Class-Incremental Learning with Topological Schemas of Memory Spaces

Xinyuan Chang, Xiaoyu Tao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xing Wei, Wei Ke, Yihong Gong

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Auto-TLDR; Class-incremental Learning with Topological Schematic Model

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Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to incrementally learn a unified classifier for new classes emerging, which suffers from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To alleviate forgetting and improve the recognition performance, we propose a novel CIL framework, named the topological schemas model (TSM). TSM consists of a Gaussian mixture model arranged on 2D grids (2D-GMM) as the memory of the learned knowledge. To train the 2D-GMM model, we develop a novel competitive expectation-maximization (CEM) method, which contains a global topology embedding step and a local expectation-maximization finetuning step. Meanwhile, we choose the image samples of old classes that have the maximum posterior probability with respect to each Gaussian distribution as the episodic points. When finetuning for new classes, we propose the memory preservation loss (MPL) term to ensure episodic points still have maximum probabilities with respect to the corresponding Gaussian distribution. MPL preserves the distribution of 2D-GMM for old knowledge during incremental learning and alleviates catastrophic forgetting. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on two popular CIL benchmarks CIFAR100 and subImageNet demonstrate the superiority of our TSM.

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Class-Incremental Learning with Pre-Allocated Fixed Classifiers

Federico Pernici, Matteo Bruni, Claudio Baecchi, Francesco Turchini, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Class-Incremental Learning with Pre-allocated Output Nodes for Fixed Classifier

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In class-incremental learning, a learning agent faces a stream of data with the goal of learning new classes while not forgetting previous ones. Neural networks are known to suffer under this setting, as they forget previously acquired knowledge. To address this problem, effective methods exploit past data stored in an episodic memory while expanding the final classifier nodes to accommodate the new classes. In this work, we substitute the expanding classifier with a novel fixed classifier in which a number of pre-allocated output nodes are subject to the classification loss right from the beginning of the learning phase. Contrarily to the standard expanding classifier, this allows: (a) the output nodes of future unseen classes to firstly see negative samples since the beginning of learning together with the positive samples that incrementally arrive; (b) to learn features that do not change their geometric configuration as novel classes are incorporated in the learning model. Experiments with public datasets show that the proposed approach is as effective as the expanding classifier while exhibiting intriguing properties of internal feature representation that are otherwise not-existent. Our ablation study on pre-allocating a large number of classes further validates the approach.

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Auto-TLDR; Continual Learning with Gradient-based Threshold Threshold

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Auto-TLDR; incremental class learning with non-annotated batches

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Rethinking Experience Replay: A Bag of Tricks for Continual Learning

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Auto-TLDR; Experience Replay for Continual Learning: A Practical Approach

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RSAC: Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

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Auto-TLDR; Regularized Subspace Approximation Classifier for Lightweight Continuous Learning

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Incrementally Zero-Shot Detection by an Extreme Value Analyzer

Sixiao Zheng, Yanwei Fu, Yanxi Hou

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Auto-TLDR; IZSD-EVer: Incremental Zero-Shot Detection for Incremental Learning

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Naturally Constrained Online Expectation Maximization

Daniela Pamplona, Antoine Manzanera

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Online Expectation-Maximization for Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis

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With the rise of big data sets, learning algorithms must be adapted to piece-wise mechanisms in order to tackle time and memory costs of large scale calculations. Furthermore, for most learning embedded systems the input data are fed in a sequential and contingent manner: one by one, and possibly class by class. Thus, learning algorithms should not only run online but cope with time-varying, non-independent, and non-balanced training data for the system's entire life. Online Expectation-Maximization is a well-known algorithm for learning probabilistic models in real-time, due to its simplicity and convergence properties. However, these properties are only valid in the case of large, independent and identically distributed (iid) samples. In this paper, we propose to constraint the online Expectation-Maximization on the Fisher distance between the parameters. After the presentation of the algorithm, we make a thorough study of its use in Probabilistic Principal Components Analysis. First, we derive the update rules, then we analyse the effect of the constraint on major problems of online and sequential learning: convergence, forgetting and interference. Furthermore we use several algorithmic protocols: iid {\em vs} sequential data, and constraint parameters updated step-wise {\em vs} class-wise. Our results show that this constraint increases the convergence rate of online Expectation-Maximization, decreases forgetting and slightly introduces transfer learning.

Energy Minimum Regularization in Continual Learning

Xiaobin Li, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Energy Minimization Regularization for Continuous Learning

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How to give agents the ability of continuous learning like human and animals is still a challenge. In the regularized continual learning method OWM, the constraint of the model on the energy compression of the learned task is ignored, which results in the poor performance of the method on the dataset with a large number of learning tasks. In this paper, we propose an energy minimization regularization(EMR) method to constrain the energy of learned tasks, providing enough learning space for the following tasks that are not learned, and increasing the capacity of the model to the number of learning tasks. A large number of experiments show that our method can effectively increase the capacity of the model and reduce the sensitivity of the model to the number of tasks and the size of the network.

Learning with Delayed Feedback

Pranavan Theivendiram, Terence Sim

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Machine Learning with Delayed Feedback

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We propose a novel supervised machine learning strategy, inspired by human learning, that enables an Agent to learn continually over its lifetime. A natural consequence is that the Agent must be able to handle an input whose label is delayed until a later time, or may not arrive at all. Our Agent learns in two steps: a short Seeding phase, in which the Agent's model is initialized with labelled inputs, and an indefinitely long Growing phase, in which the Agent refines and assesses its model if the label is given for an input, but stores the input in a finite-length queue if the label is missing. Queued items are matched against future input-label pairs that arrive, and the model is then updated. Our strategy also allows for the delayed feedback to take a different form. For example, in an image captioning task, the feedback could be a semantic segmentation rather than a textual caption. We show with many experiments that our strategy enables an Agent to learn flexibly and efficiently.

Dual-Memory Model for Incremental Learning: The Handwriting Recognition Use Case

Mélanie Piot, Bérangère Bourdoulous, Aurelia Deshayes, Lionel Prevost

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Auto-TLDR; A dual memory model for handwriting recognition

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In this paper, we propose a dual memory model inspired by neural science. Short-term memory processes the data stream before integrating them into long-term memory, which generalizes. The use case is learning the ability to recognize handwriting. This begins with the learning of prototypical letters . It continues throughout life and gives the individual the ability to recognize increasingly varied handwriting. This second task is achieved by incrementally training our dual-memory model. We used a convolution network for encoding and random forests as the memory model. Indeed, the latter have the advantage of being easily enhanced to integrate new data and new classes. Performances on the MNIST database are very encouraging since they exceed 95\% and the complexity of the model remains reasonable.

Pseudo Rehearsal Using Non Photo-Realistic Images

Bhasker Sri Harsha Suri, Kalidas Yeturu

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Auto-TLDR; Pseudo-Rehearsing for Catastrophic Forgetting

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Deep Neural networks forget previously learnt tasks when they are faced with learning new tasks. This is called catastrophic forgetting. Rehearsing the neural network with the training data of the previous task can protect the network from catastrophic forgetting.Since rehearsing requires the storage of entire previous data, Pseudo rehearsal was proposed, where samples belonging to the previous data are generated synthetically for rehearsal. In an image classification setting, while current techniques try to generate synthetic data that is photo-realistic, we demonstrated that Neural networks can be rehearsed on data that is not photo-realistic and still achieve good retention of the previous task. We also demonstrated that forgoing the constraint of having photo realism in the generated data can result in a significant reduction in the consumption of computational and memory resources for pseudo rehearsal.

Knowledge Distillation with a Precise Teacher and Prediction with Abstention

Xu Yi, Jian Pu, Hui Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Knowledge Distillation using Deep gambler loss and selective classification framework

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Knowledge distillation, which aims to train model under the supervision from another large model (teacher model) to the original model (student model), has achieved remarkable results in supervised learning. However, there are two major problems with existing knowledge distillation methods. One is the teacher's supervision is sometimes misleading, and the other is the student's prediction is not accurate enough. To address the first issue, instead of learning a combination of both teachers and ground truth, we apply knowledge adjustment to correct teachers' supervision using ground truth. For the second problem, we use the selective classification framework to train the student model. In particular, the deep gambler loss is adopted to predict with reservation by explicitly introducing the $(m+1)$-th class. We consider two settings of knowledge distillation: (1) distillation across different network structures ({\it AlexNet, ResNet}), and (2) distillation across networks with different depths ({\it ResNet18, ResNet50}) to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. The experimental results on benchmark datasets (i.e., {\it Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100}) are reported with higher prediction accuracies and lower coverage errors.

ARCADe: A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector

Ahmed Frikha, Denis Krompass, Volker Tresp

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Auto-TLDR; ARCADe: A Meta-Learning Approach for Continuous Anomaly Detection

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Although continual learning and anomaly detection have separately been well-studied in previous works, their intersection remains rather unexplored. The present work addresses a learning scenario where a model has to incrementally learn a sequence of anomaly detection tasks, i.e. tasks from which only examples from the normal (majority) class are available for training. We define this novel learning problem of continual anomaly detection (CAD) and formulate it as a meta-learning problem. Moreover, we propose \emph{A Rapid Continual Anomaly Detector (ARCADe)}, an approach to train neural networks to be robust against the major challenges of this new learning problem, namely catastrophic forgetting and overfitting to the majority class. The results of our experiments on three datasets show that, in the CAD problem setting, ARCADe substantially outperforms baselines from the continual learning and anomaly detection literature. Finally, we provide deeper insights into the learning strategy yielded by the proposed meta-learning algorithm.

Sequential Domain Adaptation through Elastic Weight Consolidation for Sentiment Analysis

Avinash Madasu, Anvesh Rao Vijjini

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Auto-TLDR; Sequential Domain Adaptation using Elastic Weight Consolidation for Sentiment Analysis

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Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) is a technique used in overcoming catastrophic forgetting between successive tasks trained on a neural network. We use this phenomenon of information sharing between tasks for domain adaptation. Training data for tasks such as sentiment analysis (SA) may not be fairly represented across multiple domains. Domain Adaptation (DA) aims to build algorithms that leverage information from source domains to facilitate performance on an unseen target domain. We propose a model-independent framework - Sequential Domain Adaptation (SDA). SDA draws on EWC for training on successive source domains to move towards a general domain solution, thereby solving the problem of domain adaptation. We test SDA on convolutional, recurrent and attention-based architectures. Our experiments show that the proposed framework enables simple architectures such as CNNs to outperform complex state-of-the-art models in domain adaptation of SA. We further observe the effectiveness of a harder first Anti-Curriculum ordering of source domains leads to maximum performance.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

Honglin Li, Yifei Fan, Frieder Ganz, Tony Yezzi, Payam Barnaghi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification

Wei Wu, Shanmin Pang, Zhiqiang Tian, Yaochen Li

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Auto-TLDR; Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification


Few-shot classification aims to learn a well performance model with very limited labeled examples. There are mainly two directions for this aim, namely, meta- and metric-learning. Meta learning trains models in a particular way to fast adapt to new tasks, but it neglects variational features of images. Metric learning considers relationships among same or different classes, however on the downside, it usually fails to achieve competitive performance on unseen boundary examples. In this paper, we propose a Meta Generalized Network (MGNet) that aims to combine advantages of both meta- and metric-learning. There are two novel components in MGNet. Specifically, we first develop a meta backbone training method that both learns a flexible feature extractor and a classifier initializer efficiently, delightedly leading to fast adaption to unseen few-shot tasks without overfitting. Second, we design a trainable adaptive interval model to improve the cosine classifier, which increases the recognition accuracy of hard examples. We train the meta backbone in the training stage by all classes, and fine-tune the meta-backbone as well as train the adaptive classifier in the testing stage.

Local Clustering with Mean Teacher for Semi-Supervised Learning

Zexi Chen, Benjamin Dutton, Bharathkumar Ramachandra, Tianfu Wu, Ranga Raju Vatsavai

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Auto-TLDR; Local Clustering for Semi-supervised Learning

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The Mean Teacher (MT) model of Tarvainen and Valpola has shown favorable performance on several semi-supervised benchmark datasets. MT maintains a teacher model's weights as the exponential moving average of a student model's weights and minimizes the divergence between their probability predictions under diverse perturbations of the inputs. However, MT is known to suffer from confirmation bias, that is, reinforcing incorrect teacher model predictions. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective method called Local Clustering (LC) to mitigate the effect of confirmation bias. In MT, each data point is considered independent of other points during training; however, data points are likely to be close to each other in feature space if they share similar features. Motivated by this, we cluster data points locally by minimizing the pairwise distance between neighboring data points in feature space. Combined with a standard classification cross-entropy objective on labeled data points, the misclassified unlabeled data points are pulled towards high-density regions of their correct class with the help of their neighbors, thus improving model performance. We demonstrate on semi-supervised benchmark datasets SVHN and CIFAR-10 that adding our LC loss to MT yields significant improvements compared to MT and performance comparable to the state of the art in semi-supervised learning.

Progressive Learning Algorithm for Efficient Person Re-Identification

Zhen Li, Hanyang Shao, Liang Niu, Nian Xue

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Learning Algorithm for Large-Scale Person Re-Identification

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This paper studies the problem of Person Re-Identification (ReID) for large-scale applications. Recent research efforts have been devoted to building complicated part models, which introduce considerably high computational cost and memory consumption, inhibiting its practicability in large-scale applications. This paper aims to develop a novel learning strategy to find efficient feature embeddings while maintaining the balance of accuracy and model complexity. More specifically, we find by enhancing the classical triplet loss together with cross-entropy loss, our method can explore the hard examples and build a discriminant feature embedding yet compact enough for large-scale applications. Our method is carried out progressively using Bayesian optimization, and we call it the Progressive Learning Algorithm (PLA). Extensive experiments on three large-scale datasets show that our PLA is comparable or better than the state-of-the-arts. Especially, on the challenging Market-1501 dataset, we achieve Rank-1=94.7\%/mAP=89.4\% while saving at least 30\% parameters than strong part models.

Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels

Görkem Algan, Ilkay Ulusoy

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Auto-TLDR; MSLG: Meta-Learning for Noisy Label Generation

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The existence of noisy labels in the dataset causes significant performance degradation for deep neural networks (DNNs). To address this problem, we propose a Meta Soft Label Generation algorithm called MSLG, which can jointly generate soft labels using meta-learning techniques and learn DNN parameters in an end-to-end fashion. Our approach adapts the meta-learning paradigm to estimate optimal label distribution by checking gradient directions on both noisy training data and noise-free meta-data. In order to iteratively update soft labels, meta-gradient descent step is performed on estimated labels, which would minimize the loss of noise-free meta samples. In each iteration, the base classifier is trained on estimated meta labels. MSLG is model-agnostic and can be added on top of any existing model at hand with ease. We performed extensive experiments on CIFAR10, Clothing1M and Food101N datasets. Results show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Our code is available at \url{}.

Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning

Yifei Zhang, Chang Liu, Yu Zhou, Wei Wang, Weiping Wang, Qixiang Ye

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Auto-TLDR; Progressive Cluster Purification for Unsupervised Feature Learning

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In unsupervised feature learning, sample specificity based methods ignore the inter-class information, which deteriorates the discriminative capability of representation models. Clustering based methods are error-prone to explore the complete class boundary information due to the inevitable class inconsistent samples in each cluster. In this work, we propose a novel clustering based method, which, by iteratively excluding class inconsistent samples during progressive cluster formation, alleviates the impact of noise samples in a simple-yet-effective manner. Our approach, referred to as Progressive Cluster Purification (PCP), implements progressive clustering by gradually reducing the number of clusters during training, while the sizes of clusters continuously expand consistently with the growth of model representation capability. With a well-designed cluster purification mechanism, it further purifies clusters by filtering noise samples which facilitate the subsequent feature learning by utilizing the refined clusters as pseudo-labels. Experiments on commonly used benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed PCP improves baseline method with significant margins. Our code will be available at

Teacher-Student Competition for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

Ruixin Xiao, Zhilei Liu, Baoyuan Wu

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Domain Adaption with Teacher-Student Competition

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With the supervision from source domain only in class-level, existing unsupervised domain adaption (UDA) methods mainly learn the domain-invariant representations from a shared feature extractor, which cause the source-bias problem. This paper proposes an unsupervised domain adaption approach with Teacher-Student Competition (TSC). In particular, a student network is introduced to learn the target-specific feature space, and we design a novel competition mechanism to select more credible pseudo-labels for the training of student network. We introduce a teacher network with the structure of existing conventional UDA method, and both teacher and student networks compete to provide target pseudo-labels to constrain every target sample's training in student network. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed TSC framework significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art domain adaption methods on Office-31 and ImageCLEF-DA benchmarks.

Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression

Xifeng Guo, Jiyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Shihao Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Image Representation Learning using Continuous Parameter Prediction

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Self-supervised learning is a thriving research direction since it can relieve the burden of human labeling for machine learning by seeking for supervision from data instead of human annotation. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, we observe that the existing methods usually model the auxiliary learning tasks as classification tasks with finite discrete labels, leading to insufficient supervisory signals, which in turn restricts the representation quality. In this paper, to solve the above problem and make full use of the supervision from data, we design a regression model to predict the continuous parameters of a group of transformations, i.e., image rotation, translation, and scaling. Surprisingly, this naive modification stimulates tremendous potential from data and the resulting supervisory signal has largely improved the performance of image representation learning. Extensive experiments on four image datasets, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, and SVHN, indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods by a large margin in terms of classification accuracy. Crucially, we find that with our proposed training mechanism as an initialization, the performance of the existing state-of-the-art classification deep architectures can be preferably improved.

Efficient Online Subclass Knowledge Distillation for Image Classification

Maria Tzelepi, Nikolaos Passalis, Anastasios Tefas

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Auto-TLDR; OSKD: Online Subclass Knowledge Distillation

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Deploying state-of-the-art deep learning models on embedded systems dictates certain storage and computation limitations. During the recent few years Knowledge Distillation (KD) has been recognized as a prominent approach to address this issue. That is, KD has been effectively proposed for training fast and compact deep learning models by transferring knowledge from more complex and powerful models. However, knowledge distillation, in its conventional form, involves multiple stages of training, rendering it a computationally and memory demanding procedure. In this paper, a novel single-stage self knowledge distillation method is proposed, namely Online Subclass Knowledge Distillation (OSKD), that aims at revealing the similarities inside classes, improving the performance of any deep neural model in an online manner. Hence, as opposed to existing online distillation methods, we are able to acquire further knowledge from the model itself, without building multiple identical models or using multiple models to teach each other, rendering the OSKD approach more efficient. The experimental evaluation on two datasets validates that the proposed method improves the classification performance.

Video Anomaly Detection by Estimating Likelihood of Representations

Yuqi Ouyang, Victor Sanchez

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Auto-TLDR; Video Anomaly Detection in the latent feature space using a deep probabilistic model

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Video anomaly detection is a challenging task not only because it involves solving many sub-tasks such as motion representation, object localization and action recognition, but also because it is commonly considered as an unsupervised learning problem that involves detecting outliers. Traditionally, solutions to this task have focused on the mapping between video frames and their low-dimensional features, while ignoring the spatial connections of those features. Recent solutions focus on analyzing these spatial connections by using hard clustering techniques, such as K-Means, or applying neural networks to map latent features to a general understanding, such as action attributes. In order to solve video anomaly in the latent feature space, we propose a deep probabilistic model to transfer this task into a density estimation problem where latent manifolds are generated by a deep denoising autoencoder and clustered by expectation maximization. Evaluations on several benchmarks datasets show the strengths of our model, achieving outstanding performance on challenging datasets.

Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet Loss Approaches

Kalun Ho, Janis Keuper, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Margret Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering Objectives for K-means and Correlation Clustering Using Triplet Loss

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In this work, we evaluate two different image clustering objectives, k-means clustering and correlation clustering, in the context of Triplet Loss induced feature space embeddings. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network to learn discriminative features by optimizing two popular versions of the Triplet Loss in order to study their clustering properties under the assumption of noisy labels. Additionally, we propose a new, simple Triplet Loss formulation, which shows desirable properties with respect to formal clustering objectives and outperforms the existing methods. We evaluate all three Triplet loss formulations for K-means and correlation clustering on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset.

Stochastic Label Refinery: Toward Better Target Label Distribution

Xi Fang, Jiancheng Yang, Bingbing Ni

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic Label Refinery for Deep Supervised Learning

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This paper proposes a simple yet effective strategy for improving deep supervised learning, named Stochastic Label Refinery (SLR), by refining training labels to more informative labels. When training a neural network, target distributions (or ground-truth) are typically "hard", which means the target label of each category consists of only 0 and 1. However, the fixed "hard" target distributions do not capture association between categories or that between objects. In this study, instead of using the hard target distributions, we iteratively generate "soft" target label distributions for training the neural networks, which leads to better performances. The soft target distributions are obtained via an Expectation-Maximization (EM) iteration, where the "true" target distributions and the learned models are regarded as hidden variables. In E step, the models are optimized to approximate the target distributions on stochastic splits of training data; In M step, the target distributions are updated with predicted pseudo-label on leave-out splits. Extensive experiments on classification and ordinal regression tasks, empirically prove that the refined target distribution consistently leads to considerable performance improvements even applied on competitive baselines. Notably, in DeepDR 2020 Diabetic Retinopathy Grading (DeepDRiD) challenge, our method improves the quadratic weighted kappa on official validation set from 0.8247 to 0.8348 and achieves a state-of-the-art score on online test set. The proposed SLR technique is easy to implement and practically applicable. The code will be open sourced soon.

Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization When Learning from Small Sample

Idan Azuri, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; GLICO: Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization for Small Sample Learning

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We revisit the long-standing problem of learning from small sample. The generation of new samples from a small training set of labeled points has attracted increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel such method called GLICO (Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization). GLICO learns a mapping from the training examples to a latent space and a generator that generates images from vectors in the latent space. Unlike most recent work, which rely on access to large amounts of unlabeled data, GLICO does not require access to any additional data other than the small set of labeled points. In fact, GLICO learns to synthesize completely new samples for every class using as little as 5 or 10 examples per class, with as few as 10 such classes and no data from unknown classes. GLICO is then used to augment the small training set while training a classifier on the small sample. To this end, our proposed method samples the learned latent space using spherical interpolation (slerp) and generates new examples using the trained generator. Empirical results show that the new sampled set is diverse enough, leading to improvement in image classification in comparison with the state of the art when trained on small samples obtained from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CUB-200.

Building Computationally Efficient and Well-Generalizing Person Re-Identification Models with Metric Learning

Vladislav Sovrasov, Dmitry Sidnev

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-Domain Generalization in Person Re-identification using Omni-Scale Network

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This work considers the problem of domain shift in person re-identification.Being trained on one dataset, a re-identification model usually performs much worse on unseen data. Partially this gap is caused by the relatively small scale of person re-identification datasets (compared to face recognition ones, for instance), but it is also related to training objectives. We propose to use the metric learning objective, namely AM-Softmax loss, and some additional training practices to build well-generalizing, yet, computationally efficient models. We use recently proposed Omni-Scale Network (OSNet) architecture combined with several training tricks and architecture adjustments to obtain state-of-the art results in cross-domain generalization problem on a large-scale MSMT17 dataset in three setups: MSMT17-all->DukeMTMC, MSMT17-train->Market1501 and MSMT17-all->Market1501.

Feature-Aware Unsupervised Learning with Joint Variational Attention and Automatic Clustering

Wang Ru, Lin Li, Peipei Wang, Liu Peiyu

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Variational Attention Encoder-Decoder for Clustering

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Deep clustering aims to cluster unlabeled real-world samples by mining deep feature representation. Most of existing methods remain challenging when handling high-dimensional data and simultaneously exploring the complementarity of deep feature representation and clustering. In this paper, we propose a novel Deep Variational Attention Encoder-decoder for Clustering (DVAEC). Our DVAEC improves the representation learning ability by fusing variational attention. Specifically, we design a feature-aware automatic clustering module to mitigate the unreliability of similarity calculation and guide network learning. Besides, to further boost the performance of deep clustering from a global perspective, we define a joint optimization objective to promote feature representation learning and automatic clustering synergistically. Extensive experimental results show the promising performance achieved by our DVAEC on six datasets comparing with several popular baseline clustering methods.

Multi-Modal Deep Clustering: Unsupervised Partitioning of Images

Guy Shiran, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Modal Deep Clustering for Unlabeled Images

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The clustering of unlabeled raw images is a daunting task, which has recently been approached with some success by deep learning methods. Here we propose an unsupervised clustering framework, which learns a deep neural network in an end-to-end fashion, providing direct cluster assignments of images without additional processing. Multi-Modal Deep Clustering (MMDC), trains a deep network to align its image embeddings with target points sampled from a Gaussian Mixture Model distribution. The cluster assignments are then determined by mixture component association of image embeddings. Simultaneously, the same deep network is trained to solve an additional self-supervised task. This pushes the network to learn more meaningful image representations and stabilizes the training. Experimental results show that MMDC achieves or exceeds state-of-the-art performance on four challenging benchmarks. On natural image datasets we improve on previous results with significant margins of up to 11% absolute accuracy points, yielding an accuracy of 70% on CIFAR-10 and 61% on STL-10.

Dual Loss for Manga Character Recognition with Imbalanced Training Data

Yonggang Li, Yafeng Zhou, Yongtao Wang, Xiaoran Qin, Zhi Tang

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Auto-TLDR; Dual Adaptive Re-weighting Loss for Manga Character Recognition

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Manga character recognition is a key technology for manga character retrieval and verfication. This task is very challenging since the manga character images have a long-tailed distribution and large quality variations. Training models with cross-entropy softmax loss on such imbalanced data would introduce biases to feature and class weight norm. To handle this problem, we propose a novel dual loss which is the sum of two losses: dual ring loss and dual adaptive re-weighting loss. Dual ring loss combines weight and feature soft normalization and serves as a regularization term to softmax loss. Dual adaptive re-weighting loss re-weights softmax loss according to the norm of both feature and class weight. With the proposed losses, we have achieved encouraging results on Manga109 benchmark. Specifically, compared with the baseline softmax loss, our method improves the character retrieval mAP from 35.72% to 38.88% and the character verification accuracy from 87.00% to 88.50%.

Multi-Label Contrastive Focal Loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

Xiaoqiang Zheng, Zhenxia Yu, Lin Chen, Fan Zhu, Shilong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-label Contrastive Focal Loss for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition

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Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) has received extensive attention during the past few years. With the advances of deep constitutional neural networks (CNNs), the performance of PAR has been significantly improved. Existing methods tend to acquire attribute-specific features by designing various complex network structures with additional modules. Such additional modules, however, dramatically increase the number of parameters. Meanwhile, the problems of class imbalance and hard attribute retrieving remain underestimated in PAR. In this paper, we explore the optimization mechanism of the training processing to account for these problems and propose a new loss function called Multi-label Contrastive Focal Loss (MCFL). This proposed MCFL emphasizes the hard and minority attributes by using a separated re-weighting mechanism for different positive and negative classes to alleviate the impact of the imbalance. MCFL is also able to enlarge the gaps between the intra-class of multi-label attributes, to force CNNs to extract more subtle discriminative features. We evaluate the proposed MCFL on three large public pedestrian datasets, including RAP, PA-100K, and PETA. The experimental results indicate that the proposed MCFL with the ResNet-50 backbone is able to outperform other state-of-the-art approaches in comparison.

Towards Robust Learning with Different Label Noise Distributions

Diego Ortego, Eric Arazo, Paul Albert, Noel E O'Connor, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling with Semi-supervised Learning

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Noisy labels are an unavoidable consequence of labeling processes and detecting them is an important step towards preventing performance degradations in Convolutional Neural Networks. Discarding noisy labels avoids a harmful memorization, while the associated image content can still be exploited in a semi-supervised learning (SSL) setup. Clean samples are usually identified using the small loss trick, i.e. they exhibit a low loss. However, we show that different noise distributions make the application of this trick less straightforward and propose to continuously relabel all images to reveal a discriminative loss against multiple distributions. SSL is then applied twice, once to improve the clean-noisy detection and again for training the final model. We design an experimental setup based on ImageNet32/64 for better understanding the consequences of representation learning with differing label noise distributions and find that non-uniform out-of-distribution noise better resembles real-world noise and that in most cases intermediate features are not affected by label noise corruption. Experiments in CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet32/64 and WebVision (real-world noise) demonstrate that the proposed label noise Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling (DRPL) approach gives substantial improvements over recent state-of-the-art. Code will be made available.

TAAN: Task-Aware Attention Network for Few-Shot Classification

Zhe Wang, Li Liu, Fanzhang Li

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Auto-TLDR; TAAN: Task-Aware Attention Network for Few-Shot Classification

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Few-shot classification aims to recognize unlabeled samples from unseen classes given only a few labeled samples.Current approaches of few-shot learning usually employ a metriclearning framework to learn a feature similarity comparison between a query (test) example and the few support (training) examples. However, these approaches all extract features from samples independently without looking at the entire task as a whole, and so fail to provide an enough discrimination to features. Moreover, the existing approaches lack the ability to select the most relevant features for the task at hand. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm called Task-Aware Attention Network (TAAN) to address the above problems in few-shot classification. By inserting a Task-Relevant Channel Attention Module into metric-based few-shot learners, TAAN generates channel attentions for each sample by aggregating the context of the entire support set and identifies the most relevant features for similarity comparison. The experiment demonstrates that TAAN is competitive in overall performance comparing to the recent state-of-the-art systems and improves the performance considerably over baseline systems on both mini-ImageNet and tiered-ImageNet benchmarks.

Continuous Learning of Face Attribute Synthesis

Ning Xin, Shaohui Xu, Fangzhe Nan, Xiaoli Dong, Weijun Li, Yuanzhou Yao

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Auto-TLDR; Continuous Learning for Face Attribute Synthesis

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The generative adversarial network (GAN) exhibits great superiority in the face attribute synthesis task. However, existing methods have very limited effects on the expansion of new attributes. To overcome the limitations of a single network in new attribute synthesis, a continuous learning method for face attribute synthesis is proposed in this work. First, the feature vector of the input image is extracted and attribute direction regression is performed in the feature space to obtain the axes of different attributes. The feature vector is then linearly guided along the axis so that images with target attributes can be synthesized by the decoder. Finally, to make the network capable of continuous learning, the orthogonal direction modification module is used to extend the newly-added attributes. Experimental results show that the proposed method can endow a single network with the ability to learn attributes continuously, and, as compared to those produced by the current state-of-the-art methods, the synthetic attributes have higher accuracy.

Open Set Domain Recognition Via Attention-Based GCN and Semantic Matching Optimization

Xinxing He, Yuan Yuan, Zhiyu Jiang

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-based GCN and Semantic Matching Optimization for Open Set Domain Recognition

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Open set domain recognition has got the attention in recent years. The task aims to specifically classify each sample in the practical unlabeled target domain, which consists of all known classes in the manually labeled source domain and target-specific unknown categories. The absence of annotated training data or auxiliary attribute information for unknown categories makes this task especially difficult. Moreover, exiting domain discrepancy in label space and data distribution further distracts the knowledge transferred from known classes to unknown classes. To address these issues, this work presents an end-to-end model based on attention-based GCN and semantic matching optimization, which first employs the attention mechanism to enable the central node to learn more discriminating representations from its neighbors in the knowledge graph. Moreover, a coarse-to-fine semantic matching optimization approach is proposed to progressively bridge the domain gap. Experimental results validate that the proposed model not only has superiority on recognizing the images of known and unknown classes, but also can adapt to various openness of the target domain.

P-DIFF: Learning Classifier with Noisy Labels Based on Probability Difference Distributions

Wei Hu, Qihao Zhao, Yangyu Huang, Fan Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; P-DIFF: A Simple and Effective Training Paradigm for Deep Neural Network Classifier with Noisy Labels

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Learning deep neural network (DNN) classifier with noisy labels is a challenging task because the DNN can easily over- fit on these noisy labels due to its high capability. In this paper, we present a very simple but effective training paradigm called P-DIFF, which can train DNN classifiers but obviously alleviate the adverse impact of noisy labels. Our proposed probability difference distribution implicitly reflects the probability of a training sample to be clean, then this probability is employed to re-weight the corresponding sample during the training process. P-DIFF can also achieve good performance even without prior- knowledge on the noise rate of training samples. Experiments on benchmark datasets also demonstrate that P-DIFF is superior to the state-of-the-art sample selection methods.

Prior Knowledge about Attributes: Learning a More Effective Potential Space for Zero-Shot Recognition

Chunlai Chai, Yukuan Lou

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Auto-TLDR; Attribute Correlation Potential Space Generation for Zero-Shot Learning

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Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to recognize unseen classes accurately by learning seen classes and known attributes, but correlations in attributes were ignored by previous study which lead to classification results confused. To solve this problem, we build an Attribute Correlation Potential Space Generation (ACPSG) model which uses a graph convolution network and attribute correlation to generate a more discriminating potential space. Combining potential discrimination space and user-defined attribute space, we can better classify unseen classes. Our approach outperforms some existing state-of-the-art methods on several benchmark datasets, whether it is conventional ZSL or generalized ZSL.

Heterogeneous Graph-Based Knowledge Transfer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Junjie Wang, Xiangfeng Wang, Bo Jin, Junchi Yan, Wenjie Zhang, Hongyuan Zha

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Auto-TLDR; Heterogeneous Graph-based Knowledge Transfer for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

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Generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) tackles the problem of learning to classify instances involving both seen classes and unseen ones. The key issue is how to effectively transfer the model learned from seen classes to unseen classes. Existing works in GZSL usually assume that some prior information about unseen classes are available. However, such an assumption is unrealistic when new unseen classes appear dynamically. To this end, we propose a novel heterogeneous graph-based knowledge transfer method (HGKT) for GZSL, agnostic to unseen classes and instances, by leveraging graph neural network. Specifically, a structured heterogeneous graph is constructed with high-level representative nodes for seen classes, which are chosen through Wasserstein barycenter in order to simultaneously capture inter-class and intra-class relationship. The aggregation and embedding functions can be learned throughgraph neural network, which can be used to compute the embeddings of unseen classes by transferring the knowledge from their neighbors. Extensive experiments on public benchmark datasets show that our method achieves state-of-the-art results.

Generalization Comparison of Deep Neural Networks Via Output Sensitivity

Mahsa Forouzesh, Farnood Salehi, Patrick Thiran

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Auto-TLDR; Generalization of Deep Neural Networks using Sensitivity

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Although recent works have brought some insights into the performance improvement of techniques used in state-of-the-art deep-learning models, more work is needed to understand their generalization properties. We shed light on this matter by linking the loss function to the output's sensitivity to its input. We find a rather strong empirical relation between the output sensitivity and the variance in the bias-variance decomposition of the loss function, which hints on using sensitivity as a metric for comparing the generalization performance of networks, without requiring labeled data. We find that sensitivity is decreased by applying popular methods which improve the generalization performance of the model, such as (1) using a deep network rather than a wide one, (2) adding convolutional layers to baseline classifiers instead of adding fully-connected layers, (3) using batch normalization, dropout and max-pooling, and (4) applying parameter initialization techniques.

Cam-Softmax for Discriminative Deep Feature Learning

Tamas Suveges, Stephen James Mckenna

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Auto-TLDR; Cam-Softmax: A Generalisation of Activations and Softmax for Deep Feature Spaces

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Deep convolutional neural networks are widely used to learn feature spaces for image classification tasks. We propose cam-softmax, a generalisation of the final layer activations and softmax function, that encourages deep feature spaces to exhibit high intra-class compactness and high inter-class separability. We provide an algorithm to automatically adapt the method's main hyperparameter so that it gradually diverges from the standard activations and softmax method during training. We report experiments using CASIA-Webface, LFW, and YTF face datasets demonstrating that cam-softmax leads to representations well suited to open-set face recognition and face pair matching. Furthermore, we provide empirical evidence that cam-softmax provides some robustness to class labelling errors in training data, making it of potential use for deep learning from large datasets with poorly verified labels.

AOAM: Automatic Optimization of Adjacency Matrix for Graph Convolutional Network

Yuhang Zhang, Hongshuai Ren, Jiexia Ye, Xitong Gao, Yang Wang, Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu

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Auto-TLDR; Adjacency Matrix for Graph Convolutional Network in Non-Euclidean Space

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Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) is adopted to tackle the problem of the convolution operation in non-Euclidean space. Although previous works on GCN have made some progress, one of their limitations is that their input Adjacency Matrix (AM) is designed manually and requires domain knowledge, which is cumbersome, tedious and error-prone. In addition, entries of this fixed Adjacency Matrix are generally designed as binary values (i.e., ones and zeros) which can not reflect more complex relationship between nodes. However, many applications require a weighted and dynamic Adjacency Matrix instead of an unweighted and fixed Adjacency Matrix. To this end, there are few works focusing on designing a more flexible Adjacency Matrix. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end algorithm to improve the GCN performance by focusing on the Adjacency Matrix. We first provide a calculation method that called node information entropy to update the matrix. Then, we analyze the search strategy in a continuous space and introduce the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) method to overcome the demerit of the discrete space search. Finally, we integrate the GCN and reinforcement learning into an end-to-end framework. Our method can automatically define the adjacency matrix without artificial knowledge. At the same time, the proposed approach can deal with any size of the matrix and provide a better value for the network. Four popular datasets are selected to evaluate the capability of our algorithm. The method in this paper achieves the state-of-the-art performance on Cora and Pubmed datasets, respectively, with the accuracy of 84.6% and 81.6%.

Multimodal Side-Tuning for Document Classification

Stefano Zingaro, Giuseppe Lisanti, Maurizio Gabbrielli

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Auto-TLDR; Side-tuning for Multimodal Document Classification

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In this paper, we propose to exploit the side-tuning framework for multimodal document classification. Side-tuning is a methodology for network adaptation recently introduced to solve some of the problems related to previous approaches. Thanks to this technique it is actually possible to overcome model rigidity and catastrophic forgetting of transfer learning by fine-tuning. The proposed solution uses off-the-shelf deep learning architectures leveraging the side-tuning framework to combine a base model with a tandem of two side networks. We show that side-tuning can be successfully employed also when different data sources are considered, e.g. text and images in document classification. The experimental results show that this approach pushes further the limit for document classification accuracy with respect to the state of the art.

More Correlations Better Performance: Fully Associative Networks for Multi-Label Image Classification

Yaning Li, Liu Yang

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Auto-TLDR; Fully Associative Network for Fully Exploiting Correlation Information in Multi-Label Classification

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Recent researches demonstrate that correlation modeling plays a key role in high-performance multi-label classification methods. However, existing methods do not take full advantage of correlation information, especially correlations in feature and label spaces of each image, which limits the performance of correlation-based multi-label classification methods. With more correlations considered, in this study, a Fully Associative Network (FAN) is proposed for fully exploiting correlation information, which involves both visual feature and label correlations. Specifically, FAN introduces a robust covariance pooling to summarize convolution features as global image representation for capturing feature correlation in the multi-label task. Moreover, it constructs an effective label correlation matrix based on a re-weighted scheme, which is fed into a graph convolution network for capturing label correlation. Then, correlation between covariance representations (i.e., feature correlation ) and the outputs of GCN (i.e., label correlation) are modeled for final prediction. Experimental results on two datasets illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed FAN compared with state-of-the-art methods.

Contextual Classification Using Self-Supervised Auxiliary Models for Deep Neural Networks

Sebastian Palacio, Philipp Engler, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning for Deep Neural Networks

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Classification problems solved with deep neural networks (DNNs) typically rely on a closed world paradigm, and optimize over a single objective (e.g., minimization of the cross- entropy loss). This setup dismisses all kinds of supporting signals that can be used to reinforce the existence or absence of particular patterns. The increasing need for models that are interpretable by design makes the inclusion of said contextual signals a crucial necessity. To this end, we introduce the notion of Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning (SSAL). A SSAL objective is realized through one or more additional targets that are derived from the original supervised classification task, following architectural principles found in multi-task learning. SSAL branches impose low-level priors into the optimization process (e.g., grouping). The ability of using SSAL branches during inference, allow models to converge faster, focusing on a richer set of class-relevant features. We equip state-of-the-art DNNs with SSAL objectives and report consistent improvements for all of them on CIFAR100 and Imagenet. We show that SSAL models outperform similar state-of-the-art methods focused on contextual loss functions, auxiliary branches and hierarchical priors.

Improved Deep Classwise Hashing with Centers Similarity Learning for Image Retrieval

Ming Zhang, Hong Yan

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Classwise Hashing for Image Retrieval Using Center Similarity Learning

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Deep supervised hashing for image retrieval has attracted researchers' attention due to its high efficiency and superior retrieval performance. Most existing deep supervised hashing works, which are based on pairwise/triplet labels, suffer from the expensive computational cost and insufficient utilization of the semantics information. Recently, deep classwise hashing introduced a classwise loss supervised by class labels information alternatively; however, we find it still has its drawback. In this paper, we propose an improved deep classwise hashing, which enables hashing learning and class centers learning simultaneously. Specifically, we design a two-step strategy on center similarity learning. It interacts with the classwise loss to attract the class center to concentrate on the intra-class samples while pushing other class centers as far as possible. The centers similarity learning contributes to generating more compact and discriminative hashing codes. We conduct experiments on three benchmark datasets. It shows that the proposed method effectively surpasses the original method and outperforms state-of-the-art baselines under various commonly-used evaluation metrics for image retrieval.

Exploiting Non-Linear Redundancy for Neural Model Compression

Muhammad Ahmed Shah, Raphael Olivier, Bhiksha Raj

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Linear Dependency

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Deploying deep learning models with millions, even billions, of parameters is challenging given real world memory, power and compute constraints. In an effort to make these models more practical, in this paper, we propose a novel model compression approach that exploits linear dependence between the activations in a layer to eliminate entire structural units (neurons/convolutional filters). Our approach also adjusts the weights of the layer in a manner that is provably lossless while training if the removed neuron was perfectly predictable. We combine this approach with an annealing algorithm that may be applied during training, or even on a trained model, and demonstrate, using popular datasets, that our technique can reduce the parameters of VGG and AlexNet by more than 97\% on \cifar, 85\% on \caltech, and 19\% on ImageNet at less than 2\% loss in accuracy. Furthermore, we provide theoretical results showing that in overparametrized, locally linear (ReLU) neural networks where redundant features exist, and with correct hyperparameter selection, our method is indeed able to capture and suppress those dependencies.

Investigation of DNN Model Robustness Using Heterogeneous Datasets

Wen-Hung Liao, Yen-Ting Huang

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Auto-TLDR; Evaluating the Dependency of Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Data Set for Learning

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Deep learning framework has been successfully applied to tackle many challenging tasks in pattern recognition and computer vision thanks to its ability to automatically extract representative features from the training data. Such type of data-driven approach, however, is subject to the criticism of too much dependency on the training set. In this research, we attempt to investigate the validity of this statement: ‘deep learning is only as good as its data’ by evaluating the performance of deep learning models using heterogeneous data sets, in which distinct representations of the same source data are employed for training/testing. We have examined three cases: low-resolution image, severely compressed input and halftone image in this work. Our preliminary results indicate that such dependency indeed exists. Classifier performance drops considerably when the model is tested with modified or transformed input. The best outcomes are obtained when the model is trained with hybrid input.