumbar spine. The purpose is to detect and delimit the different structural elements like vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. This task is known as semantic segmentation. The approach proposed in this work is based on convolutional neural networks whose output is a mask where each pixel from the input image is classified into one of the possible classes. Classes were defined by radiologists and correspond to structural elements and tissues. The proposed network architectures are variants of the U-Net. Several complementary blocks were used to define the variants: spatial attention models, deep supervision and multi-kernels at input, this last block type is based on the idea of inception. Those architectures which got the best results are described in this paper, and their results are discussed. Two of the proposed architectures outperform the standard U-Net used as baseline.

End-To-End Deep Learning Methods for Automated Damage Detection in Extreme Events at Various Scales

Yongsheng Bai, Alper Yilmaz, Halil Sezen

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Mask R-CNN for Crack Detection in Extreme Events

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Robust Mask R-CNN (Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network) methods are proposed and tested for automatic detection of cracks on structures or their components that may be damaged during extreme events, such as earth-quakes. We curated a new dataset with 2,021 labeled images for training and validation and aimed to find end-to-end deep neural networks for crack detection in the field. With data augmentation and parameters fine-tuning, Path Aggregation Network (PANet) with spatial attention mechanisms and High-resolution Network (HRNet) are introduced into Mask R-CNNs. The tests on three public datasets with low- or high-resolution images demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve a big improvement over alternative networks, so the proposed method may be sufficient for crack detection for a variety of scales in real applications.

Vision-Based Layout Detection from Scientific Literature Using Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks

Huichen Yang, William Hsu

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer Learning for Scientific Literature Layout Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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We present an approach for adapting convolutional neural networks for object recognition and classification to scientific literature layout detection (SLLD), a shared subtask of several information extraction problems. Scientific publications contain multiple types of information sought by researchers in various disciplines, organized into an abstract, bibliography, and sections documenting related work, experimental methods, and results; however, there is no effective way to extract this information due to their diverse layout. In this paper, we present a novel approach to developing an end-to-end learning framework to segment and classify major regions of a scientific document. We consider scientific document layout analysis as an object detection task over digital images, without any additional text features that need to be added into the network during the training process. Our technical objective is to implement transfer learning via fine-tuning of pre-trained networks and thereby demonstrate that this deep learning architecture is suitable for tasks that lack very large document corpora for training. As part of the experimental test bed for empirical evaluation of this approach, we created a merged multi-corpus data set for scientific publication layout detection tasks. Our results show good improvement with fine-tuning of a pre-trained base network using this merged data set, compared to the baseline convolutional neural network architecture.

Detecting Marine Species in Echograms Via Traditional, Hybrid, and Deep Learning Frameworks

Porto Marques Tunai, Alireza Rezvanifar, Melissa Cote, Alexandra Branzan Albu, Kaan Ersahin, Todd Mudge, Stephane Gauthier

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Deep Learning for Echogram Interpretation of Marine Species in Echograms

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This paper provides a comprehensive comparative study of traditional, hybrid, and deep learning (DL) methods for detecting marine species in echograms. Acoustic backscatter data obtained from multi-frequency echosounders is visualized as echograms and typically interpreted by marine biologists via manual or semi-automatic methods, which are time-consuming. Challenges related to automatic echogram interpretation are the variable size and acoustic properties of the biological targets (marine life), along with significant inter-class similarities. Our study explores and compares three types of approaches that cover the entire range of machine learning methods. Based on our experimental results, we conclude that an end-to-end DL-based framework, that can be readily scaled to accommodate new species, is overall preferable to other learning approaches for echogram interpretation, even when only a limited number of annotated training samples is available.

Revisiting Sequence-To-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task Loss and Skip-Memory

Fatemeh Azimi, Benjamin Bischke, Sebastian Palacio, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is an active research area of the visual domain. One of its fundamental sub-tasks is semi-supervised / one-shot learning: given only the segmentation mask for the first frame, the task is to provide pixel-accurate masks for the object over the rest of the sequence. Despite much progress in the last years, we noticed that many of the existing approaches lose objects in longer sequences, especially when the object is small or briefly occluded. In this work, we build upon a sequence-to-sequence approach that employs an encoder-decoder architecture together with a memory module for exploiting the sequential data. We further improve this approach by proposing a model that manipulates multi-scale spatio-temporal information using memory-equipped skip connections. Furthermore, we incorporate an auxiliary task based on distance classification which greatly enhances the quality of edges in segmentation masks. We compare our approach to the state of the art and show considerable improvement in the contour accuracy metric and the overall segmentation accuracy.

Siamese Dynamic Mask Estimation Network for Fast Video Object Segmentation

Dexiang Hong, Guorong Li, Kai Xu, Li Su, Qingming Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Siamese Dynamic Mask Estimation for Video Object Segmentation

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Video object segmentation(VOS) has been a fundamental topic in recent years, and many deep learning-based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks. However, most of these methods rely on pixel-level matching between the template and the searched frames on the whole image while the targets only occupy a small region. Calculating on the entire image brings lots of additional computation cost. Besides, the whole image may contain some distracting information resulting in many false-positive matching points. To address this issue, motivated by one-stage instance object segmentation methods, we propose an efficient siamese dynamic mask estimation network for fast video object segmentation. The VOS is decoupled into two tasks, i.e. mask feature learning and dynamic kernel prediction. The former is responsible for learning high-quality features to preserve structural geometric information, and the latter learns a dynamic kernel which is used to convolve with the mask feature to generate a mask output. We use Siamese neural network as a feature extractor and directly predict masks after correlation. In this way, we can avoid using pixel-level matching, making our framework more simple and efficient. Experiment results on DAVIS 2016 /2017 datasets show that our proposed methods can run at 35 frames per second on NVIDIA RTX TITAN while preserving competitive accuracy.

SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection

Yi Gan, Wei Xu, Jianbo Su

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Auto-TLDR; SFPN: Semantic Feature Pyramid Network to Address Information Dilution Issue in FPN

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Feature Pyramid Network(FPN) employs a top-down path to enhance low level feature by utilizing high level feature.However, further improvement of detector is greatly hindered by the inner defect of FPN. The dilution issue in FPN is analyzed in this paper, and a new architecture named Semantic Feature Pyramid Network(SFPN) is introduced to address the information imbalance problem caused by information dilution. The proposed method consists of two simple and effective components: Semantic Pyramid Module(SPM) and Semantic Feature Fusion Module(SFFM). To compensate for the weaknesses of FPN, the semantic segmentation result is utilized as an extra information source in our architecture.By constructing a semantic pyramid based on the segmentation result and fusing it with FPN, feature maps at each level can obtain the necessary information without suffering from the dilution issue. The proposed architecture could be applied on many detectors, and non-negligible improvement could be achieved. Although this method is designed for object detection, other tasks such as instance segmentation can also largely benefit from it. The proposed method brings Faster R-CNN and Mask R-CNN with ResNet-50 as backbone both 1.8 AP improvements respectively. Furthermore, SFPN improves Cascade R-CNN with backbone ResNet-101 from 42.4 AP to 43.5 AP.

Deep Recurrent-Convolutional Model for AutomatedSegmentation of Craniomaxillofacial CT Scans

Francesca Murabito, Simone Palazzo, Federica Salanitri Proietto, Francesco Rundo, Ulas Bagci, Daniela Giordano, Rosalia Leonardi, Concetto Spampinato

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Craniomaxillofacial CT Scans using Fully Convolutional Deep Networks

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In this paper we define a deep learning architecture for automated segmentation of anatomical structures in Craniomaxillofacial (CMF) CT scans that leverages the recent success of encoder-decoder models for semantic segmentation of natural images. In particular, we propose a fully convolutional deep network that combines the advantages of recent fully convolutional models, such as Tiramisu, with squeeze-and-excitation blocks for feature recalibration, integrated with convolutional LSTMs to model spatio-temporal correlations between consecutive slices. The proposed segmentation network shows superior performance and generalization capabilities (to different structures and imaging modalities) than state of the art methods on automated segmentation of CMF structures (e.g., mandibles and airways) in several standard benchmarks (e.g., MICCAI datasets) and on new datasets proposed herein, effectively facing shape variability.

A Multi-Task Contextual Atrous Residual Network for Brain Tumor Detection & Segmentation

Ngan Le, Kashu Yamazaki, Quach Kha Gia, Thanh-Dat Truong, Marios Savvides

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Auto-TLDR; Contextual Brain Tumor Segmentation Using 3D atrous Residual Networks and Cascaded Structures

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In recent years, deep neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a variety of recognition and segmentation tasks in medical imaging including brain tumor segmentation. We investigate that segmenting brain tumor is facing to the imbalanced data problem where the number of pixels belonging to background class (non tumor pixel) is much larger than the number of pixels belonging to foreground class (tumor pixel). To address this problem, we propose a multi-task network which is formed as a cascaded structure and designed to share the feature maps. Our model consists of two targets, i.e., (i) effectively differentiating brain tumor regions and (ii) estimating brain tumor masks. The first task is performed by our proposed contextual brain tumor detection network, which plays the role of an attention gate and focuses on the region around brain tumor only while ignore the background (non tumor area). Instead of processing every pixel, our contextual brain tumor detection network only processes contextual regions around ground-truth instances and this strategy helps to produce meaningful regions proposals. The second task is built upon a 3D atrous residual network and under an encode-decode network in order to effectively segment both large and small objects (brain tumor). Our 3D atrous residual network is designed with a skip connection to enables the gradient from the deep layers to be directly propagated to shallow layers, thus, features of different depths are preserved and used for refining each other. In order to incorporate larger contextual information in volume MRI data, our network is designed by 3D atrous convolution with various kernel sizes, which enlarges the receptive field of filters. Our proposed network has been evaluated on various datasets including BRATS2015, BRATS2017 and BRATS2018 datasets with both validation set and testing set. Our performance has been benchmarked by both region-based metrics and surface-based metrics. We also have conducted comparisons against state-of-the-art approaches.

Text Synopsis Generation for Egocentric Videos

Aidean Sharghi, Niels Lobo, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Egocentric Video Summarization Using Multi-task Learning for End-to-End Learning

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Mass utilization of body-worn cameras has led to a huge corpus of available egocentric video. Existing video summarization algorithms can accelerate browsing such videos by selecting (visually) interesting shots from them. Nonetheless, since the system user still has to watch the summary videos, browsing large video databases remain a challenge. Hence, in this work, we propose to generate a textual synopsis, consisting of a few sentences describing the most important events in a long egocentric videos. Users can read the short text to gain insight about the video, and more importantly, efficiently search through the content of a large video database using text queries. Since egocentric videos are long and contain many activities and events, using video-to-text algorithms results in thousands of descriptions, many of which are incorrect. Therefore, we propose a multi-task learning scheme to simultaneously generate descriptions for video segments and summarize the resulting descriptions in an end-to-end fashion. We Input a set of video shots and the network generates a text description for each shot. Next, visual-language content matching unit that is trained with a weakly supervised objective, identifies the correct descriptions. Finally, the last component of our network, called purport network, evaluates the descriptions all together to select the ones containing crucial information. Out of thousands of descriptions generated for the video, a few informative sentences are returned to the user. We validate our framework on the challenging UT Egocentric video dataset, where each video is between 3 to 5 hours long, associated with over 3000 textual descriptions on average. The generated textual summaries, including only 5 percent (or less) of the generated descriptions, are compared to groundtruth summaries in text domain using well-established metrics in natural language processing.

Audio-Based Near-Duplicate Video Retrieval with Audio Similarity Learning

Pavlos Avgoustinakis, Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos, Symeon Papadopoulos, Andreas L. Symeonidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

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Auto-TLDR; AuSiL: Audio Similarity Learning for Near-duplicate Video Retrieval

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In this work, we address the problem of audio-based near-duplicate video retrieval. We propose the Audio Similarity Learning (AuSiL) approach that effectively captures temporal patterns of audio similarity between video pairs. For the robust similarity calculation between two videos, we first extract representative audio-based video descriptors by leveraging transfer learning based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained on a large scale dataset of audio events, and then we calculate the similarity matrix derived from the pairwise similarity of these descriptors. The similarity matrix is subsequently fed to a CNN network that captures the temporal structures existing within its content. We train our network following a triplet generation process and optimizing the triplet loss function. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we have manually annotated two publicly available video datasets based on the audio duplicity between their videos. The proposed approach achieves very competitive results compared to three state-of-the-art methods. Also, unlike the competing methods, it is very robust for the retrieval of audio duplicates generated with speed transformations.