Investigation of DNN Model Robustness Using Heterogeneous Datasets

Wen-Hung Liao, Yen-Ting Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Evaluating the Dependency of Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data Set for Learning

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Deep learning framework has been successfully applied to tackle many challenging tasks in pattern recognition and computer vision thanks to its ability to automatically extract representative features from the training data. Such type of data-driven approach, however, is subject to the criticism of too much dependency on the training set. In this research, we attempt to investigate the validity of this statement: ‘deep learning is only as good as its data’ by evaluating the performance of deep learning models using heterogeneous data sets, in which distinct representations of the same source data are employed for training/testing. We have examined three cases: low-resolution image, severely compressed input and halftone image in this work. Our preliminary results indicate that such dependency indeed exists. Classifier performance drops considerably when the model is tested with modified or transformed input. The best outcomes are obtained when the model is trained with hybrid input.

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Defense Mechanism against Adversarial Attacks Using Density-Based Representation of Images

Yen-Ting Huang, Wen-Hung Liao, Chen-Wei Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Adversarial Attacks Reduction Using Input Recharacterization

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Adversarial examples are slightly modified inputs devised to cause erroneous inference of deep learning models. Protection against the intervention of adversarial examples is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed before the wide adoption of deep-learning based intelligent systems. In this research, we utilize the method known as input recharacterization to effectively eliminate the perturbations found in the adversarial examples. By converting images from the intensity domain into density-based representation using halftoning operation, performance of the classifier can be properly maintained. With adversarial attacks generated using FGSM, I-FGSM, and PGD, the top-5 accuracy of the hybrid model can still achieve 80.97%, 78.77%, 81.56%, respectively. Although the accuracy has been slightly affected, the influence of adversarial examples is significantly discounted. The average improvement over existing input transform defense mechanisms is approximately 10%.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

On-Manifold Adversarial Data Augmentation Improves Uncertainty Calibration

Kanil Patel, William Beluch, Dan Zhang, Michael Pfeiffer, Bin Yang

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Auto-TLDR; On-Manifold Adversarial Data Augmentation for Uncertainty Estimation

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Rethinking Experience Replay: A Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning

Pietro Buzzega, Matteo Boschini, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara

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Auto-TLDR; Experience Replay for Continual Learning: A Practical Approach

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In Continual Learning, a Neural Network is trained on a stream of data whose distribution shifts over time. Under these assumptions, it is especially challenging to improve on classes appearing later in the stream while remaining accurate on previous ones. This is due to the infamous problem of catastrophic forgetting, which causes a quick performance degradation when the classifier focuses on learning new categories. Recent literature proposed various approaches to tackle this issue, often resorting to very sophisticated techniques. In this work, we show that naive rehearsal can be patched to achieve similar performance. We point out some shortcomings that restrain Experience Replay (ER) and propose five tricks to mitigate them. Experiments show that ER, thus enhanced, displays an accuracy gain of 51.2 and 26.9 percentage points on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets respectively (memory buffer size 1000). As a result, it surpasses current state-of-the-art rehearsal-based methods.

Class-Incremental Learning with Topological Schemas of Memory Spaces

Xinyuan Chang, Xiaoyu Tao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xing Wei, Wei Ke, Yihong Gong

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Auto-TLDR; Class-incremental Learning with Topological Schematic Model

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Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to incrementally learn a unified classifier for new classes emerging, which suffers from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To alleviate forgetting and improve the recognition performance, we propose a novel CIL framework, named the topological schemas model (TSM). TSM consists of a Gaussian mixture model arranged on 2D grids (2D-GMM) as the memory of the learned knowledge. To train the 2D-GMM model, we develop a novel competitive expectation-maximization (CEM) method, which contains a global topology embedding step and a local expectation-maximization finetuning step. Meanwhile, we choose the image samples of old classes that have the maximum posterior probability with respect to each Gaussian distribution as the episodic points. When finetuning for new classes, we propose the memory preservation loss (MPL) term to ensure episodic points still have maximum probabilities with respect to the corresponding Gaussian distribution. MPL preserves the distribution of 2D-GMM for old knowledge during incremental learning and alleviates catastrophic forgetting. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on two popular CIL benchmarks CIFAR100 and subImageNet demonstrate the superiority of our TSM.

RSAC: Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

Chih-Hsing Ho, Shang-Ho Tsai

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Auto-TLDR; Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

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Continuous learning seeks to perform the learning on the data that arrives from time to time. While prior works have demonstrated several possible solutions, these approaches require excessive training time as well as memory usage. This is impractical for applications where time and storage are constrained, such as edge computing. In this work, a novel training algorithm, regularized subspace approximation classifier (RSAC), is proposed to achieve lightweight continuous learning. RSAC contains a feature reduction module and classifier module with regularization. Extensive experiments show that RSAC is more efficient than prior continuous learning works and outperforms these works on various experimental settings.

Boosting High-Level Vision with Joint Compression Artifacts Reduction and Super-Resolution

Xiaoyu Xiang, Qian Lin, Jan Allebach

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Auto-TLDR; A Context-Aware Joint CAR and SR Neural Network for High-Resolution Text Recognition and Face Detection

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Due to the limits of bandwidth and storage space, digital images are usually down-scaled and compressed when transmitted over networks, resulting in loss of details and jarring artifacts that can lower the performance of high-level visual tasks. In this paper, we aim to generate an artifact-free high-resolution image from a low-resolution one compressed with an arbitrary quality factor by exploring joint compression artifacts reduction (CAR) and super-resolution (SR) tasks. First, we propose a context-aware joint CAR and SR neural network (CAJNN) that integrates both local and non-local features to solve CAR and SR in one-stage. Finally, a deep reconstruction network is adopted to predict high quality and high-resolution images. Evaluation on CAR and SR benchmark datasets shows that our CAJNN model outperforms previous methods and also takes 26.2% less runtime. Based on this model, we explore addressing two critical challenges in high-level computer vision: optical character recognition of low-resolution texts, and extremely tiny face detection. We demonstrate that CAJNN can serve as an effective image preprocessing method and improve the accuracy for real-scene text recognition (from 85.30% to 85.75%) and the average precision for tiny face detection (from 0.317 to 0.611).

Semi-Supervised Class Incremental Learning

Alexis Lechat, Stéphane Herbin, Frederic Jurie

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Auto-TLDR; incremental class learning with non-annotated batches

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Class-Incremental Learning with Pre-Allocated Fixed Classifiers

Federico Pernici, Matteo Bruni, Claudio Baecchi, Francesco Turchini, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Class-Incremental Learning with Pre-allocated Output Nodes for Fixed Classifier

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In class-incremental learning, a learning agent faces a stream of data with the goal of learning new classes while not forgetting previous ones. Neural networks are known to suffer under this setting, as they forget previously acquired knowledge. To address this problem, effective methods exploit past data stored in an episodic memory while expanding the final classifier nodes to accommodate the new classes. In this work, we substitute the expanding classifier with a novel fixed classifier in which a number of pre-allocated output nodes are subject to the classification loss right from the beginning of the learning phase. Contrarily to the standard expanding classifier, this allows: (a) the output nodes of future unseen classes to firstly see negative samples since the beginning of learning together with the positive samples that incrementally arrive; (b) to learn features that do not change their geometric configuration as novel classes are incorporated in the learning model. Experiments with public datasets show that the proposed approach is as effective as the expanding classifier while exhibiting intriguing properties of internal feature representation that are otherwise not-existent. Our ablation study on pre-allocating a large number of classes further validates the approach.

Rethinking Domain Generalization Baselines

Francesco Cappio Borlino, Antonio D'Innocente, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Style Transfer Data Augmentation for Domain Generalization

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Despite being very powerful in standard learning settings, deep learning models can be extremely brittle when deployed in scenarios different from those on which they were trained. Domain generalization methods investigate this problem and data augmentation strategies have shown to be helpful tools to increase data variability, supporting model robustness across domains. In our work we focus on style transfer data augmentation and we present how it can be implemented with a simple and inexpensive strategy to improve generalization. Moreover, we analyze the behavior of current state of the art domain generalization methods when integrated with this augmentation solution: our thorough experimental evaluation shows that their original effect almost always disappears with respect to the augmented baseline. This issue open new scenarios for domain generalization research, highlighting the need of novel methods properly able to take advantage of the introduced data variability.

Attack Agnostic Adversarial Defense via Visual Imperceptible Bound

Saheb Chhabra, Akshay Agarwal, Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Adversarial Defense with Visual Imperceptible Bound

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High susceptibility of deep learning algorithms against structured and unstructured perturbations has motivated the development of efficient adversarial defense algorithms. However, the lack of generalizability of existing defense algorithms and the high variability in the performance of the attack algorithms for different databases raises several questions on the effectiveness of the defense algorithms. In this research, we aim to design a defense model that is robust within the certain bound against both seen and unseen adversarial attacks. This bound is related to the visual appearance of an image and we termed it as \textit{Visual Imperceptible Bound (VIB)}. To compute this bound, we propose a novel method that uses the database characteristics. The VIB is further used to compute the effectiveness of attack algorithms. In order to design a defense model, we propose a defense algorithm which makes the model robust within the VIB against both seen and unseen attacks. The performance of the proposed defense algorithm and the method to compute VIB are evaluated on MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Tiny ImageNet databases on multiple attacks including C\&W ($l_2$) and DeepFool. The proposed defense algorithm is not only able to increase the robustness against several attacks but also retain or improve the classification accuracy on an original clean test set. Experimentally, it is demonstrated that the proposed defense is better than existing strong defense algorithms based on adversarial retraining. We have additionally performed the PGD attack in white box settings and compared the results with the existing algorithms. The proposed defense is independent of the target model and adversarial attacks, and therefore can be utilized against any attack.

Pseudo Rehearsal Using Non Photo-Realistic Images

Bhasker Sri Harsha Suri, Kalidas Yeturu

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Auto-TLDR; Pseudo-Rehearsing for Catastrophic Forgetting

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Deep Neural networks forget previously learnt tasks when they are faced with learning new tasks. This is called catastrophic forgetting. Rehearsing the neural network with the training data of the previous task can protect the network from catastrophic forgetting.Since rehearsing requires the storage of entire previous data, Pseudo rehearsal was proposed, where samples belonging to the previous data are generated synthetically for rehearsal. In an image classification setting, while current techniques try to generate synthetic data that is photo-realistic, we demonstrated that Neural networks can be rehearsed on data that is not photo-realistic and still achieve good retention of the previous task. We also demonstrated that forgoing the constraint of having photo realism in the generated data can result in a significant reduction in the consumption of computational and memory resources for pseudo rehearsal.

Deep Learning on Active Sonar Data Using Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning

Henrik Berg, Karl Thomas Hjelmervik

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Optimization for Sonar Operations in Littoral Environments

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Sonar operations in littoral environments may be challenging due to an increased probability of false alarms. Machine learning can be used to train classifiers that are able to filter out most of the false alarms automatically, however, this is a time consuming process, with many hyperparameters that need to be tuned in order to yield useful results. In this paper, Bayesian optimization is used to search for good values for some of the hyperparameters, like topology and training parameters, resulting in performance superior to earlier trial-and-error based training. Additionally, we analyze some of the parameters involved in the Bayesian optimization, as well as the resulting hyperparameter values.

Adversarially Training for Audio Classifiers

Raymel Alfonso Sallo, Mohammad Esmaeilpour, Patrick Cardinal

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Auto-TLDR; Adversarially Training for Robust Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks

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In this paper, we investigate the potential effect of the adversarially training on the robustness of six advanced deep neural networks against a variety of targeted and non-targeted adversarial attacks. We firstly show that, the ResNet-56 model trained on the 2D representation of the discrete wavelet transform appended with the tonnetz chromagram outperforms other models in terms of recognition accuracy. Then we demonstrate the positive impact of adversarially training on this model as well as other deep architectures against six types of attack algorithms (white and black-box) with the cost of the reduced recognition accuracy and limited adversarial perturbation. We run our experiments on two benchmarking environmental sound datasets and show that without any imposed limitations on the budget allocations for the adversary, the fooling rate of the adversarially trained models can exceed 90%. In other words, adversarial attacks exist in any scales, but they might require higher adversarial perturbations compared to non-adversarially trained models.

ARCADe: A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector

Ahmed Frikha, Denis Krompass, Volker Tresp

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Auto-TLDR; ARCADe: A Meta-Learning Approach for Continuous Anomaly Detection

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Although continual learning and anomaly detection have separately been well-studied in previous works, their intersection remains rather unexplored. The present work addresses a learning scenario where a model has to incrementally learn a sequence of anomaly detection tasks, i.e. tasks from which only examples from the normal (majority) class are available for training. We define this novel learning problem of continual anomaly detection (CAD) and formulate it as a meta-learning problem. Moreover, we propose \emph{A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector (ARCADe)}, an approach to train neural networks to be robust against the major challenges of this new learning problem, namely catastrophic forgetting and overfitting to the majority class. The results of our experiments on three datasets show that, in the CAD problem setting, ARCADe substantially outperforms baselines from the continual learning and anomaly detection literature. Finally, we provide deeper insights into the learning strategy yielded by the proposed meta-learning algorithm.

Investigating and Exploiting Image Resolution for Transfer Learning-Based Skin Lesion Classification

Amirreza Mahbod, Gerald Schaefer, Chunliang Wang, Rupert Ecker, Georg Dorffner, Isabella Ellinger

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Auto-TLDR; Fine-tuned Neural Networks for Skin Lesion Classification Using Dermoscopic Images

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Skin cancer is among the most common cancer types. Dermoscopic image analysis improves the diagnostic accuracy for detection of malignant melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions when compared to unaided visual inspection. Hence, computer-based methods to support medical experts in the diagnostic procedure are of great interest. Fine-tuning pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs) has been shown to work well for skin lesion classification. Pre-trained CNNs are usually trained with natural images of a fixed image size which is typically significantly smaller than captured skin lesion images and consequently dermoscopic images are downsampled for fine-tuning. However, useful medical information may be lost during this transformation. In this paper, we explore the effect of input image size on skin lesion classification performance of fine-tuned CNNs. For this, we resize dermoscopic images to different resolutions, ranging from 64x64 to 768x768 pixels and investigate the resulting classification performance of three well-established CNNs, namely DenseNet-121, ResNet-18, and ResNet-50. Our results show that using very small images (of size 64x64 pixels) degrades the classification performance, while images of size 128x128 pixels and above support good performance with larger image sizes leading to slightly improved classification. We further propose a novel fusion approach based on a three-level ensemble strategy that exploits multiple fine-tuned networks trained with dermoscopic images at various sizes. When applied on the ISIC 2017 skin lesion classification challenge, our fusion approach yields an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 89.2% and 96.6% for melanoma classification and seborrheic keratosis classification, respectively, outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms.

Multimodal Side-Tuning for Document Classification

Stefano Zingaro, Giuseppe Lisanti, Maurizio Gabbrielli

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Auto-TLDR; Side-tuning for Multimodal Document Classification

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In this paper, we propose to exploit the side-tuning framework for multimodal document classification. Side-tuning is a methodology for network adaptation recently introduced to solve some of the problems related to previous approaches. Thanks to this technique it is actually possible to overcome model rigidity and catastrophic forgetting of transfer learning by fine-tuning. The proposed solution uses off-the-shelf deep learning architectures leveraging the side-tuning framework to combine a base model with a tandem of two side networks. We show that side-tuning can be successfully employed also when different data sources are considered, e.g. text and images in document classification. The experimental results show that this approach pushes further the limit for document classification accuracy with respect to the state of the art.

On the Information of Feature Maps and Pruning of Deep Neural Networks

Mohammadreza Soltani, Suya Wu, Jie Ding, Robert Ravier, Vahid Tarokh

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Models Using Mutual Information

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A technique for compressing deep neural models achieving competitive performance to state-of-the-art methods is proposed. The approach utilizes the mutual information between the feature maps and the output of the model in order to prune the redundant layers of the network. Extensive numerical experiments on both CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet data sets demonstrate that the proposed method can be effective in compressing deep models, both in terms of the numbers of parameters and operations. For instance, by applying the proposed approach to DenseNet model with 0.77 million parameters and 293 million operations for classification of CIFAR-10 data set, a reduction of 62.66% and 41.00% in the number of parameters and the number of operations are respectively achieved, while increasing the test error only by less than 1%.

Removing Backdoor-Based Watermarks in Neural Networks with Limited Data

Xuankai Liu, Fengting Li, Bihan Wen, Qi Li

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Auto-TLDR; WILD: A backdoor-based watermark removal framework using limited data

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Deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved great success in various fields. As training deep models usually consumes massive data and computational resources,trading the trained deep models is highly-demanded and lucrative nowadays. Unfortunately, the naive trading schemes typicallyinvolves potential risks related to copyright and trustworthiness issues,e.g., a sold model can be illegally resold to others without further authorization to reap huge profits. To tackle this prob-lem, various watermarking techniques are proposed to protect the model intellectual property, amongst which the backdoor-based watermarking is the most commonly-used one. However,the robustness of these watermarking approaches is not well evaluated under realistic settings, such as limited in-distribution data availability and agnostic of watermarking patterns. In this paper, we benchmark the robustness of watermarking, and propose a novel backdoor-based watermark removal framework using limited data, dubbed WILD. The proposed WILD removes the watermarks of deep models with only a small portion of training data, and the output model can perform the same as models trained from scratch without watermarks injected. In particular, a novel data augmentation method is utilized to mimic the behavior of watermark triggers. Combining with the distribution alignment between the normal and perturbed (e.g.,occluded) data in the feature space, our approach generalizes well on all typical types of trigger contents. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can effectively remove the watermarks without compromising the deep model performance for the original task with the limited access to training data.

Selecting Useful Knowledge from Previous Tasks for Future Learning in a Single Network

Feifei Shi, Peng Wang, Zhongchao Shi, Yong Rui

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Auto-TLDR; Continual Learning with Gradient-based Threshold Threshold

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Continual learning is able to learn new tasks incrementally while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Recent work has shown that packing multiple tasks into a single network incrementally by iterative pruning and re-training network is a promising method. We build upon this idea and propose an improved version of PackNet, specifically, we propose a novel gradient-based threshold method to reuse the knowledge of the previous tasks selectively when learning new tasks. Our experiments on a variety of classification tasks and different network architectures demonstrate that our method obtains competitive results when compared to PackNet.

Optimal Transport As a Defense against Adversarial Attacks

Quentin Bouniot, Romaric Audigier, Angélique Loesch

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Auto-TLDR; Sinkhorn Adversarial Training with Optimal Transport Theory

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Deep learning classifiers are now known to have flaws in the representations of their class. Adversarial attacks can find a human-imperceptible perturbation for a given image that will mislead a trained model. The most effective methods to defend against such attacks trains on generated adversarial examples to learn their distribution. Previous work aimed to align original and adversarial image representations in the same way as domain adaptation to improve robustness. Yet, they partially align the representations using approaches that do not reflect the geometry of space and distribution. In addition, it is difficult to accurately compare robustness between defended models. Until now, they have been evaluated using a fixed perturbation size. However, defended models may react differently to variations of this perturbation size. In this paper, the analogy of domain adaptation is taken a step further by exploiting optimal transport theory. We propose to use a loss between distributions that faithfully reflect the ground distance. This leads to SAT (Sinkhorn Adversarial Training), a more robust defense against adversarial attacks. Then, we propose to quantify more precisely the robustness of a model to adversarial attacks over a wide range of perturbation sizes using a different metric, the Area Under the Accuracy Curve (AUAC). We perform extensive experiments on both CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets and show that our defense is globally more robust than the state-of-the-art.

Exploring the Ability of CNNs to Generalise to Previously Unseen Scales Over Wide Scale Ranges

Ylva Jansson, Tony Lindeberg

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Auto-TLDR; A theoretical analysis of invariance and covariance properties of scale channel networks

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The ability to handle large scale variations is crucial for many real world visual tasks. A straightforward approach to handling scale in a deep neural network is to process multiple rescaled image copies in a set of scale channels (subnetworks). Scale invariance can then, in principle, be achieved by using weight sharing between the scale channels together with max or average pooling over the outputs from the scale channels. The ability of such scale channel networks to generalise to scales not present in the training set over significant scale ranges has, however, not previously been explored. We, therefore, present a theoretical analysis of invariance and covariance properties of scale channel networks and perform an experimental evaluation of the ability of different types of scale channel networks to generalise to previously unseen scales. We identify limitations of previous approaches and propose a new type of foveated scale channel architecture, where the scale channels process increasingly larger parts of the image with decreasing resolution. Our proposed FovMax and FovAvg networks perform almost identically over a scale range of 8 also when training on single scale training data and give improvements in the small sample regime.

End-To-End Deep Learning Methods for Automated Damage Detection in Extreme Events at Various Scales

Yongsheng Bai, Alper Yilmaz, Halil Sezen

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Mask R-CNN for Crack Detection in Extreme Events

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Robust Mask R-CNN (Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network) methods are proposed and tested for automatic detection of cracks on structures or their components that may be damaged during extreme events, such as earth-quakes. We curated a new dataset with 2,021 labeled images for training and validation and aimed to find end-to-end deep neural networks for crack detection in the field. With data augmentation and parameters fine-tuning, Path Aggregation Network (PANet) with spatial attention mechanisms and High-resolution Network (HRNet) are introduced into Mask R-CNNs. The tests on three public datasets with low- or high-resolution images demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve a big improvement over alternative networks, so the proposed method may be sufficient for crack detection for a variety of scales in real applications.

Bridging the Gap between Natural and Medical Images through Deep Colorization

Lia Morra, Luca Piano, Fabrizio Lamberti, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Transfer Learning for Diagnosis on X-ray Images Using Color Adaptation

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Deep learning has thrived by training on large-scale datasets. However, in many applications, as for medical image diagnosis, getting massive amount of data is still prohibitive due to privacy, lack of acquisition homogeneity and annotation cost. In this scenario transfer learning from natural image collections is a standard practice that attempts to tackle shape, texture and color discrepancy all at once through pretrained model fine-tuning. In this work we propose to disentangle those challenges and design a dedicated network module that focuses on color adaptation. We combine learning from scratch of the color module with transfer learning of different classification backbones obtaining an end-to-end, easy-to-train architecture for diagnostic image recognition on X-ray images. Extensive experiments show how our approach is particularly efficient in case of data scarcity and provides a new path for further transferring the learned color information across multiple medical datasets.

Improving Model Accuracy for Imbalanced Image Classification Tasks by Adding a Final Batch Normalization Layer: An Empirical Study

Veysel Kocaman, Ofer M. Shir, Thomas Baeck

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Batch Normalization before the Output Layer in Deep Learning for Minority Class Detection in Imbalanced Data Sets

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Some real-world domains, such as Agriculture and Healthcare, comprise early-stage disease indications whose recording constitutes a rare event, and yet, whose precise detection at that stage is critical. In this type of highly imbalanced classification problems, which encompass complex features, deep learning (DL) is much needed because of its strong detection capabilities. At the same time, DL is observed in practice to favor majority over minority classes and consequently suffer from inaccurate detection of the targeted early-stage indications. To simulate such scenarios, we artificially generate skewness (99% vs. 1%) for certain plant types out of the PlantVillage dataset as a basis for classification of scarce visual cues through transfer learning. By randomly and unevenly picking healthy and unhealthy samples from certain plant types to form a training set, we consider a base experiment as fine-tuning ResNet34 and VGG19 architectures and then testing the model performance on a balanced dataset of healthy and unhealthy images. We empirically observe that the initial F1 test score jumps from 0.29 to 0.95 for the minority class upon adding a final Batch Normalization (BN) layer just before the output layer in VGG19. We demonstrate that utilizing an additional BN layer before the output layer in modern CNN architectures has a considerable impact in terms of minimizing the training time and testing error for minority classes in highly imbalanced data sets. Moreover, when the final BN is employed, trying to minimize validation and training losses may not be an optimal way for getting a high F1 test score for minority classes in anomaly detection problems. That is, the network might perform better even if it is not ‘confident’ enough while making a prediction; leading to another discussion about why softmax output is not a good uncertainty measure for DL models.

Accuracy-Perturbation Curves for Evaluation of Adversarial Attack and Defence Methods

Jaka Šircelj, Danijel Skocaj

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Auto-TLDR; Accuracy-perturbation Curve for Robustness Evaluation of Adversarial Examples

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With more research published on adversarial examples, we face a growing need for strong and insightful methods for evaluating the robustness of machine learning solutions against their adversarial threats. Previous work contains problematic and overly simplified evaluation methods, where different methods for generating adversarial examples are compared, even though they produce adversarial examples of differing perturbation magnitudes. This creates a biased evaluation environment, as higher perturbations yield naturally stronger adversarial examples. We propose a novel "accuracy-perturbation curve" that visualizes a classifiers classification accuracy response to adversarial examples of different perturbations. To demonstrate the utility of the curve we perform evaluation of responses of different image classifier architectures to four popular adversarial example methods. We also show how adversarial training improves the robustness of a classifier using the "accuracy-perturbation curve".

Compression Strategies and Space-Conscious Representations for Deep Neural Networks

Giosuè Marinò, Gregorio Ghidoli, Marco Frasca, Dario Malchiodi

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Auto-TLDR; Compression of Large Convolutional Neural Networks by Weight Pruning and Quantization

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Recent advances in deep learning have made available large, powerful convolutional neural networks (CNN) with state-of-the-art performance in several real-world applications. Unfortunately, these large-sized models have millions of parameters, thus they are not deployable on resource-limited platforms (e.g. where RAM is limited). Compression of CNNs thereby becomes a critical problem to achieve memory-efficient and possibly computationally faster model representations. In this paper, we investigate the impact of lossy compression of CNNs by weight pruning and quantization, and lossless weight matrix representations based on source coding. We tested several combinations of these techniques on four benchmark datasets for classification and regression problems, achieving compression rates up to 165 times, while preserving or improving the model performance.

Attack-Agnostic Adversarial Detection on Medical Data Using Explainable Machine Learning

Matthew Watson, Noura Al Moubayed

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Auto-TLDR; Explainability-based Detection of Adversarial Samples on EHR and Chest X-Ray Data

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Explainable machine learning has become increasingly prevalent, especially in healthcare where explainable models are vital for ethical and trusted automated decision making. Work on the susceptibility of deep learning models to adversarial attacks has shown the ease of designing samples to mislead a model into making incorrect predictions. In this work, we propose an explainability-based method for the accurate detection of adversarial samples on two datasets with different complexity and properties: Electronic Health Record (EHR) and chest X-ray (CXR) data. On the MIMIC-III and Henan-Renmin EHR datasets, we report a detection accuracy of 77% against the Longitudinal Adversarial Attack. On the MIMIC-CXR dataset, we achieve an accuracy of 88%; significantly improving on the state of the art of adversarial detection in both datasets by over 10% in all settings. We propose an anomaly detection based method using explainability techniques to detect adversarial samples which is able to generalise to different attack methods without a need for retraining.

Adaptive Noise Injection for Training Stochastic Student Networks from Deterministic Teachers

Yi Xiang Marcus Tan, Yuval Elovici, Alexander Binder

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Stochastic Networks for Adversarial Attacks

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Adversarial attacks have been a prevalent problem causing misclassification in machine learning models, with stochasticity being a promising direction towards greater robustness. However, stochastic networks frequently underperform compared to deterministic deep networks. In this work, we present a conceptually clear adaptive noise injection mechanism in combination with teacher-initialisation, which adjusts its degree of randomness dynamically through the computation of mini-batch statistics. This mechanism is embedded within a simple framework to obtain stochastic networks from existing deterministic networks. Our experiments show that our method is able to outperform prior baselines under white-box settings, exemplified through CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. Following which, we perform in-depth analysis on varying different components of training with our approach on the effects of robustness and accuracy, through the study of the evolution of decision boundary and trend curves of clean accuracy/attack success over differing degrees of stochasticity. We also shed light on the effects of adversarial training on a pre-trained network, through the lens of decision boundaries.

Lightweight Low-Resolution Face Recognition for Surveillance Applications

Yoanna Martínez-Díaz, Heydi Mendez-Vazquez, Luis S. Luevano, Leonardo Chang, Miguel Gonzalez-Mendoza

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Auto-TLDR; Efficiency of Lightweight Deep Face Networks on Low-Resolution Surveillance Imagery

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Typically, real-world requirements to deploy face recognition models in unconstrained surveillance scenarios demand to identify low-resolution faces with extremely low computational cost. In the last years, several methods based on complex deep learning models have been proposed with promising recognition results but at a high computational cost. Inspired by the compactness and computation efficiency of lightweight deep face networks and their high accuracy on general face recognition tasks, in this work we propose to benchmark two recently introduced lightweight face models on low-resolution surveillance imagery to enable efficient system deployment. In this way, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation on the two typical settings: LR-to-HR and LR-to-LR matching. In addition, we investigate the effect of using trained models with down-sampled synthetic data from high-resolution images, as well as the combination of different models, for face recognition on real low-resolution images. Experimental results show that the used lightweight face models achieve state-of-the-art results on low-resolution benchmarks with low memory footprint and computational complexity. Moreover, we observed that combining models trained with different degradations improves the recognition accuracy on low-resolution surveillance imagery, which is feasible due to their low computational cost.

Killing Four Birds with One Gaussian Process: The Relation between Different Test-Time Attacks

Kathrin Grosse, Michael Thomas Smith, Michael Backes

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Auto-TLDR; Security of Gaussian Process Classifiers against Attack Algorithms

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In machine learning (ML) security, attacks like evasion, model stealing or membership inference are generally studied in individually. Previous work has also shown a relationship between some attacks and decision function curvature of the targeted model. Consequently, we study an ML model allowing direct control over the decision surface curvature: Gaussian Process classifiers (GPCs). For evasion, we find that changing GPC's curvature to be robust against one attack algorithm boils down to enabling a different norm or attack algorithm to succeed. This is backed up by our formal analysis showing that static security guarantees are opposed to learning. Concerning intellectual property, we show formally that lazy learning does not necessarily leak all information when applied. In practice, often a seemingly secure curvature can be found. For example, we are able to secure GPC against empirical membership inference by proper configuration. In this configuration, however, the GPC's hyper-parameters are leaked, e.g. model reverse engineering succeeds. We conclude that attacks on classification should not be studied in isolation, but in relation to each other.

Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN Based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

Ruojing Wang, Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Image Compression using GAN based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

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Image compression is a basic task in image processing. In this paper, We present an adaptive image compression algorithm that relies on GAN based semantic-perceptual residual compensation, which is available to offer visually pleasing reconstruction at a low bitrate. Our method adopt an U-shaped encoding and decoding structure accompanied by a well-designed dense residual connection with strip pooling module to improve the original auto-encoder. Besides, we introduce the idea of adversarial learning by introducing a discriminator thus constructed a complete GAN. To improve the coding efficiency, we creatively designed an adaptive semantic-perception residual compensation block based on Grad-CAM algorithm. In the improvement of the quantizer, we embed the method of soft-quantization so as to solve the problem to some extent that back propagation process is irreversible. Simultaneously, we use the latest FLIF lossless compression algorithm and BPG vector compression algorithm to perform deeper compression on the image. More importantly experimental results including PSNR, MS-SSIM demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art image compression methods.

Cross-People Mobile-Phone Based Airwriting Character Recognition

Yunzhe Li, Hui Zheng, He Zhu, Haojun Ai, Xiaowei Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-People Airwriting Recognition via Motion Sensor Signal via Deep Neural Network

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Airwriting using mobile phones has many applications in human-computer interaction. However, the recognition of airwriting character needs a lot of training data from user, which brings great difficulties to the pratical application. The model learnt from a specific person often cannot yield satisfied results when used on another person. The data gap between people is mainly caused by the following factors: personal writing styles, mobile phone sensors, and ways to hold mobile phones. To address the cross-people problem, we propose a deep neural network(DNN) that combines convolutional neural network(CNN) and bilateral long short-term memory(BLSTM). In each layer of the network, we also add an AdaBN layer which is able to increase the generalization ability of the DNN. Different from the original AdaBN method, we explore the feasibility for semi-supervised learning. We implement it to our design and conduct comprehensive experiments. The evaluation results show that our system can achieve an accuracy of 99% for recognition and an improvement of 10% on average for transfer learning between various factors such as people, devices and postures. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to implement cross-people airwriting recognition via motion sensor signal, which is a fundamental step towards ubiquitous sensing.

MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)

Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora, Mark W. Jones

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Auto-TLDR; Recurrent Neural Network for Lossless Medical Image Compression using Long Short-Term Memory

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As scanners produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled images, this raises the challenge of data storage, transmission and communication within healthcare systems. Since the quality of medical images plays a crucial role in diagnosis accuracy, medical imaging compression techniques are desired to reduce scan bitrate while guaranteeing lossless reconstruction. This paper presents a lossless compression method that integrates a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as a 3D sequence prediction model. The aim is to learn the long dependencies of the voxel's neighbourhood in 3D using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network then compress the residual error using arithmetic coding. Experiential results reveal that our method obtains a higher compression ratio achieving 15% saving compared to the state-of-the-art lossless compression standards, including JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JP3D, HEVC, and PPMd. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method generalizes well to unseen modalities CT and MRI for the lossless compression scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lossless compression method that uses LSTM neural network for 16-bit volumetric medical image compression.

Trainable Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Michele Alberti, Angela Botros, Schuetz Narayan, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki, Mathias Seuret

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Auto-TLDR; Trainable and Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations for Neural Networks

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In this work, we introduce a new architectural component to Neural Networks (NN), i.e., trainable and spectrally initializable matrix transformations on feature maps. While previous literature has already demonstrated the possibility of adding static spectral transformations as feature processors, our focus is on more general trainable transforms. We study the transforms in various architectural configurations on four datasets of different nature: from medical (ColorectalHist, HAM10000) and natural (Flowers) images to historical documents (CB55). With rigorous experiments that control for the number of parameters and randomness, we show that networks utilizing the introduced matrix transformations outperform vanilla neural networks. The observed accuracy increases appreciably across all datasets. In addition, we show that the benefit of spectral initialization leads to significantly faster convergence, as opposed to randomly initialized matrix transformations. The transformations are implemented as auto-differentiable PyTorch modules that can be incorporated into any neural network architecture. The entire code base is open-source.

On the Minimal Recognizable Image Patch

Mark Fonaryov, Michael Lindenbaum

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Auto-TLDR; MIRC: A Deep Neural Network for Minimal Recognition on Partially Occluded Images

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In contrast to human vision, common recognition algorithms often fail on partially occluded images. We propose characterizing, empirically, the algorithmic limits by finding a minimal recognizable patch (MRP) that is by itself sufficient to recognize the image. A specialized deep network allows us to find the most informative patches of a given size, and serves as an experimental tool. A human vision study recently characterized related (but different) minimally recognizable configurations (MIRCs) [1], for which we specify computational analogues (denoted cMIRCs). The drop in human decision accuracy associated with size reduction of these MIRCs is substantial and sharp. Interestingly, such sharp reductions were also found for the computational versions we specified.

Joint Compressive Autoencoders for Full-Image-To-Image Hiding

Xiyao Liu, Ziping Ma, Xingbei Guo, Jialu Hou, Lei Wang, Gerald Schaefer, Hui Fang

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Auto-TLDR; J-CAE: Joint Compressive Autoencoder for Image Hiding

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Image hiding has received significant attention due to the need of enhanced multimedia services, such as multimedia security and meta-information embedding for multimedia augmentation. Recently, deep learning-based methods have been introduced that are capable of significantly increasing the hidden capacity and supporting full size image hiding. However, these methods suffer from the necessity to balance the errors of the modified cover image and the recovered hidden image. In this paper, we propose a novel joint compressive autoencoder (J-CAE) framework to design an image hiding algorithm that achieves full-size image hidden capacity with small reconstruction errors of the hidden image. More importantly, it addresses the trade-off problem of previous deep learning-based methods by mapping the image representations in the latent spaces of the joint CAE models. Thus, both visual quality of the container image and recovery quality of the hidden image can be simultaneously improved. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework outperforms several state-of-the-art deep learning-based image hiding methods in terms of imperceptibility and recovery quality of the hidden images while maintaining full-size image hidden capacity.

MINT: Deep Network Compression Via Mutual Information-Based Neuron Trimming

Madan Ravi Ganesh, Jason Corso, Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh

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Auto-TLDR; Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming for Deep Compression via Pruning

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Most approaches to deep neural network compression via pruning either evaluate a filter’s importance using its weights or optimize an alternative objective function with sparsity constraints. While these methods offer a useful way to approximate contributions from similar filters, they often either ignore the dependency between layers or solve a more difficult optimization objective than standard cross-entropy. Our method, Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming (MINT), approaches deep compression via pruning by enforcing sparsity based on the strength of the relationship between filters of adjacent layers, across every pair of layers. The relationship is calculated using conditional geometric mutual information which evaluates the amount of similar information exchanged between the filters using a graph-based criterion. When pruning a network, we ensure that retained filters contribute the majority of the information towards succeeding layers which ensures high performance. Our novel approach outperforms existing state-of-the-art compression-via-pruning methods on the standard benchmarks for this task: MNIST, CIFAR-10, and ILSVRC2012, across a variety of network architectures. In addition, we discuss our observations of a common denominator between our pruning methodology’s response to adversarial attacks and calibration statistics when compared to the original network.

Beyond Cross-Entropy: Learning Highly Separable Feature Distributions for Robust and Accurate Classification

Arslan Ali, Andrea Migliorati, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli

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Auto-TLDR; Gaussian class-conditional simplex loss for adversarial robust multiclass classifiers

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Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in several applications including image classification. However, deep classifiers are known to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in that a minor perturbation of the input can easily lead to an error. Providing robustness to adversarial attacks is a very challenging task especially in problems involving a large number of classes, as it typically comes at the expense of an accuracy decrease. In this work, we propose the Gaussian class-conditional simplex (GCCS) loss: a novel approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides adversarial robustness while at the same time achieving or even surpassing the classification accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. Differently from other frameworks, the proposed method learns a mapping of the input classes onto target distributions in a latent space such that the classes are linearly separable. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of target labels for individual samples, our objective function pushes the network to produce feature distributions yielding high inter-class separation. The mean values of the distributions are centered on the vertices of a simplex such that each class is at the same distance from every other class. We show that the regularization of the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy and inherently provides robustness to multiple adversarial attacks, both targeted and untargeted, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches over challenging datasets.

Compact CNN Structure Learning by Knowledge Distillation

Waqar Ahmed, Andrea Zunino, Pietro Morerio, Vittorio Murino

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Auto-TLDR; Knowledge Distillation for Compressing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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The concept of compressing deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is essential to use limited computation, power, and memory resources on embedded devices. However, existing methods achieve this objective at the cost of a drop in inference accuracy in computer vision tasks. To address such a drawback, we propose a framework that leverages knowledge distillation along with customizable block-wise optimization to learn a lightweight CNN structure while preserving better control over the compression-performance tradeoff. Considering specific resource constraints, e.g., floating-point operations per second (FLOPs) or model-parameters, our method results in a state of the art network compression while being capable of achieving better inference accuracy. In a comprehensive evaluation, we demonstrate that our method is effective, robust, and consistent with results over a variety of network architectures and datasets, at negligible training overhead. In particular, for the already compact network MobileNet_v2, our method offers up to 2x and 5.2x better model compression in terms of FLOPs and model-parameters, respectively, while getting 1.05% better model performance than the baseline network.

Improving Low-Resolution Image Classification by Super-Resolution with Enhancing High-Frequency Content

Liguo Zhou, Guang Chen, Mingyue Feng, Alois Knoll

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Auto-TLDR; Super-resolution for Low-Resolution Image Classification

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With the prosperous development of Convolutional Neural Networks, currently they can perform excellently on visual understanding tasks when the input images are high quality and common quality images. However, large degradation in performance always occur when the input images are low quality images. In this paper, we propose a new super-resolution method in order to improve the classification performance for low-resolution images. In an image, the regions in which pixel values vary dramatically contain more abundant high frequency contents compared to other parts. Based on this fact, we design a weight map and integrate it with a super-resolution CNN training framework. During the process of training, this weight map can find out positions of the high frequency pixels in ground truth high-resolution images. After that, the pixel-level loss function takes effect only at these found positions to minimize the difference between reconstructed high-resolution images and ground truth high-resolution images. Compared with other state-of-the-art super-resolution methods, the experiment results show that our method can recover more high-frequency contents in high-resolution image reconstructing, and better improve the classification accuracy after low-resolution image preprocessing.

A NoGAN Approach for Image and Video Restoration and Compression Artifact Removal

Mameli Filippo, Marco Bertini, Leonardo Galteri, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Network for Image and Video Compression Artifact Removal and Restoration

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Lossy image and video compression algorithms introduce several different types of visual artifacts that reduce the visual quality of the compressed media, and the higher the compression rate the higher is the strength of these artifacts. In this work, we describe an approach for visual quality improvement of compressed images and videos to be performed at presentation time, so to obtain the benefits of fast data transfer and reduced data storage, while enjoying a visual quality that could be obtained only reducing the compression rate. To obtain this result we propose to use a deep neural network trained using the NoGAN approach, adapting the popular DeOldify architecture used for colorization. We show how the proposed method can be applied both to image and video compression artifact removal and restoration.

Augmentation of Small Training Data Using GANs for Enhancing the Performance of Image Classification

Shih-Kai Hung, John Q. Gan

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Auto-TLDR; Generative Adversarial Network for Image Training Data Augmentation

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It is difficult to achieve high performance without sufficient training data for deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) to learn. Data augmentation plays an important role in improving robustness and preventing overfitting in machine learning for many applications such as image classification. In this paper, a novel method for data augmentation is proposed to solve the problem of machine learning with small training datasets. The proposed method can synthesise similar images with rich diversity from only a single original training sample to increase the number of training data by using generative adversarial networks (GANs). It is expected that the synthesised images possess class-informative features, which may be in the validation or testing data but not in the training data due to that the training dataset is small, and thus they can be effective as augmented training data to improve classification accuracy of DCNNs. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method with a novel GAN framework for image training data augmentation can significantly enhance the classification performance of DCNNs for applications where original training data is limited.

Sequential Domain Adaptation through Elastic Weight Consolidation for Sentiment Analysis

Avinash Madasu, Anvesh Rao Vijjini

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Auto-TLDR; Sequential Domain Adaptation using Elastic Weight Consolidation for Sentiment Analysis

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Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) is a technique used in overcoming catastrophic forgetting between successive tasks trained on a neural network. We use this phenomenon of information sharing between tasks for domain adaptation. Training data for tasks such as sentiment analysis (SA) may not be fairly represented across multiple domains. Domain Adaptation (DA) aims to build algorithms that leverage information from source domains to facilitate performance on an unseen target domain. We propose a model-independent framework - Sequential Domain Adaptation (SDA). SDA draws on EWC for training on successive source domains to move towards a general domain solution, thereby solving the problem of domain adaptation. We test SDA on convolutional, recurrent and attention-based architectures. Our experiments show that the proposed framework enables simple architectures such as CNNs to outperform complex state-of-the-art models in domain adaptation of SA. We further observe the effectiveness of a harder first Anti-Curriculum ordering of source domains leads to maximum performance.

Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization When Learning from Small Sample

Idan Azuri, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; GLICO: Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization for Small Sample Learning

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We revisit the long-standing problem of learning from small sample. The generation of new samples from a small training set of labeled points has attracted increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel such method called GLICO (Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization). GLICO learns a mapping from the training examples to a latent space and a generator that generates images from vectors in the latent space. Unlike most recent work, which rely on access to large amounts of unlabeled data, GLICO does not require access to any additional data other than the small set of labeled points. In fact, GLICO learns to synthesize completely new samples for every class using as little as 5 or 10 examples per class, with as few as 10 such classes and no data from unknown classes. GLICO is then used to augment the small training set while training a classifier on the small sample. To this end, our proposed method samples the learned latent space using spherical interpolation (slerp) and generates new examples using the trained generator. Empirical results show that the new sampled set is diverse enough, leading to improvement in image classification in comparison with the state of the art when trained on small samples obtained from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CUB-200.

Contextual Classification Using Self-Supervised Auxiliary Models for Deep Neural Networks

Sebastian Palacio, Philipp Engler, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning for Deep Neural Networks

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Classification problems solved with deep neural networks (DNNs) typically rely on a closed world paradigm, and optimize over a single objective (e.g., minimization of the cross- entropy loss). This setup dismisses all kinds of supporting signals that can be used to reinforce the existence or absence of particular patterns. The increasing need for models that are interpretable by design makes the inclusion of said contextual signals a crucial necessity. To this end, we introduce the notion of Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning (SSAL). A SSAL objective is realized through one or more additional targets that are derived from the original supervised classification task, following architectural principles found in multi-task learning. SSAL branches impose low-level priors into the optimization process (e.g., grouping). The ability of using SSAL branches during inference, allow models to converge faster, focusing on a richer set of class-relevant features. We equip state-of-the-art DNNs with SSAL objectives and report consistent improvements for all of them on CIFAR100 and Imagenet. We show that SSAL models outperform similar state-of-the-art methods focused on contextual loss functions, auxiliary branches and hierarchical priors.

Joint Supervised and Self-Supervised Learning for 3D Real World Challenges

Antonio Alliegro, Davide Boscaini, Tatiana Tommasi

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervision for 3D Shape Classification and Segmentation in Point Clouds

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Point cloud processing and 3D shape understanding are very challenging tasks for which deep learning techniques have demonstrated great potentials. Still further progresses are essential to allow artificial intelligent agents to interact with the real world. In many practical conditions the amount of annotated data may be limited and integrating new sources of knowledge becomes crucial to support autonomous learning. Here we consider several scenarios involving synthetic and real world point clouds where supervised learning fails due to data scarcity and large domain gaps. We propose to enrich standard feature representations by leveraging self-supervision through a multi-task model that can solve a 3D puzzle while learning the main task of shape classification or part segmentation. An extensive analysis investigating few-shot, transfer learning and cross-domain settings shows the effectiveness of our approach with state-of-the-art results for 3D shape classification and part segmentation.

F-Mixup: Attack CNNs from Fourier Perspective

Xiu-Chuan Li, Xu-Yao Zhang, Fei Yin, Cheng-Lin Liu

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Auto-TLDR; F-Mixup: A novel black-box attack in frequency domain for deep neural networks

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Recent research has revealed that deep neural networks are highly vulnerable to adversarial examples. In this paper, different from most adversarial attacks which directly modify pixels in spatial domain, we propose a novel black-box attack in frequency domain, named as f-mixup, based on the property of natural images and perception disparity between human-visual system (HVS) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs): First, natural images tend to have the bulk of their Fourier spectrums concentrated on the low frequency domain; Second, HVS is much less sensitive to high frequencies while CNNs can utilize both low and high frequency information to make predictions. Extensive experiments are conducted and show that deeper CNNs tend to concentrate more on the high frequency domain, which may explain the contradiction between robustness and accuracy. In addition, we compared f-mixup with existing attack methods and observed that our approach possesses great advantages. Finally, we show that f-mixup can be also incorporated in training to make deep CNNs defensible against a kind of perturbations effectively.