A Systematic Investigation on End-To-End Deep Recognition of Grocery Products in the Wild

Marco Leo, Pierluigi Carcagni, Cosimo Distante

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Recognition of Products on grocery shelf images using Convolutional Neural Networks

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Automatic recognition of products on grocery shelf images is a new and attractive topic in computer vision and machine learning since, it can be exploited in different application areas. This paper introduces a complete end-to-end pipeline (without preliminary radiometric and spatial transformations usually involved while dealing with the considered issue) and it provides a systematic investigation of recent machine learning models based on convolutional neural networks for addressing the product recognition task by exploiting the proposed pipeline on a recent challenging grocery product dataset. The investigated models were never been used in this context: they derive from the successful and more generic object recognition task and have been properly tuned to address this specific issue. Besides, also ensembles of nets built by most advanced theoretical fundaments have been taken into account. Gathered classification results were very encouraging since the recognition accuracy has been improved up to 15\% with respect to the leading approaches in the state of art on the same dataset. A discussion about the pros and cons of the investigated solutions are discussed by paving the path towards new research lines.

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A Systematic Investigation on Deep Architectures for Automatic Skin Lesions Classification

Pierluigi Carcagni, Marco Leo, Andrea Cuna, Giuseppe Celeste, Cosimo Distante

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Auto-TLDR; RegNet: Deep Investigation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Classification of Skin Lesions

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Computer vision-based techniques are more and more employed in healthcare and medical fields nowadays in order, principally, to be as a support to the experienced medical staff to help them to make a quick and correct diagnosis. One of the hot topics in this arena concerns the automatic classification of skin lesions. Several promising works exist about it, mainly leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), but proposed pipeline mainly rely on complex data preprocessing and there is no systematic investigation about how available deep models can actually reach the accuracy needed for real applications. In order to overcome these drawbacks, in this work, an end-to-end pipeline is introduced and some of the most recent Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures are included in it and compared on the largest common benchmark dataset recently introduced. To this aim, for the first time in this application context, a new network design paradigm, namely RegNet, has been exploited to get the best models among a population of configurations. The paper introduces a threefold level of contribution and novelty with respect the previous literature: the deep investigation of several CNN architectures driving to a consistent improvement of the lesions recognition accuracy, the exploitation of a new network design paradigm able to study the behavior of populations of models and a deep discussion about pro and cons of each analyzed method paving the path towards new research lines.

Confidence Calibration for Deep Renal Biopsy Immunofluorescence Image Classification

Federico Pollastri, Juan Maroñas, Federico Bolelli, Giulia Ligabue, Roberto Paredes, Riccardo Magistroni, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; A Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Network for Immunofluorescence Classification in Renal Biopsy

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With this work we tackle immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy, employing state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Networks. In this setting, the aim of the probabilistic model is to assist an expert practitioner towards identifying the location pattern of antibody deposits within a glomerulus. Since modern neural networks often provide overconfident outputs, we stress the importance of having a reliable prediction, demonstrating that Temperature Scaling, a recently introduced re-calibration technique, can be successfully applied to immunofluorescence classification in renal biopsy. Experimental results demonstrate that the designed model yields good accuracy on the specific task, and that Temperature Scaling is able to provide reliable probabilities, which are highly valuable for such a task given the low inter-rater agreement.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

Multi-Attribute Learning with Highly Imbalanced Data

Lady Viviana Beltran Beltran, Mickaël Coustaty, Nicholas Journet, Juan C. Caicedo, Antoine Doucet

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Auto-TLDR; Data Imbalance in Multi-Attribute Deep Learning Models: Adaptation to face each one of the problems derived from imbalance

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Data is one of the most important keys for success when studying a simple or a complex phenomenon. With the use of deep-learning exploding and its democratization, non-computer science experts may struggle to use highly complex deep learning architectures, even when straightforward models offer them suitable performances. In this article, we study the specific and common problem of data imbalance in real databases as most of the bad performance problems are due to the data itself. We review two points: first, when the data contains different levels of imbalance. Classical imbalanced learning strategies cannot be directly applied when using multi-attribute deep learning models, i.e., multi-task and multi-label architectures. Therefore, one of our contributions is our proposed adaptations to face each one of the problems derived from imbalance. Second, we demonstrate that with little to no imbalance, straightforward deep learning models work well. However, for non-experts, these models can be seen as black boxes, where all the effort is put in pre-processing the data. To simplify the problem, we performed the classification task ignoring information that is costly to extract, such as part localization which is widely used in the state of the art of attribute classification. We make use of a widely known attribute database, CUB-200-2011 - CUB as our main use case due to its deeply imbalanced nature, along with two better structured databases: celebA and Awa2. All of them contain multi-attribute annotations. The results of highly fine-grained attribute learning over CUB demonstrate that in the presence of imbalance, by using our proposed strategies is possible to have competitive results against the state of the art, while taking advantage of multi-attribute deep learning models. We also report results for two better-structured databases over which our models over-perform the state of the art.

Video Face Manipulation Detection through Ensemble of CNNs

Nicolo Bonettini, Edoardo Daniele Cannas, Sara Mandelli, Luca Bondi, Paolo Bestagini, Stefano Tubaro

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Auto-TLDR; Face Manipulation Detection in Video Sequences Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In the last few years, several techniques for facial manipulation in videos have been successfully developed and made available to the masses (i.e., FaceSwap, deepfake, etc.). These methods enable anyone to easily edit faces in video sequences with incredibly realistic results and a very little effort. Despite the usefulness of these tools in many fields, if used maliciously, they can have a significantly bad impact on society (e.g., fake news spreading, cyber bullying through fake revenge porn). The ability of objectively detecting whether a face has been manipulated in a video sequence is then a task of utmost importance. In this paper, we tackle the problem of face manipulation detection in video sequences targeting modern facial manipulation techniques. In particular, we study the ensembling of different trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. In the proposed solution, different models are obtained starting from a base network (i.e., EfficientNetB4) making use of two different concepts: (i) attention layers; (ii) siamese training. We show that combining these networks leads to promising face manipulation detection results on two publicly available datasets with more than 119000 videos.

Rethinking of Deep Models Parameters with Respect to Data Distribution

Shitala Prasad, Dongyun Lin, Yiqun Li, Sheng Dong, Zaw Min Oo

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Auto-TLDR; A progressive stepwise training strategy for deep neural networks

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The performance of deep learning models are driven by various parameters but to tune all of them every time, for every dataset, is a heuristic practice. In this paper, unlike the common practice of decaying the learning rate, we propose a step-wise training strategy where the learning rate and the batch size are tuned based on the dataset size. Here, the given dataset size is progressively increased during the training to boost the network performance without saturating the learning curve, after certain epochs. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple networks and datasets to validate the proposed training strategy. The experimental results proves our hypothesis that the learning rate, the batch size and the data size are interrelated and can improve the network accuracy if an optimal progressive stepwise training strategy is applied. The proposed strategy also the overall training computational cost is reduced.

The Color Out of Space: Learning Self-Supervised Representations for Earth Observation Imagery

Stefano Vincenzi, Angelo Porrello, Pietro Buzzega, Marco Cipriano, Pietro Fronte, Roberto Cuccu, Carla Ippoliti, Annamaria Conte, Simone Calderara

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Auto-TLDR; Satellite Image Representation Learning for Remote Sensing

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The recent growth in the number of satellite images fosters the development of effective deep-learning techniques for Remote Sensing (RS). However, their full potential is untapped due to the lack of large annotated datasets. Such a problem is usually countered by fine-tuning a feature extractor that is previously trained on the ImageNet dataset. Unfortunately, the domain of natural images differs from the RS one, which hinders the final performance. In this work, we propose to learn meaningful representations from satellite imagery, leveraging its high-dimensionality spectral bands to reconstruct the visible colors. We conduct experiments on land cover classification (BigEarthNet) and West Nile Virus detection, showing that colorization is a solid pretext task for training a feature extractor. Furthermore, we qualitatively observe that guesses based on natural images and colorization rely on different parts of the input. This paves the way to an ensemble model that eventually outperforms both the above-mentioned techniques.

Large-Scale Historical Watermark Recognition: Dataset and a New Consistency-Based Approach

Xi Shen, Ilaria Pastrolin, Oumayma Bounou, Spyros Gidaris, Marc Smith, Olivier Poncet, Mathieu Aubry

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Auto-TLDR; Historical Watermark Recognition with Fine-Grained Cross-Domain One-Shot Instance Recognition

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Historical watermark recognition is a highly practical, yet unsolved challenge for archivists and historians. With a large number of well-defined classes, cluttered and noisy samples, different types of representations, both subtle differences between classes and high intra-class variation, historical watermarks are also challenging for pattern recognition. In this paper, overcoming the difficulty of data collection, we present a large public dataset with more than 6k new photographs, allowing for the first time to tackle at scale the scenarios of practical interest for scholars: one-shot instance recognition and cross-domain one-shot instance recognition amongst more than 16k fine-grained classes. We demonstrate that this new dataset is large enough to train modern deep learning approaches, and show that standard methods can be improved considerably by using mid-level deep features. More precisely, we design both a matching score and a feature fine-tuning strategy based on filtering local matches using spatial consistency. This consistency-based approach provides important performance boost compared to strong baselines. Our model achieves 55\% as top-1 accuracy on our very challenging 16,753-class one-shot cross-domain recognition task, each class described by a single drawing from the classic Briquet catalog. In addition to watermark classification, we show our approach provides promising results on fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval.

Multimodal Side-Tuning for Document Classification

Stefano Zingaro, Giuseppe Lisanti, Maurizio Gabbrielli

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Auto-TLDR; Side-tuning for Multimodal Document Classification

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In this paper, we propose to exploit the side-tuning framework for multimodal document classification. Side-tuning is a methodology for network adaptation recently introduced to solve some of the problems related to previous approaches. Thanks to this technique it is actually possible to overcome model rigidity and catastrophic forgetting of transfer learning by fine-tuning. The proposed solution uses off-the-shelf deep learning architectures leveraging the side-tuning framework to combine a base model with a tandem of two side networks. We show that side-tuning can be successfully employed also when different data sources are considered, e.g. text and images in document classification. The experimental results show that this approach pushes further the limit for document classification accuracy with respect to the state of the art.

A Close Look at Deep Learning with Small Data

Lorenzo Brigato, Luca Iocchi

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Auto-TLDR; Low-Complex Neural Networks for Small Data Conditions

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In this work, we perform a wide variety of experiments with different Deep Learning architectures in small data conditions. We show that model complexity is a critical factor when only a few samples per class are available. Differently from the literature, we improve the state of the art using low complexity models. We show that standard convolutional neural networks with relatively few parameters are effective in this scenario. In many of our experiments, low complexity models outperform state-of-the-art architectures. Moreover, we propose a novel network that uses an unsupervised loss to regularize its training. Such architecture either improves the results either performs comparably well to low capacity networks. Surprisingly, experiments show that the dynamic data augmentation pipeline is not beneficial in this particular domain. Statically augmenting the dataset might be a promising research direction while dropout maintains its role as a good regularizer.

Deep Learning in the Ultrasound Evaluation of Neonatal Respiratory Status

Michela Gravina, Diego Gragnaniello, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva, Carlo Sansone, Iuri Corsini, Carlo Dani, Fabio Meneghin, Gianluca Lista, Salvatore Aversa, Migliaro Migliaro, Raimondi Francesco

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Auto-TLDR; Lung Ultrasound Imaging with Deep Learning Networks and Training Strategies: An Analysis and Adaptation

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Lung ultrasound imaging is reaching growing interest from the scientific community. On one side, thanks to its harmlessness and high descriptive power, this kind of diagnostic imaging became largely adopted in sensitive applications, like the diagnosis and follow-up of preterm newborns in neonatal intensive care units. At the same time, novel image analysis and pattern recognition approaches can fully exploit the rich information contained in this data, making them attractive for the research community. In this work, we present a thorough analysis of recent deep learning networks and training strategies conducted on a vast and challenging multicenter dataset comprising 87 patients with different diseases and gestational ages. These approaches are firstly discussed in the context of lung respiratory status assessing through ultrasound imaging and then evaluated against a reference marker. The conducted analysis shed some light on this problem, by relating the criticisms that can mislead the training procedure and proposing some adaptations to the specific problem. The achieved results sensibly outperform that obtained by previous work, based on textural features, and narrow the gap with the visual score predicted by the human experts.

Investigating and Exploiting Image Resolution for Transfer Learning-Based Skin Lesion Classification

Amirreza Mahbod, Gerald Schaefer, Chunliang Wang, Rupert Ecker, Georg Dorffner, Isabella Ellinger

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Auto-TLDR; Fine-tuned Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Classification Using Dermoscopic Images

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Skin cancer is among the most common cancer types. Dermoscopic image analysis improves the diagnostic accuracy for detection of malignant melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions when compared to unaided visual inspection. Hence, computer-based methods to support medical experts in the diagnostic procedure are of great interest. Fine-tuning pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been shown to work well for skin lesion classification. Pre-trained CNNs are usually trained with natural images of a fixed image size which is typically significantly smaller than captured skin lesion images and consequently dermoscopic images are downsampled for fine-tuning. However, useful medical information may be lost during this transformation. In this paper, we explore the effect of input image size on skin lesion classification performance of fine-tuned CNNs. For this, we resize dermoscopic images to different resolutions, ranging from 64x64 to 768x768 pixels and investigate the resulting classification performance of three well-established CNNs, namely DenseNet-121, ResNet-18, and ResNet-50. Our results show that using very small images (of size 64x64 pixels) degrades the classification performance, while images of size 128x128 pixels and above support good performance with larger image sizes leading to slightly improved classification. We further propose a novel fusion approach based on a three-level ensemble strategy that exploits multiple fine-tuned networks trained with dermoscopic images at various sizes. When applied on the ISIC 2017 skin lesion classification challenge, our fusion approach yields an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 89.2% and 96.6% for melanoma classification and seborrheic keratosis classification, respectively, outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms.

Fine-Tuning Convolutional Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Guide and Benchmark Analysis for Glaucoma Screening

Amed Mvoulana, Rostom Kachouri, Mohamed Akil

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Auto-TLDR; Fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks for Glaucoma Screening

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This work aimed at giving a comprehensive and in-detailed guide on the route to fine-tuning Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for glaucoma screening. Transfer learning consists in a promising alternative to train CNNs from stratch, to avoid the huge data and resources requirements. After a thorough study of five state-of-the-art CNNs architectures, a complete and well-explained strategy for fine-tuning these networks is proposed, using hyperparameter grid-searching and two-phase training approach. Excellent performance is reached on model evaluation, with a 0.9772 AUROC validation rate, giving arise to reliable glaucoma diagosis-help systems. Also, a benchmark analysis is conducted across all fine-tuned models, studying them according to performance indices such as model complexity and size, AUROC density and inference time. This in-depth analysis allows a rigorous comparison between model characteristics, and is useful for giving practioners important trademarks for prospective applications and deployments.

Estimation of Abundance and Distribution of SaltMarsh Plants from Images Using Deep Learning

Jayant Parashar, Suchendra Bhandarkar, Jacob Simon, Brian Hopkinson, Steven Pennings

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Auto-TLDR; CNN-based approaches to automated plant identification and localization in salt marsh images

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Recent advances in computer vision and machine learning, most notably deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are exploited to identify and localize various plant species in salt marsh images. Three different approaches are explored that provide estimations of abundance and spatial distribution at varying levels of granularity in terms of spatial resolution. In the coarsest-grained approach, CNNs are tasked with identifying which of six plant species are present/absent in large patches within the salt marsh images. CNNs with diverse topological properties and attention mechanisms are shown capable of providing accurate estimations with >90 % precision and recall in the case of the more abundant plant species whereas the performance declines for less common plant species. Estimation of percent cover of each plant species is performed at a finer spatial resolution, where smaller image patches are extracted and the CNNs tasked with identifying the plant species or substrate at the center of the image patch. For the percent cover estimation task, the CNNs are observed to exhibit a performance profile similar to that for the presence/absence estimation task, but with an ~ 5-10% reduction in precision and recall. Finally, fine-grained estimation of the spatial distribution of the various plant species is performed via semantic segmentation. The Deeplab-V3 semantic segmentation architecture is observed to provide very accurate estimations for abundant plant species; however,a significant degradation in performance is observed in the case of less abundant plant species and, in extreme cases, rare plant classes are seen to be ignored entirely. Overall, a clear trade-off is observed between the CNN estimation quality and the spatial resolution of the underlying estimation thereby offering guidance for ecological applications of CNN-based approaches to automated plant identification and localization in salt marsh images.

Which are the factors affecting the performance of audio surveillance systems?

Antonio Greco, Antonio Roberto, Alessia Saggese, Mario Vento

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Auto-TLDR; Sound Event Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Visual Representations on MIVIA Audio Events

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Sound event recognition systems are rapidly becoming part of our life, since they can be profitably used in several vertical markets, ranging from audio security applications to scene classification and multi-modal analysis in social robotics. In the last years, a not negligible part of the scientific community started to apply Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to image-based representations of the audio stream, due to their successful adoption in almost all the computer vision tasks. In this paper, we carry out a detailed benchmark of various widely used CNN architectures and visual representations on a popular dataset, namely the MIVIA Audio Events database. Our analysis is aimed at understanding how these factors affect the sound event recognition performance with a particular focus on the false positive rate, very relevant in audio surveillance solutions. In fact, although most of the proposed solutions achieve a high recognition rate, the capability of distinguishing the events-of-interest from the background is often not yet sufficient for real systems, and prevent its usage in real applications. Our comprehensive experimental analysis investigates this aspect and allows to identify useful design guidelines for increasing the specificity of sound event recognition systems.

Uncertainty-Aware Data Augmentation for Food Recognition

Eduardo Aguilar, Bhalaji Nagarajan, Rupali Khatun, Marc Bolaños, Petia Radeva

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Auto-TLDR; Data Augmentation for Food Recognition Using Epistemic Uncertainty

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Food recognition has recently attracted attention of many researchers. However, high food ambiguity, inter-class variability and intra-class similarity define a real challenge for the Deep learning and Computer Vision algorithms. In order to improve their performance, it is necessary to better understand what the model learns and, from this, to determine the type of data that should be additionally included for being the most beneficial to the training procedure. In this paper, we propose a new data augmentation strategy that estimates and uses the epistemic uncertainty to guide the model training. The method follows an active learning framework, where the new synthetic images are generated from the hard to classify real ones present in the training data based on the epistemic uncertainty. Hence, it allows the food recognition algorithm to focus on difficult images in order to learn their discriminatives features. On the other hand, avoiding data generation from images that do not contribute to the recognition makes it faster and more efficient. We show that the proposed method allows to improve food recognition and provides a better trade-off between micro- and macro-recall measures.

Supporting Skin Lesion Diagnosis with Content-Based Image Retrieval

Stefano Allegretti, Federico Bolelli, Federico Pollastri, Sabrina Longhitano, Giovanni Pellacani, Costantino Grana

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Auto-TLDR; Skin Images Retrieval Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Classification and Segmentation

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Given the relevance of skin cancer, many attempts have been dedicated to the creation of automated devices that could assist both expert and beginner dermatologists towards fast and early diagnosis of skin lesions. In recent years, tasks such as skin lesion classification and segmentation have been extensively addressed with deep learning algorithms, which in some cases reach a diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of expert physicians. However, the general lack of interpretability and reliability severely hinders the ability of those approaches to actually support dermatologists in the diagnosis process. In this paper a novel skin images retrieval system is presented, which exploits features extracted by Convolutional Neural Networks to gather similar images from a publicly available dataset, in order to assist the diagnosis process of both expert and novice practitioners. In the proposed framework, Resnet-50 is initially trained for the classification of dermoscopic images; then, the feature extraction part is isolated, and an embedding network is build on top of it. The embedding learns an alternative representation, which allows to check image similarity by means of a distance measure. Experimental results reveal that the proposed method is able to select meaningful images, which can effectively boost the classification accuracy of human dermatologists.

Creating Classifier Ensembles through Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Aerial Scene Classification

Álvaro Roberto Ferreira Jr., Gustavo Gustavo Henrique De Rosa, Joao Paulo Papa, Gustavo Carneiro, Fabio Augusto Faria

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Auto-TLDR; Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm for Aerial Scene Classification Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization

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Aerial scene classification is a challenging task to be solved in the remote sensing area, whereas deep learning approaches, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), are being widely employed to overcome such a problem. Nevertheless, it is not straightforward to find single CNN models that can solve all aerial scene classification tasks, allowing the nurturing of a better alternative, which is to fuse CNN-based classifiers into an ensemble. However, an appropriate choice of the classifiers that will belong to the ensemble is a critical factor, as it is unfeasible to employ all the possible classifiers in the literature. Therefore, this work proposes a novel framework based on meta-heuristic optimization for creating optimized-ensembles in the context of aerial scene classification. The experimental results were performed across nine meta-heuristic algorithms and three aerial scene literature datasets, being compared in terms of effectiveness (accuracy), efficiency (execution time), and behavioral performance in different scenarios. Finally, one can observe that the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) overcame popular literature meta-heuristic algorithms, such as Genetic Programming and Particle Swarm Optimization considering the adopted criteria in the performed experiments.

Trainable Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Michele Alberti, Angela Botros, Schuetz Narayan, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki, Mathias Seuret

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Auto-TLDR; Trainable and Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations for Neural Networks

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In this work, we introduce a new architectural component to Neural Networks (NN), i.e., trainable and spectrally initializable matrix transformations on feature maps. While previous literature has already demonstrated the possibility of adding static spectral transformations as feature processors, our focus is on more general trainable transforms. We study the transforms in various architectural configurations on four datasets of different nature: from medical (ColorectalHist, HAM10000) and natural (Flowers) images to historical documents (CB55). With rigorous experiments that control for the number of parameters and randomness, we show that networks utilizing the introduced matrix transformations outperform vanilla neural networks. The observed accuracy increases appreciably across all datasets. In addition, we show that the benefit of spectral initialization leads to significantly faster convergence, as opposed to randomly initialized matrix transformations. The transformations are implemented as auto-differentiable PyTorch modules that can be incorporated into any neural network architecture. The entire code base is open-source.

Multi-Task Learning for Calorie Prediction on a Novel Large-Scale Recipe Dataset Enriched with Nutritional Information

Robin Ruede, Verena Heusser, Lukas Frank, Monica Haurilet, Alina Roitberg, Rainer Stiefelhagen

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Auto-TLDR; Pic2kcal: Learning Food Recipes from Images for Calorie Estimation

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A rapidly growing amount of content posted online, such as food recipes, opens doors to new exciting applications at the intersection of vision and language. In this work, we aim to estimate the calorie amount of a meal directly from an image by learning from recipes people have published on the Internet, thus skipping time-consuming manual data annotation. Since there are few large-scale publicly available datasets captured in unconstrained environments, we propose the pic2kcal benchmark comprising 308,000 images from over 70,000 recipes including photographs, ingredients and instructions. To obtain nutritional information of the ingredients and automatically determine the ground-truth calorie value, we match the items in the recipes with structured information from a food item database. We evaluate various neural networks for regression of the calorie quantity and extend them with the multi-task paradigm. Our learning procedure combines the calorie estimation with prediction of proteins, carbohydrates, and fat amounts as well as a multi-label ingredient classification. Our experiments demonstrate clear benefits of multi-task learning for calorie estimation, surpassing the single-task calorie regression by 9.9%. To encourage further research on this task, we make the code for generating the dataset and the models publicly available.

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

Fine-Tuning DARTS for Image Classification

Muhammad Suhaib Tanveer, Umar Karim Khan, Chong Min Kyung

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Auto-TLDR; Fine-Tune Neural Architecture Search using Fixed Operations

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Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has gained attraction due to superior classification performance. Differential Architecture Search (DARTS) is a computationally light method. To limit computational resources DARTS makes numerous approximations. These approximations result in inferior performance. We propose to fine-tune DARTS using fixed operations as these are independent of these approximations. Our method offers a good trade-off between the number of parameters and classification accuracy. Our approach improves the top-1 accuracy on Fashion-MNIST, CompCars and MIO-TCD datasets by 0.56%, 0.50%, and 0.39%, respectively compared to the state-of-the-art approaches. Our approach performs better than DARTS, improving the accuracy by 0.28%, 1.64%, 0.34%, 4.5%, and 3.27% compared to DARTS, on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Fashion-MNIST, CompCars, and MIO-TCD datasets, respectively.

Towards Robust Learning with Different Label Noise Distributions

Diego Ortego, Eric Arazo, Paul Albert, Noel E O'Connor, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling with Semi-supervised Learning

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Noisy labels are an unavoidable consequence of labeling processes and detecting them is an important step towards preventing performance degradations in Convolutional Neural Networks. Discarding noisy labels avoids a harmful memorization, while the associated image content can still be exploited in a semi-supervised learning (SSL) setup. Clean samples are usually identified using the small loss trick, i.e. they exhibit a low loss. However, we show that different noise distributions make the application of this trick less straightforward and propose to continuously relabel all images to reveal a discriminative loss against multiple distributions. SSL is then applied twice, once to improve the clean-noisy detection and again for training the final model. We design an experimental setup based on ImageNet32/64 for better understanding the consequences of representation learning with differing label noise distributions and find that non-uniform out-of-distribution noise better resembles real-world noise and that in most cases intermediate features are not affected by label noise corruption. Experiments in CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet32/64 and WebVision (real-world noise) demonstrate that the proposed label noise Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling (DRPL) approach gives substantial improvements over recent state-of-the-art. Code will be made available.

Enhancing Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images with Inhibitory Neurons

Ihsan Ullah, Sean Reilly, Michael Madden

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Auto-TLDR; Lateral Inhibition in Deep Neural Networks for Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation

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In a Convolutional Neural Network, each neuron in the output feature map takes input from the neurons in its receptive field. This receptive field concept plays a vital role in today's deep neural networks. However, inspired by neuro-biological research, it has been proposed to add inhibitory neurons outside the receptive field, which may enhance the performance of neural network models. In this paper, we begin with deep network architectures such as VGG and ResNet, and propose an approach to add lateral inhibition in each output neuron to reduce its impact on its neighbours, both in fine-tuning pre-trained models and training from scratch. Our experiments show that notable improvements upon prior baseline deep models can be achieved. A key feature of our approach is that it is easy to add to baseline models; it can be adopted in any model containing convolution layers, and we demonstrate its value in applications including object recognition and semantic segmentation of aerial images, where we show state-of-the-art result on the Aeroscape dataset. On semantic segmentation tasks, our enhancement shows 17.43% higher mIoU than a single baseline model on a single source (the Aeroscape dataset), 13.43% higher performance than an ensemble model on the same single source, and 7.03% higher than an ensemble model on multiple sources (segmentation datasets). Our experiments illustrate the potential impact of using inhibitory neurons in deep learning models, and they also show better results than the baseline models that have standard convolutional layer.

Deep Transfer Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection

Nicole Cilia, Claudio De Stefano, Francesco Fontanella, Claudio Marrocco, Mario Molinara, Alessandra Scotto Di Freca

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Detection of Handwriting Alterations for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis using Dynamic Features

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Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is essential in order to initiate therapies that can reduce the effects of such a disease, improving both life quality and life expectancy of patients. Among all the activities carried out in our daily life, handwriting seems one of the first to be influenced by the arise of neurodegenerative diseases. For this reason, the analysis of handwriting and the study of its alterations has become of great interest in this research field in order to make a diagnosis as early as possible. In recent years, many studies have tried to use classification algorithms applied to handwritings to implement decision support systems for AD diagnosis. A key issue for the use of these techniques is the detection of effective features, that allow the system to distinguish the natural handwriting alterations due to age, from those caused by neurodegenerative disorders. In this context, many interesting results have been published in the literature in which the features have been typically selected by hand, generally considering the dynamics of the handwriting process in order to detect motor disorders closely related to AD. Features directly derived from handwriting generation models can be also very helpful for AD diagnosis. It should be remarked, however, that the above features do not consider changes in the shape of handwritten traces, which may occur as a consequence of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the correlation among shape alterations and changes in the dynamics of the handwriting process. Moving from these considerations, the aim of this study is to verify if the combined use of both shape and dynamic features allows a decision support system to improve performance for AD diagnosis. To this purpose, starting from a database of on-line handwriting samples, we generated for each of them a synthetic off-line colour image, where the colour of each elementary trait encodes, in the three RGB channels, the dynamic information associated to that trait. Finally, we exploited the capability of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) to automatically extract features from raw images. The experimental comparison of the results obtained by using standard features and features extracted according the above procedure, confirmed the effectiveness of our approach.

Force Banner for the Recognition of Spatial Relations

Robin Deléarde, Camille Kurtz, Laurent Wendling, Philippe Dejean

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Relation Recognition using Force Banners

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Studying the spatial organization of objects in images is fundamental to increase both the understanding of the sensed scene and the accuracy of the perceived similarity between images. This often leads to the problem of spatial relation recognition: given two objects depicted in an image, what is their spatial relation? In this article, we consider this as a classification problem. Instead of considering directly the original image space (or imaging features) to predict the spatial relation, we propose a novel intermediate representation (called Force Banner) modeling rich spatial information between pairs of objects composing a scene. Such a representation captures the relative position between objects using a panel of forces (attraction and repulsion), that take into account the structural shapes of the objects and their distance in a directional fashion. Force Banners are used to feed a classical 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for the recognition of spatial relations, benefiting from pre-trained models and fine-tuning. Experimental results obtained on a dataset of images with various shapes highlight the interest of this approach, and in particular its benefit to describe spatial information.

Smart Inference for Multidigit Convolutional Neural Network Based Barcode Decoding

Duy-Thao Do, Tolcha Yalew, Tae Joon Jun, Daeyoung Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Smart Inference for Barcode Decoding using Deep Convolutional Neural Network

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Barcodes are ubiquitous and have been used in most of critical daily activities for decades. However, most of traditional decoders require well-founded barcode under a relatively standard condition. While wilder conditioned barcodes such as underexposed, occluded, blurry, wrinkled and rotated are commonly captured in reality, those traditional decoders show weakness of recognizing. Several works attempted to solve those challenging barcodes, but many limitations still exist. This work aims to solve the decoding problem using deep convolutional neural network with the possibility of running on portable devices. Firstly, we proposed a special modification of inference based on the feature of having checksum and test-time augmentation, named as Smart Inference (SI) in prediction phase of a trained model. SI considerably boosts accuracy and reduces the false prediction for trained models. Secondly, we have created a large practical evaluation dataset of real captured 1D barcode under various challenging conditions to test our methods vigorously, which is publicly available for other researchers. The experiments' results demonstrated the SI effectiveness with the highest accuracy of 95.85% which outperformed many existing decoders on the evaluation set. Finally, we successfully minimized the best model by knowledge distillation to a shallow model which is shown to have high accuracy (90.85%) with good inference speed of 34.2 ms per image on a real edge device.

A Lumen Segmentation Method in Ureteroscopy Images Based on a Deep Residual U-Net Architecture

Jorge Lazo, Marzullo Aldo, Sara Moccia, Michele Catellani, Benoit Rosa, Elena De Momi, Michel De Mathelin, Francesco Calimeri

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Neural Network for Ureteroscopy with Residual Units

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Ureteroscopy is becoming the first surgical treatment option for the majority of urinary affections. This procedure is carried out using an endoscope which provides the surgeon with the visual and spatial information necessary to navigate inside the urinary tract. Having in mind the development of surgical assistance systems, that could enhance the performance of surgeon, the task of lumen segmentation is a fundamental part since this is the visual reference which marks the path that the endoscope should follow. This is something that has not been analyzed in ureteroscopy data before. However, this task presents several challenges given the image quality and the conditions itself of ureteroscopy procedures. In this paper, we study the implementation of a Deep Neural Network which exploits the advantage of residual units in an architecture based on U-Net. For the training of these networks, we analyze the use of two different color spaces: gray-scale and RGB data images. We found that training on gray-scale images gives the best results obtaining mean values of Dice Score, Precision, and Recall of 0.73, 0.58, and 0.92 respectively. The results obtained show that the use of residual U-Net could be a suitable model for further development for a computer-aided system for navigation and guidance through the urinary system.

From Early Biological Models to CNNs: Do They Look Where Humans Look?

Marinella Iole Cadoni, Andrea Lagorio, Enrico Grosso, Jia Huei Tan, Chee Seng Chan

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Auto-TLDR; Comparing Neural Networks to Human Fixations for Semantic Learning

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Early hierarchical computational visual models as well as recent deep neural networks have been inspired by the functioning of the primate visual cortex system. Although much effort has been made to dissect neural networks to visualize the features they learn at the individual units, the scope of the visualizations has been limited to a categorization of the features in terms of their semantic level. Considering the ability humans have to select high semantic level regions of a scene, the question whether neural networks can match this ability, and if similarity with humans attention is correlated with neural networks performance naturally arise. To address this question we propose a pipeline to select and compare sets of feature points that maximally activate individual networks units to human fixations. We extract features from a variety of neural networks, from early hierarchical models such as HMAX up to recent deep convolutional neural netwoks such as Densnet, to compare them to human fixations. Experiments over the ETD database show that human fixations correlate with CNNs features from deep layers significantly better than with random sets of points, while they do not with features extracted from the first layers of CNNs, nor with the HMAX features, which seem to have low semantic level compared with the features that respond to the automatically learned filters of CNNs. It also turns out that there is a correlation between CNN’s human similarity and classification performance.

An Evaluation of DNN Architectures for Page Segmentation of Historical Newspapers

Manuel Burghardt, Bernhard Liebl

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Auto-TLDR; Evaluation of Backbone Architectures for Optical Character Segmentation of Historical Documents

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One important and particularly challenging step in the optical character recognition of historical documents with complex layouts, such as newspapers, is the separation of text from non-text content (e.g. page borders or illustrations). This step is commonly referred to as page segmentation. While various rule-based algorithms have been proposed, the applicability of Deep Neural Networks for this task recently has gained a lot of attention. In this paper, we perform a systematic evaluation of 11 different published backbone architectures and 9 different tiling and scaling configurations for separating text, tables or table column lines. We also show the influence of the number of labels and the number of training pages on the segmentation quality, which we measure using the Matthews Correlation Coefficient. Our results show that (depending on the task) Inception-ResNet-v2 and EfficientNet backbones work best, vertical tiling is generally preferable to other tiling approaches, and training data that comprises 30 to 40 pages will be sufficient most of the time.

Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning

Vladislav Sovrasov, Dmitry Sidnev

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-Domain Generalization in Person Re-identification using Omni-Scale Network

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This work considers the problem of domain shift in person re-identification.Being trained on one dataset, a re-identification model usually performs much worse on unseen data. Partially this gap is caused by the relatively small scale of person re-identification datasets (compared to face recognition ones, for instance), but it is also related to training objectives. We propose to use the metric learning objective, namely AM-Softmax loss, and some additional training practices to build well-generalizing, yet, computationally efficient models. We use recently proposed Omni-Scale Network (OSNet) architecture combined with several training tricks and architecture adjustments to obtain state-of-the art results in cross-domain generalization problem on a large-scale MSMT17 dataset in three setups: MSMT17-all->DukeMTMC, MSMT17-train->Market1501 and MSMT17-all->Market1501.

IPN Hand: A Video Dataset and Benchmark for Real-Time Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition

Gibran Benitez-Garcia, Jesus Olivares-Mercado, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; IPN Hand: A Benchmark Dataset for Continuous Hand Gesture Recognition

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Continuous hand gesture recognition (HGR) is an essential part of human-computer interaction with a wide range of applications in the automotive sector, consumer electronics, home automation, and others. In recent years, accurate and efficient deep learning models have been proposed for HGR. However, in the research community, the current publicly available datasets lack real-world elements needed to build responsive and efficient HGR systems. In this paper, we introduce a new benchmark dataset named IPN Hand with sufficient size, variation, and real-world elements able to train and evaluate deep neural networks. This dataset contains more than 4 000 gesture samples and 800 000 RGB frames from 50 distinct subjects. We design 13 different static and dynamic gestures focused on interaction with touchless screens. We especially consider the scenario when continuous gestures are performed without transition states, and when subjects perform natural movements with their hands as non-gesture actions. Gestures were collected from about 30 diverse scenes, with real-world variation in background and illumination. With our dataset, the performance of three 3D-CNN models is evaluated on the tasks of isolated and continuous real-time HGR. Furthermore, we analyze the possibility of increasing the recognition accuracy by adding multiple modalities derived from RGB frames, i.e., optical flow and semantic segmentation, while keeping the real-time performance of the 3D-CNN model. Our empirical study also provides a comparison with the publicly available nvGesture (NVIDIA) dataset. The experimental results show that the state-of-the-art ResNext-101 model decreases about 30% accuracy when using our real-world dataset, demonstrating that the IPN Hand dataset can be used as a benchmark, and may help the community to step forward in the continuous HGR.

ESResNet: Environmental Sound Classification Based on Visual Domain Models

Andrey Guzhov, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Environmental Sound Classification with Short-Time Fourier Transform Spectrograms

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Environmental Sound Classification (ESC) is an active research area in the audio domain and has seen a lot of progress in the past years. However, many of the existing approaches achieve high accuracy by relying on domain-specific features and architectures, making it harder to benefit from advances in other fields (e.g., the image domain). Additionally, some of the past successes have been attributed to a discrepancy of how results are evaluated (i.e., on unofficial splits of the UrbanSound8K (US8K) dataset), distorting the overall progression of the field. The contribution of this paper is twofold. First, we present a model that is inherently compatible with mono and stereo sound inputs. Our model is based on simple log-power Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) spectrograms and combines them with several well-known approaches from the image domain (i.e., ResNet, Siamese-like networks and attention). We investigate the influence of cross-domain pre-training, architectural changes, and evaluate our model on standard datasets. We find that our model out-performs all previously known approaches in a fair comparison by achieving accuracies of 97.0 % (ESC-10), 91.5 % (ESC-50) and 84.2 % / 85.4 % (US8K mono / stereo). Second, we provide a comprehensive overview of the actual state of the field, by differentiating several previously reported results on the US8K dataset between official or unofficial splits. For better reproducibility, our code (including any re-implementations) is made available.

Towards Tackling Multi-Label Imbalances in Remote Sensing Imagery

Dominik Koßmann, Thorsten Wilhelm, Gernot Fink

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Auto-TLDR; Class imbalance in land cover datasets using attribute encoding schemes

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Recent advances in automated image analysis have lead to an increased number of proposed datasets in remote sensing applications. This permits the successful employment of data hungry state-of-the-art deep neural networks. However, the Earth is not covered equally by semantically meaningful classes. Thus, many land cover datasets suffer from a severe class imbalance. We show that by taking appropriate measures, the performance in the minority classes can be improved by up to 30 percent without affecting the performance in the majority classes strongly. Additionally, we investigate the use of an attribute encoding scheme to represent the inherent class hierarchies commonly observed in land cover analysis.

Computational Data Analysis for First Quantization Estimation on JPEG Double Compressed Images

Sebastiano Battiato, Oliver Giudice, Francesco Guarnera, Giovanni Puglisi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients for Multimedia Forensics

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Multimedia Forensics experts work consists in providing answers about integrity of a specific media content and from where it comes from. Exploitation of any traces from JPEG double compressed images is often one of the main investigative path to be used for these purposes. Thus it is fundamental to have tools and algorithms able to safely estimate the first quantization matrix to further proceed with camera model identification and related tasks. In this paper, a technique based on extensive simulation is proposed, with the aim to infer the first quantization for a certain numbers of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients exploiting local image statistics without using any a-priori knowledge. The method provides also a reliable confidence value for the estimation which is of great importance for forensic purposes. Experimental results w.r.t. the state-of-the-art demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique both in terms of precision and overall reliability.

Facial Expression Recognition Using Residual Masking Network

Luan Pham, Vu Huynh, Tuan Anh Tran

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Residual Masking for Automatic Facial Expression Recognition

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Automatic facial expression recognition (FER) has gained much attention due to its applications in human-computer interaction. Among the approaches to improve FER tasks, this paper focuses on deep architecture with the attention mechanism. We propose a novel Masking idea to boost the performance of CNN in facial expression task. It uses a segmentation network to refine feature maps, enabling the network to focus on relevant information to make correct decisions. In experiments, we combine the ubiquitous Deep Residual Network and Unet-like architecture to produce a Residual Masking Network. The proposed method holds state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy on the well-known FER2013 and private VEMO datasets. Our works are available on Github.

Bridging the Gap between Natural and Medical Images through Deep Colorization

Lia Morra, Luca Piano, Fabrizio Lamberti, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer Learning for Diagnosis on X-ray Images Using Color Adaptation

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Deep learning has thrived by training on large-scale datasets. However, in many applications, as for medical image diagnosis, getting massive amount of data is still prohibitive due to privacy, lack of acquisition homogeneity and annotation cost. In this scenario transfer learning from natural image collections is a standard practice that attempts to tackle shape, texture and color discrepancy all at once through pretrained model fine-tuning. In this work we propose to disentangle those challenges and design a dedicated network module that focuses on color adaptation. We combine learning from scratch of the color module with transfer learning of different classification backbones obtaining an end-to-end, easy-to-train architecture for diagnostic image recognition on X-ray images. Extensive experiments show how our approach is particularly efficient in case of data scarcity and provides a new path for further transferring the learned color information across multiple medical datasets.

Real Time Fencing Move Classification and Detection at Touch Time During a Fencing Match

Cem Ekin Sunal, Chris G. Willcocks, Boguslaw Obara

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Auto-TLDR; Fencing Body Move Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning

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Fencing is a fast-paced sport played with swords which are Epee, Foil, and Saber. However, such fast-pace can cause referees to make wrong decisions. Review of slow-motion camera footage in tournaments helps referees’ decision making, but it interrupts the match and may not be available for every organization. Motivated by the need for better decision making, analysis, and availability, we introduce the first fully-automated deep learning classification and detection system for fencing body moves at the moment a touch is made. This is an important step towards creating a fencing analysis system, with player profiling and decision tools that will benefit the fencing community. The proposed architecture combines You Only Look Once version three (YOLOv3) with a ResNet-34 classifier, trained on ImageNet settings to obtain 83.0\% test accuracy on the fencing moves. These results are exciting development in the sport, providing immediate feedback and analysis along with accessibility, hence making it a valuable tool for trainers and fencing match referees.

Making Every Label Count: Handling Semantic Imprecision by Integrating Domain Knowledge

Clemens-Alexander Brust, Björn Barz, Joachim Denzler

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Auto-TLDR; Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation

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Noisy data, crawled from the web or supplied by volunteers such as Mechanical Turkers or citizen scientists, is considered an alternative to professionally labeled data. There has been research focused on mitigating the effects of label noise. It is typically modeled as inaccuracy, where the correct label is replaced by an incorrect label from the same set. We consider an additional dimension of label noise: imprecision. For example, a non-breeding snow bunting is labeled as a bird. This label is correct, but not as precise as the task requires. Standard softmax classifiers cannot learn from such a weak label because they consider all classes mutually exclusive, which non-breeding snow bunting and bird are not. We propose CHILLAX (Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation), a method based on hierarchical classification, to fully utilize labels of any precision. Experiments on noisy variants of NABirds and ILSVRC2012 show that our method outperforms strong baselines by as much as 16.4 percentage points, and the current state of the art by up to 3.9 percentage points.

Conditional Multi-Task Learning for Plant Disease Identification

Sue Han Lee, Herve Goëau, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly

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Auto-TLDR; A conditional multi-task learning approach for plant disease identification

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Several recent studies have proposed an automatic plant disease identification system based on deep learning. Although successful, these approaches are generally based on learned classification models with target classes of joint host species-disease pairs that may not allow optimal use of the available information. This is due to the fact that they require distinguishing between similar host species or diseases. In fact, these approaches have limited scalability because the size of a network gradually increases as new classes are added, even if information on host species or diseases is already available. This constraint is all the more important as it can be difficult to collect/establish a specific list of all diseases for each host plant species in an actual application. In this paper, we address the problems by proposing a new conditional multi-task learning (CMTL) approach which allows the distribution of host species and disease characteristics learned simultaneously with a conditional link between them. This conditioning is formed in such a way that the knowledge to infer the prediction of one concept (the diseases) depends on the other concept (the host species), which corresponds to the way plant pathologists used to infer the diseases of the host species. We show that our approach can improve the performance of plant disease identification compared to the usual species-disease pair modeling in the previous studies. Meanwhile, we also compose a new dataset on plant disease identification that could serve as an important benchmark in this field.

Loop-closure detection by LiDAR scan re-identification

Jukka Peltomäki, Xingyang Ni, Jussi Puura, Joni-Kristian Kamarainen, Heikki Juhani Huttunen

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Auto-TLDR; Loop-Closing Detection from LiDAR Scans Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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In this work, loop-closure detection from LiDAR scans is defined as an image re-identification problem. Re-identification is performed by computing Euclidean distances of a query scan to a gallery set of previous scans. The distances are computed in a feature embedding space where the scans are mapped by a convolutional neural network (CNN). The network is trained using the triplet loss training strategy. In our experiments we compare different backbone networks, variants of the triplet loss and generic and LiDAR specific data augmentation techniques. With a realistic indoor dataset the best architecture obtains the mean average precision (mAP) above 90%.

SyNet: An Ensemble Network for Object Detection in UAV Images

Berat Mert Albaba, Sedat Ozer

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Auto-TLDR; SyNet: Combining Multi-Stage and Single-Stage Object Detection for Aerial Images

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Recent advances in camera equipped drone applications and their widespread use increased the demand on vision based object detection algorithms for aerial images. Object detection process is inherently a challenging task as a generic computer vision problem, however, since the use of object detection algorithms on UAVs (or on drones) is relatively a new area, it remains as a more challenging problem to detect objects in aerial images. There are several reasons for that including: (i) the lack of large drone datasets including large object variance, (ii) the large orientation and scale variance in drone images when compared to the ground images, and (iii) the difference in texture and shape features between the ground and the aerial images. Deep learning based object detection algorithms can be classified under two main categories: (a) single-stage detectors and (b) multi-stage detectors. Both single-stage and multi-stage solutions have their advantages and disadvantages over each other. However, a technique to combine the good sides of each of those solutions could yield even a stronger solution than each of those solutions individually. In this paper, we propose an ensemble network, SyNet, that combines a multi-stage method with a single-stage one with the motivation of decreasing the high false negative rate of multi-stage detectors and increasing the quality of the single-stage detector proposals. As building blocks, CenterNet and Cascade R-CNN with pretrained feature extractors are utilized along with an ensembling strategy. We report the state of the art results obtained by our proposed solution on two different datasets: namely MS-COCO and visDrone with \%52.1 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on MS-COCO $val2017$ dataset and \%26.2 $mAP_{IoU = 0.75}$ is obtained on VisDrone $test-set$. Our code is available at: https://github.com/mertalbaba/SyNet}{https://github.com/mer talbaba/SyNet

Personalized Models in Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning

Hamza Amrani, Daniela Micucci, Paolo Napoletano

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Auto-TLDR; Incremental Learning for Personalized Human Activity Recognition

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Current sensor-based human activity recognition techniques that rely on a user-independent model struggle to generalize to new users and on to changes that a person may make over time to his or her way of carrying out activities. Incremental learning is a technique that allows to obtain personalized models which may improve the performance on the classifiers thanks to a continuous learning based on user data. Finally, deep learning techniques have been proven to be more effective with respect to traditional ones in the generation of user-independent models. The aim of our work is therefore to put together deep learning techniques with incremental learning in order to obtain personalized models that perform better with respect to user-independent model and personalized model obtained using traditional machine learning techniques. The experimentation was done by comparing the results obtained by a technique in the state of the art with those obtained by two neural networks (ResNet and a simplified CNN) on three datasets. The experimentation showed that neural networks adapt faster to a new user than the baseline.

Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Structural Elements related to the Spinal Cord in the Lumbar Region by Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Jhon Jairo Sáenz Gamboa, Maria De La Iglesia-Vaya, Jon Ander Gómez

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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This work addresses the problem of automatically segmenting the MR images corresponding to the lumbar spine. The purpose is to detect and delimit the different structural elements like vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. This task is known as semantic segmentation. The approach proposed in this work is based on convolutional neural networks whose output is a mask where each pixel from the input image is classified into one of the possible classes. Classes were defined by radiologists and correspond to structural elements and tissues. The proposed network architectures are variants of the U-Net. Several complementary blocks were used to define the variants: spatial attention models, deep supervision and multi-kernels at input, this last block type is based on the idea of inception. Those architectures which got the best results are described in this paper, and their results are discussed. Two of the proposed architectures outperform the standard U-Net used as baseline.

PolyLaneNet: Lane Estimation Via Deep Polynomial Regression

Talles Torres, Rodrigo Berriel, Thiago Paixão, Claudine Badue, Alberto F. De Souza, Thiago Oliveira-Santos

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Lane Detection with Deep Polynomial Regression

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One of the main factors that contributed to the large advances in autonomous driving is the advent of deep learning. For safer self-driving vehicles, one of the problems that has yet to be solved completely is lane detection. Since methods for this task have to work in real time (+30 FPS), they not only have to be effective (i.e., have high accuracy) but they also have to be efficient (i.e., fast). In this work, we present a novel method for lane detection that uses as input an image from a forward-looking camera mounted in the vehicle and outputs polynomials representing each lane marking in the image, via deep polynomial regression. The proposed method is shown to be competitive with existing state-of-the-art methods in the TuSimple dataset, while maintaining its efficiency (115 FPS). Additionally, extensive qualitative results on two additional public datasets are presented, alongside with limitations in the evaluation metrics used by recent works for lane detection. Finally, we provide source code and trained models that allow others to replicate all the results shown in this paper, which is surprisingly rare in state-of-the-art lane detection methods.

Attention Pyramid Module for Scene Recognition

Zhinan Qiao, Xiaohui Yuan, Chengyuan Zhuang, Abolfazl Meyarian

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Auto-TLDR; Attention Pyramid Module for Multi-Scale Scene Recognition

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The unrestricted open vocabulary and diverse substances of scenery images bring significant challenges to scene recognition. However, most deep learning architectures and attention methods are developed on general-purpose datasets and omit the characteristics of scene data. In this paper, we exploit the attention pyramid module (APM) to tackle the predicament of scene recognition. Our method streamlines the multi-scale scene recognition pipeline, learns comprehensive scene features at various scales and locations, addresses the interdependency among scales, and further assists feature re-calibration as well as aggregation process. APM is extremely light-weighted and can be easily plugged into existing network architectures in a parameter-efficient manner. By simply integrating APM into ResNet-50, we obtain a 3.54\% boost in terms of top-1 accuracy on the benchmark scene dataset. Comprehensive experiments show that APM achieves better performance comparing with state-of-the-art attention methods using significant less computation budget. Code and pre-trained models will be made publicly available.

Stochastic Label Refinery: Toward Better Target Label Distribution

Xi Fang, Jiancheng Yang, Bingbing Ni

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic Label Refinery for Deep Supervised Learning

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This paper proposes a simple yet effective strategy for improving deep supervised learning, named Stochastic Label Refinery (SLR), by refining training labels to more informative labels. When training a neural network, target distributions (or ground-truth) are typically "hard", which means the target label of each category consists of only 0 and 1. However, the fixed "hard" target distributions do not capture association between categories or that between objects. In this study, instead of using the hard target distributions, we iteratively generate "soft" target label distributions for training the neural networks, which leads to better performances. The soft target distributions are obtained via an Expectation-Maximization (EM) iteration, where the "true" target distributions and the learned models are regarded as hidden variables. In E step, the models are optimized to approximate the target distributions on stochastic splits of training data; In M step, the target distributions are updated with predicted pseudo-label on leave-out splits. Extensive experiments on classification and ordinal regression tasks, empirically prove that the refined target distribution consistently leads to considerable performance improvements even applied on competitive baselines. Notably, in DeepDR 2020 Diabetic Retinopathy Grading (DeepDRiD) challenge, our method improves the quadratic weighted kappa on official validation set from 0.8247 to 0.8348 and achieves a state-of-the-art score on online test set. The proposed SLR technique is easy to implement and practically applicable. The code will be open sourced soon.

Recognizing Bengali Word Images - A Zero-Shot Learning Perspective

Sukalpa Chanda, Daniël Arjen Willem Haitink, Prashant Kumar Prasad, Jochem Baas, Umapada Pal, Lambert Schomaker

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Auto-TLDR; Zero-Shot Learning for Word Recognition in Bengali Script

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Zero-Shot Learning(ZSL) techniques could classify a completely unseen class, which it has never seen before during training. Thus, making it more apt for any real-life classification problem, where it is not possible to train a system with annotated data for all possible class types. This work investigates recognition of word images written in Bengali Script in a ZSL framework. The proposed approach performs Zero-Shot word recognition by coupling deep learned features procured from VGG16 architecture along with 13 basic shapes/stroke primitives commonly observed in Bengali script characters. As per the notion of ZSL framework those 13 basic shapes are termed as “Signature Attributes”. The obtained results are promising while evaluation was carried out in a Five-Fold cross-validation setup dealing with samples from 250 word classes.