Exploring Spatial-Temporal Representations for fNIRS-based Intimacy Detection via an Attention-enhanced Cascade Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network

Chao Li, Qian Zhang, Ziping Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Intimate Relationship Prediction by Attention-enhanced Cascade Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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The detection of intimacy plays a crucial role in the improvement of intimate relationship, which contributes to promote the family and social harmony. Previous studies have shown that different degrees of intimacy have significant differences in brain imaging. Recently, a few of work has emerged to recognise intimacy automatically by using machine learning technique. Moreover, considering the temporal dynamic characteristics of intimacy relationship on neural mechanism, how to model spatio-temporal dynamics for intimacy prediction effectively is still a challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel method to explore deep spatial-temporal representations for intimacy prediction by Attention-enhanced Cascade Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (ACCRNN). Given the advantages of time-frequency resolution in complex neuronal activities analysis, this paper utilizes functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to analyse and infer to intimate relationship. We collect a fNIRS-based dataset for the analysis of intimate relationship. Forty-two-channel fNIRS signals are recorded from the 44 subjects' prefrontal cortex when they watched a total of 18 photos of lovers, friends and strangers for 30 seconds per photo. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms the others in terms of accuracy with the precision of 96.5%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a hybrid deep architecture has been employed for fNIRS-based intimacy prediction.

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EEG-Based Cognitive State Assessment Using Deep Ensemble Model and Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern

Debashis Das Chakladar, Shubhashis Dey, Partha Pratim Roy, Masakazu Iwamura

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Ensemble Model for Cognitive State Assessment using EEG-based Cognitive State Analysis

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Electroencephalography (EEG) is the most used physiological measure to evaluate the cognitive state of a user efficiently. As EEG inherently suffers from a poor spatial resolution, features extracted from each EEG channel may not efficiently used for cognitive state assessment. In this paper, the EEG-based cognitive state assessment has been performed during the mental arithmetic experiment, which includes two cognitive states (task and rest) of a user. To obtain the temporal as well as spatial resolution of the EEG signal, we combined the Filter Bank Common Spatial Pattern (FBCSP) method and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)-based deep ensemble model for classifying the cognitive state of a user. Subject-wise data distribution has been performed due to the execution of a large volume of data in a low computing environment. In the FBCSP method, the input EEG is decomposed into multiple equal-sized frequency bands, and spatial features of each frequency bands are extracted using the Common Spatial Pattern (CSP) algorithm. Next, a feature selection algorithm has been applied to identify the most informative features for classification. The proposed deep ensemble model consists of multiple similar structured LSTM networks that work in parallel. The output of the ensemble model (i.e., the cognitive state of a user) is computed using the average weighted combination of individual model prediction. This proposed model achieves 87\% classification accuracy, and it can also effectively estimate the cognitive state of a user in a low computing environment.

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Giulia Orrù, Marco Micheletto, Fabio Terranova, Gian Luca Marcialis

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Auto-TLDR; One-dimensional Local Binary Pattern Algorithm for Estimating Driver Vigilance in a Brain-Computer Interface System

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The Application of Capsule Neural Network Based CNN for Speech Emotion Recognition

Xincheng Wen, Kunhong Liu

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Auto-TLDR; CapCNN: A Capsule Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition

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Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-based Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition

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A Two-Stream Recurrent Network for Skeleton-Based Human Interaction Recognition

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Auto-TLDR; Two-Stream Recurrent Neural Network for Human-Human Interaction Recognition

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This paper addresses the problem of recognizing human-human interaction from skeletal sequences. Existing methods are mainly designed to classify single human action. Many of them simply stack the movement features of two characters to deal with human interaction, while neglecting the abundant relationships between characters. In this paper, we propose a novel two-stream recurrent neural network by adopting the geometric features from both single actions and interactions to describe the spatial correlations with different discriminative abilities. The first stream is constructed under pairwise joint distance (PJD) in a fully-connected mesh to categorize the interactions with explicit distance patterns. To better distinguish similar interactions, in the second stream, we combine PJD with the spatial features from individual joint positions using graph convolutions to detect the implicit correlations among joints, where the joint connections in the graph are adaptive for flexible correlations. After spatial modeling, each stream is fed to a bi-directional LSTM to encode two-way temporal properties. To take advantage of the diverse discriminative power of the two streams, we come up with a late fusion algorithm to combine their output predictions concerning information entropy. Experimental results show that the proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on 3D and comparable performance on 2D interaction datasets. Moreover, the late fusion results demonstrate the effectiveness of improving the recognition accuracy compared with single streams.

SAT-Net: Self-Attention and Temporal Fusion for Facial Action Unit Detection

Zhihua Li, Zheng Zhang, Lijun Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Fusion and Self-Attention Network for Facial Action Unit Detection

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Research on facial action unit detection has shown remarkable performances by using deep spatial learning models in recent years, however, it is far from reaching its full capacity in learning due to the lack of use of temporal information of AUs across time. Since the AU occurrence in one frame is highly likely related to previous frames in a temporal sequence, exploring temporal correlation of AUs across frames becomes a key motivation of this work. In this paper, we propose a novel temporal fusion and AU-supervised self-attention network (a so-called SAT-Net) to address the AU detection problem. First of all, we input the deep features of a sequence into a convolutional LSTM network and fuse the previous temporal information into the feature map of the last frame, and continue to learn the AU occurrence. Second, considering the AU detection problem is a multi-label classification problem that individual label depends only on certain facial areas, we propose a new self-learned attention mask by focusing the detection of each AU on parts of facial areas through the learning of individual attention mask for each AU, thus increasing the AU independence without the loss of any spatial relations. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed framework achieves better results of AU detection over the state-of-the-arts on two benchmark databases (BP4D and DISFA).

End-To-End Triplet Loss Based Emotion Embedding System for Speech Emotion Recognition

Puneet Kumar, Sidharth Jain, Balasubramanian Raman, Partha Pratim Roy, Masakazu Iwamura

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End Neural Embedding System for Speech Emotion Recognition

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In this paper, an end-to-end neural embedding system based on triplet loss and residual learning has been proposed for speech emotion recognition. The proposed system learns the embeddings from the emotional information of the speech utterances. The learned embeddings are used to recognize the emotions portrayed by given speech samples of various lengths. The proposed system implements Residual Neural Network architecture. It is trained using softmax pre-training and triplet loss function. The weights between the fully connected and embedding layers of the trained network are used to calculate the embedding values. The embedding representations of various emotions are mapped onto a hyperplane, and the angles among them are computed using the cosine similarity. These angles are utilized to classify a new speech sample into its appropriate emotion class. The proposed system has demonstrated 91.67\% and 64.44\% accuracy while recognizing emotions for RAVDESS and IEMOCAP dataset, respectively.

Responsive Social Smile: A Machine-Learning Based Multimodal Behavior Assessment Framework towards Early Stage Autism Screening

Yueran Pan, Kunjing Cai, Ming Cheng, Xiaobing Zou, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Responsive Social Smile: A Machine Learningbased Assessment Framework for Early ASD Screening

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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which causes social deficits in social lives. Early ASD screening for children is an important method to reduce the impact of ASD on people’s whole lives. Traditional screening methods rely on protocol experiments and subjective evaluations from clinicians and domain experts and thereby cost a lot. To standardize the process of ASD screening, we 1 collaborate with a group of ASD experts, and design a ”Responsive Social Smile” protocol and an experiment environment. Also, we propose a machine learningbased assessment framework for early ASD screening. By integrating technologies of speech recognition and computer vision, the framework can quantitatively analyze the behaviors of children under well-designed protocols. By collecting 196 test samples from 41 children in the clinical treatments, our proposed method obtains 85.20% accuracy for the score prediction of individual protocol, and 80.49% unweighted accuracy for the final ASD prediction. This result indicates that our model reaches the average level of domain experts in ASD diagnosis.

Two-Level Attention-Based Fusion Learning for RGB-D Face Recognition

Hardik Uppal, Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam, Michael Greenspan, Ali Etemad

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Auto-TLDR; Fused RGB-D Facial Recognition using Attention-Aware Feature Fusion

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With recent advances in RGB-D sensing technologies as well as improvements in machine learning and fusion techniques, RGB-D facial recognition has become an active area of research. A novel attention aware method is proposed to fuse two image modalities, RGB and depth, for enhanced RGB-D facial recognition. The proposed method first extracts features from both modalities using a convolutional feature extractor. These features are then fused using a two layer attention mechanism. The first layer focuses on the fused feature maps generated by the feature extractor, exploiting the relationship between feature maps using LSTM recurrent learning. The second layer focuses on the spatial features of those maps using convolution. The training database is preprocessed and augmented through a set of geometric transformations, and the learning process is further aided using transfer learning from a pure 2D RGB image training process. Comparative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches, including both traditional and deep neural network-based methods, on the challenging CurtinFaces and IIIT-D RGB-D benchmark databases, achieving classification accuracies over 98.2% and 99.3% respectively. The proposed attention mechanism is also compared with other attention mechanisms, demonstrating more accurate results.

EasiECG: A Novel Inter-Patient Arrhythmia Classification Method Using ECG Waves

Chuanqi Han, Ruoran Huang, Fang Yu, Xi Huang, Li Cui

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Auto-TLDR; EasiECG: Attention-based Convolution Factorization Machines for Arrhythmia Classification

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Abstract—In an ECG record, the PQRST waves are of important medical significance which provide ample information reflecting heartbeat activities. In this paper, we propose a novel arrhythmia classification method namely EasiECG, characterized by simplicity and accuracy. Compared with other works, the EasiECG takes the configuration of these five key waves into account and does not require complicated feature engineering. Meanwhile, an additional encoding of the extracted features makes the EasiECG applicable even on samples with missing waves. To automatically capture interactions that contribute to the classification among the processed features, a novel adapted classification model named Attention-based Convolution Factorization Machines (ACFM) is proposed. In detail, the ACFM can learn both linear and high-order interactions from linear regression and convolution on outer-product feature interaction maps, respectively. After that, an attention mechanism implemented in the model can further assign different importance of these interactions when predicting certain types of heartbeats. To validate the effectiveness and practicability of our EasiECG, extensive experiments of inter-patient paradigm on the benchmark MIT-BIH arrhythmia database are conducted. To tackle the imbalanced sample problem in this dataset, an ingenious loss function: focal loss is adopted when training. The experiment results show that our method is competitive compared with other state-of-the-arts, especially in classifying the Supraventricular ectopic beats. Besides, the EasiECG achieves an overall accuracy of 87.6% on samples with a missing wave in the related experiment, demonstrating the robustness of our proposed method.

Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition Via Multi-Task Sequence to Sequence Learning

Zhuo Chen, Fei Yin, Xu-Yao Zhang, Qing Yang, Cheng-Lin Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition with Multi-task Learning

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This paper considers recognizing texts shown in a source language and translating into a target language, without generating the intermediate source language text image recognition results. We call this problem Cross-Lingual Text Image Recognition (CLTIR). To solve this problem, we propose a multi-task system containing a main task of CLTIR and an auxiliary task of Mono-Lingual Text Image Recognition (MLTIR) simultaneously. Two different sequence to sequence learning methods, a convolution based attention model and a BLSTM model with CTC, are adopted for these tasks respectively. We evaluate the system on a newly collected Chinese-English bilingual movie subtitle image dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the multi-task learning framework performs superiorly in both languages.

Epileptic Seizure Prediction: A Semi-Dilated Convolutional Neural Network Architecture

Ramy Hussein, Rabab K. Ward, Soojin Lee, Martin Mckeown

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-Dilated Convolutional Network for Seizure Prediction using EEG Scalograms

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Despite many recent advances in machine learning and time-series classification, accurate prediction of seizures remains elusive. In this work, we develop a convolutional network module that uses Electroencephalogram (EEG) scalograms to distinguish between the pre-seizure and normal brain activities. Since the EEG scalogram takes rectangular image format with many more temporal bins than spectral bins, the presented module uses "semi-dilated convolutions" to also create a proportional non-square receptive field. The proposed semi-dilated convolutions support exponential expansion of the receptive field over the long dimension (image width, i.e. time) while maintaining high resolution over the short dimension (image height, i.e., frequency). The proposed architecture comprises a set of co-operative semi-dilated convolutional blocks, each block has a stack of parallel semi-dilated convolutional modules with different dilation rates. Results show that our proposed seizure prediction solution outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, achieving a seizure prediction sensitivity of 88.45% and 89.52% for the American Epilepsy Society and Melbourne University EEG datasets, respectively.

Hybrid Network for End-To-End Text-Independent Speaker Identification

Wajdi Ghezaiel, Luc Brun, Olivier Lezoray

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Auto-TLDR; Text-Independent Speaker Identification with Scattering Wavelet Network and Convolutional Neural Networks

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Deep learning has recently improved the performance of Speaker Identification (SI) systems. Promising results have been obtained with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). This success are mostly driven by the advent of large datasets. However in the context of commercial applications, collection of large amount of training data is not always possible. In addition, robustness of a SI system is adversely effected by short utterances. SI with only a few and short utterances is a challenging problem. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel text-independent speaker identification system. The proposed system can identify speakers by learning from only few training short utterances examples. To achieve this, we combine CNN with Scattering Wavelet Network. We propose a two-stage feature extraction framework using a two-layer wavelet scattering network coupled with a CNN for SI system. The proposed architecture takes variable length speech segments. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, Timit and Librispeech datasets are used in the experiments. These conducted experiments show that our hybrid architecture performs successfully for SI, even with a small number and short duration of training samples. In comparaison with related methods, the obtained results shows that an hybrid architecture achieve better performance.

CardioGAN: An Attention-Based Generative Adversarial Network for Generation of Electrocardiograms

Subhrajyoti Dasgupta, Sudip Das, Ujjwal Bhattacharya

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Auto-TLDR; CardioGAN: Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic Electrocardiogram Signals

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Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is studied to obtain crucial information about the condition of a patient's heart. Machine learning based automated medical diagnostic systems that may help to evaluate the condition of the heart from this signal are required to be trained using large volumes of labelled training samples and the same may increase the chance of compromising with the patients' privacy. To solve this issue, generation of synthetic electrocardiogram signals by learning only from the general distributions of the available real training samples have been attempted in the literature. However, these studies did not pay necessary attention to the specific vital details of these signals, such as the P wave, the QRS complex, and the T wave. This shortcoming often results in the generation of unrealistic synthetic signals, such as a signal which does not contain one or more of the above components. In the present study, a novel deep generative architecture, termed as CardioGAN, based on generative adversarial network and powered by the effective attention mechanism has been designed which is capable of learning the intricate inter-dependencies among the various parts of real samples leading to the generation of more realistic electrocardiogram signals. Also, it helps in reducing the risk of breaching the privacy of patients. Extensive experimentation performed by us establishes that the proposed method achieves a better performance in generating synthetic electrocardiogram signals in comparison to the existing methods. The source code will be made available on github.

Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks

Tao Sun, Yongjun Xu, Fei Wang, Lin Wu, 塘文 钱, Zezhi Shao

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Auto-TLDR; TULAR: Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Neural Networks

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The prevalent adoptions of GPS-enabled devices have witnessed an explosion of various location-based services which produces a huge amount of trajectories monitoring the individuals' movements. In this paper, we tackle Trajectory-User Link (TUL) problem, which identifies humans' movement patterns and links trajectories to the users who generated them. Existing solutions on TUL problem employ recurrent neural networks and variational autoencoder methods, which face the bottlenecks in the case of excessively long trajectories and fragmentary users' movements. However, these are common characteristics of trajectory data in reality, leading to performance degradation of the existing models. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end attention recurrent neural learning framework, called TULAR (Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks), which focus on selected parts of the source trajectories when linking. TULAR introduce the Trajectory Semantic Vector (TSV) via unsupervised location representation learning and recurrent neural networks, by which to reckon the weight of parts of source trajectory. Further, we employ three attention scores for the weight measurements. Experiments are conducted on two real world datasets and compared with several existing methods, and the results show that TULAR yields a new state-of-the-art performance. Source code is public available at GitHub: https://github.com/taos123/TULAR.

Constructing Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph for Traffic Forecasting

Yiwen Sun, Yulu Wang, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, Jieping Ye

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Auto-TLDR; GLT-GCRNN: Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting

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Traffic forecasting influences various intelligent transportation system (ITS) services and is of great significance for user experience as well as urban traffic control. It is challenging due to the fact that the road network contains complex and time-varying spatial-temporal dependencies. Recently, deep learning based methods have achieved promising results by adopting graph convolutional network (GCN) to extract the spatial correlations and recurrent neural network (RNN) to capture the temporal dependencies. However, the existing methods often construct the graph only based on road network connectivity, which limits the interaction between roads. In this work, we propose Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (GLT-GCRNN), a novel framework for traffic forecasting that learns the rich interactions between roads sharing similar geographic or long-term temporal patterns. Extensive experiments on a real-world traffic state dataset validate the effectiveness of our method by showing that GLT-GCRNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of different metrics.

Gait Recognition Using Multi-Scale Partial Representation Transformation with Capsules

Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam, Saeed Ghorbani, Nikolaus F. Troje, Ali Etemad

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Auto-TLDR; Learning to Transfer Multi-scale Partial Gait Representations using Capsule Networks for Gait Recognition

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Gait recognition, referring to the identification of individuals based on the manner in which they walk, can be very challenging due to the variations in the viewpoint of the camera and the appearance of individuals. Current state-of-the-art methods for gait recognition have been dominated by deep learning models, notably those based on partial feature representations. In this context, we propose a novel deep network, learning to transfer multi-scale partial gait representations using capsules to obtain more discriminative gait features. Our network first obtains multi-scale partial representations using a state-of-the-art deep partial feature extractor. It then recurrently learns the correlations and co-occurrences of the patterns among the partial features in forward and backward directions using a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Units (BGRU). Finally, a capsule network is adopted to learn deeper part-whole relationships and assigns more weights to the more relevant features while ignoring the spurious dimensions, thus obtaining final features that are more robust to both viewing and appearance changes. The performance of our method has been extensively tested on two gait recognition datasets, CASIA-B and OU-MVLP, using four challenging test protocols. The results of our method have been compared to the state-of-the-art gait recognition solutions, showing the superiority of our model, notably when facing challenging viewing and carrying conditions.

Pose-Based Body Language Recognition for Emotion and Psychiatric Symptom Interpretation

Zhengyuan Yang, Amanda Kay, Yuncheng Li, Wendi Cross, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; Body Language Based Emotion Recognition for Psychiatric Symptoms Prediction

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Inspired by the human ability to infer emotions from body language, we propose an automated framework for body language based emotion recognition starting from regular RGB videos. In collaboration with psychologists, we further extend the framework for psychiatric symptom prediction. Because a specific application domain of the proposed framework may only supply a limited amount of data, the framework is designed to work on a small training set and possess a good transferability. The proposed system in the first stage generates sequences of body language predictions based on human poses estimated from input videos. In the second stage, the predicted sequences are fed into a temporal network for emotion interpretation and psychiatric symptom prediction. We first validate the accuracy and transferability of the proposed body language recognition method on several public action recognition datasets. We then evaluate the framework on a proposed URMC dataset, which consists of conversations between a standardized patient and a behavioral health professional, along with expert annotations of body language, emotions, and potential psychiatric symptoms. The proposed framework outperforms other methods on the URMC dataset.

ConvMath : A Convolutional Sequence Network for Mathematical Expression Recognition

Zuoyu Yan, Xiaode Zhang, Liangcai Gao, Ke Yuan, Zhi Tang

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Auto-TLDR; Convolutional Sequence Modeling for Mathematical Expressions Recognition

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Despite the recent advances in optical character recognition (OCR), mathematical expressions still face a great challenge to recognize due to their two-dimensional graphical layout. In this paper, we propose a convolutional sequence modeling network, ConvMath, which converts the mathematical expression description in an image into a LaTeX sequence in an end-to-end way. The network combines an image encoder for feature extraction and a convolutional decoder for sequence generation. Compared with other Long Short Term Memory(LSTM) based encoder-decoder models, ConvMath is entirely based on convolution, thus it is easy to perform parallel computation. Besides, the network adopts multi-layer attention mechanism in the decoder, which allows the model to align output symbols with source feature vectors automatically, and alleviates the problem of lacking coverage while training the model. The performance of ConvMath is evaluated on an open dataset named IM2LATEX-100K, including 103556 samples. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed network achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and much better efficiency than previous methods.

AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention Based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies

Thi Phuong Thao Ha, Bt Balamurali, Herremans Dorien, Roig Gemma

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Auto-TLDR; AttendAffectNet: A Self-Attention Based Network for Emotion Prediction from Movies

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In this work, we propose different variants of the self-attention based network for emotion prediction from movies, which we call AttendAffectNet. We take both audio and video into account and incorporate the relation among multiple modalities by applying self-attention mechanism in a novel manner into the extracted features for emotion prediction. We compare it to the typically temporal integration of the self-attention based model, which in our case, allows to capture the relation of temporal representations of the movie while considering the sequential dependencies of emotion responses. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architectures on the extended COGNIMUSE dataset [1], [2] and the MediaEval 2016 Emotional Impact of Movies Task [3], which consist of movies with emotion annotations. Our results show that applying the self-attention mechanism on the different audio-visual features, rather than in the time domain, is more effective for emotion prediction. Our approach is also proven to outperform state-of-the-art models for emotion prediction.

Context Matters: Self-Attention for Sign Language Recognition

Fares Ben Slimane, Mohamed Bouguessa

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition

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This paper proposes an attentional network for the task of Continuous Sign Language Recognition. The proposed approach exploits co-independent streams of data to model the sign language modalities. These different channels of information can share a complex temporal structure between each other. For that reason, we apply attention to synchronize and help capture entangled dependencies between the different sign language components. Even though Sign Language is multi-channel, handshapes represent the central entities in sign interpretation. Seeing handshapes in their correct context defines the meaning of a sign. Taking that into account, we utilize the attention mechanism to efficiently aggregate the hand features with their appropriate Spatio-temporal context for better sign recognition. We found that by doing so the model is able to identify the essential Sign Language components that revolve around the dominant hand and the face areas. We test our model on the benchmark dataset RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014, yielding competitive results.

Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Relationship-Driven Stock Movement Prediction

Jiexia Ye, Juanjuan Zhao, Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-GCGRU: A Deep Learning Framework for Stock Price Prediction with Cross Effect

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Stock price movement prediction is commonly accepted as a very challenging task due to the volatile nature of financial markets. Previous works typically predict the stock price mainly based on its own information, neglecting the cross effect among involved stocks. However, it is well known that an individual stock price is correlated with prices of other stocks in complex ways. To take the cross effect into consideration, we propose a deep learning framework, called Multi-GCGRU, which comprises graph convolutional network (GCN) and gated recurrent units (GRU) to predict stock movement. Specifically, we first encode multiple relationships among stocks into graphs based on financial domain knowledge and utilize GCN to extract the cross effect based on the pre-defined graphs. The cross-correlation features produced by GCN are concatenated with historical records and fed into GRU to model the temporal pattern in stock price. To further get rid of prior knowledge, we explore an adaptive stock graph learned by data automatically. Experiments on two stock indexes in China market show that our model outperforms other baselines. Note that our model is rather feasible to incorporate more effective pre-defined stock relationships. What's more, it can also learn a data-driven relationship without any domain knowledge.

Space-Time Domain Tensor Neural Networks: An Application on Human Pose Classification

Konstantinos Makantasis, Athanasios Voulodimos, Anastasios Doulamis, Nikolaos Doulamis, Nikolaos Bakalos

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Auto-TLDR; Tensor-Based Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Pose Classifiaction using Three-Dimensional Skeleton Data

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Recent advances in sensing technologies require the design and development of pattern recognition models capable of processing spatiotemporal data efficiently. In this study, we propose a spatially and temporally aware tensor-based neural network for human pose classifiaction using three-dimensional skeleton data. Our model employs three novel components. First, an input layer capable of constructing highly discriminative spatiotemporal features. Second, a tensor fusion operation that produces compact yet rich representations of the data, and third, a tensor-based neural network that processes data representations in their original tensor form. Our model is end-to-end trainable and characterized by a small number of trainable parameters making it suitable for problems where the annotated data is limited. Experimental evaluation of the proposed model indicates that it can achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Cross-People Mobile-Phone Based Airwriting Character Recognition

Yunzhe Li, Hui Zheng, He Zhu, Haojun Ai, Xiaowei Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-People Airwriting Recognition via Motion Sensor Signal via Deep Neural Network

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Airwriting using mobile phones has many applications in human-computer interaction. However, the recognition of airwriting character needs a lot of training data from user, which brings great difficulties to the pratical application. The model learnt from a specific person often cannot yield satisfied results when used on another person. The data gap between people is mainly caused by the following factors: personal writing styles, mobile phone sensors, and ways to hold mobile phones. To address the cross-people problem, we propose a deep neural network(DNN) that combines convolutional neural network(CNN) and bilateral long short-term memory(BLSTM). In each layer of the network, we also add an AdaBN layer which is able to increase the generalization ability of the DNN. Different from the original AdaBN method, we explore the feasibility for semi-supervised learning. We implement it to our design and conduct comprehensive experiments. The evaluation results show that our system can achieve an accuracy of 99% for recognition and an improvement of 10% on average for transfer learning between various factors such as people, devices and postures. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to implement cross-people airwriting recognition via motion sensor signal, which is a fundamental step towards ubiquitous sensing.

Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction

Nina Weng, Jiahao Wang, Annan Li, Yunhong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; 2S-TCN: A Two-Stream Temporal Convolutional Network for Dynamic Facial Attractiveness Prediction

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In the field of facial attractiveness prediction, while deep models using static pictures have shown promising results, little attention is paid to dynamic facial information, which is proven to be influential by psychological studies. Meanwhile, the increasing popularity of short video apps creates an enormous demand of facial attractiveness prediction from short video clips. In this paper, we target on the dynamic facial attractiveness prediction problem. To begin with, a large-scale video-based facial attractiveness prediction dataset (VFAP) with more than one thousand clips from TikTok is collected. A two-stream temporal convolutional network (2S-TCN) is then proposed to capture dynamic attractiveness feature from both facial appearance and landmarks. We employ attentive feature enhancement along with specially designed modality and temporal fusion strategies to better explore the temporal dynamics. Extensive experiments on the proposed VFAP dataset demonstrate that 2S-TCN has a distinct advantage over the state-of-the-art static prediction methods.

Wireless Localisation in WiFi Using Novel Deep Architectures

Peizheng Li, Han Cui, Aftab Khan, Usman Raza, Robert Piechocki, Angela Doufexi, Tim Farnham

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Network for Indoor Localisation of WiFi Devices in Indoor Environments

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This paper studies the indoor localisation of WiFi devices based on a commodity chipset and standard channel sounding. First, we present a novel shallow neural network (SNN) in which features are extracted from the channel state information (CSI) corresponding to WiFi subcarriers received on different antennas and used to train the model. The single layer architecture of this localisation neural network makes it lightweight and easy-to-deploy on devices with stringent constraints on computational resources. We further investigate for localisation the use of deep learning models and design novel architectures for convolutional neural network (CNN) and long-short term memory (LSTM). We extensively evaluate these localisation algorithms for continuous tracking in indoor environments. Experimental results prove that even an SNN model, after a careful handcrafted feature extraction, can achieve accurate localisation. Meanwhile, using a well-organised architecture, the neural network models can be trained directly with raw data from the CSI and localisation features can be automatically extracted to achieve accurate position estimates. We also found that the performance of neural network-based methods are directly affected by the number of anchor access points (APs) regardless of their structure. With three APs, all neural network models proposed in this paper can obtain localisation accuracy of around 0.5 metres. In addition the proposed deep NN architecture reduces the data pre-processing time by 6.5 hours compared with a shallow NN using the data collected in our testbed. In the deployment phase, the inference time is also significantly reduced to 0.1 ms per sample. We also demonstrate the generalisation capability of the proposed method by evaluating models using different target movement characteristics to the ones in which they were trained.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

Feature Engineering and Stacked Echo State Networks for Musical Onset Detection

Peter Steiner, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Simon Stone, Peter Birkholz

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Auto-TLDR; Echo State Networks for Onset Detection in Music Analysis

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In music analysis, one of the most fundamental tasks is note onset detection - detecting the beginning of new note events. As the target function of onset detection is related to other tasks, such as beat tracking or tempo estimation, onset detection is the basis for such related tasks. Furthermore, it can help to improve Automatic Music Transcription (AMT). Typically, different approaches for onset detection follow a similar outline: An audio signal is transformed into an Onset Detection Function (ODF), which should have rather low values (i.e. close to zero) for most of the time but with pronounced peaks at onset times, which can then be extracted by applying peak picking algorithms on the ODF. In the recent years, several kinds of neural networks were used successfully to compute the ODF from feature vectors. Currently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) define the state of the art. In this paper, we build up on an alternative approach to obtain a ODF by Echo State Networks (ESNs), which have achieved comparable results to CNNs in several tasks, such as speech and image recognition. In contrast to the typical iterative training procedures of deep learning architectures, such as CNNs or networks consisting of Long-Short-Term Memory Cells (LSTMs), in ESNs only a very small part of the weights is easily trained in one shot using linear regression. By comparing the performance of several feature extraction methods, pre-processing steps and introducing a new way to stack ESNs, we expand our previous approach to achieve results that fall between a bidirectional LSTM network and a CNN with relative improvements of 1.8% and -1.4%, respectively. For the evaluation, we used exactly the same 8-fold cross validation setup as for the reference results.

MA-LSTM: A Multi-Attention Based LSTM for Complex Pattern Extraction

Jingjie Guo, Kelang Tian, Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu

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Auto-TLDR; MA-LSTM: Multiple Attention based recurrent neural network for forget gate

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With the improvement of data, computing powerand algorithms, deep learning has achieved rapid developmentand showing excellent performance. Recently, many deep learn-ing models are proposed to solve the problems in different areas.A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neuralnetworks where connections between nodes form a directedgraph along a temporal sequence. This allows it to exhibittemporal dynamic behavior, which makes it applicable to taskssuch as handwriting recognition or speech recognition. How-ever, the RNN relies heavily on the automatic learning abilityto update parameters which concentrate on the data flow butseldom considers the feature extraction capability of the gatemechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture tobuild the forget gate which is generated by multiple bases.Instead of using the traditional single-layer fully-connectednetwork, we use a Multiple Attention (MA) based network togenerate the forget gate which refines the optimization spaceof gate function and improve the granularity of the recurrentneural network to approximate the map in the ground truth.Credit to the MA structure on the gate mechanism. Our modelhas a better feature extraction capability than other knownmodels. MA-LSTM is an alternative module which can directly replace the recurrent neural network and has achieved good performance in many areas that people are concerned about.

Audio-Visual Speech Recognition Using a Two-Step Feature Fusion Strategy

Hong Liu, Wanlu Xu, Bing Yang

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Auto-TLDR; A Two-Step Feature Fusion Network for Speech Recognition

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Lip-reading methods and fusion strategy are crucial for audio-visual speech recognition. In recent years, most approaches involve two separate audio and visual streams with early or late fusion strategies. Such a single-stage fusion method may fail to guarantee the integrity and representativeness of fusion information simultaneously. This paper extends a traditional single-stage fusion network to a two-step feature fusion network by adding an audio-visual early feature fusion (AV-EFF) stream to the baseline model. This method can learn the fusion information of different stages, preserving the original features as much as possible and ensuring the independence of different features. Besides, to capture long-range dependencies of video information, a non-local block is added to the feature extraction part of the visual stream (NL-Visual) to obtain the long-term spatio-temporal features. Experimental results on the two largest public datasets in English (LRW) and Mandarin (LRW-1000) demonstrate our method is superior to other state-of-the-art methods.

PIN: A Novel Parallel Interactive Network for Spoken Language Understanding

Peilin Zhou, Zhiqi Huang, Fenglin Liu, Yuexian Zou

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Auto-TLDR; Parallel Interactive Network for Spoken Language Understanding

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Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) is an essential part of the spoken dialogue system, which typically consists of intent detection (ID) and slot filling (SF) tasks. Recently, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) based methods achieved the state-of-the-art for SLU. It is noted that, in the existing RNN-based approaches, ID and SF tasks are often jointly modeled to utilize the correlation information between them. However, we noted that, so far, the efforts to obtain better performance by supporting bidirectional and explicit information exchange between ID and SF are not well studied. In addition, few studies attempt to capture the local context information to enhance the performance of SF. Motivated by these findings, in this paper, Parallel Interactive Network (PIN) is proposed to model the mutual guidance between ID and SF. Specifically, given an utterance, a Gaussian self-attentive encoder is introduced to generate the context-aware feature embedding of the utterance which is able to capture local context information. Taking the feature embedding of the utterance, Slot2Intent module and Intent2Slot module are developed to capture the bidirectional information flow for ID and SF tasks. Finally, a cooperation mechanism is constructed to fuse the information obtained from Slot2Intent and Intent2Slot modules to further reduce the prediction bias. The experiments on two benchmark datasets, i.e., SNIPS and ATIS, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, which achieves a competitive result with state-of-the-art models. More encouragingly, by using the feature embedding of the utterance generated by the pre-trained language model BERT, our method achieves the state-of-the-art among all comparison approaches.

Automatic Annotation of Corpora for Emotion Recognition through Facial Expressions Analysis

Alex Mircoli, Claudia Diamantini, Domenico Potena, Emanuele Storti

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic annotation of video subtitles on the basis of facial expressions using machine learning algorithms

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The recent diffusion of social networks has made available an unprecedented amount of user-generated content, which may be analyzed in order to determine people's opinions and emotions about a large variety of topics. Research has made many efforts in defining accurate algorithms for analyzing emotions expressed by users in texts; however, their performance often rely on the existence of large annotated datasets, whose current scarcity represents a major issue. The manual creation of such datasets represents a costly and time-consuming activity and hence there is an increasing demand for techniques for the automatic annotation of corpora. In this work we present a methodology for the automatic annotation of video subtitles on the basis of the analysis of facial expressions of people in videos, with the goal of creating annotated corpora that may be used to train emotion recognition algorithms. Facial expressions are analyzed through machine learning algorithms, on the basis of a set of manually-engineered facial features that are extracted from video frames. The soundness of the proposed methodology has been evaluated through an extensive experimentation aimed at determining the performance on real datasets of each methodological step.

Classification of Spatially Enriched Pixel Time Series with Convolutional Neural Networks

Mohamed Chelali, Camille Kurtz, Anne Puissant, Nicole Vincent

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Auto-TLDR; Spatio-Temporal Features Extraction from Satellite Image Time Series Using Random Walk

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Satellite Image Time Series (SITS), MRI sequences, and more generally image time series, constitute 2D+t data providing spatial and temporal information about an observed scene. Given a pattern recognition task such as image classification, considering jointly such rich information is crucial during the decision process. Nevertheless, due to the complex representation of the data-cube, spatio-temporal features extraction from 2D+t data remains difficult to handle. We present in this article an approach to learn such features from this data, and then to proceed to their classification. Our strategy consists in enriching pixel time series with spatial information. It is based on Random Walk to build a novel segment-based representation of the data, passing from a 2D+t dimension to a 2D one, without loosing too much spatial information. Such new representation is then involved in an end-to-end learning process with a classical 2D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in order to learn spatio-temporal features for the classification of image time series. Our approach is evaluated on a remote sensing application for the mapping of agricultural crops. Thanks to a visual attention mechanism, the proposed $2D$ spatio-temporal representation makes also easier the interpretation of a SITS to understand spatio-temporal phenomenons related to soil management practices.

Multi-Scanning Based Recurrent Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Weilian Zhou, Sei-Ichiro Kamata

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial-Spectral Unification for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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As the specialty of hyperspectral image (HSI), it consists of 2D spatial and 1D spectral information. In the field of deep learning, HSI classification is an appealing research topic. Many existing methods process the HSI in spatial or spectral domain separately, which cannot fully extract the representative features and the most used 3D convolutional neural network (3D-CNN) will suffer from mixing up complex spectral information. In this paper, we propose a spatial-spectral unified method by using recurrent neural networks (RNN) and multi-scanning direction strategy to construct spatial-spectral information sequences for learning the spatial dependencies among the central pixel and neighboring pixels. Meanwhile, residual connections and dense connections are introduced into multi-scanning direction sequences to overcome the memory problem in the RNN. The proposed method is tested on two benchmark datasets: the Pavia University dataset and the Pavia Center dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve better classification rate than other state-of-the-art methods.

Vision-Based Multi-Modal Framework for Action Recognition

Djamila Romaissa Beddiar, Mourad Oussalah, Brahim Nini

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-modal Framework for Human Activity Recognition Using RGB, Depth and Skeleton Data

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Human activity recognition plays a central role in the development of intelligent systems for video surveillance, public security, health care and home monitoring, where detection and recognition of activities can improve the quality of life and security of humans. Typically, automated, intuitive and real-time systems are required to recognize human activities and identify accurately unusual behaviors in order to prevent dangerous situations. In this work, we explore the combination of three modalities (RGB, depth and skeleton data) to design a robust multi-modal framework for vision-based human activity recognition. Especially, spatial information, body shape/posture and temporal evolution of actions are highlighted using illustrative representations obtained from a combination of dynamic RGB images, dynamic depth images and skeleton data representations. Therefore, each video is represented with three images that summarize the ongoing action. Our framework takes advantage of transfer learning from pre trained models to extract significant features from these newly created images. Next, we fuse extracted features using Canonical Correlation Analysis and train a Long Short-Term Memory network to classify actions from visual descriptive images. Experimental results demonstrated the reliability of our feature-fusion framework that allows us to capture highly significant features and enables us to achieve the state-of-the-art performance on the public UTD-MHAD and NTU RGB+D datasets.

Deep Transfer Learning for Alzheimer’s Disease Detection

Nicole Cilia, Claudio De Stefano, Francesco Fontanella, Claudio Marrocco, Mario Molinara, Alessandra Scotto Di Freca

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Detection of Handwriting Alterations for Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis using Dynamic Features

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Early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is essential in order to initiate therapies that can reduce the effects of such a disease, improving both life quality and life expectancy of patients. Among all the activities carried out in our daily life, handwriting seems one of the first to be influenced by the arise of neurodegenerative diseases. For this reason, the analysis of handwriting and the study of its alterations has become of great interest in this research field in order to make a diagnosis as early as possible. In recent years, many studies have tried to use classification algorithms applied to handwritings to implement decision support systems for AD diagnosis. A key issue for the use of these techniques is the detection of effective features, that allow the system to distinguish the natural handwriting alterations due to age, from those caused by neurodegenerative disorders. In this context, many interesting results have been published in the literature in which the features have been typically selected by hand, generally considering the dynamics of the handwriting process in order to detect motor disorders closely related to AD. Features directly derived from handwriting generation models can be also very helpful for AD diagnosis. It should be remarked, however, that the above features do not consider changes in the shape of handwritten traces, which may occur as a consequence of neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the correlation among shape alterations and changes in the dynamics of the handwriting process. Moving from these considerations, the aim of this study is to verify if the combined use of both shape and dynamic features allows a decision support system to improve performance for AD diagnosis. To this purpose, starting from a database of on-line handwriting samples, we generated for each of them a synthetic off-line colour image, where the colour of each elementary trait encodes, in the three RGB channels, the dynamic information associated to that trait. Finally, we exploited the capability of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) to automatically extract features from raw images. The experimental comparison of the results obtained by using standard features and features extracted according the above procedure, confirmed the effectiveness of our approach.

A Prototype-Based Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Framework for Hand Gesture Recognition

Jinting Wu, Yujia Zhang, Xiao-Guang Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Generalized Zero-Shot Learning for Hand Gesture Recognition

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Hand gesture recognition plays a significant role in human-computer interaction for understanding various human gestures and their intent. However, most prior works can only recognize gestures of limited labeled classes and fail to adapt to new categories. The task of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) for hand gesture recognition aims to address the above issue by leveraging semantic representations and detecting both seen and unseen class samples. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end prototype-based GZSL framework for hand gesture recognition which consists of two branches. The first branch is a prototype-based detector that learns gesture representations and determines whether an input sample belongs to a seen or unseen category. The second branch is a zero-shot label predictor which takes the features of unseen classes as input and outputs predictions through a learned mapping mechanism between the feature and the semantic space. We further establish a hand gesture dataset that specifically targets this GZSL task, and comprehensive experiments on this dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach on recognizingQuestionnaire both seen and unseen gestures.

Leveraging Synthetic Subject Invariant EEG Signals for Zero Calibration BCI

Nik Khadijah Nik Aznan, Amir Atapour-Abarghouei, Stephen Bonner, Jason Connolly, Toby Breckon

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Auto-TLDR; SIS-GAN: Subject Invariant SSVEP Generative Adversarial Network for Brain-Computer Interface

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Recently, substantial progress has been made in the area of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) using modern machine learning techniques to decode and interpret brain signals. While Electroencephalography (EEG) has provided a non-invasive method of interfacing with a human brain, the acquired data is often heavily subject and session dependent. This makes seamless incorporation of such data into real-world applications intractable as the subject and session data variance can lead to long and tedious calibration requirements and cross-subject generalisation issues. Focusing on a Steady State Visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) classification systems, we propose a novel means of generating highly-realistic synthetic EEG data invariant to any subject, session or other environmental conditions. Our approach, entitled the Subject Invariant SSVEP Generative Adversarial Network (SIS-GAN), produces synthetic EEG data from multiple SSVEP classes using a single network. Additionally, by taking advantage of a fixed-weight pre-trained subject classification network, we ensure that our generative model remains agnostic to subject-specific features and thus produces subject-invariant data that can be applied to new previously unseen subjects. Our extensive experimental evaluation demonstrates the efficacy of our synthetic data, leading to superior performance, with improvements of up to 16% in zero-calibration classification tasks when trained using our subject-invariant synthetic EEG signals.

Classifying Eye-Tracking Data Using Saliency Maps

Shafin Rahman, Sejuti Rahman, Omar Shahid, Md. Tahmeed Abdullah, Jubair Ahmed Sourov

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Auto-TLDR; Saliency-based Feature Extraction for Automatic Classification of Eye-tracking Data

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A plethora of research in the literature shows how human eye fixation pattern varies depending on different factors, including genetics, age, social functioning, cognitive functioning, and so on. Analysis of these variations in visual attention has already elicited two potential research avenues: 1) determining the physiological or psychological state of the subject and 2) predicting the tasks associated with the act of viewing from the recorded eye-fixation data. To this end, this paper proposes a visual saliency based novel feature extraction method for automatic and quantitative classification of eye-tracking data, which is applicable to both of the research directions. Instead of directly extracting features from the fixation data, this method employs several well-known computational models of visual attention to predict eye fixation locations as saliency maps. Comparing the saliency amplitudes, similarity and dissimilarity of saliency maps with the corresponding eye fixations maps gives an extra dimension of information which is effectively utilized to generate discriminative features to classify the eye-tracking data. Extensive experimentation using Saliency4ASD [1], Age Prediction [2], and Visual Perceptual Task [3] dataset show that our saliency-based feature can achieve superior performance, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art methods [2],[4], [5] by a considerable margin. Moreover, unlike the existing application-specific solutions, our method demonstrates performance improvement across three distinct problems from the real-life domain: Autism Spectrum Disorder screening, toddler age prediction, and human visual perceptual task classification, providing a general paradigm that utilizes the extra-information inherent in saliency maps for a more accurate classification.

Activity Recognition Using First-Person-View Cameras Based on Sparse Optical Flows

Peng-Yuan Kao, Yan-Jing Lei, Chia-Hao Chang, Chu-Song Chen, Ming-Sui Lee, Yi-Ping Hung

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Convolutional Neural Network for Activity Recognition with FPV Videos

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First-person-view (FPV) cameras are finding wide use in daily life to record activities and sports. In this paper, we propose a succinct and robust 3D convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture accompanied with an ensemble-learning network for activity recognition with FPV videos. The proposed 3D CNN is trained on low-resolution (32x32) sparse optical flows using FPV video datasets consisting of daily activities. According to the experimental results, our network achieves an average accuracy of 90%.

A General End-To-End Method for Characterizing Neuropsychiatric Disorders Using Free-Viewing Visual Scanning Tasks

Hong Yue Sean Liu, Jonathan Chung, Moshe Eizenman

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Auto-TLDR; A general, data-driven, end-to-end framework that extracts relevant features of attentional bias from visual scanning behaviour and uses these features

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The growing availability of eye-gaze tracking technology has allowed for its employment in a wide variety of applications, one of which is the objective diagnosis and monitoring of neuropsychiatric disorders from features of attentional bias extracted from visual scanning patterns. Current techniques in this field are largely comprised of non-generalizable methodologies that rely on domain expertise and study-specific assumptions. In this paper, we present a general, data-driven, end-to-end framework that extracts relevant features of attentional bias from visual scanning behaviour and uses these features to classify between subject groups with standard machine learning techniques. During the free-viewing task, subjects view sets of slides with thematic images while their visual scanning patterns (sets of ordered fixations) are monitored by an eye-tracking system. We encode fixations into relative visual attention maps (RVAMs) to describe measurement errors, and two data-driven methods are proposed to segment regions of interests from RVAMs: 1) using group average RVAMs, and 2) using difference of group average RVAMs. Relative fixation times within regions of interest are calculated and used as input features for a vanilla multilayered perceptron to classify between patient groups. The methods were evaluated on data from an anorexia nervosa (AN) study with 37 subjects and a bipolar/major depressive disorder (BD-MDD) study with 73 subjects. Using leave-one-subject-out cross validation, our technique is able to achieve an area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) score of 0.935 for the AN study and 0.888 for the BD-MDD study, the latter of which exceeds the performance of the state-of-the-art analysis model designed specifically for the BD-MDD study, which had an AUROC of 0.879. The results validate the proposed methods' efficacy as generalizable, standard baselines for analyzing visual scanning data.

Multi-Scale and Attention Based ResNet for Heartbeat Classification

Haojie Zhang, Gongping Yang, Yuwen Huang, Feng Yuan, Yilong Yin

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Auto-TLDR; A Multi-Scale and Attention based ResNet for ECG heartbeat classification in intra-patient and inter-patient paradigms

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This paper presents a novel deep learning framework for the electrocardiogram (ECG) heartbeat classification. Although there have been some studies with excellent overall accuracy, these studies have not been very accurate in the diagnosis of arrhythmia classes especially such as supraventricular ectopic beat (SVEB) and ventricular ectopic beat (VEB). In our work, we propose a Multi-Scale and Attention based ResNet for heartbeat classification in intra-patient and inter-patient paradigms respectively. Firstly, we extract shallow features from a convolutional layer. Secondly, the shallow features are sent into three branches with different convolution kernels in order to combine receptive fields of different sizes. Finally, fully connected layers are used to classify the heartbeat. Besides, we design a new attention mechanism based on the characteristics of heartbeat data. At last, extensive experiments on benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model.

Flow-Guided Spatial Attention Tracking for Egocentric Activity Recognition

Tianshan Liu, Kin-Man Lam

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Auto-TLDR; flow-guided spatial attention tracking for egocentric activity recognition

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The popularity of wearable cameras has opened up a new dimension for egocentric activity recognition. While some methods introduce attention mechanisms into deep learning networks to capture fine-grained hand-object interactions, they often neglect exploring the spatio-temporal relationships. Generating spatial attention, without adequately exploiting temporal consistency, will result in potentially sub-optimal performance in the video-based task. In this paper, we propose a flow-guided spatial attention tracking (F-SAT) module, which is based on enhancing motion patterns and inter-frame information, to highlight the discriminative features from regions of interest across a video sequence. A new form of input, namely the optical-flow volume, is presented to provide informative cues from moving parts for spatial attention tracking. The proposed F-SAT module is deployed to a two-branch-based deep architecture, which fuses complementary information for egocentric activity recognition. Experimental results on three egocentric activity benchmarks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

Ballroom Dance Recognition from Audio Recordings

Tomas Pavlin, Jan Cech, Jiri Matas

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Auto-TLDR; A CNN-based approach to classify ballroom dances given audio recordings

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We propose a CNN-based approach to classify ten genres of ballroom dances given audio recordings, five latin and five standard, namely Cha Cha Cha, Jive, Paso Doble, Rumba, Samba, Quickstep, Slow Foxtrot, Slow Waltz, Tango and Viennese Waltz. We utilize a spectrogram of an audio signal and we treat it as an image that is an input of the CNN. The classification is performed independently by 5-seconds spectrogram segments in sliding window fashion and the results are then aggregated. The method was tested on following datasets: Publicly available Extended Ballroom dataset collected by Marchand and Peeters, 2016 and two YouTube datasets collected by us, one in studio quality and the other, more challenging, recorded on mobile phones. The method achieved accuracy 93.9%, 96.7% and 89.8% respectively. The method runs in real-time. We implemented a web application to demonstrate the proposed method.

RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection

Ming Cheng, Kunjing Cai, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Flow Gated Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Cameras

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In recent years, surveillance cameras are widely deployed in public places, and the general crime rate has been reduced significantly due to these ubiquitous devices. Usually, these cameras provide cues and evidence after crimes were conducted, while they are rarely used to prevent or stop criminal activities in time. It is both time and labor consuming to manually monitor a large amount of video data from surveillance cameras. Therefore, automatically recognizing violent behaviors from video signals becomes essential. In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with 2,000 videos all captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 87.25% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. The proposed database and source codes of this paper are currently open to access.

Attentive Visual Semantic Specialized Network for Video Captioning

Jesus Perez-Martin, Benjamin Bustos, Jorge Pérez

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Visual Semantic Specialized Network for Video Captioning

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As an essential high-level task of video understanding topic, automatically describing a video with natural language has recently gained attention as a fundamental challenge in computer vision. Previous models for video captioning have several limitations, such as the existence of gaps in current semantic representations and the inexpressibility of the generated captions. To deal with these limitations, in this paper, we present a new architecture that we callAttentive Visual Semantic Specialized Network(AVSSN), which is an encoder-decoder model based on our Adaptive Attention Gate and Specialized LSTM layers. This architecture can selectively decide when to use visual or semantic information into the text generation process. The adaptive gate makes the decoder to automatically select the relevant information for providing a better temporal state representation than the existing decoders. Besides, the model is capable of learning to improve the expressiveness of generated captions attending to their length, using a sentence-length-related loss function. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach on the Microsoft Video Description(MSVD) and the Microsoft Research Video-to-Text (MSR-VTT) datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance with several popular evaluation metrics: BLEU-4, METEOR, CIDEr, and ROUGE_L.

Context Visual Information-Based Deliberation Network for Video Captioning

Min Lu, Xueyong Li, Caihua Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Context visual information-based deliberation network for video captioning

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Video captioning is to automatically and accurately generate a textual description for a video. The typical methods following the encoder-decoder architecture directly utilized hidden states to predict words. Nevertheless, these methods did not amend the inaccurate hidden states before feeding those states into word prediction. This led to a cascade of errors on generating word by word. In this paper, the context visual information-based deliberation network is proposed, abbreviated as CVI-DelNet. Its key idea is to introduce the deliberator into the encoder-decoder framework. The encoder-decoder firstly generates a raw hidden state sequence. Unlike the existing methods, the raw hidden state is no more directly used for word prediction but is fed into the deliberator to generate the refined hidden state. The words are then predicted according to the refined hidden states and the contextual visual features. Results on two datasets shows that the proposed method significantly outperforms the baselines.

Personalized Models in Human Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning

Hamza Amrani, Daniela Micucci, Paolo Napoletano

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Auto-TLDR; Incremental Learning for Personalized Human Activity Recognition

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Current sensor-based human activity recognition techniques that rely on a user-independent model struggle to generalize to new users and on to changes that a person may make over time to his or her way of carrying out activities. Incremental learning is a technique that allows to obtain personalized models which may improve the performance on the classifiers thanks to a continuous learning based on user data. Finally, deep learning techniques have been proven to be more effective with respect to traditional ones in the generation of user-independent models. The aim of our work is therefore to put together deep learning techniques with incremental learning in order to obtain personalized models that perform better with respect to user-independent model and personalized model obtained using traditional machine learning techniques. The experimentation was done by comparing the results obtained by a technique in the state of the art with those obtained by two neural networks (ResNet and a simplified CNN) on three datasets. The experimentation showed that neural networks adapt faster to a new user than the baseline.