Let's Play Music: Audio-Driven Performance Video Generation

Hao Zhu, Yi Li, Feixia Zhu, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; APVG: Audio-driven Performance Video Generation Using Structured Temporal UNet

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We propose a new task named Audio-driven Performance Video Generation (APVG), which aims to synthesize the video of a person playing a certain instrument guided by a given music audio clip. It is a challenging task to generate the high-dimensional temporal consistent videos from low-dimensional audio modality. In this paper, we propose a multi-staged framework to achieve this new task to generate realistic and synchronized performance video from given music. Firstly, we provide both global appearance and local spatial information by generating the coarse videos and keypoints of body and hands from a given music respectively. Then, we propose to transform the generated keypoints to heatmap via a differentiable space transformer, since the heatmap offers more spatial information but is harder to generate directly from audio. Finally, we propose a Structured Temporal UNet (STU) to extract both intra-frame structured information and inter-frame temporal consistency. They are obtained via graph-based structure module, and CNN-GRU based high-level temporal module respectively for final video generation. Comprehensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.

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Talking Face Generation Via Learning Semantic and Temporal Synchronous Landmarks

Aihua Zheng, Feixia Zhu, Hao Zhu, Mandi Luo, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; A semantic and temporal synchronous landmark learning method for talking face generation

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Abstract—Given a speech clip and facial image, the goal of talking face generation is to synthesize a talking face video with accurate mouth synchronization and natural face motion. Recent progress has proven the effectiveness of the landmarks as the intermediate information during talking face generation. However,the large gap between audio and visual modalities makes the prediction of landmarks challenging and limits generation ability. This paper proposes a semantic and temporal synchronous landmark learning method for talking face generation. First, we propose to introduce a word detector to enforce richer semantic information. Then, we propose to preserve the temporal synchronization and consistency between landmarks and audio via the proposed temporal residual loss. Lastly, we employ a U-Net generation network with adaptive reconstruction loss to generate facial images for the predicted landmarks. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets LRW and GRID demonstrate the effectiveness of our model compared to the state-of-the-art methods of talking face generation.

Dual-MTGAN: Stochastic and Deterministic Motion Transfer for Image-To-Video Synthesis

Fu-En Yang, Jing-Cheng Chang, Yuan-Hao Lee, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Dual Motion Transfer GAN for Convolutional Neural Networks

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Generating videos with content and motion variations is a challenging task in computer vision. While the recent development of GAN allows video generation from latent representations, it is not easy to produce videos with particular content of motion patterns of interest. In this paper, we propose Dual Motion Transfer GAN (Dual-MTGAN), which takes image and video data as inputs while learning disentangled content and motion representations. Our Dual-MTGAN is able to perform deterministic motion transfer and stochastic motion generation. Based on a given image, the former preserves the input content and transfers motion patterns observed from another video sequence, and the latter directly produces videos with plausible yet diverse motion patterns based on the input image. The proposed model is trained in an end-to-end manner, without the need to utilize pre-defined motion features like pose or facial landmarks. Our quantitative and qualitative results would confirm the effectiveness and robustness of our model in addressing such conditioned image-to-video tasks.

GarmentGAN: Photo-Realistic Adversarial Fashion Transfer

Amir Hossein Raffiee, Michael Sollami

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Auto-TLDR; GarmentGAN: A Generative Adversarial Network for Image-Based Garment Transfer

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The garment transfer problem comprises two tasks: learning to separate a person's body (pose, shape, color) from their clothing (garment type, shape, style) and then generating new images of the wearer dressed in arbitrary garments. We present GarmentGAN, a new algorithm that performs image-based garment transfer through generative adversarial methods. The GarmentGAN framework allows users to virtually try-on items before purchase and generalizes to various apparel types. GarmentGAN requires as input only two images, namely, a picture of the target fashion item and an image containing the customer. The output is a synthetic image wherein the customer is wearing the target apparel. In order to make the generated image look photo-realistic, we employ the use of novel generative adversarial techniques. GarmentGAN improves on existing methods in the realism of generated imagery and solves various problems related to self-occlusions. Our proposed model incorporates additional information during training, utilizing both segmentation maps and body key-point information. We show qualitative and quantitative comparisons to several other networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique.

The Role of Cycle Consistency for Generating Better Human Action Videos from a Single Frame

Runze Li, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Generating Videos with Human Action Semantics using Cycle Constraints

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A Neural Lip-Sync Framework for Synthesizing Photorealistic Virtual News Anchors

Ruobing Zheng, Zhou Zhu, Bo Song, Ji Changjiang

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Auto-TLDR; Lip-sync: Synthesis of a Virtual News Anchor for Low-Delayed Applications

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Lip sync has emerged as a promising technique to generate mouth movements from audio signals. However, synthesizing a high-resolution and photorealistic virtual news anchor with current methods is still challenging. The lack of natural appearance, visual consistency, and processing efficiency is the main issue. In this paper, we present a novel lip-sync framework specially designed for producing a virtual news anchor for a target person. A pair of Temporal Convolutional Networks are used to learn the seq-to-seq mapping from audio signals to mouth movements, followed by a neural rendering model that translates the intermediate face representation to the high-quality appearance. This fully-trainable framework avoids several time-consuming steps in traditional graphics-based methods, meeting the requirements of many low-delay applications. Experiments show that our method has advantages over modern neural-based methods in both visual appearance and processing efficiency.

Image Inpainting with Contrastive Relation Network

Xiaoqiang Zhou, Junjie Li, Zilei Wang, Ran He, Tieniu Tan

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Auto-TLDR; Two-Stage Inpainting with Graph-based Relation Network

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Image inpainting faces the challenging issue of the requirements on structure reasonableness and texture coherence. In this paper, we propose a two-stage inpainting framework to address this issue. The basic idea is to address the two requirements in two separate stages. Completed segmentation of the corrupted image is firstly predicted through segmentation reconstruction network, while fine-grained image details are restored in the second stage through an image generator. The two stages are connected in series as the image details are generated under the guidance of completed segmentation map that predicted in the first stage. Specifically, in the second stage, we propose a novel graph-based relation network to model the relationship existed in corrupted image. In relation network, both intra-relationship for pixels in the same semantic region and inter-relationship between different semantic parts are considered, improving the consistency and compatibility of image textures. Besides, contrastive loss is designed to facilitate the relation network training. Such a framework not only simplifies the inpainting problem directly, but also exploits the relationship in corrupted image explicitly. Extensive experiments on various public datasets quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate the superiority of our approach compared with the state-of-the-art.

Future Urban Scenes Generation through Vehicles Synthesis

Alessandro Simoni, Luca Bergamini, Andrea Palazzi, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting the Future of an Urban Scene with a Novel View Synthesis Paradigm

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In this work we propose a deep learning pipeline to predict the visual future appearance of an urban scene. Despite recent advances, generating the entire scene in an end-to-end fashion is still far from being achieved. Instead, here we follow a two stages approach, where interpretable information is included in the loop and each actor is modelled independently. We leverage a per-object novel view synthesis paradigm; i.e. generating a synthetic representation of an object undergoing a geometrical roto-translation in the 3D space. Our model can be easily conditioned with constraints (e.g. input trajectories) provided by state-of-the-art tracking methods or by the user itself. This allows us to generate a set of diverse realistic futures starting from the same input in a multi-modal fashion. We visually and quantitatively show the superiority of this approach over traditional end-to-end scene-generation methods on CityFlow, a challenging real world dataset.

Cascade Attention Guided Residue Learning GAN for Cross-Modal Translation

Bin Duan, Wei Wang, Hao Tang, Hugo Latapie, Yan Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN for Cross-modal Audio-Visual Learning

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Since we were babies, we intuitively develop the ability to correlate the input from different cognitive sensors such as vision, audio, and text. However, in machine learning, this cross-modal learning is a nontrivial task because different modalities have no homogeneous properties. Previous works discover that there should be bridges among different modalities. From neurology and psychology perspective, humans have the capacity to link one modality with another one, e.g., associating a picture of a bird with the only hearing of its singing and vice versa. Is it possible for machine learning algorithms to recover the scene given the audio signal? In this paper, we propose a novel Cascade Attention-Guided Residue GAN (CAR-GAN), aiming at reconstructing the scenes given the corresponding audio signals. Particularly, we present a residue module to mitigate the gap between different modalities progressively. Moreover, a cascade attention guided network with a novel classification loss function is designed to tackle the cross-modal learning task. Our model keeps consistency in the high-level semantic label domain and is able to balance two different modalities. The experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the state-of-the-art cross-modal audio-visual generation on the challenging Sub-URMP dataset.

Learning to Take Directions One Step at a Time

Qiyang Hu, Adrian Wälchli, Tiziano Portenier, Matthias Zwicker, Paolo Favaro

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Auto-TLDR; Generating a Sequence of Motion Strokes from a Single Image

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We present a method to generate a video sequence given a single image. Because items in an image can be animated in arbitrarily many different ways, we introduce as control signal a sequence of motion strokes. Such control signal can be automatically transferred from other videos, e.g., via bounding box tracking. Each motion stroke provides the direction to the moving object in the input image and we aim to train a network to generate an animation following a sequence of such directions. To address this task we design a novel recurrent architecture, which can be trained easily and effectively thanks to an explicit separation of past, future and current states. As we demonstrate in the experiments, our proposed architecture is capable of generating an arbitrary number of frames from a single image and a sequence of motion strokes. Key components of our architecture are an autoencoding constraint to ensure consistency with the past and a generative adversarial scheme to ensure that images look realistic and are temporally smooth. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on the MNIST, KTH, Human3.6M, Push and Weizmann datasets.

Free-Form Image Inpainting Via Contrastive Attention Network

Xin Ma, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Huaibo Huang, Zhenhua Chai, Xiaolin Wei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Siamese inference for image inpainting

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Most deep learning based image inpainting approaches adopt autoencoder or its variants to fill missing regions in images. Encoders are usually utilized to learn powerful representational spaces, which are important for dealing with sophisticated learning tasks. Specifically, in the image inpainting task, masks with any shapes can appear anywhere in images (i.e., free-form masks) forming complex patterns. It is difficult for encoders to capture such powerful representations under this complex situation. To tackle this problem, we propose a self-supervised Siamese inference network to improve the robustness and generalization. Moreover, the restored image usually can not be harmoniously integrated into the exiting content, especially in the boundary area. To address this problem, we propose a novel Dual Attention Fusion module (DAF), which can combine both the restored and known regions in a smoother way and be inserted into decoder layers in a plug-and-play way. DAF is developed to not only adaptively rescale channel-wise features by taking interdependencies between channels into account but also force deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) focusing more on unknown regions. In this way, the unknown region will be naturally filled from the outside to the inside. Qualitative and quantitative experiments on multiple datasets, including facial and natural datasets (i.e., Celeb-HQ, Pairs Street View, Places2 and ImageNet), demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms against state-of-the-arts in generating high-quality inpainting results.

Coherence and Identity Learning for Arbitrary-Length Face Video Generation

Shuquan Ye, Chu Han, Jiaying Lin, Guoqiang Han, Shengfeng He

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Auto-TLDR; Face Video Synthesis Using Identity-Aware GAN and Face Coherence Network

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Face synthesis is an interesting yet challenging task in computer vision. It is even much harder to generate a portrait video than a single image. In this paper, we propose a novel video generation framework for synthesizing arbitrary-length face videos without any face exemplar or landmark. To overcome the synthesis ambiguity of face video, we propose a divide-and-conquer strategy to separately address the video face synthesis problem from two aspects, face identity synthesis and rearrangement. To this end, we design a cascaded network which contains three components, Identity-aware GAN (IA-GAN), Face Coherence Network, and Interpolation Network. IA-GAN is proposed to synthesize photorealistic faces with the same identity from a set of noises. Face Coherence Network is designed to re-arrange the faces generated by IA-GAN while keeping the inter-frame coherence. Interpolation Network is introduced to eliminate the discontinuity between two adjacent frames and improve the smoothness of the face video. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed network is able to generate face video with high visual quality while preserving the identity. Statistics show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unconditional face video generative models in multiple challenging datasets.

Learning Disentangled Representations for Identity Preserving Surveillance Face Camouflage

Jingzhi Li, Lutong Han, Hua Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Jingguo Ge, Xiaochu Cao

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Auto-TLDR; Individual Face Privacy under Surveillance Scenario with Multi-task Loss Function

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In this paper, we focus on protecting the person face privacy under the surveillance scenarios, whose goal is to change the visual appearances of faces while keep them to be recognizable by current face recognition systems. This is a challenging problem as that we should retain the most important structures of captured facial images, while alter the salient facial regions to protect personal privacy. To address this problem, we introduce a novel individual face protection model, which can camouflage the face appearance from the perspective of human visual perception and preserve the identity features of faces used for face authentication. To that end, we develop an encoder-decoder network architecture that can separately disentangle the person feature representation into an appearance code and an identity code. Specifically, we first randomly divide the face image into two groups, the source set and the target set, where the source set is used to extract the identity code and the target set provides the appearance code. Then, we recombine the identity and appearance codes to synthesize a new face, which has the same identity with the source subject. Finally, the synthesized faces are used to replace the original face to protect the privacy of individual. Furthermore, our model is trained end-to-end with a multi-task loss function, which can better preserve the identity and stabilize the training loss. Experiments conducted on Cross-Age Celebrity dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our model and validate our superiority in terms of visual quality and scalability.

Unsupervised Contrastive Photo-To-Caricature Translation Based on Auto-Distortion

Yuhe Ding, Xin Ma, Mandi Luo, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation with style loss

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Photo-to-caricature aims to synthesize the caricature as a rendered image exaggerating the features through sketching, pencil strokes, or other artistic drawings. Style rendering and geometry deformation are the most important aspects in photo-to-caricature translation task. To take both into consideration, we propose an unsupervised contrastive photo-to-caricature translation architecture. Considering the intuitive artifacts in the existing methods, we propose a contrastive style loss for style rendering to enforce the similarity between the style of rendered photo and the caricature, and simultaneously enhance its discrepancy to the photos. To obtain an exaggerating deformation in an unpaired/unsupervised fashion, we propose a Distortion Prediction Module (DPM) to predict a set of displacements vectors for each input image while fixing some controlling points, followed by the thin plate spline interpolation for warping. The model is trained on unpaired photo and caricature while can offer bidirectional synthesizing via inputting either a photo or a caricature. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to generate hand-drawn like caricatures compared with existing competitors.

What and How? Jointly Forecasting Human Action and Pose

Yanjun Zhu, Yanxia Zhang, Qiong Liu, Andreas Girgensohn

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Auto-TLDR; Forecasting Human Actions and Motion Trajectories with Joint Action Classification and Pose Regression

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Forecasting human actions and motion trajectories addresses the problem of predicting what a person is going to do next and how they will perform it. This is crucial in a wide range of applications such as assisted living and future co-robotic settings. We propose to simultaneously learn actions and action-related human motion dynamics, while existing works perform them independently. In this paper, we present a method to jointly forecast categories of human action and the pose of skeletal joints in the hope that the two tasks can help each other. As a result, our system can predict not only the future actions but also the motion trajectories that will result. To achieve this, we define a task of joint action classification and pose regression. We employ a sequence to sequence encoder-decoder model combined with multi-task learning to forecast future actions and poses progressively before the action happens. Experimental results on two public datasets, IkeaDB and OAD, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

A Multi-Task Neural Network for Action Recognition with 3D Key-Points

Rongxiao Tang, Wang Luyang, Zhenhua Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Neural Network for Action Recognition and 3D Human Pose Estimation

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Action recognition and 3D human pose estimation are the fundamental problems in computer vision and closely related. In this work, we propose a multi-task neural network for action recognition and 3D human pose estimation. The results of the previous methods are still error-prone especially when tested against the images taken in-the-wild, leading error results in action recognition. To solve this problem, we propose a principled approach to generate high quality 3D pose ground truth given any in-the-wild image with a person inside. We achieve this by first devising a novel stereo inspired neural network to directly map any 2D pose to high quality 3D counterpart. Based on the high-quality 3D labels, we carefully design the multi-task framework for action recognition and 3D human pose estimation. The proposed architecture can utilize the shallow, deep features of the images, and the in-the-wild 3D human key-points to guide a more precise result. High quality 3D key-points can fully reflect the morphological features of motions, thus boosting the performance on action recognition. Experiments demonstrate that 3D pose estimation leads to significantly higher performance on action recognition than separated learning. We also evaluate the generalization ability of our method both quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed architecture performs favorably against the baseline 3D pose estimation methods. In addition, the reported results on Penn Action and NTU datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the action recognition task.

Residual Learning of Video Frame Interpolation Using Convolutional LSTM

Keito Suzuki, Masaaki Ikehara

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Auto-TLDR; Video Frame Interpolation Using Residual Learning and Convolutional LSTMs

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Video frame interpolation aims to generate interme- diate frames between the original frames. This produces videos with a higher frame r ate and creates smoother motion. Many video frame interpolation methods first estimate the motion vector between the input frames and then synthesizes the intermediate frame based on the motion. However, these methods rely on the accuracy of the motion estimation step and fail to accurately generate the interpolated frame when the estimated motion vectors are inaccurate. Therefore, to avoid the uncertainties caused by motion estimation, this paper proposes a method that directly generates the intermediate frame. Since two consecutive frames are relatively similar, our method takes the average of these two frames and utilizes residual learning to learn the difference between the average of these frames and the ground truth middle frame. In addition, our method uses Convolutional LSTMs and four input frames to better incorporate spatiotemporal information. This neural network can be easily trained end to end without difficult to obtain data such as optical flow. Our experimental results show that the proposed method can perform favorably against other state-of-the-art frame interpolation methods.

Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination Via Mutual Information Disentanglement

Haoxue Wu, Huaibo Huang, Aijing Yu, Jie Cao, Zhen Lei, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination with Structural Representation Learning

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Recently, many Near infrared-visible (NIR-VIS) heterogeneous face recognition (HFR) methods have been proposed in the community. But it remains a challenging problem because of the sensing gap along with large pose variations. In this paper, we propose an Exemplar Guided Cross-Spectral Face Hallucination (EGCH) to reduce the domain discrepancy through disentangled representation learning. For each modality, EGCH contains a spectral encoder as well as a structure encoder to disentangle spectral and structure representation, respectively. It also contains a traditional generator that reconstructs the input from the above two representations, and a structure generator that predicts the facial parsing map from the structure representation. Besides, mutual information minimization and maximization are conducted to boost disentanglement and make representations adequately expressed. Then the translation is built on structure representations between two modalities. Provided with the transformed NIR structure representation and original VIS spectral representation, EGCH is capable to produce high-fidelity VIS images that preserve the topology structure of the input NIR while transfer the spectral information of an arbitrary VIS exemplar. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves more promising results both qualitatively and quantitatively than the state-of-the-art NIR-VIS methods.

VITON-GT: An Image-Based Virtual Try-On Model with Geometric Transformations

Matteo Fincato, Federico Landi, Marcella Cornia, Fabio Cesari, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; VITON-GT: An Image-based Virtual Try-on Architecture for Fashion Catalogs

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The large spread of online shopping has led computer vision researchers to develop different solutions for the fashion domain to potentially increase the online user experience and improve the efficiency of preparing fashion catalogs. Among them, image-based virtual try-on has recently attracted a lot of attention resulting in several architectures that can generate a new image of a person wearing an input try-on garment in a plausible and realistic way. In this paper, we present VITON-GT, a new model for virtual try-on that generates high-quality and photo-realistic images thanks to multiple geometric transformations. In particular, our model is composed of a two-stage geometric transformation module that performs two different projections on the input garment, and a transformation-guided try-on module that synthesize the new image. We experimentally validate the proposed solution on the most common dataset for this task, containing mainly t-shirts, and we demonstrate its effectiveness compared to different baselines and previous methods. Additionally, we assess the generalization capabilities of our model on a new set of fashion items composed of upper-body clothes from different categories. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to test virtual try-on architectures in this challenging experimental setting.

SIDGAN: Single Image Dehazing without Paired Supervision

Pan Wei, Xin Wang, Lei Wang, Ji Xiang, Zihan Wang

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Auto-TLDR; DehazeGAN: An End-to-End Generative Adversarial Network for Image Dehazing

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Single image dehazing is challenging without scene airlight and transmission map. Most of existing dehazing algorithms tend to estimate key parameters based on manual designed priors or statistics, which may be invalid in some scenarios. Although deep learning-based dehazing methods provide an effective solution, most of them rely on paired training datasets, which are prohibitively difficult to be collected in real world. In this paper, we propose an effective end-to-end generative adversarial network for image dehazing, named DehazeGAN. The proposed DehazeGAN adopts a U-net architecture with a novel color-consistency loss derived from dark channel prior and perceptual loss, which can be trained in an unsupervised fashion without paired synthetic datasets. We create a RealHaze dataset for network training, including 4,000 outdoor hazy images and 4,000 haze-free images. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed DehazeGAN achieves better performance than existing state-of-the-art methods on both synthetic datasets and real-world datasets in terms of PSNR, SSIM, and subjective visual experience.

Unsupervised Face Manipulation Via Hallucination

Keerthy Kusumam, Enrique Sanchez, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

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Auto-TLDR; Unpaired Face Image Manipulation using Autoencoders

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This paper addresses the problem of manipulatinga face image in terms of changing its pose. To achieve this, wepropose a new method that can be trained under the very general“unpaired” setting. To this end, we firstly propose to modelthe general appearance, layout and background of the inputimage using a low-resolution version of it which is progressivelypassed through a hallucination network to generate featuresat higher resolutions. We show that such a formulation issignificantly simpler than previous approaches for appearancemodelling based on autoencoders. Secondly, we propose a fullylearnable and spatially-aware appearance transfer module whichcan cope with misalignment between the input source image andthe target pose and can effectively combine the features fromthe hallucination network with the features produced by ourgenerator. Thirdly, we introduce an identity preserving methodthat is trained in an unsupervised way, by using an auxiliaryfeature extractor and a contrastive loss between the real andgenerated images. We compare our method against the state-of-the-art reporting significant improvements both quantitatively, interms of FID and IS, and qualitatively.

5D Light Field Synthesis from a Monocular Video

Kyuho Bae, Andre Ivan, Hajime Nagahara, In Kyu Park

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Auto-TLDR; Synthesis of Light Field Video from Monocular Video using Deep Learning

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Commercially available light field cameras have difficulty in capturing 5D (4D + time) light field videos. They can only capture still light filed images or are excessively expensive for normal users to capture the light field video. To tackle this problem, we propose a deep learning-based method for synthesizing a light field video from a monocular video. We propose a new synthetic light field video dataset that renders photorealistic scenes using Unreal Engine because no light field video dataset is available. The proposed deep learning framework synthesizes the light field video with a full set (9x9) of sub-aperture images from a normal monocular video. The proposed network consists of three sub-networks, namely, feature extraction, 5D light field video synthesis, and temporal consistency refinement. Experimental results show that our model can successfully synthesize the light field video for synthetic and real scenes and outperforms the previous frame-by-frame method quantitatively and qualitatively.

Motion-Supervised Co-Part Segmentation

Aliaksandr Siarohin, Subhankar Roy, Stéphane Lathuiliere, Sergey Tulyakov, Elisa Ricci, Nicu Sebe

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Co-Part Segmentation Using Motion Information from Videos

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Recent co-part segmentation methods mostly operate in a supervised learning setting, which requires a large amount of annotated data for training. To overcome this limitation, we propose a self-supervised deep learning method for co-part segmentation. Differently from previous works, our approach develops the idea that motion information inferred from videos can be leveraged to discover meaningful object parts. To this end, our method relies on pairs of frames sampled from the same video. The network learns to predict part segments together with a representation of the motion between two frames, which permits reconstruction of the target image. Through extensive experimental evaluation on publicly available video sequences we demonstrate that our approach can produce improved segmentation maps with respect to previous self-supervised co-part segmentation approaches.

Unsupervised Learning of Landmarks Based on Inter-Intra Subject Consistencies

Weijian Li, Haofu Liao, Shun Miao, Le Lu, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Learning for Facial Landmark Discovery using Inter-subject Landmark consistencies

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We present a novel unsupervised learning approach to image landmark discovery by incorporating the inter-subject landmark consistencies on facial images. This is achieved via an inter-subject mapping module that transforms original subject landmarks based on an auxiliary subject-related structure. To recover from the transformed images back to the original subject, the landmark detector is forced to learn spatial locations that contain the consistent semantic meanings both for the paired intra-subject images and between the paired inter-subject images. Our proposed method is extensively evaluated on two public facial image datasets (MAFL, AFLW) with various settings. Experimental results indicate that our method can extract the consistent landmarks for both datasets and achieve better performances compared to the previous state-of-the-art methods quantitatively and qualitatively.

Local Facial Attribute Transfer through Inpainting

Ricard Durall, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network

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The term attribute transfer refers to the tasks of altering images in such a way, that the semantic interpretation of a given input image is shifted towards an intended direction, which is quantified by semantic attributes. Prominent example applications are photo realistic changes of facial features and expressions, like changing the hair color, adding a smile, enlarging the nose or altering the entire context of a scene, like transforming a summer landscape into a winter panorama. Recent advances in attribute transfer are mostly based on generative deep neural networks, using various techniques to manipulate images in the latent space of the generator. In this paper, we present a novel method for the common sub-task of local attribute transfers, where only parts of a face have to be altered in order to achieve semantic changes (e.g. removing a mustache). In contrast to previous methods, where such local changes have been implemented by generating new (global) images, we propose to formulate local attribute transfers as an inpainting problem. Removing and regenerating only parts of images, our Attribute Transfer Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network (ATI-GAN) is able to utilize local context information to focus on the attributes while keeping the background unmodified resulting in visually sound results.

Mutual Information Based Method for Unsupervised Disentanglement of Video Representation

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; MIPAE: Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder for Video Prediction

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Video Prediction is an interesting and challenging task of predicting future frames from a given set context frames that belong to a video sequence. Video prediction models have found prospective applications in Maneuver Planning, Health care, Autonomous Navigation and Simulation. One of the major challenges in future frame generation is due to the high dimensional nature of visual data. In this work, we propose Mutual Information Predictive Auto-Encoder (MIPAE) framework, that reduces the task of predicting high dimensional video frames by factorising video representations into content and low dimensional pose latent variables that are easy to predict. A standard LSTM network is used to predict these low dimensional pose representations. Content and the predicted pose representations are decoded to generate future frames. Our approach leverages the temporal structure of the latent generative factors of a video and a novel mutual information loss to learn disentangled video representations. We also propose a metric based on mutual information gap (MIG) to quantitatively access the effectiveness of disentanglement on DSprites and MPI3D-real datasets. MIG scores corroborate with the visual superiority of frames predicted by MIPAE. We also compare our method quantitatively on evaluation metrics LPIPS, SSIM and PSNR.

Reducing the Variance of Variational Estimates of Mutual Information by Limiting the Critic's Hypothesis Space to RKHS

Aditya Sreekar P, Ujjwal Tiwari, Anoop Namboodiri

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Auto-TLDR; Mutual Information Estimation from Variational Lower Bounds Using a Critic's Hypothesis Space

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Mutual information (MI) is an information-theoretic measure of dependency between two random variables. Several methods to estimate MI, from samples of two random variables with unknown underlying probability distributions have been proposed in the literature. Recent methods realize parametric probability distributions or critic as a neural network to approximate unknown density ratios. The approximated density ratios are used to estimate different variational lower bounds of MI. While these methods provide reliable estimation when the true MI is low, they produce high variance estimates in cases of high MI. We argue that the high variance characteristic is due to the uncontrolled complexity of the critic's hypothesis space. In support of this argument, we use the data-driven Rademacher complexity of the hypothesis space associated with the critic's architecture to analyse generalization error bound of variational lower bound estimates of MI. In the proposed work, we show that it is possible to negate the high variance characteristics of these estimators by constraining the critic's hypothesis space to Reproducing Hilbert Kernel Space (RKHS), which corresponds to a kernel learned using Automated Spectral Kernel Learning (ASKL). By analysing the aforementioned generalization error bounds, we augment the overall optimisation objective with effective regularisation term. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of this regularization in enforcing proper bias variance tradeoff on four variational lower bounds, namely NWJ, MINE, JS and SMILE.

Shape Consistent 2D Keypoint Estimation under Domain Shift

Levi Vasconcelos, Massimiliano Mancini, Davide Boscaini, Barbara Caputo, Elisa Ricci

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Adaptation for Keypoint Prediction under Domain Shift

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Recent unsupervised domain adaptation methods based on deep architectures have shown remarkable performance not only in traditional classification tasks but also in more complex problems involving structured predictions (e.g. semantic segmentation, depth estimation). Following this trend, in this paper we present a novel deep adaptation framework for estimating keypoints under \textit{domain shift}, i.e. when the training (\textit{source}) and the test (\textit{target}) images significantly differ in terms of visual appearance. Our method seamlessly combines three different components: feature alignment, adversarial training and self-supervision. Specifically, our deep architecture leverages from domain-specific distribution alignment layers to perform target adaptation at the feature level. Furthermore, a novel loss is proposed which combines an adversarial term for ensuring aligned predictions in the output space and a geometric consistency term which guarantees coherent predictions between a target sample and its perturbed version. Our extensive experimental evaluation conducted on three publicly available benchmarks shows that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art domain adaptation methods in the 2D keypoint prediction task.

Boundary Guided Image Translation for Pose Estimation from Ultra-Low Resolution Thermal Sensor

Kohei Kurihara, Tianren Wang, Teng Zhang, Brian Carrington Lovell

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Auto-TLDR; Pose Estimation on Low-Resolution Thermal Images Using Image-to-Image Translation Architecture

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This work addresses the pose estimation task on low-resolution images captured using thermal sensors which can operate in a no-light environment. Low-resolution thermal sensors have been widely adopted in various applications for cost control and privacy protection purposes. In this paper, targeting the challenging scenario of ultra-low resolution thermal imaging (3232 pixels), we aim to estimate human poses for the purpose of monitoring health conditions and indoor events. To overcome the challenges in ultra-low resolution thermal imaging such as blurred boundaries and data scarcity, we propose a new Image-to-Image (I2I) translation architecture which can translate the original blurred thermal image into a visible light image with sharper boundaries. Then the generated visible light image can be fed into the off-the-shelf pose estimator which was well-trained in the visible domain. Experimental results suggest that the proposed framework outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in the I2I based pose estimation task for our thermal image dataset. Furthermore, we also demonstrated the merits of the proposed method on the publicly available FLIR dataset by measuring the quality of translated images.

Exploring Severe Occlusion: Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation with Gated Convolution

Renshu Gu, Gaoang Wang, Jenq-Neng Hwang

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Human Pose Estimation for Multi-Human Videos with Occlusion

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3D human pose estimation (HPE) is crucial in human behavior analysis, augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) applications, and self-driving industry. Videos that contain multiple potentially occluded people captured from freely moving monocular cameras are very common in real-world scenarios, while 3D HPE for such scenarios is quite challenging, partially because there is a lack of such data with accurate 3D ground truth labels in existing datasets. In this paper, we propose a temporal regression network with a gated convolution module to transform 2D joints to 3D and recover the missing occluded joints in the meantime. A simple yet effective localization approach is further conducted to transform the normalized pose to the global trajectory. To verify the effectiveness of our approach, we also collect a new moving camera multi-human (MMHuman) dataset that includes multiple people with heavy occlusion captured by moving cameras. The 3D ground truth joints are provided by accurate motion capture (MoCap) system. From the experiments on static-camera based Human3.6M data and our own collected moving-camera based data, we show that our proposed method outperforms most state-of-the-art 2D-to-3D pose estimation methods, especially for the scenarios with heavy occlusions.

Semantic-Guided Inpainting Network for Complex Urban Scenes Manipulation

Pierfrancesco Ardino, Yahui Liu, Elisa Ricci, Bruno Lepri, Marco De Nadai

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic-Guided Inpainting of Complex Urban Scene Using Semantic Segmentation and Generation

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Manipulating images of complex scenes to reconstruct, insert and/or remove specific object instances is a challenging task. Complex scenes contain multiple semantics and objects, which are frequently cluttered or ambiguous, thus hampering the performance of inpainting models. Conventional techniques often rely on structural information such as object contours in multi-stage approaches that generate unreliable results and boundaries. In this work, we propose a novel deep learning model to alter a complex urban scene by removing a user-specified portion of the image and coherently inserting a new object (e.g. car or pedestrian) in that scene. Inspired by recent works on image inpainting, our proposed method leverages the semantic segmentation to model the content and structure of the image, and learn the best shape and location of the object to insert. To generate reliable results, we design a new decoder block that combines the semantic segmentation and generation task to guide better the generation of new objects and scenes, which have to be semantically consistent with the image. Our experiments, conducted on two large-scale datasets of urban scenes (Cityscapes and Indian Driving), show that our proposed approach successfully address the problem of semantically-guided inpainting of complex urban scene.

Visual Oriented Encoder: Integrating Multimodal and Multi-Scale Contexts for Video Captioning

Bang Yang, Yuexian Zou

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Auto-TLDR; Visual Oriented Encoder for Video Captioning

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Video captioning is a challenging task which aims at automatically generating a natural language description of a given video. Recent researches have shown that exploiting the intrinsic multi-modalities of videos significantly promotes captioning performance. However, how to integrate multi-modalities to generate effective semantic representations for video captioning is still an open issue. Some researchers proposed to learn multimodal features in parallel during the encoding stage. The downside of these methods lies in the neglect of the interaction among multi-modalities and their rich contextual information. In this study, inspired by the fact that visual contents are generally more important for comprehending videos, we propose a novel Visual Oriented Encoder (VOE) to integrate multimodal features in an interactive manner. Specifically, VOE is designed as a hierarchical structure, where bottom layers are utilized to extract multi-scale contexts from auxiliary modalities while the top layer is exploited to generate joint representations by considering both visual and contextual information. Following the encoder-decoder framework, we systematically develop a VOE-LSTM model and evaluate it on two mainstream benchmarks: MSVD and MSR-VTT. Experimental results show that the proposed VOE surpasses conventional encoders and our VOE-LSTM model achieves competitive results compared with state-of-the-art approaches.

S2I-Bird: Sound-To-Image Generation of Bird Species Using Generative Adversarial Networks

Joo Yong Shim, Joongheon Kim, Jong-Kook Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Generating bird images from sound using conditional generative adversarial networks

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Generating images from sound is a challenging task. This paper proposes a novel deep learning model that generates bird images from their corresponding sound information. Our proposed model includes a sound encoder in order to extract suitable feature representations from audio recordings, and then it generates bird images that corresponds to its calls using conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) with auxiliary classifiers. We demonstrate that our model produces better image generation results which outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in a similar context.

Self-Supervised Learning of Dynamic Representations for Static Images

Siyang Song, Enrique Sanchez, Linlin Shen, Michel Valstar

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Auto-TLDR; Facial Action Unit Intensity Estimation and Affect Estimation from Still Images with Multiple Temporal Scale

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Facial actions are spatio-temporal signals by nature, and therefore their modeling is crucially dependent on the availability of temporal information. In this paper, we focus on inferring such temporal dynamics of facial actions when no explicit temporal information is available, i.e. from still images. We present a novel approach to capture multiple scales of such temporal dynamics, with an application to facial Action Unit (AU) intensity estimation and dimensional affect estimation. In particular, 1) we propose a framework that infers a dynamic representation (DR) from a still image, which captures the bi-directional flow of time within a short time-window centered at the input image; 2) we show that we can train our method without the need of explicitly generating target representations, allowing the network to represent dynamics more broadly; and 3) we propose to apply a multiple temporal scale approach that infers DRs for different window lengths (MDR) from a still image. We empirically validate the value of our approach on the task of frame ranking, and show how our proposed MDR attains state of the art results on BP4D for AU intensity estimation and on SEMAINE for dimensional affect estimation, using only still images at test time.

Attentional Wavelet Network for Traditional Chinese Painting Transfer

Rui Wang, Huaibo Huang, Aihua Zheng, Ran He

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Wavelet Network for Photo to Chinese Painting Transfer

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Traditional Chinese paintings pay more attention to ’Gongbi’ and ’Xieyi’ in artworks, which raises a challenging task to generate Chinese paintings from photos. ’Xieyi’ creates high-level conception for paintings, while ’Gongbi’ refers to portraying local details in paintings. This paper proposes an attentional wavelet network for photo to Chinese painting transferring. We first introduce wavelets to obtain high-level conception and local details in Chinese paintings via 2-D haar wavelet transform. Moreover, we design high-level transform stream and local enhancement stream to dispose high frequencies and low frequency respectively. Furthermore, we exploit self-attention mechanism to compatibly pick up high-level information which is used to remedy the missing details when reconstructing the Chinese painting. To advance our experiment, we set up a new dataset named P2ADataset, with diverse photos and Chinese paintings on famous mountains around China. Experimental results comparing with the state-of-the-art style transferring algorithms verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. We will release the codes and data to the public.

Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks and Fast Adaptive Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition for Style Transfer

Elissavet Batziou, Petros Alvanitopoulos, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Ioannis Patras, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

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Auto-TLDR; FABEMD: Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition for Style Transfer on Images

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Recently, research endeavors have shown the potentiality of Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks (CycleGAN) in style transfer. In Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks, the consistency loss is introduced to measure the difference between the original images and the reconstructed in both directions, forward and backward. In this work, the combination of Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks with Fast and Adaptive Bidimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (FABEMD) is proposed to perform style transfer on images. In the proposed approach the cycle-consistency loss is modified to include the differences between the extracted Intrinsic Mode Functions (BIMFs) images. Instead of an estimation of pixel-to-pixel difference between the produced and input images, the FABEMD is applied and the extracted BIMFs are involved in the computation of the total cycle loss. This method enriches the computation of the total loss in a content-to-content and style-to-style comparison by connecting the spatial information to the frequency components. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method is efficient and produces qualitative results comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

Identity-Aware Facial Expression Recognition in Compressed Video

Xiaofeng Liu, Linghao Jin, Xu Han, Jun Lu, Jonghye Woo, Jane You

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring Facial Expression Representation in Compressed Video with Mutual Information Minimization

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This paper targets to explore the inter-subject variations eliminated facial expression representation in the compressed video domain. Most of the previous methods process the RGB images of a sequence, while the off-the-shelf and valuable expression-related muscle movement already embedded in the compression format. In the up to two orders of magnitude compressed domain, we can explicitly infer the expression from the residual frames and possible to extract identity factors from the I frame with a pre-trained face recognition network. By enforcing the marginal independent of them, the expression feature is expected to be purer for the expression and be robust to identity shifts. Specifically, we propose a novel collaborative min-min game for mutual information (MI) minimization in latent space. We do not need the identity label or multiple expression samples from the same person for identity elimination. Moreover, when the apex frame is annotated in the dataset, the complementary constraint can be further added to regularize the feature-level game. In testing, only the compressed residual frames are required to achieve expression prediction. Our solution can achieve comparable or better performance than the recent decoded image based methods on the typical FER benchmarks with about 3$\times$ faster inference with compressed data.

Novel View Synthesis from a 6-DoF Pose by Two-Stage Networks

Xiang Guo, Bo Li, Yuchao Dai, Tongxin Zhang, Hui Deng

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Auto-TLDR; Novel View Synthesis from a 6-DoF Pose Using Generative Adversarial Network

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Novel view synthesis is a challenging problem in 3D vision and robotics. Different from the existing works, which need the reference images or 3D model, we propose a novel paradigm to this problem. That is, we synthesize the novel view from a 6-DoF pose directly. Although this setting is the most straightforward way, there are few works addressing it. While, our experiments demonstrate that, with a concise CNN, we could get a meaningful parametric model which could reconstruct the correct scenery images only from the 6-DoF pose. To this end, we propose a two-stage learning strategy, which consists of two consecutive CNNs: GenNet and RefineNet. The GenNet generates a coarse image from a camera pose. The RefineNet is a generative adversarial network that could refine the coarse image. In this way, we decouple the geometric relationship mapping and texture detail rendering. Extensive experiments conducted on the public datasets prove the effectiveness of our method. We believe this paradigm is of high research and application value and could be an important direction in novel view synthesis. We will share our code after the acceptance of this work.

Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction

Nina Weng, Jiahao Wang, Annan Li, Yunhong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; 2S-TCN: A Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction

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In the field of facial attractiveness prediction, while deep models using static pictures have shown promising results, little attention is paid to dynamic facial information, which is proven to be influential by psychological studies. Meanwhile, the increasing popularity of short video apps creates an enormous demand of facial attractiveness prediction from short video clips. In this paper, we target on the dynamic facial attractiveness prediction problem. To begin with, a large-scale video-based facial attractiveness prediction dataset (VFAP) with more than one thousand clips from TikTok is collected. A two-stream temporal convolutional network (2S-TCN) is then proposed to capture dynamic attractiveness feature from both facial appearance and landmarks. We employ attentive feature enhancement along with specially designed modality and temporal fusion strategies to better explore the temporal dynamics. Extensive experiments on the proposed VFAP dataset demonstrate that 2S-TCN has a distinct advantage over the state-of-the-art static prediction methods.

UCCTGAN: Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network

Shuming Sun, Xiaoqiang Li, Jide Li

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Auto-TLDR; An Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network

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Clothing color transformation refers to changing the clothes color in an original image to the clothes color in a target image. In this paper, we propose an Unsupervised Clothing Color Transformation Generative Adversarial Network (UCCTGAN) for the task. UCCTGAN adopts the color histogram of a target clothes as color guidance and an improved U-net architecture called AntennaNet is put forward to fuse the extracted color information with the original image. Meanwhile, to accomplish unsupervised learning, the loss function is carefully designed according to color moment, which evaluates the chromatic aberration between the target clothing and the generated clothing. Experimental results show that our network has the ability to generate convincing color transformation results.

Mask-Based Style-Controlled Image Synthesis Using a Mask Style Encoder

Jaehyeong Cho, Wataru Shimoda, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; Style-controlled Image Synthesis from Semantic Segmentation masks using GANs

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In recent years, the advances in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown impressive results for image generation and translation tasks. In particular, the image-to-image translation is a method of learning mapping from a source domain to a target domain and synthesizing an image. Image-to-image translation can be applied to a variety of tasks, making it possible to quickly and easily synthesize realistic images from semantic segmentation masks. However, in the existing image-to-image translation method, there is a limitation on controlling the style of the translated image, and it is not easy to synthesize an image by controlling the style of each mask element in detail. Therefore, we propose an image synthesis method that controls the style of each element by improving the existing image-to-image translation method. In the proposed method, we implement a style encoder that extracts style features for each mask element. The extracted style features are concatenated to the semantic mask in the normalization layer, and used the style-controlled image synthesis of each mask element. In experiments, we train style-controlled images synthesis using the datasets consisting of semantic segmentation masks and real images. The results show that the proposed method has excellent performance for style-controlled images synthesis for each element.

JUMPS: Joints Upsampling Method for Pose Sequences

Lucas Mourot, Francois Le Clerc, Cédric Thébault, Pierre Hellier

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Auto-TLDR; JUMPS: Increasing the Number of Joints in 2D Pose Estimation and Recovering Occluded or Missing Joints

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Human Pose Estimation is a low-level task useful for surveillance, human action recognition, and scene understanding at large. It also offers promising perspectives for the animation of synthetic characters. For all these applications, and especially the latter, estimating the positions of many joints is desirable for improved performance and realism. To this purpose, we propose a novel method called JUMPS for increasing the number of joints in 2D pose estimates and recovering occluded or missing joints. We believe this is the first attempt to address the issue. We build on a deep generative model that combines a GAN and an encoder. The GAN learns the distribution of high-resolution human pose sequences, the encoder maps the input low-resolution sequences to its latent space. Inpainting is obtained by computing the latent representation whose decoding by the GAN generator optimally matches the joints locations at the input. Post-processing a 2D pose sequence using our method provides a richer representation of the character motion. We show experimentally that the localization accuracy of the additional joints is on average on par with the original pose estimates.

High Resolution Face Age Editing

Xu Yao, Gilles Puy, Alasdair Newson, Yann Gousseau, Pierre Hellier

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Auto-TLDR; An Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Face Age editing on High Resolution Images

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Face age editing has become a crucial task in film post-production, and is also becoming popular for general purpose photography. Recently, adversarial training has produced some of the most visually impressive results for image manipulation, including the face aging/de-aging task. In spite of considerable progress, current methods often present visual artifacts and can only deal with low-resolution images. In order to achieve aging/de-aging with the high quality and robustness necessary for wider use, these problems need to be addressed. This is the goal of the present work. We present an encoder-decoder architecture for face age editing. The core idea of our network is to encode a face image to age-invariant features, and learn a modulation vector corresponding to a target age. We then combine these two elements to produce a realistic image of the person with the desired target age. Our architecture is greatly simplified with respect to other approaches, and allows for fine-grained age editing on high resolution images in a single unified model. Source codes are available at https://github.com/InterDigitalInc/HRFAE.

Face Super-Resolution Network with Incremental Enhancement of Facial Parsing Information

Shuang Liu, Chengyi Xiong, Zhirong Gao

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Auto-TLDR; Learning-based Face Super-Resolution with Incremental Boosting Facial Parsing Information

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Recently, facial priors based face super-resolution (SR) methods have obtained significant performance gains in dealing with extremely degraded facial images, and facial priors have also been proved useful in facilitating the inference of face images. Based on this, how to fully fuse facial priors into deep features to improve face SR performance has attracted a major attention. In this paper, we propose a learning-based face SR approach with incremental boosting facial parsing information (IFPSR) for high-magnification of low-resolution faces. The proposed IFPSR method consists of three main parts: i) a three-stage parsing map embedded features upsampling network, in which image recovery and prior estimation processes are performed simultaneously and progressively to improve the image resolution; ii) a progressive training method and a joint facial attention and heatmap loss to obtain better facial attributes; iii) the channel attention strategy in residual dense blocks to adaptively learn facial features. Extensive experimental results show that compared with the state-of-the-art methods in terms of quantitative and qualitative metrics, our approach can achieve an outstanding balance between SR image quality and low network complexity.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention Based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies

Thi Phuong Thao Ha, Bt Balamurali, Herremans Dorien, Roig Gemma

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Auto-TLDR; AttendAffectNet: A Self-Attention Based Network for Emotion Prediction from Movies

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In this work, we propose different variants of the self-attention based network for emotion prediction from movies, which we call AttendAffectNet. We take both audio and video into account and incorporate the relation among multiple modalities by applying self-attention mechanism in a novel manner into the extracted features for emotion prediction. We compare it to the typically temporal integration of the self-attention based model, which in our case, allows to capture the relation of temporal representations of the movie while considering the sequential dependencies of emotion responses. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architectures on the extended COGNIMUSE dataset [1], [2] and the MediaEval 2016 Emotional Impact of Movies Task [3], which consist of movies with emotion annotations. Our results show that applying the self-attention mechanism on the different audio-visual features, rather than in the time domain, is more effective for emotion prediction. Our approach is also proven to outperform state-of-the-art models for emotion prediction.

Detail-Revealing Deep Low-Dose CT Reconstruction

Xinchen Ye, Yuyao Xu, Rui Xu, Shoji Kido, Noriyuki Tomiyama

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Auto-TLDR; A Dual-branch Aggregation Network for Low-Dose CT Reconstruction

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Low-dose CT imaging emerges with low radiation risk due to the reduction of radiation dose, but brings negative impact on the imaging quality. This paper addresses the problem of low-dose CT reconstruction. Previous methods are unsatisfactory due to the inaccurate recovery of image details under the strong noise generated by the reduction of radiation dose, which directly affects the final diagnosis. To suppress the noise effectively while retain the structures well, we propose a detail-revealing dual-branch aggregation network to effectively reconstruct the degraded CT image. Specifically, the main reconstruction branch iteratively exploits and compensates the reconstruction errors to gradually refine the CT image, while the prior branch is to learn the structure details as prior knowledge to help recover the CT image. A sophisticated detail-revealing loss is designed to fuse the information from both branches and guide the learning to obtain better performance from pixel-wise and holistic perspectives respectively. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-art methods in both PSNR and SSIM metrics.

Towards Practical Compressed Video Action Recognition: A Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network

Bing Li, Longteng Kong, Dongming Zhang, Xiuguo Bao, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; TEMSN: Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network for Compressed Video Action Recognition

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Current compressed video action recognition methods are mainly based on completely received compressed videos. However, in real transmission, the compressed video packets are usually disorderly received and lost due to network jitters or congestion. It is of great significance to recognize actions in early phases with limited packets, e.g. forecasting the potential risks from videos quickly. In this paper, we proposed a Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network (TEMSN) for practical compressed video action recognition. First, we use three compressed modalities as complementary cues and build a multi-stream network to capture the rich information from compressed video packets. Second, we design a temporal enhanced module based on Encoder-Decoder structure applied on each stream to infer the missing packets, and generate more complete action dynamics. Thanks to the rich modalities and temporal enhancement, our approach is able to better modeling the action with limited compressed packets. Experiments on HMDB-51 and UCF-101 dataset validate its effectiveness and efficiency.

Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation in Multi-view-multi-pose Video

Cheng Sun, Diego Thomas, Hiroshi Kawasaki

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation from 2D Videos Using Generative Adversarial Network

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3D human pose estimation from a single 2D video is an extremely difficult task because computing 3D geometry from 2D images is an ill-posed problem. Recent popular solutions adopt fully-supervised learning strategy, which requires to train a deep network on a large-scale ground truth dataset of 3D poses and 2D images. However, such a large-scale dataset with natural images does not exist, which limits the usability of existing methods. While building a complete 3D dataset is tedious and expensive, abundant 2D in-the-wild data is already publicly available. As a consequence, there is a growing interest in the computer vision community to design efficient techniques that use the unsupervised learning strategy, which does not require any ground truth 3D data. Such methods can be trained with only natural 2D images of humans. In this paper we propose an unsupervised method for estimating 3D human pose in videos. The standard approach for unsupervised learning is to use the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework. To improve the performance of 3D human pose estimation in videos, we propose a new GAN network that enforces body consistency over frames in a video. We evaluate the efficiency of our proposed method on a public 3D human body dataset.