Quantization in Relative Gradient Angle Domain for Building Polygon Estimation

Yuhao Chen, Yifan Wu, Linlin Xu, Alexander Wong

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Auto-TLDR; Relative Gradient Angle Transform for Building Footprint Extraction from Remote Sensing Data

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Building footprint extraction in remote sensing data benefits many important applications, such as urban planning and population estimation. Recently, rapid development of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and open-sourced high resolution satellite building image datasets have pushed the performance boundary further for automated building extractions. However, CNN approaches often generate imprecise building morphologies including noisy edges and round corners. In this paper, we leverage the performance of CNNs, and propose a module that uses prior knowledge of building corners to create angular and concise building polygons from CNN segmentation outputs. We describe a new transform, Relative Gradient Angle Transform (RGA Transform) that converts object contours from time vs. space to time vs. angle. We propose a new shape descriptor, Boundary Orientation Relation Set (BORS), to describe angle relationship between edges in RGA domain, such as orthogonality and parallelism. Finally, we develop an energy minimization framework that makes use of the angle relationship in BORS to straighten edges and reconstruct sharp corners, and the resulting corners create a polygon. Experimental results demonstrate that our method refines CNN output from a rounded approximation to a more clear-cut angular shape of the building footprint.

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Machine-Learned Regularization and Polygonization of Building Segmentation Masks

Stefano Zorzi, Ksenia Bittner, Friedrich Fraundorfer

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Regularization and Polygonization of Building Segmentation masks using Generative Adversarial Network

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We propose a machine learning based approach for automatic regularization and polygonization of building segmentation masks. Taking an image as input, we first predict building segmentation maps exploiting generic fully convolutional network (FCN). A generative adversarial network (GAN) is then involved to perform a regularization of building boundaries to make them more realistic, i.e., having more rectilinear outlines which construct right angles if required. This is achieved through the interplay between the discriminator which gives a probability of input image being true and generator that learns from discriminator’s response to create more realistic images. Finally, we train the backbone convolutional neural network (CNN) which is adapted to predict sparse outcomes corresponding to building corners out of regularized building segmentation results. Experiments on three building segmentation datasets demonstrate that the proposed method is not only capable of obtaining accurate results, but also of producing visually pleasing building outlines parameterized as polygons.

CT-UNet: An Improved Neural Network Based on U-Net for Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images

Huanran Ye, Sheng Liu, Kun Jin, Haohao Cheng

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Auto-TLDR; Context-Transfer-UNet: A UNet-based Network for Building Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images

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With the proliferation of remote sensing images, how to segment buildings more accurately in remote sensing images is a critical challenge. First, the high resolution leads to blurred boundaries in the extracted building maps. Second, the similarity between buildings and background results in intra-class inconsistency. To address these two problems, we propose an UNet-based network named Context-Transfer-UNet (CT-UNet). Specifically, we design Dense Boundary Block (DBB). Dense Block utilizes reuse mechanism to refine features and increase recognition capabilities. Boundary Block introduces the low-level spatial information to solve the fuzzy boundary problem. Then, to handle intra-class inconsistency, we construct Spatial Channel Attention Block (SCAB). It combines context space information and selects more distinguishable features from space and channel. Finally, we propose a novel loss function to enhance the purpose of loss by adding evaluation indicator. Based on our proposed CT-UNet, we achieve 85.33% mean IoU on the Inria dataset and 91.00% mean IoU on the WHU dataset, which outperforms our baseline (U-Net ResNet-34) by 3.76% and Web-Net by 2.24%.

Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation in Aerial Images

Minglong Li, Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; GLANet: Global-Local Attention Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Errors in semantic segmentation task could be classified into two types: large area misclassification and local inaccurate boundaries. Previously attention based methods capture rich global contextual information, this is beneficial to diminish the first type of error, but local imprecision still exists. In this paper we propose Global-Local Attention Network (GLANet) with a simultaneous consideration of global context and local details. Specifically, our GLANet is composed of two branches namely global attention branch and local attention branch, and three different modules are embedded in the two branches for the purpose of modeling semantic interdependencies in spatial, channel and boundary dimensions respectively. We sum the outputs of the two branches to further improve feature representation, leading to more precise segmentation results. The proposed method achieves very competitive segmentation accuracy on two public aerial image datasets, bringing significant improvements over baseline.

RescueNet: Joint Building Segmentation and Damage Assessment from Satellite Imagery

Rohit Gupta, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; RescueNet: End-to-End Building Segmentation and Damage Classification for Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response

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Accurate and fine-grained information about the extent of damage to buildings is essential for directing Humanitarian Aid and Disaster Response (HADR) operations in the immediate aftermath of any natural calamity. In recent years, satellite and UAV (drone) imagery has been used for this purpose, sometimes aided by computer vision algorithms. Existing Computer Vision approaches for building damage assessment typically rely on a two stage approach, consisting of building detection using an object detection model, followed by damage assessment through classification of the detected building tiles. These multi-stage methods are not end-to-end trainable, and suffer from poor overall results. We propose RescueNet, a unified model that can simultaneously segment buildings and assess the damage levels to individual buildings and can be trained end-to end. In order to to model the composite nature of this problem, we propose a novel localization aware loss function, which consists of a Binary Cross Entropy loss for building segmentation, and a foreground only selective Categorical Cross-Entropy loss for damage classification, and show significant improvement over the widely used Cross-Entropy loss. RescueNet is tested on the large scale and diverse xBD dataset and achieves significantly better building segmentation and damage classification performance than previous methods and achieves generalization across varied geographical regions and disaster types.

3D Semantic Labeling of Photogrammetry Meshes Based on Active Learning

Mengqi Rong, Shuhan Shen, Zhanyi Hu

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Semantic Expression of Urban Scenes Based on Active Learning

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As different urban scenes are similar but still not completely consistent, coupled with the complexity of labeling directly in 3D, high-level understanding of 3D scenes has always been a tricky problem. In this paper, we propose a procedural approach for 3D semantic expression of urban scenes based on active learning. We first start with a small labeled image set to fine-tune a semantic segmentation network and then project its probability map onto a 3D mesh model for fusion, finally outputs a 3D semantic mesh model in which each facet has a semantic label and a heat model showing each facet’s confidence. Our key observation is that our algorithm is iterative, in each iteration, we use the output semantic model as a supervision to select several valuable images for annotation to co-participate in the fine-tuning for overall improvement. In this way, we reduce the workload of labeling but not the quality of 3D semantic model. Using urban areas from two different cities, we show the potential of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness.

Walk the Lines: Object Contour Tracing CNN for Contour Completion of Ships

André Peter Kelm, Udo Zölzer

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Auto-TLDR; Walk the Lines: A Convolutional Neural Network trained to follow object contours

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We develop a new contour tracing algorithm to enhance the results of the latest object contour detectors. The goal is to achieve a perfectly closed, single-pixel wide and detailed object contour, since this type of contour could be analyzed using methods such as Fourier descriptors. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are rarely used for contour tracing, and we see great potential in using their capabilities for this task. Therefore we present the Walk the Lines (WtL) algorithm: A standard regression CNN trained to follow object contours. As initial step, we train the CNN only on ship contours, but the principle is applicable to other objects. Input data are the image and the associated object contour prediction of the recently published RefineContourNet (RCN). The WtL gets the center pixel coordinates, which defines an input section, plus an angle for rotating this section. Ideally, the center pixel moves on the contour, while the angle describes upcoming directional contour changes. The WtL predicts its steps pixelwise in a selfrouting way. To obtain a complete object contour the WtL runs in parallel at different image locations and the traces of its individual paths are summed. In contrast to the comparable Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS) method, our approach produces connected contours with finer details. Finally, the object contour is binarized under the condition of being closed. In case all procedures work as desired, excellent ship segmentations with high IoUs are produced, showing details such as antennas and ship superstructures that are easily omitted by other segmentation methods.

Point In: Counting Trees with Weakly Supervised Segmentation Network

Pinmo Tong, Shuhui Bu, Pengcheng Han

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Auto-TLDR; Weakly Tree counting using Deep Segmentation Network with Localization and Mask Prediction

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For tree counting tasks, since traditional image processing methods require expensive feature engineering and are not end-to-end frameworks, this will cause additional noise and cannot be optimized overall, so this method has not been widely used in recent trends of tree counting application. Recently, many deep learning based approaches are designed for this task because of the powerful feature extracting ability. The representative way is bounding box based supervised method, but time-consuming annotations are indispensable for them. Moreover, these methods are difficult to overcome the occlusion or overlap. To solve this problem, we propose a weakly tree counting network (WTCNet) based on deep segmentation network with only point supervision. It can simultaneously complete tree counting with localization and output mask of each tree at the same time. We first adopt a novel feature extractor network (FENet) to get features of input images, and then an effective strategy is introduced to deal with different mask predictions. In the end, we propose a basic localization guidance accompany with rectification guidance to train the network. We create two different datasets and select an existing challenging plant dataset to evaluate our method on three different tasks. Experimental results show the good performance improvement of our method compared with other existing methods. Further study shows that our method has great potential to reduce human labor and provide effective ground-truth masks and the results show the superiority of our method over the advanced methods.

Triplet-Path Dilated Network for Detection and Segmentation of General Pathological Images

Jiaqi Luo, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Limei Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Triplet-path Network for One-Stage Object Detection and Segmentation in Pathological Images

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Deep learning has been widely applied in the field of medical image processing. However, compared with flourishing visual tasks in natural images, the progress achieved in pathological images is not remarkable, and detection and segmentation, which are among basic tasks of computer vision, are regarded as two independent tasks. In this paper, we make full use of existing datasets and construct a triplet-path network using dilated convolutions to cooperatively accomplish one-stage object detection and nuclei segmentation for general pathological images. First, in order to meet the requirement of detection and segmentation, a novel structure called triplet feature generation (TFG) is designed to extract high-resolution and multiscale features, where features from different layers can be properly integrated. Second, considering that pathological datasets are usually small, a location-aware and partially truncated loss function is proposed to improve the classification accuracy of datasets with few images and widely varying targets. We compare the performance of both object detection and instance segmentation with state-of-the-art methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network on two datasets collected from multiple organs.

End-To-End Deep Learning Methods for Automated Damage Detection in Extreme Events at Various Scales

Yongsheng Bai, Alper Yilmaz, Halil Sezen

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Mask R-CNN for Crack Detection in Extreme Events

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Robust Mask R-CNN (Mask Regional Convolutional Neural Network) methods are proposed and tested for automatic detection of cracks on structures or their components that may be damaged during extreme events, such as earth-quakes. We curated a new dataset with 2,021 labeled images for training and validation and aimed to find end-to-end deep neural networks for crack detection in the field. With data augmentation and parameters fine-tuning, Path Aggregation Network (PANet) with spatial attention mechanisms and High-resolution Network (HRNet) are introduced into Mask R-CNNs. The tests on three public datasets with low- or high-resolution images demonstrate that the proposed methods can achieve a big improvement over alternative networks, so the proposed method may be sufficient for crack detection for a variety of scales in real applications.

Derivation of Geometrically and Semantically Annotated UAV Datasets at Large Scales from 3D City Models

Sidi Wu, Lukas Liebel, Marco Körner

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Auto-TLDR; Large-Scale Dataset of Synthetic UAV Imagery for Geometric and Semantic Annotation

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While in high demand for the development of deep learning approaches, extensive datasets of annotated UAV imagery are still scarce today. Manual annotation, however, is time-consuming and, thus, has limited the potential for creating large-scale datasets. We tackle this challenge by presenting a procedure for the automatic creation of simulated UAV image sequences in urban areas and pixel-level annotations from publicly available data sources. We synthesize photo-realistic UAV imagery from Goole Earth Studio and derive annotations from an open CityGML model that not only provides geometric but also semantic information. The first dataset we exemplarily created using our approach contains 144000 images of Berlin, Germany, with four types of annotations, namely semantic labels as well as depth, surface normals, and edge maps. In the future, a complete pipeline regarding all the technical problems will be provided, together with more accurate models to refine some of the empirical settings currently, to automatically generate a large-scale dataset with reliable ground-truth annotations over the whole city of Berlin. The dataset, as well as the source code, will be published by then. Different methods will also be facilitated to test the usability of the dataset. We believe our dataset can be used for, and not limited to, tasks like pose estimation, geo-localization, monocular depth estimation, edge detection, building/surface classification, and plane segmentation. A potential research pipeline for geo-localization based on the synthetic dataset is provided.

Revisiting Sequence-To-Sequence Video Object Segmentation with Multi-Task Loss and Skip-Memory

Fatemeh Azimi, Benjamin Bischke, Sebastian Palacio, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

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Auto-TLDR; Sequence-to-Sequence Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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Video Object Segmentation (VOS) is an active research area of the visual domain. One of its fundamental sub-tasks is semi-supervised / one-shot learning: given only the segmentation mask for the first frame, the task is to provide pixel-accurate masks for the object over the rest of the sequence. Despite much progress in the last years, we noticed that many of the existing approaches lose objects in longer sequences, especially when the object is small or briefly occluded. In this work, we build upon a sequence-to-sequence approach that employs an encoder-decoder architecture together with a memory module for exploiting the sequential data. We further improve this approach by proposing a model that manipulates multi-scale spatio-temporal information using memory-equipped skip connections. Furthermore, we incorporate an auxiliary task based on distance classification which greatly enhances the quality of edges in segmentation masks. We compare our approach to the state of the art and show considerable improvement in the contour accuracy metric and the overall segmentation accuracy.

UHRSNet: A Semantic Segmentation Network Specifically for Ultra-High-Resolution Images

Lianlei Shan, Weiqiang Wang

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Auto-TLDR; Ultra-High-Resolution Segmentation with Local and Global Feature Fusion

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Abstract—Semantic segmentation is a basic task in computer vision, but only limited attention has been devoted to the ultra-high-resolution (UHR) image segmentation. Since UHR images occupy too much memory, they cannot be directly put into GPU for training. Previous methods are cropping images to small patches or downsampling the whole images. Cropping and downsampling cause the loss of contexts and details, which is essential for segmentation accuracy. To solve this problem, we improve and simplify the local and global feature fusion method in previous works. Local features are extracted from patches and global features are from downsampled images. Meanwhile, we propose one new fusion called local feature fusion for the first time, which can make patches get information from surrounding patches. We call the network with these two fusions ultra-high-resolution segmentation network (UHRSNet). These two fusions can effectively and efficiently solve the problem caused by cropping and downsampling. Experiments show a remarkable improvement on Deepglobe dataset.

Learning to Segment Clustered Amoeboid Cells from Brightfield Microscopy Via Multi-Task Learning with Adaptive Weight Selection

Rituparna Sarkar, Suvadip Mukherjee, Elisabeth Labruyere, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin

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Auto-TLDR; Supervised Cell Segmentation from Microscopy Images using Multi-task Learning in a Multi-Task Learning Paradigm

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Detecting and segmenting individual cells from microscopy images is critical to various life science applications. Traditional cell segmentation tools are often ill-suited for applications in brightfield microscopy due to poor contrast and intensity heterogeneity, and only a small subset are applicable to segment cells in a cluster. In this regard, we introduce a novel supervised technique for cell segmentation in a multi-task learning paradigm. A combination of a multi-task loss, based on the region and cell boundary detection, is employed for an improved prediction efficiency of the network. The learning problem is posed in a novel min-max framework which enables adaptive estimation of the hyper-parameters in an automatic fashion. The region and cell boundary predictions are combined via morphological operations and active contour model to segment individual cells. The proposed methodology is particularly suited to segment touching cells from brightfield microscopy images without manual interventions. Quantitatively, we observe an overall Dice score of 0.93 on the validation set, which is an improvement of over 15.9% on a recent unsupervised method, and outperforms the popular supervised U-net algorithm by at least 5.8% on average.

Approach for Document Detection by Contours and Contrasts

Daniil Tropin, Sergey Ilyuhin, Dmitry Nikolaev, Vladimir V. Arlazarov

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Auto-TLDR; A countor-based method for arbitrary document detection on a mobile device

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This paper considers the task of arbitrary document detection performed on a mobile device. The classical contour-based approach often mishandles cases with occlusion, complex background, or blur. Region-based approach, which relies on the contrast between object and background, does not have limitations, however its known implementations are highly resource-consuming. We propose a modification of a countor-based method, in which the competing hypotheses of the contour location are ranked according to the contrast between the areas inside and outside the border. In the performed experiments such modification leads to the 40% decrease of alternatives ordering errors and 10% decrease of the overall number of detection errors. We updated state-of-the-art performance on the open MIDV-500 dataset and demonstrated competitive results with the state-of-the-art on the SmartDoc dataset.

Enhancing Deep Semantic Segmentation of RGB-D Data with Entangled Forests

Matteo Terreran, Elia Bonetto, Stefano Ghidoni

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Auto-TLDR; FuseNet: A Lighter Deep Learning Model for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation is a problem which is getting more and more attention in the computer vision community. Nowadays, deep learning methods represent the state of the art to solve this problem, and the trend is to use deeper networks to get higher performance. The drawback with such models is a higher computational cost, which makes it difficult to integrate them on mobile robot platforms. In this work we want to explore how to obtain lighter deep learning models without compromising performance. To do so we will consider the features used in the Entangled Random Forest algorithm and we will study the best strategies to integrate these within FuseNet deep network. Such new features allow us to shrink the network size without loosing performance, obtaining hence a lighter model which achieves state-of-the-art performance on the semantic segmentation task and represents an interesting alternative for mobile robotics applications, where computational power and energy are limited.

Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Hanzhe Hu, Jinshi Cui, Jinshi Hongbin Zha

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Auto-TLDR; Boundary-Aware Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

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Recent works have made great progress in semantic segmentation by exploiting contextual information in a local or global manner with dilated convolutions, pyramid pooling or self-attention mechanism. However, few works have focused on harvesting boundary information to improve the segmentation performance. In order to enhance the feature similarity within the object and keep discrimination from other objects, we propose a boundary-aware graph convolution (BGC) module to propagate features within the object. The graph reasoning is performed among pixels of the same object apart from the boundary pixels. Based on the proposed BGC module, we further introduce the Boundary-aware Graph Convolution Network(BGCNet), which consists of two main components including a basic segmentation network and the BGC module, forming a coarse-to-fine paradigm. Specifically, the BGC module takes the coarse segmentation feature map as node features and boundary prediction to guide graph construction. After graph convolution, the reasoned feature and the input feature are fused together to get the refined feature, producing the refined segmentation result. We conduct extensive experiments on three popular semantic segmentation benchmarks including Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC 2012 and COCO Stuff, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on all three benchmarks.

Deep Realistic Novel View Generation for City-Scale Aerial Images

Koundinya Nouduri, Ke Gao, Joshua Fraser, Shizeng Yao, Hadi Aliakbarpour, Filiz Bunyak, Kannappan Palaniappan

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Auto-TLDR; End-to-End 3D Voxel Renderer for Multi-View Stereo Data Generation and Evaluation

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In this paper we introduce a novel end-to-end frameworkfor generation of large, aerial, city-scale, realistic syntheticimage sequences with associated accurate and precise camerametadata. The two main purposes for this data are (i) to en-able objective, quantitative evaluation of computer vision al-gorithms and methods such as feature detection, description,and matching or full computer vision pipelines such as 3D re-construction; and (ii) to supply large amounts of high qualitytraining data for deep learning guided computer vision meth-ods. The proposed framework consists of three main mod-ules, a 3D voxel renderer for data generation, a deep neu-ral network for artifact removal, and a quantitative evaluationmodule for Multi-View Stereo (MVS) as an example. The3D voxel renderer enables generation of seen or unseen viewsof a scene from arbitary camera poses with accurate camerametadata parameters. The artifact removal module proposes anovel edge-augmented deep learning network with an explicitedgemap processing stream to remove image artifacts whilepreserving and recovering scene structures for more realis-tic results. Our experiments on two urban, city-scale, aerialdatasets for Albuquerque (ABQ), NM and Los Angeles (LA),CA show promising results in terms structural similarity toreal data and accuracy of reconstructed 3D point clouds

FourierNet: Compact Mask Representation for Instance Segmentation Using Differentiable Shape Decoders

Hamd Ul Moqeet Riaz, Nuri Benbarka, Andreas Zell

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Auto-TLDR; FourierNet: A Single shot, anchor-free, fully convolutional instance segmentation method that predicts a shape vector

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We present FourierNet, a single shot, anchor-free, fully convolutional instance segmentation method that predicts a shape vector. Consequently, this shape vector is converted into the masks' contour points using a fast numerical transform. Compared to previous methods, we introduce a new training technique, where we utilize a differentiable shape decoder, which manages the automatic weight balancing of the shape vector's coefficients. We used the Fourier series as a shape encoder because of its coefficient interpretability and fast implementation. FourierNet shows promising results compared to polygon representation methods, achieving 30.6 mAP on the MS COCO 2017 benchmark. At lower image resolutions, it runs at 26.6 FPS with 24.3 mAP. It reaches 23.3 mAP using just eight parameters to represent the mask (note that at least four parameters are needed for bounding box prediction only). Qualitative analysis shows that suppressing a reasonable proportion of higher frequencies of Fourier series, still generates meaningful masks. These results validate our understanding that lower frequency components hold higher information for the segmentation task, and therefore, we can achieve a compressed representation. Code is available at: github.com/cogsys-tuebingen/FourierNet.

Holistic Grid Fusion Based Stop Line Estimation

Runsheng Xu, Faezeh Tafazzoli, Li Zhang, Timo Rehfeld, Gunther Krehl, Arunava Seal

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Auto-TLDR; Fused Multi-Sensory Data for Stop Lines Detection in Intersection Scenarios

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Intersection scenarios provide the most complex traffic situations in Autonomous Driving and Driving Assistance Systems. Knowing where to stop in advance in an intersection is an essential parameter in controlling the longitudinal velocity of the vehicle. Most of the existing methods in literature solely use cameras to detect stop lines, which is typically not sufficient in terms of detection range. To address this issue, we propose a method that takes advantage of fused multi-sensory data including stereo camera and lidar as input and utilizes a carefully designed convolutional neural network architecture to detect stop lines. Our experiments show that the proposed approach can improve detection range compared to camera data alone, works under heavy occlusion without observing the ground markings explicitly, is able to predict stop lines for all lanes and allows detection at a distance up to 50 meters.

BiLuNet: A Multi-Path Network for Semantic Segmentation on X-Ray Images

Van Luan Tran, Huei-Yung Lin, Rachel Liu, Chun-Han Tseng, Chun-Han Tseng

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Auto-TLDR; BiLuNet: Multi-path Convolutional Neural Network for Semantic Segmentation of Lumbar vertebrae, sacrum,


Semantic segmentation and shape detection of lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and femoral heads from clinical X-ray images are important and challenging tasks. In this paper, we propose a new multi-path convolutional neural network, BiLuNet, for semantic segmentation on X-ray images. The network is capable of medical image segmentation with very limited training data. With the shape fitting of the bones, we can identify the location of the target regions very accurately for lumbar vertebra inspection. We collected our dataset and annotated by doctors for model training and performance evaluation. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, the proposed technique provides better mIoUs and higher success rates with the same training data. The experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of our network to perform semantic segmentation for lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and femoral heads.

Attention Based Coupled Framework for Road and Pothole Segmentation

Shaik Masihullah, Ritu Garg, Prerana Mukherjee, Anupama Ray

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Auto-TLDR; Few Shot Learning for Road and Pothole Segmentation on KITTI and IDD

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In this paper, we propose a novel attention based coupled framework for road and pothole segmentation. In many developing countries as well as in rural areas, the drivable areas are neither well-defined, nor well-maintained. Under such circumstances, an Advance Driver Assistant System (ADAS) is needed to assess the drivable area and alert about the potholes ahead to ensure vehicle safety. Moreover, this information can also be used in structured environments for assessment and maintenance of road health. We demonstrate few shot learning approach for pothole detection to leverage accuracy even with fewer training samples. We report the exhaustive experimental results for road segmentation on KITTI and IDD datasets. We also present pothole segmentation on IDD.

Aerial Road Segmentation in the Presence of Topological Label Noise

Corentin Henry, Friedrich Fraundorfer, Eleonora Vig

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Road Segmentation with Noise-Aware U-Nets for Fine-Grained Topology delineation

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The availability of large-scale annotated datasets has enabled Fully-Convolutional Neural Networks to reach outstanding performance on road extraction in aerial images. However, high-quality pixel-level annotation is expensive to produce and even manually labeled data often contains topological errors. Trading off quality for quantity, many datasets rely on already available yet noisy labels, for example from OpenStreetMap. In this paper, we explore the training of custom U-Nets built with ResNet and DenseNet backbones using noise-aware losses that are robust towards label omission and registration noise. We perform an extensive evaluation of standard and noise-aware losses, including a novel Bootstrapped DICE-Coefficient loss, on two challenging road segmentation benchmarks. Our losses yield a consistent improvement in overall extraction quality and exhibit a strong capacity to cope with severe label noise. Our method generalizes well to two other fine-grained topology delineation tasks: surface crack detection for quality inspection and cell membrane extraction in electron microscopy imagery.

Transitional Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Real-World Dirt Road Segmentation

Yooseung Wang, Jihun Park

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Auto-TLDR; Transitional Asymmetric Non-Local Neural Networks for Semantic Segmentation on Dirt Roads

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Understanding images by predicting pixel-level semantic classes is a fundamental task in computer vision and is one of the most important techniques for autonomous driving. Recent approaches based on deep convolutional neural networks have dramatically improved the speed and accuracy of semantic segmentation on paved road datasets, however, dirt roads have yet to be systematically studied. Dirt roads do not contain clear boundaries between drivable and non-drivable regions; and thus, this difficulty must be overcome for the realization of fully autonomous vehicles. The key idea of our approach is to apply lightweight non-local blocks to reinforce stage-wise long-range dependencies in encoder-decoder style backbone networks. Experiments on 4,687 images of a dirt road dataset show that our transitional asymmetric non-local neural networks present a higher accuracy with lower computational costs compared to state-of-the-art models.

Generic Document Image Dewarping by Probabilistic Discretization of Vanishing Points

Gilles Simon, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Robust Document Dewarping using vanishing points

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Document images dewarping is still a challenge especially when documents are captured with one camera in an uncontrolled environment. In this paper we propose a generic approach based on vanishing points (VP) to reconstruct the 3D shape of document pages. Unlike previous methods we do not need to segment the text included in the documents. Therefore, our approach is less sensitive to pre-processing and segmentation errors. The computation of the VPs is robust and relies on the a-contrario framework, which has only one parameter whose setting is based on probabilistic reasoning instead of experimental tuning. Thus, our method can be applied to any kind of document including text and non-text blocks and extended to other kind of images. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robust to a variety of distortions.

EAGLE: Large-Scale Vehicle Detection Dataset in Real-World Scenarios Using Aerial Imagery

Seyed Majid Azimi, Reza Bahmanyar, Corentin Henry, Kurz Franz

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Auto-TLDR; EAGLE: A Large-Scale Dataset for Multi-class Vehicle Detection with Object Orientation Information in Airborne Imagery

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Multi-class vehicle detection from airborne imagery with orientation estimation is an important task in the near and remote vision domains with applications in traffic monitoring and disaster management. In the last decade, we have witnessed significant progress in object detection in ground imagery, but it is still in its infancy in airborne imagery, mostly due to the scarcity of diverse and large-scale datasets. Despite being a useful tool for different applications, current airborne datasets only partially reflect the challenges of real-world scenarios. To address this issue, we introduce EAGLE (oriEnted object detection using Aerial imaGery in real-worLd scEnarios), a large-scale dataset for multi-class vehicle detection with object orientation information in aerial imagery. It features high-resolution aerial images composed of different real-world situations with a wide variety of camera sensor, resolution, flight altitude, weather, illumination, haze, shadow, time, city, country, occlusion, and camera angle. The annotation was done by airborne imagery experts with small- and large-vehicle classes. EAGLE contains 215,986 instances annotated with oriented bounding boxes defined by four points and orientation, making it by far the largest dataset to date in this task. It also supports researches on the haze and shadow removal as well as super-resolution and in-painting applications. We define three tasks: detection by (1) horizontal bounding boxes, (2) rotated bounding boxes, and (3) oriented bounding boxes. We carried out several experiments to evaluate several state-of-the-art methods in object detection on our dataset to form a baseline. Experiments show that the EAGLE dataset accurately reflects real-world situations and correspondingly challenging applications. The dataset will be made publicly available.

A Fine-Grained Dataset and Its Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Unstructured Driving Scenarios

Kai Andreas Metzger, Peter Mortimer, Hans J "Joe" Wuensche

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Auto-TLDR; TAS500: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments

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Research in autonomous driving for unstructured environments suffers from a lack of semantically labeled datasets compared to its urban counterpart. Urban and unstructured outdoor environments are challenging due to the varying lighting and weather conditions during a day and across seasons. In this paper, we introduce TAS500, a novel semantic segmentation dataset for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. TAS500 offers fine-grained vegetation and terrain classes to learn drivable surfaces and natural obstacles in outdoor scenes effectively. We evaluate the performance of modern semantic segmentation models with an additional focus on their efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of fine-grained semantic classes to improve the overall prediction accuracy, especially along the class boundaries. The dataset, code, and pretrained model are available online.

Automatically Gather Address Specific Dwelling Images Using Google Street View

Salman Khan, Carl Salvaggio

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Address Specific Dwelling Image Collection Using Google Street View Data

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Exciting research is being conducted using Google’s street view imagery. Researchers can have access to training data that allows CNN training for topics ranging from assessing neighborhood environments to estimating the age of a building. However, due to the uncontrolled nature of imagery available via Google’s Street View API, data collection can be lengthy and tedious. In an effort to help researchers gather address specific dwelling images efficiently, we developed an innovative and novel way of automatically performing this task. It was accomplished by exploiting Google’s publicly available platform with a combination of 3 separate network types and postprocessing techniques. Our uniquely developed NMS technique helped achieve 99.4%, valid, address specific dwelling images.

Semantic Segmentation Refinement Using Entropy and Boundary-guided Monte Carlo Sampling and Directed Regional Search

Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Ruojing Wang, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Directed Region Search and Refinement for Semantic Segmentation

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Semantic segmentation requires both large receptive field and accurate spatial information. Despite existing methods based on fully convolutional network have greatly improved the accuracy, the prediction results still do not show satisfactory on small objects and boundary regions. We propose a refinement algorithm to improve the result generated by front network. Our method takes a modified U-shape network to generate both of segmentation mask and semantic boundary, which are used as inputs of refinement algorithm. We creatively introduce information entropy to represent the confidence of the neural network's prediction corresponding to each pixel. The information entropy combined with the semantic boundary can capture those unpredictable pixels with low-confidence through Monte Carlo sampling. Each selected pixel will be used as initial seeds for directed region search and refinement. Our purpose is to search the neighbor high-confidence regions according to the initial seeds. The re-labeling approach is based on high-confidence results. Particularly, different from general region growing methods, our method adopts a directed region search strategy based on gradient descent to find the high-confidence region effectively. Our method improves the performance both on Cityscapes and PASCAL VOC datasets. In the evaluation of segmentation accuracy of some small objects, our method surpasses most of state of the art methods.

Video Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Multi-View Representation Learning

Akrem Sellami, Salvatore Tabbone

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Multi-view Representation Learning for Video Object Segmentation

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In this paper, we propose a deep learning model based on deep multi-view representation learning, to address the video object segmentation task. The proposed model emphasizes the importance of the inherent correlation between video frames and incorporates a multi-view representation learning based on deep canonically correlated autoencoders. The multi-view representation learning in our model provides an efficient mechanism for capturing inherent correlations by jointly extracting useful features and learning better representation into a joint feature space, i.e., shared representation. To increase the training data and the learning capacity, we train the proposed model with pairs of video frames, i.e., $F_{a}$ and $F_{b}$. During the segmentation phase, the deep canonically correlated autoencoders model encodes useful features by processing multiple reference frames together, which is used to detect the frequently reappearing. Our model enhances the state-of-the-art deep learning-based methods that mainly focus on learning discriminative foreground representations over appearance and motion. Experimental results over two large benchmarks demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform competitive approaches and to reach good performances, in terms of semantic segmentation.

FC-DCNN: A Densely Connected Neural Network for Stereo Estimation

Dominik Hirner, Friedrich Fraundorfer

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Auto-TLDR; FC-DCNN: A Lightweight Network for Stereo Estimation

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We propose a novel lightweight network for stereo estimation. Our network consists of a fully-convolutional densely connected neural network (FC-DCNN) that computes matching costs between rectified image pairs. Our FC-DCNN method learns expressive features and performs some simple but effective post-processing steps. The densely connected layer structure connects the output of each layer to the input of each subsequent layer. This network structure in addition to getting rid of any fully-connected layers leads to a very lightweight network. The output of this network is used in order to calculate matching costs and create a cost-volume. Instead of using time and memory-inefficient cost-aggregation methods such as semi-global matching or conditional random fields in order to improve the result, we rely on filtering techniques, namely median filter and guided filter. By computing a left-right consistency check we get rid of inconsistent values. Afterwards we use a watershed foreground-background segmentation on the disparity image with removed inconsistencies. This mask is then used to refine the final prediction. We show that our method works well for both challenging indoor and outdoor scenes by evaluating it on the Middlebury, KITTI and ETH3D benchmarks respectively.

CASNet: Common Attribute Support Network for Image Instance and Panoptic Segmentation

Xiaolong Liu, Yuqing Hou, Anbang Yao, Yurong Chen, Keqiang Li

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Auto-TLDR; Common Attribute Support Network for instance segmentation and panoptic segmentation

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Instance segmentation and panoptic segmentation is being paid more and more attention in recent years. In comparison with bounding box based object detection and semantic segmentation, instance segmentation can provide more analytical results at pixel level. Given the insight that pixels belonging to one instance have one or more common attributes of current instance, we bring up an one-stage instance segmentation network named Common Attribute Support Network (CASNet), which realizes instance segmentation by predicting and clustering common attributes. CASNet is designed in the manner of fully convolutional and can implement training and inference from end to end. And CASNet manages predicting the instance without overlaps and holes, which problem exists in most of current instance segmentation algorithms. Furthermore, it can be easily extended to panoptic segmentation through minor modifications with little computation overhead. CASNet builds a bridge between semantic and instance segmentation from finding pixel class ID to obtaining class and instance ID by operations on common attribute. Through experiment for instance and panoptic segmentation, CASNet gets mAP 32.8\% and PQ 59.0\% on Cityscapes validation dataset by joint training, and mAP 36.3\% and PQ 66.1\% by separated training mode. For panoptic segmentation, CASNet gets state-of-the-art performance on the Cityscapes validation dataset.

DE-Net: Dilated Encoder Network for Automated Tongue Segmentation

Hui Tang, Bin Wang, Jun Zhou, Yongsheng Gao

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Auto-TLDR; Automated Tongue Image Segmentation using De-Net

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Automated tongue recognition is a growing research field due to global demand for personal health care. Using mobile devices to take tongue pictures is convenient and of low cost for tongue recognition. It is particularly suitable for self-health evaluation of the public. However, images taken by mobile devices are easily affected by various imaging environment, which makes fine segmentation a more challenging task compared with those taken by specialized acquisition devices. Deep learning approaches are promising for tongue image segmentation because they have powerful feature learning and representation capability. However, the successive pooling operations in these methods lead to loss of information on image details, making them fail when segmenting low-quality images captured by mobile devices. To address this issue, we propose a dilated encoder network (DE-Net) to capture more high-level features and get high-resolution output for automated tongue image segmentation. In addition, we construct two tongue image datasets which contain images taken by specialized devices and mobile devices, respectively, to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experimental results on both datasets demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in tongue image segmentation.

Dynamic Guided Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Xiaoxia Xing, Yinghao Cai, Yiping Yang, Dayong Wen

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Auto-TLDR; DGNet: Dynamic Guidance Upsampling for Self-attention-Decoding for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Self-attention or encoder-decoder structure has been widely used in deep neural networks for monocular depth estimation tasks. The former mechanism are capable to capture long-range information by computing the representation of each position by a weighted sum of the features at all positions, while the latter networks can capture structural details information by gradually recovering the spatial information. In this work, we combine the advantages of both methods. Specifically, our proposed model, DGNet, extends EMANet Network by adding an effective decoder module to refine the depth results. In the decoder stage, we further design dynamic guidance upsampling which uses local neighboring information of low-level features guide coarser depth to upsample. In this way, dynamic guidance upsampling generates content-dependent and spatially-variant kernels for depth upsampling which makes full use of spatial details information from low-level features. Experimental results demonstrate that our method obtains higher accuracy and generates the desired depth map.

ID Documents Matching and Localization with Multi-Hypothesis Constraints

Guillaume Chiron, Nabil Ghanmi, Ahmad Montaser Awal

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Auto-TLDR; Identity Document Localization in the Wild Using Multi-hypothesis Exploration

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This paper presents an approach for spotting and accurately localizing identity documents in the wild. Contrary to blind solutions that often rely on borders and corners detection, the proposed approach requires a classification a priori along with a list of predefined models. The matching and accurate localization are performed using specific ID document features. This process is especially difficult due to the intrinsic variable nature of ID models (text fields, multi-pass printing with offset, unstable layouts, added artifacts, blinking security elements, non-rigid materials). We tackle the problem by putting different combinations of features in competition within a multi-hypothesis exploration where only the best document quadrilateral candidate is retained thanks to a custom visual similarity metric. The idea is to find, in a given context, at least one feature able to correctly crop the document. The proposed solution has been tested and has shown its benefits on both the MIDV-500 academic dataset and an industrial one supposedly more representative of a real-life application.

PSDNet: A Balanced Architecture of Accuracy and Parameters for Semantic Segmentation

Yue Liu, Zhichao Lian

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Auto-TLDR; Pyramid Pooling Module with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet)

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Abstract—In this paper, we present our Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM) with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet), a novel architecture for accurate semantic segmentation. Started from the known work called Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet), PSDNet takes advantage of pyramid pooling structure with channel attention module and feature transform module in Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM). The enhanced PPM with these two components can strengthen context information flowing in the network instead of damaging it. The channel attention module we mentioned is an improved “Squeeze and Excitation with 1D Convolution” (SE1C) block which can explicitly model interrelationship between channels with fewer number of parameters. We propose a feature transform module named “Depth to Space Upsampling” (D2SUpsample) in the PPM which keeps integrity of features by transforming features while interpolating features, at the same time reducing parameters. In addition, we introduce a joint strategy in SE1Cblock which combines two variants of global pooling without increasing parameters. Compared with PSPNet, our work achieves higher accuracy on public datasets with 73.97% mIoU and 82.89% mAcc accuracy on Cityscapes Dataset based on ResNet50 backbone.

One Step Clustering Based on A-Contrario Framework for Detection of Alterations in Historical Violins

Alireza Rezaei, Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle, Emanuel Aldea, Piercarlo Dondi, Marco Malagodi

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Auto-TLDR; A-Contrario Clustering for the Detection of Altered Violins using UVIFL Images

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Preventive conservation is an important practice in Cultural Heritage. The constant monitoring of the state of conservation of an artwork helps us reduce the risk of damage and number of interventions necessary. In this work, we propose a probabilistic approach for the detection of alterations on the surface of historical violins based on an a-contrario framework. Our method is a one step NFA clustering solution which considers grey-level and spatial density information in one background model. The proposed method is robust to noise and avoids parameter tuning and any assumption about the quantity of the worn out areas. We have used as input UV induced fluorescence (UVIFL) images for considering details not perceivable with visible light. Tests were conducted on image sequences included in the ``Violins UVIFL imagery'' dataset. Results illustrate the ability of the algorithm to distinguish the worn area from the surrounding regions. Comparisons with the state of the art clustering methods shows improved overall precision and recall.

A Novel Region of Interest Extraction Layer for Instance Segmentation

Leonardo Rossi, Akbar Karimi, Andrea Prati

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Auto-TLDR; Generic RoI Extractor for Two-Stage Neural Network for Instance Segmentation

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Given the wide diffusion of deep neural network architectures for computer vision tasks, several new applications are nowadays more and more feasible. Among them, a particular attention has been recently given to instance segmentation, by exploiting the results achievable by two-stage networks (such as Mask R-CNN or Faster R-CNN), derived from R-CNN. In these complex architectures, a crucial role is played by the Region of Interest (RoI) extraction layer, devoted to extract a coherent subset of features from a single Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) layer attached on top of a backbone. This paper is motivated by the need to overcome to the limitations of existing RoI extractors which select only one (the best) layer from FPN. Our intuition is that all the layers of FPN retain useful information. Therefore, the proposed layer (called Generic RoI Extractor - GRoIE) introduces non-local building blocks and attention mechanisms to boost the performance. A comprehensive ablation study at component level is conducted to find the best set of algorithms and parameters for the GRoIE layer. Moreover, GRoIE can be integrated seamlessly with every two-stage architecture for both object detection and instance segmentation tasks. Therefore, the improvements brought by the use of GRoIE in different state-of-the-art architectures are also evaluated. The proposed layer leads up to gain a 1.1% AP on bounding box detection and 1.7% AP on instance segmentation. The code is publicly available on GitHub repository at https://github.com/IMPLabUniPr/mmdetection-groie

Learning Defects in Old Movies from Manually Assisted Restoration

Arthur Renaudeau, Travis Seng, Axel Carlier, Jean-Denis Durou, Fabien Pierre, Francois Lauze, Jean-François Aujol

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Auto-TLDR; U-Net: Detecting Defects in Old Movies by Inpainting Techniques

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We propose to detect defects in old movies, as the first step of a larger framework of old movies restoration by inpainting techniques. The specificity of our work is to learn a film restorer's expertise from a pair of sequences, composed of a movie with defects, and the same movie which was semi-automatically restored with the help of a specialized software. In order to detect those defects with minimal human interaction and further reduce the time spent for a restoration, we feed a U-Net with consecutive defective frames as input to detect the unexpected variations of pixel intensity over space and time. Since the output of the network is a mask of defect location, we first have to create the dataset of mask frames on the basis of restored frames from the software used by the film restorer, instead of classical synthetic ground truth, which is not available. These masks are estimated by computing the absolute difference between restored frames and defectuous frames, combined with thresholding and morphological closing. Our network succeeds in automatically detecting real defects with more precision than the manual selection with an all-encompassing shape, including some the expert restorer could have missed for lack of time.

Multi-scale Processing of Noisy Images using Edge Preservation Losses

Nati Ofir

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-scale U-net for Noisy Image Detection and Denoising

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Noisy image processing is a fundamental task of computer vision. The first example is the detection of faint edges in noisy images, a challenging problem studied in the last decades. A recent study introduced a fast method to detect faint edges in the highest accuracy among all the existing approaches. Their complexity is nearly linear in the image's pixels and their runtime is seconds for a noisy image. Their approach utilizes a multi-scale binary partitioning of the image. By utilizing the multi-scale U-net architecture, we show in this paper that their method can be dramatically improved in both aspects of run time and accuracy. By training the network on a dataset of binary images, we developed an approach for faint edge detection that works in linear complexity. Our runtime of a noisy image is milliseconds on a GPU. Even though our method is orders of magnitude faster, we still achieve higher accuracy of detection under many challenging scenarios. In addition, we show that our approach to performing multi-scale preprocessing of noisy images using U-net improves the ability to perform other vision tasks under the presence of noise. We prove it on the problems of noisy objects classification and classical image denoising. We show that multi-scale denoising can be carried out by a novel edge preservation loss. As our experiments show, we achieve high-quality results in the three aspects of faint edge detection, noisy image classification and natural image denoising.

Edge-Aware Monocular Dense Depth Estimation with Morphology

Zhi Li, Xiaoyang Zhu, Haitao Yu, Qi Zhang, Yongshi Jiang

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Auto-TLDR; Spatio-Temporally Smooth Dense Depth Maps Using Only a CPU

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Dense depth maps play an important role in Computer Vision and AR (Augmented Reality). For CV applications, a dense depth map is the cornerstone of 3D reconstruction allowing real objects to be precisely displayed in the computer. And Dense depth maps can handle correct occlusion relationships between virtual content and real objects for better user experience in AR. However, the complicated computation limits the development of computing dense depth maps. We present a novel algorithm that produces low latency, spatio-temporally smooth dense depth maps using only a CPU. The depth maps exhibit sharp discontinuities at depth edges in low computational complexity ways. Our algorithm obtains the sparse SLAM reconstruction first, then extracts coarse depth edges from a down-sampled RGB image by morphology operations. Next, we thin the depth edges and align them with image edges. Finally, a Warm-Start initialization scheme and an improved optimization solver are adopted to accelerate convergence. We evaluate our proposal quantitatively and the result shows improvements on the accuracy of depth map with respect to other state-of-the-art and baseline techniques.

GSTO: Gated Scale-Transfer Operation for Multi-Scale Feature Learning in Semantic Segmentation

Zhuoying Wang, Yongtao Wang, Zhi Tang, Yangyan Li, Ying Chen, Haibin Ling, Weisi Lin

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Auto-TLDR; Gated Scale-Transfer Operation for Semantic Segmentation

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Existing CNN-based methods for semantic segmentation heavily depend on multi-scale features to meet the requirements of both semantic comprehension and detail preservation. State-of-the-art segmentation networks widely exploit conventional scale-transfer operations, i.e., up-sampling and down-sampling to learn multi-scale features. In this work, we find that these operations lead to scale-confused features and suboptimal performance because they are spatial-invariant and directly transit all feature information cross scales without spatial selection. To address this issue, we propose the Gated Scale-Transfer Operation (GSTO) to properly transit spatial-filtered features to another scale. Specifically, GSTO can work either with or without extra supervision. Unsupervised GSTO is learned from the feature itself while the supervised one is guided by the supervised probability matrix. Both forms of GSTO are lightweight and plug-and-play, which can be flexibly integrated into networks or modules for learning better multi-scale features. In particular, by plugging GSTO into HRNet, we get a more powerful backbone (namely GSTO-HRNet) for pixel labeling, and it achieves new state-of-the-art results on multiple benchmarks for semantic segmentation including Cityscapes, LIP and Pascal Context, with negligible extra computational cost. Moreover, experiment results demonstrate that GSTO can also significantly boost the performance of multi-scale feature aggregation modules like PPM and ASPP.

User-Independent Gaze Estimation by Extracting Pupil Parameter and Its Mapping to the Gaze Angle

Sang Yoon Han, Nam Ik Cho

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Auto-TLDR; Gaze Point Estimation using Pupil Shape for Generalization

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Since gaze estimation plays a crucial role in recognizing human intentions, it has been researched for a long time, and its accuracy is ever increasing. However, due to the wide variation in eye shapes and focusing abilities between the individuals, accuracies of most algorithms vary depending on each person in the test group, especially when the initial calibration is not well performed. To alleviate the user-dependency, we attempt to derive features that are general for most people and use them as the input to a deep network instead of using the images as the input. Specifically, we use the pupil shape as the core feature because it is directly related to the 3D eyeball rotation, and thus the gaze direction. While existing deep learning methods learn the gaze point by extracting various features from the image, we focus on the mapping function from the eyeball rotation to the gaze point by using the pupil shape as the input. It is shown that the accuracy of gaze point estimation also becomes robust for the uncalibrated points by following the characteristics of the mapping function. Also, our gaze network learns the gaze difference to facilitate the re-calibration process to fix the calibration-drift problem that typically occurs with glass-type or head-mount devices.

3D Pots Configuration System by Optimizing Over Geometric Constraints

Jae Eun Kim, Muhammad Zeeshan Arshad, Seong Jong Yoo, Je Hyeong Hong, Jinwook Kim, Young Min Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Optimizing 3D Configurations for Stable Pottery Restoration from irregular and noisy evidence

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While potteries are common artifacts excavated in archaeological sites, the restoration process relies on the manual cleaning and reassembling shattered pieces. Since the number of possible 3D configurations is considerably large, the exhaustive manual trial may result in an abrasion on fractured surfaces and even failure to find the correct matches. As a result, many recent works suggest virtual reassembly from 3D scans of the fragments. The problem is challenging in the view of the conventional 3D geometric analysis, as it is hard to extract reliable shape features from the thin break lines. We propose to optimize the global configuration by combining geometric constraints with information from noisy shape features. Specifically, we enforce bijection and continuity of sequence of correspondences given estimates of corners and pair-wise matching scores between multiple break lines. We demonstrate that our pipeline greatly increases the accuracy of correspondences, resulting in the stable restoration of 3D configurations from irregular and noisy evidence.

Encoder-Decoder Based Convolutional Neural Networks with Multi-Scale-Aware Modules for Crowd Counting

Pongpisit Thanasutives, Ken-Ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao, Boonserm Kijsirikul

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Auto-TLDR; M-SFANet and M-SegNet for Crowd Counting Using Multi-Scale Fusion Networks

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In this paper, we proposed two modified neural networks based on dual path multi-scale fusion networks (SFANet) and SegNet for accurate and efficient crowd counting. Inspired by SFANet, the first model, which is named M-SFANet, is attached with atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) and context-aware module (CAN). The encoder of M-SFANet is enhanced with ASPP containing parallel atrous convolutional layers with different sampling rates and hence able to extract multi-scale features of the target object and incorporate larger context. To further deal with scale variation throughout an input image, we leverage the CAN module which adaptively encodes the scales of the contextual information. The combination yields an effective model for counting in both dense and sparse crowd scenes. Based on the SFANet decoder structure, M-SFANet's decoder has dual paths, for density map and attention map generation. The second model is called M-SegNet, which is produced by replacing the bilinear upsampling in SFANet with max unpooling that is used in SegNet. This change provides a faster model while providing competitive counting performance. Designed for high-speed surveillance applications, M-SegNet has no additional multi-scale-aware module in order to not increase the complexity. Both models are encoder-decoder based architectures and are end-to-end trainable. We conduct extensive experiments on five crowd counting datasets and one vehicle counting dataset to show that these modifications yield algorithms that could improve state-of-the-art crowd counting methods.

Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

Mucong Ye, Ouyang Jinpeng, Ge Chen, Jing Zhang, Xiaogang Yu

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Auto-TLDR; EFPN: Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network for Semantic Segmentation

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Multi-scale feature fusion has been an effective way for improving the performance of semantic segmentation. However, current methods generally fail to consider the semantic gaps between the shallow (low-level) and deep (high-level) features and thus the fusion methods may not be optimal. In this paper, to address the issues of the semantic gap between the feature from different layers, we propose a unified framework based on the U-shape encoder-decoder architecture, named Enhanced Feature Pyramid Network (EFPN). Specifically, the semantic enhancement module (SEM), boundary extraction module (BEM), and context aggregation model (CAM) are incorporated into the decoder network to improve the robustness of the multi-level features aggregation. In addition, a global fusion model (GFM) in encoder branch is proposed to capture more semantic information in the deep layers and effectively transmit the high-level semantic features to each layer. Extensive experiments are conducted and the results show that the proposed framework achieves the state-of-the-art results on three public datasets, namely PASCAL VOC 2012, Cityscapes, and PASCAL Context. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for other visual tasks that require frequent fusing features and upsampling.

Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving: Mapping the Accurate Location in the City Maze

Dongfang Liu, Yiming Cui, Xiaolei Guo, Wei Ding, Baijian Yang, Yingjie Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Feature Voting for Robust Visual Localization in Urban Settings

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Accurate localization is a foundational capacity, required for autonomous vehicles to accomplish other tasks such as navigation or path planning. It is a common practice for vehicles to use GPS to acquire location information. However, the application of GPS can result in severe challenges when vehicles run within the inner city where different kinds of structures may shadow the GPS signal and lead to inaccurate location results. To address the localization challenges of urban settings, we propose a novel feature voting technique for visual localization. Different from the conventional front-view-based method, our approach employs views from three directions (front, left, and right) and thus significantly improves the robustness of location prediction. In our work, we craft the proposed feature voting method into three state-of-the-art visual localization networks and modify their architectures properly so that they can be applied for vehicular operation. Extensive field test results indicate that our approach can predict location robustly even in challenging inner-city settings. Our research sheds light on using the visual localization approach to help autonomous vehicles to find accurate location information in a city maze, within a desirable time constraint.

Directional Graph Networks with Hard Weight Assignments

Miguel Dominguez, Raymond Ptucha

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Auto-TLDR; Hard Directional Graph Networks for Point Cloud Analysis

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Point cloud analysis is an important field for 3D scene understanding. It has applications in self driving cars and robotics (via LIDAR sensors), 3D graphics, and computer-aided design. Neural networks have recently achieved strong results on point cloud analysis problems such as classification and segmentation. Each point cloud network has the challenge of defining a convolution that can learn useful features on unstructured points. Some recent point cloud convolutions create separate weight matrices for separate directions like a CNN, but apply every weight matrix to every neighbor with soft assignments. This increases computational complexity and makes relatively small neighborhood aggregations expensive to compute. We propose Hard Directional Graph Networks (HDGN), a point cloud model that both learns directional weight matrices and assigns a single matrix to each neighbor, achieving directional convolutions at lower computational cost. HDGN's directional modeling achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple point cloud vision benchmarks.

Detection and Correspondence Matching of Corneal Reflections for Eye Tracking Using Deep Learning

Soumil Chugh, Braiden Brousseau, Jonathan Rose, Moshe Eizenman

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Auto-TLDR; A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Corneal Reflection Detection and Matching in Extended Reality Eye Tracking Systems

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Eye tracking systems that estimate the point-of-gaze are essential in extended reality (XR) systems as they enable new interaction paradigms and technological improvements. It is important for these systems to maintain accuracy when the headset moves relative to the head (known as device slippage) due to head movements or user adjustment. One of the most accurate eye tracking techniques, which is also insensitive to shifts of the system relative to the head, uses two or more infrared (IR) light emitting diodes to illuminate the eye and an IR camera to capture images of the eye. An essential step in estimating the point-of-gaze in these systems is the precise determination of the location of two or more corneal reflections (virtual images of the IR-LEDs that illuminate the eye) in images of the eye. Eye trackers tend to have multiple light sources to ensure at least one pair of reflections for each gaze position. The use of multiple light sources introduces a difficult problem: the need to match the corneal reflections with the corresponding light source over the range of expected eye movements. Corneal reflection detection and matching often fail in XR systems due to the proximity of camera and steep illumination angles of light sources with respect to the eye. The failures are caused by corneal reflections having varying shape and intensity levels or disappearance due to rotation of the eye, or the presence of spurious reflections. We have developed a fully convolutional neural network, based on the UNET architecture, that solves the detection and matching problem in the presence of spurious and missing reflections. Eye images of 25 people were collected in a virtual reality headset using a binocular eye tracking module consisting of five infrared light sources per eye. A set of 4,000 eye images were manually labelled for each of the corneal reflections, and data augmentation was used to generate a dataset of 40,000 images. The network is able to correctly identify and match 91% of corneal reflections present in the test set. This is comparable to a state-of-the-art deep learning system, but our approach requires 33 times less memory and executes 10 times faster. The proposed algorithm, when used in an eye tracker in a VR system, achieved an average mean absolute gaze error of 1°. This is a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art learning-based XR eye tracking systems that have reported gaze errors of 2-3°.