On the Impact of Lossy Image and Video Compression on the Performance of Deep Convolutional Neural Network Architectures

Matt Poyser, Toby Breckon, Amir Atapour-Abarghouei

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Auto-TLDR; The Impact of Lossy Image Compression on Deep Neural Networks for Image-based Detection and Classification


Recent advances in generalized image understanding have seen a surge in the use of deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) across a broad range of image-based detection, classification and prediction tasks. Whilst the reported performance of these approaches is impressive, this paper investigates the hitherto unapproached question of the impact of commonplace image and video compression techniques on the performance of such deep learning architectures. Focusing on the JPEG and H.264 (MPEG-4 AVC) as a representative proxy for contemporary lossy image/video compression techniques that are in common use within network-connected image/video devices and infrastructure, we examine the impact performance across five discrete tasks: human pose estimation, semantic segmentation, object detection, action recognition, and monocular depth estimation. As such, within this study we include a variety of network architectures and genres spanning end-to-end convolution, encoder-decoder, region-based CNN (R-CNN), dual-stream, and generative adversarial networks (GAN). Our results show a non-linear and non-uniform relationship between network performance and the level of lossy compression applied. Notably, performance decreases significantly below a JPEG quality (quantization) level of 15% and a H.264 Constant Rate Factor (CRF) of 40. However, re-training said architectures on pre-compressed imagery conversely recovers network performance by up to 78.4% in some cases. Furthermore, there is a correlation between architectures employing an encoder-decoder pipeline and those that demonstrate resilience to lossy image compression. The characteristics of this input compression to output performance impact can be used to inform design decisions within future image/video devices and infrastructure.

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Object Detection in the DCT Domain: Is Luminance the Solution?

Benjamin Deguerre, Clement Chatelain, Gilles Gasso

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Auto-TLDR; Jpeg Deep: Object Detection Using Compressed JPEG Images

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Object detection in images has reached unprecedented performances. The state-of-the-art methods rely on deep architectures that extract salient features and predict bounding boxes enclosing the objects of interest. These methods essentially run on RGB images. However, the RGB images are often compressed by the acquisition devices for storage purpose and transfer efficiency. Hence, their decompression is required for object detectors. To gain in efficiency, this paper proposes to take advantage of the compressed representation of images to carry out object detection usable in constrained resources conditions. Specifically, we focus on JPEG images and propose a thorough analysis of detection architectures newly designed in regard of the peculiarities of the JPEG norm. This leads to a x1.7 speed up in comparison with a standard RGB-based architecture, while only reducing the detection performance by 5.5%. Additionally, our empirical findings demonstrate that only part of the compressed JPEG information, namely the luminance component, may be required to match detection accuracy of the full input methods. Code is made available at : https://github.com/D3lt4lph4/jpeg_deep.

Adaptive Image Compression Using GAN Based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

Ruojing Wang, Zitang Sun, Sei-Ichiro Kamata, Weili Chen

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Auto-TLDR; Adaptive Image Compression using GAN based Semantic-Perceptual Residual Compensation

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Image compression is a basic task in image processing. In this paper, We present an adaptive image compression algorithm that relies on GAN based semantic-perceptual residual compensation, which is available to offer visually pleasing reconstruction at a low bitrate. Our method adopt an U-shaped encoding and decoding structure accompanied by a well-designed dense residual connection with strip pooling module to improve the original auto-encoder. Besides, we introduce the idea of adversarial learning by introducing a discriminator thus constructed a complete GAN. To improve the coding efficiency, we creatively designed an adaptive semantic-perception residual compensation block based on Grad-CAM algorithm. In the improvement of the quantizer, we embed the method of soft-quantization so as to solve the problem to some extent that back propagation process is irreversible. Simultaneously, we use the latest FLIF lossless compression algorithm and BPG vector compression algorithm to perform deeper compression on the image. More importantly experimental results including PSNR, MS-SSIM demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art image compression methods.

A Grid-Based Representation for Human Action Recognition

Soufiane Lamghari, Guillaume-Alexandre Bilodeau, Nicolas Saunier

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Auto-TLDR; GRAR: Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition in Videos

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Human action recognition (HAR) in videos is a fundamental research topic in computer vision. It consists mainly in understanding actions performed by humans based on a sequence of visual observations. In recent years, HAR have witnessed significant progress, especially with the emergence of deep learning models. However, most of existing approaches for action recognition rely on information that is not always relevant for the task, and are limited in the way they fuse temporal information. In this paper, we propose a novel method for human action recognition that encodes efficiently the most discriminative appearance information of an action with explicit attention on representative pose features, into a new compact grid representation. Our GRAR (Grid-based Representation for Action Recognition) method is tested on several benchmark datasets that demonstrate that our model can accurately recognize human actions, despite intra-class appearance variations and occlusion challenges.

A NoGAN Approach for Image and Video Restoration and Compression Artifact Removal

Mameli Filippo, Marco Bertini, Leonardo Galteri, Alberto Del Bimbo

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Network for Image and Video Compression Artifact Removal and Restoration

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Lossy image and video compression algorithms introduce several different types of visual artifacts that reduce the visual quality of the compressed media, and the higher the compression rate the higher is the strength of these artifacts. In this work, we describe an approach for visual quality improvement of compressed images and videos to be performed at presentation time, so to obtain the benefits of fast data transfer and reduced data storage, while enjoying a visual quality that could be obtained only reducing the compression rate. To obtain this result we propose to use a deep neural network trained using the NoGAN approach, adapting the popular DeOldify architecture used for colorization. We show how the proposed method can be applied both to image and video compression artifact removal and restoration.

Real-Time Monocular Depth Estimation with Extremely Light-Weight Neural Network

Mian Jhong Chiu, Wei-Chen Chiu, Hua-Tsung Chen, Jen-Hui Chuang

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Auto-TLDR; Real-Time Light-Weight Depth Prediction for Obstacle Avoidance and Environment Sensing with Deep Learning-based CNN

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Obstacle avoidance and environment sensing are crucial applications in autonomous driving and robotics. Among all types of sensors, RGB camera is widely used in these applications as it can offer rich visual contents with relatively low-cost, and using a single image to perform depth estimation has become one of the main focuses in resent research works. However, prior works usually rely on highly complicated computation and power-consuming GPU to achieve such task; therefore, we focus on developing a real-time light-weight system for depth prediction in this paper. Based on the well-known encoder-decoder architecture, we propose a supervised learning-based CNN with detachable decoders that produce depth predictions with different scales. We also formulate a novel log-depth loss function that computes the difference of predicted depth map and ground truth depth map in log space, so as to increase the prediction accuracy for nearby locations. To train our model efficiently, we generate depth map and semantic segmentation with complex teacher models. Via a series of ablation studies and experiments, it is validated that our model can efficiently performs real-time depth prediction with only 0.32M parameters, with the best trained model outperforms previous works on KITTI dataset for various evaluation matrices.

Enhancing Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images with Inhibitory Neurons

Ihsan Ullah, Sean Reilly, Michael Madden

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Auto-TLDR; Lateral Inhibition in Deep Neural Networks for Object Recognition and Semantic Segmentation

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In a Convolutional Neural Network, each neuron in the output feature map takes input from the neurons in its receptive field. This receptive field concept plays a vital role in today's deep neural networks. However, inspired by neuro-biological research, it has been proposed to add inhibitory neurons outside the receptive field, which may enhance the performance of neural network models. In this paper, we begin with deep network architectures such as VGG and ResNet, and propose an approach to add lateral inhibition in each output neuron to reduce its impact on its neighbours, both in fine-tuning pre-trained models and training from scratch. Our experiments show that notable improvements upon prior baseline deep models can be achieved. A key feature of our approach is that it is easy to add to baseline models; it can be adopted in any model containing convolution layers, and we demonstrate its value in applications including object recognition and semantic segmentation of aerial images, where we show state-of-the-art result on the Aeroscape dataset. On semantic segmentation tasks, our enhancement shows 17.43% higher mIoU than a single baseline model on a single source (the Aeroscape dataset), 13.43% higher performance than an ensemble model on the same single source, and 7.03% higher than an ensemble model on multiple sources (segmentation datasets). Our experiments illustrate the potential impact of using inhibitory neurons in deep learning models, and they also show better results than the baseline models that have standard convolutional layer.

StrongPose: Bottom-up and Strong Keypoint Heat Map Based Pose Estimation

Niaz Ahmad, Jongwon Yoon

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Auto-TLDR; StrongPose: A bottom-up box-free approach for human pose estimation and action recognition

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Adaptation of deep convolutional neural network has made revolutionary progress in human pose estimation, various applications in recent years have drawn considerable attention. However, prediction and localization of the keypoints in single and multi-person images are a challenging problem. Towards this purpose, we present a bottom-up box-free approach for the task of pose estimation and action recognition. We proposed a StrongPose system model that uses part-based modeling to tackle object-part associations. The model utilizes a convolution network that learns how to detect Strong Keypoints Heat Maps (SKHM) and predict their comparative displacements, enabling us to group keypoints into person pose instances. Further, we produce Body Heat Maps (BHM) with the help of keypoints which allows us to localize the human body in the picture. The StrongPose framework is based on fully-convolutional engineering and permits proficient inference, with runtime basically autonomous of the number of individuals display within the scene. Train and test on COCO data alone, our framework achieves COCO test-dev keypoint average precision of 0.708 using ResNet-101 and 0.725 using ResNet-152, which considerably outperforms all prior bottom-up pose estimation frameworks.

A Fine-Grained Dataset and Its Efficient Semantic Segmentation for Unstructured Driving Scenarios

Kai Andreas Metzger, Peter Mortimer, Hans J "Joe" Wuensche

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Auto-TLDR; TAS500: A Semantic Segmentation Dataset for Autonomous Driving in Unstructured Environments

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Research in autonomous driving for unstructured environments suffers from a lack of semantically labeled datasets compared to its urban counterpart. Urban and unstructured outdoor environments are challenging due to the varying lighting and weather conditions during a day and across seasons. In this paper, we introduce TAS500, a novel semantic segmentation dataset for autonomous driving in unstructured environments. TAS500 offers fine-grained vegetation and terrain classes to learn drivable surfaces and natural obstacles in outdoor scenes effectively. We evaluate the performance of modern semantic segmentation models with an additional focus on their efficiency. Our experiments demonstrate the advantages of fine-grained semantic classes to improve the overall prediction accuracy, especially along the class boundaries. The dataset, code, and pretrained model are available online.

What and How? Jointly Forecasting Human Action and Pose

Yanjun Zhu, Yanxia Zhang, Qiong Liu, Andreas Girgensohn

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Auto-TLDR; Forecasting Human Actions and Motion Trajectories with Joint Action Classification and Pose Regression

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Forecasting human actions and motion trajectories addresses the problem of predicting what a person is going to do next and how they will perform it. This is crucial in a wide range of applications such as assisted living and future co-robotic settings. We propose to simultaneously learn actions and action-related human motion dynamics, while existing works perform them independently. In this paper, we present a method to jointly forecast categories of human action and the pose of skeletal joints in the hope that the two tasks can help each other. As a result, our system can predict not only the future actions but also the motion trajectories that will result. To achieve this, we define a task of joint action classification and pose regression. We employ a sequence to sequence encoder-decoder model combined with multi-task learning to forecast future actions and poses progressively before the action happens. Experimental results on two public datasets, IkeaDB and OAD, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

On the Use of Benford's Law to Detect GAN-Generated Images

Nicolo Bonettini, Paolo Bestagini, Simone Milani, Stefano Tubaro

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Auto-TLDR; Using Benford's Law to Detect GAN-generated Images from Natural Images

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The advent of Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architectures has given anyone the ability of generating incredibly realistic synthetic imagery. The malicious diffusion of GAN-generated images may lead to serious social and political consequences (e.g., fake news spreading, opinion formation, etc.). It is therefore important to regulate the widespread distribution of synthetic imagery by developing solutions able to detect them. In this paper, we study the possibility of using Benford’s law to discriminate GAN-generated images from natural photographs. Benford’s law describes the distribution of the most significant digit for quantized Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients. Extending and generalizing this property, we show that it is possible to extract a compact feature vector from an image. This feature vector can be fed to an extremely simple classifier for GAN-generated image detection purpose even in data scarcity scenarios where Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures tend to fail.

Real Time Fencing Move Classification and Detection at Touch Time During a Fencing Match

Cem Ekin Sunal, Chris G. Willcocks, Boguslaw Obara

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Auto-TLDR; Fencing Body Move Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning

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Fencing is a fast-paced sport played with swords which are Epee, Foil, and Saber. However, such fast-pace can cause referees to make wrong decisions. Review of slow-motion camera footage in tournaments helps referees’ decision making, but it interrupts the match and may not be available for every organization. Motivated by the need for better decision making, analysis, and availability, we introduce the first fully-automated deep learning classification and detection system for fencing body moves at the moment a touch is made. This is an important step towards creating a fencing analysis system, with player profiling and decision tools that will benefit the fencing community. The proposed architecture combines You Only Look Once version three (YOLOv3) with a ResNet-34 classifier, trained on ImageNet settings to obtain 83.0\% test accuracy on the fencing moves. These results are exciting development in the sport, providing immediate feedback and analysis along with accessibility, hence making it a valuable tool for trainers and fencing match referees.

Boosting High-Level Vision with Joint Compression Artifacts Reduction and Super-Resolution

Xiaoyu Xiang, Qian Lin, Jan Allebach

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Auto-TLDR; A Context-Aware Joint CAR and SR Neural Network for High-Resolution Text Recognition and Face Detection

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Due to the limits of bandwidth and storage space, digital images are usually down-scaled and compressed when transmitted over networks, resulting in loss of details and jarring artifacts that can lower the performance of high-level visual tasks. In this paper, we aim to generate an artifact-free high-resolution image from a low-resolution one compressed with an arbitrary quality factor by exploring joint compression artifacts reduction (CAR) and super-resolution (SR) tasks. First, we propose a context-aware joint CAR and SR neural network (CAJNN) that integrates both local and non-local features to solve CAR and SR in one-stage. Finally, a deep reconstruction network is adopted to predict high quality and high-resolution images. Evaluation on CAR and SR benchmark datasets shows that our CAJNN model outperforms previous methods and also takes 26.2% less runtime. Based on this model, we explore addressing two critical challenges in high-level computer vision: optical character recognition of low-resolution texts, and extremely tiny face detection. We demonstrate that CAJNN can serve as an effective image preprocessing method and improve the accuracy for real-scene text recognition (from 85.30% to 85.75%) and the average precision for tiny face detection (from 0.317 to 0.611).

MedZip: 3D Medical Images Lossless Compressor Using Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)

Omniah Nagoor, Joss Whittle, Jingjing Deng, Benjamin Mora, Mark W. Jones

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Auto-TLDR; Recurrent Neural Network for Lossless Medical Image Compression using Long Short-Term Memory

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As scanners produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled images, this raises the challenge of data storage, transmission and communication within healthcare systems. Since the quality of medical images plays a crucial role in diagnosis accuracy, medical imaging compression techniques are desired to reduce scan bitrate while guaranteeing lossless reconstruction. This paper presents a lossless compression method that integrates a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) as a 3D sequence prediction model. The aim is to learn the long dependencies of the voxel's neighbourhood in 3D using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network then compress the residual error using arithmetic coding. Experiential results reveal that our method obtains a higher compression ratio achieving 15% saving compared to the state-of-the-art lossless compression standards, including JPEG-LS, JPEG2000, JP3D, HEVC, and PPMd. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method generalizes well to unseen modalities CT and MRI for the lossless compression scheme. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first lossless compression method that uses LSTM neural network for 16-bit volumetric medical image compression.

3D Attention Mechanism for Fine-Grained Classification of Table Tennis Strokes Using a Twin Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks

Pierre-Etienne Martin, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Renaud Péteri, Julien Morlier

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Auto-TLDR; Attentional Blocks for Action Recognition in Table Tennis Strokes

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The paper addresses the problem of recognition of actions in video with low inter-class variability such as Table Tennis strokes. Two stream, "twin" convolutional neural networks are used with 3D convolutions both on RGB data and optical flow. Actions are recognized by classification of temporal windows. We introduce 3D attention modules and examine their impact on classification efficiency. In the context of the study of sportsmen performances, a corpus of the particular actions of table tennis strokes is considered. The use of attention blocks in the network speeds up the training step and improves the classification scores up to 5% with our twin model. We visualize the impact on the obtained features and notice correlation between attention and player movements and position. Score comparison of state-of-the-art action classification method and proposed approach with attentional blocks is performed on the corpus. Proposed model with attention blocks outperforms previous model without them and our baseline.

Towards Practical Compressed Video Action Recognition: A Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network

Bing Li, Longteng Kong, Dongming Zhang, Xiuguo Bao, Di Huang, Yunhong Wang

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Auto-TLDR; TEMSN: Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network for Compressed Video Action Recognition

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Current compressed video action recognition methods are mainly based on completely received compressed videos. However, in real transmission, the compressed video packets are usually disorderly received and lost due to network jitters or congestion. It is of great significance to recognize actions in early phases with limited packets, e.g. forecasting the potential risks from videos quickly. In this paper, we proposed a Temporal Enhanced Multi-Stream Network (TEMSN) for practical compressed video action recognition. First, we use three compressed modalities as complementary cues and build a multi-stream network to capture the rich information from compressed video packets. Second, we design a temporal enhanced module based on Encoder-Decoder structure applied on each stream to infer the missing packets, and generate more complete action dynamics. Thanks to the rich modalities and temporal enhancement, our approach is able to better modeling the action with limited compressed packets. Experiments on HMDB-51 and UCF-101 dataset validate its effectiveness and efficiency.

HPERL: 3D Human Pose Estimastion from RGB and LiDAR

Michael Fürst, Shriya T.P. Gupta, René Schuster, Oliver Wasenmüler, Didier Stricker

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Human Pose Estimation Using RGB and LiDAR Using Weakly-Supervised Approach

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In-the-wild human pose estimation has a huge potential for various fields, ranging from animation and action recognition to intention recognition and prediction for autonomous driving. The current state-of-the-art is focused only on RGB and RGB-D approaches for predicting the 3D human pose. However, not using precise LiDAR depth information limits the performance and leads to very inaccurate absolute pose estimation. With LiDAR sensors becoming more affordable and common on robots and autonomous vehicle setups, we propose an end-to-end architecture using RGB and LiDAR to predict the absolute 3D human pose with unprecedented precision. Additionally, we introduce a weakly-supervised approach to generate 3D predictions using 2D pose annotations from PedX. This allows for many new opportunities in the field of 3D human pose estimation.

Motion Complementary Network for Efficient Action Recognition

Ke Cheng, Yifan Zhang, Chenghua Li, Jian Cheng, Hanqing Lu

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Auto-TLDR; Efficient Motion Complementary Network for Action Recognition

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Both two-stream ConvNet and 3D ConvNet are widely used in action recognition. However, both methods are not efficient for deployment: calculating optical flow is very slow, while 3D convolution is computationally expensive. Our key insight is that the motion information from optical flow maps is complementary to the motion information from 3D ConvNet. Instead of simply combining these two methods, we propose two novel techniques to enhance the performance with less computational cost: \textit{fixed-motion-accumulation} and \textit{balanced-motion-policy}. With these two techniques, we propose a novel framework called Efficient Motion Complementary Network(EMC-Net) that enjoys both high efficiency and high performance. We conduct extensive experiments on Kinetics, UCF101, and Jester datasets. We achieve notably higher performance while consuming 4.7$\times$ less computation than I3D, 11.6$\times$ less computation than ECO, 17.8$\times$ less computation than R(2+1)D. On Kinetics dataset, we achieve 2.6\% better performance than the recent proposed TSM with 1.4$\times$ fewer FLOPs and 10ms faster on K80 GPU.

Attention-Oriented Action Recognition for Real-Time Human-Robot Interaction

Ziyang Song, Ziyi Yin, Zejian Yuan, Chong Zhang, Wanchao Chi, Yonggen Ling, Shenghao Zhang

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-Oriented Multi-Level Network for Action Recognition in Interaction Scenes

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Despite the notable progress made in action recognition tasks, not much work has been done in action recognition specifically for human-robot interaction. In this paper, we deeply explore the characteristics of the action recognition task in interaction scenes and propose an attention-oriented multi-level network framework to meet the need for real-time interaction. Specifically, a Pre-Attention network is employed to roughly focus on the interactor in the scene at low resolution firstly and then perform fine-grained pose estimation at high resolution. The other compact CNN receives the extracted skeleton sequence as input for action recognition, utilizing attention-like mechanisms to capture local spatial-temporal patterns and global semantic information effectively. To evaluate our approach, we construct a new action dataset specially for the recognition task in interaction scenes. Experimental results on our dataset and high efficiency (112 fps at 640 x 480 RGBD) on the mobile computing platform (Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier) demonstrate excellent applicability of our method on action recognition in real-time human-robot interaction.

Modeling Long-Term Interactions to Enhance Action Recognition

Alejandro Cartas, Petia Radeva, Mariella Dimiccoli

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Auto-TLDR; A Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network for Action Recognition in Egocentric Videos

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In this paper, we propose a new approach to understand actions in egocentric videos that exploit the semantics of object interactions at both frame and temporal levels. At the frame level, we use a region-based approach that takes as input a primary region roughly corresponding to the user hands and a set of secondary regions potentially corresponding to the interacting objects and calculates the action score through a CNN formulation. This information is then fed to a Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory Network (HLSTM) that captures temporal dependencies between actions within and across shots. Ablation studies thoroughly validate the proposed approach, showing in particular that both levels of the HLSTM architecture contribute to performance improvement. Furthermore, quantitative comparisons show that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of action recognition on standard benchmarks, without relying on motion information.

TinyVIRAT: Low-Resolution Video Action Recognition

Ugur Demir, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; TinyVIRAT: A Progressive Generative Approach for Action Recognition in Videos

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The existing research in action recognition is mostly focused on high-quality videos where the action is distinctly visible. In real-world surveillance environments, the actions in videos are captured at a wide range of resolutions. Most activities occur at a distance with a small resolution and recognizing such activities is a challenging problem. In this work, we focus on recognizing tiny actions in videos. We introduce a benchmark dataset, TinyVIRAT, which contains natural low-resolution activities. The actions in TinyVIRAT videos have multiple labels and they are extracted from surveillance videos which makes them realistic and more challenging. We propose a novel method for recognizing tiny actions in videos which utilizes a progressive generative approach to improve the quality of low-resolution actions. The proposed method also consists of a weakly trained attention mechanism which helps in focusing on the activity regions in the video. We perform extensive experiments to benchmark the proposed TinyVIRAT dataset and observe that the proposed method significantly improves the action recognition performance over baselines. We also evaluate the proposed approach on synthetically resized action recognition datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results when compared with existing methods. The dataset and code will be publicly available.

Object Detection on Monocular Images with Two-Dimensional Canonical Correlation Analysis

Zifan Yu, Suya You

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-Task Object Detection from Monocular Images Using Multimodal RGB and Depth Data

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Accurate and robust detection objects from monocular images is a fundamental vision task. This paper describes a novel approach of holistic scene understanding that can simultaneously achieve multiple tasks of scene reconstruction and object detection from a single monocular camera. Rather than pursuing an independent solution for each individual task as most existing work does, we seek a globally optimal solution that holistically resolves the multiple perception and reasoning tasks in an effective manner. The approach explores the complementary properties of multimodal RGB imagery and depth data to improve scene perception tasks. It uniquely combines the techniques of canonical correlation analysis and deep learning to learn the most correlated features to maximize the modal cross-correlation for improving the performance and robustness of object detection in complex environments. Extensive experiments have been conducted to evaluate and demonstrate the performances of the proposed approach.

Light3DPose: Real-Time Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation from Multiple Views

Alessio Elmi, Davide Mazzini, Pietro Tortella

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Auto-TLDR; 3D Pose Estimation of Multiple People from a Few calibrated Camera Views using Deep Learning

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We present an approach to perform 3D pose estimation of multiple people from a few calibrated camera views. Our architecture, leveraging the recently proposed unprojection layer, aggregates feature-maps from a 2D pose estimator backbone into a comprehensive representation of the 3D scene. Such intermediate representation is then elaborated by a fully-convolutional volumetric network and a decoding stage to extract 3D skeletons with sub-voxel accuracy. Our method achieves state of the art MPJPE on the CMU Panoptic dataset using a few unseen views and obtains competitive results even with a single input view. We also assess the transfer learning capabilities of the model by testing it against the publicly available Shelf dataset obtaining good performance metrics. The proposed method is inherently efficient: as a pure bottom-up approach, it is computationally independent of the number of people in the scene. Furthermore, even though the computational burden of the 2D part scales linearly with the number of input views, the overall architecture is able to exploit a very lightweight 2D backbone which is orders of magnitude faster than the volumetric counterpart, resulting in fast inference time. The system can run at 6 FPS, processing up to 10 camera views on a single 1080Ti GPU.

The Role of Cycle Consistency for Generating Better Human Action Videos from a Single Frame

Runze Li, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Generating Videos with Human Action Semantics using Cycle Constraints

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This paper addresses the challenging problem of generating videos with human action semantics. Unlike previous work which predict future frames in a single forward pass, this paper introduces the cycle constraints in both forward and backward passes in the generation of human actions. This is achieved by enforcing the appearance and motion consistency across a sequence of frames generated in the future. The approach consists of two stages. In the first stage, the pose of a human body is generated. In the second stage, an image generator is used to generate future frames by using (a) generated human poses in the future from the first stage, (b) the single observed human pose, and (c) the single corresponding future frame. The experiments are performed on three datasets: Weizmann dataset involving simple human actions, Penn Action dataset and UCF-101 dataset containing complicated human actions, especially in sports. The results from these experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Detecting Manipulated Facial Videos: A Time Series Solution

Zhang Zhewei, Ma Can, Gao Meilin, Ding Bowen

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Auto-TLDR; Face-Alignment Based Bi-LSTM for Fake Video Detection

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We propose a new method to expose fake videos based on a time series solution. The method is based on bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) backbone architecture with two different types of features: {Face-Alignment} and {Dense-Face-Alignment}, in which both of them are physiological signals that can be distinguished between fake and original videos. We choose 68 landmark points as the feature of {Face-Alignment} and Pose Adaptive Feature (PAF) for {Dense-Face-Alignment}. Based on these two facial features, we designed two deep networks. In addition, we optimize our network by adding an attention mechanism that improves detection precision. Our method is tested over benchmarks of Face Forensics/Face Forensics++ dataset and show a promising performance on inference speed while maintaining accuracy with state-of art solutions that deal against DeepFake.

Neural Compression and Filtering for Edge-assisted Real-time Object Detection in Challenged Networks

Yoshitomo Matsubara, Marco Levorato

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Auto-TLDR; Deep Neural Networks for Remote Object Detection Using Edge Computing

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The edge computing paradigm places compute-capable devices - edge servers - at the network edge to assist mobile devices in executing data analysis tasks. Intuitively, offloading compute-intense tasks to edge servers can reduce their execution time. However, poor conditions of the wireless channel connecting the mobile devices to the edge servers may degrade the overall capture-to-output delay achieved by edge offloading. Herein, we focus on edge computing supporting remote object detection by means of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), and develop a framework to reduce the amount of data transmitted over the wireless link. The core idea we propose builds on recent approaches splitting DNNs into sections - namely head and tail models - executed by the mobile device and edge server, respectively. The wireless link, then, is used to transport the output of the last layer of the head model to the edge server, instead of the DNN input. Most prior work focuses on classification tasks and leaves the DNN structure unaltered. Herein, we focus on DNNs for three different object detection tasks, which present a much more convoluted structure, and modify the architecture of the network to: (i) achieve in-network compression by introducing a bottleneck layer in the early layers on the head model, and (ii) prefilter pictures that do not contain objects of interest using a convolutional neural network. Results show that the proposed technique represents an effective intermediate option between local and edge computing in a parameter region where these extreme point solutions fail to provide satisfactory performance.

Estimation of Abundance and Distribution of SaltMarsh Plants from Images Using Deep Learning

Jayant Parashar, Suchendra Bhandarkar, Jacob Simon, Brian Hopkinson, Steven Pennings

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Auto-TLDR; CNN-based approaches to automated plant identification and localization in salt marsh images

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Recent advances in computer vision and machine learning, most notably deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), are exploited to identify and localize various plant species in salt marsh images. Three different approaches are explored that provide estimations of abundance and spatial distribution at varying levels of granularity in terms of spatial resolution. In the coarsest-grained approach, CNNs are tasked with identifying which of six plant species are present/absent in large patches within the salt marsh images. CNNs with diverse topological properties and attention mechanisms are shown capable of providing accurate estimations with >90 % precision and recall in the case of the more abundant plant species whereas the performance declines for less common plant species. Estimation of percent cover of each plant species is performed at a finer spatial resolution, where smaller image patches are extracted and the CNNs tasked with identifying the plant species or substrate at the center of the image patch. For the percent cover estimation task, the CNNs are observed to exhibit a performance profile similar to that for the presence/absence estimation task, but with an ~ 5-10% reduction in precision and recall. Finally, fine-grained estimation of the spatial distribution of the various plant species is performed via semantic segmentation. The Deeplab-V3 semantic segmentation architecture is observed to provide very accurate estimations for abundant plant species; however,a significant degradation in performance is observed in the case of less abundant plant species and, in extreme cases, rare plant classes are seen to be ignored entirely. Overall, a clear trade-off is observed between the CNN estimation quality and the spatial resolution of the underlying estimation thereby offering guidance for ecological applications of CNN-based approaches to automated plant identification and localization in salt marsh images.

Weight Estimation from an RGB-D Camera in Top-View Configuration

Marco Mameli, Marina Paolanti, Nicola Conci, Filippo Tessaro, Emanuele Frontoni, Primo Zingaretti

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Auto-TLDR; Top-View Weight Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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The development of so-called soft-biometrics aims at providing information related to the physical and behavioural characteristics of a person. This paper focuses on bodyweight estimation based on the observation from a top-view RGB-D camera. In fact, the capability to estimate the weight of a person can be of help in many different applications, from health-related scenarios to business intelligence and retail analytics. To deal with this issue, a TVWE (Top-View Weight Estimation) framework is proposed with the aim of predicting the weight. The approach relies on the adoption of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) that have been trained on depth data. Each network has also been modified in its top section to replace classification with prediction inference. The performance of five state-of-art DNNs has been compared, namely VGG16, ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and Efficient-Net. In addition, a convolutional auto-encoder has also been included for completeness. Considering the limited literature in this domain, the TVWE framework has been evaluated on a new publicly available dataset: “VRAI Weight estimation Dataset”, which also collects, for each subject, labels related to weight, gender, and height. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed methods are suitable for this task, bringing different and significant insights for the application of the solution in different domains.

Automatic Semantic Segmentation of Structural Elements related to the Spinal Cord in the Lumbar Region by Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Jhon Jairo Sáenz Gamboa, Maria De La Iglesia-Vaya, Jon Ander Gómez

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Auto-TLDR; Semantic Segmentation of Lumbar Spine Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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This work addresses the problem of automatically segmenting the MR images corresponding to the lumbar spine. The purpose is to detect and delimit the different structural elements like vertebrae, intervertebral discs, nerves, blood vessels, etc. This task is known as semantic segmentation. The approach proposed in this work is based on convolutional neural networks whose output is a mask where each pixel from the input image is classified into one of the possible classes. Classes were defined by radiologists and correspond to structural elements and tissues. The proposed network architectures are variants of the U-Net. Several complementary blocks were used to define the variants: spatial attention models, deep supervision and multi-kernels at input, this last block type is based on the idea of inception. Those architectures which got the best results are described in this paper, and their results are discussed. Two of the proposed architectures outperform the standard U-Net used as baseline.

PSDNet: A Balanced Architecture of Accuracy and Parameters for Semantic Segmentation

Yue Liu, Zhichao Lian

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Auto-TLDR; Pyramid Pooling Module with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet)

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Abstract—In this paper, we present our Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM) with SE1Cblock and D2SUpsample Network (PSDNet), a novel architecture for accurate semantic segmentation. Started from the known work called Pyramid Scene Parsing Network (PSPNet), PSDNet takes advantage of pyramid pooling structure with channel attention module and feature transform module in Pyramid Pooling Module (PPM). The enhanced PPM with these two components can strengthen context information flowing in the network instead of damaging it. The channel attention module we mentioned is an improved “Squeeze and Excitation with 1D Convolution” (SE1C) block which can explicitly model interrelationship between channels with fewer number of parameters. We propose a feature transform module named “Depth to Space Upsampling” (D2SUpsample) in the PPM which keeps integrity of features by transforming features while interpolating features, at the same time reducing parameters. In addition, we introduce a joint strategy in SE1Cblock which combines two variants of global pooling without increasing parameters. Compared with PSPNet, our work achieves higher accuracy on public datasets with 73.97% mIoU and 82.89% mAcc accuracy on Cityscapes Dataset based on ResNet50 backbone.

Computational Data Analysis for First Quantization Estimation on JPEG Double Compressed Images

Sebastiano Battiato, Oliver Giudice, Francesco Guarnera, Giovanni Puglisi

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Auto-TLDR; Exploiting Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients for Multimedia Forensics

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Multimedia Forensics experts work consists in providing answers about integrity of a specific media content and from where it comes from. Exploitation of any traces from JPEG double compressed images is often one of the main investigative path to be used for these purposes. Thus it is fundamental to have tools and algorithms able to safely estimate the first quantization matrix to further proceed with camera model identification and related tasks. In this paper, a technique based on extensive simulation is proposed, with the aim to infer the first quantization for a certain numbers of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients exploiting local image statistics without using any a-priori knowledge. The method provides also a reliable confidence value for the estimation which is of great importance for forensic purposes. Experimental results w.r.t. the state-of-the-art demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique both in terms of precision and overall reliability.

Delivering Meaningful Representation for Monocular Depth Estimation

Doyeon Kim, Donggyu Joo, Junmo Kim

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Auto-TLDR; Monocular Depth Estimation by Bridging the Context between Encoding and Decoding

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Monocular depth estimation plays a key role in 3D scene understanding, and a number of recent papers have achieved significant improvements using deep learning based algorithms. Most papers among them proposed methods that use a pre-trained network as a deep feature extractor and then decode the obtained features to create a depth map. In this study, we focus on how to use this encoder-decoder structure to deliver meaningful representation throughout the entire network. We propose a new network architecture with our suggested modules to create a more accurate depth map by bridging the context between the encoding and decoding phase. First, we place the pyramid block at the bottleneck of the network to enlarge the view and convey rich information about the global context to the decoder. Second, we suggest a skip connection with the fuse module to aggregate the encoder and decoder feature. Finally, we validate our approach on the NYU Depth V2 and KITTI datasets. The experimental results prove the efficacy of the suggested model and show performance gains over the state-of-the-art model.

2D Deep Video Capsule Network with Temporal Shift for Action Recognition

Théo Voillemin, Hazem Wannous, Jean-Philippe Vandeborre

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Auto-TLDR; Temporal Shift Module over Capsule Network for Action Recognition in Continuous Videos

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Action recognition in continuous video streams is a growing field since the past few years. Deep learning techniques and in particular Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) achieved good results in this topic. However, intrinsic CNNs limitations begin to cap the results since 2D CNN cannot capture temporal information and 3D CNN are to much resource demanding for real-time applications. Capsule Network, evolution of CNN, already proves its interesting benefits on small and low informational datasets like MNIST but yet its true potential has not emerged. In this paper we tackle the action recognition problem by proposing a new architecture combining Temporal Shift module over deep Capsule Network. Temporal Shift module permits us to insert temporal information over 2D Capsule Network with a zero computational cost to conserve the lightness of 2D capsules and their ability to connect spatial features. Our proposed approach outperforms or brings near state-of-the-art results on color and depth information on public datasets like First Person Hand Action and DHG 14/28 with a number of parameters 10 to 40 times less than existing approaches.

Fast and Accurate Real-Time Semantic Segmentation with Dilated Asymmetric Convolutions

Leonel Rosas-Arias, Gibran Benitez-Garcia, Jose Portillo-Portillo, Gabriel Sanchez-Perez, Keiji Yanai

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Auto-TLDR; FASSD-Net: Dilated Asymmetric Pyramidal Fusion for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation

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Recent works have shown promising results applied to real-time semantic segmentation tasks. To maintain fast inference speed, most of the existing networks make use of light decoders, or they simply do not use them at all. This strategy helps to maintain a fast inference speed; however, their accuracy performance is significantly lower in comparison to non-real-time semantic segmentation networks. In this paper, we introduce two key modules aimed to design a high-performance decoder for real-time semantic segmentation for reducing the accuracy gap between real-time and non-real-time segmentation networks. Our first module, Dilated Asymmetric Pyramidal Fusion (DAPF), is designed to substantially increase the receptive field on the top of the last stage of the encoder, obtaining richer contextual features. Our second module, Multi-resolution Dilated Asymmetric (MDA) module, fuses and refines detail and contextual information from multi-scale feature maps coming from early and deeper stages of the network. Both modules exploit contextual information without excessively increasing the computational complexity by using asymmetric convolutions. Our proposed network entitled “FASSD-Net” reaches 78.8% of mIoU accuracy on the Cityscapes validation dataset at 41.1 FPS on full resolution images (1024x2048). Besides, with a light version of our network, we reach 74.1% of mIoU at 133.1 FPS (full resolution) on a single NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti card with no additional acceleration techniques. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/GibranBenitez/FASSD-Net.

Partially Supervised Multi-Task Network for Single-View Dietary Assessment

Ya Lu, Thomai Stathopoulou, Stavroula Mougiakakou

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Auto-TLDR; Food Volume Estimation from a Single Food Image via Geometric Understanding and Semantic Prediction

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Food volume estimation is an essential step in the pipeline of dietary assessment and demands the precise depth estimation of the food surface and table plane. Existing methods based on computer vision require either multi-image input or additional depth maps, reducing convenience of implementation and practical significance. Despite the recent advances in unsupervised depth estimation from a single image, the achieved performance in the case of large texture-less areas needs to be improved. In this paper, we propose a network architecture that jointly performs geometric understanding (i.e., depth prediction and 3D plane estimation) and semantic prediction on a single food image, enabling a robust and accurate food volume estimation regardless of the texture characteristics of the target plane. For the training of the network, only monocular videos with semantic ground truth are required, while the depth map and 3D plane ground truth are no longer needed. Experimental results on two separate food image databases demonstrate that our method performs robustly on texture-less scenarios and is superior to unsupervised networks and structure from motion based approaches, while it achieves comparable performance to fully-supervised methods.

Future Urban Scenes Generation through Vehicles Synthesis

Alessandro Simoni, Luca Bergamini, Andrea Palazzi, Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara

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Auto-TLDR; Predicting the Future of an Urban Scene with a Novel View Synthesis Paradigm

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In this work we propose a deep learning pipeline to predict the visual future appearance of an urban scene. Despite recent advances, generating the entire scene in an end-to-end fashion is still far from being achieved. Instead, here we follow a two stages approach, where interpretable information is included in the loop and each actor is modelled independently. We leverage a per-object novel view synthesis paradigm; i.e. generating a synthetic representation of an object undergoing a geometrical roto-translation in the 3D space. Our model can be easily conditioned with constraints (e.g. input trajectories) provided by state-of-the-art tracking methods or by the user itself. This allows us to generate a set of diverse realistic futures starting from the same input in a multi-modal fashion. We visually and quantitatively show the superiority of this approach over traditional end-to-end scene-generation methods on CityFlow, a challenging real world dataset.

Late Fusion of Bayesian and Convolutional Models for Action Recognition

Camille Maurice, Francisco Madrigal, Frederic Lerasle

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Auto-TLDR; Fusion of Deep Neural Network and Bayesian-based Approach for Temporal Action Recognition

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The activities we do in our daily-life are generally carried out as a succession of atomic actions, following a logical order. During a video sequence, actions usually follow a logical order. In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach resulting from the fusion of a deep learning neural network with a Bayesian-based approach. The latter models human-object interactions and transition between actions. The key idea is to combine both approaches in the final prediction. We validate our strategy in two public datasets: CAD-120 and Watch-n-Patch. We show that our fusion approach yields performance gains in accuracy of respectively +4\% and +6\% over a baseline approach. Temporal action recognition performances are clearly improved by the fusion, especially when classes are imbalanced.

Single View Learning in Action Recognition

Gaurvi Goyal, Nicoletta Noceti, Francesca Odone

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Auto-TLDR; Cross-View Action Recognition Using Domain Adaptation for Knowledge Transfer

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Viewpoint is an essential aspect of how an action is visually perceived, with the motion appearing substantially different for some viewpoint pairs. Data driven action recognition algorithms compensate for this by including a variety of viewpoints in their training data, adding to the cost of data acquisition as well as training. We propose a novel methodology that leverages deeply pretrained features to learn actions from a single viewpoint using domain adaptation for knowledge transfer. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this pipeline on 3 different datasets: IXMAS, MoCA and NTU RGBD+, and compare with both classical and deep learning methods. Our method requires low training data and demonstrates unparalleled cross-view action recognition accuracies for single view learning.

Better Prior Knowledge Improves Human-Pose-Based Extrinsic Camera Calibration

Olivier Moliner, Sangxia Huang, Kalle Åström

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Auto-TLDR; Improving Human-pose-based Extrinsic Calibration for Multi-Camera Systems

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Accurate extrinsic calibration of wide baseline multi-camera systems enables better understanding of 3D scenes for many applications and is of great practical importance. Classical Structure-from-Motion calibration methods require special calibration equipment so that accurate point correspondences can be detected between different views. In addition, an operator with some training is usually needed to ensure that data is collected in a way that leads to good calibration accuracy. This limits the ease of adoption of such technologies. Recently, methods have been proposed to use human pose estimation models to establish point correspondences, thus removing the need for any special equipment. The challenge with this approach is that human pose estimation algorithms typically produce much less accurate feature points compared to classical patch-based methods. Another problem is that ambient human motion might not be optimal for calibration. We build upon prior works and introduce several novel ideas to improve the accuracy of human-pose-based extrinsic calibration. Our first contribution is a robust reprojection loss based on a better understanding of the sources of pose estimation error. Our second contribution is a 3D human pose likelihood model learned from motion capture data. We demonstrate significant improvements in calibration accuracy by evaluating our method on four publicly available datasets.

A Multi-Task Neural Network for Action Recognition with 3D Key-Points

Rongxiao Tang, Wang Luyang, Zhenhua Guo

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-task Neural Network for Action Recognition and 3D Human Pose Estimation

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Action recognition and 3D human pose estimation are the fundamental problems in computer vision and closely related. In this work, we propose a multi-task neural network for action recognition and 3D human pose estimation. The results of the previous methods are still error-prone especially when tested against the images taken in-the-wild, leading error results in action recognition. To solve this problem, we propose a principled approach to generate high quality 3D pose ground truth given any in-the-wild image with a person inside. We achieve this by first devising a novel stereo inspired neural network to directly map any 2D pose to high quality 3D counterpart. Based on the high-quality 3D labels, we carefully design the multi-task framework for action recognition and 3D human pose estimation. The proposed architecture can utilize the shallow, deep features of the images, and the in-the-wild 3D human key-points to guide a more precise result. High quality 3D key-points can fully reflect the morphological features of motions, thus boosting the performance on action recognition. Experiments demonstrate that 3D pose estimation leads to significantly higher performance on action recognition than separated learning. We also evaluate the generalization ability of our method both quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed architecture performs favorably against the baseline 3D pose estimation methods. In addition, the reported results on Penn Action and NTU datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the action recognition task.

Gabriella: An Online System for Real-Time Activity Detection in Untrimmed Security Videos

Mamshad Nayeem Rizve, Ugur Demir, Praveen Praveen Tirupattur, Aayush Jung Rana, Kevin Duarte, Ishan Rajendrakumar Dave, Yogesh Rawat, Mubarak Shah

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Auto-TLDR; Gabriella: A Real-Time Online System for Activity Detection in Surveillance Videos

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Activity detection in surveillance videos is a difficult problem due to multiple factors such as large field of view, presence of multiple activities, varying scales and viewpoints, and its untrimmed nature. The existing research in activity detection is mainly focused on datasets, such as UCF-101, JHMDB, THUMOS, and AVA, which partially address these issues. The requirement of processing the surveillance videos in real-time makes this even more challenging. In this work we propose Gabriella, a real-time online system to perform activity detection on untrimmed surveillance videos. The proposed method consists of three stages: tubelet extraction, activity classification, and online tubelet merging. For tubelet extraction, we propose a localization network which takes a video clip as input and spatio-temporally detects potential foreground regions at multiple scales to generate action tubelets. We propose a novel Patch-Dice loss to handle large variations in actor size. Our online processing of videos at a clip level drastically reduces the computation time in detecting activities. The detected tubelets are assigned activity class scores by the classification network and merged together using our proposed Tubelet-Merge Action-Split (TMAS) algorithm to form the final action detections. The TMAS algorithm efficiently connects the tubelets in an online fashion to generate action detections which are robust against varying length activities. We perform our experiments on the VIRAT and MEVA (Multiview Extended Video with Activities) datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of speed ($\sim$100 fps) and performance with state-of-the-art results. The code and models will be made publicly available.

Motion U-Net: Multi-Cue Encoder-Decoder Network for Motion Segmentation

Gani Rahmon, Filiz Bunyak, Kannappan Palaniappan

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Auto-TLDR; Motion U-Net: A Deep Learning Framework for Robust Moving Object Detection under Challenging Conditions

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Detection of moving objects is a critical first step in many computer vision applications. Several algorithms for motion and change detection were proposed. However, many of these approaches lack the ability to handle challenging real-world scenarios. Recently, deep learning approaches started to produce impressive solutions to computer vision tasks, particularly for detection and segmentation. Many existing deep learning networks proposed for moving object detection rely only on spatial appearance cues. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-cue and multi-stream network, Motion U-Net (MU-Net), which integrates motion, change, and appearance cues using a deep learning framework for robust moving object detection under challenging conditions. The proposed network consists of a two-stream encoder module followed by feature concatenation and a decoder module. Motion and change cues are computed through our tensor-based motion estimation and a multi-modal background subtraction modules. The proposed system was tested and evaluated on the change detection challenge datasets (CDnet-2014) and compared to state-of-the-art methods. On CDnet-2014 dataset, our approach reaches an average overall F-measure of 0.9852 and outperforms all current state-of-the-art methods. The network was also tested on the unseen SBI-2015 dataset and produced promising results.

Attention-Driven Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition

Bappaditya Debnath, Swagat Kumar, Marry O'Brien, Ardhendu Behera

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Auto-TLDR; Attention-based Body Pose Encoding for Human Activity Recognition

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This article proposes a novel attention-based body pose encoding for human activity recognition. Most of the existing human activity recognition approaches based on 3D pose data often enrich the input data using additional handcrafted representations such as velocity, super normal vectors, pairwise relations, and so on. The enriched data complements the 3D body joint position data and improves the model performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that learns enhanced feature representations from a given sequence of 3D body joints. To achieve this, the approach exploits two body pose streams: 1) a spatial stream which encodes the spatial relationship between various body joints at each time point to learn spatial structure involving the spatial distribution of different body joints 2) a temporal stream that learns the temporal variation of individual body joints over the entire sequence duration to present a temporally enhanced representation. Afterwards, these two pose streams are fused with a multi-head attention mechanism. We also capture the contextual information from the RGB video stream using a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model combined with a multi-head attention and a bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. Finally, the RGB video stream is combined with the fused body pose stream to give a novel end-to-end deep model for effective human activity recognition. The proposed model is evaluated on three datasets including the challenging NTU-RGBD dataset and achieves state-of-the-art results.

Early Wildfire Smoke Detection in Videos

Taanya Gupta, Hengyue Liu, Bir Bhanu

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Auto-TLDR; Semi-supervised Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation for Automatic Detection of Smoke in Videos during Forest Fire

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Recent advances in unmanned aerial vehicles and camera technology have proven useful for the detection of smoke that emerges above the trees during a forest fire. Automatic detection of smoke in videos is of great interest to Fire department. To date, in most parts of the world, the fire is not detected in its early stage and generally it turns catastrophic. This paper introduces a novel technique that integrates spatial and temporal features in a deep learning framework using semi-supervised spatio-temporal video object segmentation and dense optical flow. However, detecting this smoke in the presence of haze and without the labeled data is difficult. Considering the visibility of haze in the sky, a dark channel pre-processing method is used that reduces the amount of haze in video frames and consequently improves the detection results. Online training is performed on a video at the time of testing that reduces the need for ground-truth data. Tests using the publicly available video datasets show that the proposed algorithms outperform previous work and they are robust across different wildfire-threatened locations.

Multi-Scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

Jing Liu, Xiaona Zhang, Zhaoxin Li, Tianlu Mao

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Auto-TLDR; Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network for Monocular Depth Estimation

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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem in computer vision and is crucial for understanding 3D scene geometry. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based methods have improved the estimation accuracy significantly. However, existing methods fail to consider complex textures and geometries in scenes, thereby resulting in loss of local details, distorted object boundaries, and blurry reconstruction. In this paper, we proposed an end-to-end Multi-scale Residual Pyramid Attention Network (MRPAN) to mitigate these problems.First,we propose a Multi-scale Attention Context Aggregation (MACA) module, which consists of Spatial Attention Module (SAM) and Global Attention Module (GAM). By considering the position and scale correlation of pixels from spatial and global perspectives, the proposed module can adaptively learn the similarity between pixels so as to obtain more global context information of the image and recover the complex structure in the scene. Then we proposed an improved Residual Refinement Module (RRM) to further refine the scene structure, giving rise to deeper semantic information and retain more local details. Experimental results show that our method achieves more promisin performance in object boundaries and local details compared with other state-of-the-art methods.

Tilting at Windmills: Data Augmentation for Deeppose Estimation Does Not Help with Occlusions

Rafal Pytel, Osman Semih Kayhan, Jan Van Gemert

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Auto-TLDR; Targeted Keypoint and Body Part Occlusion Attacks for Human Pose Estimation

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Occlusion degrades the performance of human poseestimation. In this paper, we introduce targeted keypoint andbody part occlusion attacks. The effects of the attacks are system-atically analyzed on the best performing methods. In addition, wepropose occlusion specific data augmentation techniques againstkeypoint and part attacks. Our extensive experiments show thathuman pose estimation methods are not robust to occlusion anddata augmentation does not solve the occlusion problems.

RWF-2000: An Open Large Scale Video Database for Violence Detection

Ming Cheng, Kunjing Cai, Ming Li

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Auto-TLDR; Flow Gated Network for Violence Detection in Surveillance Cameras

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In recent years, surveillance cameras are widely deployed in public places, and the general crime rate has been reduced significantly due to these ubiquitous devices. Usually, these cameras provide cues and evidence after crimes were conducted, while they are rarely used to prevent or stop criminal activities in time. It is both time and labor consuming to manually monitor a large amount of video data from surveillance cameras. Therefore, automatically recognizing violent behaviors from video signals becomes essential. In this paper, we summarize several existing video datasets for violence detection and propose a new video dataset with 2,000 videos all captured by surveillance cameras in real-world scenes. Also, we present a new method that utilizes both the merits of 3D-CNNs and optical flow, namely Flow Gated Network. The proposed approach obtains an accuracy of 87.25% on the test set of our proposed RWF-2000 database. The proposed database and source codes of this paper are currently open to access.

Improving Robotic Grasping on Monocular Images Via Multi-Task Learning and Positional Loss

William Prew, Toby Breckon, Magnus Bordewich, Ulrik Beierholm

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Auto-TLDR; Improving grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture with multi-task learning

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In this paper we introduce two methods of improv-ing real-time objecting grasping performance from monocularcolour images in an end-to-end CNN architecture. The first isthe addition of an auxiliary task during model training (multi-task learning). Our multi-task CNN model improves graspingperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.14% onthe large Jacquard grasping dataset when performing a supple-mentary depth reconstruction task. The second is introducinga positional loss function that emphasises loss per pixel forsecondary parameters (gripper angle and width) only on points ofan object where a successful grasp can take place. This increasesperformance from a baseline average of 72.04% to 78.92% aswell as reducing the number of training epochs required. Thesemethods can be also performed in tandem resulting in a furtherperformance increase to 79.12%, while maintaining sufficientinference speed to enable processing at 50FPS

Ordinal Depth Classification Using Region-Based Self-Attention

Minh Hieu Phan, Son Lam Phung, Abdesselam Bouzerdoum

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Auto-TLDR; Region-based Self-Attention for Multi-scale Depth Estimation from a Single 2D Image

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Depth estimation from a single 2D image has been widely applied in 3D understanding, 3D modelling and robotics. It is challenging as reliable cues (e.g. stereo correspondences and motions) are not available. Most of the modern approaches exploited multi-scale feature extraction to provide more powerful representations for deep networks. However, these studies have not focused on how to effectively fuse the learned multi-scale features. This paper proposes a novel region-based self-attention (rSA) module. The rSA recalibrates the multi-scale responses by explicitly modelling the interdependency between channels in separate image regions. We discretize continuous depths to solve an ordinal depth classification in which the relative order between categories is significant. We contribute a dataset of 4410 RGB-D images, captured in outdoor environments at the University of Wollongong's campus. In our experimental results, the proposed module improves the lightweight models on small-sized datasets by 22% - 40%