Temporal Pulses Driven Spiking Neural Network for Time and Power Efficient Object Recognition in Autonomous Driving

Wei Wang, Shibo Zhou, Jingxi Li, Xiaohua Li, Junsong Yuan, Zhanpeng Jin

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Auto-TLDR; Spiking Neural Network for Real-Time Object Recognition on Temporal LiDAR Pulses

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Accurate real-time object recognition from sensory data has long been a crucial and challenging task for autonomous driving. Even though deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely applied in this area, their considerable processing latency, power consumption as well as computational complexity have been challenging issues for real-time autonomous driving applications. In this paper, we propose an approach to address the real-time object recognition problem utilizing spiking neural networks (SNNs). The proposed SNN model works directly with raw temporal LiDAR pulses without the pulse-to-point cloud preprocessing procedure, which can significantly reduce delay and power consumption. Being evaluated on various datasets derived from LiDAR and dynamic vision sensor (DVS), including Sim LiDAR, KITTI, and DVS-barrel, our proposed model has shown remarkable time and power efficiency, while achieving comparable recognition performance as the state-of-the-art methods. This paper highlights the SNN's great potentials in autonomous driving and related applications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to use SNN to directly perform time and energy efficient object recognition on temporal LiDAR pulses in the setting of autonomous driving.

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Shibo Zhou, Xiaohua Li

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Auto-TLDR; Spiking Neural Network with Leaky Neurons

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Spiking neural network (SNN) is interesting due to its strong bio-plausibility and high energy efficiency. However, its performance is falling far behind conventional deep neural networks (DNNs). In this paper, considering a general class of single-spike temporal-coded integrate-and-fire neurons, we analyze the input-output expressions of both leaky and nonleaky neurons. We show that SNNs built with leaky neurons suffer from the overly-nonlinear and overly-complex input-output response, which is the major reason for their difficult training and low performance. This reason is more fundamental than the commonly believed problem of nondifferentiable spikes. To support this claim, we show that SNNs built with nonleaky neurons can have a less-complex and less-nonlinear input-output response. They can be easily trained and can have superior performance, which is demonstrated by experimenting with the SNNs over two popular network intrusion detection datasets, i.e., the NSL-KDD and the AWID datasets. Our experiment results show that the proposed SNNs outperform a comprehensive list of DNN models and classic machine learning models. This paper demonstrates that SNNs can be promising and competitive in contrast to common beliefs.

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic Probability Adjustment for Spiking Neural Networks

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Abstract—Spiking neural networks (SNNs) receive widespread attention because of their low-power hardware characteristic and brain-like signal response mechanism, but the performance of SNNs is still behind Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) currently. We build an information theory-inspired system called Stochastic Probability Adjustment (SPA) system to reduce this gap. The SPA maps the synapses and neurons of SNNs into a probability space, where a neuron with all the pre-synapses connected to it is represented by a cluster, and the movement of the synaptic transmitter between different clusters is a Brownian-like stochastic process in which the transmitter distribution is adaptively adjusted at different firing phases. We tested various existing unsupervised SNN architectures and achieved good, consistent performance improvements, the classification accuracy improvements on the MNIST and EMNIST datasets have reached 1.99% and 6.29% respectively.

Distilling Spikes: Knowledge Distillation in Spiking Neural Networks

Ravi Kumar Kushawaha, Saurabh Kumar, Biplab Banerjee, Rajbabu Velmurugan

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Auto-TLDR; Knowledge Distillation in Spiking Neural Networks for Image Classification

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Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) are energy-efficient computing architectures that exchange spikes for processing information, unlike classical Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Due to this, SNNs are better suited for real-life deployments. However, similar to ANNs, SNNs also benefit from deeper architectures to obtain improved performance. Furthermore, like the deep ANNs, the memory, compute and power requirements of SNNs also increase with model size, and model compression becomes a necessity. Knowledge distillation is a model com- pression technique that enables transferring the learning of a large machine learning model to a smaller model with minimal loss in performance. In this paper, we propose techniques for knowledge distillation in spiking neural networks for the task of image classification. We present ways to distill spikes from a larger SNN, also called the teacher network, to a smaller one, also called the student network, while minimally impacting the classification accuracy. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with detailed experiments on three standard datasets while proposing novel distillation methodologies and loss functions. We also present a multi-stage knowledge distillation technique for SNNs using an intermediate network to obtain higher performance from the student network. Our approach is expected to open up new avenues for deploying high performing large SNN models on resource-constrained hardware platforms.

VOWEL: A Local Online Learning Rule for Recurrent Networks of Probabilistic Spiking Winner-Take-All Circuits

Hyeryung Jang, Nicolas Skatchkovsky, Osvaldo Simeone

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Auto-TLDR; VOWEL: A Variational Online Local Training Rule for Winner-Take-All Spiking Neural Networks

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NetCalib: A Novel Approach for LiDAR-Camera Auto-Calibration Based on Deep Learning

Shan Wu, Amnir Hadachi, Damien Vivet, Yadu Prabhakar

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Calibration of LiDAR and Cameras using Deep Neural Network

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A fusion of LiDAR and cameras have been widely used in many robotics applications such as classification, segmentation, object detection, and autonomous driving. It is essential that the LiDAR sensor can measure distances accurately, which is a good complement to the cameras. Hence, calibrating sensors before deployment is a mandatory step. The conventional methods include checkerboards, specific patterns, or human labeling, which is trivial and human-labor extensive if we do the same calibration process every time. The main propose of this research work is to build a deep neural network that is capable of automatically finding the geometric transformation between LiDAR and cameras. The results show that our model manages to find the transformations from randomly sampled artificial errors. Besides, our work is open-sourced for the community to fully utilize the advances of the methodology for developing more the approach, initiating collaboration, and innovation in the topic.

Sensor-Independent Pedestrian Detection for Personal Mobility Vehicles in Walking Space Using Dataset Generated by Simulation

Takahiro Shimizu, Kenji Koide, Shuji Oishi, Masashi Yokozuka, Atsuhiko Banno, Motoki Shino

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Auto-TLDR; CosPointPillars: A 3D Object Detection Method for Pedestrian Detection in Walking Spaces

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Autonomous driving of a personal mobility vehicle such as a wheelchair in a walking space is necessary in the future as a means of transportation for the elderly and the physically handicapped. To realize this, accurate pedestrian detection is indispensable. As existing 3D object detection methods are trained with a roadway dataset, they are widely used for object detection in roadways. These methods have two major issues in the detection of objects in walking spaces. The first issue is that they are largely affected by the difference of the LIDAR models. To eliminate this issue, we propose a 3D object detection method, CosPointPillars. CosPointPillars does not take the reflection intensities of LIDAR point cloud, which cause a sensor model dependency, as input. Furthermore, CosPointPillars utilizes a cosine estimation network (CEN) to retain the detection accuracy. The second issue is that networks trained with a roadway dataset cannot sufficiently detect pedestrians (who are major traffic participants in walking spaces) located within a short distance; this is because the roadway dataset hardly includes nearby pedestrians. To solve this issue, we generated a new walking space dataset called SimDataset, which includes nearby pedestrians as a training dataset in the simulations. An experiment on the KITTI showed that the CEN helps in pedestrian detection in sparse point clouds. Furthermore, an experiment on a real walking space showed that SimDataset is suitable for pedestrian detection in such cases.

Extending Single Beam Lidar to Full Resolution by Fusing with Single Image Depth Estimation

Yawen Lu, Yuxing Wang, Devarth Parikh, Guoyu Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised LIDAR for Low-Cost Depth Estimation

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Depth estimation is playing an important role in indoor and outdoor scene understanding, autonomous driving, augmented reality and many other tasks. Vehicles and robotics are able to use active illumination sensors such as LIDAR to receive high precision depth estimation. However, high-resolution Lidars are usually too expensive, which limits its massive production on various applications. Though single beam LIDAR enjoys the benefits of low cost, one beam depth sensing is not usually sufficient to perceive the surrounding environment in many scenarios. In this paper, we propose a learning-based framework to explore to replicate similar or even higher performance as costly LIDARs with our designed self-supervised network and a low-cost single-beam LIDAR. After the accurate calibration with a visible camera, the single beam LIDAR can adjust the scale uncertainty of the depth map estimated by the visible camera. The adjusted depth map enjoys the benefits of high resolution and sensing accuracy as high beam LIDAR and maintains low-cost as single beam LIDAR. Thus we can achieve similar sensing effect of high beam LIDAR with more than a 50-100 times cheaper price (e.g., \$80000 Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR v.s. \$1000 SICK TIM-781 2D LIDAR and normal camera). The proposed approach is verified on our collected dataset and public dataset with superior depth-sensing performance.

Ghost Target Detection in 3D Radar Data Using Point Cloud Based Deep Neural Network

Mahdi Chamseddine, Jason Rambach, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; Point Based Deep Learning for Ghost Target Detection in 3D Radar Point Clouds

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Ghost targets are targets that appear at wrong locations in radar data and are caused by the presence of multiple indirect reflections between the target and the sensor. In this work, we introduce the first point based deep learning approach for ghost target detection in 3D radar point clouds. This is done by extending the PointNet network architecture by modifying its input to include radar point features beyond location and introducing skip connetions. We compare different input modalities and analyze the effects of the changes we introduced. We also propose an approach for automatic labeling of ghost targets 3D radar data using lidar as reference. The algorithm is trained and tested on real data in various driving scenarios and the tests show promising results in classifying real and ghost radar targets.

Vehicle Lane Merge Visual Benchmark

Kai Cordes, Hellward Broszio

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Auto-TLDR; A Benchmark for Automated Cooperative Maneuvering Using Multi-view Video Streams and Ground Truth Vehicle Description

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Automated driving is regarded as the most promising technology for improving road safety in the future. In this context, connected vehicles have an important role regarding their ability to perform cooperative maneuvers for challenging traffic situations. We propose a benchmark for automated cooperative maneuvers. The targeted cooperative maneuver is the vehicle lane merge where a vehicle on the acceleration lane merges into the traffic of a motorway. The benchmark enables the evaluation of vehicle localization approaches as well as the study of cooperative maneuvers. It consists of temporally synchronized multi-view video streams, highly accurate camera calibration, and ground truth vehicle descriptions, including position, heading, speed, and shape. For benchmark generation, the lane merge maneuver is performed by human drivers on a test track, resulting in 120 lane merge data sets with various traffic situations and video recording conditions.

CARRADA Dataset: Camera and Automotive Radar with Range-Angle-Doppler Annotations

Arthur Ouaknine, Alasdair Newson, Julien Rebut, Florence Tupin, Patrick Pérez

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Auto-TLDR; CARRADA: A dataset of synchronized camera and radar recordings with range-angle-Doppler annotations for autonomous driving

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High quality perception is essential for autonomous driving (AD) systems. To reach the accuracy and robustness that are required by such systems, several types of sensors must be combined. Currently, mostly cameras and laser scanners (lidar) are deployed to build a representation of the world around the vehicle. While radar sensors have been used for a long time in the automotive industry, they are still under-used for AD despite their appealing characteristics (notably, their ability to measure the relative speed of obstacles and to operate even in adverse weather conditions). To a large extent, this situation is due to the relative lack of automotive datasets with real radar signals that are both raw and annotated. In this work, we introduce CARRADA, a dataset of synchronized camera and radar recordings with range-angle-Doppler annotations. We also present a semi-automatic annotation approach, which was used to annotate the dataset, and a radar semantic segmentation baseline, which we evaluate on several metrics. Both our code and dataset will be released.

Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation

Runsheng Xu, Faezeh Tafazzoli, Li Zhang, Timo Rehfeld, Gunther Krehl, Arunava Seal

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Auto-TLDR; Fused Multi-Sensory Data for Stop Lines Detection in Intersection Scenarios

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Intersection scenarios provide the most complex traffic situations in Autonomous Driving and Driving Assistance Systems. Knowing where to stop in advance in an intersection is an essential parameter in controlling the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle. Most of the existing methods in literature solely use cameras to detect stop lines, which is typically not sufficient in terms of detection range. To address this issue, we propose a method that takes advantage of fused multi-sensory data including stereo camera and lidar as input and utilizes a carefully designed convolutional neural network architecture to detect stop lines. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can improve detection range compared to camera data alone, works under heavy occlusion without observing the ground markings explicitly, is able to predict stop lines for all lanes and allows detection at a distance up to 50 meters.

Yolo+FPN: 2D and 3D Fused Object Detection with an RGB-D Camera

Ya Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Yolo+FPN: Combining 2D and 3D Object Detection for Real-Time Object Detection

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In this paper we propose a new deep neural network system, called Yolo+FPN, which fuses both 2D and 3D object detection algorithms to achieve better real-time object detection results and faster inference speed, to be used on real robots. Finding an optimized fusion strategy to efficiently combine 3D object detection with 2D detection information is useful and challenging for both indoor and outdoor robots. In order to satisfy real-time requirements, a trade-off between accuracy and efficiency is needed. We not only have improved training and test accuracies and lower mean losses on the KITTI object detection benchmark, but also achieve better average precision on 3D detection of all classes in three levels of difficulty. Also, we implemented Yolo+FPN system using an RGB-D camera, and compared the speed of 2D and 3D object detection using different GPUs. For the real implementation of both indoor and outdoor scenes, we focus on person detection, which is the most challenging and important among the three classes.

Temporal Binary Representation for Event-Based Action Recognition

Simone Undri Innocenti, Federico Becattini, Federico Pernici, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Binary Representation for Gesture Recognition

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In this paper we present an event aggregation strategy to convert the output of an event camera into frames processable by traditional Computer Vision algorithms. The proposed method first generates sequences of intermediate binary representations, which are then losslessly transformed into a compact format by simply applying a binary-to-decimal conversion. This strategy allows us to encode temporal information directly into pixel values, which are then interpreted by deep learning models. We apply our strategy, called Temporal Binary Representation, to the task of Gesture Recognition, obtaining state of the art results on the popular DVS128 Gesture Dataset. To underline the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to existing ones, we also collect an extension of the dataset under more challenging conditions on which to perform experiments.

Multimodal End-To-End Learning for Autonomous Steering in Adverse Road and Weather Conditions

Jyri Sakari Maanpää, Josef Taher, Petri Manninen, Leo Pakola, Iaroslav Melekhov, Juha Hyyppä

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Learning for Autonomous Steering in Adverse Road and Weather Conditions with Lidar Data

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Autonomous driving is challenging in adverse road and weather conditions in which there might not be lane lines, the road might be covered in snow and the visibility might be poor. We extend the previous work on end-to-end learning for autonomous steering to operate in these adverse real-life conditions with multimodal data. We collected 28 hours of driving data in several road and weather conditions and trained convolutional neural networks to predict the car steering wheel angle from front-facing color camera images and lidar range and reflectance data. We compared the CNN model performances based on the different modalities and our results show that the lidar modality improves the performances of different multimodal sensor-fusion models. We also performed on-road tests with different models and they support this observation.

Wireless Localisation in WiFi Using Novel Deep Architectures

Peizheng Li, Han Cui, Aftab Khan, Usman Raza, Robert Piechocki, Angela Doufexi, Tim Farnham

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Network for Indoor Localisation of WiFi Devices in Indoor Environments

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This paper studies the indoor localisation of WiFi devices based on a commodity chipset and standard channel sounding. First, we present a novel shallow neural network (SNN) in which features are extracted from the channel state information (CSI) corresponding to WiFi subcarriers received on different antennas and used to train the model. The single layer architecture of this localisation neural network makes it lightweight and easy-to-deploy on devices with stringent constraints on computational resources. We further investigate for localisation the use of deep learning models and design novel architectures for convolutional neural network (CNN) and long-short term memory (LSTM). We extensively evaluate these localisation algorithms for continuous tracking in indoor environments. Experimental results prove that even an SNN model, after a careful handcrafted feature extraction, can achieve accurate localisation. Meanwhile, using a well-organised architecture, the neural network models can be trained directly with raw data from the CSI and localisation features can be automatically extracted to achieve accurate position estimates. We also found that the performance of neural network-based methods are directly affected by the number of anchor access points (APs) regardless of their structure. With three APs, all neural network models proposed in this paper can obtain localisation accuracy of around 0.5 metres. In addition the proposed deep NN architecture reduces the data pre-processing time by 6.5 hours compared with a shallow NN using the data collected in our testbed. In the deployment phase, the inference time is also significantly reduced to 0.1 ms per sample. We also demonstrate the generalisation capability of the proposed method by evaluating models using different target movement characteristics to the ones in which they were trained.

Attention Based Coupled Framework for Road and Pothole Segmentation

Shaik Masihullah, Ritu Garg, Prerana Mukherjee, Anupama Ray

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Auto-TLDR; Few Shot Learning for Road and Pothole Segmentation on KITTI and IDD

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In this paper, we propose a novel attention based coupled framework for road and pothole segmentation. In many developing countries as well as in rural areas, the drivable areas are neither well-defined, nor well-maintained. Under such circumstances, an Advance Driver Assistant System (ADAS) is needed to assess the drivable area and alert about the potholes ahead to ensure vehicle safety. Moreover, this information can also be used in structured environments for assessment and maintenance of road health. We demonstrate few shot learning approach for pothole detection to leverage accuracy even with fewer training samples. We report the exhaustive experimental results for road segmentation on KITTI and IDD datasets. We also present pothole segmentation on IDD.

RISEdb: A Novel Indoor Localization Dataset

Carlos Sanchez Belenguer, Erik Wolfart, Álvaro Casado Coscollá, Vitor Sequeira

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Auto-TLDR; Indoor Localization Using LiDAR SLAM and Smartphones: A Benchmarking Dataset

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In this paper we introduce a novel public dataset for developing and benchmarking indoor localization systems. We have selected and 3D mapped a set of representative indoor environments including a large office building, a conference room, a workshop, an exhibition area and a restaurant. Our acquisition pipeline is based on a portable LiDAR SLAM backpack to map the buildings and to accurately track the pose of the user as it moves freely inside them. We introduce the calibration procedures that enable us to acquire and geo-reference live data coming from different independent sensors rigidly attached to the backpack. This has allowed us to collect long sequences of spherical and stereo images, together with all the sensor readings coming from a consumer smartphone and locate them inside the map with centimetre accuracy. The dataset addresses many of the limitations of existing indoor localization datasets regarding the scale and diversity of the mapped buildings; the number of acquired sequences under varying conditions; the accuracy of the ground-truth trajectory; the availability of a detailed 3D model and the availability of different sensor types. It enables the benchmarking of existing and the development of new indoor localization approaches, in particular for deep learning based systems that require large amounts of labeled training data.

PointDrop: Improving Object Detection from Sparse Point Clouds Via Adversarial Data Augmentation

Wenxin Ma, Jian Chen, Qing Du, Wei Jia

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Auto-TLDR; PointDrop: Improving Robust 3D Object Detection to Sparse Point Clouds

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Current 3D object detection methods achieve accurate and efficient results on the standard point cloud dataset. However, in real-world applications, due to the expensive cost of obtaining the annotated 3D object detection data, we expect to directly apply the model trained on the standard dataset to real-world scenarios. This strategy may fail because the point cloud samples obtained in the real-world scenarios may be much sparser due to various reasons (occlusion, low reflectivity of objects and fewer laser beams) and existing methods do not consider the limitations of their models on sparse point clouds. To improve the robustness of an object detector to sparser point clouds, we propose PointDrop, which learns to drop the features of some key points in the point clouds to generate challenging sparse samples for data augmentation. Moreover, PointDrop is able to adjust the difficulty of the generated samples based on the capacity of the detector and thus progressively improve the performance of the detector. We create two sparse point clouds datasets from the KITTI dataset to evaluate our method, and the experimental results show that PointDrop significantly improves the robustness of the detector to sparse point clouds.

Multiple Future Prediction Leveraging Synthetic Trajectories

Lorenzo Berlincioni, Federico Becattini, Lorenzo Seidenari, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Synthetic Trajectory Prediction using Markov Chains

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Trajectory prediction is an important task, especially in autonomous driving. The ability to forecast the position of other moving agents can yield to an effective planning, ensuring safety for the autonomous vehicle as well for the observed entities. In this work we propose a data driven approach based on Markov Chains to generate synthetic trajectories, which are useful for training a multiple future trajectory predictor. The advantages are twofold: on the one hand synthetic samples can be used to augment existing datasets and train more effective predictors; on the other hand, it allows to generate samples with multiple ground truths, corresponding to diverse equally likely outcomes of the observed trajectory. We define a trajectory prediction model and a loss that explicitly address the multimodality of the problem and we show that combining synthetic and real data leads to prediction improvements, obtaining state of the art results.

Semantic Segmentation for Pedestrian Detection from Motion in Temporal Domain

Guo Cheng, Jiang Yu Zheng

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Auto-TLDR; Motion Profile: Recognizing Pedestrians along with their Motion Directions in a Temporal Way

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In autonomous driving, state-of-the-art methods detect pedestrian through appearance in 2-D spatial images. However, these approaches are typically time-consuming because of the complexity of algorithms to cope with large variations in shape, pose, action, and illumination. They also fall short of capturing temporal continuity in motion trace. In a completely different approach, this work recognizes pedestrians along with their motion directions in a temporal way. By projecting a driving video to a 2-D temporal image called Motion Profile (MP), we can robustly distinguish pedestrian in motion and standing-still against smooth background motion. To ensure non-redundant data processing of deep network on a compact motion profile further, a novel temporal-shift memory (TSM) model is developed to perform deep learning of sequential input in linear processing time. In experiments containing various pedestrian motion from sensors such as video and LiDAR, we demonstrate that, with the data size around 3/720th of video volume, this motion-based method can reach the detecting rate of pedestrians at 90% in near and mid-range on the road. With a super-fast processing speed and good accuracy, this method is promising for intelligent vehicles.

Human Segmentation with Dynamic LiDAR Data

Tao Zhong, Wonjik Kim, Masayuki Tanaka, Masatoshi Okutomi

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Auto-TLDR; Spatiotemporal Neural Network for Human Segmentation with Dynamic Point Clouds

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Consecutive LiDAR scans and depth images compose dynamic 3D sequences, which contain more abundant spatiotemporal information than a single frame. Similar to the development history of image and video perception, dynamic 3D sequence perception starts to come into sight after inspiring research on static 3D data perception. This work proposes a spatiotemporal neural network for human segmentation with the dynamic LiDAR point clouds. It takes a sequence of depth images as input. It has a two-branch structure, i.e., the spatial segmentation branch and the temporal velocity estimation branch. The velocity estimation branch is designed to capture motion cues from the input sequence and then propagates them to the other branch. So that the segmentation branch segments humans according to both spatial and temporal features. These two branches are jointly learned on a generated dynamic point cloud data set for human recognition. Our works fill in the blank of dynamic point cloud perception with the spherical representation of point cloud and achieves high accuracy. The experiments indicate that the introduction of temporal feature benefits the segmentation of dynamic point cloud perception.

Manual-Label Free 3D Detection Via an Open-Source Simulator

Zhen Yang, Chi Zhang, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Huiming Guo

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Auto-TLDR; DA-VoxelNet: A Novel Domain Adaptive VoxelNet for LIDAR-based 3D Object Detection

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LiDAR based 3D object detectors typically need a large amount of detailed-labeled point cloud data for training, but these detailed labels are commonly expensive to acquire. In this paper, we propose a manual-label free 3D detection algorithm that leverages the CARLA simulator to generate a large amount of self-labeled training samples and introduces a novel Domain Adaptive VoxelNet (DA-VoxelNet) that can cross the distribution gap from the synthetic data to the real scenario. The self-labeled training samples are generated by a set of high quality 3D models embedded in a CARLA simulator and a proposed LiDAR-guided sampling algorithm. Then a DA-VoxelNet that integrates both a sample-level DA module and an anchor-level DA module is proposed to enable the detector trained by the synthetic data to adapt to real scenario. Experimental results show that the proposed unsupervised DA 3D detector on KITTI evaluation set can achieve 76.66% and 56.64% mAP on BEV mode and 3D mode respectively. The results reveal a promising perspective of training a LIDAR-based 3D detector without any hand-tagged label.

HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimastion from RGB and LiDAR

Michael Fürst, Shriya T.P. Gupta, René Schuster, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Human Pose Estimation Using RGB and LiDAR Using Weakly-Supervised Approach

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In-the-wild human pose estimation has a huge potential for various fields, ranging from animation and action recognition to intention recognition and prediction for autonomous driving. The current state-of-the-art is focused only on RGB and RGB-D approaches for predicting the 3D human pose. However, not using precise LiDAR depth information limits the performance and leads to very inaccurate absolute pose estimation. With LiDAR sensors becoming more affordable and common on robots and autonomous vehicle setups, we propose an end-to-end architecture using RGB and LiDAR to predict the absolute 3D human pose with unprecedented precision. Additionally, we introduce a weakly-supervised approach to generate 3D predictions using 2D pose annotations from PedX. This allows for many new opportunities in the field of 3D human pose estimation.

Reducing-Over-Time Tree for Event-Based Data

Shane Harrigan, Sonya Coleman, Dermot Kerr, Pratheepan Yogarajah, Zheng Fang, Chengdong Wu

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Auto-TLDR; Reducing-Over-Time Binary Tree Structure for Event-Based Vision Data

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This paper presents a novel Reducing-Over-Time (ROT) binary tree structure for event-based vision data and subtypes of the tree structure. A framework is presented using ROT, that takes advantage of the self-balancing and self-pruning nature of the tree structure to extract spatial-temporal information. The ROT framework is paired with an established motion classification technique and performance is evaluated against other state-of-the-art techniques using four datasets. Additionally, the ROT framework as a processing platform is compared with other event-based vision processing platforms in terms of memory usage and is found to be one of the most memory efficient platforms available.

Anomaly Detection, Localization and Classification for Railway Inspection

Riccardo Gasparini, Andrea D'Eusanio, Guido Borghi, Stefano Pini, Giuseppe Scaglione, Simone Calderara, Eugenio Fedeli, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Anomaly Detection and Localization using thermal images in the lowlight environment

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The ability to detect, localize and classify objects that are anomalies is a challenging task in the computer vision community. In this paper, we tackle these tasks developing a framework to automatically inspect the railway during the night. Specifically, it is able to predict the presence, the image coordinates and the class of obstacles. To deal with the lowlight environment, the framework is based on thermal images and consists of three different modules that address the problem of detecting anomalies, predicting their image coordinates and classifying them. Moreover, due to the absolute lack of publicly released datasets collected in the railway context for anomaly detection, we introduce a new multi-modal dataset, acquired from a rail drone, used to evaluate the proposed framework. Experimental results confirm the accuracy of the framework and its suitability, in terms of computational load, performance, and inference time, to be implemented on a self-powered inspection system.

Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation with Extremely Light-Weight Neural Network

Mian Jhong Chiu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Hua-Tsung Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Light-Weight Depth Prediction for Obstacle Avoidance and Environment Sensing with Deep Learning-based CNN

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Obstacle avoidance and environment sensing are crucial applications in autonomous driving and robotics. Among all types of sensors, RGB camera is widely used in these applications as it can offer rich visual contents with relatively low-cost, and using a single image to perform depth estimation has become one of the main focuses in resent research works. However, prior works usually rely on highly complicated computation and power-consuming GPU to achieve such task; therefore, we focus on developing a real-time light-weight system for depth prediction in this paper. Based on the well-known encoder-decoder architecture, we propose a supervised learning-based CNN with detachable decoders that produce depth predictions with different scales. We also formulate a novel log-depth loss function that computes the difference of predicted depth map and ground truth depth map in log space, so as to increase the prediction accuracy for nearby locations. To train our model efficiently, we generate depth map and semantic segmentation with complex teacher models. Via a series of ablation studies and experiments, it is validated that our model can efficiently performs real-time depth prediction with only 0.32M parameters, with the best trained model outperforms previous works on KITTI dataset for various evaluation matrices.

A Lightweight Network to Learn Optical Flow from Event Data

Zhuoyan Li, Jiawei Shen

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Auto-TLDR; A lightweight pyramid network with attention mechanism to learn optical flow from events data


Existing deep neural networks have found success in estimation of event-based optical flow, but are at the expense of complicated architectures. Moreover, few prior works discuss how to tackle with the noise problem of event camera, which would severely contaminate the data quality and make estimation an ill-posed problem. In this work, we present a lightweight pyramid network with attention mechanism to learn optical flow from events data. Specially, the network is designed according to two-well established principles: Laplacian pyramidal decomposition and channel attention mechanism. By integrating Laplacian pyramidal processing into CNN, the learning problem is simplified into several subproblems at each pyramid level, which can be handled by a relatively shallow network with few parameters. The channel attention block, embedded in each pyramid level, treats channels of feature map unequally and provides extra flexibility in suppressing background noises. The size of the proposed network is about only 5% of previous methods while our method still achieves state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark dataset. The experimental video samples of continuous flow estimation is presented at :https://github.com/xfleezy/blob.

A Fine-Grained Dataset and Its Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Unstructured Driving Scenarios

Kai Andreas Metzger, Peter Mortimer, Hans J "Joe" Wuensche

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Auto-TLDR; TAS500: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments

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Research in autonomous driving for unstructured environments suffers from a lack of semantically labeled datasets compared to its urban counterpart. Urban and unstructured outdoor environments are challenging due to the varying lighting and weather conditions during a day and across seasons. In this paper, we introduce TAS500, a novel semantic segmentation dataset for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. TAS500 offers fine-grained vegetation and terrain classes to learn drivable surfaces and natural obstacles in outdoor scenes effectively. We evaluate the performance of modern semantic segmentation models with an additional focus on their efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of fine-grained semantic classes to improve the overall prediction accuracy, especially along the class boundaries. The dataset, code, and pretrained model are available online.

Dynamic Resource-Aware Corner Detection for Bio-Inspired Vision Sensors

Sherif Abdelmonem Sayed Mohamed, Jawad Yasin, Mohammad-Hashem Haghbayan, Antonio Miele, Jukka Veikko Heikkonen, Hannu Tenhunen, Juha Plosila

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Auto-TLDR; Three Layer Filtering-Harris Algorithm for Event-based Cameras in Real-Time

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Event-based cameras are vision devices that transmit only brightness changes with low latency and ultra-low power consumption. Such characteristics make event-based cameras attractive in the field of localization and object tracking in resource-constrained systems. Since the number of generated events in such cameras is huge, the selection and filtering of the incoming events are beneficial from both increasing the accuracy of the features and reducing the computational load. In this paper, we present an algorithm to detect asynchronous corners form a stream of events in real-time on embedded systems. The algorithm is called the Three Layer Filtering-Harris or TLF-Harris algorithm. The algorithm is based on an events' filtering strategy whose purpose is 1) to increase the accuracy by deliberately eliminating some incoming events, i.e., noise and 2) to improve the real-time performance of the system, i.e., preserving a constant throughput in terms of input events per second, by discarding unnecessary events with a limited accuracy loss. An approximation of the Harris algorithm, in turn, is used to exploit its high-quality detection capability with a low-complexity implementation to enable seamless real-time performance on embedded computing platforms. The proposed algorithm is capable of selecting the best corner candidate among neighbors and achieves an average execution time savings of 59 % compared with the conventional Harris score. Moreover, our approach outperforms the competing methods, such as eFAST, eHarris, and FA-Harris, in terms of real-time performance, and surpasses Arc* in terms of accuracy.

A Two-Step Approach to Lidar-Camera Calibration

Yingna Su, Yaqing Ding, Jian Yang, Hui Kong

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Auto-TLDR; Closed-Form Calibration of Lidar-camera System for Ego-motion Estimation and Scene Understanding

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Autonomous vehicles and robots are typically equipped with Lidar and camera. Hence, calibrating the Lidar-camera system is of extreme importance for ego-motion estimation and scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach (coarse + fine) for the external calibration between a camera and a multiple-line Lidar. First, a new closed-form solution is proposed to obtain the initial calibration parameters. We compare our solution with the state-of-the-art SVD-based algorithm, and show the benefits of both the efficiency and stability. With the initial calibration parameters, the ICP-based calibration framework is used to register the point clouds which extracted from the camera and Lidar coordinate frames, respectively. Our method has been applied to two Lidar-camera systems: an HDL-64E Lidar-camera system, and a VLP-16 Lidar-camera system. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves promising performance and higher accuracy than two open-source methods.

Real-Time End-To-End Lane ID Estimation Using Recurrent Networks

Ibrahim Halfaoui, Fahd Bouzaraa, Onay Urfalioglu

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time, Vision-Only Lane Identification Using Monocular Camera

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Acquiring information about the road lane structure is a crucial step for autonomous navigation. To this end, several approaches tackle this task from different perspectives such as lane marking detection or semantic lane segmentation.However, to the best of our knowledge, there is yet no purely vision based end-to-end solution to answer the precise question: How to estimate the relative number or "ID" of the current driven lane within a multi-lane road or a highway? In this work, we propose a real-time, vision-only (i.e. monocular camera) solution to the problem based on a dual left-right convention. We interpret this task as a classification problem by limiting the maximum number of lane candidates to eight. Our approach is designed to meet low-complexity specifications and limited runtime requirements. It harnesses the temporal dimension inherent to the input sequences to improve upon high complexity state-of-the-art models. We achieve more than 95% accuracy on a challenging test set with extreme conditions and different routes.

AerialMPTNet: Multi-Pedestrian Tracking in Aerial Imagery Using Temporal and Graphical Features

Maximilian Kraus, Seyed Majid Azimi, Emec Ercelik, Reza Bahmanyar, Peter Reinartz, Alois Knoll

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Auto-TLDR; AerialMPTNet: A novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features

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Multi-pedestrian tracking in aerial imagery has several applications such as large-scale event monitoring, disaster management, search-and-rescue missions, and as input into predictive crowd dynamic models. Due to the challenges such as the large number and the tiny size of the pedestrians (e.g., 4 x 4 pixels) with their similar appearances as well as different scales and atmospheric conditions of the images with their extremely low frame rates (e.g., 2 fps), current state-of-the-art algorithms including the deep learning-based ones are unable to perform well. In this paper, we propose AerialMPTNet, a novel approach for multi-pedestrian tracking in geo-referenced aerial imagery by fusing appearance features from a Siamese Neural Network, movement predictions from a Long Short-Term Memory, and pedestrian interconnections from a GraphCNN. In addition, to address the lack of diverse aerial multi-pedestrian tracking datasets, we introduce the Aerial Multi-Pedestrian Tracking (AerialMPT) dataset consisting of 307 frames and 44,740 pedestrians annotated. To the best of our knowledge, AerialMPT is the largest and most diverse dataset to this date and will be released publicly. We evaluate AerialMPTNet on AerialMPT and KIT AIS, and benchmark with several state-of-the-art tracking methods. Results indicate that AerialMPTNet significantly outperforms other methods on accuracy and time-efficiency.

Unsupervised Feature Learning for Event Data: Direct vs Inverse Problem Formulation

Dimche Kostadinov, Davide Scarammuza

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Representation Learning from Local Event Data for Pattern Recognition

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Event-based cameras record asynchronous streamof per-pixel brightness changes. As such, they have numerous advantages over the common frame-based cameras, including high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, and no motion blur. Due to the asynchronous nature, efficient learning of compact representation for event data is challenging. While the extend to which the spatial and temporal event "information" is useful for pattern recognition tasks is not fully explored. In this paper, we focus on single layer architectures. We analyze the performance of two general problem formulations,i.e., the direct and the inverse, for unsupervised feature learning from local event data,i.e., local volumes of events that are described in space and time. We identify and show the main advantages of each approach. Theoretically, we analyze guarantees for local optimal solution, possibility for asynchronous and parallel parameter update as well as the computational complexity. We present numerical experiments for the task of object recognition, where we evaluate the solution under the direct and the inverse problem.We give a comparison with the state-of-the-art methods. Our empirical results highlight the advantages of the both approaches for representation learning from event data. Moreover, we show improvements of up to 9% in the recognition accuracy compared to the state-of-the-art methods from the same class of methods.

RefiNet: 3D Human Pose Refinement with Depth Maps

Andrea D'Eusanio, Stefano Pini, Guido Borghi, Roberto Vezzani, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; RefiNet: A Multi-stage Framework for 3D Human Pose Estimation

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Human Pose Estimation is a fundamental task for many applications in the Computer Vision community and it has been widely investigated in the 2D domain, i.e. intensity images. Therefore, most of the available methods for this task are mainly based on 2D Convolutional Neural Networks and huge manually-annotated RGB datasets, achieving stunning results. In this paper, we propose RefiNet, a multi-stage framework that regresses an extremely-precise 3D human pose estimation from a given 2D pose and a depth map. The framework consists of three different modules, each one specialized in a particular refinement and data representation, i.e. depth patches, 3D skeleton and point clouds. Moreover, we collect a new dataset, namely Baracca, acquired with RGB, depth and thermal cameras and specifically created for the automotive context. Experimental results confirm the quality of the refinement procedure that largely improves the human pose estimations of off-the-shelf 2D methods.

A Modified Single-Shot Multibox Detector for Beyond Real-Time Object Detection

Georgios Orfanidis, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Anastasios Tefas, Ioannis Kompatsiaris

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Auto-TLDR; Single Shot Detector in Resource-Restricted Systems with Lighter SSD Variations

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This works focuses on examining the performance of the Single Shot Detector (SSD) model in resource restricted systems where maintaining the power of the full model comprises a significant prerequisite. The proposed SSD variations examine the behavior of lighter versions of SSD while propose measures to limit the unavoidable performance shortage. The outcomes of the conducted research demonstrate a remarkable trade-off between performance losses, speed improvement and the required resource reservation. Thus, the experimental results evidence the efficiency of the presented SSD alterations towards accomplishing higher frame rates and retaining the performance of the original model.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

P2D: A Self-Supervised Method for Depth Estimation from Polarimetry

Marc Blanchon, Desire Sidibe, Olivier Morel, Ralph Seulin, Daniel Braun, Fabrice Meriaudeau

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Auto-TLDR; Polarimetric Regularization for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a recurring subject in the field of computer vision. Its ability to describe scenes via a depth map while reducing the constraints related to the formulation of perspective geometry tends to favor its use. However, despite the constant improvement of algorithms, most methods exploit only colorimetric information. Consequently, robustness to events to which the modality is not sensitive to, like specularity or transparency, is neglected. In response to this phenomenon, we propose using polarimetry as an input for a self-supervised monodepth network. Therefore, we propose exploiting polarization cues to encourage accurate reconstruction of scenes. Furthermore, we include a term of polarimetric regularization to state-of-the-art method to take specific advantage of the data. Our method is evaluated both qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrating that the contribution of this new information as well as an enhanced loss function improves depth estimation results, especially for specular areas.

Vehicle Classification from Profile Measures

Marco Patanè, Andrea Fusiello

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Auto-TLDR; SliceNets: Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Object Classification of Planar Slices

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This paper proposes two novel convolutional neural networks for 3D object classification, tailored to process point clouds that are composed of planar slices (profiles). In particular, the application that we are targeting is the classification of vehicles by scanning them along planes perpendicular to the driving direction, within the context of Electronic Toll Collection. Depending on sensors configurations, the distance between slices can be measured or not, thus resulting in two types of point clouds, namely metric and non-metric. In the latter case, two coordinates are indeed metric but the third one is merely a temporal index. Our networks, named SliceNets, extract metric information from the spatial coordinates and neighborhood information from the third one (either metric or temporal), thus being able to handle both types of point clouds. Experiments on two datasets collected in the field show the effectiveness of our networks in comparison with state-of-the-art ones.

PolyLaneNet: Lane Estimation Via Deep Polynomial Regression

Talles Torres, Rodrigo Berriel, Thiago Paixão, Claudine Badue, Alberto F. De Souza, Thiago Oliveira-Santos

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Lane Detection with Deep Polynomial Regression

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One of the main factors that contributed to the large advances in autonomous driving is the advent of deep learning. For safer self-driving vehicles, one of the problems that has yet to be solved completely is lane detection. Since methods for this task have to work in real time (+30 FPS), they not only have to be effective (i.e., have high accuracy) but they also have to be efficient (i.e., fast). In this work, we present a novel method for lane detection that uses as input an image from a forward-looking camera mounted in the vehicle and outputs polynomials representing each lane marking in the image, via deep polynomial regression. The proposed method is shown to be competitive with existing state-of-the-art methods in the TuSimple dataset, while maintaining its efficiency (115 FPS). Additionally, extensive qualitative results on two additional public datasets are presented, alongside with limitations in the evaluation metrics used by recent works for lane detection. Finally, we provide source code and trained models that allow others to replicate all the results shown in this paper, which is surprisingly rare in state-of-the-art lane detection methods.

PC-Net: A Deep Network for 3D Point Clouds Analysis

Zhuo Chen, Tao Guan, Yawei Luo, Yuesong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; PC-Net: A Hierarchical Neural Network for 3D Point Clouds Analysis

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Due to the irregularity and sparsity of 3D point clouds, applying convolutional neural networks directly on them can be nontrivial. In this work, we propose a simple but effective approach for 3D Point Clouds analysis, named PC-Net. PC-Net directly learns on point sets and is equipped with three new operations: first, we apply a novel scale-aware neighbor search for adaptive neighborhood extracting; second, for each neighboring point, we learn a local spatial feature as a complement to their associated features; finally, at the end we use a distance re-weighted pooling to aggregate all the features from local structure. With this module, we design hierarchical neural network for point cloud understanding. For both classification and segmentation tasks, our architecture proves effective in the experiments and our models demonstrate state-of-the-art performance over existing deep learning methods on popular point cloud benchmarks.

Two-Stage Adaptive Object Scene Flow Using Hybrid CNN-CRF Model

Congcong Li, Haoyu Ma, Qingmin Liao

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive object scene flow estimation using a hybrid CNN-CRF model and adaptive iteration

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Scene flow estimation based on stereo sequences is a comprehensive task relevant to disparity and optical flow. Some existing methods are time-consuming and often fail in the presence of reflective surfaces. In this paper, we propose a two-stage adaptive object scene flow estimation method using a hybrid CNN-CRF model (ACOSF), which benefits from high-quality features and the structured modelling capability. Meanwhile, in order to balance the computational efficiency and accuracy, we employ adaptive iteration for energy function optimization, which is flexible and efficient for various scenes. Besides, we utilize high-quality pixel selection to reduce the computation time with only a slight decrease in accuracy. Our method achieves competitive results with the state-of-the-art, which ranks second on the challenging KITTI 2015 scene flow benchmark.

Enhancing Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images with Inhibitory Neurons

Ihsan Ullah, Sean Reilly, Michael Madden

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Auto-TLDR; Lateral Inhibition in Deep Neural Networks for Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation

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In a Convolutional Neural Network, each neuron in the output feature map takes input from the neurons in its receptive field. This receptive field concept plays a vital role in today's deep neural networks. However, inspired by neuro-biological research, it has been proposed to add inhibitory neurons outside the receptive field, which may enhance the performance of neural network models. In this paper, we begin with deep network architectures such as VGG and ResNet, and propose an approach to add lateral inhibition in each output neuron to reduce its impact on its neighbours, both in fine-tuning pre-trained models and training from scratch. Our experiments show that notable improvements upon prior baseline deep models can be achieved. A key feature of our approach is that it is easy to add to baseline models; it can be adopted in any model containing convolution layers, and we demonstrate its value in applications including object recognition and semantic segmentation of aerial images, where we show state-of-the-art result on the Aeroscape dataset. On semantic segmentation tasks, our enhancement shows 17.43% higher mIoU than a single baseline model on a single source (the Aeroscape dataset), 13.43% higher performance than an ensemble model on the same single source, and 7.03% higher than an ensemble model on multiple sources (segmentation datasets). Our experiments illustrate the potential impact of using inhibitory neurons in deep learning models, and they also show better results than the baseline models that have standard convolutional layer.

Electroencephalography Signal Processing Based on Textural Features for Monitoring the Driver’s State by a Brain-Computer Interface

Giulia Orrù, Marco Micheletto, Fabio Terranova, Gian Luca Marcialis

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Auto-TLDR; One-dimensional Local Binary Pattern Algorithm for Estimating Driver Vigilance in a Brain-Computer Interface System

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In this study we investigate a textural processing method of electroencephalography (EEG) signal as an indicator to estimate the driver's vigilance in a hypothetical Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) system. The novelty of the solution proposed relies on employing the one-dimensional Local Binary Pattern (1D-LBP) algorithm for feature extraction from pre-processed EEG data. From the resulting feature vector, the classification is done according to three vigilance classes: awake, tired and drowsy. The claim is that the class transitions can be detected by describing the variations of the micro-patterns' occurrences along the EEG signal. The 1D-LBP is able to describe them by detecting mutual variations of the signal temporarily "close" as a short bit-code. Our analysis allows to conclude that the 1D-LBP adoption has led to significant performance improvement. Moreover, capturing the class transitions from the EEG signal is effective, although the overall performance is not yet good enough to develop a BCI for assessing the driver's vigilance in real environments.

DeepBEV: A Conditional Adversarial Network for Bird’s Eye View Generation

Helmi Fraser, Sen Wang

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Auto-TLDR; A Generative Adversarial Network for Semantic Object Representation in Autonomous Vehicles

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Obtaining a meaningful, interpretable yet compact representation of the immediate surroundings of an autonomous vehicle is paramount for effective operation as well as safety. This paper proposes a solution to this by representing semantically important objects from a top-down, ego-centric bird's eye view. The novelty in this work is from formulating this problem as an adversarial learning task, tasking a generator model to produce bird's eye view representations which are plausible enough to be mistaken as a ground truth sample. This is achieved by using a Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network based model conditioned on object detections from monocular RGB images and the corresponding bounding boxes. Extensive experiments show our model is more robust to novel data compared to strictly supervised benchmark models, while being a fraction of the size of the next best.

A Bayesian Approach to Reinforcement Learning of Vision-Based Vehicular Control

Zahra Gharaee, Karl Holmquist, Linbo He, Michael Felsberg

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

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In this paper, we present a state-of-the-art reinforcement learning method for autonomous driving. Our approach employs temporal difference learning in a Bayesian framework to learn vehicle control signals from sensor data. The agent has access to images from a forward facing camera, which are pre-processed to generate semantic segmentation maps. We trained our system using both ground truth and estimated semantic segmentation input. Based on our observations from a large set of experiments, we conclude that training the system on ground truth input data leads to better performance than training the system on estimated input even if estimated input is used for evaluation. The system is trained and evaluated in a realistic simulated urban environment using the CARLA simulator. The simulator also contains a benchmark that allows for comparing to other systems and methods. The required training time of the system is shown to be lower and the performance on the benchmark superior to competing approaches.

Derivation of Geometrically and Semantically Annotated UAV Datasets at Large Scales from 3D City Models

Sidi Wu, Lukas Liebel, Marco Körner

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Auto-TLDR; Large-Scale Dataset of Synthetic UAV Imagery for Geometric and Semantic Annotation

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While in high demand for the development of deep learning approaches, extensive datasets of annotated UAV imagery are still scarce today. Manual annotation, however, is time-consuming and, thus, has limited the potential for creating large-scale datasets. We tackle this challenge by presenting a procedure for the automatic creation of simulated UAV image sequences in urban areas and pixel-level annotations from publicly available data sources. We synthesize photo-realistic UAV imagery from Goole Earth Studio and derive annotations from an open CityGML model that not only provides geometric but also semantic information. The first dataset we exemplarily created using our approach contains 144000 images of Berlin, Germany, with four types of annotations, namely semantic labels as well as depth, surface normals, and edge maps. In the future, a complete pipeline regarding all the technical problems will be provided, together with more accurate models to refine some of the empirical settings currently, to automatically generate a large-scale dataset with reliable ground-truth annotations over the whole city of Berlin. The dataset, as well as the source code, will be published by then. Different methods will also be facilitated to test the usability of the dataset. We believe our dataset can be used for, and not limited to, tasks like pose estimation, geo-localization, monocular depth estimation, edge detection, building/surface classification, and plane segmentation. A potential research pipeline for geo-localization based on the synthetic dataset is provided.

RONELD: Robust Neural Network Output Enhancement for Active Lane Detection

Zhe Ming Chng, Joseph Mun Hung Lew, Jimmy Addison Lee

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Robust Neural Network Output Enhancement for Active Lane Detection

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Accurate lane detection is critical for navigation in autonomous vehicles, particularly the active lane which demarcates the single road space that the vehicle is currently traveling on. Recent state-of-the-art lane detection algorithms utilize convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to train deep learning models on popular benchmarks such as TuSimple and CULane. While each of these models works particularly well on train and test inputs obtained from the same dataset, the performance drops significantly on unseen datasets of different environments. In this paper, we present a real-time robust neural network output enhancement for active lane detection (RONELD) method to identify, track, and optimize active lanes from deep learning probability map outputs. We first adaptively extract lane points from the probability map outputs, followed by detecting curved and straight lanes before using weighted least squares linear regression on straight lanes to fix broken lane edges resulting from fragmentation of edge maps in real images. Lastly, we hypothesize true active lanes through tracking preceding frames. Experimental results demonstrate an up to two-fold increase in accuracy using RONELD on cross-dataset validation tests.

ResNet-Like Architecture with Low Hardware Requirements

Elena Limonova, Daniil Alfonso, Dmitry Nikolaev, Vladimir V. Arlazarov

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Auto-TLDR; BM-ResNet: Bipolar Morphological ResNet for Image Classification

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One of the most computationally intensive parts in modern recognition systems is an inference of deep neural networks that are used for image classification, segmentation, enhancement, and recognition. The growing popularity of edge computing makes us look for ways to reduce its time for mobile and embedded devices. One way to decrease the neural network inference time is to modify a neuron model to make it more efficient for computations on a specific device. The example of such a model is a bipolar morphological neuron model. The bipolar morphological neuron is based on the idea of replacing multiplication with addition and maximum operations. This model has been demonstrated for simple image classification with LeNet-like architectures [1]. In the paper, we introduce a bipolar morphological ResNet (BM-ResNet) model obtained from a much more complex ResNet architecture by converting its layers to bipolar morphological ones. We apply BM-ResNet to image classification on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets with only a moderate accuracy decrease from 99.3% to 99.1% and from 85.3% to 85.1%. We also estimate the computational complexity of the resulting model. We show that for the majority of ResNet layers, the considered model requires 2.1-2.9 times fewer logic gates for implementation and 15-30% lower latency.