Regularized Flexible Activation Function Combinations for Deep Neural Networks

Renlong Jie, Junbin Gao, Andrey Vasnev, Minh-Ngoc Tran

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Auto-TLDR; Flexible Activation in Deep Neural Networks using ReLU and ELUs

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Activation in deep neural networks is fundamental to achieving non-linear mappings. Traditional studies mainly focus on finding fixed activations for a particular set of learning tasks or model architectures. The research on flexible activation is quite limited in both designing philosophy and application scenarios. In this study, three principles of choosing flexible activation components are proposed and a general combined form of flexible activation functions is implemented. Based on this, a novel family of flexible activation functions that can replace sigmoid or tanh in LSTM cells are implemented, as well as a new family by combining ReLU and ELUs. Also, two new regularisation terms based on assumptions as prior knowledge are introduced. It has been shown that LSTM models with proposed flexible activations P-Sig-Ramp provide significant improvements in time series forecasting, while the proposed P-E2-ReLU achieves better and more stable performance on lossy image compression tasks with convolutional auto-encoders. In addition, the proposed regularization terms improve the convergence,performance and stability of the models with flexible activation functions. The code for this paper is available at Activation.

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Fractional Adaptation of Activation Functions in Neural Networks

Julio Zamora Esquivel, Jesus Adan Cruz Vargas, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Hector Alfonso Cordourier Maruri, Jose Rodrigo Camacho Perez, Omesh Tickoo

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Auto-TLDR; Automatic Selection of Activation Functions in Neural Networks using Fractional Calculus

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In this work, we introduce a generalization methodology for the automatic selection of the activation functions inside a neural network, taking advantage of concepts defined in fractional calculus. This methodology enables the neural network to search and optimize its own activation functions during the training process, by defining the fractional order of the derivative of a given primitive activation function. This fractional order is tuned as an additional training hyper-parameter a for intrafamily selection and b for cross family selection. By following this approach, the neurons inside the network can adjust their activation functions, e.g. from MLP to RBF networks, to best fit the input data, and reduce the output error. The experimental results obtained show the benefits of using this technique implemented on a ResNet18 topology, by outperforming the accuracy of a ResNet100 trained with CIFAR10 and Improving 1% ImageNet reported in the literature.

RNN Training along Locally Optimal Trajectories via Frank-Wolfe Algorithm

Yun Yue, Ming Li, Venkatesh Saligrama, Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Efficient Training of RNNs

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We propose a novel and efficient training method for RNNs by iteratively seeking a local minima on the loss surface within a small region, and leverage this directional vector for the update, in an outer-loop. We propose to utilize the Frank-Wolfe (FW) algorithm in this context. Although, FW implicitly involves normalized gradients, which can lead to a slow convergence rate, we develop a novel RNN training method that, surprisingly, even with the additional cost, the overall training cost is empirically observed to be lower than back-propagation. Our method leads to a new Frank-Wolfe method, that is in essence an SGD algorithm with a restart scheme. We prove that under certain conditions our algorithm has a sublinear convergence rate of $O(1/\epsilon)$ for $\epsilon$ error. We then conduct empirical experiments on several benchmark datasets including those that exhibit long-term dependencies, and show significant performance improvement. We also experiment with deep RNN architectures and show efficient training performance. Finally, we demonstrate that our training method is robust to noisy data.

Generalization Comparison of Deep Neural Networks Via Output Sensitivity

Mahsa Forouzesh, Farnood Salehi, Patrick Thiran

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Auto-TLDR; Generalization of Deep Neural Networks using Sensitivity

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Although recent works have brought some insights into the performance improvement of techniques used in state-of-the-art deep-learning models, more work is needed to understand their generalization properties. We shed light on this matter by linking the loss function to the output's sensitivity to its input. We find a rather strong empirical relation between the output sensitivity and the variance in the bias-variance decomposition of the loss function, which hints on using sensitivity as a metric for comparing the generalization performance of networks, without requiring labeled data. We find that sensitivity is decreased by applying popular methods which improve the generalization performance of the model, such as (1) using a deep network rather than a wide one, (2) adding convolutional layers to baseline classifiers instead of adding fully-connected layers, (3) using batch normalization, dropout and max-pooling, and (4) applying parameter initialization techniques.

Improving Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction for Deep Neural Networks

Pak Lun Kevin Ding, Martin Sarah, Baoxin Li

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Auto-TLDR; Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction

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Batch Normalization (BN) is a well-known technique used in training deep neural networks. The main idea behind batch normalization is to normalize the features of the layers ($i.e.$, transforming them to have a mean equal to zero and a variance equal to one). Such a procedure encourages the optimization landscape of the loss function to be smoother, and improve the learning of the networks for both speed and performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that the performance of the network can be improved, if the distributions of the features of the output in the same layer are similar. As normalizing based on mean and variance does not necessarily make the features to have the same distribution, we propose a new normalization scheme: Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction (BNSR). Comparing with other normalization approaches, BNSR transforms not just only the mean and variance, but also the skewness of the data. By tackling this property of a distribution, we are able to make the output distributions of the layers to be further similar. The nonlinearity of BNSR may further improve the expressiveness of the underlying network. Comparisons with other normalization schemes are tested on the CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed approach can outperform other state-of-the-arts that are not equipped with BNSR.

Exploiting Non-Linear Redundancy for Neural Model Compression

Muhammad Ahmed Shah, Raphael Olivier, Bhiksha Raj

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Auto-TLDR; Compressing Deep Neural Networks with Linear Dependency

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Deploying deep learning models with millions, even billions, of parameters is challenging given real world memory, power and compute constraints. In an effort to make these models more practical, in this paper, we propose a novel model compression approach that exploits linear dependence between the activations in a layer to eliminate entire structural units (neurons/convolutional filters). Our approach also adjusts the weights of the layer in a manner that is provably lossless while training if the removed neuron was perfectly predictable. We combine this approach with an annealing algorithm that may be applied during training, or even on a trained model, and demonstrate, using popular datasets, that our technique can reduce the parameters of VGG and AlexNet by more than 97\% on \cifar, 85\% on \caltech, and 19\% on ImageNet at less than 2\% loss in accuracy. Furthermore, we provide theoretical results showing that in overparametrized, locally linear (ReLU) neural networks where redundant features exist, and with correct hyperparameter selection, our method is indeed able to capture and suppress those dependencies.

Neuron-Based Network Pruning Based on Majority Voting

Ali Alqahtani, Xianghua Xie, Ehab Essa, Mark W. Jones

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Auto-TLDR; Large-Scale Neural Network Pruning using Majority Voting

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The achievement of neural networks in a variety of applications is accompanied by a dramatic increase in computational costs and memory requirements. In this paper, we propose an efficient method to simultaneously identify the critical neurons and prune the model during training without involving any pre-training or fine-tuning procedures. Unlike existing methods, which accomplish this task in a greedy fashion, we propose a majority voting technique to compare the activation values among neurons and assign a voting score to quantitatively evaluate their importance.This mechanism helps to effectively reduce model complexity by eliminating the less influential neurons and aims to determine a subset of the whole model that can represent the reference model with much fewer parameters within the training process. Experimental results show that majority voting efficiently compresses the network with no drop in model accuracy, pruning more than 79\% of the original model parameters on CIFAR10 and more than 91\% of the original parameters on MNIST. Moreover, we show that with our proposed method, sparse models can be further pruned into even smaller models by removing more than 60\% of the parameters, whilst preserving the reference model accuracy.

Feature Engineering and Stacked Echo State Networks for Musical Onset Detection

Peter Steiner, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Simon Stone, Peter Birkholz

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Auto-TLDR; Echo State Networks for Onset Detection in Music Analysis

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In music analysis, one of the most fundamental tasks is note onset detection - detecting the beginning of new note events. As the target function of onset detection is related to other tasks, such as beat tracking or tempo estimation, onset detection is the basis for such related tasks. Furthermore, it can help to improve Automatic Music Transcription (AMT). Typically, different approaches for onset detection follow a similar outline: An audio signal is transformed into an Onset Detection Function (ODF), which should have rather low values (i.e. close to zero) for most of the time but with pronounced peaks at onset times, which can then be extracted by applying peak picking algorithms on the ODF. In the recent years, several kinds of neural networks were used successfully to compute the ODF from feature vectors. Currently, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) define the state of the art. In this paper, we build up on an alternative approach to obtain a ODF by Echo State Networks (ESNs), which have achieved comparable results to CNNs in several tasks, such as speech and image recognition. In contrast to the typical iterative training procedures of deep learning architectures, such as CNNs or networks consisting of Long-Short-Term Memory Cells (LSTMs), in ESNs only a very small part of the weights is easily trained in one shot using linear regression. By comparing the performance of several feature extraction methods, pre-processing steps and introducing a new way to stack ESNs, we expand our previous approach to achieve results that fall between a bidirectional LSTM network and a CNN with relative improvements of 1.8% and -1.4%, respectively. For the evaluation, we used exactly the same 8-fold cross validation setup as for the reference results.

MA-LSTM: A Multi-Attention Based LSTM for Complex Pattern Extraction

Jingjie Guo, Kelang Tian, Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu

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Auto-TLDR; MA-LSTM: Multiple Attention based recurrent neural network for forget gate

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With the improvement of data, computing powerand algorithms, deep learning has achieved rapid developmentand showing excellent performance. Recently, many deep learn-ing models are proposed to solve the problems in different areas.A recurrent neural network (RNN) is a class of artificial neuralnetworks where connections between nodes form a directedgraph along a temporal sequence. This allows it to exhibittemporal dynamic behavior, which makes it applicable to taskssuch as handwriting recognition or speech recognition. How-ever, the RNN relies heavily on the automatic learning abilityto update parameters which concentrate on the data flow butseldom considers the feature extraction capability of the gatemechanism. In this paper, we propose a novel architecture tobuild the forget gate which is generated by multiple bases.Instead of using the traditional single-layer fully-connectednetwork, we use a Multiple Attention (MA) based network togenerate the forget gate which refines the optimization spaceof gate function and improve the granularity of the recurrentneural network to approximate the map in the ground truth.Credit to the MA structure on the gate mechanism. Our modelhas a better feature extraction capability than other knownmodels. MA-LSTM is an alternative module which can directly replace the recurrent neural network and has achieved good performance in many areas that people are concerned about.

Attention As Activation

Yimian Dai, Stefan Oehmcke, Fabian Gieseke, Yiquan Wu, Kobus Barnard

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Activation Units for Convolutional Networks

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Activation functions and attention mechanisms are typically treated as having different purposes and have evolved differently. However, both concepts can be formulated as a non-linear gating function. Inspired by their similarity, we propose a novel type of activation units called attentional activation~(ATAC) units as a unification of activation functions and attention mechanisms. In particular, we propose a local channel attention module for the simultaneous non-linear activation and element-wise feature refinement, which locally aggregates point-wise cross-channel feature contexts. By replacing the well-known rectified linear units by such ATAC units in convolutional networks, we can construct fully attentional networks that perform significantly better with a modest number of additional parameters. We conducted detailed ablation studies on the ATAC units using several host networks with varying network depths to empirically verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the units. Furthermore, we compared the performance of the ATAC units against existing activation functions as well as other attention mechanisms on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets. Our experimental results show that networks constructed with the proposed ATAC units generally yield performance gains over their competitors given a comparable number of parameters.

Learning Stable Deep Predictive Coding Networks with Weight Norm Supervision

Guo Ruohao

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Auto-TLDR; Stability of Predictive Coding Network with Weight Norm Supervision

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Predictive Coding Network (PCN) is an important neural network inspired by visual processing models in neuroscience. It combines the feedforward and feedback processing and has the architecture of recurrent neural networks (RNNs). This type of network is usually trained with backpropagation through time (BPTT). With infinite recurrent steps, PCN is a dynamic system. However, as one of the most important properties, stability is rarely studied in this type of network. Inspired by reservoir computing, we investigate the stability of hierarchical RNNs from the perspective of dynamic systems, and propose a sufficient condition for their echo state property (ESP). Our study shows the global stability is determined by stability of the local layers and the feedback between neighboring layers. Based on it, we further propose Weight Norm Supervision, a new algorithm that controls the stability of PCN dynamics by imposing different weight norm constraints on different parts of the network. We compare our approach with other training methods in terms of stability and prediction capability. The experiments show that our algorithm learns stable PCNs with a reliable prediction precision in the most effective and controllable way.

Emerging Relation Network and Task Embedding for Multi-Task Regression Problems

Schreiber Jens, Bernhard Sick

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Auto-TLDR; A Comparative Study of Multi-Task Learning for Non-linear Time Series Problems

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Multi-Task learning (MTL) provides state-of-the-art results in many applications of computer vision and natural language processing. In contrast to single-task learning (STL), MTL allows for leveraging knowledge between related tasks improving prediction results on all tasks. However, there is a limited number of comparative studies applied to MTL architectures for regression and time series problems taking recent advances of MTL into account. An intriguing, non-linear time-series problem are day ahead forecasts of the expected power generation for renewable power plants. Therefore, the main contribution of this article is a comparative study of the following recent and relevant MTL architectures: Hard-parameter sharing, cross-stitch network, and sluice network (SN). They are compared to a multi-layer peceptron (MLP) model of similar size in an STL setting. As a additional contribution, we provide a simple, yet practical approach to model task specific information through an embedding layer in an MLP, referred to as task embedding. Further, we contribute a new MTL architecture named emerging relation network (ERN), which can be considered as an extension of the SN. For a solar power dataset, the task embedding achieves the best mean improvement with 8.2%. For two wind and one additional solar dataset, the ERN is the best MTL architecture with improvements up to 11.3%.

WeightAlign: Normalizing Activations by Weight Alignment

Xiangwei Shi, Yunqiang Li, Xin Liu, Jan Van Gemert

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Auto-TLDR; WeightAlign: Normalization of Activations without Sample Statistics

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Batch normalization (BN) allows training very deep networks by normalizing activations by mini-batch sample statistics which renders BN unstable for small batch sizes. Current small-batch solutions such as Instance Norm, Layer Norm, and Group Norm use channel statistics which can be computed even for a single sample. Such methods are less stable than BN as they critically depend on the statistics of a single input sample. To address this problem, we propose a normalization of activation without sample statistics. We present WeightAlign: a method that normalizes the weights by the mean and scaled standard derivation computed within a filter, which normalizes activations without computing any sample statistics. Our proposed method is independent of batch size and stable over a wide range of batch sizes. Because weight statistics are orthogonal to sample statistics, we can directly combine WeightAlign with any method for activation normalization. We experimentally demonstrate these benefits for classification on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet, for semantic segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 and for domain adaptation on Office-31.

Low-Cost Lipschitz-Independent Adaptive Importance Sampling of Stochastic Gradients

Huikang Liu, Xiaolu Wang, Jiajin Li, Man-Cho Anthony So

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Importance Sampling for Stochastic Gradient Descent

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Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) usually samples training data based on the uniform distribution, which may not be a good choice because of the high variance of its stochastic gradient. Thus, importance sampling methods are considered in the literature to improve the performance. Most previous work on SGD-based methods with importance sampling requires the knowledge of Lipschitz constants of all component gradients, which are in general difficult to estimate. In this paper, we study an adaptive importance sampling method for common SGD-based methods by exploiting the local first-order information without knowing any Lipschitz constants. In particular, we periodically changes the sampling distribution by only utilizing the gradient norms in the past few iterations. We prove that our adaptive importance sampling non-asymptotically reduces the variance of the stochastic gradients in SGD, and thus better convergence bounds than that for vanilla SGD can be obtained. We extend this sampling method to several other widely used stochastic gradient algorithms including SGD with momentum and ADAM. Experiments on common convex learning problems and deep neural networks illustrate notably enhanced performance using the adaptive sampling strategy.

Not All Domains Are Equally Complex: Adaptive Multi-Domain Learning

Ali Senhaji, Jenni Karoliina Raitoharju, Moncef Gabbouj, Alexandros Iosifidis

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Parameterization for Multi-Domain Learning

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Deep learning approaches are highly specialized and require training separate models for different tasks. Multi-domain learning looks at ways to learn a multitude of different tasks, each coming from a different domain, at once. The most common approach in multi-domain learning is to form a domain agnostic model, the parameters of which are shared among all domains, and learn a small number of extra domain-specific parameters for each individual new domain. However, different domains come with different levels of difficulty; parameterizing the models of all domains using an augmented version of the domain agnostic model leads to unnecessarily inefficient solutions, especially for easy to solve tasks. We propose an adaptive parameterization approach to deep neural networks for multi-domain learning. The proposed approach performs on par with the original approach while reducing by far the number of parameters, leading to efficient multi-domain learning solutions.

Learning Sparse Deep Neural Networks Using Efficient Structured Projections on Convex Constraints for Green AI

Michel Barlaud, Frederic Guyard

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Auto-TLDR; Constrained Deep Neural Network with Constrained Splitting Projection

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In recent years, deep neural networks (DNN) have been applied to different domains and achieved dramatic performance improvements over state-of-the-art classical methods. These performances of DNNs were however often obtained with networks containing millions of parameters and which training required heavy computational power. In order to cope with this computational issue a huge literature deals with proximal regularization methods which are time consuming.\\ In this paper, we propose instead a constrained approach. We provide the general framework for our new splitting projection gradient method. Our splitting algorithm iterates a gradient step and a projection on convex sets. We study algorithms for different constraints: the classical $\ell_1$ unstructured constraint and structured constraints such as the nuclear norm, the $\ell_{2,1} $ constraint (Group LASSO). We propose a new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint for which we provide a new projection algorithm We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on three popular datasets (MNIST, Fashion MNIST and CIFAR). Experiments on these datasets show that our splitting projection method with our new $\ell_{1,1} $ structured constraint provides the best reduction of memory and computational power. Experiments show that fully connected linear DNN are more efficient for green AI.

Dimensionality Reduction for Data Visualization and Linear Classification, and the Trade-Off between Robustness and Classification Accuracy

Martin Becker, Jens Lippel, Thomas Zielke

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Auto-TLDR; Robustness Assessment of Deep Autoencoder for Data Visualization using Scatter Plots

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This paper has three intertwined goals. The first is to introduce a new similarity measure for scatter plots. It uses Delaunay triangulations to compare two scatter plots regarding their relative positioning of clusters. The second is to apply this measure for the robustness assessment of a recent deep neural network (DNN) approach to dimensionality reduction (DR) for data visualization. It uses a nonlinear generalization of Fisher's linear discriminant analysis (LDA) as the encoder network of a deep autoencoder (DAE). The DAE's decoder network acts as a regularizer. The third goal is to look at different variants of the DNN: ones that promise robustness and ones that promise high classification accuracies. This is to study the trade-off between these two objectives -- our results support the recent claim that robustness may be at odds with accuracy; however, results that are balanced regarding both objectives are achievable. We see a restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) pretraining and the DAE based regularization as important building blocks for achieving balanced results. As a means of assessing the robustness of DR methods, we propose a measure that is based on our similarity measure for scatter plots. The robustness measure comes with a superimposition view of Delaunay triangulations, which allows a fast comparison of results from multiple DR methods.

Hcore-Init: Neural Network Initialization Based on Graph Degeneracy

Stratis Limnios, George Dasoulas, Dimitrios Thilikos, Michalis Vazirgiannis

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Auto-TLDR; K-hypercore: Graph Mining for Deep Neural Networks

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Neural networks are the pinnacle of Artificial Intelligence, as in recent years we witnessed many novel architectures, learning and optimization techniques for deep learning. Capitalizing on the fact that neural networks inherently constitute multipartite graphs among neuron layers, we aim to analyze directly their structure to extract meaningful information that can improve the learning process. To our knowledge graph mining techniques for enhancing learning in neural networks have not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper we propose an adapted version of the k-core structure for the complete weighted multipartite graph extracted from a deep learning architecture. As a multipartite graph is a combination of bipartite graphs, that are in turn the incidence graphs of hypergraphs, we design k-hypercore decomposition, the hypergraph analogue of k-core degeneracy. We applied k-hypercore to several neural network architectures, more specifically to convolutional neural networks and multilayer perceptrons for image recognition tasks after a very short pretraining. Then we used the information provided by the hypercore numbers of the neurons to re-initialize the weights of the neural network, thus biasing the gradient optimization scheme. Extensive experiments proved that k-hypercore outperforms the state-of-the-art initialization methods.

Norm Loss: An Efficient yet Effective Regularization Method for Deep Neural Networks

Theodoros Georgiou, Sebastian Schmitt, Thomas Baeck, Wei Chen, Michael Lew

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Auto-TLDR; Weight Soft-Regularization with Oblique Manifold for Convolutional Neural Network Training

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Convolutional neural network training can suffer from diverse issues like exploding or vanishing gradients, scaling-based weight space symmetry and covariant-shift. In order to address these issues, researchers develop weight regularization methods and activation normalization methods. In this work we propose a weight soft-regularization method based on the Oblique manifold. The proposed method uses a loss function which pushes each weight vector to have a norm close to one, i.e. the weight matrix is smoothly steered toward the so-called Oblique manifold. We evaluate our method on the very popular CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet 2012 datasets using two state-of-the-art architectures, namely the ResNet and wide-ResNet. Our method introduces negligible computational overhead and the results show that it is competitive to the state-of-the-art and in some cases superior to it. Additionally, the results are less sensitive to hyperparameter settings such as batch size and regularization factor.

Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks

Tao Sun, Yongjun Xu, Fei Wang, Lin Wu, 塘文 钱, Zezhi Shao

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Auto-TLDR; TULAR: Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Neural Networks

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The prevalent adoptions of GPS-enabled devices have witnessed an explosion of various location-based services which produces a huge amount of trajectories monitoring the individuals' movements. In this paper, we tackle Trajectory-User Link (TUL) problem, which identifies humans' movement patterns and links trajectories to the users who generated them. Existing solutions on TUL problem employ recurrent neural networks and variational autoencoder methods, which face the bottlenecks in the case of excessively long trajectories and fragmentary users' movements. However, these are common characteristics of trajectory data in reality, leading to performance degradation of the existing models. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end attention recurrent neural learning framework, called TULAR (Trajectory-User Link with Attention Recurrent Networks), which focus on selected parts of the source trajectories when linking. TULAR introduce the Trajectory Semantic Vector (TSV) via unsupervised location representation learning and recurrent neural networks, by which to reckon the weight of parts of source trajectory. Further, we employ three attention scores for the weight measurements. Experiments are conducted on two real world datasets and compared with several existing methods, and the results show that TULAR yields a new state-of-the-art performance. Source code is public available at GitHub:

Trainable Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations in Convolutional Neural Networks

Michele Alberti, Angela Botros, Schuetz Narayan, Rolf Ingold, Marcus Liwicki, Mathias Seuret

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Auto-TLDR; Trainable and Spectrally Initializable Matrix Transformations for Neural Networks

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In this work, we introduce a new architectural component to Neural Networks (NN), i.e., trainable and spectrally initializable matrix transformations on feature maps. While previous literature has already demonstrated the possibility of adding static spectral transformations as feature processors, our focus is on more general trainable transforms. We study the transforms in various architectural configurations on four datasets of different nature: from medical (ColorectalHist, HAM10000) and natural (Flowers) images to historical documents (CB55). With rigorous experiments that control for the number of parameters and randomness, we show that networks utilizing the introduced matrix transformations outperform vanilla neural networks. The observed accuracy increases appreciably across all datasets. In addition, we show that the benefit of spectral initialization leads to significantly faster convergence, as opposed to randomly initialized matrix transformations. The transformations are implemented as auto-differentiable PyTorch modules that can be incorporated into any neural network architecture. The entire code base is open-source.

End-To-End Multi-Task Learning of Missing Value Imputation and Forecasting in Time-Series Data

Jinhee Kim, Taesung Kim, Jang-Ho Choi, Jaegul Choo

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Auto-TLDR; Time-Series Prediction with Denoising and Imputation of Missing Data

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Multivariate time-series prediction is a common task, but it often becomes challenging due to missing values involved in data caused by unreliable sensors and other issues. In fact, inaccurate imputation of missing values can degrade the downstream prediction performance, so it may be better not to rely on the estimated values of missing data. Furthermore, observed data may contain noise, so denoising them can be helpful for the main task at hand. In response, we propose a novel approach that can automatically utilize the optimal combination of the observed and the estimated values to generate not only complete, but also noise-reduced data by our own gating mechanism. We evaluate our model on real-world time-series datasets and achieved state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating that our method successfully handle the incomplete datasets. Moreover, we present in-depth studies using a carefully designed, synthetic multivariate time-series dataset to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model. The ablation studies and the experimental analysis of the proposed gating mechanism show that the proposed method works as an effective denoising as well as imputation method for time-series classification tasks.

Revisiting the Training of Very Deep Neural Networks without Skip Connections

Oyebade Kayode Oyedotun, Abd El Rahman Shabayek, Djamila Aouada, Bjorn Ottersten

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Auto-TLDR; Optimization of Very Deep PlainNets without shortcut connections with 'vanishing and exploding units' activations'

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Deep neural networks (DNNs) with many layers of feature representations yield state-of-the-art results on several difficult learning tasks. However, optimizing very deep DNNs without shortcut connections known as PlainNets, is a notoriously hard problem. Considering the growing interest in this area, this paper investigates holistically two scenarios that plague the training of very deep PlainNets: (1) the relatively popular challenge of 'vanishing and exploding units' activations', and (2) the less investigated 'singularity' problem, which is studied in details in this paper. In contrast to earlier works that study only the saturation and explosion of units' activations in isolation, this paper harmonizes the inconspicuous coexistence of the aforementioned problems for very deep PlainNets. Particularly, we argue that the aforementioned problems would have to be tackled simultaneously for the successful training of very deep PlainNets. Finally, different techniques that can be employed for tackling the optimization problem are discussed, and a specific combination of simple techniques that allows the successful training of PlainNets having up to 100 layers is demonstrated.

Deep Transformation Models: Tackling Complex Regression Problems with Neural Network Based Transformation Models

Beate Sick, Torsten Hothorn, Oliver Dürr

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Auto-TLDR; A Deep Transformation Model for Probabilistic Regression

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We present a deep transformation model for probabilistic regression. Deep learning is known for outstandingly accurate predictions on complex data but in regression tasks it is predominantly used to just predict a single number. This ignores the non-deterministic character of most tasks. Especially if crucial decisions are based on the predictions, like in medical applications, it is essential to quantify the prediction uncertainty. The presented deep learning transformation model estimates the whole conditional probability distribution, which is the most thorough way to capture uncertainty about the outcome. We combine ideas from a statistical transformation model (most likely transformation) with recent transformation models from deep learning (normalizing flows) to predict complex outcome distributions. The core of the method is a parameterized transformation function which can be trained with the usual maximum likelihood framework using gradient descent. The method can be combined with existing deep learning architectures. For small machine learning benchmark datasets, we report state of the art performance for most dataset and partly even outperform it. Our method works for complex input data, which we demonstrate by employing a CNN architecture on image data.

Probability Guided Maxout

Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Probability Guided Maxout for CNN Training

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In this paper, we propose an original CNN training strategy that brings together ideas from both dropout-like regularization methods and solutions that learn discriminative features. We propose a dropping criterion that, differently from dropout and its variants, is deterministic rather than random. It grounds on the empirical evidence that feature descriptors with larger $L2$-norm and highly-active nodes are strongly correlated to confident class predictions. Thus, our criterion guides towards dropping a percentage of the most active nodes of the descriptors, proportionally to the estimated class probability. We simultaneously train a per-sample scaling factor to balance the expected output across training and inference. This further allows us to keep high the descriptor's L2-norm, which we show enforces confident predictions. The combination of these two strategies resulted in our ``Probability Guided Maxout'' solution that acts as a training regularizer. We prove the above behaviors by reporting extensive image classification results on the CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and Caltech256 datasets.

CQNN: Convolutional Quadratic Neural Networks

Pranav Mantini, Shishir Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Quadratic Neural Network for Image Classification

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Image classification is a fundamental task in computer vision. A variety of deep learning models based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture have proven to be an efficient solution. Numerous improvements have been proposed over the years, where broader, deeper, and denser networks have been constructed. However, the atomic operation for these models has remained a linear unit (single neuron). In this work, we pursue an alternative dimension by hypothesizing the atomic operation to be performed by a quadratic unit. We construct convolutional layers using quadratic neurons for feature extraction and subsequently use dense layers for classification. We perform analysis to quantify the implication of replacing linear neurons with quadratic units. Results show a keen improvement in classification accuracy with quadratic neurons over linear neurons.

On Resource-Efficient Bayesian Network Classifiers and Deep Neural Networks

Wolfgang Roth, Günther Schindler, Holger Fröning, Franz Pernkopf

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Auto-TLDR; Quantization-Aware Bayesian Network Classifiers for Small-Scale Scenarios

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We present two methods to reduce the complexity of Bayesian network (BN) classifiers. First, we introduce quantization-aware training using the straight-through gradient estimator to quantize the parameters of BNs to few bits. Second, we extend a recently proposed differentiable tree-augmented naive Bayes (TAN) structure learning approach to also consider the model size. Both methods are motivated by recent developments in the deep learning community, and they provide effective means to trade off between model size and prediction accuracy, which is demonstrated in extensive experiments. Furthermore, we contrast quantized BN classifiers with quantized deep neural networks (DNNs) for small-scale scenarios which have hardly been investigated in the literature. We show Pareto optimal models with respect to model size, number of operations, and test error and find that both model classes are viable options.

Verifying the Causes of Adversarial Examples

Honglin Li, Yifei Fan, Frieder Ganz, Tony Yezzi, Payam Barnaghi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring the Causes of Adversarial Examples in Neural Networks

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The robustness of neural networks is challenged by adversarial examples that contain almost imperceptible perturbations to inputs which mislead a classifier to incorrect outputs in high confidence. Limited by the extreme difficulty in examining a high-dimensional image space thoroughly, research on explaining and justifying the causes of adversarial examples falls behind studies on attacks and defenses. In this paper, we present a collection of potential causes of adversarial examples and verify (or partially verify) them through carefully-designed controlled experiments. The major causes of adversarial examples include model linearity, one-sum constraint, and geometry of the categories. To control the effect of those causes, multiple techniques are applied such as $L_2$ normalization, replacement of loss functions, construction of reference datasets, and novel models using multi-layer perceptron probabilistic neural networks (MLP-PNN) and density estimation (DE). Our experiment results show that geometric factors tend to be more direct causes and statistical factors magnify the phenomenon, especially for assigning high prediction confidence. We hope this paper will inspire more studies to rigorously investigate the root causes of adversarial examples, which in turn provide useful guidance on designing more robust models.

Can Data Placement Be Effective for Neural Networks Classification Tasks? Introducing the Orthogonal Loss

Brais Cancela, Veronica Bolon-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos

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Auto-TLDR; Spatial Placement for Neural Network Training Loss Functions

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Traditionally, a Neural Network classification training loss function follows the same principle: minimizing the distance between samples that belong to the same class, while maximizing the distance to the other classes. There are no restrictions on the spatial placement of deep features (last layer input). This paper addresses this issue when dealing with Neural Networks, providing a set of loss functions that are able to train a classifier by forcing the deep features to be projected over a predefined orthogonal basis. Experimental results shows that these `data placement' functions can overcome the training accuracy provided by the classic cross-entropy loss function.

Resource-efficient DNNs for Keyword Spotting using Neural Architecture Search and Quantization

David Peter, Wolfgang Roth, Franz Pernkopf

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Auto-TLDR; Neural Architecture Search for Keyword Spotting in Limited Resource Environments

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This paper introduces neural architecture search (NAS) for the automatic discovery of small models for keyword spotting (KWS) in limited resource environments. We employ a differentiable NAS approach to optimize the structure of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to meet certain memory constraints for storing weights as well as constraints on the number of operations per inference. Using NAS only, we were able to obtain a highly efficient model with 95.6% accuracy on the Google speech commands dataset with 494.8 kB of memory usage and 19.6 million operations. Additionally, weight quantization is used to reduce the memory consumption even further. We show that weight quantization to low bit-widths (e.g. 1 bit) can be used without substantial loss in accuracy. By increasing the number of input features from 10 MFCC to 20 MFCC we were able to increase the accuracy to 96.6% at 340.1 kB of memory usage and 27.1 million operations.

Multi-Graph Convolutional Network for Relationship-Driven Stock Movement Prediction

Jiexia Ye, Juanjuan Zhao, Kejiang Ye, Cheng-Zhong Xu

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-GCGRU: A Deep Learning Framework for Stock Price Prediction with Cross Effect

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Stock price movement prediction is commonly accepted as a very challenging task due to the volatile nature of financial markets. Previous works typically predict the stock price mainly based on its own information, neglecting the cross effect among involved stocks. However, it is well known that an individual stock price is correlated with prices of other stocks in complex ways. To take the cross effect into consideration, we propose a deep learning framework, called Multi-GCGRU, which comprises graph convolutional network (GCN) and gated recurrent units (GRU) to predict stock movement. Specifically, we first encode multiple relationships among stocks into graphs based on financial domain knowledge and utilize GCN to extract the cross effect based on the pre-defined graphs. The cross-correlation features produced by GCN are concatenated with historical records and fed into GRU to model the temporal pattern in stock price. To further get rid of prior knowledge, we explore an adaptive stock graph learned by data automatically. Experiments on two stock indexes in China market show that our model outperforms other baselines. Note that our model is rather feasible to incorporate more effective pre-defined stock relationships. What's more, it can also learn a data-driven relationship without any domain knowledge.

Constructing Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph for Traffic Forecasting

Yiwen Sun, Yulu Wang, Kun Fu, Zheng Wang, Changshui Zhang, Jieping Ye

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Auto-TLDR; GLT-GCRNN: Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting

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Traffic forecasting influences various intelligent transportation system (ITS) services and is of great significance for user experience as well as urban traffic control. It is challenging due to the fact that the road network contains complex and time-varying spatial-temporal dependencies. Recently, deep learning based methods have achieved promising results by adopting graph convolutional network (GCN) to extract the spatial correlations and recurrent neural network (RNN) to capture the temporal dependencies. However, the existing methods often construct the graph only based on road network connectivity, which limits the interaction between roads. In this work, we propose Geographic and Long-term Temporal Graph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (GLT-GCRNN), a novel framework for traffic forecasting that learns the rich interactions between roads sharing similar geographic or long-term temporal patterns. Extensive experiments on a real-world traffic state dataset validate the effectiveness of our method by showing that GLT-GCRNN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of different metrics.

How Does DCNN Make Decisions?

Yi Lin, Namin Wang, Xiaoqing Ma, Ziwei Li, Gang Bai

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Auto-TLDR; Exploring Deep Convolutional Neural Network's Decision-Making Interpretability

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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN), despite imitating the human visual system, present no such decision credibility as human observers. This phenomenon, therefore, leads to the limitations of DCNN's applications in the security and trusted computing, such as self-driving cars and medical diagnosis. Focusing on this issue, our work aims to explore the way DCNN makes decisions. In this paper, the major contributions we made are: firstly, provide the hypothesis, “point-wise activation” of convolution function, according to the analysis of DCNN’s architectures and training process; secondly, point out the effect of “point-wise activation” on DCNN’s uninterpretable classification and pool robustness, and then suggest, in particular, the contradiction between the traditional and DCNN’s convolution kernel functions; finally, distinguish decision-making interpretability from semantic interpretability, and indicate that DCNN’s decision-making mechanism need to evolve towards the direction of semantics in the future. Besides, the “point-wise activation” hypothesis and conclusions proposed in our paper are supported by extensive experimental results.

Deep Learning on Active Sonar Data Using Bayesian Optimization for Hyperparameter Tuning

Henrik Berg, Karl Thomas Hjelmervik

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Auto-TLDR; Bayesian Optimization for Sonar Operations in Littoral Environments

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Sonar operations in littoral environments may be challenging due to an increased probability of false alarms. Machine learning can be used to train classifiers that are able to filter out most of the false alarms automatically, however, this is a time consuming process, with many hyperparameters that need to be tuned in order to yield useful results. In this paper, Bayesian optimization is used to search for good values for some of the hyperparameters, like topology and training parameters, resulting in performance superior to earlier trial-and-error based training. Additionally, we analyze some of the parameters involved in the Bayesian optimization, as well as the resulting hyperparameter values.

Boundaries of Single-Class Regions in the Input Space of Piece-Wise Linear Neural Networks

Jay Hoon Jung, Youngmin Kwon

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Auto-TLDR; Piece-wise Linear Neural Networks with Linear Constraints

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An input space is a set of all the possible inputs for a neural network. An element or a group of elements in the input space can easily be understood by projecting them on their original forms. Even though Piece-wise Linear Neural Networks (PLNNs) are a nonlinear system in general, a PLNN can also be expressed in terms of linear constraints because the Rectified Linear Units (ReLU) function is a piece-wise linear function. A PLNN divides the input space into disjoint linear regions. We proved that all components of the outputs are continuous at the boundary between two different adjacent regions. This continuity implies that the boundary corresponding to a unit itself should be continuous regardless of the regions. Furthermore, we also obtained the boundaries of a single-class region, which has the same predicted classes in the interior of the region. Finally, we suggested that the point-wise robustness of a neural network can be calculated by investigating the boundaries of linear regions and the single-class regions. We obtained adversarial examples in which Euclidean distances from original inputs are less than 0.01 pixels.

SAT-Net: Self-Attention and Temporal Fusion for Facial Action Unit Detection

Zhihua Li, Zheng Zhang, Lijun Yin

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Fusion and Self-Attention Network for Facial Action Unit Detection

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Research on facial action unit detection has shown remarkable performances by using deep spatial learning models in recent years, however, it is far from reaching its full capacity in learning due to the lack of use of temporal information of AUs across time. Since the AU occurrence in one frame is highly likely related to previous frames in a temporal sequence, exploring temporal correlation of AUs across frames becomes a key motivation of this work. In this paper, we propose a novel temporal fusion and AU-supervised self-attention network (a so-called SAT-Net) to address the AU detection problem. First of all, we input the deep features of a sequence into a convolutional LSTM network and fuse the previous temporal information into the feature map of the last frame, and continue to learn the AU occurrence. Second, considering the AU detection problem is a multi-label classification problem that individual label depends only on certain facial areas, we propose a new self-learned attention mask by focusing the detection of each AU on parts of facial areas through the learning of individual attention mask for each AU, thus increasing the AU independence without the loss of any spatial relations. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed framework achieves better results of AU detection over the state-of-the-arts on two benchmark databases (BP4D and DISFA).

ResNet-Like Architecture with Low Hardware Requirements

Elena Limonova, Daniil Alfonso, Dmitry Nikolaev, Vladimir V. Arlazarov

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Auto-TLDR; BM-ResNet: Bipolar Morphological ResNet for Image Classification

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One of the most computationally intensive parts in modern recognition systems is an inference of deep neural networks that are used for image classification, segmentation, enhancement, and recognition. The growing popularity of edge computing makes us look for ways to reduce its time for mobile and embedded devices. One way to decrease the neural network inference time is to modify a neuron model to make it more efficient for computations on a specific device. The example of such a model is a bipolar morphological neuron model. The bipolar morphological neuron is based on the idea of replacing multiplication with addition and maximum operations. This model has been demonstrated for simple image classification with LeNet-like architectures [1]. In the paper, we introduce a bipolar morphological ResNet (BM-ResNet) model obtained from a much more complex ResNet architecture by converting its layers to bipolar morphological ones. We apply BM-ResNet to image classification on MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets with only a moderate accuracy decrease from 99.3% to 99.1% and from 85.3% to 85.1%. We also estimate the computational complexity of the resulting model. We show that for the majority of ResNet layers, the considered model requires 2.1-2.9 times fewer logic gates for implementation and 15-30% lower latency.

Deep Learning Based Sepsis Intervention: The Modelling and Prediction of Severe Sepsis Onset

Gavin Tsang, Xianghua Xie

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting Sepsis onset by up to six hours prior using a boosted cascading training methodology and adjustable margin hinge loss function

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Sepsis presents a significant challenge to healthcare providers during critical care scenarios such as within an intensive care unit. The prognosis of the onset of severe septic shock results in significant increases in mortality rate, length of stay and readmission rates. Continual advancements in health informatics data allows for applications within the machine learning field to predict sepsis onset in a timely manner, allowing for effective preventative intervention of severe septic shock. A novel deep learning application is proposed to provide effective prediction of sepsis onset by up to six hours prior, involving the use of novel concepts such as a boosted cascading training methodology and adjustable margin hinge loss function. The proposed methodology provides statistically significant improvements to that of current machine learning based modelling applications based off the Physionet Computing in Cardiology 2019 challenge. Results show test F1 scores of 0.420, a significant improvement of 0.281 as compared to the next best challenger results.

Image Representation Learning by Transformation Regression

Xifeng Guo, Jiyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, En Zhu, Shihao Dong

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Auto-TLDR; Self-supervised Image Representation Learning using Continuous Parameter Prediction

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Self-supervised learning is a thriving research direction since it can relieve the burden of human labeling for machine learning by seeking for supervision from data instead of human annotation. Although demonstrating promising performance in various applications, we observe that the existing methods usually model the auxiliary learning tasks as classification tasks with finite discrete labels, leading to insufficient supervisory signals, which in turn restricts the representation quality. In this paper, to solve the above problem and make full use of the supervision from data, we design a regression model to predict the continuous parameters of a group of transformations, i.e., image rotation, translation, and scaling. Surprisingly, this naive modification stimulates tremendous potential from data and the resulting supervisory signal has largely improved the performance of image representation learning. Extensive experiments on four image datasets, including CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, and SVHN, indicate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art unsupervised learning methods by a large margin in terms of classification accuracy. Crucially, we find that with our proposed training mechanism as an initialization, the performance of the existing state-of-the-art classification deep architectures can be preferably improved.

MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)

Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora, Mark W. Jones

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Auto-TLDR; Recurrent Neural Network for Lossless Medical Image Compression using Long Short-Term Memory

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As scanners produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled images, this raises the challenge of data storage, transmission and communication within healthcare systems. Since the quality of medical images plays a crucial role in diagnosis accuracy, medical imaging compression techniques are desired to reduce scan bitrate while guaranteeing lossless reconstruction. This paper presents a lossless compression method that integrates a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as a 3D sequence prediction model. The aim is to learn the long dependencies of the voxel's neighbourhood in 3D using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network then compress the residual error using arithmetic coding. Experiential results reveal that our method obtains a higher compression ratio achieving 15% saving compared to the state-of-the-art lossless compression standards, including JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JP3D, HEVC, and PPMd. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method generalizes well to unseen modalities CT and MRI for the lossless compression scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lossless compression method that uses LSTM neural network for 16-bit volumetric medical image compression.

Is the Meta-Learning Idea Able to Improve the Generalization of Deep Neural Networks on the Standard Supervised Learning?

Xiang Deng, Zhongfei Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Meta-learning Based Training of Deep Neural Networks for Few-Shot Learning

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Substantial efforts have been made on improving the generalization abilities of deep neural networks (DNNs) in order to obtain better performances without introducing more parameters. On the other hand, meta-learning approaches exhibit powerful generalization on new tasks in few-shot learning. Intuitively, few-shot learning is more challenging than the standard supervised learning as each target class only has a very few or no training samples. The natural question that arises is whether the meta-learning idea can be used for improving the generalization of DNNs on the standard supervised learning. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-learning based training procedure (MLTP) for DNNs and demonstrate that the meta-learning idea can indeed improve the generalization abilities of DNNs. MLTP simulates the meta-training process by considering a batch of training samples as a task. The key idea is that the gradient descent step for improving the current task performance should also improve a new task performance, which is ignored by the current standard procedure for training neural networks. MLTP also benefits from all the existing training techniques such as dropout, weight decay, and batch normalization. We evaluate MLTP by training a variety of small and large neural networks on three benchmark datasets, i.e., CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet. The experimental results show a consistently improved generalization performance on all the DNNs with different sizes, which verifies the promise of MLTP and demonstrates that the meta-learning idea is indeed able to improve the generalization of DNNs on the standard supervised learning.

Color, Edge, and Pixel-Wise Explanation of Predictions Based onInterpretable Neural Network Model

Jay Hoon Jung, Youngmin Kwon

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Auto-TLDR; Explainable Deep Neural Network with Edge Detecting Filters

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We design an interpretable network model by introducing explainable components into a Deep Neural Network (DNN). We substituted the first kernels of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a ResNet-50 with the well-known edge detecting filters such as Sobel, Prewitt, and other filters. Each filters' relative importance scores are measured with a variant of Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) method proposed by Bach et al. Since the effects of the edge detecting filters are well understood, our model provides three different scores to explain individual predictions: the scores with respect to (1) colors, (2) edge filters, and (3) pixels of the image. Our method provides more tools to analyze the predictions by highlighting the location of important edges and colors in the images. Furthermore, the general features of a category can be shown in our scores as well as individual predictions. At the same time, the model does not degrade performances on MNIST, Fruit360 and ImageNet datasets.

E-DNAS: Differentiable Neural Architecture Search for Embedded Systems

Javier García López, Antonio Agudo, Francesc Moreno-Noguer

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Auto-TLDR; E-DNAS: Differentiable Architecture Search for Light-Weight Networks for Image Classification

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Designing optimal and light weight networks to fit in resource-limited platforms like mobiles, DSPs or GPUs is a challenging problem with a wide range of interesting applications, {\em e.g.} in embedded systems for autonomous driving. While most approaches are based on manual hyperparameter tuning, there exist a new line of research, the so-called NAS (Neural Architecture Search) methods, that aim to optimize several metrics during the design process, including memory requirements of the network, number of FLOPs, number of MACs (Multiply-ACcumulate operations) or inference latency. However, while NAS methods have shown very promising results, they are still significantly time and cost consuming. In this work we introduce E-DNAS, a differentiable architecture search method, which improves the efficiency of NAS methods in designing light-weight networks for the task of image classification. Concretely, E-DNAS computes, in a differentiable manner, the optimal size of a number of meta-kernels that capture patterns of the input data at different resolutions. We also leverage on the additive property of convolution operations to merge several kernels with different compatible sizes into a single one, reducing thus the number of operations and the time required to estimate the optimal configuration. We evaluate our approach on several datasets to perform classification. We report results in terms of the SoC (System on Chips) metric, typically used in the Texas Instruments TDA2x families for autonomous driving applications. The results show that our approach allows designing low latency architectures significantly faster than state-of-the-art.

MaxDropout: Deep Neural Network Regularization Based on Maximum Output Values

Claudio Filipi Gonçalves Santos, Danilo Colombo, Mateus Roder, Joao Paulo Papa

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Auto-TLDR; MaxDropout: A Regularizer for Deep Neural Networks

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Different techniques have emerged in the deep learning scenario, such as Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Belief Networks, and Long Short-Term Memory Networks, to cite a few. In lockstep, regularization methods, which aim to prevent overfitting by penalizing the weight connections, or turning off some units, have been widely studied either. In this paper, we present a novel approach called MaxDropout, a regularizer for deep neural network models that works in a supervised fashion by removing (shutting off) the prominent neurons (i.e., most active) in each hidden layer. The model forces fewer activated units to learn more representative information, thus providing sparsity. Regarding the experiments, we show that it is possible to improve existing neural networks and provide better results in neural networks when Dropout is replaced by MaxDropout. The proposed method was evaluated in image classification, achieving comparable results to existing regularizers, such as Cutout and RandomErasing, also improving the accuracy of neural networks that uses Dropout by replacing the existing layer by MaxDropout.

Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Ratio of Edge-User Estimation in Mobile Networks

Jiehui Deng, Sheng Wan, Xiang Wang, Enmei Tu, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Yang, Chen Gong

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Auto-TLDR; EAGAT: Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network for Automatic REU Estimation in Mobile Networks

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Estimating the Ratio of Edge-Users (REU) is an important issue in mobile networks, as it helps the subsequent adjustment of loads in different cells. However, existing approaches usually determine the REU manually, which are experience-dependent and labor-intensive, and thus the estimated REU might be imprecise. Considering the inherited graph structure of mobile networks, in this paper, we utilize a graph-based deep learning method for automatic REU estimation, where the practical cells are deemed as nodes and the load switchings among them constitute edges. Concretely, Graph Attention Network (GAT) is employed as the backbone of our method due to its impressive generalizability in dealing with networked data. Nevertheless, conventional GAT cannot make full use of the information in mobile networks, since it only incorporates node features to infer the pairwise importance and conduct graph convolutions, while the edge features that are actually critical in our problem are disregarded. To accommodate this issue, we propose an Edge-Aware Graph Attention Network (EAGAT), which is able to fuse the node features and edge features for REU estimation. Extensive experimental results on two real-world mobile network datasets demonstrate the superiority of our EAGAT approach to several state-of-the-art methods.

Compression Strategies and Space-Conscious Representations for Deep Neural Networks

Giosuè Marinò, Gregorio Ghidoli, Marco Frasca, Dario Malchiodi

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Auto-TLDR; Compression of Large Convolutional Neural Networks by Weight Pruning and Quantization

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Recent advances in deep learning have made available large, powerful convolutional neural networks (CNN) with state-of-the-art performance in several real-world applications. Unfortunately, these large-sized models have millions of parameters, thus they are not deployable on resource-limited platforms (e.g. where RAM is limited). Compression of CNNs thereby becomes a critical problem to achieve memory-efficient and possibly computationally faster model representations. In this paper, we investigate the impact of lossy compression of CNNs by weight pruning and quantization, and lossless weight matrix representations based on source coding. We tested several combinations of these techniques on four benchmark datasets for classification and regression problems, achieving compression rates up to 165 times, while preserving or improving the model performance.

Learning to Prune in Training via Dynamic Channel Propagation

Shibo Shen, Rongpeng Li, Zhifeng Zhao, Honggang Zhang, Yugeng Zhou

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Auto-TLDR; Dynamic Channel Propagation for Neural Network Pruning

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In this paper, we propose a novel network training mechanism called "dynamic channel propagation" to prune the model during the training period. In particular, we pick up a specific group of channels in each convolutional layer to participate in the forward propagation in training time according to the significance level of channel, which is defined as channel utility. The utility values with respect to all selected channels are updated simultaneously with the error back-propagation process and will constantly change. Furthermore, when the training ends, channels with high utility values are retained whereas those with low utility values are discarded. Hence, our proposed method trains and prunes neural networks simultaneously. We empirically evaluate our novel training method on various representative benchmark datasets and advanced convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures, including VGGNet and ResNet. The experiment results verify superior performance and robust effectiveness of our approach.

Quaternion Capsule Networks

Barış Özcan, Furkan Kınlı, Mustafa Furkan Kirac

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Auto-TLDR; Quaternion Capsule Networks for Object Recognition

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Capsules are grouping of neurons that allow to represent sophisticated information of a visual entity such as pose and features. In the view of this property, Capsule Networks outperform CNNs in challenging tasks like object recognition in unseen viewpoints, and this is achieved by learning the transformations between the object and its parts with the help of high dimensional representation of pose information. In this paper, we present Quaternion Capsules (QCN) where pose information of capsules and their transformations are represented by quaternions. Quaternions are immune to the gimbal lock, have straightforward regularization of the rotation representation for capsules, and require less number of parameters than matrices. The experimental results show that QCNs generalize better to novel viewpoints with fewer parameters, and also achieve on-par or better performances with the state-of-the-art Capsule architectures on well-known benchmarking datasets.

An Efficient Empirical Solver for Localized Multiple Kernel Learning Via DNNs

Ziming Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Localized Multiple Kernel Learning using LMKL-Net

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In this paper we propose solving localized multiple kernel learning (LMKL) using LMKL-Net, a feedforward deep neural network (DNN). In contrast to previous works, as a learning principle we propose parameterizing the gating function for learning kernel combination weights and the multiclass classifier using an attentional network (AN) and a multilayer perceptron (MLP), respectively. Such interpretability helps us better understand how the network solves the problem. Thanks to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), our approach has {\em linear} computational complexity in training. Empirically on benchmark datasets we demonstrate that with comparable or better accuracy than the state-of-the-art, our LMKL-Net can be trained about {\bf two orders of magnitude} faster with about {\bf two orders of magnitude} smaller memory footprint for large-scale learning.