EdgeNet: Semantic Scene Completion from a Single RGB-D Image

Aloisio Dourado, Teofilo De Campos, Adrian Hilton, Hansung Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Scene Completion using 3D Depth and RGB Information

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Semantic scene completion is the task of predicting a complete 3D representation of volumetric occupancy with corresponding semantic labels for a scene from a single point of view. In this paper, we present EdgeNet, a new end-to-end neural network architecture that fuses information from depth and RGB, explicitly representing RGB edges in 3D space. Previous works on this task used either depth-only or depth with colour by projecting 2D semantic labels generated by a 2D segmentation network into the 3D volume, requiring a two step training process. Our EdgeNet representation encodes colour information in 3D space using edge detection and flipped truncated signed distance, which improves semantic completion scores especially in hard to detect classes. We achieved state-of-the-art scores on both synthetic and real datasets with a simpler and a more computationally efficient training pipeline than competing approaches.

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Towards Efficient 3D Point Cloud Scene Completion Via Novel Depth View Synthesis

Haiyan Wang, Liang Yang, Xuejian Rong, Ying-Li Tian

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Point Cloud Completion with Depth View Synthesis and Depth View synthesis

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3D point cloud completion has been a long-standing challenge at scale, and corresponding per-point supervised training strategies suffered from the cumbersome annotations. 2D supervision has recently emerged as a promising alternative for 3D tasks, but specific approaches for 3D point cloud completion still remain to be explored. To overcome these limitations, we propose an end-to-end method that directly lifts a single depth map to a completed point cloud. With one depth map as input, a multi-way novel depth view synthesis network (NDVNet) is designed to infer coarsely completed depth maps under various viewpoints. Meanwhile, a geometric depth perspective rendering module is introduced to utilize the raw input depth map to generate a re-projected depth map for each view. Therefore, the two parallelly generated depth maps for each view are further concatenated and refined by a depth completion network (DCNet). The final completed point cloud is fused from all refined depth views. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach composed of aforementioned components, to produce high-quality state-of-the-art results on the popular SUNCG benchmark.

Enhancing Deep Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Data with Entangled Forests

Matteo Terreran, Elia Bonetto, Stefano Ghidoni

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Auto-TLDR; FuseNet: A Lighter Deep Learning Model for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation is a problem which is getting more and more attention in the computer vision community. Nowadays, deep learning methods represent the state of the art to solve this problem, and the trend is to use deeper networks to get higher performance. The drawback with such models is a higher computational cost, which makes it difficult to integrate them on mobile robot platforms. In this work we want to explore how to obtain lighter deep learning models without compromising performance. To do so we will consider the features used in the Entangled Random Forest algorithm and we will study the best strategies to integrate these within FuseNet deep network. Such new features allow us to shrink the network size without loosing performance, obtaining hence a lighter model which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the semantic segmentation task and represents an interesting alternative for mobile robotics applications, where computational power and energy are limited.

Improving Visual Relation Detection Using Depth Maps

Sahand Sharifzadeh, Sina Moayed Baharlou, Max Berrendorf, Rajat Koner, Volker Tresp

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Depth Maps for Visual Relation Detection

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State-of-the-art visual relation detection methods mostly rely on object information extracted from RGB images such as 2D bounding boxes, feature maps, and predicted class probabilities. Depth maps can additionally provide valuable information on object relations, e.g. helping to detect not only spatial relations, such as standing behind, but also non-spatial relations, such as holding. In this work, we study the effect of using different object information with a focus on depth maps. To enable this study, we release a new synthetic dataset of depth maps, VG-Depth, as an extension to Visual Genome (VG). We also note that given the highly imbalanced distribution of relations in VG, typical evaluation metrics for visual relation detection cannot reveal improvements of under-represented relations. To address this problem, we propose using an additional metric, calling it Macro Recall@K, and demonstrate its remarkable performance on VG. Finally, our experiments confirm that by effective utilization of depth maps within a simple, yet competitive framework, the performance of visual relation detection can be improved by a margin of up to 8%.

Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Dilated Asymmetric Convolutions

Leonel Rosas-Arias, Gibran Benitez-Garcia, Jose Portillo-Portillo, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; FASSD-Net: Dilated Asymmetric Pyramidal Fusion for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation

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Recent works have shown promising results applied to real-time semantic segmentation tasks. To maintain fast inference speed, most of the existing networks make use of light decoders, or they simply do not use them at all. This strategy helps to maintain a fast inference speed; however, their accuracy performance is significantly lower in comparison to non-real-time semantic segmentation networks. In this paper, we introduce two key modules aimed to design a high-performance decoder for real-time semantic segmentation for reducing the accuracy gap between real-time and non-real-time segmentation networks. Our first module, Dilated Asymmetric Pyramidal Fusion (DAPF), is designed to substantially increase the receptive field on the top of the last stage of the encoder, obtaining richer contextual features. Our second module, Multi-resolution Dilated Asymmetric (MDA) module, fuses and refines detail and contextual information from multi-scale feature maps coming from early and deeper stages of the network. Both modules exploit contextual information without excessively increasing the computational complexity by using asymmetric convolutions. Our proposed network entitled “FASSD-Net” reaches 78.8% of mIoU accuracy on the Cityscapes validation dataset at 41.1 FPS on full resolution images (1024x2048). Besides, with a light version of our network, we reach 74.1% of mIoU at 133.1 FPS (full resolution) on a single NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti card with no additional acceleration techniques. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/GibranBenitez/FASSD-Net.

Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images

Minglong Li, Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; GLANet: Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Errors in semantic segmentation task could be classified into two types: large area misclassification and local inaccurate boundaries. Previously attention based methods capture rich global contextual information, this is beneficial to diminish the first type of error, but local imprecision still exists. In this paper we propose Global-Local Attention Network (GLANet) with a simultaneous consideration of global context and local details. Specifically, our GLANet is composed of two branches namely global attention branch and local attention branch, and three different modules are embedded in the two branches for the purpose of modeling semantic interdependencies in spatial, channel and boundary dimensions respectively. We sum the outputs of the two branches to further improve feature representation, leading to more precise segmentation results. The proposed method achieves very competitive segmentation accuracy on two public aerial image datasets, bringing significant improvements over baseline.

In Depth Semantic Scene Completion

David Gillsjö, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Scene Completion

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For autonomous agents moving around in our world, mapping of the environment is essential. This is their only perception of their surrounding, what is not measured is unknown. Humans have learned from experience what to expect in certain environments, for example in indoor offices or supermarkets. This work studies Semantic Scene Completion which aims to predict a 3D semantic segmentation of our surroundings, even though some areas are occluded. For this we construct a Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BCNN), which is not only able to perform the segmentation, but also predict model uncertainty. This is an important feature not present in standard CNNs. We show on the MNIST dataset that the Bayesian approach performs equal or better to the standard CNN when processing digits unseen in the training phase when looking at accuracy, precision and recall. With the added benefit of having better calibrated scores and the ability to express model uncertainty. We then show results for the Semantic Scene Completion task where a category is introduced at test time on the SUNCG dataset. In this more complex task the Bayesian approach outperforms the standard CNN. Showing better Intersection over Union score and excels in Average Precision and separation scores.

Enhancing Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images with Inhibitory Neurons

Ihsan Ullah, Sean Reilly, Michael Madden

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Auto-TLDR; Lateral Inhibition in Deep Neural Networks for Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation

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In a Convolutional Neural Network, each neuron in the output feature map takes input from the neurons in its receptive field. This receptive field concept plays a vital role in today's deep neural networks. However, inspired by neuro-biological research, it has been proposed to add inhibitory neurons outside the receptive field, which may enhance the performance of neural network models. In this paper, we begin with deep network architectures such as VGG and ResNet, and propose an approach to add lateral inhibition in each output neuron to reduce its impact on its neighbours, both in fine-tuning pre-trained models and training from scratch. Our experiments show that notable improvements upon prior baseline deep models can be achieved. A key feature of our approach is that it is easy to add to baseline models; it can be adopted in any model containing convolution layers, and we demonstrate its value in applications including object recognition and semantic segmentation of aerial images, where we show state-of-the-art result on the Aeroscape dataset. On semantic segmentation tasks, our enhancement shows 17.43% higher mIoU than a single baseline model on a single source (the Aeroscape dataset), 13.43% higher performance than an ensemble model on the same single source, and 7.03% higher than an ensemble model on multiple sources (segmentation datasets). Our experiments illustrate the potential impact of using inhibitory neurons in deep learning models, and they also show better results than the baseline models that have standard convolutional layer.

Improving Robotic Grasping on Monocular Images Via Multi-Task Learning and Positional Loss

William Prew, Toby Breckon, Magnus Bordewich, Ulrik Beierholm

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Auto-TLDR; Improving grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture with multi-task learning

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In this paper we introduce two methods of improv-ing real-time objecting grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture. The first isthe addition of an auxiliary task during model training (multi-task learning). Our multi-task CNN model improves graspingperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.14% onthe large Jacquard grasping dataset when performing a supple-mentary depth reconstruction task. The second is introducinga positional loss function that emphasises loss per pixel forsecondary parameters (gripper angle and width) only on points ofan object where a successful grasp can take place. This increasesperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.92% aswell as reducing the number of training epochs required. Thesemethods can be also performed in tandem resulting in a furtherperformance increase to 79.12%, while maintaining sufficientinference speed to enable processing at 50FPS

FatNet: A Feature-Attentive Network for 3D Point Cloud Processing

Chaitanya Kaul, Nick Pears, Suresh Manandhar

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Auto-TLDR; Feature-Attentive Neural Networks for Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation

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The application of deep learning to 3D point clouds is challenging due to its lack of order. Inspired by the point embeddings of PointNet and the edge embeddings of DGCNNs, we propose three improvements to the task of point cloud analysis. First, we introduce a novel feature-attentive neural network layer, a FAT layer, that combines both global point-based features and local edge-based features in order to generate better embeddings. Second, we find that applying the same attention mechanism across two different forms of feature map aggregation, max pooling and average pooling, gives better performance than either alone. Third, we observe that residual feature reuse in this setting propagates information more effectively between the layers, and makes the network easier to train. Our architecture achieves state-of-the-art results on the task of point cloud classification, as demonstrated on the ModelNet40 dataset, and an extremely competitive performance on the ShapeNet part segmentation challenge.

Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Jing Liu, Xiaona Zhang, Zhaoxin Li, Tianlu Mao

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision and is crucial for understanding 3D scene geometry. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based methods have improved the estimation accuracy significantly. However, existing methods fail to consider complex textures and geometries in scenes, thereby resulting in loss of local details, distorted object boundaries, and blurry reconstruction. In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network (MRPAN) to mitigate these problems.First,we propose a Multi-scale Attention Context Aggregation (MACA) module, which consists of Spatial Attention Module (SAM) and Global Attention Module (GAM). By considering the position and scale correlation of pixels from spatial and global perspectives, the proposed module can adaptively learn the similarity between pixels so as to obtain more global context information of the image and recover the complex structure in the scene. Then we proposed an improved Residual Refinement Module (RRM) to further refine the scene structure, giving rise to deeper semantic information and retain more local details. Experimental results show that our method achieves more promisin performance in object boundaries and local details compared with other state-of-the-art methods.

Delivering Meaningful Representation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Doyeon Kim, Donggyu Joo, Junmo Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Monocular Depth Estimation by Bridging the Context between Encoding and Decoding

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Monocular depth estimation plays a key role in 3D scene understanding, and a number of recent papers have achieved significant improvements using deep learning based algorithms. Most papers among them proposed methods that use a pre-trained network as a deep feature extractor and then decode the obtained features to create a depth map. In this study, we focus on how to use this encoder-decoder structure to deliver meaningful representation throughout the entire network. We propose a new network architecture with our suggested modules to create a more accurate depth map by bridging the context between the encoding and decoding phase. First, we place the pyramid block at the bottleneck of the network to enlarge the view and convey rich information about the global context to the decoder. Second, we suggest a skip connection with the fuse module to aggregate the encoder and decoder feature. Finally, we validate our approach on the NYU Depth V2 and KITTI datasets. The experimental results prove the efficacy of the suggested model and show performance gains over the state-of-the-art model.

Domain Siamese CNNs for Sparse Multispectral Disparity Estimation

David-Alexandre Beaupre, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau

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Auto-TLDR; Multispectral Disparity Estimation between Thermal and Visible Images using Deep Neural Networks

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Multispectral disparity estimation is a difficult task for many reasons: it as all the same challenges as traditional visible-visible disparity estimation (occlusions, repetitive patterns, textureless surfaces), in addition of having very few common visual information between images (e.g. color information vs. thermal information). In this paper, we propose a new CNN architecture able to do disparity estimation between images from different spectrum, namely thermal and visible in our case. Our proposed model takes two patches as input and proceeds to do domain feature extraction for each of them. Features from both domains are then merged with two fusion operations, namely correlation and concatenation. These merged vectors are then forwarded to their respective classification heads, which are responsible for classifying the inputs as being same or not. Using two merging operations gives more robustness to our feature extraction process, which leads to more precise disparity estimation. Our method was tested using the publicly available LITIV 2014 and LITIV 2018 datasets, and showed best results when compared to other state of the art methods.

SECI-GAN: Semantic and Edge Completion for Dynamic Objects Removal

Francesco Pinto, Andrea Romanoni, Matteo Matteucci, Phil Torr

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Auto-TLDR; SECI-GAN: Semantic and Edge Conditioned Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network

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Image inpainting aims at synthesizing the missing content of damaged and corrupted images to produce visually realistic restorations; typical applications are in image restoration, automatic scene editing, super-resolution, and dynamic object removal. In this paper, we propose Semantic and Edge Conditioned Inpainting Generative Adversarial Network (SECI-GAN), an architecture that jointly exploits the high-level cues extracted by semantic segmentation and the fine-grained details captured by edge extraction to condition the image inpainting process. SECI-GAN is designed with a particular focus on recovering big regions belonging to the same object (e.g. cars or pedestrians) in the context of dynamic object removal from complex street views. To demonstrate the effectiveness of SECI-GAN, we evaluate our results on the Cityscapes dataset, showing that SECI-GAN is better than competing state-of-the-art models at recovering the structure and the content of the missing parts while producing consistent predictions.

Multi-Direction Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Dehui Li, Zhiguo Cao, Ke Xian, Xinyuan Qi, Chao Zhang, Hao Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Direction Convolution for Contextual Segmentation

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Context is known to be one of crucial factors effecting the performance improvement of semantic segmentation. However, state-of-the-art segmentation models built upon fully convolutional networks are inherently weak in encoding contextual information because of stacked local operations such as convolution and pooling. Failing to capture context leads to inferior segmentation performance. Despite many context modules have been proposed to relieve this problem, they still operate in a local manner or use the same contextual information in different positions (due to upsampling). In this paper, we introduce the idea of Multi-Direction Convolution (MDC)—a novel operator capable of encoding rich contextual information. This operator is inspired by an observation that the standard convolution only slides along the spatial dimension (x, y direction) where the channel dimension (z direction) is fixed, which renders slow growth of the receptive field (RF). If considering the channel-fixed convolution to be one-direction, MDC is multi-direction in the sense that MDC slides along both spatial and channel dimensions, i.e., it slides along x, y when z is fixed, along x, z when y is fixed, and along y, z when x is fixed. In this way, MDC is able to encode rich contextual information with the fast increase of the RF. Compared to existing context modules, the encoded context is position-sensitive because no upsampling is required. MDC is also efficient and easy to implement. It can be implemented with few standard convolution layers with permutation. We show through extensive experiments that MDC effectively and selectively enlarges the RF and outperforms existing contextual modules on two standard benchmarks, including Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC2012.

Dynamic Guided Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Xiaoxia Xing, Yinghao Cai, Yiping Yang, Dayong Wen

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Auto-TLDR; DGNet: Dynamic Guidance Upsampling for Self-attention-Decoding for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Self-attention or encoder-decoder structure has been widely used in deep neural networks for monocular depth estimation tasks. The former mechanism are capable to capture long-range information by computing the representation of each position by a weighted sum of the features at all positions, while the latter networks can capture structural details information by gradually recovering the spatial information. In this work, we combine the advantages of both methods. Specifically, our proposed model, DGNet, extends EMANet Network by adding an effective decoder module to refine the depth results. In the decoder stage, we further design dynamic guidance upsampling which uses local neighboring information of low-level features guide coarser depth to upsample. In this way, dynamic guidance upsampling generates content-dependent and spatially-variant kernels for depth upsampling which makes full use of spatial details information from low-level features. Experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains higher accuracy and generates the desired depth map.

3D Semantic Labeling of Photogrammetry Meshes Based on Active Learning

Mengqi Rong, Shuhan Shen, Zhanyi Hu

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Semantic Expression of Urban Scenes Based on Active Learning

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As different urban scenes are similar but still not completely consistent, coupled with the complexity of labeling directly in 3D, high-level understanding of 3D scenes has always been a tricky problem. In this paper, we propose a procedural approach for 3D semantic expression of urban scenes based on active learning. We first start with a small labeled image set to fine-tune a semantic segmentation network and then project its probability map onto a 3D mesh model for fusion, finally outputs a 3D semantic mesh model in which each facet has a semantic label and a heat model showing each facet’s confidence. Our key observation is that our algorithm is iterative, in each iteration, we use the output semantic model as a supervision to select several valuable images for annotation to co-participate in the fine-tuning for overall improvement. In this way, we reduce the workload of labeling but not the quality of 3D semantic model. Using urban areas from two different cities, we show the potential of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness.

FastCompletion: A Cascade Network with Multiscale Group-Fused Inputs for Real-Time Depth Completion

Ang Li, Zejian Yuan, Yonggen Ling, Wanchao Chi, Shenghao Zhang, Chong Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient Depth Completion with Clustered Hourglass Networks

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Completing sparse data captured with commercial depth sensors is a vital and fundamental procedure for many computer vision applications. For execution in real-world scenarios, a good trade-off between accuracy and speed is increasingly in demand for depth completion methods. Most previous methods achieve satisfactory accuracy on standard benchmarks. However, they extensively rely on heavy models to handle diverse structures and require additional run time on multimodal data. In this paper, we present an efficient method of depth completion. We propose a grouped fusion strategy for efficiently extracting depth and guidance features in parallel and fusing them naturally in the feature spaces to achieve high performance. Instead of a monolithic architecture, we employ cascaded hourglass networks, each of which is specialized for certain structures and has a lightweight architecture. Given the sparsity of the depth maps, we downsample the inputs to multiple scales to further accelerate the computation. Our model runs at over 39 FPS on an embedded GPU with high-resolution inputs. Evaluations on the KITTI benchmark demonstrate that the proposed model is an ideal approach for real-world applications.

Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation with Extremely Light-Weight Neural Network

Mian Jhong Chiu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Hua-Tsung Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Light-Weight Depth Prediction for Obstacle Avoidance and Environment Sensing with Deep Learning-based CNN

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Obstacle avoidance and environment sensing are crucial applications in autonomous driving and robotics. Among all types of sensors, RGB camera is widely used in these applications as it can offer rich visual contents with relatively low-cost, and using a single image to perform depth estimation has become one of the main focuses in resent research works. However, prior works usually rely on highly complicated computation and power-consuming GPU to achieve such task; therefore, we focus on developing a real-time light-weight system for depth prediction in this paper. Based on the well-known encoder-decoder architecture, we propose a supervised learning-based CNN with detachable decoders that produce depth predictions with different scales. We also formulate a novel log-depth loss function that computes the difference of predicted depth map and ground truth depth map in log space, so as to increase the prediction accuracy for nearby locations. To train our model efficiently, we generate depth map and semantic segmentation with complex teacher models. Via a series of ablation studies and experiments, it is validated that our model can efficiently performs real-time depth prediction with only 0.32M parameters, with the best trained model outperforms previous works on KITTI dataset for various evaluation matrices.

DmifNet:3D Shape Reconstruction Based on Dynamic Multi-Branch Information Fusion

Lei Li, Suping Wu

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Auto-TLDR; DmifNet: Dynamic Multi-branch Information Fusion Network for 3D Shape Reconstruction from a Single-View Image

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3D object reconstruction from a single-view image is a long-standing challenging problem. Previous works are difficult to accurately reconstruct 3D shapes with a complex topology which has rich details at the edges and corners. Moreover, previous works use synthetic data to train their network, but domain adaptation problems occurred when testing on real data. In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Multi-branch Information Fusion Network (DmifNet) which can recover a high-fidelity 3D shape of arbitrary topology from a 2D image. Specifically, we design several side branches from the intermediate layers to make the network produce more diverse representations to improve the generalization ability of network. In addition, we utilize DoG (Difference of Gaussians) to extract edge geometry and corners information from input images. Then, we use a separate side branch network to process the extracted data to better capture edge geometry and corners feature information. Finally, we dynamically fuse the information of all branches to gain final predicted probability. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments on a large-scale publicly available dataset demonstrate the validity and efficiency of our method. Code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/leilimaster/DmifNet.

DEN: Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion

You-Feng Wu, Vu-Hoang Tran, Ting-Wei Chang, Wei-Chen Chiu, Ching-Chun Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion

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In this paper, we tackle the depth completion problem. Conventional depth sensors usually produce incomplete depth maps due to the property of surface reflection, especially for the window areas, metal surfaces, and object boundaries. However, we observe that the corresponding RGB images are still dense and preserve all of the useful structural information. This brings us to the question of whether we can borrow this structural information from RGB images to inpaint the corresponding incomplete depth maps. In this paper, we answer that question by proposing a Disentangling and Exchanging Network (DEN) for depth completion. The network is designed based on an assumption that after suitable feature disentanglement, RGB images and depth maps share a common domain for representing structural information. So we firstly disentangle both RGB and depth images into domain-invariant content parts, which contain structural information, and domain-specific style parts. Then, by exchanging the complete structural information extracted from RGB image with incomplete information extracted from depth map, we can generate the complete version of depth map. Furthermore, to address the mixed-depth problem, a newly proposed depth representation is applied. By modeling depth estimation as a classification problem coupled with coefficient estimation, blurry edges are enhanced in the depth map. At last, we have implemented ablation experiments to verify the effectiveness of our proposed DEN model. The results also demonstrate the superiority of DEN over some state-of-the-art approaches.

BP-Net: Deep Learning-Based Superpixel Segmentation for RGB-D Image

Bin Zhang, Xuejing Kang, Anlong Ming

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Learning-based Superpixel Segmentation Algorithm for RGB-D Image

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based superpixel segmentation algorithm for RGB-D image. The proposed deep neural network called BP-net is composed of boundary detection network (B-net) that exploits multiscale information from the depth image to extract the geometry edges of objects, and pixel labeling network (P-net) that extracts pixel features and generates superpixel. A boundary pass filter is proposed to combines the edge information and pixel features and ensures superpixel adheres better to geometry edge. To generate regular superpixel, we design a loss function which takes the shape regularity error and superpixel accuracy into account. In addition, for providing reasonable initial seeds, a new seeds initialization strategy is proposed, in which the density of seeds is investigated from a 2-manifolds space to reduce the number of superpixels that cover multiple objects in the region of richness texture. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the existing state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy and shape regularity on the RGB-D dataset.

Planar 3D Transfer Learning for End to End Unimodal MRI Unbalanced Data Segmentation

Martin Kolarik, Radim Burget, Carlos M. Travieso-Gonzalez, Jan Kocica

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Auto-TLDR; Planar 3D Res-U-Net Network for Unbalanced 3D Image Segmentation using Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recover

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We present a novel approach of 2D to 3D transfer learning based on mapping pre-trained 2D convolutional neural network weights into planar 3D kernels. The method is validated by proposed planar 3D res-u-net network with encoder transferred from the 2D VGG-16 which is applied for a single-stage unbalanced 3D image data segmentation. In particular, we evaluate the method on the MICCAI 2016 MS lesion segmentation challenge dataset utilizing solely Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recover (FLAIR) sequence without brain extraction for training and inference to simulate real medical praxis. The planar 3D res-u-net network performed the best both in sensitivity and Dice score amongst end to end methods processing raw MRI scans and achieved comparable Dice score to a state-of-the-art unimodal not end to end approach. Complete source code was released under the open-source license and this paper is in compliance with the Machine learning Reproducibility Checklist. By implementing practical transfer learning for 3D data representation we were able to successfully segment heavily unbalanced data without selective sampling and achieved more reliable results using less training data in single modality. From medical perspective, the unimodal approach gives an advantage in real praxis as it does not require co-registration nor additional scanning time during examination. Although modern medical imaging methods capture high resolution 3D anatomy scans suitable for computer aided detection system processing, deployment of automatic systems for interpretation of radiology imaging is still rather theoretical in many medical areas. Our work aims to bridge the gap offering solution for partial research questions.

Incorporating Depth Information into Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Yifei Zhang, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; RDNet: A Deep Neural Network for Few-shot Segmentation Using Depth Information

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Few-shot segmentation presents a significant challenge for semantic scene understanding under limited supervision. Namely, this task targets at generalizing the segmentation ability of the model to new categories given a few samples. In order to obtain complete scene information, we extend the RGB-centric methods to take advantage of complementary depth information. In this paper, we propose a two-stream deep neural network based on metric learning. Our method, known as RDNet, learns class-specific prototype representations within RGB and depth embedding spaces, respectively. The learned prototypes provide effective semantic guidance on the corresponding RGB and depth query image, leading to more accurate performance. Moreover, we build a novel outdoor scene dataset, known as Cityscapes-3i, using labeled RGB images and depth images from the Cityscapes dataset. We also perform ablation studies to explore the effective use of depth information in few-shot segmentation tasks. Experiments on Cityscapes-3i show that our method achieves promising results with visual and complementary geometric cues from only a few labeled examples.

Directional Graph Networks with Hard Weight Assignments

Miguel Dominguez, Raymond Ptucha

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Auto-TLDR; Hard Directional Graph Networks for Point Cloud Analysis

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Point cloud analysis is an important field for 3D scene understanding. It has applications in self driving cars and robotics (via LIDAR sensors), 3D graphics, and computer-aided design. Neural networks have recently achieved strong results on point cloud analysis problems such as classification and segmentation. Each point cloud network has the challenge of defining a convolution that can learn useful features on unstructured points. Some recent point cloud convolutions create separate weight matrices for separate directions like a CNN, but apply every weight matrix to every neighbor with soft assignments. This increases computational complexity and makes relatively small neighborhood aggregations expensive to compute. We propose Hard Directional Graph Networks (HDGN), a point cloud model that both learns directional weight matrices and assigns a single matrix to each neighbor, achieving directional convolutions at lower computational cost. HDGN's directional modeling achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple point cloud vision benchmarks.

Extending Single Beam Lidar to Full Resolution by Fusing with Single Image Depth Estimation

Yawen Lu, Yuxing Wang, Devarth Parikh, Guoyu Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised LIDAR for Low-Cost Depth Estimation

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Depth estimation is playing an important role in indoor and outdoor scene understanding, autonomous driving, augmented reality and many other tasks. Vehicles and robotics are able to use active illumination sensors such as LIDAR to receive high precision depth estimation. However, high-resolution Lidars are usually too expensive, which limits its massive production on various applications. Though single beam LIDAR enjoys the benefits of low cost, one beam depth sensing is not usually sufficient to perceive the surrounding environment in many scenarios. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework to explore to replicate similar or even higher performance as costly LIDARs with our designed self-supervised network and a low-cost single-beam LIDAR. After the accurate calibration with a visible camera, the single beam LIDAR can adjust the scale uncertainty of the depth map estimated by the visible camera. The adjusted depth map enjoys the benefits of high resolution and sensing accuracy as high beam LIDAR and maintains low-cost as single beam LIDAR. Thus we can achieve similar sensing effect of high beam LIDAR with more than a 50-100 times cheaper price (e.g., \$80000 Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR v.s. \$1000 SICK TIM-781 2D LIDAR and normal camera). The proposed approach is verified on our collected dataset and public dataset with superior depth-sensing performance.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

A GAN-Based Blind Inpainting Method for Masonry Wall Images

Yahya Ibrahim, Balázs Nagy, Csaba Benedek

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Auto-TLDR; An End-to-End Blind Inpainting Algorithm for Masonry Wall Images

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In this paper we introduce a novel end-to-end blind inpainting algorithm for masonry wall images, performing the automatic detection and virtual completion of occluded or damaged wall regions. For this purpose, we propose a three-stage deep neural network that comprises a U-Net-based sub-network for wall segmentation into brick, mortar and occluded regions, which is followed by a two-stage adversarial inpainting model. The first adversarial network predicts the schematic mortar-brick pattern of the occluded areas based on the observed wall structure, providing in itself valuable structural information for archeological and architectural applications. Finally, the second adversarial network predicts the RGB pixel values yielding a realistic visual experience for the observer. While the three stages implement a sequential pipeline, they interact through dependencies of their loss functions admitting the consideration of hidden feature dependencies between the different network components. For training and testing the network a new dataset has been created, and an extensive qualitative and quantitative evaluation versus the state-of-the-art is given.

Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Structural Elements related to the Spinal Cord in the Lumbar Region by Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Jhon Jairo Sáenz Gamboa, Maria De La Iglesia-Vaya, Jon Ander Gómez

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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This work addresses the problem of automatically segmenting the MR images corresponding to the lumbar spine. The purpose is to detect and delimit the different structural elements like vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. This task is known as semantic segmentation. The approach proposed in this work is based on convolutional neural networks whose output is a mask where each pixel from the input image is classified into one of the possible classes. Classes were defined by radiologists and correspond to structural elements and tissues. The proposed network architectures are variants of the U-Net. Several complementary blocks were used to define the variants: spatial attention models, deep supervision and multi-kernels at input, this last block type is based on the idea of inception. Those architectures which got the best results are described in this paper, and their results are discussed. Two of the proposed architectures outperform the standard U-Net used as baseline.

Semantic Object Segmentation in Cultural Sites Using Real and Synthetic Data

Francesco Ragusa, Daniele Di Mauro, Alfio Palermo, Antonino Furnari, Giovanni Maria Farinella

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Synthetic Data for Object Segmentation in Cultural Sites

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We consider the problem of object segmentation in cultural sites. Since collecting and labeling large datasets of real images is challenging, we investigate whether the use of synthetic images can be useful to achieve good segmentation performance on real data. To perform the study, we collected a new dataset comprising both real and synthetic images of 24 artworks in a cultural site. The synthetic images have been automatically generated from the 3D model of the considered cultural site using a tool developed for that purpose. Real and synthetic images have been labeled for the task of semantic segmentation of artworks. We compare three different approaches to perform object segmentation exploiting real and synthetic data. The experimental results point out that the use of synthetic data helps to improve the performances of segmentation algorithms when tested on real images. Satisfactory performance is achieved exploiting semantic segmentation together with image-to-image translation and including a small amount of real data during training. To encourage research on the topic, we publicly release the proposed dataset at the following url: https://iplab.dmi.unict.it/EGO-CH-OBJ-SEG/.

Light3DPose: Real-Time Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

Alessio Elmi, Davide Mazzini, Pietro Tortella

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Pose Estimation of Multiple People from a Few calibrated Camera Views using Deep Learning

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We present an approach to perform 3D pose estimation of multiple people from a few calibrated camera views. Our architecture, leveraging the recently proposed unprojection layer, aggregates feature-maps from a 2D pose estimator backbone into a comprehensive representation of the 3D scene. Such intermediate representation is then elaborated by a fully-convolutional volumetric network and a decoding stage to extract 3D skeletons with sub-voxel accuracy. Our method achieves state of the art MPJPE on the CMU Panoptic dataset using a few unseen views and obtains competitive results even with a single input view. We also assess the transfer learning capabilities of the model by testing it against the publicly available Shelf dataset obtaining good performance metrics. The proposed method is inherently efficient: as a pure bottom-up approach, it is computationally independent of the number of people in the scene. Furthermore, even though the computational burden of the 2D part scales linearly with the number of input views, the overall architecture is able to exploit a very lightweight 2D backbone which is orders of magnitude faster than the volumetric counterpart, resulting in fast inference time. The system can run at 6 FPS, processing up to 10 camera views on a single 1080Ti GPU.

Partially Supervised Multi-Task Network for Single-View Dietary Assessment

Ya Lu, Thomai Stathopoulou, Stavroula Mougiakakou

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Auto-TLDR; Food Volume Estimation from a Single Food Image via Geometric Understanding and Semantic Prediction

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Food volume estimation is an essential step in the pipeline of dietary assessment and demands the precise depth estimation of the food surface and table plane. Existing methods based on computer vision require either multi-image input or additional depth maps, reducing convenience of implementation and practical significance. Despite the recent advances in unsupervised depth estimation from a single image, the achieved performance in the case of large texture-less areas needs to be improved. In this paper, we propose a network architecture that jointly performs geometric understanding (i.e., depth prediction and 3D plane estimation) and semantic prediction on a single food image, enabling a robust and accurate food volume estimation regardless of the texture characteristics of the target plane. For the training of the network, only monocular videos with semantic ground truth are required, while the depth map and 3D plane ground truth are no longer needed. Experimental results on two separate food image databases demonstrate that our method performs robustly on texture-less scenarios and is superior to unsupervised networks and structure from motion based approaches, while it achieves comparable performance to fully-supervised methods.

Multiple Document Datasets Pre-Training Improves Text Line Detection with Deep Neural Networks

Mélodie Boillet, Christopher Kermorvant, Thierry Paquet

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Auto-TLDR; A fully convolutional network for document layout analysis

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In this paper, we introduce a fully convolutional network for the document layout analysis task. While state-of-the-art methods are using models pre-trained on natural scene images, our method relies on a U-shaped model trained from scratch for detecting objects from historical documents. We consider the line segmentation task and more generally the layout analysis problem as a pixel-wise classification task then our model outputs a pixel-labeling of the input images. We show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on various datasets and also demonstrate that the pre-trained parts on natural scene images are not required to reach good results. In addition, we show that pre-training on multiple document datasets can improve the performances. We evaluate the models using various metrics to have a fair and complete comparison between the methods.

Walk the Lines: Object Contour Tracing CNN for Contour Completion of Ships

André Peter Kelm, Udo Zölzer

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Auto-TLDR; Walk the Lines: A Convolutional Neural Network trained to follow object contours

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We develop a new contour tracing algorithm to enhance the results of the latest object contour detectors. The goal is to achieve a perfectly closed, single-pixel wide and detailed object contour, since this type of contour could be analyzed using methods such as Fourier descriptors. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are rarely used for contour tracing, and we see great potential in using their capabilities for this task. Therefore we present the Walk the Lines (WtL) algorithm: A standard regression CNN trained to follow object contours. As initial step, we train the CNN only on ship contours, but the principle is applicable to other objects. Input data are the image and the associated object contour prediction of the recently published RefineContourNet (RCN). The WtL gets the center pixel coordinates, which defines an input section, plus an angle for rotating this section. Ideally, the center pixel moves on the contour, while the angle describes upcoming directional contour changes. The WtL predicts its steps pixelwise in a selfrouting way. To obtain a complete object contour the WtL runs in parallel at different image locations and the traces of its individual paths are summed. In contrast to the comparable Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) method, our approach produces connected contours with finer details. Finally, the object contour is binarized under the condition of being closed. In case all procedures work as desired, excellent ship segmentations with high IoUs are produced, showing details such as antennas and ship superstructures that are easily omitted by other segmentation methods.

A Fine-Grained Dataset and Its Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Unstructured Driving Scenarios

Kai Andreas Metzger, Peter Mortimer, Hans J "Joe" Wuensche

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Auto-TLDR; TAS500: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments

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Research in autonomous driving for unstructured environments suffers from a lack of semantically labeled datasets compared to its urban counterpart. Urban and unstructured outdoor environments are challenging due to the varying lighting and weather conditions during a day and across seasons. In this paper, we introduce TAS500, a novel semantic segmentation dataset for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. TAS500 offers fine-grained vegetation and terrain classes to learn drivable surfaces and natural obstacles in outdoor scenes effectively. We evaluate the performance of modern semantic segmentation models with an additional focus on their efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of fine-grained semantic classes to improve the overall prediction accuracy, especially along the class boundaries. The dataset, code, and pretrained model are available online.

Polarimetric Image Augmentation

Marc Blanchon, Fabrice Meriaudeau, Olivier Morel, Ralph Seulin, Desire Sidibe

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Auto-TLDR; Polarimetric Augmentation for Deep Learning in Robotics Applications

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This paper deals with new augmentation methods for an unconventional imaging modality sensitive to the physics of the observed scene called polarimetry. In nature, polarized light is obtained by reflection or scattering. Robotics applications in urban environments are subject to many obstacles that can be specular and therefore provide polarized light. These areas are prone to segmentation errors using standard modalities but could be solved using information carried by the polarized light. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have shown excellent segmentation results, but require a significant amount of data to achieve best performances. The lack of data is usually overcomed by using augmentation methods. However, unlike RGB images, polarization images are not only scalar (intensity) images and standard augmentation techniques cannot be applied straightforwardly. We propose enhancing deep learning models through a regularized augmentation procedure applied to polarimetric data in order to characterize scenes more effectively under challenging conditions. We subsequently observe an average of 18.1% improvement in IoU between not augmented and regularized training procedures on real world data.

RescueNet: Joint Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery

Rohit Gupta, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; RescueNet: End-to-End Building Segmentation and Damage Classification for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response

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Accurate and fine-grained information about the extent of damage to buildings is essential for directing Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) operations in the immediate aftermath of any natural calamity. In recent years, satellite and UAV (drone) imagery has been used for this purpose, sometimes aided by computer vision algorithms. Existing Computer Vision approaches for building damage assessment typically rely on a two stage approach, consisting of building detection using an object detection model, followed by damage assessment through classification of the detected building tiles. These multi-stage methods are not end-to-end trainable, and suffer from poor overall results. We propose RescueNet, a unified model that can simultaneously segment buildings and assess the damage levels to individual buildings and can be trained end-to end. In order to to model the composite nature of this problem, we propose a novel localization aware loss function, which consists of a Binary Cross Entropy loss for building segmentation, and a foreground only selective Categorical Cross-Entropy loss for damage classification, and show significant improvement over the widely used Cross-Entropy loss. RescueNet is tested on the large scale and diverse xBD dataset and achieves significantly better building segmentation and damage classification performance than previous methods and achieves generalization across varied geographical regions and disaster types.

IPT: A Dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking in Closed Domains

Thomas Heitzinger, Martin Kampel

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Auto-TLDR; Identity Preserved Tracking Using Depth Data for Privacy and Privacy

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We present a public dataset for Identity Preserved Tracking (IPT) consisting of sequences of depth data recorded using an Orbbec Astra depth sensor. The dataset features sequences in ten different locations with a high amount of background variation and is designed to be applicable to a wide range of tasks. Its labeling is versatile, allowing for tracking in either 3d space or image coordinates. Next to frame-by-frame 3d and inferred bounding box labeling we provide supplementary annotation of camera poses and room layouts, split in multiple semantically distinct categories. Intended use-cases are applications where both a high level understanding of scene understanding and privacy are central points of consideration, such as active and assisted living (AAL), security and industrial safety. Compared to similar public datasets IPT distinguishes itself with its sequential data format, 3d instance labeling and room layout annotation. We present baseline object detection results in image coordinates using a YOLOv3 network architecture and implement a background model suitable for online tracking applications to increase detection accuracy. Additionally we propose a novel volumetric non-maximum suppression (V-NMS) approach, taking advantage of known room geometry. Last we provide baseline person tracking results utilizing Multiple Object Tracking Challenge (MOTChallenge) evaluation metrics of the CVPR19 benchmark.

Semantic Segmentation Refinement Using Entropy and Boundary-guided Monte Carlo Sampling and Directed Regional Search

Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Ruojing Wang, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Directed Region Search and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation requires both large receptive field and accurate spatial information. Despite existing methods based on fully convolutional network have greatly improved the accuracy, the prediction results still do not show satisfactory on small objects and boundary regions. We propose a refinement algorithm to improve the result generated by front network. Our method takes a modified U-shape network to generate both of segmentation mask and semantic boundary, which are used as inputs of refinement algorithm. We creatively introduce information entropy to represent the confidence of the neural network's prediction corresponding to each pixel. The information entropy combined with the semantic boundary can capture those unpredictable pixels with low-confidence through Monte Carlo sampling. Each selected pixel will be used as initial seeds for directed region search and refinement. Our purpose is to search the neighbor high-confidence regions according to the initial seeds. The re-labeling approach is based on high-confidence results. Particularly, different from general region growing methods, our method adopts a directed region search strategy based on gradient descent to find the high-confidence region effectively. Our method improves the performance both on Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC datasets. In the evaluation of segmentation accuracy of some small objects, our method surpasses most of state of the art methods.

MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-Depth Features

Hangtao Feng, Lu Zhang, Xu Yang, Zhiyong Liu

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Auto-TLDR; MixedFusion: Combining Color and Point Clouds for 6D Pose Estimation

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Estimating the 6D pose of objects is an important process for intelligent systems to achieve interaction with the real-world. As the RGB-D sensors become more accessible, the fusion-based methods have prevailed, since the point clouds provide complementary geometric information with RGB values. However, Due to the difference in feature space between color image and depth image, the network structures that directly perform point-to-point matching fusion do not effectively fuse the features of the two. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective approach, named MixedFusion. Different from the prior works, we argue that the spatial correspondence of color and point clouds could be decoupled and reconnected, thus enabling a more flexible fusion scheme. By performing the proposed method, more informative points can be mixed and fused with rich color features. Extensive experiments are conducted on the challenging LineMod and YCB-Video datasets, show that our method significantly boosts the performance without introducing extra overheads. Furthermore, when the minimum tolerance of metric narrows, the proposed approach performs better for the high-precision demands.

Revisiting Sequence-To-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task Loss and Skip-Memory

Fatemeh Azimi, Benjamin Bischke, Sebastian Palacio, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is an active research area of the visual domain. One of its fundamental sub-tasks is semi-supervised / one-shot learning: given only the segmentation mask for the first frame, the task is to provide pixel-accurate masks for the object over the rest of the sequence. Despite much progress in the last years, we noticed that many of the existing approaches lose objects in longer sequences, especially when the object is small or briefly occluded. In this work, we build upon a sequence-to-sequence approach that employs an encoder-decoder architecture together with a memory module for exploiting the sequential data. We further improve this approach by proposing a model that manipulates multi-scale spatio-temporal information using memory-equipped skip connections. Furthermore, we incorporate an auxiliary task based on distance classification which greatly enhances the quality of edges in segmentation masks. We compare our approach to the state of the art and show considerable improvement in the contour accuracy metric and the overall segmentation accuracy.

Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Techniques for Spectrum Reconstruction

Adriano Simonetto, Vincent Parret, Alexander Gatto, Piergiorgio Sartor, Pietro Zanuttigh

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Auto-TLDR; hyperspectral data estimation from RGB data using semi-supervised learning

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State-of-the-art approaches for the estimation of hyperspectral images (HSI) from RGB data are mostly based on deep learning techniques but due to the lack of training data their performances are limited to uncommon scenarios where a large hyperspectral database is available. In this work we present a family of novel deep learning schemes for hyperspectral data estimation able to work when the hyperspectral information at our disposal is limited. Firstly, we introduce a learning scheme exploiting a physical model based on the backward mapping to the RGB space and total variation regularization that can be trained with a limited amount of HSI images. Then, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning scheme able to work even with just a few pixels labeled with hyperspectral information. Finally, we show that the approach can be extended to a transfer learning scenario. The proposed techniques allow to reach impressive performances while requiring only some HSI images or just a few pixels for the training.

Yolo+FPN: 2D and 3D Fused Object Detection with an RGB-D Camera

Ya Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Yolo+FPN: Combining 2D and 3D Object Detection for Real-Time Object Detection

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In this paper we propose a new deep neural network system, called Yolo+FPN, which fuses both 2D and 3D object detection algorithms to achieve better real-time object detection results and faster inference speed, to be used on real robots. Finding an optimized fusion strategy to efficiently combine 3D object detection with 2D detection information is useful and challenging for both indoor and outdoor robots. In order to satisfy real-time requirements, a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency is needed. We not only have improved training and test accuracies and lower mean losses on the KITTI object detection benchmark, but also achieve better average precision on 3D detection of all classes in three levels of difficulty. Also, we implemented Yolo+FPN system using an RGB-D camera, and compared the speed of 2D and 3D object detection using different GPUs. For the real implementation of both indoor and outdoor scenes, we focus on person detection, which is the most challenging and important among the three classes.

Multiscale Attention-Based Prototypical Network for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Yifei Zhang, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; Few-shot Semantic Segmentation with Multiscale Feature Attention

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Deep learning-based image understanding techniques require a large number of labeled images for training. Few-shot semantic segmentation, on the contrary, aims at generalizing the segmentation ability of the model to new categories given only a few labeled samples. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel prototypical network (MAPnet) with multiscale feature attention. To fully exploit the representative features of target classes, we firstly extract rich contextual information of labeled support images via a multiscale feature enhancement module. The learned prototypes from support features provide further semantic guidance on the query image. Then we adaptively integrate multiple similarity-guided probability maps by attention mechanism, yielding an optimal pixel-wise prediction. Furthermore, the proposed method was validated on the PASCAL-5i dataset in terms of 1-way N-shot evaluation. We also test the model with weak annotations, including scribble and bounding box annotations. Both the qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the advantages of our approach over other state-of-the-art methods.

Triplet-Path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images

Jiaqi Luo, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Limei Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Triplet-path Network for One-Stage Object Detection and Segmentation in Pathological Images

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Deep learning has been widely applied in the field of medical image processing. However, compared with flourishing visual tasks in natural images, the progress achieved in pathological images is not remarkable, and detection and segmentation, which are among basic tasks of computer vision, are regarded as two independent tasks. In this paper, we make full use of existing datasets and construct a triplet-path network using dilated convolutions to cooperatively accomplish one-stage object detection and nuclei segmentation for general pathological images. First, in order to meet the requirement of detection and segmentation, a novel structure called triplet feature generation (TFG) is designed to extract high-resolution and multiscale features, where features from different layers can be properly integrated. Second, considering that pathological datasets are usually small, a location-aware and partially truncated loss function is proposed to improve the classification accuracy of datasets with few images and widely varying targets. We compare the performance of both object detection and instance segmentation with state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network on two datasets collected from multiple organs.

Joint Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Real World Challenges

Antonio Alliegro, Davide Boscaini, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervision for 3D Shape Classification and Segmentation in Point Clouds

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Point cloud processing and 3D shape understanding are very challenging tasks for which deep learning techniques have demonstrated great potentials. Still further progresses are essential to allow artificial intelligent agents to interact with the real world. In many practical conditions the amount of annotated data may be limited and integrating new sources of knowledge becomes crucial to support autonomous learning. Here we consider several scenarios involving synthetic and real world point clouds where supervised learning fails due to data scarcity and large domain gaps. We propose to enrich standard feature representations by leveraging self-supervision through a multi-task model that can solve a 3D puzzle while learning the main task of shape classification or part segmentation. An extensive analysis investigating few-shot, transfer learning and cross-domain settings shows the effectiveness of our approach with state-of-the-art results for 3D shape classification and part segmentation.

Progressive Scene Segmentation Based on Self-Attention Mechanism

Yunyi Pan, Yuan Gan, Kun Liu, Yan Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Two-Stage Semantic Scene Segmentation with Self-Attention

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Semantic scene segmentation is vital for a large variety of applications as it enables understanding of 3D data. Nowadays, various approaches based upon point clouds ignore the mathematical distribution of points and treat the points equally. The methods following this direction neglect the imbalance problem of samples that naturally exists in scenes. To avoid these issues, we propose a two-stage semantic scene segmentation framework based on self-attention mechanism and achieved state-of-the-art performance on 3D scene understanding tasks. We split the whole task into two small ones which efficiently relief the sample imbalance issue. In addition, we have designed a new self-attention block which could be inserted into submanifold convolution networks to model the long-range dependencies that exists among points. The proposed network consists of an encoder and a decoder, with the spatial-wise and channel-wise attention modules inserted. The two-stage network shares a U-Net architecture and is an end-to-end trainable framework which could predict the semantic label for the scene point clouds fed into it. Experiments on standard benchmarks of 3D scenes implies that our network could perform at par or better than the existing state-of-the-art methods.

P2D: A Self-Supervised Method for Depth Estimation from Polarimetry

Marc Blanchon, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Ralph Seulin, Daniel Braun, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; Polarimetric Regularization for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a recurring subject in the field of computer vision. Its ability to describe scenes via a depth map while reducing the constraints related to the formulation of perspective geometry tends to favor its use. However, despite the constant improvement of algorithms, most methods exploit only colorimetric information. Consequently, robustness to events to which the modality is not sensitive to, like specularity or transparency, is neglected. In response to this phenomenon, we propose using polarimetry as an input for a self-supervised monodepth network. Therefore, we propose exploiting polarization cues to encourage accurate reconstruction of scenes. Furthermore, we include a term of polarimetric regularization to state-of-the-art method to take specific advantage of the data. Our method is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrating that the contribution of this new information as well as an enhanced loss function improves depth estimation results, especially for specular areas.

Surface IR Reflectance Estimation and Material Recognition Using ToF Camera

Seokyeong Lee, Seungkyu Lee

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Auto-TLDR; Material Type Recognition Using IR Reflectance Based Material Type Recognitions

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Recently, various material recognition methods have been introduced that use a single color or light field camera. In prior methods, color and texture information of an object are used as key features. However, there exists fundamental limitation in using color features for material recognition in that material type can be characterized better by surface reflectance, visual appearance rather than its color and textures. In this work, we propose IR surface reflectance based material type recognition method. We use off-the-shelf ToF camera to estimate the IR reflectance of arbitrary surface. Material type recognition is performed on both color and surface IR reflectance features. Several network structures including gradual convolutional neural network are proposed and verified for our material recognition within our own 3D data sets.