Extending Single Beam Lidar to Full Resolution by Fusing with Single Image Depth Estimation

Yawen Lu, Yuxing Wang, Devarth Parikh, Guoyu Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised LIDAR for Low-Cost Depth Estimation


Depth estimation is playing an important role in indoor and outdoor scene understanding, autonomous driving, augmented reality and many other tasks. Vehicles and robotics are able to use active illumination sensors such as LIDAR to receive high precision depth estimation. However, high-resolution Lidars are usually too expensive, which limits its massive production on various applications. Though single beam LIDAR enjoys the benefits of low cost, one beam depth sensing is not usually sufficient to perceive the surrounding environment in many scenarios. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework to explore to replicate similar or even higher performance as costly LIDARs with our designed self-supervised network and a low-cost single-beam LIDAR. After the accurate calibration with a visible camera, the single beam LIDAR can adjust the scale uncertainty of the depth map estimated by the visible camera. The adjusted depth map enjoys the benefits of high resolution and sensing accuracy as high beam LIDAR and maintains low-cost as single beam LIDAR. Thus we can achieve similar sensing effect of high beam LIDAR with more than a 50-100 times cheaper price (e.g., \$80000 Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR v.s. \$1000 SICK TIM-781 2D LIDAR and normal camera). The proposed approach is verified on our collected dataset and public dataset with superior depth-sensing performance.

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Mian Jhong Chiu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Hua-Tsung Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Light-Weight Depth Prediction for Obstacle Avoidance and Environment Sensing with Deep Learning-based CNN

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Obstacle avoidance and environment sensing are crucial applications in autonomous driving and robotics. Among all types of sensors, RGB camera is widely used in these applications as it can offer rich visual contents with relatively low-cost, and using a single image to perform depth estimation has become one of the main focuses in resent research works. However, prior works usually rely on highly complicated computation and power-consuming GPU to achieve such task; therefore, we focus on developing a real-time light-weight system for depth prediction in this paper. Based on the well-known encoder-decoder architecture, we propose a supervised learning-based CNN with detachable decoders that produce depth predictions with different scales. We also formulate a novel log-depth loss function that computes the difference of predicted depth map and ground truth depth map in log space, so as to increase the prediction accuracy for nearby locations. To train our model efficiently, we generate depth map and semantic segmentation with complex teacher models. Via a series of ablation studies and experiments, it is validated that our model can efficiently performs real-time depth prediction with only 0.32M parameters, with the best trained model outperforms previous works on KITTI dataset for various evaluation matrices.

NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera Auto-Calibration Based on Deep Learning

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Calibration of LiDAR and Cameras using Deep Neural Network

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A fusion of LiDAR and cameras have been widely used in many robotics applications such as classification, segmentation, object detection, and autonomous driving. It is essential that the LiDAR sensor can measure distances accurately, which is a good complement to the cameras. Hence, calibrating sensors before deployment is a mandatory step. The conventional methods include checkerboards, specific patterns, or human labeling, which is trivial and human-labor extensive if we do the same calibration process every time. The main propose of this research work is to build a deep neural network that is capable of automatically finding the geometric transformation between LiDAR and cameras. The results show that our model manages to find the transformations from randomly sampled artificial errors. Besides, our work is open-sourced for the community to fully utilize the advances of the methodology for developing more the approach, initiating collaboration, and innovation in the topic.

P2D: A Self-Supervised Method for Depth Estimation from Polarimetry

Marc Blanchon, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Ralph Seulin, Daniel Braun, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; Polarimetric Regularization for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a recurring subject in the field of computer vision. Its ability to describe scenes via a depth map while reducing the constraints related to the formulation of perspective geometry tends to favor its use. However, despite the constant improvement of algorithms, most methods exploit only colorimetric information. Consequently, robustness to events to which the modality is not sensitive to, like specularity or transparency, is neglected. In response to this phenomenon, we propose using polarimetry as an input for a self-supervised monodepth network. Therefore, we propose exploiting polarization cues to encourage accurate reconstruction of scenes. Furthermore, we include a term of polarimetric regularization to state-of-the-art method to take specific advantage of the data. Our method is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrating that the contribution of this new information as well as an enhanced loss function improves depth estimation results, especially for specular areas.

Delivering Meaningful Representation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Doyeon Kim, Donggyu Joo, Junmo Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Monocular Depth Estimation by Bridging the Context between Encoding and Decoding

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Partially Supervised Multi-Task Network for Single-View Dietary Assessment

Ya Lu, Thomai Stathopoulou, Stavroula Mougiakakou

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Auto-TLDR; Food Volume Estimation from a Single Food Image via Geometric Understanding and Semantic Prediction

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Food volume estimation is an essential step in the pipeline of dietary assessment and demands the precise depth estimation of the food surface and table plane. Existing methods based on computer vision require either multi-image input or additional depth maps, reducing convenience of implementation and practical significance. Despite the recent advances in unsupervised depth estimation from a single image, the achieved performance in the case of large texture-less areas needs to be improved. In this paper, we propose a network architecture that jointly performs geometric understanding (i.e., depth prediction and 3D plane estimation) and semantic prediction on a single food image, enabling a robust and accurate food volume estimation regardless of the texture characteristics of the target plane. For the training of the network, only monocular videos with semantic ground truth are required, while the depth map and 3D plane ground truth are no longer needed. Experimental results on two separate food image databases demonstrate that our method performs robustly on texture-less scenarios and is superior to unsupervised networks and structure from motion based approaches, while it achieves comparable performance to fully-supervised methods.

Two-Stage Adaptive Object Scene Flow Using Hybrid CNN-CRF Model

Congcong Li, Haoyu Ma, Qingmin Liao

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive object scene flow estimation using a hybrid CNN-CRF model and adaptive iteration

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Scene flow estimation based on stereo sequences is a comprehensive task relevant to disparity and optical flow. Some existing methods are time-consuming and often fail in the presence of reflective surfaces. In this paper, we propose a two-stage adaptive object scene flow estimation method using a hybrid CNN-CRF model (ACOSF), which benefits from high-quality features and the structured modelling capability. Meanwhile, in order to balance the computational efficiency and accuracy, we employ adaptive iteration for energy function optimization, which is flexible and efficient for various scenes. Besides, we utilize high-quality pixel selection to reduce the computation time with only a slight decrease in accuracy. Our method achieves competitive results with the state-of-the-art, which ranks second on the challenging KITTI 2015 scene flow benchmark.

Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Jing Liu, Xiaona Zhang, Zhaoxin Li, Tianlu Mao

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision and is crucial for understanding 3D scene geometry. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based methods have improved the estimation accuracy significantly. However, existing methods fail to consider complex textures and geometries in scenes, thereby resulting in loss of local details, distorted object boundaries, and blurry reconstruction. In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network (MRPAN) to mitigate these problems.First,we propose a Multi-scale Attention Context Aggregation (MACA) module, which consists of Spatial Attention Module (SAM) and Global Attention Module (GAM). By considering the position and scale correlation of pixels from spatial and global perspectives, the proposed module can adaptively learn the similarity between pixels so as to obtain more global context information of the image and recover the complex structure in the scene. Then we proposed an improved Residual Refinement Module (RRM) to further refine the scene structure, giving rise to deeper semantic information and retain more local details. Experimental results show that our method achieves more promisin performance in object boundaries and local details compared with other state-of-the-art methods.

Movement-Induced Priors for Deep Stereo

Yuxin Hou, Muhammad Kamran Janjua, Juho Kannala, Arno Solin

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Auto-TLDR; Fusing Stereo Disparity Estimation with Movement-induced Prior Information

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We propose a method for fusing stereo disparity estimation with movement-induced prior information. Instead of independent inference frame-by-frame, we formulate the problem as a non-parametric learning task in terms of a temporal Gaussian process prior with a movement-driven kernel for inter-frame reasoning. We present a hierarchy of three Gaussian process kernels depending on the availability of motion information, where our main focus is on a new gyroscope-driven kernel for handheld devices with low-quality MEMS sensors, thus also relaxing the requirement of having full 6D camera poses available. We show how our method can be combined with two state-of-the-art deep stereo methods. The method either work in a plug-and-play fashion with pre-trained deep stereo networks, or further improved by jointly training the kernels together with encoder--decoder architectures, leading to consistent improvement.

Leveraging a Weakly Adversarial Paradigm for Joint Learning of Disparity and Confidence Estimation

Matteo Poggi, Fabio Tosi, Filippo Aleotti, Stefano Mattoccia

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Training of Deep-Networks for Outlier Detection from Stereo Images

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Deep architectures represent the state-of-the-art for perceiving depth from stereo images. Although these methods are highly accurate, it is crucial to effectively detect any outlier through confidence measures since a wrong perception of even small portions of the sensed scene might lead to catastrophic consequences, for instance, in autonomous driving. Purposely, state-of-the-art confidence estimation methods rely on deep-networks as well. In this paper, arguing that these tasks are two sides of the same coin, we propose a novel paradigm for their joint training. Specifically, inspired by the successful deployment of GANs in other fields, we design two deep architectures: a generator for disparity estimation and a discriminator for distinguishing correct assignments from outliers. The two networks are jointly trained in a new peculiar weakly adversarial manner pushing the former to fix the errors detected by the discriminator while keeping the correct prediction unchanged. Experimental results on standard stereo datasets prove that such joint training paradigm yields significant improvements. Moreover, an additional outcome of our proposal is the ability to detect outliers with better accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art.

Edge-Aware Monocular Dense Depth Estimation with Morphology

Zhi Li, Xiaoyang Zhu, Haitao Yu, Qi Zhang, Yongshi Jiang

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Auto-TLDR; Spatio-Temporally Smooth Dense Depth Maps Using Only a CPU

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Dense depth maps play an important role in Computer Vision and AR (Augmented Reality). For CV applications, a dense depth map is the cornerstone of 3D reconstruction allowing real objects to be precisely displayed in the computer. And Dense depth maps can handle correct occlusion relationships between virtual content and real objects for better user experience in AR. However, the complicated computation limits the development of computing dense depth maps. We present a novel algorithm that produces low latency, spatio-temporally smooth dense depth maps using only a CPU. The depth maps exhibit sharp discontinuities at depth edges in low computational complexity ways. Our algorithm obtains the sparse SLAM reconstruction first, then extracts coarse depth edges from a down-sampled RGB image by morphology operations. Next, we thin the depth edges and align them with image edges. Finally, a Warm-Start initialization scheme and an improved optimization solver are adopted to accelerate convergence. We evaluate our proposal quantitatively and the result shows improvements on the accuracy of depth map with respect to other state-of-the-art and baseline techniques.

Ordinal Depth Classification Using Region-Based Self-Attention

Minh Hieu Phan, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum

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Auto-TLDR; Region-based Self-Attention for Multi-scale Depth Estimation from a Single 2D Image

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Depth estimation from a single 2D image has been widely applied in 3D understanding, 3D modelling and robotics. It is challenging as reliable cues (e.g. stereo correspondences and motions) are not available. Most of the modern approaches exploited multi-scale feature extraction to provide more powerful representations for deep networks. However, these studies have not focused on how to effectively fuse the learned multi-scale features. This paper proposes a novel region-based self-attention (rSA) module. The rSA recalibrates the multi-scale responses by explicitly modelling the interdependency between channels in separate image regions. We discretize continuous depths to solve an ordinal depth classification in which the relative order between categories is significant. We contribute a dataset of 4410 RGB-D images, captured in outdoor environments at the University of Wollongong's campus. In our experimental results, the proposed module improves the lightweight models on small-sized datasets by 22% - 40%

A Two-Step Approach to Lidar-Camera Calibration

Yingna Su, Yaqing Ding, Jian Yang, Hui Kong

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Auto-TLDR; Closed-Form Calibration of Lidar-camera System for Ego-motion Estimation and Scene Understanding

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Autonomous vehicles and robots are typically equipped with Lidar and camera. Hence, calibrating the Lidar-camera system is of extreme importance for ego-motion estimation and scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach (coarse + fine) for the external calibration between a camera and a multiple-line Lidar. First, a new closed-form solution is proposed to obtain the initial calibration parameters. We compare our solution with the state-of-the-art SVD-based algorithm, and show the benefits of both the efficiency and stability. With the initial calibration parameters, the ICP-based calibration framework is used to register the point clouds which extracted from the camera and Lidar coordinate frames, respectively. Our method has been applied to two Lidar-camera systems: an HDL-64E Lidar-camera system, and a VLP-16 Lidar-camera system. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves promising performance and higher accuracy than two open-source methods.

Hybrid Approach for 3D Head Reconstruction: Using Neural Networks and Visual Geometry

Oussema Bouafif, Bogdan Khomutenko, Mohammed Daoudi

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Auto-TLDR; Recovering 3D Head Geometry from a Single Image using Deep Learning and Geometric Techniques

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Recovering the 3D geometric structure of a face from a single input image is a challenging active research area in computer vision. In this paper, we present a novel method for reconstructing 3D heads from a single or multiple image(s) using a hybrid approach based on deep learning and geometric techniques. We propose an encoder-decoder network based on the U-net architecture and trained on synthetic data only. It predicts both pixel-wise normal vectors and landmarks maps from a single input photo. Landmarks are used for the pose computation and the initialization of the optimization problem, which, in turn, reconstructs the 3D head geometry by using a parametric morphable model and normal vector fields. State-of-the-art results are achieved through qualitative and quantitative evaluation tests on both single and multi-view settings. Despite the fact that the model was trained only on synthetic data, it successfully recovers 3D geometry and precise poses for real-world images.

Towards Efficient 3D Point Cloud Scene Completion Via Novel Depth View Synthesis

Haiyan Wang, Liang Yang, Xuejian Rong, Ying-Li Tian

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Point Cloud Completion with Depth View Synthesis and Depth View synthesis

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3D point cloud completion has been a long-standing challenge at scale, and corresponding per-point supervised training strategies suffered from the cumbersome annotations. 2D supervision has recently emerged as a promising alternative for 3D tasks, but specific approaches for 3D point cloud completion still remain to be explored. To overcome these limitations, we propose an end-to-end method that directly lifts a single depth map to a completed point cloud. With one depth map as input, a multi-way novel depth view synthesis network (NDVNet) is designed to infer coarsely completed depth maps under various viewpoints. Meanwhile, a geometric depth perspective rendering module is introduced to utilize the raw input depth map to generate a re-projected depth map for each view. Therefore, the two parallelly generated depth maps for each view are further concatenated and refined by a depth completion network (DCNet). The final completed point cloud is fused from all refined depth views. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach composed of aforementioned components, to produce high-quality state-of-the-art results on the popular SUNCG benchmark.

RISEdb: A Novel Indoor Localization Dataset

Carlos Sanchez Belenguer, Erik Wolfart, Álvaro Casado Coscollá, Vitor Sequeira

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Auto-TLDR; Indoor Localization Using LiDAR SLAM and Smartphones: A Benchmarking Dataset

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In this paper we introduce a novel public dataset for developing and benchmarking indoor localization systems. We have selected and 3D mapped a set of representative indoor environments including a large office building, a conference room, a workshop, an exhibition area and a restaurant. Our acquisition pipeline is based on a portable LiDAR SLAM backpack to map the buildings and to accurately track the pose of the user as it moves freely inside them. We introduce the calibration procedures that enable us to acquire and geo-reference live data coming from different independent sensors rigidly attached to the backpack. This has allowed us to collect long sequences of spherical and stereo images, together with all the sensor readings coming from a consumer smartphone and locate them inside the map with centimetre accuracy. The dataset addresses many of the limitations of existing indoor localization datasets regarding the scale and diversity of the mapped buildings; the number of acquired sequences under varying conditions; the accuracy of the ground-truth trajectory; the availability of a detailed 3D model and the availability of different sensor types. It enables the benchmarking of existing and the development of new indoor localization approaches, in particular for deep learning based systems that require large amounts of labeled training data.

Learning Stereo Matchability in Disparity Regression Networks

Jingyang Zhang, Yao Yao, Zixin Luo, Shiwei Li, Tianwei Shen, Tian Fang, Long Quan

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Stereo Matchability for Weakly Matchable Regions

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Learning-based stereo matching has recently achieved promising results, yet still suffers difficulties in establishing reliable matches in weakly matchable regions that are textureless, non-Lambertian, or occluded. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing a stereo matching network that considers pixel-wise matchability. Specifically, the network jointly regresses disparity and matchability maps from 3D probability volume through expectation and entropy operations. Next, a learned attenuation is applied as the robust loss function to alleviate the influence of weakly matchable pixels in the training. Finally, a matchability-aware disparity refinement is introduced to improve the depth inference in weakly matchable regions. The proposed deep stereo matchability (DSM) framework can improve the matching result or accelerate the computation while still guaranteeing the quality. Moreover, the DSM framework is portable to many recent stereo networks. Extensive experiments are conducted on Scene Flow and KITTI stereo datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework over the state-of-the-art learning-based stereo methods.

DEN: Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion

You-Feng Wu, Vu-Hoang Tran, Ting-Wei Chang, Wei-Chen Chiu, Ching-Chun Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Disentangling and Exchanging Network for Depth Completion

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In this paper, we tackle the depth completion problem. Conventional depth sensors usually produce incomplete depth maps due to the property of surface reflection, especially for the window areas, metal surfaces, and object boundaries. However, we observe that the corresponding RGB images are still dense and preserve all of the useful structural information. This brings us to the question of whether we can borrow this structural information from RGB images to inpaint the corresponding incomplete depth maps. In this paper, we answer that question by proposing a Disentangling and Exchanging Network (DEN) for depth completion. The network is designed based on an assumption that after suitable feature disentanglement, RGB images and depth maps share a common domain for representing structural information. So we firstly disentangle both RGB and depth images into domain-invariant content parts, which contain structural information, and domain-specific style parts. Then, by exchanging the complete structural information extracted from RGB image with incomplete information extracted from depth map, we can generate the complete version of depth map. Furthermore, to address the mixed-depth problem, a newly proposed depth representation is applied. By modeling depth estimation as a classification problem coupled with coefficient estimation, blurry edges are enhanced in the depth map. At last, we have implemented ablation experiments to verify the effectiveness of our proposed DEN model. The results also demonstrate the superiority of DEN over some state-of-the-art approaches.

Enhancing Depth Quality of Stereo Vision Using Deep Learning-Based Prior Information of the Driving Environment

Weifu Li, Vijay John, Seiichi Mita

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Auto-TLDR; A Novel Post-processing Mathematical Framework for Stereo Vision

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Generation of high density depth values of the driving environment is indispensable for autonomous driving. Stereo vision is one of the practical and effective methods to generate these depth values. However, the accuracy of the stereo vision is limited by texture-less regions, such as sky and road areas, and repeated patterns in the image. To overcome these problems, we propose to enhance the stereo generated depth by incorporating prior information of the driving environment. Prior information, generated by deep learning-based U-Net model, is utilized in a novel post-processing mathematical framework to refine the stereo generated depth. The proposed mathematical framework is formulated as an optimization problem, which refines the errors due to texture-less regions and repeated patterns. Owing to its mathematical formulation, the post-processing framework is not a black-box and is explainable, and can be readily utilized for depth maps generated by any stereo vision algorithm. The proposed framework is qualitatively validated on the acquired dataset and KITTI dataset. The results obtained show that the proposed framework improves the stereo depth generation accuracy

Benchmarking Cameras for OpenVSLAM Indoors

Kevin Chappellet, Guillaume Caron, Fumio Kanehiro, Ken Sakurada, Abderrahmane Kheddar

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Auto-TLDR; OpenVSLAM: Benchmarking Camera Types for Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

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In this paper we benchmark different types of cameras and evaluate their performance in terms of reliable localization reliability and precision in Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAM). Such benchmarking is merely found for visual odometry, but never for vSLAM. Existing studies usually compare several algorithms for a given camera. %This work is the first to handle the dual of the latter, i.e. comparing several cameras for a given SLAM algorithm. The evaluation methodology we propose is applied to the recent OpenVSLAM framework. The latter is versatile enough to natively deal with perspective, fisheye, 360 cameras in a monocular or stereoscopic setup, an in RGB or RGB-D modalities. Results in various sequences containing light variation and scenery modifications in the scene assess quantitatively the maximum localization rate for 360 vision. In the contrary, RGB-D vision shows the lowest localization rate, but highest precision when localization is possible. Stereo-fisheye trades-off with localization rates and precision between 360 vision and RGB-D vision. The dataset with ground truth will be made available in open access to allow evaluating other/future vSLAM algorithms with respect to these camera types.

Deeply-Fused Attentive Network for Stereo Matching

Zuliu Yang, Xindong Ai, Weida Yang, Yong Zhao, Qifei Dai, Fuchi Li

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Auto-TLDR; DF-Net: Deep Learning-based Network for Stereo Matching

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In this paper, we propose a novel learning-based network for stereo matching called DF-Net, which makes three main contributions that are experimentally shown to have practical merit. Firstly, we further increase the accuracy by using the deeply fused spatial pyramid pooling (DF-SPP) module, which can acquire the continuous multi-scale context information in both parallel and cascade manners. Secondly, we introduce channel attention block to dynamically boost the informative features. Finally, we propose a stacked encoder-decoder structure with 3D attention gate for cost regularization. More precisely, the module fuses the coding features to their next encoder-decoder structure under the supervision of attention gate with long-range skip connection, and thus exploit deep and hierarchical context information for disparity prediction. The performance on SceneFlow and KITTI datasets shows that our model is able to generate better results against several state-of-the-art algorithms.

5D Light Field Synthesis from a Monocular Video

Kyuho Bae, Andre Ivan, Hajime Nagahara, In Kyu Park

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Auto-TLDR; Synthesis of Light Field Video from Monocular Video using Deep Learning

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Commercially available light field cameras have difficulty in capturing 5D (4D + time) light field videos. They can only capture still light filed images or are excessively expensive for normal users to capture the light field video. To tackle this problem, we propose a deep learning-based method for synthesizing a light field video from a monocular video. We propose a new synthetic light field video dataset that renders photorealistic scenes using Unreal Engine because no light field video dataset is available. The proposed deep learning framework synthesizes the light field video with a full set (9x9) of sub-aperture images from a normal monocular video. The proposed network consists of three sub-networks, namely, feature extraction, 5D light field video synthesis, and temporal consistency refinement. Experimental results show that our model can successfully synthesize the light field video for synthetic and real scenes and outperforms the previous frame-by-frame method quantitatively and qualitatively.

Dynamic Guided Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Xiaoxia Xing, Yinghao Cai, Yiping Yang, Dayong Wen

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Auto-TLDR; DGNet: Dynamic Guidance Upsampling for Self-attention-Decoding for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Self-attention or encoder-decoder structure has been widely used in deep neural networks for monocular depth estimation tasks. The former mechanism are capable to capture long-range information by computing the representation of each position by a weighted sum of the features at all positions, while the latter networks can capture structural details information by gradually recovering the spatial information. In this work, we combine the advantages of both methods. Specifically, our proposed model, DGNet, extends EMANet Network by adding an effective decoder module to refine the depth results. In the decoder stage, we further design dynamic guidance upsampling which uses local neighboring information of low-level features guide coarser depth to upsample. In this way, dynamic guidance upsampling generates content-dependent and spatially-variant kernels for depth upsampling which makes full use of spatial details information from low-level features. Experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains higher accuracy and generates the desired depth map.

FC-DCNN: A Densely Connected Neural Network for Stereo Estimation

Dominik Hirner, Friedrich Fraundorfer

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Auto-TLDR; FC-DCNN: A Lightweight Network for Stereo Estimation

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We propose a novel lightweight network for stereo estimation. Our network consists of a fully-convolutional densely connected neural network (FC-DCNN) that computes matching costs between rectified image pairs. Our FC-DCNN method learns expressive features and performs some simple but effective post-processing steps. The densely connected layer structure connects the output of each layer to the input of each subsequent layer. This network structure in addition to getting rid of any fully-connected layers leads to a very lightweight network. The output of this network is used in order to calculate matching costs and create a cost-volume. Instead of using time and memory-inefficient cost-aggregation methods such as semi-global matching or conditional random fields in order to improve the result, we rely on filtering techniques, namely median filter and guided filter. By computing a left-right consistency check we get rid of inconsistent values. Afterwards we use a watershed foreground-background segmentation on the disparity image with removed inconsistencies. This mask is then used to refine the final prediction. We show that our method works well for both challenging indoor and outdoor scenes by evaluating it on the Middlebury, KITTI and ETH3D benchmarks respectively.

Cost Volume Refinement for Depth Prediction

João L. Cardoso, Nuno Goncalves, Michael Wimmer

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Auto-TLDR; Refining the Cost Volume for Depth Prediction from Light Field Cameras

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Light-field cameras are becoming more popular in the consumer market. Their data redundancy allows, in theory, to accurately refocus images after acquisition and to predict the depth of each point visible from the camera. Combined, these two features allow for the generation of full-focus images, which is impossible in traditional cameras. Multiple methods for depth prediction from light fields (or stereo) have been proposed over the years. A large subset of these methods relies on cost-volume estimates -- 3D objects where each layer represents a heuristic of whether each point in the image is at a certain distance from the camera. Generally, this volume is used to regress a disparity map, which is then refined for better results. In this paper, we argue that refining the cost volumes is superior to refining the disparity maps in order to further increase the accuracy of depth predictions. We propose a set of cost-volume refinement algorithms and show their effectiveness.

Temporal Pulses Driven Spiking Neural Network for Time and Power Efficient Object Recognition in Autonomous Driving

Wei Wang, Shibo Zhou, Jingxi Li, Xiaohua Li, Junsong Yuan, Zhanpeng Jin

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Auto-TLDR; Spiking Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition on Temporal LiDAR Pulses

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Accurate real-time object recognition from sensory data has long been a crucial and challenging task for autonomous driving. Even though deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in this area, their considerable processing latency, power consumption as well as computational complexity have been challenging issues for real-time autonomous driving applications. In this paper, we propose an approach to address the real-time object recognition problem utilizing spiking neural networks (SNNs). The proposed SNN model works directly with raw temporal LiDAR pulses without the pulse-to-point cloud preprocessing procedure, which can significantly reduce delay and power consumption. Being evaluated on various datasets derived from LiDAR and dynamic vision sensor (DVS), including Sim LiDAR, KITTI, and DVS-barrel, our proposed model has shown remarkable time and power efficiency, while achieving comparable recognition performance as the state-of-the-art methods. This paper highlights the SNN's great potentials in autonomous driving and related applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use SNN to directly perform time and energy efficient object recognition on temporal LiDAR pulses in the setting of autonomous driving.

Derivation of Geometrically and Semantically Annotated UAV Datasets at Large Scales from 3D City Models

Sidi Wu, Lukas Liebel, Marco Körner

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Auto-TLDR; Large-Scale Dataset of Synthetic UAV Imagery for Geometric and Semantic Annotation

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While in high demand for the development of deep learning approaches, extensive datasets of annotated UAV imagery are still scarce today. Manual annotation, however, is time-consuming and, thus, has limited the potential for creating large-scale datasets. We tackle this challenge by presenting a procedure for the automatic creation of simulated UAV image sequences in urban areas and pixel-level annotations from publicly available data sources. We synthesize photo-realistic UAV imagery from Goole Earth Studio and derive annotations from an open CityGML model that not only provides geometric but also semantic information. The first dataset we exemplarily created using our approach contains 144000 images of Berlin, Germany, with four types of annotations, namely semantic labels as well as depth, surface normals, and edge maps. In the future, a complete pipeline regarding all the technical problems will be provided, together with more accurate models to refine some of the empirical settings currently, to automatically generate a large-scale dataset with reliable ground-truth annotations over the whole city of Berlin. The dataset, as well as the source code, will be published by then. Different methods will also be facilitated to test the usability of the dataset. We believe our dataset can be used for, and not limited to, tasks like pose estimation, geo-localization, monocular depth estimation, edge detection, building/surface classification, and plane segmentation. A potential research pipeline for geo-localization based on the synthetic dataset is provided.

Calibration and Absolute Pose Estimation of Trinocular Linear Camera Array for Smart City Applications

Martin Ahrnbom, Mikael Nilsson, Håkan Ardö, Kalle Åström, Oksana Yastremska-Kravchenko, Aliaksei Laureshyn

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Auto-TLDR; Trinocular Linear Camera Array Calibration for Traffic Surveillance Applications

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A method for calibrating a Trinocular Linear Camera Array (TLCA) for traffic surveillance applications, such as towards smart cities, is presented. A TLCA-specific parametrization guarantees that the calibration finds a model where all the cameras are on a straight line. The method uses both a chequerboard close to the camera, as well as measured 3D points far from the camera: points measured in world coordinates, as well as their corresponding 2D points found manually in the images. Superior calibration accuracy can be obtained compared to standard methods using only a single data source, largely due to the use of chequerboards, while the line constraint in the parametrization allows for joint rectification. The improved triangulation accuracy, from 8-12 cm to around 6 cm when calibrating with 30-50 points in our experiment, allowing better road user analysis. The method is demonstrated by a proof-of-concept application where a point cloud is generated from multiple disparity maps, visualizing road user detections in 3D.

Fast and Efficient Neural Network for Light Field Disparity Estimation

Dizhi Ma, Andrew Lumsdaine

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Efficient Light Field Disparity Estimation Using Deep Neural Networks

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As with many imaging tasks, disparity estimation for light fields seems to be well-matched to machine learning approaches. Neural network-based methods can achieve an overall bad pixel rate as low as four percent on the 4D light field benchmark dataset,continued effort to improve accuracy is resulting in diminishing returns. On the other hand, due to the growing importance of mobile and embedded devices, improving the efficiency is emerging as an important problem. In this paper, we improve the efficiency of existing neural net approaches for light field disparity estimation by introducing efficient network blocks, pruning redundant sections of the network and downsampling the resolution of feature vector. To improve performance, we also propose densely sampled epipolar image plane volumes as input. Experiment results show that our approach can achieve similar results compared with state-of-the-art methods while using only one-tenth runtime.

Suppressing Features That Contain Disparity Edge for Stereo Matching

Xindong Ai, Zuliu Yang, Weida Yang, Yong Zhao, Zhengzhong Yu, Fuchi Li

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Auto-TLDR; SDE-Attention: A Novel Attention Mechanism for Stereo Matching

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Existing networks for stereo matching usually use 2-D CNN as the feature extractor. However, objects are usually continuous in spatial, if an extracted feature contains disparity edge (the representation of this feature on original image contains disparity edge), then this feature usually not occur inside the region of an object. We propose a novel attention mechanism to suppress features containing disparity edge, named SDE-Attention (SDEA). We notice that features containing disparity edge are usually continuous in one image and discontinuous in another, which means that they usually have a greater difference in two feature maps of the same layer than features that don’t contain disparity edge. SDEA calculate the weight matrix of the intermediate feature map according to this trait, then the weight matrix is multiplied to the intermediate feature map. We test SDEA on PSMNet, experimental results show that our method has a significant improvement in accuracy and our network achieves state-of-the-art performance among the published networks.

Novel View Synthesis from a 6-DoF Pose by Two-Stage Networks

Xiang Guo, Bo Li, Yuchao Dai, Tongxin Zhang, Hui Deng

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Auto-TLDR; Novel View Synthesis from a 6-DoF Pose Using Generative Adversarial Network

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Novel view synthesis is a challenging problem in 3D vision and robotics. Different from the existing works, which need the reference images or 3D model, we propose a novel paradigm to this problem. That is, we synthesize the novel view from a 6-DoF pose directly. Although this setting is the most straightforward way, there are few works addressing it. While, our experiments demonstrate that, with a concise CNN, we could get a meaningful parametric model which could reconstruct the correct scenery images only from the 6-DoF pose. To this end, we propose a two-stage learning strategy, which consists of two consecutive CNNs: GenNet and RefineNet. The GenNet generates a coarse image from a camera pose. The RefineNet is a generative adversarial network that could refine the coarse image. In this way, we decouple the geometric relationship mapping and texture detail rendering. Extensive experiments conducted on the public datasets prove the effectiveness of our method. We believe this paradigm is of high research and application value and could be an important direction in novel view synthesis. We will share our code after the acceptance of this work.

FastCompletion: A Cascade Network with Multiscale Group-Fused Inputs for Real-Time Depth Completion

Ang Li, Zejian Yuan, Yonggen Ling, Wanchao Chi, Shenghao Zhang, Chong Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient Depth Completion with Clustered Hourglass Networks

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Completing sparse data captured with commercial depth sensors is a vital and fundamental procedure for many computer vision applications. For execution in real-world scenarios, a good trade-off between accuracy and speed is increasingly in demand for depth completion methods. Most previous methods achieve satisfactory accuracy on standard benchmarks. However, they extensively rely on heavy models to handle diverse structures and require additional run time on multimodal data. In this paper, we present an efficient method of depth completion. We propose a grouped fusion strategy for efficiently extracting depth and guidance features in parallel and fusing them naturally in the feature spaces to achieve high performance. Instead of a monolithic architecture, we employ cascaded hourglass networks, each of which is specialized for certain structures and has a lightweight architecture. Given the sparsity of the depth maps, we downsample the inputs to multiple scales to further accelerate the computation. Our model runs at over 39 FPS on an embedded GPU with high-resolution inputs. Evaluations on the KITTI benchmark demonstrate that the proposed model is an ideal approach for real-world applications.

HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimastion from RGB and LiDAR

Michael Fürst, Shriya T.P. Gupta, René Schuster, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Human Pose Estimation Using RGB and LiDAR Using Weakly-Supervised Approach

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In-the-wild human pose estimation has a huge potential for various fields, ranging from animation and action recognition to intention recognition and prediction for autonomous driving. The current state-of-the-art is focused only on RGB and RGB-D approaches for predicting the 3D human pose. However, not using precise LiDAR depth information limits the performance and leads to very inaccurate absolute pose estimation. With LiDAR sensors becoming more affordable and common on robots and autonomous vehicle setups, we propose an end-to-end architecture using RGB and LiDAR to predict the absolute 3D human pose with unprecedented precision. Additionally, we introduce a weakly-supervised approach to generate 3D predictions using 2D pose annotations from PedX. This allows for many new opportunities in the field of 3D human pose estimation.

Attention Based Coupled Framework for Road and Pothole Segmentation

Shaik Masihullah, Ritu Garg, Prerana Mukherjee, Anupama Ray

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Auto-TLDR; Few Shot Learning for Road and Pothole Segmentation on KITTI and IDD

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In this paper, we propose a novel attention based coupled framework for road and pothole segmentation. In many developing countries as well as in rural areas, the drivable areas are neither well-defined, nor well-maintained. Under such circumstances, an Advance Driver Assistant System (ADAS) is needed to assess the drivable area and alert about the potholes ahead to ensure vehicle safety. Moreover, this information can also be used in structured environments for assessment and maintenance of road health. We demonstrate few shot learning approach for pothole detection to leverage accuracy even with fewer training samples. We report the exhaustive experimental results for road segmentation on KITTI and IDD datasets. We also present pothole segmentation on IDD.

Learning Non-Rigid Surface Reconstruction from Spatio-Temporal Image Patches

Matteo Pedone, Abdelrahman Mostafa, Janne Heikkilä

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Auto-TLDR; Dense Spatio-Temporal Depth Maps of Deformable Objects from Video Sequences

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We present a method to reconstruct a dense spatio-temporal depth map of a non-rigidly deformable object directly from a video sequence. The estimation of depth is performed locally on spatio-temporal patches of the video, and then the full depth video of the entire shape is recovered by combining them together. Since the geometric complexity of a local spatio-temporal patch of a deforming non-rigid object is often simple enough to be faithfully represented with a parametric model, we artificially generate a database of small deforming rectangular meshes rendered with different material properties and light conditions, along with their corresponding depth videos, and use such data to train a convolutional neural network. We tested our method on both synthetic and Kinect data and experimentally observed that the reconstruction error is significantly lower than the one obtained using other approaches like conventional non-rigid structure from motion.

Learning to Segment Dynamic Objects Using SLAM Outliers

Dupont Romain, Mohamed Tamaazousti, Hervé Le Borgne

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Segmentation of Dynamic Objects Using SLAM Outliers Using Consensus Inversion

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We present a method to automatically learn to segment dynamic objects using SLAM outliers. It requires only one monocular sequence per dynamic object for training and consists in localizing dynamic objects using SLAM outliers, creating their masks, and using these masks to train a semantic segmentation network. We integrate the trained network in ORB-SLAM 2 and LDSO. At runtime we remove features on dynamic objects, making the SLAM unaffected by them. We also propose a new stereo dataset and new metrics to evaluate SLAM robustness. Our dataset includes consensus inversions, i.e., situations where the SLAM uses more features on dynamic objects that on the static background. Consensus inversions are challenging for SLAM as they may cause major SLAM failures. Our approach performs better than the State-of-the-Art on the TUM RGB-D dataset in monocular mode and on our dataset in both monocular and stereo modes.

RefiNet: 3D Human Pose Refinement with Depth Maps

Andrea D'Eusanio, Stefano Pini, Guido Borghi, Roberto Vezzani, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; RefiNet: A Multi-stage Framework for 3D Human Pose Estimation

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Human Pose Estimation is a fundamental task for many applications in the Computer Vision community and it has been widely investigated in the 2D domain, i.e. intensity images. Therefore, most of the available methods for this task are mainly based on 2D Convolutional Neural Networks and huge manually-annotated RGB datasets, achieving stunning results. In this paper, we propose RefiNet, a multi-stage framework that regresses an extremely-precise 3D human pose estimation from a given 2D pose and a depth map. The framework consists of three different modules, each one specialized in a particular refinement and data representation, i.e. depth patches, 3D skeleton and point clouds. Moreover, we collect a new dataset, namely Baracca, acquired with RGB, depth and thermal cameras and specifically created for the automotive context. Experimental results confirm the quality of the refinement procedure that largely improves the human pose estimations of off-the-shelf 2D methods.

Future Urban Scenes Generation through Vehicles Synthesis

Alessandro Simoni, Luca Bergamini, Andrea Palazzi, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting the Future of an Urban Scene with a Novel View Synthesis Paradigm

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In this work we propose a deep learning pipeline to predict the visual future appearance of an urban scene. Despite recent advances, generating the entire scene in an end-to-end fashion is still far from being achieved. Instead, here we follow a two stages approach, where interpretable information is included in the loop and each actor is modelled independently. We leverage a per-object novel view synthesis paradigm; i.e. generating a synthetic representation of an object undergoing a geometrical roto-translation in the 3D space. Our model can be easily conditioned with constraints (e.g. input trajectories) provided by state-of-the-art tracking methods or by the user itself. This allows us to generate a set of diverse realistic futures starting from the same input in a multi-modal fashion. We visually and quantitatively show the superiority of this approach over traditional end-to-end scene-generation methods on CityFlow, a challenging real world dataset.

Better Prior Knowledge Improves Human-Pose-Based Extrinsic Camera Calibration

Olivier Moliner, Sangxia Huang, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Human-pose-based Extrinsic Calibration for Multi-Camera Systems

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Accurate extrinsic calibration of wide baseline multi-camera systems enables better understanding of 3D scenes for many applications and is of great practical importance. Classical Structure-from-Motion calibration methods require special calibration equipment so that accurate point correspondences can be detected between different views. In addition, an operator with some training is usually needed to ensure that data is collected in a way that leads to good calibration accuracy. This limits the ease of adoption of such technologies. Recently, methods have been proposed to use human pose estimation models to establish point correspondences, thus removing the need for any special equipment. The challenge with this approach is that human pose estimation algorithms typically produce much less accurate feature points compared to classical patch-based methods. Another problem is that ambient human motion might not be optimal for calibration. We build upon prior works and introduce several novel ideas to improve the accuracy of human-pose-based extrinsic calibration. Our first contribution is a robust reprojection loss based on a better understanding of the sources of pose estimation error. Our second contribution is a 3D human pose likelihood model learned from motion capture data. We demonstrate significant improvements in calibration accuracy by evaluating our method on four publicly available datasets.

MixedFusion: 6D Object Pose Estimation from Decoupled RGB-Depth Features

Hangtao Feng, Lu Zhang, Xu Yang, Zhiyong Liu

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Auto-TLDR; MixedFusion: Combining Color and Point Clouds for 6D Pose Estimation

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Estimating the 6D pose of objects is an important process for intelligent systems to achieve interaction with the real-world. As the RGB-D sensors become more accessible, the fusion-based methods have prevailed, since the point clouds provide complementary geometric information with RGB values. However, Due to the difference in feature space between color image and depth image, the network structures that directly perform point-to-point matching fusion do not effectively fuse the features of the two. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective approach, named MixedFusion. Different from the prior works, we argue that the spatial correspondence of color and point clouds could be decoupled and reconnected, thus enabling a more flexible fusion scheme. By performing the proposed method, more informative points can be mixed and fused with rich color features. Extensive experiments are conducted on the challenging LineMod and YCB-Video datasets, show that our method significantly boosts the performance without introducing extra overheads. Furthermore, when the minimum tolerance of metric narrows, the proposed approach performs better for the high-precision demands.

Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark

Kai Cordes, Hellward Broszio

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Auto-TLDR; A Benchmark for Automated Cooperative Maneuvering Using Multi-view Video Streams and Ground Truth Vehicle Description

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Automated driving is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. In this context, connected vehicles have an important role regarding their ability to perform cooperative maneuvers for challenging traffic situations. We propose a benchmark for automated cooperative maneuvers. The targeted cooperative maneuver is the vehicle lane merge where a vehicle on the acceleration lane merges into the traffic of a motorway. The benchmark enables the evaluation of vehicle localization approaches as well as the study of cooperative maneuvers. It consists of temporally synchronized multi-view video streams, highly accurate camera calibration, and ground truth vehicle descriptions, including position, heading, speed, and shape. For benchmark generation, the lane merge maneuver is performed by human drivers on a test track, resulting in 120 lane merge data sets with various traffic situations and video recording conditions.

Attention Stereo Matching Network

Doudou Zhang, Jing Cai, Yanbing Xue, Zan Gao, Hua Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; ASM-Net: Attention Stereo Matching with Disparity Refinement

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Despite great progress, previous stereo matching algorithms still lack the ability to match textureless regions and slender structure areas. To tackle this problem, we propose ASM-Net, an attention stereo matching network. Attention module and disparity refinement module are constructed in the ASMNet. The attention module can improve correlation information between two images by channels and spatial attention.The feature-guided disparity refinement module learns more geometry information in different feature levels to refine the coarse prediction resolution constantly. The proposed approach was evaluated on several benchmark datasets. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves competitive results on KITTI and Scene-Flow datasets while running in real-time at 14ms.

Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation

Runsheng Xu, Faezeh Tafazzoli, Li Zhang, Timo Rehfeld, Gunther Krehl, Arunava Seal

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Auto-TLDR; Fused Multi-Sensory Data for Stop Lines Detection in Intersection Scenarios

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Intersection scenarios provide the most complex traffic situations in Autonomous Driving and Driving Assistance Systems. Knowing where to stop in advance in an intersection is an essential parameter in controlling the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle. Most of the existing methods in literature solely use cameras to detect stop lines, which is typically not sufficient in terms of detection range. To address this issue, we propose a method that takes advantage of fused multi-sensory data including stereo camera and lidar as input and utilizes a carefully designed convolutional neural network architecture to detect stop lines. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can improve detection range compared to camera data alone, works under heavy occlusion without observing the ground markings explicitly, is able to predict stop lines for all lanes and allows detection at a distance up to 50 meters.

Feature Point Matching in Cross-Spectral Images with Cycle Consistency Learning

Ryosuke Furuta, Naoaki Noguchi, Xueting Wang, Toshihiko Yamasaki

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Learning for General Feature Point Matching in Cross-Spectral Settings

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Feature point matching is an important problem because its applications cover a wide range of tasks in computer vision. Deep learning-based methods for learning local features have recently shown superior performance. However, it is not easy to collect the training data in these methods, especially in cross-spectral settings such as the correspondence between RGB and near-infrared images. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised learning method for general feature point matching. Because we train a convolutional neural network as a feature extractor in order to satisfy the cycle consistency of the correspondences between an input image pair, the proposed method does not require supervision and works even in cross-spectral settings. In our experiments, we apply the proposed method to stereo matching, which is a dense feature point matching problem. The experimental results, which simulate cross-spectral settings with three different settings, i.e., RGB stereo, RGB vs gray-scale, and anaglyph (red vs cyan), show that our proposed method outperforms the compared methods, which employ handcrafted features for stereo matching, by a significant margin.

Orthographic Projection Linear Regression for Single Image 3D Human Pose Estimation

Yahui Zhang, Shaodi You, Theo Gevers

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Neural Network for 3D Human Pose Estimation from a Single 2D Image in the Wild

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3D human pose estimation from a single 2D image in the wild is an important computer vision task but yet extremely challenging. Unlike images taken from indoor and well constrained environments, 2D outdoor images in the wild are extremely complex because of varying imaging conditions. Furthermore, 2D images usually do not have corresponding 3D pose ground truth making a supervised approach ill constrained. Therefore, in this paper, we propose to associate the 3D human pose, the 2D human pose projection and the 2D image appearance through a new orthographic projection based linear regression module. Unlike existing reprojection based approaches, our orthographic projection and regression do not suffer from small angle problems, which usually lead to overfitting in the depth dimension. Hence, we propose a deep neural network which adopts the 2D pose, 3D pose regression and orthographic projection linear regression module. The proposed method shows state-of-the art performance on the Human3.6M dataset and generalizes well to in-the-wild images.

ResFPN: Residual Skip Connections in Multi-Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Accurate Dense Pixel Matching

Rishav ., René Schuster, Ramy Battrawy, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Dense Pixel Matching

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Dense pixel matching is required for many computer vision algorithms such as disparity, optical flow or scene flow estimation. Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) have proven to be a suitable feature extractor for CNN-based dense matching tasks. FPN generates well localized and semantically strong features at multiple scales. However, the generic FPN is not utilizing its full potential, due to its reasonable but limited localization accuracy. Thus, we present ResFPN – a multiresolution feature pyramid network with multiple residual skip connections, where at any scale, we leverage the information from higher resolution maps for stronger and better localized features. In our ablation study we demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel architecture with clearly higher accuracy than FPN. In addition, we verify the superior accuracy of ResFPN in many different pixel matching applications on established datasets like KITTI, Sintel, and FlyingThings3D.

Human Segmentation with Dynamic LiDAR Data

Tao Zhong, Wonjik Kim, Masayuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Okutomi

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Auto-TLDR; Spatiotemporal Neural Network for Human Segmentation with Dynamic Point Clouds

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Consecutive LiDAR scans and depth images compose dynamic 3D sequences, which contain more abundant spatiotemporal information than a single frame. Similar to the development history of image and video perception, dynamic 3D sequence perception starts to come into sight after inspiring research on static 3D data perception. This work proposes a spatiotemporal neural network for human segmentation with the dynamic LiDAR point clouds. It takes a sequence of depth images as input. It has a two-branch structure, i.e., the spatial segmentation branch and the temporal velocity estimation branch. The velocity estimation branch is designed to capture motion cues from the input sequence and then propagates them to the other branch. So that the segmentation branch segments humans according to both spatial and temporal features. These two branches are jointly learned on a generated dynamic point cloud data set for human recognition. Our works fill in the blank of dynamic point cloud perception with the spherical representation of point cloud and achieves high accuracy. The experiments indicate that the introduction of temporal feature benefits the segmentation of dynamic point cloud perception.

Object Detection on Monocular Images with Two-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis

Zifan Yu, Suya You

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Object Detection from Monocular Images Using Multimodal RGB and Depth Data

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Accurate and robust detection objects from monocular images is a fundamental vision task. This paper describes a novel approach of holistic scene understanding that can simultaneously achieve multiple tasks of scene reconstruction and object detection from a single monocular camera. Rather than pursuing an independent solution for each individual task as most existing work does, we seek a globally optimal solution that holistically resolves the multiple perception and reasoning tasks in an effective manner. The approach explores the complementary properties of multimodal RGB imagery and depth data to improve scene perception tasks. It uniquely combines the techniques of canonical correlation analysis and deep learning to learn the most correlated features to maximize the modal cross-correlation for improving the performance and robustness of object detection in complex environments. Extensive experiments have been conducted to evaluate and demonstrate the performances of the proposed approach.

AV-SLAM: Autonomous Vehicle SLAM with Gravity Direction Initialization

Kaan Yilmaz, Baris Suslu, Sohini Roychowdhury, L. Srikar Muppirisetty

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Auto-TLDR; VI-SLAM with AGI: A combination of three SLAM algorithms for autonomous vehicles

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Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms that are aimed at autonomous vehicles (AVs) are required to utilize sensor redundancies specific to AVs and enable accurate, fast and repeatable estimations of pose and path trajectories. In this work, we present a combination of three SLAM algorithms that utilize a different subset of available sensors such as inertial measurement unit (IMU), a gray-scale mono-camera, and a Lidar. Also, we propose a novel acceleration-based gravity direction initialization (AGI) method for the visual-inertial SLAM algorithm. We analyze the SLAM algorithms and initialization methods for pose estimation accuracy, speed of convergence and repeatability on the KITTI odometry sequences. The proposed VI-SLAM with AGI method achieves relative pose errors less than 2\%, convergence in half a minute or less and convergence time variability less than 3s, which makes it preferable for AVs.