Kernel-Based LIME with Feature Dependency Sampling

Sheng Shi, Yangzhou Du, Fan Wei

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Auto-TLDR; Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanation with Feature Dependency Sampling

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While deep learning makes significant achievements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), the lack of transparency has limited its broad application in various vertical domains. Explainability is not only a gateway between AI and society, but also a powerful feature to detect flaw of the models and bias of the data. Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanation (LIME) is a widely-accepted technique that explains the predictions of any classifier faithfully by learning an interpretable model locally around the predicted instance. However, the sampling operation in the standard implementation of LIME is defective. Perturbed samples are generated from a uniform distribution, ignoring the complicated correlation between features. Moreover, as the local decision boundary is non-linear for most complex networks, linear approximation may produce serious errors. This paper proposes an high-interpretability and high-fidelity local explanation method, known as Kernel-based LIME with Feature Dependency Sampling (KLFDS). Given an instance being explained, KLFDS enhances interpretability by feature sampling with intrinsic dependency. Besides, KLFDS improves the local explanation fidelity by approximating nonlinear boundary of local decision. We evaluate our method with image classification tasks and results show that KLFDS's explanation of the back-box model achieves much better performance than original LIME in terms of interpretability and fidelity.

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MFPP: Morphological Fragmental Perturbation Pyramid for Black-Box Model Explanations

Qing Yang, Xia Zhu, Jong-Kae Fwu, Yun Ye, Ganmei You, Yuan Zhu

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Auto-TLDR; Morphological Fragmental Perturbation Pyramid for Explainable Deep Neural Network

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) have recently been applied and used in many advanced and diverse tasks, such as medical diagnosis, automatic driving, etc. Due to the lack of transparency of the deep models, DNNs are often criticized for their prediction that cannot be explainable by human. In this paper, we propose a novel Morphological Fragmental Perturbation Pyramid (MFPP) method to solve the Explainable AI problem. In particular, we focus on the black-box scheme, which can identify the input area responsible for the output of the DNN without having to understand the internal architecture of the DNN. In the MFPP method, we divide the input image into multi-scale fragments and randomly mask out fragments as perturbation to generate a saliency map, which indicates the significance of each pixel for the prediction result of the black box model. Compared with the existing input sampling perturbation method, the pyramid structure fragment has proved to be more effective. It can better explore the morphological information of the input image to match its semantic information, and does not need any value inside the DNN. We qualitatively and quantitatively prove that MFPP meets and exceeds the performance of state-of-the-art (SOTA) black-box interpretation method on multiple DNN models and datasets.

Auto Encoding Explanatory Examples with Stochastic Paths

Cesar Ali Ojeda Marin, Ramses J. Sanchez, Kostadin Cvejoski, Bogdan Georgiev

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Stochastic Path: Explaining a Classifier's Decision Making Process using latent codes

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Attack-Agnostic Adversarial Detection on Medical Data Using Explainable Machine Learning

Matthew Watson, Noura Al Moubayed

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Auto-TLDR; Explainability-based Detection of Adversarial Samples on EHR and Chest X-Ray Data

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Explainable machine learning has become increasingly prevalent, especially in healthcare where explainable models are vital for ethical and trusted automated decision making. Work on the susceptibility of deep learning models to adversarial attacks has shown the ease of designing samples to mislead a model into making incorrect predictions. In this work, we propose an explainability-based method for the accurate detection of adversarial samples on two datasets with different complexity and properties: Electronic Health Record (EHR) and chest X-ray (CXR) data. On the MIMIC-III and Henan-Renmin EHR datasets, we report a detection accuracy of 77% against the Longitudinal Adversarial Attack. On the MIMIC-CXR dataset, we achieve an accuracy of 88%; significantly improving on the state of the art of adversarial detection in both datasets by over 10% in all settings. We propose an anomaly detection based method using explainability techniques to detect adversarial samples which is able to generalise to different attack methods without a need for retraining.

Understanding Integrated Gradients with SmoothTaylor for Deep Neural Network Attribution

Gary Shing Wee Goh, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Leander Weber, Wojciech Samek, Alexander Binder

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Auto-TLDR; SmoothGrad: bridging Integrated Gradients and SmoothGrad from the Taylor's theorem perspective

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Integrated Gradients as an attribution method for deep neural network models offers simple implementability. However, it suffers from noisiness of explanations which affects the ease of interpretability. The SmoothGrad technique is proposed to solve the noisiness issue and smoothen the attribution maps of any gradient-based attribution method. In this paper, we present SmoothTaylor as a novel theoretical concept bridging Integrated Gradients and SmoothGrad, from the Taylor's theorem perspective. We apply the methods to the image classification problem, using the ILSVRC2012 ImageNet object recognition dataset, and a couple of pretrained image models to generate attribution maps. These attribution maps are empirically evaluated using quantitative measures for sensitivity and noise level. We further propose adaptive noising to optimize for the noise scale hyperparameter value. From our experiments, we find that the SmoothTaylor approach together with adaptive noising is able to generate better quality saliency maps with lesser noise and higher sensitivity to the relevant points in the input space as compared to Integrated Gradients.

Decision Snippet Features

Pascal Welke, Fouad Alkhoury, Christian Bauckhage, Stefan Wrobel

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Auto-TLDR; Decision Snippet Features for Interpretability

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Decision trees excel at interpretability of their prediction results. To achieve required prediction accuracies, however, often large ensembles of decision trees -- random forests -- are considered, reducing interpretability due to large size. Additionally, their size slows down inference on modern hardware and restricts their applicability in low-memory embedded devices. We introduce \emph{Decision Snippet Features}, which are obtained from small subtrees that appear frequently in trained random forests. We subsequently show that linear models on top of these features achieve comparable and sometimes even better predictive performance than the original random forest, while reducing the model size by up to two orders of magnitude.

Color, Edge, and Pixel-Wise Explanation of Predictions Based onInterpretable Neural Network Model

Jay Hoon Jung, Youngmin Kwon

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Auto-TLDR; Explainable Deep Neural Network with Edge Detecting Filters

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We design an interpretable network model by introducing explainable components into a Deep Neural Network (DNN). We substituted the first kernels of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a ResNet-50 with the well-known edge detecting filters such as Sobel, Prewitt, and other filters. Each filters' relative importance scores are measured with a variant of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) method proposed by Bach et al. Since the effects of the edge detecting filters are well understood, our model provides three different scores to explain individual predictions: the scores with respect to (1) colors, (2) edge filters, and (3) pixels of the image. Our method provides more tools to analyze the predictions by highlighting the location of important edges and colors in the images. Furthermore, the general features of a category can be shown in our scores as well as individual predictions. At the same time, the model does not degrade performances on MNIST, Fruit360 and ImageNet datasets.

Towards Explaining Adversarial Examples Phenomenon in Artificial Neural Networks

Ramin Barati, Reza Safabakhsh, Mohammad Rahmati

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Auto-TLDR; Convolutional Neural Networks and Adversarial Training from the Perspective of convergence

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In this paper, we study the adversarial examples existence and adversarial training from the standpoint of convergence and provide evidence that pointwise convergence in ANNs can explain these observations. The main contribution of our proposal is that it relates the objective of the evasion attacks and adversarial training with concepts already defined in learning theory. Also, we extend and unify some of the other proposals in the literature and provide alternative explanations on the observations made in those proposals. Through different experiments, we demonstrate that the framework is valuable in the study of the phenomenon and is applicable to real-world problems.

Improving Explainability of Integrated Gradients with Guided Non-Linearity

Hyuk Jin Kwon, Hyung Il Koo, Nam Ik Cho

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Auto-TLDR; Guided Non-linearity for Attribution in Convolutional Neural Networks

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Along with the performance improvements of neural network models, developing methods that enable the explanation of their behavior is a significant research topic. For convolutional neural networks, the explainability is usually achieved with attribution (heatmap) that visualizes pixel-level importance or contribution of input to its corresponding result. This attribution should reflect the relation (dependency) between inputs and outputs, which has been studied with a variety of methods, e.g., derivative of an output with respect to an input pixel value, a weighted sum of gradients, amount of output changes to input perturbations, and so on. In this paper, we present a new method that improves the measure of attribution, and incorporates it into the integrated gradients method. To be precise, rather than using the conventional chain-rule, we propose a method called guided non-linearity that propagates gradients more effectively through non-linear units (e.g., ReLU and max-pool) so that only positive gradients backpropagate through non-linear units. Our method is inspired by the mechanism of action potential generation in postsynaptic neurons, where the firing of action potentials depends on the sum of excitatory (EPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP). We believe that paths consisting of EPSP-giving-neurons faithfully reflect the contribution of inputs to the output, and we make gradients flow only along those paths (i.e., paths of positive chain reactions). Experiments with 5 deep neural networks have shown that the proposed method outperforms others in terms of the deletion metrics, and yields fine-grained and more human-interpretable attribution.

Explainable Feature Embedding Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Pathological Image Analysis

Kazuki Uehara, Masahiro Murakawa, Hirokazu Nosato, Hidenori Sakanashi

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Auto-TLDR; Explainable Diagnosis Using Convolutional Neural Networks for Pathological Image Analysis

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The development of computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) algorithms for pathological image analysis constitutes an important research topic. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been used in several studies for the development of CAD algorithms. Such systems are required to be not only accurate but also explainable for their decisions, to ensure reliability. However, a limitation of using CNNs is that the basis of the decisions made by them are incomprehensible to humans. Thus, in this paper, we present an explainable diagnosis method, which comprises of two CNNs for different rolls. This method allows us to interpret the basis of the decisions made by CNN from two perspectives, namely statistics and visualization. For the statistical explanation, the method constructs a dictionary of representative pathological features. It performs diagnoses based on the occurrence and importance of learned features referred from its dictionary. To construct the dictionary, we introduce a vector quantization scheme for CNN. For the visual interpretation, the method provides images of learned features embedded in a high-dimensional feature space as an index of the dictionary by generating them using a conditional autoregressive model. The experimental results showed that the proposed network learned pathological features, which contributed to the diagnosis and yielded an area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) of approximately 0.93 for detecting atypical tissues in pathological images of the uterine cervix. Moreover, the proposed method demonstrated that it could provide visually interpretable images to show the rationales behind its decisions. Thus, the proposed method can serve as a valuable tool for pathological image analysis in terms of both its accuracy and explainability.

Automatically Mining Relevant Variable Interactions Via Sparse Bayesian Learning

Ryoichiro Yafune, Daisuke Sakuma, Yasuo Tabei, Noritaka Saito, Hiroto Saigo

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Auto-TLDR; Sparse Bayes for Interpretable Non-linear Prediction

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With the rapid increase in the availability of large amount of data, prediction is becoming increasingly popular, and has widespread through our daily life. However, powerful non- linear prediction methods such as deep learning and SVM suffer from interpretability problem, making it hard to use in domains where the reason for decision making is required. In this paper, we develop an interpretable non-linear model called itemset Sparse Bayes (iSB), which builds a Bayesian probabilistic model, while simultaneously considering variable interactions. In order to suppress the resulting large number of variables, sparsity is imposed on regression weights by a sparsity inducing prior. As a subroutine to search for variable interactions, itemset enumeration algorithm is employed with a novel bounding condition. In computational experiments using real-world dataset, the proposed method performed better than decision tree by 10% in terms of r-squared . We also demonstrated the advantage of our method in Bayesian optimization setting, in which the proposed approach could successfully find the maximum of an unknown function faster than Gaussian process. The interpretability of iSB is naturally inherited to Bayesian optimization, thereby gives us a clue to understand which variables interactions are important in optimizing an unknown function.

A Joint Representation Learning and Feature Modeling Approach for One-Class Recognition

Pramuditha Perera, Vishal Patel

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Auto-TLDR; Combining Generative Features and One-Class Classification for Effective One-class Recognition

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One-class recognition is traditionally approached either as a representation learning problem or a feature modelling problem. In this work, we argue that both of these approaches have their own limitations; and a more effective solution can be obtained by combining the two. The proposed approach is based on the combination of a generative framework and a one-class classification method. First, we learn generative features using the one-class data with a generative framework. We augment the learned features with the corresponding reconstruction errors to obtain augmented features. Then, we qualitatively identify a suitable feature distribution that reduces the redundancy in the chosen classifier space. Finally, we force the augmented features to take the form of this distribution using an adversarial framework. We test the effectiveness of the proposed method on three one-class classification tasks and obtain state-of-the-art results.

Creating Classifier Ensembles through Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Aerial Scene Classification

Álvaro Roberto Ferreira Jr., Gustavo Gustavo Henrique De Rosa, Joao Paulo Papa, Gustavo Carneiro, Fabio Augusto Faria

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Auto-TLDR; Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm for Aerial Scene Classification Using Meta-Heuristic Optimization

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Aerial scene classification is a challenging task to be solved in the remote sensing area, whereas deep learning approaches, such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), are being widely employed to overcome such a problem. Nevertheless, it is not straightforward to find single CNN models that can solve all aerial scene classification tasks, allowing the nurturing of a better alternative, which is to fuse CNN-based classifiers into an ensemble. However, an appropriate choice of the classifiers that will belong to the ensemble is a critical factor, as it is unfeasible to employ all the possible classifiers in the literature. Therefore, this work proposes a novel framework based on meta-heuristic optimization for creating optimized-ensembles in the context of aerial scene classification. The experimental results were performed across nine meta-heuristic algorithms and three aerial scene literature datasets, being compared in terms of effectiveness (accuracy), efficiency (execution time), and behavioral performance in different scenarios. Finally, one can observe that the Univariate Marginal Distribution Algorithm (UMDA) overcame popular literature meta-heuristic algorithms, such as Genetic Programming and Particle Swarm Optimization considering the adopted criteria in the performed experiments.

A General Model for Learning Node and Graph Representations Jointly

Chaofan Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Community Detection/Dynamic Routing for Graph Classification

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This paper focuses on two fundamental graph recognition tasks: node classification and graph classification. Existing methods usually learn the node and graph representations for these two tasks separately, and ignore modeling the relations between the local and global structures. In this paper, we propose a general approach to learn the local and global features collaboratively: (1) in order to characterize the correlation among nodes and communities (a set of nodes), we employ the joint community detection/dynamic routing modules to generate the clustering assignment matrices at first and then utilize these matrices to cluster nodes to capture the global information of graphs (locally relevant graph representations). Inspired by the success of spectral clustering, we minimize the ratiocut loss to help optimize the learned assignment matrices. (2) We maximize the mutual information between local and global representations to help learn the globally relevant node representations. Experimental results on a variety of node and graph classification benchmarks show that our model can achieve superior performance over the state-of-the-art approaches.

BP-Net: Deep Learning-Based Superpixel Segmentation for RGB-D Image

Bin Zhang, Xuejing Kang, Anlong Ming

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Learning-based Superpixel Segmentation Algorithm for RGB-D Image

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based superpixel segmentation algorithm for RGB-D image. The proposed deep neural network called BP-net is composed of boundary detection network (B-net) that exploits multiscale information from the depth image to extract the geometry edges of objects, and pixel labeling network (P-net) that extracts pixel features and generates superpixel. A boundary pass filter is proposed to combines the edge information and pixel features and ensures superpixel adheres better to geometry edge. To generate regular superpixel, we design a loss function which takes the shape regularity error and superpixel accuracy into account. In addition, for providing reasonable initial seeds, a new seeds initialization strategy is proposed, in which the density of seeds is investigated from a 2-manifolds space to reduce the number of superpixels that cover multiple objects in the region of richness texture. Experimental results demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the existing state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy and shape regularity on the RGB-D dataset.

3CS Algorithm for Efficient Gaussian Process Model Retrieval

Fabian Berns, Kjeld Schmidt, Ingolf Bracht, Christian Beecks

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient retrieval of Gaussian Process Models for large-scale data using divide-&-conquer-based approach

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Gaussian Process Models (GPMs) have been applied for various pattern recognition tasks due to their analytical tractability, ability to quantify uncertainty for their own results as well as to subsume prominent other regression techniques. Despite these promising prospects their super-quadratic computation time complexity for model selection and evaluation impedes its broader application for more than a few thousand data points. Although there have been many proposals towards Gaussian Processes for large-scale data, those only offer a linearly scaling improvement to a cubical scaling problem. In particular, solutions like the Nystrom approximation or sparse matrices are only taking fractions of the given data into account and subsequently lead to inaccurate models. In this paper, we thus propose a divide-&-conquer-based approach, that allows to efficiently retrieve GPMs for large-scale data. The resulting model is composed of independent pattern representations for non-overlapping segments of the given data and consequently reduces computation time significantly. Our performance analysis indicates that our proposal is able to outperform state-of-the-art algorithms for GPM retrieval with respect to the qualities of efficiency and accuracy.

Aggregating Dependent Gaussian Experts in Local Approximation

Hamed Jalali, Gjergji Kasneci

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Auto-TLDR; A novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence

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Distributed Gaussian processes (DGPs) are prominent local approximation methods to scale Gaussian processes (GPs) to large datasets. Instead of a global estimation, they train local experts by dividing the training set into subsets, thus reducing the time complexity. This strategy is based on the conditional independence assumption, which basically means that there is a perfect diversity between the local experts. In practice, however, this assumption is often violated, and the aggregation of experts leads to sub-optimal and inconsistent solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for aggregating the Gaussian experts by detecting strong violations of conditional independence. The dependency between experts is determined by using a Gaussian graphical model, which yields the precision matrix. The precision matrix encodes conditional dependencies between experts and is used to detect strongly dependent experts and construct an improved aggregation. Using both synthetic and real datasets, our experimental evaluations illustrate that our new method outperforms other state-of-the-art (SOTA) DGP approaches while being substantially more time-efficient than SOTA approaches, which build on independent experts.

Combining Similarity and Adversarial Learning to Generate Visual Explanation: Application to Medical Image Classification

Martin Charachon, Roberto Roberto Ardon, Celine Hudelot, Paul-Henry Cournède, Camille Ruppli

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Auto-TLDR; Explaining Black-Box Machine Learning Models with Visual Explanation

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Recently, due to their success and increasing applications, explaining the decision of black-box machine learning models has become a critical task. It is particularly the case in sensitive domains such as medical image interpretation. Various explanation approaches have been proposed in the literature, among which perturbation based approaches are very promising. Within this class of methods, we leverage a learning framework to produce our visual explanations method. From a given classifier, we train two generators to produce from an input image the so called similar and adversarial images. The similar (resp. adversarial) image shall be classified as (resp. not as) the input image. We show that visual explanation, outperforming state of the art methods, can be derived from these. Our method is model-agnostic and, at test time, only requires a single forward pass to generate explanation. Therefore, the proposed approach is adapted for real-time systems such as medical image analysis. Finally, we show that random geometric augmentations applied on the original image acts as a regularization that improves all state of the art explanation methods. We validate our approach on a large chest X-ray database.

RLST: A Reinforcement Learning Approach to Scene Text Detection Refinement

Xuan Peng, Zheng Huang, Kai Chen, Jie Guo, Weidong Qiu

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Auto-TLDR; Saccadic Eye Movements and Peripheral Vision for Scene Text Detection using Reinforcement Learning

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Within the research of scene text detection, some previous work has already achieved significant accuracy and efficiency. However, most of the work was generally done without considering about the implicit relationship between detection and eye movements. In this paper, we propose a new method for scene text detection especially for its refinement based on reinforcement learning. The idea of this method is inspired by Saccadic Eye Movements and Peripheral Vision. A saccade makes it possible for humans to orient the gaze to the location where a visual object has appeared. Peripheral vision gathers visual information of surroundings which provides supplement to foveal vision during gazing. We propose a simple pipeline, imitating the way human eyes do a saccade and collect peripheral information, to locate scene text roughly and to refine multi-scale vision field iteratively using reinforcement learning. For both training and evaluation, we use ICDAR2015 Challenge 4 dataset as a base and design several criteria to measure the feasibility of our work.

Zoom-CAM: Generating Fine-Grained Pixel Annotations from Image Labels

Xiangwei Shi, Seyran Khademi, Yunqiang Li, Jan Van Gemert

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Auto-TLDR; Zoom-CAM for Weakly Supervised Object Localization and Segmentation

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Current weakly supervised object localization and segmentation rely on class-discriminative visualization techniques for convolutional neural networks (CNN) to generate pseudo-labels for pixel-level training. However, visualization methods, including CAM and Grad-CAM, focus on most discriminative object parts summarized in the last convolutional layer, missing the complete pixel mapping in intermediate layers. We propose Zoom-CAM: going beyond the last lowest resolution layer by integrating the importance maps over all activations in intermediate layers. Zoom-CAM captures fine-grained small-scale objects for various discriminative class instances, which are commonly missed by the baseline visualization methods. We focus on generating pixel-level pseudo-labels from class labels. The quality of our pseudo-labels evaluated on the ImageNet localization task exhibits more than 2.8% improvement on top-1 error. For weakly supervised semantic segmentation our generated pseudo-labels improve a state of the art model by 1.1%.

Hierarchical Head Design for Object Detectors

Shivang Agarwal, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; Hierarchical Anchor for SSD Detector

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The notion of anchor plays a major role in modern detection algorithms such as the Faster-RCNN or the SSD detector. Anchors relate the features of the last layers of the detector with bounding boxes containing objects in images. Despite their importance, the literature on object detection has not paid real attention to them. The motivation of this paper comes from the observations that (i) each anchor learns to classify and regress candidate objects independently (ii) insufficient examples are available for each anchor in case of small-scale datasets. This paper addresses these questions by proposing a novel hierarchical head for the SSD detector. The new design has the added advantage of no extra weights, as compared to the original design at inference time, while improving detectors performance for small size training sets. Improved performance on PASCAL-VOC and state-of-the-art performance on FlickrLogos-47 validate the method. We also show when the proposed design does not give additional performance gain over the original design.

SSDL: Self-Supervised Domain Learning for Improved Face Recognition

Samadhi Poornima Kumarasinghe Wickrama Arachchilage, Ebroul Izquierdo

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Domain Learning for Face Recognition in unconstrained environments

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Face recognition in unconstrained environments is challenging due to variations in illumination, quality of sensing, motion blur and etc. An individual’s face appearance can vary drastically under different conditions creating a gap between train (source) and varying test (target) data. The domain gap could cause decreased performance levels in direct knowledge transfer from source to target. Despite fine-tuning with domain specific data could be an effective solution, collecting and annotating data for all domains is extremely expensive. To this end, we propose a self-supervised domain learning (SSDL) scheme that trains on triplets mined from unlabelled data. A key factor in effective discriminative learning, is selecting informative triplets. Building on most confident predictions, we follow an “easy-to-hard” scheme of alternate triplet mining and self-learning. Comprehensive experiments on four different benchmarks show that SSDL generalizes well on different domains.

3D Facial Matching by Spiral Convolutional Metric Learning and a Biometric Fusion-Net of Demographic Properties

Soha Sadat Mahdi, Nele Nauwelaers, Philip Joris, Giorgos Bouritsas, Imperial London, Sergiy Bokhnyak, Susan Walsh, Mark Shriver, Michael Bronstein, Peter Claes

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-biometric Fusion for Biometric Verification using 3D Facial Mesures

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Face recognition is a widely accepted biometric verification tool, as the face contains a lot of information about the identity of a person. In this study, a 2-step neural-based pipeline is presented for matching 3D facial shape to multiple DNA-related properties (sex, age, BMI and genomic background). The first step consists of a triplet loss-based metric learner that compresses facial shape into a lower dimensional embedding while preserving information about the property of interest. Most studies in the field of metric learning have only focused on Euclidean data. In this work, geometric deep learning is employed to learn directly from 3D facial meshes. To this end, spiral convolutions are used along with a novel mesh-sampling scheme that retains uniformly sampled 3D points at different levels of resolution. The second step is a multi-biometric fusion by a fully connected neural network. The network takes an ensemble of embeddings and property labels as input and returns genuine and imposter scores. Since embeddings are accepted as an input, there is no need to train classifiers for the different properties and available data can be used more efficiently. Results obtained by a 10-fold cross-validation for biometric verification show that combining multiple properties leads to stronger biometric systems. Furthermore, the proposed neural-based pipeline outperforms a linear baseline, which consists of principal component analysis, followed by classification with linear support vector machines and a Naïve Bayes-based score-fuser.

Social Network Analysis Using Knowledge-Graph Embeddings and Convolution Operations

Bonaventure Chidube Molokwu, Shaon Bhatta Shuvo, Ziad Kobti, Narayan C. Kar

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Auto-TLDR; RLVECO: Representation Learning via Knowledge- Graph Embeddings and Convolution Operations for Social Network Analysis

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Link prediction and node classification tasks in Social Network Analysis (SNA) remain open research problems with respect to Artificial Intelligence (AI). Thus, the inherent representations about social network structures can be effectively harnessed for training AI models in a bid to predict ties as well as detect clusters via classification of actors with regard to a given social network structure. In this paper, we have proposed a special hybrid model comprising dual layers of Feature Learning (FL): Representation Learning via Knowledge- Graph Embeddings and Convolution Operations (RLVECO). The architecture of RLVECO is tailored towards analyzing and extracting meaningful representations from social network structures so as to aid in link prediction, node classification, and community detection tasks. RLVECO utilizes an edge sampling approach for exploiting features of the social graph via learning the context of each actor with respect to its neighboring actors.

Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN Based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

Ruojing Wang, Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Image Compression using GAN based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

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Image compression is a basic task in image processing. In this paper, We present an adaptive image compression algorithm that relies on GAN based semantic-perceptual residual compensation, which is available to offer visually pleasing reconstruction at a low bitrate. Our method adopt an U-shaped encoding and decoding structure accompanied by a well-designed dense residual connection with strip pooling module to improve the original auto-encoder. Besides, we introduce the idea of adversarial learning by introducing a discriminator thus constructed a complete GAN. To improve the coding efficiency, we creatively designed an adaptive semantic-perception residual compensation block based on Grad-CAM algorithm. In the improvement of the quantizer, we embed the method of soft-quantization so as to solve the problem to some extent that back propagation process is irreversible. Simultaneously, we use the latest FLIF lossless compression algorithm and BPG vector compression algorithm to perform deeper compression on the image. More importantly experimental results including PSNR, MS-SSIM demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art image compression methods.

Semantic Segmentation Refinement Using Entropy and Boundary-guided Monte Carlo Sampling and Directed Regional Search

Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Ruojing Wang, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Directed Region Search and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation requires both large receptive field and accurate spatial information. Despite existing methods based on fully convolutional network have greatly improved the accuracy, the prediction results still do not show satisfactory on small objects and boundary regions. We propose a refinement algorithm to improve the result generated by front network. Our method takes a modified U-shape network to generate both of segmentation mask and semantic boundary, which are used as inputs of refinement algorithm. We creatively introduce information entropy to represent the confidence of the neural network's prediction corresponding to each pixel. The information entropy combined with the semantic boundary can capture those unpredictable pixels with low-confidence through Monte Carlo sampling. Each selected pixel will be used as initial seeds for directed region search and refinement. Our purpose is to search the neighbor high-confidence regions according to the initial seeds. The re-labeling approach is based on high-confidence results. Particularly, different from general region growing methods, our method adopts a directed region search strategy based on gradient descent to find the high-confidence region effectively. Our method improves the performance both on Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC datasets. In the evaluation of segmentation accuracy of some small objects, our method surpasses most of state of the art methods.

How Does DCNN Make Decisions?

Yi Lin, Namin Wang, Xiaoqing Ma, Ziwei Li, Gang Bai

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring Deep Convolutional Neural Network's Decision-Making Interpretability

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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN), despite imitating the human visual system, present no such decision credibility as human observers. This phenomenon, therefore, leads to the limitations of DCNN's applications in the security and trusted computing, such as self-driving cars and medical diagnosis. Focusing on this issue, our work aims to explore the way DCNN makes decisions. In this paper, the major contributions we made are: firstly, provide the hypothesis, “point-wise activation” of convolution function, according to the analysis of DCNN’s architectures and training process; secondly, point out the effect of “point-wise activation” on DCNN’s uninterpretable classification and pool robustness, and then suggest, in particular, the contradiction between the traditional and DCNN’s convolution kernel functions; finally, distinguish decision-making interpretability from semantic interpretability, and indicate that DCNN’s decision-making mechanism need to evolve towards the direction of semantics in the future. Besides, the “point-wise activation” hypothesis and conclusions proposed in our paper are supported by extensive experimental results.

From Early Biological Models to CNNs: Do They Look Where Humans Look?

Marinella Iole Cadoni, Andrea Lagorio, Enrico Grosso, Jia Huei Tan, Chee Seng Chan

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Auto-TLDR; Comparing Neural Networks to Human Fixations for Semantic Learning

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Early hierarchical computational visual models as well as recent deep neural networks have been inspired by the functioning of the primate visual cortex system. Although much effort has been made to dissect neural networks to visualize the features they learn at the individual units, the scope of the visualizations has been limited to a categorization of the features in terms of their semantic level. Considering the ability humans have to select high semantic level regions of a scene, the question whether neural networks can match this ability, and if similarity with humans attention is correlated with neural networks performance naturally arise. To address this question we propose a pipeline to select and compare sets of feature points that maximally activate individual networks units to human fixations. We extract features from a variety of neural networks, from early hierarchical models such as HMAX up to recent deep convolutional neural netwoks such as Densnet, to compare them to human fixations. Experiments over the ETD database show that human fixations correlate with CNNs features from deep layers significantly better than with random sets of points, while they do not with features extracted from the first layers of CNNs, nor with the HMAX features, which seem to have low semantic level compared with the features that respond to the automatically learned filters of CNNs. It also turns out that there is a correlation between CNN’s human similarity and classification performance.

Adaptive Sampling of Pareto Frontiers with Binary Constraints Using Regression and Classification

Raoul Heese, Michael Bortz

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Optimization for Black-Box Multi-Objective Optimizing Problems with Binary Constraints

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We present a novel adaptive optimization algorithm for black-box multi-objective optimization problems with binary constraints on the foundation of Bayes optimization. Our method is based on probabilistic regression and classification models, which act as a surrogate for the optimization goals and allow us to suggest multiple design points at once in each iteration. The proposed acquisition function is intuitively understandable and can be tuned to the demands of the problems at hand. We also present a novel ellipsoid truncation method to speed up the expected hypervolume calculation in a straightfoward way for regression models with a normal probability density. We benchmark our approach with an evolutionary algorithm on multiple test problems.

Beyond Cross-Entropy: Learning Highly Separable Feature Distributions for Robust and Accurate Classification

Arslan Ali, Andrea Migliorati, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli

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Auto-TLDR; Gaussian class-conditional simplex loss for adversarial robust multiclass classifiers

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Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in several applications including image classification. However, deep classifiers are known to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in that a minor perturbation of the input can easily lead to an error. Providing robustness to adversarial attacks is a very challenging task especially in problems involving a large number of classes, as it typically comes at the expense of an accuracy decrease. In this work, we propose the Gaussian class-conditional simplex (GCCS) loss: a novel approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides adversarial robustness while at the same time achieving or even surpassing the classification accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. Differently from other frameworks, the proposed method learns a mapping of the input classes onto target distributions in a latent space such that the classes are linearly separable. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of target labels for individual samples, our objective function pushes the network to produce feature distributions yielding high inter-class separation. The mean values of the distributions are centered on the vertices of a simplex such that each class is at the same distance from every other class. We show that the regularization of the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy and inherently provides robustness to multiple adversarial attacks, both targeted and untargeted, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches over challenging datasets.

Content-Sensitive Superpixels Based on Adaptive Regrowth

Xiaopeng Li, Junlin Xiong

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Regrowth for Content-Sensitive Superpixels

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In this paper, we propose an efficient method to produce content-sensitive superpixels. Our method produces regular superpixels in relatively homogeneous regions and captures object boundaries in content-dense regions. Compared with the existing content-sensitive superpixel methods,a new adaptive regrowth strategy with an explicit boundary constraint is proposed.The boundary constraint limits the shapes and the sizes of superpixels to ensure semantic consistency. The adaptive regrowth strategy generates more superpixels to capture small objects in content-dense regions. Experiments on the BSDS500 benchmark show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art superpixel methods in terms of content sensitivity and several standard evaluation metrics.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

Honglin Li, Yifei Fan, Frieder Ganz, Tony Yezzi, Payam Barnaghi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

ClusterFace: Joint Clustering and Classification for Set-Based Face Recognition

Samadhi Poornima Kumarasinghe Wickrama Arachchilage, Ebroul Izquierdo

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Auto-TLDR; Joint Clustering and Classification for Face Recognition in the Wild

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Deep learning technology has enabled successful modeling of complex facial features when high quality images are available. Nonetheless, accurate modeling and recognition of human faces in real world scenarios 'on the wild' or under adverse conditions remains an open problem. When unconstrained faces are mapped into deep features, variations such as illumination, pose, occlusion, etc., can create inconsistencies in the resultant feature space. Hence, deriving conclusions based on direct associations could lead to degraded performance. This rises the requirement for a basic feature space analysis prior to face recognition. This paper devises a joint clustering and classification scheme which learns deep face associations in an easy-to-hard way. Our method is based on hierarchical clustering where the early iterations tend to preserve high reliability. The rationale of our method is that a reliable clustering result can provide insights on the distribution of the feature space, that can guide the classification that follows. Experimental evaluations on three tasks, face verification, face identification and rank-order search, demonstrates better or competitive performance compared to the state-of-the-art, on all three experiments.

Directional Graph Networks with Hard Weight Assignments

Miguel Dominguez, Raymond Ptucha

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Auto-TLDR; Hard Directional Graph Networks for Point Cloud Analysis

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Point cloud analysis is an important field for 3D scene understanding. It has applications in self driving cars and robotics (via LIDAR sensors), 3D graphics, and computer-aided design. Neural networks have recently achieved strong results on point cloud analysis problems such as classification and segmentation. Each point cloud network has the challenge of defining a convolution that can learn useful features on unstructured points. Some recent point cloud convolutions create separate weight matrices for separate directions like a CNN, but apply every weight matrix to every neighbor with soft assignments. This increases computational complexity and makes relatively small neighborhood aggregations expensive to compute. We propose Hard Directional Graph Networks (HDGN), a point cloud model that both learns directional weight matrices and assigns a single matrix to each neighbor, achieving directional convolutions at lower computational cost. HDGN's directional modeling achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple point cloud vision benchmarks.

An Invariance-Guided Stability Criterion for Time Series Clustering Validation

Florent Forest, Alex Mourer, Mustapha Lebbah, Hanane Azzag, Jérôme Lacaille

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Auto-TLDR; An invariance-guided method for clustering model selection in time series data

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Time series clustering is a challenging task due to the specificities of this type of data. Temporal correlation and invariance to transformations such as shifting, warping or noise prevent the use of standard data mining methods. Time series clustering has been mostly studied under the angle of finding efficient algorithms and distance metrics adapted to the specific nature of time series data. Much less attention has been devoted to the general problem of model selection. Clustering stability has emerged as a universal and model-agnostic principle for clustering model selection. This principle can be stated as follows: an algorithm should find a structure in the data that is resilient to perturbation by sampling or noise. We propose to apply stability analysis to time series by leveraging prior knowledge on the nature and invariances of the data. These invariances determine the perturbation process used to assess stability. Based on a recently introduced criterion combining between-cluster and within-cluster stability, we propose an invariance-guided method for model selection, applicable to a wide range of clustering algorithms. Experiments conducted on artificial and benchmark data sets demonstrate the ability of our criterion to discover structure and select the correct number of clusters, whenever data invariances are known beforehand.

Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization When Learning from Small Sample

Idan Azuri, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; GLICO: Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization for Small Sample Learning

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We revisit the long-standing problem of learning from small sample. The generation of new samples from a small training set of labeled points has attracted increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel such method called GLICO (Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization). GLICO learns a mapping from the training examples to a latent space and a generator that generates images from vectors in the latent space. Unlike most recent work, which rely on access to large amounts of unlabeled data, GLICO does not require access to any additional data other than the small set of labeled points. In fact, GLICO learns to synthesize completely new samples for every class using as little as 5 or 10 examples per class, with as few as 10 such classes and no data from unknown classes. GLICO is then used to augment the small training set while training a classifier on the small sample. To this end, our proposed method samples the learned latent space using spherical interpolation (slerp) and generates new examples using the trained generator. Empirical results show that the new sampled set is diverse enough, leading to improvement in image classification in comparison with the state of the art when trained on small samples obtained from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CUB-200.

Deep Transformation Models: Tackling Complex Regression Problems with Neural Network Based Transformation Models

Beate Sick, Torsten Hothorn, Oliver Dürr

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Transformation Model for Probabilistic Regression

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We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.

Deep Superpixel Cut for Unsupervised Image Segmentation

Qinghong Lin, Weichan Zhong

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Superpixel Cut for Deep Unsupervised Image Segmentation

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Image segmentation, one of the most critical vision tasks, has been studied for many years. Most of the early algorithms are unsupervised methods, which use hand-crafted features to divide the image into many regions. Recently, owing to the great success of deep learning technology, CNNs based methods showing superior performance in image segmentation. However, these methods rely on a large number of human annotations, which are expensive to collect. In this paper, we propose a deep unsupervised method for image segmentation, which borrowed the ideas of classical graph partitioning. Our approach contains the following two stages. First, a Superpixel Guided Autoencoder (SGAE) is designed to learn the deep embedding and smooth the image simultaneously, then the smoothed image passed to generate superpixels. Second, based on the learned embedding, we propose a novel segmentation algorithm called Deep Superpixel Cut(DSC), which measures the deep similarity between superpixels and then adaptively partitions the superpixels into perceptual regions. Experimental results on the BSDS500 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

Explain2Attack: Text Adversarial Attacks via Cross-Domain Interpretability

Mahmoud Hossam, Le Trung, He Zhao, Dinh Phung

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer2Attack: A Black-box Adversarial Attack on Text Classification

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Training robust deep learning models is a critical challenge for downstream tasks. Research has shown that common down-stream models can be easily fooled with adversarial inputs that look like the training data, but slightly perturbed, in a way imperceptible to humans. Understanding the behavior of natural language models under these attacks is crucial to better defend these models against such attacks. In the black-box attack setting, where no access to model parameters is available, the attacker can only query the output information from the targeted model to craft a successful attack. Current black-box state-of-the-art models are costly in both computational complexity and number of queries needed to craft successful adversarial examples. For real world scenarios, the number of queries is critical, where less queries are desired to avoid suspicion towards an attacking agent. In this paper, we propose Transfer2Attack, a black-box adversarial attack on text classification task, that employs cross-domain interpretability to reduce target model queries during attack. We show that our framework either achieves or out-performs attack rates of the state-of-the-art models, yet with lower queries cost and higher efficiency.

Generalized Shortest Path-Based Superpixels for Accurate Segmentation of Spherical Images

Rémi Giraud, Rodrigo Borba Pinheiro, Yannick Berthoumieu

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Auto-TLDR; SPS: Spherical Shortest Path-based Superpixels

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Most of existing superpixel methods are designed to segment standard planar images as pre-processing for computer vision pipelines. Nevertheless, the increasing number of applications based on wide angle capture devices, mainly generating 360° spherical images, have enforced the need for dedicated superpixel approaches. In this paper, we introduce a new superpixel method for spherical images called SphSPS (for Spherical Shortest Path-based Superpixels). Our approach respects the spherical geometry and generalizes the notion of shortest path between a pixel and a superpixel center on the 3D spherical acquisition space. We show that the feature information on such path can be efficiently integrated into our clustering framework and jointly improves the respect of object contours and the shape regularity. To relevantly evaluate this last aspect in the spherical space, we also generalize a planar global regularity metric. Finally, the proposed SphSPS method obtains significantly better performances than both planar and spherical recent superpixel approaches on the reference 360 o spherical panorama segmentation dataset.

Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Ratio of Edge-User Estimation in Mobile Networks

Jiehui Deng, Sheng Wan, Xiang Wang, Enmei Tu, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang, Chen Gong

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Auto-TLDR; EAGAT: Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Automatic REU Estimation in Mobile Networks

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Estimating the Ratio of Edge-Users (REU) is an important issue in mobile networks, as it helps the subsequent adjustment of loads in different cells. However, existing approaches usually determine the REU manually, which are experience-dependent and labor-intensive, and thus the estimated REU might be imprecise. Considering the inherited graph structure of mobile networks, in this paper, we utilize a graph-based deep learning method for automatic REU estimation, where the practical cells are deemed as nodes and the load switchings among them constitute edges. Concretely, Graph Attention Network (GAT) is employed as the backbone of our method due to its impressive generalizability in dealing with networked data. Nevertheless, conventional GAT cannot make full use of the information in mobile networks, since it only incorporates node features to infer the pairwise importance and conduct graph convolutions, while the edge features that are actually critical in our problem are disregarded. To accommodate this issue, we propose an Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network (EAGAT), which is able to fuse the node features and edge features for REU estimation. Extensive experimental results on two real-world mobile network datasets demonstrate the superiority of our EAGAT approach to several state-of-the-art methods.

Mean Decision Rules Method with Smart Sampling for Fast Large-Scale Binary SVM Classification

Alexandra Makarova, Mikhail Kurbakov, Valentina Sulimova

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Mean Decision Rule for Large-Scale Binary SVM Problems

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This paper relies on the Mean Decision Rule (MDR) method for solving large-scale binary SVM problems. It consists in taking small random samples of the full dataset and separate training for each of them with consecutive averaging the respective individual decision rules to obtain a final one. This paper proposes two new approaches to improve it. The first proposed approach is a new sampling technique that exploits SVM and MDR properties to fast form so called smart samples by selecting only the objects, that are candidates to be the support ones. The proposed technique essentially increases MDR convergence and allows to reach the highest quality in less time. In the case of kernel-based MDR (KMDR) the proposed sampling technique allows additionally to reduce the number of support objects in the final decision rule and, as a result, to decrease the recognition time. The second proposed approach is a new data strategy to accelerate random access to large datasets stored in the traditional libsvm format. The proposed strategy allows to quickly extract random subsets of objects from a file and load them into RAM, and is it also suitable for any sampling-based methods, including stochastic gradient methods. Joint using of the proposed approaches with (K)MDR allows to obtain the best (or near the best) decision of large-scale binary SVM problems faster, compared to the existing SVM solvers.

Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization and Linear Classification, and the Trade-Off between Robustness and Classification Accuracy

Martin Becker, Jens Lippel, Thomas Zielke

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Auto-TLDR; Robustness Assessment of Deep Autoencoder for Data Visualization using Scatter Plots

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This paper has three intertwined goals. The first is to introduce a new similarity measure for scatter plots. It uses Delaunay triangulations to compare two scatter plots regarding their relative positioning of clusters. The second is to apply this measure for the robustness assessment of a recent deep neural network (DNN) approach to dimensionality reduction (DR) for data visualization. It uses a nonlinear generalization of Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as the encoder network of a deep autoencoder (DAE). The DAE's decoder network acts as a regularizer. The third goal is to look at different variants of the DNN: ones that promise robustness and ones that promise high classification accuracies. This is to study the trade-off between these two objectives -- our results support the recent claim that robustness may be at odds with accuracy; however, results that are balanced regarding both objectives are achievable. We see a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) pretraining and the DAE based regularization as important building blocks for achieving balanced results. As a means of assessing the robustness of DR methods, we propose a measure that is based on our similarity measure for scatter plots. The robustness measure comes with a superimposition view of Delaunay triangulations, which allows a fast comparison of results from multiple DR methods.

A Multilinear Sampling Algorithm to Estimate Shapley Values

Ramin Okhrati, Aldo Lipani

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Auto-TLDR; A sampling method for Shapley values for multilayer Perceptrons

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Shapley values are great analytical tools in game theory to measure the importance of a player in a game. Due to their axiomatic and desirable properties such as efficiency, they have become popular for feature importance analysis in data science and machine learning. However, the time complexity to compute Shapley values based on the original formula is exponential, and as the number of features increases, this becomes infeasible. Castro et al. [1] developed a sampling algorithm, to estimate Shapley values. In this work, we propose a new sampling method based on a multilinear extension technique as applied in game theory. The aim is to provide a more efficient (sampling) method for estimating Shapley values. Our method is applicable to any machine learning model, in particular for either multiclass classifications or regression problems. We apply the method to estimate Shapley values for multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) and through experimentation on two datasets, we demonstrate that our method provides more accurate estimations of the Shapley values by reducing the variance of the sampling statistics

Deep Convolutional Embedding for Digitized Painting Clustering

Giovanna Castellano, Gennaro Vessio

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Convolutional Embedding Model for Clustering Artworks

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Clustering artworks is difficult because of several reasons. On one hand, recognizing meaningful patterns in accordance with domain knowledge and visual perception is extremely hard. On the other hand, the application of traditional clustering and feature reduction techniques to the highly dimensional pixel space can be ineffective. To address these issues, we propose to use a deep convolutional embedding model for digitized painting clustering, in which the task of mapping the input raw data to an abstract, latent space is jointly optimized with the task of finding a set of cluster centroids in this latent feature space. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is also able to outperform other state-of-the-art deep clustering approaches to the same problem. The proposed method may be beneficial to several art-related tasks, particularly visual link retrieval and historical knowledge discovery in painting datasets.

A Generalizable Saliency Map-Based Interpretation of Model Outcome

Shailja Thakur, Sebastian Fischmeister

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Auto-TLDR; Interpretability of Deep Neural Networks Using Salient Input and Output

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One of the significant challenges of deep neural networks is that the complex nature of the network prevents human comprehension of the outcome of the network. Consequently, the applicability of complex machine learning models is limited in the safety-critical domains, which incurs risk to life and property. To fully exploit the capabilities of complex neural networks, we propose a non-intrusive interpretability technique that uses the input and output of the model to generate a saliency map. The method works by empirically optimizing a randomly initialized input mask by localizing and weighing individual pixels according to their sensitivity towards the target class. Our experiments show that the proposed model interpretability approach performs better than the existing saliency map-based approaches methods at localizing the relevant input pixels. Furthermore, to obtain a global perspective on the target-specific explanation, we propose a saliency map reconstruction approach to generate acceptable variations of the salient inputs from the space of input data distribution for which the model outcome remains unaltered. Experiments show that our interpretability method can reconstruct the salient part of the input with a classification accuracy of 89%.

Superpixel-Based Refinement for Object Proposal Generation

Christian Wilms, Simone Frintrop

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Auto-TLDR; Superpixel-based Refinement of AttentionMask for Object Segmentation

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Precise segmentation of objects is an important problem in tasks like class-agnostic object proposal generation or instance segmentation. Deep learning-based systems usually generate segmentations of objects based on coarse feature maps, due to the inherent downsampling in CNNs. This leads to segmentation boundaries not adhering well to the object boundaries in the image. To tackle this problem, we introduce a new superpixel-based refinement approach on top of the state-of-the-art object proposal system AttentionMask. The refinement utilizes superpixel pooling for feature extraction and a novel superpixel classifier to determine if a high precision superpixel belongs to an object or not. Our experiments show an improvement of up to 26.0% in terms of average recall compared to original AttentionMask. Furthermore, qualitative and quantitative analyses of the segmentations reveal significant improvements in terms of boundary adherence for the proposed refinement compared to various deep learning-based state-of-the-art object proposal generation systems.

GAN-Based Gaussian Mixture Model Responsibility Learning

Wanming Huang, Yi Da Xu, Shuai Jiang, Xuan Liang, Ian Oppermann

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Auto-TLDR; Posterior Consistency Module for Gaussian Mixture Model

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Mixture Model (MM) is a probabilistic framework allows us to define dataset containing $K$ different modes. When each of the modes is associated with a Gaussian distribution, we refer to it as Gaussian MM or GMM. Given a data point $x$, a GMM may assume the existence of a random index $k \in \{1, \dots , K \}$ identifying which Gaussian the particular data is associated with. In a traditional GMM paradigm, it is straightforward to compute in closed-form, the conditional likelihood $p(x |k, \theta)$ as well as the responsibility probability $p(k|x, \theta)$ describing the distribution weights for each data. Computing the responsibility allows us to retrieve many important statistics of the overall dataset, including the weights of each of the modes/clusters. Modern large data-sets are often containing multiple unlabelled modes, such as paintings dataset may contain several styles; fashion images containing several unlabelled categories. In its raw representation, the Euclidean distances between the data (e.g., images) do not allow them to form mixtures naturally, nor it's feasible to compute responsibility distribution analytically, making GMM unable to apply. In this paper, we utilize the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework to achieve a plausible alternative method to compute these probabilities. The key insight is that we compute them at the data's latent space $z$ instead of $x$. However, this process of $z \rightarrow x$ is irreversible under GAN which renders the computation of responsibility $p(k|x, \theta)$ infeasible. Our paper proposed a novel method to solve it by using a so-called Posterior Consistency Module (PCM). PCM acts like a GAN, except its Generator $C_{\text{PCM}}$ does not output the data, but instead it outputs a distribution to approximate $p(k|x, \theta)$. The entire network is trained in an ``end-to-end'' fashion. Trough these techniques, it allows us to model the dataset of very complex structure using GMM and subsequently to discover interesting properties of an unsupervised dataset, including its segments, as well as generating new ``out-distribution" data by smooth linear interpolation across any combinations of the modes in a completely unsupervised manner.

Evaluation of Anomaly Detection Algorithms for the Real-World Applications

Marija Ivanovska, Domen Tabernik, Danijel Skocaj, Janez Pers

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Auto-TLDR; Evaluating Anomaly Detection Algorithms for Practical Applications

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Anomaly detection in complex data structures is oneof the most challenging problems in computer vision. In manyreal-world problems, for example in the quality control in modernmanufacturing, the anomalous samples are usually rare, resultingin (highly) imbalanced datasets. However, in current researchpractice, these scenarios are rarely modeled, and as a conse-quence, evaluation of anomaly detection algorithms often do notreproduce results that are useful for practical applications. First,even in case of highly unbalanced input data, anomaly detectionalgorithms are expected to significantly reduce the proportionof anomalous samples, detecting ”almost all” anomalous samples(with exact specifications depending on the target customer). Thisplaces high importance on only the small part of the ROC curve,possibly rendering the standard metrics such as AUC (AreaUnder Curve) and AP (Average Precision) useless. Second, thetarget of automatic anomaly detection in practical applicationsis significant reduction in manual work required, and standardmetrics are poor predictor of this feature. Finally, the evaluationmay produce erratic results for different randomly initializedtraining runs of the neural network, producing evaluation resultsthat may not reproduce well in practice. In this paper, we presentan evaluation methodology that avoids these pitfalls.