Meta Soft Label Generation for Noisy Labels

Görkem Algan, Ilkay Ulusoy

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Auto-TLDR; MSLG: Meta-Learning for Noisy Label Generation

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The existence of noisy labels in the dataset causes significant performance degradation for deep neural networks (DNNs). To address this problem, we propose a Meta Soft Label Generation algorithm called MSLG, which can jointly generate soft labels using meta-learning techniques and learn DNN parameters in an end-to-end fashion. Our approach adapts the meta-learning paradigm to estimate optimal label distribution by checking gradient directions on both noisy training data and noise-free meta-data. In order to iteratively update soft labels, meta-gradient descent step is performed on estimated labels, which would minimize the loss of noise-free meta samples. In each iteration, the base classifier is trained on estimated meta labels. MSLG is model-agnostic and can be added on top of any existing model at hand with ease. We performed extensive experiments on CIFAR10, Clothing1M and Food101N datasets. Results show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Our code is available at \url{}.

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Towards Robust Learning with Different Label Noise Distributions

Diego Ortego, Eric Arazo, Paul Albert, Noel E O'Connor, Kevin Mcguinness

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Auto-TLDR; Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling with Semi-supervised Learning

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Noisy labels are an unavoidable consequence of labeling processes and detecting them is an important step towards preventing performance degradations in Convolutional Neural Networks. Discarding noisy labels avoids a harmful memorization, while the associated image content can still be exploited in a semi-supervised learning (SSL) setup. Clean samples are usually identified using the small loss trick, i.e. they exhibit a low loss. However, we show that different noise distributions make the application of this trick less straightforward and propose to continuously relabel all images to reveal a discriminative loss against multiple distributions. SSL is then applied twice, once to improve the clean-noisy detection and again for training the final model. We design an experimental setup based on ImageNet32/64 for better understanding the consequences of representation learning with differing label noise distributions and find that non-uniform out-of-distribution noise better resembles real-world noise and that in most cases intermediate features are not affected by label noise corruption. Experiments in CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet32/64 and WebVision (real-world noise) demonstrate that the proposed label noise Distribution Robust Pseudo-Labeling (DRPL) approach gives substantial improvements over recent state-of-the-art. Code will be made available.

P-DIFF: Learning Classifier with Noisy Labels Based on Probability Difference Distributions

Wei Hu, Qihao Zhao, Yangyu Huang, Fan Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; P-DIFF: A Simple and Effective Training Paradigm for Deep Neural Network Classifier with Noisy Labels

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Learning deep neural network (DNN) classifier with noisy labels is a challenging task because the DNN can easily over- fit on these noisy labels due to its high capability. In this paper, we present a very simple but effective training paradigm called P-DIFF, which can train DNN classifiers but obviously alleviate the adverse impact of noisy labels. Our proposed probability difference distribution implicitly reflects the probability of a training sample to be clean, then this probability is employed to re-weight the corresponding sample during the training process. P-DIFF can also achieve good performance even without prior- knowledge on the noise rate of training samples. Experiments on benchmark datasets also demonstrate that P-DIFF is superior to the state-of-the-art sample selection methods.

Is the Meta-Learning Idea Able to Improve the Generalization of Deep Neural Networks on the Standard Supervised Learning?

Xiang Deng, Zhongfei Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Meta-learning Based Training of Deep Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning

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Substantial efforts have been made on improving the generalization abilities of deep neural networks (DNNs) in order to obtain better performances without introducing more parameters. On the other hand, meta-learning approaches exhibit powerful generalization on new tasks in few-shot learning. Intuitively, few-shot learning is more challenging than the standard supervised learning as each target class only has a very few or no training samples. The natural question that arises is whether the meta-learning idea can be used for improving the generalization of DNNs on the standard supervised learning. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-learning based training procedure (MLTP) for DNNs and demonstrate that the meta-learning idea can indeed improve the generalization abilities of DNNs. MLTP simulates the meta-training process by considering a batch of training samples as a task. The key idea is that the gradient descent step for improving the current task performance should also improve a new task performance, which is ignored by the current standard procedure for training neural networks. MLTP also benefits from all the existing training techniques such as dropout, weight decay, and batch normalization. We evaluate MLTP by training a variety of small and large neural networks on three benchmark datasets, i.e., CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet. The experimental results show a consistently improved generalization performance on all the DNNs with different sizes, which verifies the promise of MLTP and demonstrates that the meta-learning idea is indeed able to improve the generalization of DNNs on the standard supervised learning.

Overcoming Noisy and Irrelevant Data in Federated Learning

Tiffany Tuor, Shiqiang Wang, Bong Jun Ko, Changchang Liu, Kin K Leung

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Auto-TLDR; Distributedly Selecting Relevant Data for Federated Learning

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Many image and vision applications require a large amount of data for model training. Collecting all such data at a central location can be challenging due to data privacy and communication bandwidth restrictions. Federated learning is an effective way of training a machine learning model in a distributed manner from local data collected by client devices, which does not require exchanging the raw data among clients. A challenge is that among the large variety of data collected at each client, it is likely that only a subset is relevant for a learning task while the rest of data has a negative impact on model training. Therefore, before starting the learning process, it is important to select the subset of data that is relevant to the given federated learning task. In this paper, we propose a method for distributedly selecting relevant data, where we use a benchmark model trained on a small benchmark dataset that is task-specific, to evaluate the relevance of individual data samples at each client and select the data with sufficiently high relevance. Then, each client only uses the selected subset of its data in the federated learning process. The effectiveness of our proposed approach is evaluated on multiple real-world image datasets in a simulated system with a large number of clients, showing up to 25% improvement in model accuracy compared to training with all data.

Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Via Selective Pseudo Labeling and Progressive Self-Training

Yoonhyung Kim, Changick Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation with Pseudo Labels

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Domain adaptation (DA) is a representation learning methodology that transfers knowledge from a label-sufficient source domain to a label-scarce target domain. While most of early methods are focused on unsupervised DA (UDA), several studies on semi-supervised DA (SSDA) are recently suggested. In SSDA, a small number of labeled target images are given for training, and the effectiveness of those data is demonstrated by the previous studies. However, the previous SSDA approaches solely adopt those data for embedding ordinary supervised losses, overlooking the potential usefulness of the few yet informative clues. Based on this observation, in this paper, we propose a novel method that further exploits the labeled target images for SSDA. Specifically, we utilize labeled target images to selectively generate pseudo labels for unlabeled target images. In addition, based on the observation that pseudo labels are inevitably noisy, we apply a label noise-robust learning scheme, which progressively updates the network and the set of pseudo labels by turns. Extensive experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms other previous state-of-the-art SSDA methods.

MetaMix: Improved Meta-Learning with Interpolation-based Consistency Regularization

Yangbin Chen, Yun Ma, Tom Ko, Jianping Wang, Qing Li

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Auto-TLDR; MetaMix: A Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning Algorithm for Few-Shot Classification

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Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) and its variants are popular few-shot classification methods. They train an initializer across a variety of sampled learning tasks (also known as episodes) such that the initialized model can adapt quickly to new tasks. However, within each episode, current MAML-based algorithms have limitations in forming generalizable decision boundaries using only a few training examples. In this paper, we propose an approach called MetaMix. It generates virtual examples within each episode to regularize the backbone models. MetaMix can be applied in any of the MAML-based algorithms and learn the decision boundaries which are more generalizable to new tasks. Experiments on the mini-ImageNet, CUB, and FC100 datasets show that MetaMix improves the performance of MAML-based algorithms and achieves the state-of-the-art result when applied in Meta-Transfer Learning.

Iterative Label Improvement: Robust Training by Confidence Based Filtering and Dataset Partitioning

Christian Haase-Schütz, Rainer Stal, Heinz Hertlein, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; Meta Training and Labelling for Unlabelled Data

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State-of-the-art, high capacity deep neural networks not only require large amounts of labelled training data, they are also highly susceptible to labelling errors in this data, typically resulting in large efforts and costs and therefore limiting the applicability of deep learning. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel meta training and labelling scheme that is able to use inexpensive unlabelled data by taking advantage of the generalization power of deep neural networks. We show experimentally that by solely relying on one network architecture and our proposed scheme of combining self-training with pseudolabels, both label quality and resulting model accuracy, can be improved significantly. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results, while being architecture agnostic and therefore broadly applicable. Compared to other methods dealing with erroneous labels, our approach does neither require another network to be trained, nor does it necessarily need an additional, highly accurate reference label set. Instead of removing samples from a labelled set, our technique uses additional sensor data without the need for manual labelling. Furthermore, our approach can be used for semi-supervised learning.

Knowledge Distillation Beyond Model Compression

Fahad Sarfraz, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

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Auto-TLDR; Knowledge Distillation from Teacher to Student

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Knowledge distillation (KD) is commonly deemed as an effective model compression technique in which a compact model (student) is trained under the supervision of a larger pretrained model or an ensemble of models (teacher). Various techniques have been proposed since the original formulation, which mimics different aspects of the teacher such as the representation space, decision boundary or intra-data relationship. Some methods replace the one way knowledge distillation from a static teacher with collaborative learning between a cohort of students. Despite the recent advances, a clear understanding of where knowledge resides in a deep neural network and optimal method for capturing knowledge from teacher and transferring it to student still remains an open question. In this study we provide an extensive study on 9 different knowledge distillation methods which covers a broad spectrum of approaches to capture and transfer knowledge. We demonstrate the versatility of the KD framework on different datasets and network architectures under varying capacity gaps between the teacher and student. The study provides intuition for the effects of mimicking different aspects of the teacher and derives insights from the performance of the different distillation approaches to guide the the design of more effective KD methods . Furthermore, our study shows the effectiveness of the KD framework in learning efficiently under varying severity levels of label noise and class imbalance, consistently providing significant generalization gains over standard training. We emphasize that the efficacy of KD goes much beyond a model compression technique and should be considered as a general purpose training paradigm which offers more robustness to common challenges in the real-world datasets compared to the standard training procedure.

Local Clustering with Mean Teacher for Semi-Supervised Learning

Zexi Chen, Benjamin Dutton, Bharathkumar Ramachandra, Tianfu Wu, Ranga Raju Vatsavai

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Auto-TLDR; Local Clustering for Semi-supervised Learning

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The Mean Teacher (MT) model of Tarvainen and Valpola has shown favorable performance on several semi-supervised benchmark datasets. MT maintains a teacher model's weights as the exponential moving average of a student model's weights and minimizes the divergence between their probability predictions under diverse perturbations of the inputs. However, MT is known to suffer from confirmation bias, that is, reinforcing incorrect teacher model predictions. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective method called Local Clustering (LC) to mitigate the effect of confirmation bias. In MT, each data point is considered independent of other points during training; however, data points are likely to be close to each other in feature space if they share similar features. Motivated by this, we cluster data points locally by minimizing the pairwise distance between neighboring data points in feature space. Combined with a standard classification cross-entropy objective on labeled data points, the misclassified unlabeled data points are pulled towards high-density regions of their correct class with the help of their neighbors, thus improving model performance. We demonstrate on semi-supervised benchmark datasets SVHN and CIFAR-10 that adding our LC loss to MT yields significant improvements compared to MT and performance comparable to the state of the art in semi-supervised learning.

Norm Loss: An Efficient yet Effective Regularization Method for Deep Neural Networks

Theodoros Georgiou, Sebastian Schmitt, Thomas Baeck, Wei Chen, Michael Lew

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Auto-TLDR; Weight Soft-Regularization with Oblique Manifold for Convolutional Neural Network Training

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Convolutional neural network training can suffer from diverse issues like exploding or vanishing gradients, scaling-based weight space symmetry and covariant-shift. In order to address these issues, researchers develop weight regularization methods and activation normalization methods. In this work we propose a weight soft-regularization method based on the Oblique manifold. The proposed method uses a loss function which pushes each weight vector to have a norm close to one, i.e. the weight matrix is smoothly steered toward the so-called Oblique manifold. We evaluate our method on the very popular CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet 2012 datasets using two state-of-the-art architectures, namely the ResNet and wide-ResNet. Our method introduces negligible computational overhead and the results show that it is competitive to the state-of-the-art and in some cases superior to it. Additionally, the results are less sensitive to hyperparameter settings such as batch size and regularization factor.

Stochastic Label Refinery: Toward Better Target Label Distribution

Xi Fang, Jiancheng Yang, Bingbing Ni

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Auto-TLDR; Stochastic Label Refinery for Deep Supervised Learning

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This paper proposes a simple yet effective strategy for improving deep supervised learning, named Stochastic Label Refinery (SLR), by refining training labels to more informative labels. When training a neural network, target distributions (or ground-truth) are typically "hard", which means the target label of each category consists of only 0 and 1. However, the fixed "hard" target distributions do not capture association between categories or that between objects. In this study, instead of using the hard target distributions, we iteratively generate "soft" target label distributions for training the neural networks, which leads to better performances. The soft target distributions are obtained via an Expectation-Maximization (EM) iteration, where the "true" target distributions and the learned models are regarded as hidden variables. In E step, the models are optimized to approximate the target distributions on stochastic splits of training data; In M step, the target distributions are updated with predicted pseudo-label on leave-out splits. Extensive experiments on classification and ordinal regression tasks, empirically prove that the refined target distribution consistently leads to considerable performance improvements even applied on competitive baselines. Notably, in DeepDR 2020 Diabetic Retinopathy Grading (DeepDRiD) challenge, our method improves the quadratic weighted kappa on official validation set from 0.8247 to 0.8348 and achieves a state-of-the-art score on online test set. The proposed SLR technique is easy to implement and practically applicable. The code will be open sourced soon.

Supervised Domain Adaptation Using Graph Embedding

Lukas Hedegaard, Omar Ali Sheikh-Omar, Alexandros Iosifidis

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Auto-TLDR; Domain Adaptation from the Perspective of Multi-view Graph Embedding and Dimensionality Reduction

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Getting deep convolutional neural networks to perform well requires a large amount of training data. When the available labelled data is small, it is often beneficial to use transfer learning to leverage a related larger dataset (source) in order to improve the performance on the small dataset (target). Among the transfer learning approaches, domain adaptation methods assume that distributions between the two domains are shifted and attempt to realign them. In this paper, we consider the domain adaptation problem from the perspective of multi-view graph embedding and dimensionality reduction. Instead of solving the generalised eigenvalue problem to perform the embedding, we formulate the graph-preserving criterion as loss in the neural network and learn a domain-invariant feature transformation in an end-to-end fashion. We show that the proposed approach leads to a powerful Domain Adaptation framework which generalises the prior methods CCSA and d-SNE, and enables simple and effective loss designs; an LDA-inspired instantiation of the framework leads to performance on par with the state-of-the-art on the most widely used Domain Adaptation benchmarks, Office31 and MNIST to USPS datasets.

Generalization Comparison of Deep Neural Networks Via Output Sensitivity

Mahsa Forouzesh, Farnood Salehi, Patrick Thiran

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Auto-TLDR; Generalization of Deep Neural Networks using Sensitivity

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Although recent works have brought some insights into the performance improvement of techniques used in state-of-the-art deep-learning models, more work is needed to understand their generalization properties. We shed light on this matter by linking the loss function to the output's sensitivity to its input. We find a rather strong empirical relation between the output sensitivity and the variance in the bias-variance decomposition of the loss function, which hints on using sensitivity as a metric for comparing the generalization performance of networks, without requiring labeled data. We find that sensitivity is decreased by applying popular methods which improve the generalization performance of the model, such as (1) using a deep network rather than a wide one, (2) adding convolutional layers to baseline classifiers instead of adding fully-connected layers, (3) using batch normalization, dropout and max-pooling, and (4) applying parameter initialization techniques.

Can Data Placement Be Effective for Neural Networks Classification Tasks? Introducing the Orthogonal Loss

Brais Cancela, Veronica Bolon-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Placement for Neural Network Training Loss Functions

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Traditionally, a Neural Network classification training loss function follows the same principle: minimizing the distance between samples that belong to the same class, while maximizing the distance to the other classes. There are no restrictions on the spatial placement of deep features (last layer input). This paper addresses this issue when dealing with Neural Networks, providing a set of loss functions that are able to train a classifier by forcing the deep features to be projected over a predefined orthogonal basis. Experimental results shows that these `data placement' functions can overcome the training accuracy provided by the classic cross-entropy loss function.

A Close Look at Deep Learning with Small Data

Lorenzo Brigato, Luca Iocchi

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Auto-TLDR; Low-Complex Neural Networks for Small Data Conditions

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In this work, we perform a wide variety of experiments with different Deep Learning architectures in small data conditions. We show that model complexity is a critical factor when only a few samples per class are available. Differently from the literature, we improve the state of the art using low complexity models. We show that standard convolutional neural networks with relatively few parameters are effective in this scenario. In many of our experiments, low complexity models outperform state-of-the-art architectures. Moreover, we propose a novel network that uses an unsupervised loss to regularize its training. Such architecture either improves the results either performs comparably well to low capacity networks. Surprisingly, experiments show that the dynamic data augmentation pipeline is not beneficial in this particular domain. Statically augmenting the dataset might be a promising research direction while dropout maintains its role as a good regularizer.

Rethinking of Deep Models Parameters with Respect to Data Distribution

Shitala Prasad, Dongyun Lin, Yiqun Li, Sheng Dong, Zaw Min Oo

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Auto-TLDR; A progressive stepwise training strategy for deep neural networks

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The performance of deep learning models are driven by various parameters but to tune all of them every time, for every dataset, is a heuristic practice. In this paper, unlike the common practice of decaying the learning rate, we propose a step-wise training strategy where the learning rate and the batch size are tuned based on the dataset size. Here, the given dataset size is progressively increased during the training to boost the network performance without saturating the learning curve, after certain epochs. We conducted extensive experiments on multiple networks and datasets to validate the proposed training strategy. The experimental results proves our hypothesis that the learning rate, the batch size and the data size are interrelated and can improve the network accuracy if an optimal progressive stepwise training strategy is applied. The proposed strategy also the overall training computational cost is reduced.

DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

Gaoang Wang, Chen Lin, Tianqiang Liu, Mingwei He, Jiebo Luo

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Auto-TLDR; DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning for Face Recognition

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To achieve good performance in face recognition, a large scale training dataset is usually required. A simple yet effective way for improving the recognition performance is to use a dataset as large as possible by combining multiple datasets in the training. However, it is problematic and troublesome to naively combine different datasets due to two major issues. Firstly, the same person can possibly appear in different datasets, leading to the identity overlapping issue between different datasets. Natively treating the same person as different classes in different datasets during training will affect back-propagation and generate non-representative embeddings. On the other hand, manually cleaning labels will take a lot of human efforts, especially when there are millions of images and thousands of identities. Secondly, different datasets are collected in different situations and thus will lead to different domain distributions. Natively combining datasets will lead to domain distribution differences and make it difficult to learn domain invariant embeddings across different datasets. In this paper, we propose DAIL: Dataset-Aware and Invariant Learning to resolve the above-mentioned issues. To solve the first issue of identity overlapping, we propose a dataset-aware loss for multi-dataset training by reducing the penalty when the same person appears in multiple datasets. This can be readily achieved with a modified softmax loss with a dataset-aware term. To solve the second issue, the domain adaptation with gradient reversal layers is employed for dataset invariant learning. The proposed approach not only achieves state-of-the-art results on several commonly used face recognition validation sets, like LFW, CFP-FP, AgeDB-30, but also shows great benefit for practical usage.

Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization When Learning from Small Sample

Idan Azuri, Daphna Weinshall

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Auto-TLDR; GLICO: Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization for Small Sample Learning

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We revisit the long-standing problem of learning from small sample. The generation of new samples from a small training set of labeled points has attracted increased attention in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel such method called GLICO (Generative Latent Implicit Conditional Optimization). GLICO learns a mapping from the training examples to a latent space and a generator that generates images from vectors in the latent space. Unlike most recent work, which rely on access to large amounts of unlabeled data, GLICO does not require access to any additional data other than the small set of labeled points. In fact, GLICO learns to synthesize completely new samples for every class using as little as 5 or 10 examples per class, with as few as 10 such classes and no data from unknown classes. GLICO is then used to augment the small training set while training a classifier on the small sample. To this end, our proposed method samples the learned latent space using spherical interpolation (slerp) and generates new examples using the trained generator. Empirical results show that the new sampled set is diverse enough, leading to improvement in image classification in comparison with the state of the art when trained on small samples obtained from CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and CUB-200.

Beyond Cross-Entropy: Learning Highly Separable Feature Distributions for Robust and Accurate Classification

Arslan Ali, Andrea Migliorati, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli

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Auto-TLDR; Gaussian class-conditional simplex loss for adversarial robust multiclass classifiers

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Deep learning has shown outstanding performance in several applications including image classification. However, deep classifiers are known to be highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in that a minor perturbation of the input can easily lead to an error. Providing robustness to adversarial attacks is a very challenging task especially in problems involving a large number of classes, as it typically comes at the expense of an accuracy decrease. In this work, we propose the Gaussian class-conditional simplex (GCCS) loss: a novel approach for training deep robust multiclass classifiers that provides adversarial robustness while at the same time achieving or even surpassing the classification accuracy of state-of-the-art methods. Differently from other frameworks, the proposed method learns a mapping of the input classes onto target distributions in a latent space such that the classes are linearly separable. Instead of maximizing the likelihood of target labels for individual samples, our objective function pushes the network to produce feature distributions yielding high inter-class separation. The mean values of the distributions are centered on the vertices of a simplex such that each class is at the same distance from every other class. We show that the regularization of the latent space based on our approach yields excellent classification accuracy and inherently provides robustness to multiple adversarial attacks, both targeted and untargeted, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches over challenging datasets.

Graph-Based Interpolation of Feature Vectors for Accurate Few-Shot Classification

Yuqing Hu, Vincent Gripon, Stéphane Pateux

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Auto-TLDR; Transductive Learning for Few-Shot Classification using Graph Neural Networks

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In few-shot classification, the aim is to learn models able to discriminate classes using only a small number of labeled examples. In this context, works have proposed to introduce Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) aiming at exploiting the information contained in other samples treated concurrently, what is commonly referred to as the transductive setting in the literature. These GNNs are trained all together with a backbone feature extractor. In this paper, we propose a new method that relies on graphs only to interpolate feature vectors instead, resulting in a transductive learning setting with no additional parameters to train. Our proposed method thus exploits two levels of information: a) transfer features obtained on generic datasets, b) transductive information obtained from other samples to be classified. Using standard few-shot vision classification datasets, we demonstrate its ability to bring significant gains compared to other works.

Adaptive Noise Injection for Training Stochastic Student Networks from Deterministic Teachers

Yi Xiang Marcus Tan, Yuval Elovici, Alexander Binder

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Stochastic Networks for Adversarial Attacks

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Adversarial attacks have been a prevalent problem causing misclassification in machine learning models, with stochasticity being a promising direction towards greater robustness. However, stochastic networks frequently underperform compared to deterministic deep networks. In this work, we present a conceptually clear adaptive noise injection mechanism in combination with teacher-initialisation, which adjusts its degree of randomness dynamically through the computation of mini-batch statistics. This mechanism is embedded within a simple framework to obtain stochastic networks from existing deterministic networks. Our experiments show that our method is able to outperform prior baselines under white-box settings, exemplified through CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. Following which, we perform in-depth analysis on varying different components of training with our approach on the effects of robustness and accuracy, through the study of the evolution of decision boundary and trend curves of clean accuracy/attack success over differing degrees of stochasticity. We also shed light on the effects of adversarial training on a pre-trained network, through the lens of decision boundaries.

Learning Embeddings for Image Clustering: An Empirical Study of Triplet Loss Approaches

Kalun Ho, Janis Keuper, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Margret Keuper

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Auto-TLDR; Clustering Objectives for K-means and Correlation Clustering Using Triplet Loss

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In this work, we evaluate two different image clustering objectives, k-means clustering and correlation clustering, in the context of Triplet Loss induced feature space embeddings. Specifically, we train a convolutional neural network to learn discriminative features by optimizing two popular versions of the Triplet Loss in order to study their clustering properties under the assumption of noisy labels. Additionally, we propose a new, simple Triplet Loss formulation, which shows desirable properties with respect to formal clustering objectives and outperforms the existing methods. We evaluate all three Triplet loss formulations for K-means and correlation clustering on the CIFAR-10 image classification dataset.

Learning with Delayed Feedback

Pranavan Theivendiram, Terence Sim

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Auto-TLDR; Unsupervised Machine Learning with Delayed Feedback

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We propose a novel supervised machine learning strategy, inspired by human learning, that enables an Agent to learn continually over its lifetime. A natural consequence is that the Agent must be able to handle an input whose label is delayed until a later time, or may not arrive at all. Our Agent learns in two steps: a short Seeding phase, in which the Agent's model is initialized with labelled inputs, and an indefinitely long Growing phase, in which the Agent refines and assesses its model if the label is given for an input, but stores the input in a finite-length queue if the label is missing. Queued items are matched against future input-label pairs that arrive, and the model is then updated. Our strategy also allows for the delayed feedback to take a different form. For example, in an image captioning task, the feedback could be a semantic segmentation rather than a textual caption. We show with many experiments that our strategy enables an Agent to learn flexibly and efficiently.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

Honglin Li, Yifei Fan, Frieder Ganz, Tony Yezzi, Payam Barnaghi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression

Xifeng Guo, Jiyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Shihao Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Image Representation Learning using Continuous Parameter Prediction

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Self-supervised learning is a thriving research direction since it can relieve the burden of human labeling for machine learning by seeking for supervision from data instead of human annotation. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, we observe that the existing methods usually model the auxiliary learning tasks as classification tasks with finite discrete labels, leading to insufficient supervisory signals, which in turn restricts the representation quality. In this paper, to solve the above problem and make full use of the supervision from data, we design a regression model to predict the continuous parameters of a group of transformations, i.e., image rotation, translation, and scaling. Surprisingly, this naive modification stimulates tremendous potential from data and the resulting supervisory signal has largely improved the performance of image representation learning. Extensive experiments on four image datasets, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, and SVHN, indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods by a large margin in terms of classification accuracy. Crucially, we find that with our proposed training mechanism as an initialization, the performance of the existing state-of-the-art classification deep architectures can be preferably improved.

Making Every Label Count: Handling Semantic Imprecision by Integrating Domain Knowledge

Clemens-Alexander Brust, Björn Barz, Joachim Denzler

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Auto-TLDR; Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation

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Noisy data, crawled from the web or supplied by volunteers such as Mechanical Turkers or citizen scientists, is considered an alternative to professionally labeled data. There has been research focused on mitigating the effects of label noise. It is typically modeled as inaccuracy, where the correct label is replaced by an incorrect label from the same set. We consider an additional dimension of label noise: imprecision. For example, a non-breeding snow bunting is labeled as a bird. This label is correct, but not as precise as the task requires. Standard softmax classifiers cannot learn from such a weak label because they consider all classes mutually exclusive, which non-breeding snow bunting and bird are not. We propose CHILLAX (Class Hierarchies for Imprecise Label Learning and Annotation eXtrapolation), a method based on hierarchical classification, to fully utilize labels of any precision. Experiments on noisy variants of NABirds and ILSVRC2012 show that our method outperforms strong baselines by as much as 16.4 percentage points, and the current state of the art by up to 3.9 percentage points.

Knowledge Distillation with a Precise Teacher and Prediction with Abstention

Xu Yi, Jian Pu, Hui Zhao

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Auto-TLDR; Knowledge Distillation using Deep gambler loss and selective classification framework

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Knowledge distillation, which aims to train model under the supervision from another large model (teacher model) to the original model (student model), has achieved remarkable results in supervised learning. However, there are two major problems with existing knowledge distillation methods. One is the teacher's supervision is sometimes misleading, and the other is the student's prediction is not accurate enough. To address the first issue, instead of learning a combination of both teachers and ground truth, we apply knowledge adjustment to correct teachers' supervision using ground truth. For the second problem, we use the selective classification framework to train the student model. In particular, the deep gambler loss is adopted to predict with reservation by explicitly introducing the $(m+1)$-th class. We consider two settings of knowledge distillation: (1) distillation across different network structures ({\it AlexNet, ResNet}), and (2) distillation across networks with different depths ({\it ResNet18, ResNet50}) to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. The experimental results on benchmark datasets (i.e., {\it Fashion-MNIST, SVHN, CIFAR10, CIFAR100}) are reported with higher prediction accuracies and lower coverage errors.

Improving Model Accuracy for Imbalanced Image Classification Tasks by Adding a Final Batch Normalization Layer: An Empirical Study

Veysel Kocaman, Ofer M. Shir, Thomas Baeck

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Batch Normalization before the Output Layer in Deep Learning for Minority Class Detection in Imbalanced Data Sets

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Some real-world domains, such as Agriculture and Healthcare, comprise early-stage disease indications whose recording constitutes a rare event, and yet, whose precise detection at that stage is critical. In this type of highly imbalanced classification problems, which encompass complex features, deep learning (DL) is much needed because of its strong detection capabilities. At the same time, DL is observed in practice to favor majority over minority classes and consequently suffer from inaccurate detection of the targeted early-stage indications. To simulate such scenarios, we artificially generate skewness (99% vs. 1%) for certain plant types out of the PlantVillage dataset as a basis for classification of scarce visual cues through transfer learning. By randomly and unevenly picking healthy and unhealthy samples from certain plant types to form a training set, we consider a base experiment as fine-tuning ResNet34 and VGG19 architectures and then testing the model performance on a balanced dataset of healthy and unhealthy images. We empirically observe that the initial F1 test score jumps from 0.29 to 0.95 for the minority class upon adding a final Batch Normalization (BN) layer just before the output layer in VGG19. We demonstrate that utilizing an additional BN layer before the output layer in modern CNN architectures has a considerable impact in terms of minimizing the training time and testing error for minority classes in highly imbalanced data sets. Moreover, when the final BN is employed, trying to minimize validation and training losses may not be an optimal way for getting a high F1 test score for minority classes in anomaly detection problems. That is, the network might perform better even if it is not ‘confident’ enough while making a prediction; leading to another discussion about why softmax output is not a good uncertainty measure for DL models.

Removing Backdoor-Based Watermarks in Neural Networks with Limited Data

Xuankai Liu, Fengting Li, Bihan Wen, Qi Li

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Auto-TLDR; WILD: A backdoor-based watermark removal framework using limited data

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Deep neural networks have been widely applied and achieved great success in various fields. As training deep models usually consumes massive data and computational resources,trading the trained deep models is highly-demanded and lucrative nowadays. Unfortunately, the naive trading schemes typicallyinvolves potential risks related to copyright and trustworthiness issues,e.g., a sold model can be illegally resold to others without further authorization to reap huge profits. To tackle this prob-lem, various watermarking techniques are proposed to protect the model intellectual property, amongst which the backdoor-based watermarking is the most commonly-used one. However,the robustness of these watermarking approaches is not well evaluated under realistic settings, such as limited in-distribution data availability and agnostic of watermarking patterns. In this paper, we benchmark the robustness of watermarking, and propose a novel backdoor-based watermark removal framework using limited data, dubbed WILD. The proposed WILD removes the watermarks of deep models with only a small portion of training data, and the output model can perform the same as models trained from scratch without watermarks injected. In particular, a novel data augmentation method is utilized to mimic the behavior of watermark triggers. Combining with the distribution alignment between the normal and perturbed (e.g.,occluded) data in the feature space, our approach generalizes well on all typical types of trigger contents. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach can effectively remove the watermarks without compromising the deep model performance for the original task with the limited access to training data.

Class-Incremental Learning with Topological Schemas of Memory Spaces

Xinyuan Chang, Xiaoyu Tao, Xiaopeng Hong, Xing Wei, Wei Ke, Yihong Gong

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Auto-TLDR; Class-incremental Learning with Topological Schematic Model

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Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to incrementally learn a unified classifier for new classes emerging, which suffers from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To alleviate forgetting and improve the recognition performance, we propose a novel CIL framework, named the topological schemas model (TSM). TSM consists of a Gaussian mixture model arranged on 2D grids (2D-GMM) as the memory of the learned knowledge. To train the 2D-GMM model, we develop a novel competitive expectation-maximization (CEM) method, which contains a global topology embedding step and a local expectation-maximization finetuning step. Meanwhile, we choose the image samples of old classes that have the maximum posterior probability with respect to each Gaussian distribution as the episodic points. When finetuning for new classes, we propose the memory preservation loss (MPL) term to ensure episodic points still have maximum probabilities with respect to the corresponding Gaussian distribution. MPL preserves the distribution of 2D-GMM for old knowledge during incremental learning and alleviates catastrophic forgetting. Comprehensive experimental evaluations on two popular CIL benchmarks CIFAR100 and subImageNet demonstrate the superiority of our TSM.

Deep Ordinal Regression with Label Diversity

Axel Berg, Magnus Oskarsson, Mark Oconnor

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Auto-TLDR; Discrete Regression via Classification for Neural Network Learning

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Regression via classification (RvC) is a common method used for regression problems in deep learning, where the target variable belongs to a set of continuous values. By discretizing the target into a set of non-overlapping classes, it has been shown that training a classifier can improve neural network accuracy compared to using a standard regression approach. However, it is not clear how the set of discrete classes should be chosen and how it affects the overall solution. In this work, we propose that using several discrete data representations simultaneously can improve neural network learning compared to a single representation. Our approach is end-to-end differentiable and can be added as a simple extension to conventional learning methods, such as deep neural networks. We test our method on three challenging tasks and show that our method reduces the prediction error compared to a baseline RvC approach while maintaining a similar model complexity.

HFP: Hardware-Aware Filter Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Acceleration

Fang Yu, Chuanqi Han, Pengcheng Wang, Ruoran Huang, Xi Huang, Li Cui

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Auto-TLDR; Hardware-Aware Filter Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks

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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are powerful but computationally demanding and memory intensive, thus impeding their practical applications on resource-constrained hardware. Filter pruning is an efficient approach for deep CNN compression and acceleration, which aims to eliminate some filters with tolerable performance degradation. In the literature, the majority of approaches prune networks by defining the redundant filters or training the networks with a sparsity prior loss function. These approaches mainly use FLOPs as their speed metric. However, the inference latency of pruned networks cannot be directly controlled on the hardware platform, which is an important dimension of practicality. To address this issue, we propose a novel Hardware-aware Filter Pruning method (HFP) which can produce pruned networks that satisfy the actual latency budget on the hardwares of interest. In addition, we propose an iterative pruning framework called Opti-Cut to decrease the accuracy degradation of pruning process and accelerate the pruning procedure whilst meeting the hardware budget. More specifically, HFP first builds up a lookup table for fast estimating the latency of target network about filter configuration layer by layer. Then, HFP leverages information gain (IG) to globally evaluate the filters' contribution to network output distribution. HFP utilizes the Opti-Cut framework to globally prune filters with the minimum IG one by one until the latency budget is satisfied. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. Compared with the state-of-the-art pruning methods, HFP demonstrates superior performances on VGGNet, ResNet and MobileNet V1/V2.

Meta Learning Via Learned Loss

Sarah Bechtle, Artem Molchanov, Yevgen Chebotar, Edward Thomas Grefenstette, Ludovic Righetti, Gaurav Sukhatme, Franziska Meier

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Auto-TLDR; meta-learning for learning parametric loss functions that generalize across different tasks and model architectures

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Typically, loss functions, regularization mechanisms and other important aspects of training parametric models are chosen heuristically from a limited set of options. In this paper, we take the first step towards automating this process, with the view of producing models which train faster and more robustly. Concretely, we present a meta-learning method for learning parametric loss functions that can generalize across different tasks and model architectures. We develop a pipeline for “meta-training” such loss functions, targeted at maximizing the performance of the model trained under them. The loss landscape produced by our learned losses significantly improves upon the original task-specific losses in both supervised and reinforcement learning tasks. Furthermore, we show that our meta-learning framework is flexible enough to incorporate additional information at meta-train time. This information shapes the learned loss function such that the environment does not need to provide this information during meta-test time.

TAAN: Task-Aware Attention Network for Few-Shot Classification

Zhe Wang, Li Liu, Fanzhang Li

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Auto-TLDR; TAAN: Task-Aware Attention Network for Few-Shot Classification

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Few-shot classification aims to recognize unlabeled samples from unseen classes given only a few labeled samples.Current approaches of few-shot learning usually employ a metriclearning framework to learn a feature similarity comparison between a query (test) example and the few support (training) examples. However, these approaches all extract features from samples independently without looking at the entire task as a whole, and so fail to provide an enough discrimination to features. Moreover, the existing approaches lack the ability to select the most relevant features for the task at hand. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm called Task-Aware Attention Network (TAAN) to address the above problems in few-shot classification. By inserting a Task-Relevant Channel Attention Module into metric-based few-shot learners, TAAN generates channel attentions for each sample by aggregating the context of the entire support set and identifies the most relevant features for similarity comparison. The experiment demonstrates that TAAN is competitive in overall performance comparing to the recent state-of-the-art systems and improves the performance considerably over baseline systems on both mini-ImageNet and tiered-ImageNet benchmarks.

Pose-Robust Face Recognition by Deep Meta Capsule Network-Based Equivariant Embedding

Fangyu Wu, Jeremy Simon Smith, Wenjin Lu, Bailing Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Meta Capsule Network-based Equivariant Embedding Model for Pose-Robust Face Recognition


Despite the exceptional success in face recognition related technologies, handling large pose variations still remains a key challenge. Current techniques for pose-robust face recognition either, directly extract pose-invariant features, or first synthesize a face that matches the target pose before feature extraction. It is more desirable to learn face representations equivariant to pose variations. To this end, this paper proposes a deep meta Capsule network-based Equivariant Embedding Model (DM-CEEM) with three distinct novelties. First, the proposed RB-CapsNet allows DM-CEEM to learn an equivariant embedding for pose variations and achieve the desired transformation for input face images. Second, we introduce a new version of a Capsule network called RB-CapsNet to extend CapsNet to perform a profile-to-frontal face transformation in deep feature space. Third, we train the DM-CEEM in a meta way by treating a single overall classification target as multiple sub-tasks that satisfy certain unknown probabilities. In each sub-task, we sample the support and query sets randomly. The experimental results on both controlled and in-the-wild databases demonstrate the superiority of DM-CEEM over state-of-the-art.

A Flatter Loss for Bias Mitigation in Cross-Dataset Facial Age Estimation

Ali Akbari, Muhammad Awais, Zhenhua Feng, Ammarah Farooq, Josef Kittler

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-dataset Age Estimation for Neural Network Training

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Existing studies in facial age estimation have mostly focused on intra-dataset protocols that assume training and test images captured under similar conditions. However, this is rarely valid in practical applications, where training and test sets usually have different characteristics. In this paper, we advocate a cross-dataset protocol for age estimation benchmarking. In order to improve the cross-dataset age estimation performance, we mitigate the inherent bias caused by the learning algorithm. To this end, we propose a novel loss function that is more effective for neural network training. The relative smoothness of the proposed loss function is its advantage with regards to the optimisation process performed by stochastic gradient decent. Its lower gradient, compared with existing loss functions, facilitates the discovery of and convergence to a better optimum, and consequently a better generalisation. The cross-dataset experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of accuracy and generalisation capability.

Contextual Classification Using Self-Supervised Auxiliary Models for Deep Neural Networks

Sebastian Palacio, Philipp Engler, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning for Deep Neural Networks

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Classification problems solved with deep neural networks (DNNs) typically rely on a closed world paradigm, and optimize over a single objective (e.g., minimization of the cross- entropy loss). This setup dismisses all kinds of supporting signals that can be used to reinforce the existence or absence of particular patterns. The increasing need for models that are interpretable by design makes the inclusion of said contextual signals a crucial necessity. To this end, we introduce the notion of Self-Supervised Autogenous Learning (SSAL). A SSAL objective is realized through one or more additional targets that are derived from the original supervised classification task, following architectural principles found in multi-task learning. SSAL branches impose low-level priors into the optimization process (e.g., grouping). The ability of using SSAL branches during inference, allow models to converge faster, focusing on a richer set of class-relevant features. We equip state-of-the-art DNNs with SSAL objectives and report consistent improvements for all of them on CIFAR100 and Imagenet. We show that SSAL models outperform similar state-of-the-art methods focused on contextual loss functions, auxiliary branches and hierarchical priors.

Soft Label and Discriminant Embedding Estimation for Semi-Supervised Classification

Fadi Dornaika, Abdullah Baradaaji, Youssof El Traboulsi

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Semi-Supervised Learning for Linear Feature Extraction and Label Propagation

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In recent times, graph-based semi-supervised learning proved to be a powerful paradigm for processing and mining large datasets. The main advantage relies on the fact that these methods can be useful in propagating a small set of known labels to a large set of unlabeled data. The scarcity of labeled data may affect the performance of the semi-learning. This paper introduces a new semi-supervised framework for simultaneous linear feature extraction and label propagation. The proposed method simultaneously estimates a discriminant transformation and the unknown label by exploiting both labeled and unlabeled data. In addition, the unknowns of the learning model are estimated by integrating two types of graph-based smoothness constraints. The resulting semi-supervised model is expected to learn more discriminative information. Experiments are conducted on six public image datasets. These experimental results show that the performance of the proposed method can be better than that of many state-of-the-art graph-based semi-supervised algorithms.

Complementing Representation Deficiency in Few-Shot Image Classification: A Meta-Learning Approach

Xian Zhong, Cheng Gu, Wenxin Huang, Lin Li, Shuqin Chen, Chia-Wen Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Meta-learning with Complementary Representations Network for Few-Shot Learning

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Few-shot learning is a challenging problem that has attracted more and more attention recently since abundant training samples are difficult to obtain in practical applications. Meta-learning has been proposed to address this issue, which focuses on quickly adapting a predictor as a base-learner to new tasks, given limited labeled samples. However, a critical challenge for meta-learning is the representation deficiency since it is hard to discover common information from a small number of training samples or even one, as is the representation of key features from such little information. As a result, a meta-learner cannot be trained well in a high-dimensional parameter space to generalize to new tasks. Existing methods mostly resort to extracting less expressive features so as to avoid the representation deficiency. Aiming at learning better representations, we propose a meta-learning approach with complemented representations network (MCRNet) for few-shot image classification. In particular, we embed a latent space, where latent codes are reconstructed with extra representation information to complement the representation deficiency. Furthermore, the latent space is established with variational inference, collaborating well with different base-learners, and can be extended to other models. Finally, our end-to-end framework achieves the state-of-the-art performance in image classification on three standard few-shot learning datasets.

Aerial Road Segmentation in the Presence of Topological Label Noise

Corentin Henry, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Eleonora Vig

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Road Segmentation with Noise-Aware U-Nets for Fine-Grained Topology delineation

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The availability of large-scale annotated datasets has enabled Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks to reach outstanding performance on road extraction in aerial images. However, high-quality pixel-level annotation is expensive to produce and even manually labeled data often contains topological errors. Trading off quality for quantity, many datasets rely on already available yet noisy labels, for example from OpenStreetMap. In this paper, we explore the training of custom U-Nets built with ResNet and DenseNet backbones using noise-aware losses that are robust towards label omission and registration noise. We perform an extensive evaluation of standard and noise-aware losses, including a novel Bootstrapped DICE-Coefficient loss, on two challenging road segmentation benchmarks. Our losses yield a consistent improvement in overall extraction quality and exhibit a strong capacity to cope with severe label noise. Our method generalizes well to two other fine-grained topology delineation tasks: surface crack detection for quality inspection and cell membrane extraction in electron microscopy imagery.

Few-Shot Few-Shot Learning and the Role of Spatial Attention

Yann Lifchitz, Yannis Avrithis, Sylvaine Picard

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Auto-TLDR; Few-shot Learning with Pre-trained Classifier on Large-Scale Datasets

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Few-shot learning is often motivated by the ability of humans to learn new tasks from few examples. However, standard few-shot classification benchmarks assume that the representation is learned on a limited amount of base class data, ignoring the amount of prior knowledge that a human may have accumulated before learning new tasks. At the same time, even if a powerful representation is available, it may happen in some domain that base class data are limited or non-existent. This motivates us to study a problem where the representation is obtained from a classifier pre-trained on a large-scale dataset of a different domain, assuming no access to its training process, while the base class data are limited to few examples per class and their role is to adapt the representation to the domain at hand rather than learn from scratch. We adapt the representation in two stages, namely on the few base class data if available and on the even fewer data of new tasks. In doing so, we obtain from the pre-trained classifier a spatial attention map that allows focusing on objects and suppressing background clutter. This is important in the new problem, because when base class data are few, the network cannot learn where to focus implicitly. We also show that a pre-trained network may be easily adapted to novel classes, without meta-learning.

MaxDropout: Deep Neural Network Regularization Based on Maximum Output Values

Claudio Filipi Gonçalves Santos, Danilo Colombo, Mateus Roder, Joao Paulo Papa

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Auto-TLDR; MaxDropout: A Regularizer for Deep Neural Networks

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Different techniques have emerged in the deep learning scenario, such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Belief Networks, and Long Short-Term Memory Networks, to cite a few. In lockstep, regularization methods, which aim to prevent overfitting by penalizing the weight connections, or turning off some units, have been widely studied either. In this paper, we present a novel approach called MaxDropout, a regularizer for deep neural network models that works in a supervised fashion by removing (shutting off) the prominent neurons (i.e., most active) in each hidden layer. The model forces fewer activated units to learn more representative information, thus providing sparsity. Regarding the experiments, we show that it is possible to improve existing neural networks and provide better results in neural networks when Dropout is replaced by MaxDropout. The proposed method was evaluated in image classification, achieving comparable results to existing regularizers, such as Cutout and RandomErasing, also improving the accuracy of neural networks that uses Dropout by replacing the existing layer by MaxDropout.

On the Information of Feature Maps and Pruning of Deep Neural Networks

Mohammadreza Soltani, Suya Wu, Jie Ding, Robert Ravier, Vahid Tarokh

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Models Using Mutual Information

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A technique for compressing deep neural models achieving competitive performance to state-of-the-art methods is proposed. The approach utilizes the mutual information between the feature maps and the output of the model in order to prune the redundant layers of the network. Extensive numerical experiments on both CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet data sets demonstrate that the proposed method can be effective in compressing deep models, both in terms of the numbers of parameters and operations. For instance, by applying the proposed approach to DenseNet model with 0.77 million parameters and 293 million operations for classification of CIFAR-10 data set, a reduction of 62.66% and 41.00% in the number of parameters and the number of operations are respectively achieved, while increasing the test error only by less than 1%.

Task-based Focal Loss for Adversarially Robust Meta-Learning

Yufan Hou, Lixin Zou, Weidong Liu

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Auto-TLDR; Task-based Adversarial Focal Loss for Few-shot Meta-Learner

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Adversarial robustness of machine learning has been widely studied in recent years, and a series of effective methods are proposed to resist adversarial attacks. However, less attention is paid to few-shot meta-learners which are much more vulnerable due to the lack of training samples. In this paper, we propose Task-based Adversarial Focal Loss (TAFL) to handle this tough challenge on a typical meta-learner called MAML. More concretely, we regard few-shot classification tasks as normal samples in learning models and apply focal loss mechanism on them. Our proposed method focuses more on adversarially fragile tasks, leading to improvement on overall model robustness. Results of extensive experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate that TAFL can effectively promote the performance of the meta-learner on adversarial examples with elaborately designed perturbations.

Augmented Bi-Path Network for Few-Shot Learning

Baoming Yan, Chen Zhou, Bo Zhao, Kan Guo, Yang Jiang, Xiaobo Li, Zhang Ming, Yizhou Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Augmented Bi-path Network for Few-shot Learning

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Few-shot Learning (FSL) which aims to learn from few labeled training data is becoming a popular research topic, due to the expensive labeling cost in many real-world applications. One kind of successful FSL method learns to compare the testing (query) image and training (support) image by simply concatenating the features of two images and feeding it into the neural network. However, with few labeled data in each class, the neural network has difficulty in learning or comparing the local features of two images. Such simple image-level comparison may cause serious mis-classification. To solve this problem, we propose Augmented Bi-path Network (ABNet) for learning to compare both global and local features on multi-scales. Specifically, the salient patches are extracted and embedded as the local features for every image. Then, the model learns to augment the features for better robustness. Finally, the model learns to compare global and local features separately, \emph{i.e.}, in two paths, before merging the similarities. Extensive experiments show that the proposed ABNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Both quantitative and visual ablation studies are provided to verify that the proposed modules lead to more precise comparison results.

Improving Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction for Deep Neural Networks

Pak Lun Kevin Ding, Martin Sarah, Baoxin Li

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Auto-TLDR; Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction

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Batch Normalization (BN) is a well-known technique used in training deep neural networks. The main idea behind batch normalization is to normalize the features of the layers ($i.e.$, transforming them to have a mean equal to zero and a variance equal to one). Such a procedure encourages the optimization landscape of the loss function to be smoother, and improve the learning of the networks for both speed and performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that the performance of the network can be improved, if the distributions of the features of the output in the same layer are similar. As normalizing based on mean and variance does not necessarily make the features to have the same distribution, we propose a new normalization scheme: Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction (BNSR). Comparing with other normalization approaches, BNSR transforms not just only the mean and variance, but also the skewness of the data. By tackling this property of a distribution, we are able to make the output distributions of the layers to be further similar. The nonlinearity of BNSR may further improve the expressiveness of the underlying network. Comparisons with other normalization schemes are tested on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can outperform other state-of-the-arts that are not equipped with BNSR.

Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification

Wei Wu, Shanmin Pang, Zhiqiang Tian, Yaochen Li

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Auto-TLDR; Meta Generalized Network for Few-Shot Classification


Few-shot classification aims to learn a well performance model with very limited labeled examples. There are mainly two directions for this aim, namely, meta- and metric-learning. Meta learning trains models in a particular way to fast adapt to new tasks, but it neglects variational features of images. Metric learning considers relationships among same or different classes, however on the downside, it usually fails to achieve competitive performance on unseen boundary examples. In this paper, we propose a Meta Generalized Network (MGNet) that aims to combine advantages of both meta- and metric-learning. There are two novel components in MGNet. Specifically, we first develop a meta backbone training method that both learns a flexible feature extractor and a classifier initializer efficiently, delightedly leading to fast adaption to unseen few-shot tasks without overfitting. Second, we design a trainable adaptive interval model to improve the cosine classifier, which increases the recognition accuracy of hard examples. We train the meta backbone in the training stage by all classes, and fine-tune the meta-backbone as well as train the adaptive classifier in the testing stage.

Filter Pruning Using Hierarchical Group Sparse Regularization for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Kakeru Mitsuno, Takio Kurita

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Auto-TLDR; Hierarchical Group Sparse Regularization for Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks

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Since the convolutional neural networks are often trained with redundant parameters, it is possible to reduce redundant kernels or filters to obtain a compact network without dropping the classification accuracy. In this paper, we propose a filter pruning method using the hierarchical group sparse regularization. It is shown in our previous work that the hierarchical group sparse regularization is effective in obtaining sparse networks in which filters connected to unnecessary channels are automatically close to zero. After training the convolutional neural network with the hierarchical group sparse regularization, the unnecessary filters are selected based on the increase of the classification loss of the randomly selected training samples to obtain a compact network. It is shown that the proposed method can reduce more than 50% parameters of ResNet for CIFAR-10 with only 0.3% decrease in the accuracy of test samples. Also, 34% parameters of ResNet are reduced for TinyImageNet-200 with higher accuracy than the baseline network.